The Exeter Times, 1890-4-10, Page 2ABIOUTHRITI, Golden Thoughts for Every Day. lof being already blessed, atd a longing for TliE RIttlIS.11 HAYY 'minor parts ot Ins wealth. National instinct I something more. A.t the meeting point of tat -mete hint to fight for his homemeneete_Bless, we pray thee, the city these two centlitions stands the soul. P. _ comitry, although. men in all other calliegs whielt we tlevelL Grant that, it may be . Russia, ba!,10eni;., baseena OtolOfillizIg er;0 colonize •••••••••,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•••W•,,,,,,W, tostifies to something greater than At -e elete Ileeeent Trials 01 4M Ships -New Contracts the Amor districts with her peasanth from Ontariee Hue rarMS. "" y run IW 1,!. His ailling is the base of .favoreel of God. It has been fae•ored of hire ; a neene . n 0-A Pension ror Sir inittant. the interior provinces. Two thousand tees The report of the Agriculture and Arts ell progress and ProsPerree, and e s on * and rt shall be. Come thou, then, to purge 1 „et , „ t y . afeer. infinite life ; two consennisnesses, both iity of the empire were ship d there • th letulsen-The clutunel. atentdron to be bundred and forty colonists for this extreme A.ssociation of Ont lo, among other things, from the feet of hie positien STalld et the away all evil, to strengthen us in all that is and abiding certainties.. . . The general mistake made," says .Broad course of last Summer. The circumstances The farm which realieed the golt1 medal as head. intellectually, soeially and politically, - 15 under a free t ls e.bide wtth us, that it may be a city of the tee haye we a , ) atlais is mine There is 110. 0AfTter Majesty's ships is to suppose tbat sea, eteladivostock are remarkable. In August eteturore.ed. gives a description of last year's prize farm. • good in the sight of God and of man ; g,r e A I ex eryt nng tt "by those w of their unfortunate e•oyage from Odessa to the best one examined WAs teemed 4.1141 1(115 the mat that honors the calling, anti not the , Most High. We pray that thou wilt bless " '''' government bite Ours. thing *ore I 2caii, do to acqUire it. It is, -- et'''' 0 ..e• trials can be substitute(' for measured mile the Canton, a Ranch steamer chartered by ho complain ot the trials ealliug that honore the man. 'elm farmer and ia various spheres are seeking its uplite. thi • n diaiel • ex e tette el le t mile trials, but Om latter must remain You " Russiau Pa.cific port with 004 colonists from aged by Andrew Waeeletter, in South Bruce, our land. Bless those nem in various ways absolutely mine But as we rise to Idaho • trials. Sea trials may be added to measured the Russian authorities, arrived in the °couples 200 acres, is situatea in a beautiful must occupy the position which be qualities, g its fuller development, It power, and srkx!,11 Ille Is ?he'sPelrol r elaitg ta Iv•t11 may use a Gunther's chain to pleasure the the provinces of Poltava and Chernigoff. regton of country, and. aecording to the ex- himself to dll, alla he ean not reasonably me, , its useful -nem. May it shine with the beauty his ' little laaaitaininentsit aTlfe°211nenor'ellih 1 , She started from Odessa with 1,027, but amming cominittee is "a eplendidly man. bigher one. All de- sa solving to bad arrangements and the horribly expect to occupy any eeellt leetuee of holiness. All over the earth. mai its attains the more he tones. for Friendshie ' tote ,.._ t .S with the gunetaetal staltdard yard laid up best of those around it Milled by the most aged farm, even winet compared evitlt the y„ertouls mein hhuselt In a r well light begin t° he ail/need ti"'°"°°Itt ark. would lose its charm if et'here 'Was nothin° insanitary emiditione on boaxdom fever than illustrated this idea by a t. t. whiell cattle ness ; ma though. the darkness comprehend lessor Brewer, of 'Yale College, more to learn. Ever -thine reall ei „. ii y; i h ue te ee jete that we, azonki know the steamine ta • 83 died during the voyage. So says the e of a fienl, but you ertmot, do away progressive, farmers in the 4.1011 '4. of Bruce." it not, may it be rolled beck until on every ) as I e re - Y 6 •re. it,'L 4 the Exchequer. It is an absolute necessity 11 /47/4 Review, apaper published in Siberia,. o. farm for $20 under les OWU ObSerVILTiort. A matt bought island, in eeery continent, and around the "'" more the eced ossesses the moreit has still to „„ei leerty children of the party also died in Twenty -tete years tag° it was all forest, not p of eltery sbip muter condition, 4.4. her. error „ paczty a tree chopped. where now is a gold. medal at aere. He so impeove it, red •:-.00 on Viliole World men shall ba Diem], strong in , . h possees. Has Christianity geached its vont- , attaneeta7,n't il,hadiVostook, a.nd Aunty of the emigemes passed by any iti. Guthrie)." " It has not," S,14. the 0011Ullittee, " attainee its present acre. At his death it sold for te, , , teason, in conscience, aud. in love, as t e yl that in a few year8 he was 0111t.... ne , I f • - the rrehaser sold it for OW (1 1(11'.)) of °ed. -Henry li ant Reecher. U A elt ,)eara lo0 an