The Exeter Times, 1890-4-24, Page 6ailI !wrMR a ,.. E S, met0OZRI S Wholesale & Retail BUILDERS HARDWARE:: Steel Huila, glass, plats, diamond star, double -thiel: stained and engraved, locks, gravity, hinges, piaster hair, calcine plas- ter, Akron, and Portland, cements, tar, piach, felt and lining ptpera. CAIIRIL.GE HARDWARE. Bar iron, blacksmith's coal. horse nails, car bolts, patent wheels, bent 8tute; hubs, spokes, shafts, rims, pat. leather, dashes, , trimmings, comfort tops, Roble se Hoar of Brantford, varnishes, muslin, duck, drill, tanbarks, :ti11LLw I?LIES. Ironty, 'c aloes, nsples. asbestus, hemp and Ila:h er packings, rubber and Ieether beltiegs, lace leather. SPORTING MATER1AL. Breaelsloading rifle and shot ;;nus, powder, ho caps, e a t: t p , prini rs, vada, fishing rads, Hues, hooks. FARMERS' SUPPLIES. New seeds, ail kinds to hand, red clover, timothy, flax, mangel, turnip, white corn, carrot, etc. These seeds are absolutely fresh. 1 akly, Annealed, galvanizecl wires, cedar posts and stakes. TINWARE AEPART11EN T. Furnaces, stoves, milk cans, cream cans, pails, iti auuzer cooltere ; ee,vestroughieg and coifing clone cheap. (=ROCERIES. New goods—full line. .exehonge. Produce taken in The above all at ROCK ROTTOAi Mow, Jars, II. Howard, ;tiauager. Proprietor. Kincardine is now lit up by electric- ity, the Ball Electric Light Company 1 having recently put in a plant there. The death angel has been. in our Midst and carried home Iilr, Daniel Gallagher, an old and respected resi- dent ot the 5th concession of Hibbert.. There died in Goderich oa Wednes. day 16th April, Thomas Dark, aged 83 years, The funeral took place to. Mait- land cemetery on Friday last and was very largely attended. Mr, D. D. Wilson, with his daughters, llisaea Maggie and Dora, of Seaforth, intend starting for the old Country about the 10th of May and expect to be absent three months. DISTRICT DOINGS. The Latest Current News Throughout the Olatriet, The alt lkfary'a Council has refused a grant of $1f10 to the Athletic Associa- tion of that town, Mr. John Whelan's dwelling house, an con. 7, Btddutph, was consumed by fire on Friday night last. Mr. Samel Bmiltie, township clerk of 'iuokersmitb, purchased a colt eleven months old from John Gould, of the township of Hay, for the sum of $ 125, At a meeting of the Synod of Hamil- ton and London, of the Presbyterian church, held at Windsor this week, Kiev, Mr. McLean or Blyth, was elected moderator. On Friday night last Mallard McGee a well to do and respected farmer of McB il)op, while returning home from See" WM thrown from his wagon an.. 3tautly killed. The firm of White Ss Co. olSL Marys; successors to G. B. Smith & Co., has admitted as a partner into their firm Mr. W. f3. May, who for the past three years has been a traveller for the wholesale firm of G, B. Smith, Toronto. I►tarried--On Tuesday evening, April 8theOetef the residence of the Bride's father, Mr. Edward Portia, Corbett, by the Rev. Bir. Freeman, Mr. Henry Downing, to Miss Lucinda Fortis, We congratulate the happy couple. Mr, R. S. Hodgins' storehouse, Luoan, in which was stored 23,001) bushels of oats, slipped off its foundation on Mon- day. The east wall .gave way and some thousands of bushels were deposi- ted on the ground. 'Messrs. F. Asbury of St. Marys, and W. G. Owens of the F.0.13.0., made a bicycle run from London to Delaware on Saturday afternoon in one hour and nine minutes. The road was in good condition for this time of year. There died in Clinton Tuesday evg. March 15th, Christopher Dickson, aged thirty years. Deceasedhad been ailing for some years with what appeared to be consumption, but his end came rather unexpectedly at last, he being about the house a few minutes before his death. An Oxford county man, Chas. Budd, is the possessor of a curiosity. Its cardalappendage is attached to its shoulder instead of a Ieg, and the miss. ing leg protrudes upwards from where the tail should be, The calf is covered with an unusually long-haired skin which lies in folds on its body and there is supposed to be enough surplus skin to cover a good sized cow. On Friday ;morning, about eight o'clock, William Brown, of Scotland, Brant county, aged about seventy years, attempted to commit suicide by drowning himself. It appears that Brown is addicted to drink, and being in the employ of the Local Govern- ment, had just returned from his duties at Toronto. He Dame home drunk and kept up the spree for about three devsfat Scotland. We. Joseph D. Heffernan, auo- tioneer, Guelph, had a narrow escape from being gored by a cow recently. Just as the barn door opened and the animal brought out for sale she made a direct charge on the orowd. Mr Heffernan undertook to turn the animal's attention to the rear, and in so doing had a narrow escape from being gdred. One of her horns entered at the buttoning ot Mr. Heffernan's vest, went through it to the outside a little farther on. A grand cross out sawing match was held on the premises of Mr. Benjamin Langford, S. B: Blanshard, on the 4th inst. Some of the best saws and ex- pert sawyers in this looality were on the ground and a big record was made. A hard beach log, 14 inches in diame- ter, iameter, was used with the following result: 1st place -G. Lewis and Geo. Waldron; Time, 14 seconds, 2nd place—James and Win. Langford; 'Time 17 seconds. 3rd place—Apner and Robt Langford-; Time, 18 aeeonds. Geo. Lewis ' and Geo. VValdrort, the first plane men, are eaoh entitled to a leather medal, Mr, G. Troyer, son of Chas. Troyer, Esq, of Hills Green; had themisfortuue white playing with a revolver, to get shot through the ankle one day last week, he will be laid up for some time. A few days ago Mrs Madge, of the Bronson Line, went upstairs in the dark and in stooping down to reach something on the floor ran a wire deep into her head, missing the eye -ball only by a hairbreadth. Between twenty five and thirty gathered at the hotel at Fullerton, on Wednesday evening to join in a cant. pliinen tarp farewell supper to lir, Alex Yule, who is about to leave far bton- tana. Word was received in Mitchell, on Tuesday, of the death, in California, of fir; James 1farris, son of Mr. John- ston Harris, of St Marys, and brother of Mr. Johnston Harris of Mitchell, which sad event Qooured on Monday, 14th 'net, There was buried In the Catholic cemetery on Sun ley last Patrick Boar - don, of Logan, who died at the patri- strohial age of 111. He was a man of wonderful constitution, and, until a few months ago, was quiet active, and his memory was good. At Bayfield a pair of oars and a rudder, supposed to belong to the boat which was wrecked off Goderich, were found on the beech last week. Tele. grading despatches waroreceived here, asking that a alone watch be kept along the abore, but nothing has been en of the young men. Kincardine collects its taxes on the Metal/men! plan. The licit instalment is payable on the first of October, second on the first of November and last on the first of January. No dis- count is allowed, and Interest at the rate six per cent per annum is charged on all unpaid taxes after first of January. Allen McPherson, a young man re- siding on the second concession of Ald borough, near Rodney, shot hlnz. self on Tuesday. lie had been ailing all winter with the grippe, and became despondent. .Ue concealed himself in tho cellar, and cit the moment of dis- covery discharged the fatal bullet, John Little, of Retho, lost two entire yearling colts, and one two year old gelding colt, all Clydesdales; last week; they wore very valuable animals, and the loss will he heavy. Mr. Adam Landreth, V. S., attended to them, and states the cacao of death to be '+spinal menengetis," caused by eating decayed turnins. A very pleasing event oeoured at the residence of Mr Donald Bell, of the township of Hay on which ocoasion Mr. ,john MoD, Wilson, of Hay, was united in the bonds of matrimony to Miss Mary Bell, second eldest dough- ter of D. Bell, Esq. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Hensall. It is now conceded by local Reform- ers that Hon. A. M. Ross will not again be a candidate for West Huron. Who the coming man will be we do not pretend to say. The names of A. 13, Manning, Clinton, J. T. Garrow and D. McGillicuddy, Goderieb, and M. Graham Cameron, Toronto, are men- tioned as probable candidates before the nominating convention. The handsome new restdeuoe of 11fr. Wm. Elcoat, of the West End, Tucker - smith, had a miraculous escape from destruction by fire a few evenings ago. Mr. Elcoat and family went to church, leaving the hired boy in the house. He went to bed and left the lamp burning on the table in the