The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-10-11, Page 4PAGZ FOUR a THE GODEEJOH SIGNALATAE 'TROPHY ESENTATiON DAY I local Rink Wins °rn uui�n ira rnt � c��cnr� E. Cardiff Ttophy (= y Gera Kerr) 1-)Px enerntation of the trophies to the Various winners throughout the Year will be made between 4 and 5 p.m. on Sunday, which will prob- ably wind up golfing at Goderioh fits this year. len the men's division the cham- ilonshies are as follows: Club chem ionship—I. Bedard. Lloyd trophy—al Naftel. Garrow trophy F. Rouse. For the ladies: Club championship --Miss M. Gracey. Rose bowl --Mrs. E. Overholt. The ladies' and men's partner- ahip tournament for the Gerrard trophy -Mrs. Gladys Reid and G. Martin. A nine -hole closing handicap tournament for the Ellis trophy will be held in the. morning and the ladies will play in the after- noon for the Maitland Golf Club trophy. Following this, coffee and sandwiches will be served. All club members and winners are re- quested to be on hand for this im- portant day. 0 -- ---1% —4) In the Canadian manufacturing industry the foo&is and beverages group leads all others in value of output. In 1955 ',:his group ship- ped $3.6 billion worth of goods, nearly one-fifth of total factory shipments. Apple sco Day ON GODERICH THIS WEEK -END Oct. 1213 SUPPORT THE LOC L BOY SCOUTS • ins YOuR �J int The Elston Cardiff Trophy was won by a Goderieh rink in an Irish trebles tournament. The winners were Mrs. J. K. !tenter, Jack 1Lozell and E. F. Sale; Mrs. George Elliott, Fred lelliott and Hugh Hawkins, of Clinton, were second; Mrs: A. R. Scott, Mrs. Frank McArthur and E. J. Pridha'm were third.; Mrs. Walter Heitman, Mrs. Arnold Mc- Connell and Stuai t Robinson, also of the Goderich club, finished fourth. Forty-eight bowlers took part in the tour/ranieM. 0 - 0 0 OBITUARY WEDDINGS DURNIN-- URST With Rev. It A. Di cIrmeirn of11'nci- ating, wedding vows were excbaalg- ed by Mary Luinnda Duet and William Leonard Durgin at North Street United Church on ;Wednes- day, October 3, at 12 noon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Durst, of R.R. 1, Goele- rich, and the groom is the son of Mrs: Agnes Durnin, of Goderieh. Pink and white gladioli decor- ated the church lar the occasion. Wedding music was played by Mrs. J. Snider. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an ankle -length gown of nylon lace over w.hate bridal satin featuring a pleated nylon front panel qutlineti with white velvet petals. She wore `sa MRS. ETHEL MALLOUGH matching lace jacket with lily- pointA life-long resident of Goderich, sleeves and ash ugh o£ French illusion net was caught by Mrs. Ethel Mallough; widow of a cap of petalled lace and net Joseph Mallough, died in Victoria decorated with seed pearls. She -Hospital, London, on Thursday of carried a white : ible topped 'with last week. Mrs. Mallough, who red roses. was in her 78th year, had been in failing health for some time. Born in Goderioh, she was a daughter of the late Captain and Mrs. Alex McLean. She was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church. Until her health failed,. The bride's three attendants, Mrs. Robert Dodkin, Sarnia, a sister of the groom, as matron' of honor, Miss Gail Lockhart, Blyth, and Miss Eleanor Durst, Clinton, nieces of the bride, as bridesmaids wore ankle -length ,gowns of erys- she had been active in the Ladiestalette in copper, gold and olive Aid and Women's Institute activi- green respectively. They wore ties. She was also very interested matching feather headdresses and mittens. The matron of honor fin gardening. 1 carried a- bouquet .of gold ehry- Her husband died in 1942. Sur- I santhemums and the bridesmaids viving are two sons, J. Alexander carried yellow chrysanthemums. Don Hasson, of Kitchener, was best man, and the ushers were Fred Durst, London and Bob Dod- kin, of Sarnia. � At the reception which followed at Tiger Dunlop lnn, the bride's motheh' received the guests in a navy crepe dress with pink trim and navy accessories. She was assisted by the mother of the bridegroom who also chose navy with white trim and navy acces- sories. For a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the bride wore a rust - colored wool dress- with black ac- cessories and Ca corsage of copper and gold chrysanthemums. Upon their return they will reside in Goderich. Guests were present from, Newton_and Go wenstoWn......._ 0 0 ' 0 PENTLAND—MacPHEE Esther Helen Yvonne MacPhee became the bride of Ronald Elwin Pentland in a ceremony at ,Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, Con Saturday, October 6, at • 12 noon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold •MacPhee, of Gode- rich, and the grocm is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Pentland, of Port Albert. Rev. R. G. MacMillan performed. the ceremony, which, took place in a setting of pink and wnite gladioli. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a ballerina -length gown of -Chantilly lace and nylon tulle fashioned with fitted bodice f double n ton tulle n,Ua1 ace. and Edgar E., both of Goderich; two daughters, Dorothy, Mrs. (Capt.) Raymond Provost, of Vick- ery, Ohio, and Ethel, Mrs. (Capt.) 0. E. Robinson, of Goderioh; five sisters, Mrs. May Patton, Buchanan, Mich.; Mrs. Elizabeth Redding and Mrs. Doris Douquin, both of Chi- cago; Mrs. Florence Halstead, of Huntington Woods, Mich., and Mrs. Edna Slutz, of Akron, Ohio. Also Isurviving are 10 grandchildren Aiaimiiiimmimmmmmmw and two great-grandchildren. Rev• R. G. MacMillan conducted the funeral service at the Lodge funeral home on Tuesday at 2 p.m. Interment was in Matland ceme- tery. Pallbearers were two sons, Edgar and Alexander; two sons-in-law, - . _ Cape-- Raymond -Provost- and rapt: Charles Robinson, and 'two grand- sons, David (Sona\y) Mallough and George Bolton. The best gift is always a gift Smart, • Modern for the home Distinctively Styled 1 ARCHIIBALD ,MaoGILLIVRCAY 1 Archie MacGillivray. of 1087 Park Drive, Vancouver, only ie- maining son of the late Rev. Archi- bald MacGillivray and Mrs..,&achel MacGillivray, passed' away in Van- couver, B.C., on Monday, Septem- ber 24th. Death folowed an illness of ten weeks in the Vancouver Gen- eral Hospital caused by 'a coronary thrombosis. Mr. ,, MacGillivray was a well- known boys' worker in Vancouver, having been leader of the Boys' ;Brigad d Life B g at•on for over sister of the bride, and Miss Helen Netherdentt, of London, as brides- maids, chose Japanese organza over copper pink taffeta. The attendants carried 'cascades of yellow and bronze 'mums. Miss Kathryn Black- stone, as fiowerg�irl, wore Japanese organza and carried a 'basket of yellow roses and ivy. Robert Chapman, of London, was groomsman fox his brother, and another brother, Jack ('Chapman, of London, and William Meaden jr., of Leamington, were ushers. The bride's mother wore a lace dress with brown and avocado green accessories and corsage of yellow roses. The groom's mother wore a pink sheath dress with Spanish brown duster, pink accese. sories and corsage of pink roses. For the wedding trip to North- ern Ontario, the bride sanded a green .dress and coat with brown and pigskin accessories and cor- sage of Talisman roses. The couple will live in London. . The bride is a graduate of St. Joseph's School of Nursing and ,graom of London Teachers' College. 0 0 • Sliver Wedding Anniversary For 13. ]Here are two football announcers who don't just talk about --the game. but are willing to go right out on the gridiron and get the feel of things. Big Byng Whitteker makes like he's going to catch a three - yard forward made by Steve (The Rifle) Douglas. LEGION LADIES LAUNCH DRIVE, FOR MEMBERS The Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch • 109, Canadian Legion, met Tues- day evening in the Legion Hall Mr,, Mrs. J. Tebbutt and 29. members answered the roll call. A surprise dinner was ;held at President "Ev" Carroll presided. the home of Mr. Sep - 'and 'Mrs. John Following opening remonies, Mrs. Tebbutt on Saturday evening, Margaret Cowan, who has become tember 29, in honor of the form a member by way of transfer from er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Lucknow Auxiliary, was welcomed. Tebbutt, on the occasion of their A membership drive was launched silver wedding nriniversary. as each member took names of They were married in Colborne ros ective recruits and made it Township. September 30, 1931, by a point to contact them before next the Rev. W. J. Patton. Since their meeting. Old woollens left over marriage they have resided on from the rummage sale are to be their farm in Goderioh Township, used to make into blankets fore Maitland Concession. The farm Westminster Hospital or, if any has been in the Tebbutt name for are in good condition, will be put 91 years. The dining room was prettily in hamper which . will he sent to decorated with white streamers the Unitary Service Committee, and bells. The table was centred London. with the three -tiered anniversary I Catering for one banquet and a -cake,V 6urnouh,dett by silver -and lunclaeiln _Vas- accepted. _ . __ white tall tapers, and dainty au- bazaar to be held ill November was tumn flowers. I organized with committee con - Th guests included• Mr and veners named. '.A wreath for ceno- Mrs. Lew. Tebbutt, Seafoath; Mr.