aere. • , atteineduaiiii irneijitili:riisat tte?r lete fithillinent in these nmetemi centuries ? ' ose. So we must have the standard mile i "Sever41 r tritatis sp:k•-: years age azensation 'was caused of every sort is reduced to a minimum, ••,, farm of excellent managemeut, " unsur- no one has yet discovered any . lai 1 eana I It (111 ill at e tsheethisnagule P°tter n'ea' 4 - to a n (1 standard weathearr,ewimtizilsetaf: '7 .111o7t.ehaen:clep°outstedr4pitilesrelliite:Bollfr°1PtussealliaRexilte: hapey emnbination a eit =nista:aces." The high place by accident, nor as the result of 4 an acre to a man w to Malty dispose . ,ellesacty_ ! i - • ra the The smalleSt bark on life's tumultuous ocean lost their value. Ala's, if this vs ere all I Alas, t it the t• d of it , 'shippea from Odessa, to the island of ton ; free seedIng.wtth clover ; and feet mg , . leadtng features of this management are stated to be "deep end. thorough cultiva- 1-alua It is so in (111 eases. „ .aat on auc , Tirx1pnitcrsoxnveueit for Slie an wee. Here it WkL9 Mar l_ men mul not the ftwm that tzttent ut 1 lioulel:titere ' ' we ettould be wars, then, who go before thing more is comine The settee of Christ in ',tit ti f ti ,e, / Will kat e a traeCkorbittZufe001: e_ 7 IT:ti 0 ix II, 1 idellb to the denial there, The fact of possessing certifies tbat sme- ll this ivere the full manifestation of Christ? 0. It an le neer o le sant ter s eliwn would know if thene were, not the standard yard. to where we are in our measurements au raore Y ewe much better. On the other Ilan& the te:gyhae Iiielnle.otRtaisp:anr es olonistsd(ollooansostmseetehni: ers and standard coal, or we shall never know to be all the coarse gram and fodder to carefully • tete nat. . 1 is a difference in Perms (smug to to. t . , 1 re. of the soil, yet there is a. wider ,. e e A. nevitad vet to be ; and we should take the Church makes certain tbat he is yet to appeal tee But the • t Bo tl f A I • presen ar o t inn- - . to 1)441) 04.1. ties> conveyance of prisoners to selected stock bought for the pueport of a - Ineeettee ea t Lt in a 1 list ere este; theee out ht tend fearful tempests gather ; one mistake 1 en Wilt) run them, and Our beaiing earefully where breakers roar . mime, and niore mudance is to be given to 1)40 i' down the Volga, if we ma, ' .dge feeding:is at all thnes object, atul eteconlaut being fattened for foreign markets."' Stook the /veer s e : , „, ‘,. . • - 1 F (the tier:teal of Mee' I our wake! wreek unnutabeled barke that follow lit men Sometimes the soul is contented $911tettimes dienettent4.44. Net II ei t C, I. . : I, ;.,latifi tearitteerficaolftit zsei!,.18 tch.,ett te hehettsanar !. rom the fact that, in lieu of melee the property if it had. not been for pushing Mr, N't . says he would not now have owned , the Wee.-- tra. . et. with tee i.e. o _ • i -Anon. has doile for it Here one two tit:hies • In emu "4"1 A Y t. • teen. aiT"e *UST number of barges that are general sed, the T, 1)14)Ino Ured mile trials are continued becalm the 1 NA eanesday-The well -springer day, freth back end forth -a feature prontre anti a ! 't 01. pp e , u t ae one . the 4.', 4. of elentreal to the "latish martens, 1. le, make the enest envoree anti longest , will of the Fether of lights, washed, into the Verses front St. Patin:greet prayer. "Dreth.!" . , yen, I vatuat 1444 nyself to have apprehended , ,athsaat :steamer. But if we had. not the measur- /mu, Niini-Novgorod. 4'7) isd f . g firm three steers were stallefea and shipped by , and exuberant, as If now first from the holy Present expenence. Let me read „e•ou two • , t i is lay re ti 116-e teLlinoil:el .441Iil:eqe4u1alitieesatiof tahhearstili: thie partieular line. Last wilater thirty-• SuE,3estierts zu Afilk Serting. it'leteeo:tV:..t.rt'la:Iltoegtiown-ko-ele-xiles lel tkietetiredwf;:; loaded and tventhed, wed found to 14.4 ....t ripeenne i . e .. ...„ . e ure . . _ and on the Ivey att Guelph they were un- Ikeephie better the etaant must uudergo a ,rt, es, et- eeete te etie exe een glad than tongue or pen can tell. The: su erttal light alone, baSial of the 4.10 11 and the world vrae more awning upon tee - which are beltind ,e,m1 t'eatehing forth vine) ,aerareItt ila • je ind "es' h°"" e°1114- we seP"1 but thisone thingI doelorgetting those things. (1 '1 t ' Is 1 le e VarTOUS 0)1(4 4.'. of error which 1 ee The 'Meet of Tight eitaciente business know the elaes of steers 111 Alt 1,435 Fount's. elen who mulerstaml this re tee ear NVI.714'; it :`,..:41Veet. ThES IS bebt 'gnu P white it is ritting. i be ripening ts ewe. tardy e, sunriee, • tu "hall0 le ee „ta i;,, 4.114jestIsh, !fere rk; she paaht httiettin stittlat ettglintee tenle tio_t be :wee eel • . 14.1 4.11 hea.rit, eau exceed. the marvel of sleet those thiugs whieh are before, I press tom-ard inn, ,„et , , - „ e e . - ae * g e ne I tee-. the leer' foe the Flee of the Melt eellittg of "'"• e'''"" P'''r''°'reeitictuue"t '411 1) true Tile evil effects of tight -laeing have been I d e .ust • I and demonstrated, well-nigh ale to metre suelt an average. Mr. V'. 41 when the tempeteenare is low. 0, ne ..... , •. e .,, , ..