sitting - room. The lamp exploded, and the burning oil spread over the table and on the floor- The table cover waa burned and a large hole burned in the carpet on the floor. Fortunately. however, a large crock of milk had been left standing on the table near where the lamp was, and it is supposed that the heat of the burning oil broke sthe crock, allowing the milk to spill down oyer the fire, thus extin- guishing it. The Season. Spring has been, this year, slow in coming, particularly f r a season when hints ot its advent have been given all 'along since before Christmas. It is worthy of remark that March this season has been colder than December, January or February and actually seven degrees colder than the first of these months. It has also been colder than usual -but only one degree. Beyond the slowness of the appearance of decided spring weather, there has been little to impress the fact of this deficiency in heat. Ex- cepting the seven and a half inch snow storm which occurred on the 28th there has been no snow worthy of mention, two inches summing up the combined depth of the fiuries on other clays. The mercury dropped to nearly three degrees. below zero on the 6th March, the only below zero temperature of the winter, but it soon recovered and the coating of ice found on the ponds passed quickly away a few days later. The only gale of this commonly tempestuous month was on the 28th, when it blew 40 miles. an hour. The rainfall was only half an inch, or a third of the usual quantity, and the sunshine measured more than. usual. The March of the famous mild winter of 1889-90 can therefore be put, down in the memory of the weather wise as remarkably calm, bright, dry and pleasant, with dust flying a good part of the. time, Children Cry for Pittll5er's Castari2 A CUBE FOR RHEUMATISM. I can recommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil as a sere cure for rheumatism, I had it fox some time, and was cured by using part of one bottle, I can also recommend it for chilblains, burns, frost bites, sprains, bruises, etc. Arles, H: PRotDLOCE, Glen. Almond, Que,. Au Augusta lawyer bas perfected me. chanleal appliances for making bagging from cotton stalks. Nature bad lavishly provided cures for all the diseases flesh is heir to, bat the proper pre - potation ofmany Of aerobes not Yet been d's- eoveICd In Wilson's WildCherry we have a euefercoughs,Colds, Whooping CoughCrp and kindred ailments, Prepared from vegetable drugs, in a pleasant and eonoontrated form, and whioh invariably gii•es prompt relief and effects a speedy cure. Sold by all drggests. It has been found necessary to protect Lincoln's monument from relic -hunters with a stout ironfeuce. For nearly half a century Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been the most popular cough remedy in ;ho world. The constantly in. greasing demand for this remedy proves it to be the very best specific for colds, coughs, and all diseases of the throat and lungs Ur. Edmund Lamm, a promiueut. Lib- eral member of the Quebec Legislature, is dead, LEFT A LEGACY. Last winter left a legacy of impure bleed. to many people, cauaing tired feelings, leek of energy, indigestion, constipation, Intioue, nese, etc. Foca 1 to 4 bottloa of Burdock Blood Bitters Hovers fails to cure any of the foregoing diseases by unlocking the gear°• tions and removing all impurities from the system, idinieter Chaplin has introduced in the British Parliament a hill placing farther restrictions on the importation of cattle on aeeount of plourc pneumonia. OAN YOU DO BETTER When attacked by erne, sore throat, colds, rheumatism, neuralgia, spraius, bruises, burns or auy kind of pain or sore, flies, can yon do better than use Yellow Oil ? It is a medicine whioh never fails to give satiafaction It is magioal in its power over pain, and is the safest and best reniedy where sorenoas and inflammation exist,. Bismarwk is expeeted to .attend the des. bates in the Laudtag neat weak, For the delicate and aged and all in whom the vital current is impovcriehcd and sing- gieb, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the very best tonic. It restores the wasted tissues, and imparts to the system surprising elasticity and vigor, Price $1. Worth $5 a bottle LIVING IN A FOOL'S PARADISE Many neglect alight symptoms of disease, hoping that nature