The Exeter Times, 1890-7-10, Page 3LATE BRITISH NEWS
Lost at Sea During 1$9O.
A Hunan Divining:Rod.
The financial diffienities.of some Italian
municipalities have induced certain bankers
of London and Berlin to form a syndicate to
help them out.
A London woman's club has developed as
far as a motion by one of its members to
provide a separate room for smokers, and
Also a billiard room.
The wife of a baronet has appeared in the
Row, itTan, iu the regular hour, riding
astritl tiler dress was a divided skirt,
rather lunger than the habit nowfashion
• able.
The Thrush of 800 tons, with Prince
George of Wales Lieutenant commanding,
has finally left England for the North Amen -
can squadron. She is expected to stop at
Broken glass may become as useful as it is
bothersome. The flrite fh Warehouseman an-
nounces that a process is now known wliiell
will work glass into cloth, of any color or
thickness, and iucouzbtlstfbto.
An extract from a parish magazine nl
Iangland reacts thus: "unmarried workers
are requested not to marry for some little
time, as we cannot afford to lose their ser-
vices as we have lost loony lately:"
Taking hold of the boy's right hand, walk- PERSONALS.
ing our usual pace, we were arrested in our _
course by an electric current passing from
Mrs. Grover Cleveland's inheritance from
his body through mine, making lie feel as the real estate of herrandfather at Omaha
though I had touched an electric battery.
This condition remained so long as we con- is said to be one-sfxte__e fir of $800,000.
tinuetl on the vein, but the moment we Lillie Devereux Blake is the best
return over it the boy's normal mido over
lookuz of the woznen-suffragists, through
returned. \'1 a tested the boy over and over g
again by returning and walking aver the
some unappreciative people say that the
vein several times, and each time we touched competition is not very strong.
the vein with the same effect." '—„-
The chief inspector of machinery the President Carnot has signed a decree can -
The Y ceiling or reducing the punishments of up.
Davenport Steam Reserve writes In the ward of seventy-two persons who had been
it/us/rated .Aminal and Military magazine an condemned for their actions duriug the re -
article dealing with the fiightingpewerof the cent strikes. Niuety-six in all were in
English Navy, Re calls s e,ial attention prison front this cause, and those still there
to two changes in the modern ships—the aro chiefly foreigners.
abolition of sail power and the fitting of a
The Comte de Paris welcomed the Due
d'Orleans to his house in England with the
after dinner toast : " I propose two healtlzs
—that of my son, who represents Courage,
are wingIn
ee mall vesselsr cent. of of the 0 toes, Lap. and that of the Due de Luynes,}who personi-
combatnts. In the first-class battle slzi s, fies Fidelity. The young man's episode has
Anson class of 11,000 tons, 41 per are es renexti d onfidenceeased his father in the return of ores.
men who add nothing t° archy to France.
the fighting power of the ship. Mr. \a zl-
liams suggests the training of firemen so that
they maybe made expert gunners as well as
firemen, and thus increase the fighting force.
great amount of auxiliary steam macldnely.
.both these changes, he says, have diminish-
ed the number of seamen --the combatants
and increased the non-combatants- the•fire-
1tlrs. Jinsiwala, ,Sanskrit Professor at the
Wilson College. Bombay, has undertaken to
Then follows the training of men to be an-
on,check the vigorous Indian movement for im-
eound ie y dial ttf as Cas on ten, so that ee ndsman can perf'a , ssut dents against female woman's status eeducation and"
ri recent lecture before the Royal United 'social reforms, Her c•aef argument against t
Service Institution by Lieut. W. }G. Crutch• English Brit life was the statement that
ley, R. ;n'. R., advocted e. system. of signal- when the British husband wishes to enforce
} g extreme domestic discipline he slaps MS
ing between .men-of-wer and merchant vex• oleo's face,
sets at once simple and ingenious. \1About
going into details over this system, It leper-
tinent to note that under existing circum• w.Uaffa:ine, has arrived in America, and is
stances in the United States as well as ; % .11 'u F visitin James Russell Lowell atCambrid e.
