The Goderich Signal-Star, 1956-05-17, Page 9- mums AY, BAY 17thr 1,950 Of the 31 million hooks borrow- e3d from Canada's 705 public lib- raries in 1953, juvenile books lead] in circulation with a total of I 18,256,000 borrowings. The average size a Canadian families is 3.0 person. Newfotpad- land has largest families, average 4.5 persons; tritish Columbia has smallest families, 14 persons. qmpgaammalwaranamsammemalmannamp.onk Fc•R 1956 MIS THE NEW GEHL Chop -All HARVESTER with NEW g Capacity' 6 -foot MOWER BAR. • Now Gehl offers you a choice of BIG CAPACITY 54t. or 6 -ft. Mower Br Attachment fa fit the NEW "Chop -Ali" Harvester. More Exclusive Features 0 New "Chop -All" Feat- ures: Unmatched capacity, cleaner cutting for better packing, best keeping sil- age. 0 All -steel cutter bar, boil- er -plate steel flywheel, ad- justable axle, self -aligning bearings on feed rollers. 0 New Gehl Sodium Bisul- fite Feeder for better grass silage, mounts on Chop -All. 0 Metal Parts and FREE Plans for PTO all-purpose side -unloading bunk -feed- er box. Do it yourself! The Gehl "Chop -All" arvester earned its name and proved its. fame: 0 "Walking through" tall sudan, sorghum and soybean mixtur- es with its Mower Bar At- tachment. • Taking tall corn "in stride"— with either the 1 or 2 -Row Gehl Corn Head. 0 "Sweeping up" giant wind- rows of dry or wilted hay with the Gehl Windrow Pick- up. Only Gehl gives you FOUR at- tachments with the famous "Quick -Switch." Buy right. Buy Gehl—owned by more farmers than any other independerlt make! Come in and see them Today John Aldington VARNA PHONE HUoter 2-3380, CLINTON THERE'S NOTHING BETTER THAN A GEHL I 19-20 THE GODEttiCH aiGNAL-STAR maxisimetaraigg Embroidered fabrics and small patterned prints are favorite choices among dress materials this season, a survey showed. CREWE CREWE, May I4.—Mrs. Crozier, of London, visited with Mr. and i"flsC. Crozier and family on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Culbert and Tom were Clinton visitors on Sat- urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. n Bob Freemawho were celebrat- ing their 50th wedding annivers- ary. Mr.' and Mrs. Ted Johnston, of London, were..Mother's Day visitors with Mr. and Mr's. Jack Curran and family. Mr. -Raymond Finnigan was a week -end visitor in Weston. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak and sons were Sunday visitors with Mr. and IVIrs. Whitehead, of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Shackleton were Wingham visitors on Satur- day. o 0 0 Foreign -made goods sold in Can- ada in 1955 had an average value of about $1,200 per family. o 0 0 Federal and provincial spending on social security, health and wel- fare currently totals about $2,468,000,000 annually. `41148.11.M.411111111111•11111111. • "'*:-Aegje;i1s; e.eeepe ::,:::::;:::NI:',,:k;:;•;$$1,,*•SaAtekk" • 4eieektee:KeeireeeSe. • Light A GENERAL. MOrORS VALUE orke for Lovely Hands! It's apretty tight spot—no question about that ! But it's no work for this lovely lady. For she's at the wheel of a 1956 Cadillac—and here is, beyond any ques- tion, the world's gentlest resting place for feminine hands. And this extraordinary ease of handling and driving is, to be sure, only one of the great satisfactions that come to the lucky lady who sits in the driver's seat of the beautiful new Cadillac. Seldom, for example, is a woman seen under more flattering circumstances than she is in the "car of cars" —calm, serene and .rested . . and surrounded by Cadillac's great luxury and beauty. Make sore yen cal SEE STEER ad STOP SAFELY MAY is Safety Month To any lady reading this advertisement, we offer this simple suggestion. Come in soon . . . spend an hour in this latest and greatest of Cadillacs . . . and see for yourself. And to any gentleman who might be listening in— well, perhaps there is a lady whom you would like to see always at her ease—and at her loveliest—and at her proUdest. If there is, then you, too, should pay us a visit. The magic formula is waiting for you in our show- room—and we'll he delighted to assist in the transfor- mation at any time. CAD -856C • SAMIS MOTORS. KINGSTON AND VICTORIA STS. PHONE 344 DO IT_ Clay From Colborne Township Is Used By Sculptress To Create Works