will restore health. True nature will aid, but she must also be aided by using Burdock Blood. Bitters, from 1 to 2 bottles of whioh is sufficient to cure any ordinary case of impure blood. constip- ation, dyspepsia, livor complaint, kidney complaint, debility, etc. The Senate has thrown out the bill grant- ing divorce to D. P Clabp, COMING EVENTS Corning consumption is foreshadowed by a hacking cough, night sweats, pain in the chest, etc. Arrest its progress at once by taking flagyard's Pectoral Balsam, which never fails to cure coughs, colds, bronchitis, hoarseness, etc, and even In confirmed con- sumption affords grateful relief. The jury is still out in the St. George ac- cident Case. Have you a Cough? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry Have you a cold? Tako Wilson's WildChorri', Have you Bronchitis? '.Cake Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you lost yolir Voice 2 Tako Wilson's Wild Cherry. Ilavo you Asthma? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry. Have you a cold in the head? Tako Wilson's. The 10 Reli ible Cure for all diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Sold by all druggist, Dr, Parke, Stanley's companion, is re- ported to have said that Emin Pasha will become blind from oataraot wathin a year HOW DYSPEPSIA IS CURED I suffered from dyspepsia, and was week and miserable with what the doctor said was nervous debility. Seeing Burdock Blood Bitters advertised 1 tried it, and after taking three bottles feel perfectly restored to health. MRs. J. H. SNIDER, Kleinburg, Ont. The Greet Northwest Central Railway is expected to be built to near Saskatoon this summer. C. 0. RICHARDS & Co. Gents.—I was cured of a severe attack of rheumatism by using MINARD'S LINI- MENT, after trying all other remedies for 2 years. A.lbert Co., N. B. GEORGE TINGLEY. C. C. RICIIARDS & Co. Gents, -1 had a valuable colt so bad with mange that I feared I would lose it. I used MINARD'S LINIMENT and it cured him like magic. Daluhousie. CitRISTorir ,x SAUNDERS. CONSUMPTION CURED: An old physician retired from practice, hav- ing had plaoed in hie hands by an East India missionary tho formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical euro for nervous debility and all nervous complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make is known to his suffering fellows. actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, the recipe. in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper W. A. NoYss, 820 Powers' Block. Rooh. ester, N. Y. When Baby war. sick, we guru her eastern,. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to (Astoria, When sho had Children, she gave them Castoria, TO NERVOUS,DEBILITATED MEN. If you will send us your address ,we willmail' you our illustrated pamphlet explainin all about Dr. Dye's. Celebrated Electro -Voltaic Belt and Appliances. and their charming effects upon the nervous debilitated system, and how they will quickly res tore you to vigor and man- hood health. Pamphlet free. It you are thus afflicted, wewill sendyou a Belt and Appliances on trial. VOLTAIC BELT Co.. Marshall Mich Robert Craig. aged 55 years, hanged himself yesterday morning beteen 5 and six o'clock in a shed on the farm of his brother James, on the 8th' con.' of Sarnia` Township. He was a married min, but had not been living with his wife for a few years, He had been despondent for some trine. The 'wife, lives inCorunna, ; and two eons,the. only chitdron, live at Ohebeygan, Mich. .•tea,., MARKET REPORTS. EXETER Red Wheat 00 80 so 00 85 Spring Wneat .... ., 00 80;0 00 85 Barley ., 38 to 00 43 Oats .,. .,, 25 to 30 Oloverflsea .., .., 300 Go 325 Timothy " .., .. I 50to 200 Peaa ., •.. »• 50 to 55 Born -. U 40 to 52 a Better .. ., . 13 so 0 15 Flourperbb1 .. 0010 5 le Potatoes,per busbol .., 40 to 0 60 Apples,per oag .,, 1 GO to 1 00 Drtedepplespr b ... 0 4 to 0 50 Ocoee° per lb. , 0 ee to 0 07 Turkey per .. 0 8to 0 yP Q l Ducks per ib ... 0 06 to 0 07 Ohickensperpr ... 0 25 to 0 80 Hogs,dressedperlco O. ... 4 50 to 5 00 Beef .- ... 400 to 525 ;if idearough, .., ., 2 00 to 250 dressed .,, 3 SQ to 3 5G Sheepskins each ... ., t) 60 to 80 Balrskina ;, 0 60 to 0 90 Woolerlb . Hayperton 7 OG to 00 ( l suer n n on b ah 050to 0 00 Woo cord ... .. 2 50 to 3 oO sT ISARYS 8 Nall Wheat 0 80 0 80 Spring Wheat.,....... ... 