Ragland the commnrrication is nothing off „I have come to America," he says, "to see
which to boast, Fast mail steamships are my friend, • r. Lowell. I shall stay about
The British vessels reported as lost during continually running between. important; three weeks, and shall spend nw whole
May, 1890, and the number of lives lost, were strategic points, but with uo means of pick- time here in Cambridge. I do not intend to
forty-six sailing ships and sixteen ateanners lug up information, If once the cables were travel, I moo merely to visit a fnw of my
with a total loss of seventy-nine Itvea, cut In time of war the most valuable means friends who live here in Cambridge, several
'These represent the 'ships reported during of coinlnunication Would be last. Lieut, Harvard professore among them I have
Afay, notthose actually lost in that mouth.
Leslie Stephen, editor of the C'orrnhill
There aro sixty-four churches of the
Church of England, besides those of other de.
nominations, within a quarter of a Haile of
St. Paul's Cathedral. dost of thein have
more seats than there are reaidents in the
parish. Many of the clergymen live far from
London. One whose income is £1,050 ayear,
has not viaited his pariah for fourteen years.
A communion cloth, embroidered With " 1
H S" given to the Anglican church at New-
ry, Ireland, caused. a portion of the congre-
gation to protest against it as an introduc-
tion of Ritualism. Apetition was sentt seats the
Bishop, but he not replying, the cloth was
atolen and a letter left in us place saying
that it would be returned on condition that
the letters should be taken out.
As the British fleet was standing ant
from Alexandria recently a collision ocean•
ed between the Orion, a 5,000•ton battle
ship, and the Temeraire, tux 8,500 -ton belted
• armored cruiser. The Orion in trying to
pass close under the stern of the Temeraire
struck that veasel just abaft her engines on
the port side and tore away heroutereheath-
ing for twenty feet. Upon examination it
1 was found that the 'Temeraire was leaking
and had filled her water -tight wing coma
partutent with some fifteen or twenty tori:
of water. She will go to Malta to be dock-
ed. Therion escaped uninjured.
Even tee historic Sevres porcelain manta factory is threatened with being gobbled by
r an English syndicate, said to include some
of the more important china makers of
Great Britain, Of late p
of the Sevres works, which always have
been under • the direct control of the French
Government, has been steadily mining
down in public: esteem, The manufactory
has reeeiv 3`l au annual subsidy of something
more than Sf0%009, but a commision has
reported in favor of abolishing that. Thu
annual sale of porcelain produced at Sevres
now scarcely exceeds $20,000.
A summary of vowels built during the
year 1889 gives a total of 1,386,070 tons for
British ports and 40!210 reported from
head the Britih list with 717,699 tons, the
Clyde standing second with 335,201 tons,
and Belfast next with 79,855 tons. Tho ex-
ports of engines and machinery wore the
largest ever recorded in the history of Brit-
ish commerce, namely, £15,254,658, against
£12,032,025 in 1888, an increase of £2,322,-
033. Taking simply steam engines and parts
thereof, the Argentine Republic was the
argest customer last year, taking £610,2 96
A large meeting has been held at Durham,
presided over bythe Bishop and attended
by clergymen of all denominations, for the
purpose of rousing public action against
betting and gambling. This resolution was
passed : "That the members of both Houses
of Parliament connected with the country
of Dnrham should be requested to use their
appointment of a
to weenie the o
Royal. Commission to inquire into the mat-
ter." The Bishop of Durham moved and
Father O'Brien seconded, to success, of
course : " That we pledge ourselves to use
our personal influence to discourage the
practice cf betting and gambling,"
Sir George Tryon's scheme for a national
insurance against war risks as a plan to
minimize loss of trade in case of war
does not meet with popular approval.