„ ne , !. a fo, w 41a) e' Wel, but 'Me tensile nereteun, though the exhortations to refor% statea drat s' careful seteetion awl juditions ... eta% r t.t...n ens, u. . Jr, The 118gik . ... e. . beautiful than ono of its 'lays? Do teet 'le se not to t.Aahltslt the capaeity of the engines se.ett tee, so etr, received the amount of .t. t " eill the shatIONV thrown upon deep voirebsueutess of Isevitat teak. There ru'icr but to set: that all thinge were tenteo from the fair sex that their imp41. buying often make iall the diele.rettee be. riptetillg the nue: it tlepre seize& Tae %enter le et t e i . men te eatettee of 1) 41411111.4., wear and tear for a. fined . tweeze ' fit - a loss " Intheites animate it es then skim:a:el ;eel 1::tutmett tbe better, the tutiverse eyhere_ taw own t u, e ti ' 1 $k eft IS is pztin or perplexity IAA Christ eau • i ; nu 'Imp!' it it CI r -t i- 1 e a e.t the centre Jima lwilers' ;owe and the 1)4' 40(4.1111. of the reformers cost just AS Illtied TO TeeTT. Cilltt COST [1.3 nee t . 1 b. . . , . I. . t. t Pre 'ils, i. ' I 1 * . a 4 hut 't etould le A le ehunt .a while too new. vome between It and the eterna sun- tie :. t ,4 1 • T IT, .0 I 1 • . - eriod. Air Bright's claim for a, committee for spaee in shipptng to Dritish markets, no Tile hest !nue itor seintment and churnine .. ant; then mourn that it sheltie. he less bright et tne e'en/. Ile eowes to oceePy the seed as of praetteal engineers on the Ilarracounta le "is just 10. '14 wellitv becomes apparent. than the hopes of their childhooe. X' eep _ itasigezitoriesaeottrta.rsott•iw!! otuar.olittlt!eit.'41,, - P. , . o• , ly oulo suons for? with on ID. titi:,:auttpittleatnavdaterairoiltitrstao.r1Iar,ttfshaolit tirilielisnelatpcsarls/oti.l.:Ijoiltea! ma,tter how infixed they may lie. The fenees on the farm are mostly cellar! 3. Creani tallies hetter butter to rise void air then te rise in cold Water. and the .12,e r in thiNt. 5(4. aseit to,liat.,,tilevismtli that thou utayest• r It I epen ent meseesor antl another Independent haeeti o le f 1 • way at once original and aoroewhat enter. .„0„,., sag, aeoree on pure 1 , 11114 . ''' representative of the 4141I1 41(3, the Comte • ' * or rather, !promise and reality) will Iningle. Clitrist is . itit ti paten of half stone well. Some are haunt- milk wilt keep sweet longer. rail, well built and perfectly straight. a ' / I • 1 tit 'et tweet 1 alreadv in the. soul. Here we iteve a fere! taming. In the course of the Merestigations gamely lined with tiouble rows of trete:. , 4. The &alter milk itt set the lese ;tithe; the , , , The barns and vattle stalls are 90 by 84 ;smell geT8 ss ii ri.mo, 1 . thou shalt ;tee God. whose vision alone is mew of truth or a bit of tennfort ; but, e. --1x .os e a, a. . r how much iti comiug, to my eoul !I Now we; . 0 . t1 • e me IA earriee out by bine in eon' re'll hill little strength, just enough for duty ; I. 4 A m .i.. 1 p i. ; eelleagues of the Hyderabad COMPliteion Ott 45)1* eret hir • oueht to be uite able ' to o T'i dr 0 COVIC USIOIRS LI.1,with a pea, liern 30 by lite feet. 11.4 1)1'. ' 5. no 4,1,1 h of ;;2t an?, ill•mt1,1 ietry with- Thursday- but then how untelt Ittore strength when • ' .1-'''-'4'‘I "ramitell'ArY P2Per lins been the vexed and Ilighlehtechuical oneetion el gtvipg particulars of elle contratmen. chloroform versus ether, it 'occurred to hen passages anti great 4. 71)4.11)14.) are to iodine. Hay Iney be rtetdily pit. eel will; Lott be el ; the 111,, 141 the shelloweY 0. . given the temp nottire ; the nnver it is the deeper: Tommeow. Lord Is thine. Lodged in Thy eovereign hand: lo i Christ itt with me, But I could, not ex.! Christ in fully come. I am expectant, and issue' tered into by the Admiralty by virtue (tithe to try what effect a mode of (trees which, WeS down from the top or barn floor. The it sireii.1 bc. Mitk shoulti never be set And if its sun arise anti eldne. 11 shines by Thy command. pect him if he was not already there. Ali, , 1 ,,, , ,„,, , , liken, to interfere with reapiration Would , itswe in causing smitten dea,th wader an , Naval Defense ,Atit, 18S9, Peur first. elaqg • • la le snor, ear% of 14,1.0 tons drplace- e-aterfrom a spring half a Mlle diSTAUT 3181 03 ei:allow at a ewe tengterature low deep in a t sometimes he comes with comfort to pair - " ment and 13,000 111)1 '.4. power, to he nemea allosetiwt in The experiments were carried feet lower then the barns, is bitought with a high oue. Setting deep in cold wat tr cone I eraterdant through a pipe laid below fr•••-..... • iei?-, thr,,, te,or .4 141141)0 I The present moment flies, Anti heath our life 4.5 14 ; note. Goa will not leave you in your de 1'1. condition That cry teetitiee that .