` taph will be purchased for Novem- Al4i'� RSD4AY, O`�FA'Rl Ell 11-112 1956 'HORSE RACES ON SATURDAY, TO END SEASON Local racing officials have their fingers crossed that this Saturday will be different and it won't rain. The final race meet of the season is -to be held at Agricultural Park on Saturday, starting at 2 p.m. There will, be three classified events on the card and a goad field of entries is assured already, Regardless of what the weather does, there .will be a banquet for the. horsemen and their wives in the evening, KIN -TAIL In the first half Of U notal labor lamina in Canada in;emmal. by $fr52 million ower comparable period of 1955. Slightly more than half of the increase was duo (to higher level of employment, a-e- mainder was due to higher wage rates. •*��••••ii�•N0011••NNfie KIIAIL, Oct. 9.—The October meeting of the , Kintail Institute was held at the hone of Mrs. Ray Dalton with a large attendance. It was decided to send a donation to the Institute for the Blind. Mrs. Fred McGregor is our dele- gate to the onvention in London on October 16 and 17. A com- mittee was appointed to look into thee possib` it ofeluing _a .girls'. home making club. Mrs. Oliver McCherles was the guest speaker e and told us about the Agnes Mc- Phail scholarship.•. She gave a few Wa1lgaCtie Tebbutt, Mrs. Arthur ber 11. highlights of her eventful life as Fisher, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- I Nominations for 1957 slate Of oilr first woman member of parlia- fred Fisher, Mr. 'and Mrs. Elmer officers will be held at theNovem- ment and her interest in bettering Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ber meeting with Mrs. N. W. Mil- conditions in penal institutions and Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fisher, ler, a past president, in the chair. reformatories, etc. -Mrs. McCharl- all of Colborne Township; Mr. and Elections are to be held at the es also showed us her hobbies of Mrs. Kenneth Holmes, Mr. and Mrs.' December meeting. aluminum trays, copper pictures -Young, Mr. and Mrs: Carman � A donation of $25 was voted to' and costume jewellery which was Tebbutt, Goderich Township; Mr. the Unitary Service Committee. enjoyed very much. Lunch was and Mrs. George Addison, Mr. and 'Nies• Ralph Kingswell gave -a splen- served to conclude the meeting. Mrs. ' Kenneth`Hulley, Hallett i did report from the Provincial Township. Auxiliary Convention held in Lon - The couple were presented with Aon through the of September a lovely ehest of silverware. 26• president Evelyn Carroll ye- a an r e ays or a�iiz i Mr., and Mrs. Teiobu�tt have three •er �i3 years, as well- as -.n _ and. x11 sk74z'•t 11 yported on the resolittigns,. and some an -*elk fiver taffeta with liari� 1 sons and one dauglitei . _ of the lighter hlghTighils Irma e ;S app ,%;. e � , d. . gmo �t.s.. .n 0. side pp. t11. 6 t esseora .p:,5.• ster. ze r ., .. _ .. .x ..�...-�'S.:�lYll , `�. ��le ,..'�, ...,.,�..> �' „elk. =';�, "`s<*ray!t'irg��c.�.w,..,.,.w:?�.�5liY'f�"17�3�%���tf�•eM-;,;�� rX 1,.e -- ti and be sure to see our LARGE SELECTION OF Wall -to -Wall Carpet LODGE FURNITURE "e'.4 s r,: :• a .: ,.._. ,......• r. ,.. _-_.-..:. a-. ,•y-, :z .,_ "•m '•3 lrc�,d,i�•::rr;,Cy-it°�,` t,� ,.. n� .:. ti• c.',ra, _ 'sm,r._ .* , ,� e 4 ,� xtiiw�•., �:,i r ':+` _ _ see ri lllesS 1 cdTi:S:.,* *rats e� l"l:�lP t..," lig1> fidi'i3�tiTY„^"� enjoyed ri'.0 y: - Born in Goderich he came to sleeves. A cad o eL p cup of tea was 7 y d -b all and rhinestone held her mate ng and Matilyn are at home. They, Vancouver in 1910. He was con- veil and she carried a bouquet of also have two grandchildren, Patty _ o o nected with Ramsay Bros. Con ,and ;t ms ,and Wayne Tebbutt. fevtionery Co., and later was sales Miss Sheila Gallow, Goderich, as forwith theN red roses an white a pompoms hi manager 30 years a maid of hoaor, and' Siss Ruth tional Biscuit Campamy, retiring pentland, Port Albert, sister of the TALKS TO.'