The Goderich Signal-Star, 1954-12-30, Page 6Summary of provisions of Draft Planning By -Law proposed to be submitted.
to the Municipal Council of the Town of Goderich for their approval.
The following is a summary of •tlie ` principal provisions
of the new Planning By -Law Is prepared o the instructions
of the Goderich Area Planning Board fort information of
the ptblic. The whole text of the proposed draft.,./iy:Law may
be examined at the Town Clerk's office during business hours
at any time prior to 5 p.m., Tuesday, .January 11, 1955. Due
to the difficulty "of printing a copy of the Plan showing the
location of the ' zones mentioned in .the ByLaw which would
require eight colors to be used no engraving has at this time been
approved due to the fact. that changes in the location. of the
zones may be made.
Due to the length of 'the By -Law the following summary
purports to show its principal features, although, not neces-
sarily in the same order • as found in the By -Law.
The proposed' By --Law, if approved by the Municipal
Council of the Town of Goderich, will be passed' under the
provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 277 and
amendments thereto for the purpose of regulating and re-
stricting the use and location of buildings and premises, the
use of lots, the heighth and bulk of buildings and the occupancy
'of lots 'in the Town of• Goderich.
SECTION 1: This section deals with definitions of words and
phrases used , in the By -Law where there may be
some doubt as to their intended meanings.
SECTION 2: This is the general section prohibiting the erec-
tion, alteration or re -construction of any build-
ing for any use in the zone in which the same
is prohibited and prohibiting the location, and
carrying on of any business, -trade or calling
in the Town of Goderich unless the same con-
forms with the ByLaw. It specifically provides
that existing buildings in which businesses are
being carried on contrary to the use permitted
in any particular zone shall not "be affected,
but, that such business may no longer carry . on
contrary to the regulations if .the building con-
taining the same is ,more than 75% destroyed.
It also provides thatbuilding at present used
for, purpose contrary to '"the By -Law may be
enlarged if in a prohibited zone.
Provision is made in the erection of new
apartment buildings or commercial accommoda-
tion calling for motor vehicle parking space to
be provided. ' •
Only the following are permitted: 1. Single family% dwell-
ings except self-contained apartments in converted dwellings'
having a minimum floor area of one thousand square feet each.
2. Churches, etc. 3. Accessory use incidental to the main use
but not including More than a two car private garage.
In .this zone the following home occupations may be
carried on and no other, Doctors, Dentists, Artists, Architects,
Accountants, Lawyers, Engineers, Chiropractors, and Osteopaths.
In this zone no buildings are permitted except: 1. Those
permitted in "A" Zone. 2: Multiple dwelling houses with each
unit having a floor area of not less than eight hundred square
feet. 3. Residential hotels, boarding houses, rooming houses
and tourist homes. 4. Clubs affiliated with national or .inter-
national organizations.
In this zone no buildings are permitted except: 1. Those
allowed in "Aa' and "B" Zones. 2. Clubs. 3. All residential
units shall . have a minimum floor area of five hundred square
In this zone no building shall be used except for: 1. Any
"Tourist cabins,
permitted in A , "B"or C Zones... 2�
motels or hotels, provided that no person shall occupy a tgurist
cabin or motel for more than sixty days in any ten month
period for living accommodation.
SECTION 3: Establishment of Boundaries of Zones. -
Eight zones are established within the Town
of Goderich, the location of which " are, shown
on the • official Plan which may be seen at the
Town Clerk's office or the Signal -Star office.
There are three residential zones, a tourist zone,
two business zones, an ,industrial zone, and a '
park zone. Due to the fact that these zones are
irregular in shape and location it is not possible
in this summary to give a complete description
thereof and as a partial description might tend
to confuse, all citizens are advised to examine
the official copy of the Plan.
on except those permitted in the local business zone or any
of the following: 1. Public Utilities. 2, Public garage, sales
or service, used car lots or filling stations. 3: Institution"or
club. .4. Wholesale or storage warehouse or cold storage.
5. Cleaning or pressing establishment.. 6. Tijre• repair shop_
7. Egg :processing. 8. Laundry: 9: Milk bottling establishment
or distribution.
Generally speaking any business may be carried on in.
this zone or any type • of building• located therein that is per-
mitted in • any of the preceding zones except eertain . defined
particular industries which due to their nature are noxious -
This zone is an exception to the general rule that any-
thing permitted in the preceding zones may be allowed in a
lower class zone.
In this zone which is reseiived primarily for the benefit
of the public no privately owned buildings may be erected,
Generally speaking no business shall be • permitted to
be carried on in the "E" Lot al Business Zone, which is the
area within the fire limits of the Town of Goderich, of an
injurious or offensive, nature or unless it comes within one
of the following classes: 1. Retail business or eating • establish-
ment. 2. Office, Bank or municipal use, 3. Place of amuse-
ment or assembly. 4. Hotels, motels or funeral homes. 5. Bake
shops. 6. Newspaper or printing establishment. ,
This is a zone which bounds parts of the l~iuron Road
and the Bayfield Road and in it no business May be carried
nor trade carried,_on..
Each of the above zones has ,its own regulations regard-
ing theminimum size of 'building ..lots, set back from street,
side yard allowance, and rear yard allowance. • The By -Law
is designed to prevent crowding of houses together and ger
erally speaking,,, except in isolated cases, no two buildings —
would be permitted to be erected closer, than eight feet from
one another. . Except in the local bu$iness• zone and industrial -
zone a set back from the street is required of at least fifteen
feet. This applies also to Montreal and Colborne Streets in
the local business zone.
The -By-I zw provides for a Committee of Adjustment to
!e established to deal with minor deviations from -the By -Law.
In so far as major deviations from the By -1 ?, are 'con-
cerned they can only be made by an amending By-, w which
would have to be approved by the Minister of Plag and
Development for the Province of Ontario. As this `would entail
considerale time and expense it is the hope of the Planning
Board that all citizens having any prOhleniS will put them
before the Board for consideration so that when the By -Law
is presented to the Council for adoption the Board May be
assured that they have considered all forseeable aspects
affecting the official plan.
The ByLaw as finally passed by the Municipal Council
must first be `approved by the Minister 'of Planning > and
Development before it takes effect,