- Oak, 'MVP het% 'veered false delivered cont. ae 1/r. Brunton iugenuously eeplaine, that the Remilies. Reeolutiou Revenge, and Royal The tedatent of creps f,41; -rt -.4 ellrlpri,,e4 6. Whet. nuilk le etaneeet for (Teem tri 0, matte Thy servant.; truly wiee, t 'bred le There. The soul that Wisli e5 TIT be plete by Ow contractors in May, 1893. The tliey are more iike 4) 41(44. um dogs are. A tint on fentale monkey -a. for the aimple reason, feet reductien of the soil and the tiestruetion : ly the line flavor and liveliest of that lettere! eousiderable summertallowing for the per- tise the pmity of the ereem and rmsetiutett.: elute. on tide fleeting hour Tien they may TiVO to -day. einnethillo of 146 strength, holiness awl east of the Ramiliee and Royal Oak will be strouger, h s:ier and purer here tibtaine monkey belonging to times% was according. of weeds, in conneetton With. th=. application ''. will he injuresi if the '11 11.4 td the ervens te • Eternity le hung. with feel weeat And seedee down to erase. -:!teveln. of tite TUATItire left over. It is then eown 'expert freely to air intwit warmer then tite" The aged and the einem purhy. .5,1y 'svelter ie living an ingterfeet, e1:741.i.i." eeeelt end of the Reeelution and le- teaveloped tu a plaster of Paris jacket tO Fn.): life. He id Netedi. a slave to some had 'eeevteitge e-715.64; 04411.•There.are ;dm five imitate etays, and a tight bendaee was then Awaits.. he' Thine Aludght,V Power. It i!4 tili i eel:44 down after melts or barley. 7. lethen the ereare is eibier T11311 TaTe stir• 1 One thing demande our care ; O. 16e that still pureued, struggle on his part. It shows Christ is in Pen,t'etrititlireP 4/‘ taeptelleatnving a 41411) 1414)4. is with 311ingled feelings of curiosity and itebit. Let atie give ettetet 4. 4131 to eeney "111".t.e!'ir'T etilien'A'' t'aevei ef 12.4100 horee tied rouutithealelomensoas to imitate the , 'anti which Awmiti SUFIMIll the petticoats. It Pine are sown ou plowea sod, wheat after reumlnigaialt takesup moist we and impuri. Lett. elightea once. the seaeon fair lent :Anti will take Faii.54:S.51.1An. !IV Will make 4.1t ." zin't twn of t"'" icing' The taint )tii theee A.:tries from itte7,770 to Mt. Svmpat hy Gat we learn of tbe result of the peae, and oats after wheel. Ch tver is plowed ties from the air. Whoa the air is et slIkr Thiktt .: Anti:rad Iluver bt re:re:wed. the longiug etnil into itie ellen liketwes. 733 1101 two are to be deliveree in eastill ", . under with the aedition of a light eeat of the ereeee it takes up moisture wet what,' 1 1, . --oragefri.iforiepraery. $,ouctiows WC tibia 4 Christ ae of a utile- *.` ' . , -- • -. - --• experintents which et re rt 1 t b • i nnuntre. Cloyer is sewn freely with MOSt ever eeeePes frent tee etefeve. In Lie' I^ /Intr.. Fritlae-Integine a man who disbelievee ter who teill matte. But he comes Us till the e'rei in ' :I./ ' nin tw" m '44)4 11114') Pslitt "eery marked indeed," so much so, iedeed, , fitat several of the monkeys [heti veryquiek. grain tattle:. As *hi farm, tt.gteller with ease the eaten,: teerities the smaountling air ; everythuag he tamest tee with les naketleye. eted with truth, to exalt ite elevations end -•'" I raus,figure o. The gene i., tune of ,me is seventeen. en "! 0019 h"ese Pewees elm Iy. Itr. Brunton added tieet the survival at w numiu'r I4 Recorul•e% cruisers ordered 303 aeres adjoining, appears tti have been in the latter, the air helpe to purity the suppose that it slmuld come to p•ette tee emne of the aultnels expethuentett upon Nees paid tor by eute.etsful farntiug, a Inemee- eream. The seleetion of a (1 4.111(1 'I 4144'14 taOrrOw that everything shallbe taken auety lo hi Mut speake net td o our vile The tenet of theee vatiee from prole -tidy due to the fact that the diaphragin with a ditplacettletat Varying' from 3,100 to Sheet of operations for one 4.4. LI would intereeting to farmers, but it le sua given. , ity. te. greatest 1'41)',4111( 14.4 and ecoitomy i he Mums on what is toast deeired-highest gnat - at What will (tome? Shut up the heavens, states it. "lioditte of nur !intuited len.' lre ti i2 ,T t . ati5. Ole. Theettile4t del:sere le able to competes ate to 4 large extent for that eannot Ito read ley the naked eye : hoilies," but as the new 1.44 4.41 rightiv 1.0,1f:1...11,1 .1,1•Pi''',. win, 1,,,., iit peepnoter in the present yetw and enforcetl loss Of chest moven t ' eenteher vonunittte: of iwIges examined thne, space and laiter. e for astronomy must go, anti cover over the are to be lihe tilde ill teteltIllte8 8. til pur , ,,!,, _ ,,„ he:. if our lady friends1 to:nen:lot:I 1 altalaeetratt ill•ci aiul repined on twenty-esur farms in - fields. for botaue• ihall U.11 but little to the itee De mil, reels ghee evitit hsv V t 0 41011? the 11" M 3"1:41,891. lert 1111•9 of the lete gir Willi .113; attemig le tieing made ITy TI ani railviereeto ite nit to heart and lean anotimr distiet, somt. of which have afferti• ecl moth 1114.4.) 111111 Meditates% The The Destructive Sparrow, naked eee. All seienee, indeed, would he we :oust bate eviL do pole, ;eel let, the • 11)11) 4.4.111)411 11) 4.414.' degratled. Yet. .,spirit 1, 11 1.51 it, with ttue spirit that wt. , te, • ., • • 1. thine tieht-laced monkeys how serious a judges make the followmg general ol),:erva. lin. 1.• ii 1 r • . . 