.._ IA because of ill•heatth in 1952. Dam, as bridesmaid, wore .identi- He was a charter .member of the A.O.T.S. Club, founded in Vancou- ver, also a-thartee ,member of the Vancouver Dahlia Society. A great lover of flowers, he spent ,much time in his garden, and his dahlias were famous all over the city. He belonged to the Canadian Order of Foresters and the Kerrisdale Lodge No. a1, IOOF. Surviving are his 94 -year-old mother, Mrs. Rachel MacGillivray; a sister, Mrs. Pearl Paton; a niece, Mrs. Gordon S. McKay, Vancouver, and two nephews, Flt. Lt. A. T. Paton, RCAF, ,Centralia, Ont., and Gordon M. Paton, Prince George. Mr.:VlacGillivray was a half-brother of the Rev. Donald MacGillivray, for many years a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in China. The very- largely attended fun- eral held on September 26th, testi- fied to the esteem in which Mr. MacGillivray was held. There were many floral offerings. Rev. R. A. Redman and Rev. W. R. Welkin - 'stew conducted the aervice, and burial was in Forest Lawn Mem- orial Park. • 0 0 4,errielep WANTADS SELL IT THRU THE SELL IT THE C. Duffle Coats to Jackets * Snow Suits a Coats Lined Jeans Coat Sets 4. Plaid Shirts ¢ Sweaters • 46 Reversible Skirts Buntings + Mix and Match Skirt and Blouse Sets Garland's Children'sWear 10 SQUARE GODERICH 0 cal dresses of balierina-length blue ABou nylon crystalette, and carried bou- , quets of pink- 'mums. T HISTORY John Pentland, brother of the Goderich. Women's Institute met bridegroom, was groomsman, and ,lin MacKay Hall last Thursday with Elwin Feagan and Gerald Mac- , members of Dungannon W.I. as Phee, -brother ,of the bride, were their guests. ushers. Final plans were made for the W. H. Bishop was organist and 1 Dessert Bridge and 500 card par accompanied the soloist, Miss Betty ty. Mrs. N. Clairmont was named Bowra. delegate to go to the Area conven- Receiving guests at the Club tion in London on October 16 and Grill, the bride's an,ot.her wore a 17, with Mrs. A. Straughan as alter - silver metallic dress with beige native. accessories and corsage of . pink 1 Mrs. G. Bisset spoke regarding 'mums. The grooms mother chose the individual appeal which is now serene blue crepe with matching on for the Canadian National In - accessories: 7 stitute for the Blind and of which For the wedding trip, the bride 'she is a representative for this donned a turquoise wool dress with district. black accessories and corsage of The Scripture was read by Mrs. white baby 'mums, rhe couple IJ• Ryan and there were several will reside on the groom's farm near Nile. - ' Guests were piesent from, Tor- onto, Grimsby, London,•St. Thomas, Hamilton, Essex, Peterboro, Mount Today Is History Tomorrow,” was Forest, Moorefield and Lond•es,barq. Prior to her marriage, the bride given by Mrs. A. Wilkins. An was give@n a lovely shower by Miss I .interesting talk on "History of To - Sheila Callow-wasat the home of Mrs. 1day, given by the guest speak- at Callow. There was also a er, Rev. S. H. Findlay. A humor - trousseau tea given in her honor ' ous reading was given by Mrs. Mc - by her mother. Nee, of Dungannon W.I. 0 o 0 1 At the close of the meeting a CHAPMAN•-RAYNARD Penny Fair was held followed by In a double -ring ,ceremoi4y in lunch. Thanks was conveyed to Knox Presbyterian Church on Sat-; all who took part, including the urday, October 6, at 2.30 p.m.., social committee convened by Mrs. Violet Winntired Raynerd and Wel-'A. Wilkins and Mrs. L. Walters li•am Bruce Chapman were united for the Penny Fair. in marriage by Rev. R. G. Mac- Millan. The bride is the daughter ----- - birthdays for the month. A card was sent to Mrs. H. Tichborne's mother, for her 94th birthday. The motto, `What Is Happening of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Raynard, of Goderich, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Chap- man, of London. Baskets of pink ,and white gladi- oli with yellow mums decorated the church for the oeoa,sion. The. soloist, Glen Lodge, of Goderich rendered "The Lord's Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love." He was ac- companied by W. H. Bishop. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a waltz -length grown of Japanese silk orgahza over taf- feta, fashioned on princess lines with insert of Chantilly lace at the neckline Peter Pan Dollar, lily - point sleeves. A fingertip veil completed her ensemble. She car- ried •a cascade of baby Talisman roses with stephanotis and ivy. Mrs. Thomas McLean, Goderieh honor, wore s panese organza over The SIGNAL -STAR as matron of misty green taffeta. Mrs. Ralph Blackstone, Goderich, another PLEASJNG JOB PRINTING AT REASONABLE PRICES TAYLOR'S CORNER TAYLOR'S, CORNER, Oct. �-- Mr. and Mrs. Chester McNeil and family, of Waterford, spent the week -end with Mx. and Mrs. Sam MCNall. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wilson, of Goderich, ,spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim McMillan and family. Miss Wilda Wilson and Miss Ramona Jenkins, of Goderich, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson and family. Mr. Bruce Holmes, of Montreal, and Miss Lois Holmes, of -London, enjoyed the Thanksgiving week- end with .their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. G. Cutler, of Guelph, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs., Reg. Sturdy. Mrs. Wm. Elliott and children, of Port Colborne, spent the week- I end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mc- Cabe and Don. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ginn were the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gorrie, of 0,shaw,a. Week -end visitors with Mr. amid Mrs. John Westbrook were Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Collins, of Port Credit, Miss Josephine Weatherill and Mr. Bruce Twed,dle, of Wood- bridge. - Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hodgson and Bruce, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Reg. Sturdy last week. Hostesses were Mrs. Geo. Ginn and Mrs. Jim Young. The •ladies of the ,community were entertained last Thursday by the W.A. and the-W.IVM.S. of Bay- field United Church. Those who attended were Mrs. G. Newton, Miss Nina Walters, Mrs. Hugh` Mc- Cabe, Mrs. Reg. Sturdy and Mrs. Rosi Wilson. Mr. Geo. Ginn had the misfor- tune to lose a finger in the silo filling machine last week. Anniversary' services et Zion United Church, Taylor's - Corner, will •be §•u�nday, October 21. d 0 0 COUNCIL HONORS MEMORY COUNCILLOR E. DRENNAN BROWNIE'S Drive -fin Limited AT CLINTON NEXT TO COMMUNITY PARK Box Office Capons at 7,30 ease First show at 8 p.m. •••••••••••••••••NN••0 Thurs., Fri- Oct, 11-12 "MR. SCOUTMI?ISTER4° Clifton Webb, Edmon Gwynn TWO CARTOONS 8•w••••••••••••••eNe•N Sat., Mon. Oct. 13-15 "GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES" (Color) Jane Russell, Marilyn Monroe TWO CARTOONS ••••••••••••••••••••Me TUESDAY IS DOLLAR NIGHT $1 admits carload Tues., Wed. Oct. • 16.17 "SABRINA" William Holden, Audrey Hepburn Humphrey Bogart 'TWO CARTOONS ••N••••••••••••••f.•*••e Thurs:, Fri. -- Oct.:1849 "RUN FOR COVER" (Color) - James Cagney, John Derek, Viveca Lindfurs TWO CARTOONS 1111ra041eis•easo041•••••e••s+•e Two shows nightly, rain or dear. Children under 12 in ears = free. 0••r•••••••••NN•>!N•eeN It `Wil �'•Y+' GODERICH JAOKPOT OF ,$45.£30 FOR FULL HOUSE IN 51 OAPw'`. • 1st GAME STARTS 'AT 8.30 P.M. Mrs. Ernest Laws, of Goderich; won the Jackpot and Siege - the -Wealth of $121.50. Out or respect to the memory of the late Councillor J. E. Dren- nan, members of . Goderieh Town Council observed a two -minute sil- ence at the beginning of the regu- lar meeting Friday night. Mr. Drennan died on Monday of last week. The sympathy of Council was extended to Mrs. Brennan and family in their loss. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used°"< During the very trying harvest season farmers have just experienced, there was not time to think about the livestock and breeding program. However, with fall here, plans for the fall breeding program must be made. When making your fall breeding plans, consider the advantages of artificially breeding your cows to the sires in service in our Unit. Economy- - Disease Control Safety Quality Calves Choice of Bulls Courteous Servile For service or more information, write or phone collect to: CLINTON HUI-3441 B1'1WEEN 7.30 and 10 A.M. ON WEEK DAYS 7.30 and 9.30 A.M. ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. The excellent A. B. Caya cow, Brittany Rag Apple Lorene— a daughter of Aladdin, a former Unit bull --sold at the Bra- bacher Anniversary Sale for $2225.00. 40 SE RACES - - SATUR'DAY aa gricultural Park, GODERICH 2 p.m. sharp. OCT. Wagering. 3 e rt