of Art The humble clay of Catborne Township springs alive in t the nimble fingers of Mrs. Lisa Pys- aniuk, Goderich sculptress. Since coming here two and a half years ago, the blonde, young New Can- adian has won herself a wide rejau- tation for her ability in the field of clay modelling. She recently completed a bust of J. II. Grahame reeve of _Godorich, and mutual friends say it is an exact likeness. Mrs. Pysaniuk has found a limit- less supply of exce,ilent clay in Colborne Township, four or five miles from heir borne. With the materials so readily available, she feels that clay sculpture is ideally suited to anyone seeking a new creative outlet. Mrs. Pysaniuk works on a flat square of plywood or on a tall stand. She takes a big handful of clay and slaps it on top of the form, adds a blob here and another there, shapes it quickly with her thumbs and palms and fingers, and it takes on life. In a few minutes, a face emerges. Since the clay cracks when it dries out, the life of clay figures is short. When she wants a per- . mallent model, as i the ease of Reeve Graham, she makes a plaster of paris cast over the clay model. Then she lines the cast with ordin- ary cement on an iron frame. Since Aged Four Mrs. Pysaniuk has been making her "mud pies" since she was four years old. When she was tiny, her grandfather took her to the art galleries—and because, of her love for- him, the tried to understand what .he admired in the statues there. "With my plasticene, I made lots of nanny faces— -mostly with the tongues, sticking out," she re- calls, laughing. She took up sculp- ture seriously later, studying at Stuttgart and Wuertterberg. She studied for seven years with Jacob Wilhelm Fehtle, one of Europe's leading sculptors. In eoming to Canada, .IVIrs. Pys- aniuk realized a childhood ambi- tion. For three days before the boat left, she would not leave her home in Stuttgart, Germany. "I was afraid an accident would happen and I would not be able to come," she explains with a smile She and her husband naw oper- ate the Park House in Goderich. News of Dungannon DUNGANNON, May 14. --- Mr. Alfred Andrews, of Orillia, called on his aunt, Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick, this past week, Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt Taylor, of Lucknow, and Mo. and Mrs. Herb Stothers spent Thursday in Kitch ener. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young and children spent Sunday in Landon and visitwith Miss Lynda Moore who is a patient in Victoria Hos- pital. Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick, who spent the winter months in Mrs. Irvine Henry's rest home, returned to her own home, this past week. Mr- and Mrs". Sh-eid&n—rlailef and children and Mrs. Henry Brad ere ley, Sandra and Cheryl Ann w Sunday guests with the ladies' par- rs. pat - on, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stoth Mrs. Thomas Dickson is h ient in Victoria Hospital, Long having broken a bone in her hip. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McGratten ith and son, Alric spent Sunday w Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan. Mr. .and Mrs. Alvin McGee and nd children, of Goderich, and Mr. Mrs. Lorne Papp and Douglas, of Auburn, visited Sunday with r p. on, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pop Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Johnst Goderich, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Brooks and nd family spent. Sunday with.,1).r..a 'Mrs. Atkinson,- IVI-Itehell. • The Dimstantims..Cociland ilest rnee-fi-ngof the girls who are taking the 'supper club was held at the home of Mrs. L. Hasty recently with 14 members nresent. • Officers elected are as follows'' President, Dorothy Rut- ledge: vice-president, Marie Knight", secretary, Joyce Matthews: press reporter, Joanne Crozier. A discussion on Canada's Food -Lw8 aP4bUshespr-Dperly. -,-.ZeT"cilit;Pan.1*ALe letater, taught the girls how to measure correctly after which lunch was served by the leader. A second meeting was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. L. Hasty, the roll call being answered by "a good food habit." The making of pea soup and scalloped potatoes was the project for this meeting. A third meeting