4 lie tirlleill SpArrOW was introtineeti into the man who can not read his own mother's are. the SOWS Of Mal." A . • . . , to simulate the ).l 14.41441 outline of the wase, shall he like lout. Let us rejoice in auy /r e. I i n " " 114%""MS In WM" "When he appeers we ehtem isevernenent rottision for hie ram- p° )l 14.4)1.111 nas , the ittetlitel philanthropiet may well despair thing it is to handicap nature in the endeevor for with+ it is saitit „ . . it is a. implicvv„ 44 comhig 1;00dgett when all , ever bee1411ade by the ltritrth towenmient. ' strt•ngth or goodness already 14. ii' fortnerb of ever being al& to bring reason to hear on II At the prinent writing a most 'valuable in. , dress, skill be fully et Millet). i ventimi of Sir William Palliser is being made The Ohina-Oloset. 1 patent screw holts," with width the eolosted , Publie Spirit i'n "tendon. actual use of in the form of the "Palliser . armor nlates areausw being itxml to the 210W -.. , Sing a song of Ovum, a closet deep and I. f Ii to 1 . p 1 ,,, . Int 11114, Revenge Royal Sove4ign, Hood, ..1,,I114_lit tocat 'mime sprit bave mut !plied. I Ille 0 IA 0 8 ITS 0110U.114 xtenu se, rtesto. - , .. . , .• . • • :since London began to tt,overn it 1 the sitle t wide -- ROWS anti rows of dishes, eetting side lo, , Royal oak, and l'ittinnits. meetings 'tee just been arrainged for the In Kensington a seconti series of public ; Sime time since the Ilritiell Atimiralty W1. .1..........•........'.1........10. the door ie open, %is grota.V 1 (11 t° i" direeted the det *I'n • f • ' . • al T. t, 0 0 :tenet r ottieet a 0 ,r f purpose of diseussing sub;cote of petite ine. ,ions: That 11111101t WItiltalt OM 6 PtlOn St0i, "...America bemuse it was believed to ite au ex. letter walkout the aul of en eye.glass Ineists heepielg wa.s a leading object of ell the prier terminator of huge and wens which ','ere- upon reading the infinite and eternal God winning farms. Anti good stock invanaley jurious to thefarilling mid frnit.growingetun- . he• Itis own unassisted pONVerS. 1 tharge itttentled gooe outbilielhoge The extenuite .munity, hut it has been conclusively proved hint before (»d 'i fame with insulting Weave:a etion of weeds waselee regarded as extreme. ;that the little bird is a fratui-that it in- !eommen sense and contradieting the highest ly important. 1 variale). prefers 4 meal of fruit or grain to experiences of mankitut-Joseph Paden - tall insect -and indeed is a nuisance. The Seturday- . . Britieh Metiers put a smear estimate upon Clattle Teading hale:land, . the sparrow's usefulness. In a lecture before Ivan not tell the manner Thou tillest all to me, An aged Irish atttle IWaler W.IS :TT de.efles ' 1 1 tee tetxton braueh Of the Chester Steeiety of How eV! re. suneet banner titter. and teneoundee by hie lamely, was slow. Not nel '4 '1440 Mr. Beeeroft, a Cheehire Is blazoned out with Tht.e. attlfMer. S:ti,1 that :4+MW blea of the loss cut. And seems before the pirate; ly one surely departing.. Suddenly whit e o Of some diviner west. holy mini in his eyes, lie S3i.1, "Bile, listen to me : rve nothing nitwit t s lave yen I et:dowel by eperrows welsh'. be gaintel front To marsbal Weitry mortals the new foe reernitiug servi es., hoping in the: Per ante to 11(4 1'4. rile meetings M70 Art" the fttet tilat Wang the attreage of wheat Ontand into reit. *untie Roenette. Dainty shining cryetal -the teeeset elate, „met t0hiht iist a better 4../as4 ,,r 8 14)' 14 ,,,,t, Si be held in Kensington Town Hall, under -and here his cross drew eheer rowel ids •aewn in f eteelsire ae 19,940, the loss ftt four '''''' ' the auspices of the Kensington Ratepayer's bed-"thereei wan bit of white. Iel like pee 1,1, 1-. per ;tyre at 4s. :la. per bushel repre- - et....- thwelman 4)1))'. '.1)1'1,,I ellina on the uppt.r anti gold. art likens for tim war shipa This ditty WAS Association itself a. sign fthe tim s Lore to keep in mita" "Go on, father dear. eentva the sum (If ere 9,11) to Chetetire. alone, A, Reality and a Promise, Chelmsford is President, and he estiateke an entirely new one to engineers, and so far ' - ° • e-* Loi'41 and if the acreage I 11 wheat greten in le.nglatid ehelf said one. The ohl man with a et tesgle seem. . -••••, ees as have met with little or am success. (Grandma wed to '4.'. .41) it and dry awe it . . ., „. , . , , , , . • , the chair at the first meeting of the etreason ed to gather his remelting strength, and was 2,e2 1,504e and the loss taken on the saute " n't" TIM RIM PIIILLIP$ nintolis. on Thursday evening. Mr. AS . Bousfield epee tie, is tins sale to ott notweatik. witn with a gleam, of light len:awed ti h131 other 141 1* it would repreeent a total loss of eel- , VIM eene iii °eel **Far u. o Tees tilt , Beetle, 1)!31 4)1(1 t'iltlilfattly, if living, not to see, Inut se t i 1 1 ,gt1 , . . , „,, e has undertaken to start a, subject for dis- regard to the en ine room artilletes-the only der, 711 111,, to nehola, eeteped out, "boys e ie. reel nfilm, patey up to onssion by a lecture on OA 353, los. It 1.'. 1', not only in this branch 4' mmteeNtre farte4lue.r ak..011telletitel n.,,t future generations might trout the cups ,tia.101 T it'altl•lisIg b)een remetea for Intl workmen - this that I've to tell will be useful to yez all that the destruction was carried on, but the 'eltv tngerbur vile body. that it may iie hoshiomel I .