0 80_0 80 .13artey , : 0 3'38 (plover Seed 3 26 3 500 Timothy •.. . 3 CO 3 00 ,,,, ,.. .......... .. . 2 60 400 .• 053059 12012 12 010 Figge Butter Potiatoes per bag 75 90 Apples per bush 0 55 0 1 n Wool per - 0 0 oa Iiayporton ,,,,. 5 50 6 50 Bran pee ton 14 00 14 00 Shorts '• " 2R 00 20 00 Qatiuealporbbl.,.,, ..,,, ...., 0 00 700 LONDON. 871e Wheat, 02c ,Peas, 87o to 60o per Oafs, 3Bar- lor,Malting,43 to48oper bus. Barley Feed, 33fo to 410 per bus Corn, 450 to 474o per bushel, TORONTO. Toronto, Apri123,—Wheat Fall--- No. 2. 94c to 950 per bus •red winter.No.2,99c to 99 per bus. Manitoba iio,l hard, 115 to 117 No. 2,1 09 to 1 12,• PEAS 58o to Geo per bus. OATS 35o to 36o per bus. FLOUR, extra, $3,90 to 83.85 per bel; straight roller. '44.00 to $4.05 ; strong bakers, 84,00 to $4.50. BARLEY, No 2, 50010 599. .A Trans -Continental Innovation Sleeping oar passengers for Pacific coast points rut Ibe'Ohie880, Milwaukee & St, Paul and Union Pacific Overland Fast Mail Vine no longer have to wait in line at Coun- cil Bluffs Transfer Station to obtain sleep.. fug ear berth reservations west of the Mis- souri River. The new arrangements made by the Chi- cago, Milwaukee a St, Paul Railway obviate all snob delay and annoyauoe. For further particulars enquire of nearest Coupon Ticket Agent or address A.E.H. Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil- waukee, Wis. ADVICE TOM0TIIEn8.—ArOyOa diaturnadat nightaud broken of your rest by a stak child suffering and crying with pato of Cutting Tooth? If so scud at once and got a bottle of"kirs,Wluslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. 21 wflirelteve the poor little sufferer im medtnto1v Depend upon it, mothers ; there is;i.amislako about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrheas. regulates the Stomach and Bawols,curos Wind Collo, sortone tno Gums. reduces Inflaminution, and gives tone and energy totho whole spit= . Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" tor children teething is pleasant to the tanto andis the prosoription of one o1 the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Status, and is for sale by all drnggiata throughout the world, Price twont� ave cents a bottle, Be sure and ask for "Arne WZNBLOw's ROQTIIING sensor "Rud n0 other ind. Choice Seeds Bv-s" Mange' Seed, Carrot Seed, Fodder Corn Seed, Turnip Seed, etc., Z*R011Q DOUPE & CO. and raise a first-class crop. It will pay you. It always pays. IIO1:715E FOR SALE ClYEAP. BVT'i ni Jr me -a-s W.gN'SmaD. DOUPE & CO, - Kirkton. THL BEST YET THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YF' Overooatings at any price ; Sun ings at any price ; Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter Gentlemen 1 eave ,your orders early, for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stock of Fine Trimmings,, and the bes Hutting in Town, you are sure of Misfile - ion. A. J. "=^ZTELL. FARMERS, THRESHERS, AND MILL OWNERS USE LARDINEI 1VMAC I1ND OIL 1 TRY IT ONCE AND YOU WILL USE NO OTHER. Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole manufacturers of the Genuine Lardine, Also Cylinder, Wool and Harness Oils, McCOLL BROS. Sc CO, TORONTO FOR SALE BY BISSETT BROS. OPENING OUT! --.,0 The undersigned is busy opening out a first-class stock of STOVES a TINWARE of every description which he will sell at right prices, .&11 kinds of Tinware made to ordu an short notice, EAVETROUGH1NG A SPECIALTY. A. call solicited. WILL TOLLAND. Stand, one door north of Dr. Lutz's? drug store, Main St., Exeter NOTICJ h;. Exeter, Feb'y 11th, 1890 We will sell cheap for cash, the balance of our Winter Stock—consisting of Cook and,Paxlor Stoves, Axes, Cross cut Saws, Rope and Web Halters, Sleigh Bells—at prices that defy aompetitirn. BISSETT BROS, P. S.—We must ask that all overdue accounts be set- tled at once, by cash or note. —B. Bros, CEN TRAL Drug Store A full stook of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter, Si nu and WIRER 0-0013S_ I have jest received my large cons' of FALL AND WINTER Gr and to make room for t' am now selling of Previa, At figures aw carryir Market S Nov. 13, 1889.'.; 11 W.H.TROTT —THE POPULAR— Boot Shoo Mar Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones Sewed WorkaS,cecially Repairing promptly and isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICI" W. Dr