was held in the leader's home with 13 members answering the roll call. A talk was given by the leader on the serving of pineapples, oranges ;Ind grapefruit The fourth meet- ing was also held in Mrs Hasty's home with each ef the 13 member; suggesting a fruit suitable for sup- ner as the roll was called Mrs Hasty spoke on the making of cheese and salmon loaves. Attend Huron Presbytery W.A._ Mrs. Omar Brooks and Mrs. How ard Johnston, delegates, and Mrs Harvey Alton, president of the Woman's Association of the United Church attended the Huron Pres, hytery Woman's Association an- nual meeting at Ontario Street United Church. Clinton. this past week. The highlights of the meet. ngs were addresses given by Rev. Ranson arid Mrs. Harold T. Walsh, °resident of the London Confer - nee W.A. Mrs. Walsh conducted he "Buzz" session when the ladies - ere divided into 15 groups with ach Croup asking her a question egarding W.A. problem's. Present Play. — Friday evening ast the Glamis Dramatics Club °re- sented their play, "Uncle .Tosh erkins" under the auspices of the ungannon Agricultural Society. . J. Sherwood introduced the °lay o an appreciative audience. Wayne rooks and T.illian Popp aave piano iimberc. Mr. Sherwood thanked hn following children for their art in selling 45 00 worth of ickets: Jewel Reed; Eleanor Alton. andra brooks ,Tovee Culbert and vnda Blake. Th booth lives under he earreenershin of Mrs 0 rooks The net nrnceeds of g75.22 rom the nlav and dance are to id the building fund 'for the Agri- tdthral Society. Mr and Mrs Gordon Sarrnson nd children. ef Goderich. visited , e r 1 1) A B s a with Thomas Rivett and Mary on Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Blake, Mrs. S. J. Kil- patrick and Mrs. Irvine Henry call- ed on Saturday to extend good wishes to the bride and groom of 50 years, Mr. and Mrg.: Dick Webster, Lueknow. LATE SPRING DEEAYS FRUIT TREE SPRAYING A tour of orchards in the Leam- ington area by members of the Huron County Fruit Growers' As- sociation is scheduled for June 19. The tour will include the experi- mental station at Harrow. Members noted at a meeting at Clinton that because of the late season only one spraying has been applied to their trees so far this spring, whereas in previous years three or four applications—bad been made by this time. IININImftwaimmaiminmy DON'T WORRY ABOUT TV SERVICE THIS IS OUR BUSINESS RADIO, TV & SOUND SERVICE. B.- - R. Munday ?hope_ na ,timinummumemilmaa QUICK CANADIAN QUIZ 1.11Thich province.has the greatest fresh -water ,area? 2.1n dollar value 'what was the leading product of Canada's nun- ing industry in 1055? 3. What was the cost last year 02 interest on the federal public debt? 4. When it is twelve noon at Win- 4, cxat.,vviiiit is the tin. at VanC04170F, 4.(1" and ut ii fm4 5.1"ihat jr.; the eainreated CoSt. family allowance Dzs.yments ftt the ,current,year?. AN517PORS: i. 3, $491 minion. 1. QueNe, 4. At Vancou-frer, ac., 10 a.m.; t I1aZ4- fax, N.S., 2 p.m. 2. Petroleums with a value of $301.Dwmion, TRANS CANADA CREDIT LIFE -INSURED LOAN protects our family security° "We switched to Trans Canada Credit the minute we discovered we could get life insurance on our loan at no extra cost. It's such a relief to know that no matterwhat happens, our family security is protected," says a typical Canadian mother. Check now to see whether your present loan has this important family protection feature. If not, call your nearby Trans Canada Ueda manager right away. At Trans Canada Credit, you can easily borrow the cash you -need, at reasonable rates, and on repayment plans arranged to suit your budget. Service is courteous and prkate, fast and dependable. And loans are life -insured to $2500. at no extra cost. So when you need a loan, fag any worthy purpose, think first of the all -Canadian company that thinks of yoiir family's sectgity,. .See )(oar. nciirby Trans Canada Credit Manager. THE ALL-CANAMAN LOAN COMPANY CORPORATION LIMITED tal 148 THE SQUARE Telephone, Goderich 797 Men who think of tomorrow practice moderation -today CALL US FOR YOUR WINTER. GARMENT • Why crowd your closet spate — Our storage rates are reaso Phone 85 NOW! Free mothproofing with every garment stored. STORAGE nable. • CROFT DRY CLEANERS West St. CI