• k . London :School Board." Such associations "The Work of the h t I; • f • 1 1 • 1, "I * i ." C 1 !ship. Heretofore the bulk of men entered sparrow destroe•ed a great quantity of early hi Wee unto hie glorious body, according to the closer 'drew the expectant sons, anxious to , white oats. One member thought the total ;el ehhat vor • ng whereey heels able even to subdue •:t unto hintseir. catch the faint tones of the dyieg man. ;loss Was not less than R5,000,000. Several, This whole episae is full of the experience "Boys, when you re at markets or fairsebuy- members were in favorof exterminating the of Paul himself. We 0011 300 the man in his ing or selling, never -drink -whiskey wide sparrow, but they hardly know the colossal eager desire that hie:disciples be absolutely yer back to the fire." And conscious of a e c erecter of the job they recommend. The cemseerated to Christ. Here a difficulty be - duty nobly done, the old man departed in sparrow comes to stay. sets every man. We ourselves ha.ve felt peace. this difficulty besetting us. It is that we shall be drawn aside from the manta a con- templation of the experience itself, and so get to thinking. of ourselves. We thus be- come absorbed m self, and forget our neigh- bor's need. You cannot make a summary of YOU!' life in a series of precepts. You must put in your own soul also. We must tell what God done for us; the story .of our I knew that he must press the path blessings and our experiences of the tchness Marked for each human soul alone; of his grace. St. Paul's heart glows with That he must meet the dtuagers strewn love for his Philippian converts. Unhelped ; that love the utmost hath See a verse in the next chapter, in which No charm against the tipping stone. the words press upon one another, "There- fore, my brethren, dearly beloved and ,long. Heaps of sea -washed wreckage strewn along ed for, my joy and crown." The truth is at first in the heart of God, then manifests the shore itself in Christ, and then is given to the Tell of devastating storms when the fury's o'er. great apostle and by him imparted to the Philippian disciples, and so at last comes! sures close the closet -door -shattered trea- down to us. It was not possible for Paul's ' sures hide, experience to have such a glow simply by 1 :There's no bahn to heel these wounds, looking at these disciples. It was as • if :Beim willthough we search world-wide. not heal china -ware, nor the sad his experienoe opened into another, and this had free course and was glorified through- heart rent • But as I gazed athwart the night, out the world. Starting m the breast of ,Nothing now remains to do but to try Whose doubt like mist around me clung, God, it passed from Christ to Paul, to the! cement ! The prayer was hushed upon my tongue, Philippian Christians and on down to us. I Just where the way was flintiest, light, I See how Paul enlarges himself; he does Aphorisms. Starlike, was on a sudden flung ; • . not expect the Philipman Christians to be Do not thiuk of e•our faults ; still less of .0.01.0•IMMMOO at the various steam reserve.tas stokers heve ,taludsuch meetings are likely to revolutionize Sing a. song of breakage -a asset deep and wide- vestries. Istembers of this association are le old system of practically self -electing been reertuted m the venous royal marine ' • • recruiting centres. Fragmentary crystal -the tea -set minus consist of four battle ships of the Admiral When the door stands open 'tis awful to Admiralty to reconstitute theamiCil Crackegdoladn.(1 broken dishes setting side by side, behold squadron for offensive purpose, 14.willof vestrymen and poor -law ruardians. I invited to interest themselves in the work The intention is announced of the British of finding candidates for the local elections class and two belted cruisers. It is not The Sabbath Chime. ° Grandma's blue -sprigged ehina-search well known what ships will be detailed to this eon, not thy pitun age, gen e, gentle dove, Not a piece to tell the tale of its shattered evoule be made flagship appears to be with. upper she ; out foundation. lea m ie munt o ig tan love -11 * tl " f l' h d fleet, but tbe rumor that the Alexandra '-' With sublunary things - self ; I Thou shalt have bathed thy wings. 'Well is it for Grandma. she has not lived to The cruiser Undaunted, Lord Charles see I Beresford's now command, has recently been Shall nature from her couch arise, Those quaintly fashioned teacups will never subjected to full speed trials prior to de -1 And rise for thee in vain? tnore hold tea. parture for the Mediterranean station. The Whileheaven, and earth, and seas, and skies, How Chickens Are Fattened. This is the way a chicken or duck is fat- tened: Thrust into a cylinder, it is kept in darkness for three weeks; thrice per diem a patent food, composed largely of cornmeal, is forced by a small pump into its crop; it enjoys no alternative ; it must steep and fat- ten. Paralyzed by inertia, its flesh becomes white and tender, and in three weeks it is as fat as a ball of butter. The cost of fat- tening a chicken does not exceed eight cents: a chicken so