Sir George Elliot insists, in the columns of
British naval papers, that the only reliable
mode of insuring the life of the nation is to
provide a fleet adequate to the country's
needs, with coaling nations and strategical
harbors defended and kept as ships in com-
mission, always ready for war. He is con-
vinced that there is really a great and
dangerous disproportion between what the
British Navy really is and what it ought to
be as not to invite attack, which implies
safe 'y from attack.
Major G. S. Clarke, R. E., is in print
with it discussion of submarine mining for
coast defense. It is a curious fact that the
system of submarine mining, which seems
to be naval in its very essence, has been
intrusted to the navies of Franco, Germany,
Italy, and. Austria, while Great Britain,
Russia, and America depend upon a mili-
tary 'organizatiom. for this purpose. An
interesting analysis of historical examples
of the use of submarine mines for defensive
purposes, 'culled from the American civil
war of 1861-5 and the Franco-German war,
does not tend, tis treated by Major Clarke,
to evoke =hot -aided confidence in the sys-
tem. It 'may be observed, however, that
in the event of modern necessity the United
States would handle the matter in a modern
manner—that is, by.appealing to electricity
and explosives combined in a well -matured
system of coast defense.
Crutehley's device la an applieation of thebeenin America, twice before---in�1803 and
1808. Bath tunes I visited hir. Lowell, and
did not travel much. I came to look at
American life in the war time and to get an
idea of the feeling here in the North.'
The official report in the flefman Reich -
eta; by (,'onimistaiuner Major C'a:de, showed
;Morse system to a ball and triangle, wliiclz
aro placed in a conspicuous place on either
gaff; yardarm or stay. They may be etfee-
ttvcly operated by one roan, Experience in
this system, which was employed by the
inventor on his own ship, shows it to be
quicker and less eircuitous than the use of
signal gags, i that the Russian army, according to the plan
A new torpedo, called the Victoria, in of mobilization for 1a60, on a war footing,
many respects Medlar to theSims•Edison, se was 2,579,000. That of Hermann: was
:tweeting the attention of British naval ex- only 2,S01,000, or 2,290,000, including 177,-
perts and meets with high approval. Its 6S0 drilled reserve men. That of l; r u,ee
:lief novelty consists of its euperter man- was 3,220,000 and 174,000 drilled men.
agement, for by means of its mechanism tor. t ernr any hall two or three hundred thousaml
pedoes of almost any pattern, particularly men fewer than France. The army of Aus-
the Whitehead, are eompletely under sub- iiia, with Hungary, hail a war footing of
jection at all times, The torpedo is con- 1,150,000 and that of Italy 1,0110,000, so that
trailed by a cable weighing a little leas than the Triple Alliance powers have 5,140,000
one ounce per yard, whieh is paid out from in all against the 5,805.000 of Russia and'
the ship or shore station until the Water France, that is, about 660,000 men fewer.
friction causes IL RUB on the cable sufficient
to release a spring, whereupon the cable Our esteemed contemporary of Tokio,
pays itself out from the torpedo. When the the ffoehi,Shini .w, tells us that a number of
torpedo is driven at full speed the cable is (;ovcrnol:s and local Prefects have 1�fietition-
ed the Government of Japan "for tite adop-
tion of some new basis for morality." \\ e
are also informed that the ,Ministry of In-
struction has long felt that "the Western
religion, which forms the basis of Western
morality, is not suited to the Japanese, and
could not be introduced without great
danger." Utilitarianism is declared to be
"ton subtle and profound." Confucianism
leads to all kinds of anomalies When con-
fronted with modern science, but the pet-
itioners think it might serve as a useful
"anchor," and that a text book of morality
based upon it might be prepared Inc whoa]
released by an air tap, and then it pays it•
self out without hampering the progress of
the torpedo. The Victoria is 24 feet long,
and its maximum diameter is 21 inches. It
is controlled by three small eleetro-motors,
ane of which regulates the steering gear,
another the speed and the starting and
stopping, while the third =aides the tor•
peso to bo exploded at will, and also to be
brought to the surface when desired, The
gauge of the torpedo is two amt a half miles.