fattened brings ten cents more a pound in the market than other chick- ens. Our Dairy Interests, In the House of Commons at Ottawa the other day, Mr. Innes commended the ap- pointment of Prof. Robertson as Dominion Dairy commissioner, and asked the nature of his duties. Hon. Mr. Carling said his duty would be to take charge of the dairy interests of the countygenerally, and to conduct an experi- mental dairy, should one be established., in connection with the Experimental farm. Prof. Robertson would keep himself in active touch with the farmers of the county Dr. Sproule suggested that Prof. Robert- son give particular attention to the improve- ment of butter -making in Canada, and the Government might also undertake to indem- nify a few creameries in sending fine butter to the British market. We needed to es- tablish a reputation for good butter if this trade was to be worked up. Mr. McMillan hoped a great deal of Prof. Robertson's time would be spent in giving practical instruction throughout the coun- ty/. Mr. Mule& congratulated the Minister of .Agriculture on his choice of dairy com- missioner and in his gerteral conduct of the experimental farms. Mr. Casey hoped a model dairy would be established. Mr. McMullen joined with Mr. Mule& in congratulating Hon. Mr. Carling on his general exhibition of good judgment. The dairy commissioner should. accomplish a great deal of good in stimulating the pro- duction of fine butter. Why Farms Bun Down t r. The farm is the foundation of all other callings which trace their roots back to the soil, and the farmer is the basis of all national strength. The dweller in the city may in the hour of da,nger take his worldly evealth and flee, or, if his wealth is in build- ings, may have them destroyed in an hour. Not so with the farmer. If he leaves his farm he leaves all. The buildings are the The Shadowy Ranks. I watched him from afar with eyes That ached to see what perils lay Close set along the jagged way; What unsuspected ills might rise To lure his ambushed feet astray. My lids were wet with anxious tears; He dreamed not of the pitfalls spread To trap his all -too -careless tread; His thought was on the buoyant years, So flushed with sunshine overhead. I could but fold my hands, and plead That heavenly conscience, tender, sweet, Would choose safe passage for his feet, And, in his hour of straitest need, Guide where the devious crossways meet machinery is reported to bave developed I Such types of truth contain. Sing a song of Bridget -of Alley Ann -of Kate- 5,739 indicated horse power, against ot-er See -where the Son of Righteousnesss 8,505 indicated horse power developed at The coming, going, restless tide, who form the fa.mily fate. her trials in the hands of the contractors. 10 Unfolds the gates of day: o -meet Him in His glorious dress, This was sufficient to drive the ship 17.1 I .And quaff the orient ray 1 knots. British engineers criticise this policy 1 .And for a moment circling round, mere repetitious of himself. Christ is corning' others' faults ; in every person who comes I felt the sweep of winged bands, 'to complete the work so grandly begun. We near you look for what is good and strong; 1 I saw the stretch of shadowy hands, ; find ourselves here in the midst of a rich honor that; rejoice in it; and as you can, I heard n voice whose mystic sound and noble confusion. We think of these try to imitate it ; and your faults will drop The rapt soul only understands: 'words as the great spiritual geography of th I off like dead leaves, when their time comes. 'universe. They represent the cross and even -[Ruskin. "I charge you, bear him safely, lest the experience of jesus Christ and then of so nights grandeur to our dust, He dash his foot against a stone !" 'Paul. Christ is represented at one moment 1 So near to Gee is man e The light was gone, the vision flown. •as gone into the heavens, and the next he is When duty velutipers low, Thou must," Comfort unearthly calmed my breast; 'right here in us. One moment the disci le: The youth replies "I can." , -[Emerson My darling did not walk alone. is going to receive Christ, and the next e I is nt the world. Now he is struggling for Whatever anyone does or says, I must be Where? something not yet attained, and the next good; just as if the gold, or the emerald, or moment he has leaped into the heaven with • the purple were always saying e s, a - Wherethare eraill,the schoolmatesChristand thi who fished by • •n thepresence of God, thence . ever anyone does, I must be emerald and Down by the river? in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. The lines ;keepmy color. "-[Marcus Aurelius. Where are the sots e a rugg es 0 who once haunted that of spiritual truth thus becomeEnvy's memory is nothing but a row of confused. I • "still 11? Now Christ i to the midst of t,h t 1 h oks to hang ue grudges on. Some bun e of aver. " Hen I I see I I reckon I hadn't better peo- ts a mere of driving ships, which they deem suicidal, There, where ten thousand seraphe stand, claiming that in the case of the Undaunted To crown the circling hours - forced draught gave but slight increase of Soar thou -and from that blissful land speed, when under ordinary circumstances al Bring down unfading flowers. . speed of 17 knots could be ma,intained. 