Its course is traced by an ingenious use of
[Iolme's compound, which is diseharged t"
the surface through a small tube projecting
from a small fin.
To be Beautiful,
You want to keep your skin nice all sum-
mer": Well, then, Isere are some rules for
Don't bathe in hard water ; soften it with
a few drops of ammonia or it little borax.
Don't bathe ye iso •while it is very
warm, and nevort very cold water for it.
According to the St. Petersburg corres-
pondent of that journal thou:mode of moujiks
have burned wax tapers in the churches for
the prosperity of France, that had saved the
"white Czar." At Moscow &great manifes-
tation took place. Crowds formol in front
of the Kremlin, upon the Krassnaja-Ploseh-
tad, andbefore the palace of the Governor-
General. They shouted "Vivo to Czar 1"
"Vive FranceOdessa
� 1� t. la 1"At Kieft and
Don't wash you, - .aewhen you are travel- the same manifestations were produced. In.
ing unless it is with a little alcohol and water the Iatter town flowers were placed upon the
or a little vaseline. monument to the Duke do Richelieu. At
Riga there was the same enthusiasm. The
Duna Messagrr, a Government organ, illumi-
nated the front of its office, and hung out the
Russian and French flags, and the crowd
shouted "God savethe Czar!" and "God bless
France 1" •
M. des. Roux, whose interview with
Prince Bismarck was republished very
recently, has been ferociously attacked by
French journals for having given a flatter-
ing picture of the German. He answers his
Don't believe you can get rid of wrinkles critics in an open letter, wh'e't concludes
by filling in the crevices with powder, ln- thus : "Will it strengthen us in the regard
stead, give your face a Rnssian bath every of the world to show constantly an impotent
night ; that is, to bathe it with water so hot hatred and a petty sulkiness toward Ger-
n our reven e. I
t con-
\ellaveh d
man \
can stand S
you wonder how
con -
then, minute after, ith cold water that sista therein that we have made good our
will make it glow with warmth ; ery it with losses, and have increased our national pros -
a soft towel and go to bed, and you ought perity beyond any point it ever reached be -
to sleep like a baby, while your skin is fore the war. Our revenge is our army and
growing firmer and coming from out of the our exposition. Let us keep our place in
wrinkles and you are resting. the union of peace which we voluntarily
joined, and thanks to which we have raised
ourselves in twenty years to our present
position. Let us be true to this position and
not indulge in wretched flings at our neigh-
bor. Let us behave like a great nation con-
scious of its strength. None will think of
trying to degrade us then from' our rank
among the first powers."
Indian P& ► e Ale an X X Brow, Sfout
Highest awaras ana Afetlals for Purity and Excel
lence at Centennial i;xhibition, Phil adelph'ia,,
1876 ; Canada, 1876 ; A lzstralia,1877 ; and
Paris, France, 1878.
Prof. H 11 Croft, Public Analyst, Toronto, sags; "'S find it
to be perfectly sound containing no impurities or adulter-
atio •. s, and can stro eElyrecommend it as •perfectly f)u1•.1 and
a very superior malt liquor."
John I3 Edwares,Professor of Chemistry, #lontreal saTer
"I Sndthem to be remarkably sound ales. brewed' frcxrx
purerualt and tops.
Bev. P. J. Ed. Page,Professor of Chemistry. Laval Un ver
city, Quebec. Says: -.-"I have analyzed the Indian Pale'Ale
nannnfactnredbFJol}nLtebatt;Londati, Ontnriw, and mace
found it alightale, containing but little alcohol, of a deli-
cioua flavor, and o! a very agreeable taste era superior
quality. and catupares with the best imported ales. I Have
aien analyzed the Porter XXX Stout, of the sante brewery,
,which is of excellent quslity; its flavor is very agreeable ;
it is a tonic 'snore energetie t s.n the above ale, for it is a
little richer in alcohol, and can be compared advantage-
wi111 any imported article.