1Some Rose of Sharon, dyed in blood, The damage done to the British battleship Some spice of Gileael's balm, Trafalgar during the recent gunnery trials is Some lily washed in Calvary's flood, to be made good by fittiug additional sup- Some branch from heavenly palm I ports to the deck beams. The defects are smilax to those which developed in the Ajax And let the drops from sparkling dew, when her guns were first tried.. In firing the From Siloa's spring be shed, thirty-six pounder quick -fling guns of the To form a fragrance fresh and new - Trafalgar, the trials showed the very great A halo round thy head. strain thrown on the mountings by the recoil, Spread then thy plumes of faith and prayer, and it has been made evident that the various Nor fear to wend away; small ships fitted with these weapons will And let a glow of heavenly air need much strengthening in the vicinity of the Gild every earthly day I gun stands. He Saw. "Kin I do anything wid a pusson who calls me a thief ?" he asked as he stopped a patronnan on Beaubien street, am afraid not." "But haen't dat agin my character ?" • " Yes ; but suppose you went to law, and the other party should come into court with the feathers 2" "What feathers ?" " Chicken" Gone, and forever. ! of earth, awl then, again, he is in heaven. Ple s sensibility Only a soul with an experience like St. sums; and you hear them display and parade pay any;tenshun to dat pusson's remarks. Where are you, Jim ? Surely Jiin is net Paul's can understand this -a soul that is it, not in recounting the things they are He doan dun amount to nuthite anyhow." - dead, ;both in ;the world and above it. 14. 38 expect- ' attached to, but in telling you how many Detroit Free Press. Down by the river? mg blessing one moment, and the next re. things and persons they cannot bear. "- Where is that famous old musket he had? ,' ceiving it. He rejoices in this seeming large [John Foster. Gone, and forever. Knew How She Felt. nut trees, fruitful of land tumultuous expression thereof. There is perh'confusion and in his new faith and new glow, I Laws cannot prevent extravagance ; and stated ere aga,m and shilling spent.t aps it is not always an evil to tbe public. Where are his chest 0one truth"I feel ejected 1" exclaimed Mrs. Fangle. Down by the river'• 'again; if it loses itself it rea,ppears ; and it which is h ' !A 'city by a fool may be pick- "You mean de-jected," said her husband nuts, Where the encampment of Ojibwa huts ? i • ui this: The true man in the fullness ofJesus ed up by a wise person, who knows better with a superior air of wisdom. whatto do with it ; it is, therefore, not know.,, some "No ; I mean ejectea--I feel put out, you Christ has entered p on g w -.: .--[Frauklin. u thin hih l os t Gone, and forever. . • 'testifies to its own incompleteness. He is I It is hard for a haughty man ever to for - Where are the spicewood, the nerd and the absolutely certain of it, ana yet it is not all give one that has caught him in a fault, and flag, Down by the river ? comprehended The infinitenese of God is to: whom he knows has reason to complain of His Loud Suit. supply ib The soul is not satisfied. Now it him : his resentment never subsides till he He -And what do you think of my new Where that old scow we capsized on a snag? Possesses God and again 14. 4.5 looking 54. has regained the advantage he has lost, and plaid suit, my dear? Gone, and forever. 1 something not taken possession of. There is found means to make the other do him She -Oh, I think it is very nice from what A. RAusey. /the knowledge of something given already,' equal wrong.-[leruyere. I have heard of it . --Torre Homes fixprese. • Industries in Queensland. During the year 1889 the output of g Id has increasedly over 58,000 oz. as compa11. with that of the previous year, the toh1 being 737,800 oz. Of this amount 125,500 oz., 112,700oz., and 51,000 oz. came from Rockhampton_, Gympie, and Croydon re- spectively. During the past season 39,000 tons of sugar were produced in Queensland. Thisis very much less than might be pro- duced in so suitable and extensive a soil as there is in that colony, but the difficulties as regards labour are no' doubt a great draw- back. In the northern districts of Queens. land some of the fanners and landowners are forming themselves into a company for carrying on the manufacture of extract of beef. An extract of beef which is made in a country where there is 110 great supply of old cab and 'bus horses ought to be general- ly acceptable. • The following simple treatment has been found excellent for cold in the head. Put one teaspoonful of powdered camphor in a cone-shaped vessel filled with boiling water and covered with a, cornucopia, the top of which is then torn off just enough to admit the nose and inhale the wane camphor vapor for ten to fifteen minutes. A repetition of this procederee after four or five hours will generally edifice to effect a cure.