Don't attempt to remove dust with cold
water ; give your face a hot bath, using
plenty oz good soap, then give it a thorough
rinsing with water that has had the chill
taken off of it.
Don't rub your face with a coarse towel ;
just remember it is not made of cast-iron,
and treat it as you would the finest porce-
lain—gently and delicately.
Don't use a sponge or linen rag for your
face ; choose, instead, a flannel one.
intzrnan& C
Grand, Square Upright
The Oldest Manufacturers in the Dominion.
Seen Thousand Pianos Now in Use.
The Ileintsman lima aro n tedfee
'Their Full, Rich, Pure Singing Tone,
Their Finely mated Delicate Touch,
Their Perfectly ETen Wali Balanced Sesia.
The Whole Composed of the Choicest Material and of the Most Thorough Workman 'p
Send For Illustrated Catalogue.
et JililotiollVa�sdo�caking-St. �
rroiR,OI rQ•
The Bridal.
The humble sblositer now,
c veHchurch
vn nn
How beautiful she loops! her timid brow
Trembl-s with gladness,
As with her hand she gives her tender heart ;
Her eyes professing
More than her tongue can speak, as their lids
And shins through sadness :
The diadem of love, a plain gold ring.
Decks her fair finger,.
Ay, more than India's wealth that simple thing People liviugtin-town in the neighborhood
By hos is rated!
She Nhispere 'Husband!" and he answers of Sixth and Ustorcl streets, Philadelphia,
Wife1" often see droves of sheep driven through the
Those accents linger, streets. One man with his droves has for an
Like rays Nowof hope, to cheer the storm of life, assistant only a shepherd clog, who is expert
ulthare main. way.
How beautiful they look, in faith and love 1 in his The man is fond of stoppingat
Hope to them given, saloons and tells the dog, by a wave of his
• That when their life is .spent they may above hand, to. mind the sheep while he is ab -
Find peace in Heaven 1 sent.
Recently a gentleman living near the saloon
timed the shepherd ; he was in the house
Briggs—"Say, old man, what are you do- thirty-five minutes. The clog marshalled the
ing for that cold ?" sheep close together right at the corner near
Griggs—"Coughing." where his master entered a door, and then
lay down to rest, but was on the alert for
any movement among the sheep. He kept
them packed closely together, and if one
moved out of the line he rose and with a few
barks soon had the sheep back in place. He
would run around the flock to see if all was
right and then lay down again, only t9 re-
peat the watch. when another moved, He
had them in such a group that they filled
the street from curb, to curb, but he would.
not allow get on the pavement.
Tommy-" Say, paw, what is a philoso• nAt last a wagon came along ; the driver
pher ?" air. Figg—"A philoso her, Tommy, wanted to turn up the street, and not being
is a man who sits around and figures out how able to go through the group of sheep atopy
other men have so.much more money than ed. The do saw the dilemma, stepped out
he has." and soon had the . sheep arranged in file on
im son-" What are you going about for one side of the street, leaving plenty of room
grinning like a country poorhouse idiot? for'the. horses and wagon to pass. Nobody
Have n takinglaughing as ?"De. told the clog what—he knew. After it was
" been g c g
Smith—"No; but I'm: promisee a position all done his master c aloe ~lie of
1 sled and oa
as a. hotel clerk at a'seaslde resort, and I'm end gave the clog a pat on
getting the bland smile well in hand." piece of pretzel by way of reward.
A lad of 15 has•been found iu Newcastle
who is in himself a divining rod. A descrip-
tion of him says : "He was first taken into
the vicinity of several known veins, and in-
dicated correctly their position : then he
was taken over an untried. district andfouncl
several new veins, giving the exact bearings
of one for a distance of three-quarters of a
anile. A trial has since been made of this
vein, which proves that the boy is correct;
for the vein is both strong and promising.
A Dog 'Worth Having...
How Lost, How Restored
Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culver"
well's celebrated Essar out h 1 radical aura of
St srs rosnu4Ea or incapacity Induced by excess or
early indiscretion.
The celebrated author, in this admirable essay,
clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' euceo'eful
practice, that the alarming; consequences of self.
abuse may be radically cured ; pointing out a mode
el sure at once simple, certain and effectual, by
means of which every sufferer, no matter what his
condition may i•e, may curs himself cheaply, pri-
vattly and radically.
Covering the Whole Question,
ThIe lecture should be in the handl' of every
youth and everyman In the land,
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to say sd
dress, post-paid, on receipt of four cents, or two
pootago stamps. samples of Ha liaise free. Address
41 Ann Street New York
P.3st Otrue Bax 450 • 4ES6-1y
Loyal to the Last.
Niagara Hackman—And what does your
Grace think of the Falls?
Duke of Connaught—I think it mighty
fine,, your Highness, but you cannot expect
one who is used to London fogs to be en-
thusiastic over a bit of moisture like that.
and 'WOMEN can
quickly cure them-
selves of Wasting
Vitality, •Lost Manhood, from yOnth2
errors, etc., quietly at home. Book on all
private diseases sent free (eoeled). Perfectly
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G XLDED prrz CO., TORONTO, Canada.
one "nanet for Women" is safe and always
reliable ; better than Ergot, Oxide, Tansy
or Pennyroyal Pile. Inane regularity.
Band far particulars. Address
ashELDYD tt.LL CO., TORONTO, Canada.
on smoothest races
s • Marie. Latest and
la i, 8o modern
loudest haat t 3
on n
gmncott achievement of modern Bother most won.
derfn, &scot cryalmost of the ago, 000u an other p1 Boy with
wa�ticer, sure. d heia"hotrod 1 in outfene Boys with
positive 1 Bald heads genuine
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SUPERFLUOUS HAIR appreparation 7�that
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no sickness • contain no poison, nod never fail. Price for onq
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Bleach the skin, develop the form. harmless. Permanent
o teat. Warranted. Prim) $1 a box, or six boxes for ed.
In 290 Ring Staeot West Toronto- Ont.
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sa. 4Gpti v 11 4�t4�c c Gws `C`S�G��� cQea
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4 `1 L P -c pip
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�" SSSS e' 45 di \e t}+ b9 S,Z` rs'
K 9 r y r a
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Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Po -
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Exetor Lumber Yard
The Undersigned wishes to informhepublic in general that he keeps
—constantly in stock—
All Kinds of BUILDING MATE 11 X _.
A. large shtick of Hemlock always on hand at mill prices. Flooring, Siding
dr•ssed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, inch -and -a half and two inch. Sasha Doom),
Blinds, Mouldings and all Finishing Material, Lath, &c.
SHINGLES A SPECIALTY.—Competition challenged. •The beat and tha
largest stock, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1.
mar tizorou;hly seasoned and ready for use. No,
assured. .A. call will bear out the above, Manager
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'1401.0 lila yG M Cho.
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A certain and speedy cure for
Cold in the Head and Catarrh
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Instant Relief, Permanent Cure,
Failure Impossible•
tinny so-called diseases are simply symptoms of
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renbled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you
•pain Catarrh, and should lost no time in procuring
1. 'bottle of NAsat. BALM. ]id Warded in time
•neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed
by consutnpiionand death. is sold by
i!' druggists, or willbe sent, pest paid, on receipt of
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;Bag„ Beware of imitations sintitar in name.
Hay Township Farmers' Mut
ual Fire Insurance Co.
Live .Stook also insured, when in the ti,i•1o,
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Washer and Wringer Machines. Agent Ns,
Tomb Stones and the Watson Implements•.
IIadertaking promply attenders to.
9WANTEDtioOnsCguaEranteed. OaEaNryOanfiSExpan.seYskaiaL
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OtITFIT]FILEE. We guarantee what we acduortile, Write llalttit Stix
3SIimTla� ER nrsorymen, Teroate, Ont.(ThIs house tareltaWgrl