The Exeter Times, 1890-4-3, Page 5Horsemen, Attention
Stallion Route Bills
SEASON OF 1890..
l If you want a Neat, Showy Bill, well put to-
6rther and attractively displayed on good
. a "paer undersea, Send your order to the 'rIME$
ug��' ee-
You can have abettor choice of cuts than
ever before. Rod among the terse assortment
we y.
r ers bybail carefully . ean be suited tl
lawl promptly aL'
tended Deal give } z ur order entilyou ascertain oar
Times Office, Exeter
Stephen te Uaborne,at Exeter -April 8
Crettitou, at Crediton --April 9
Illanehard, et Ifirlstou--Apri117
Soutar Perth, at St Mitree--APri11U
Stratford, atStratford-April16
Atha Craig, a; Ailsa Craig April 22
South Huron. at }3rncetlefd--April 16
Parkhill. at Parkhill---Apri123
Fullerton, at Fullerton -April 4
Lucas, at Lucan, sepril 10
Alitohefl, at llfiteheh--,4pri19
liiddalph, Granton --April
Tho let:test Currertt News Throegftont the
IfiatrU t.
Ur P AVhehhaa oft 1 iarys, nhipped
aeveral Percheroa stallions and mares
to Lie Maine, on Saturday,
,Air Robert Sceli and wile, and Ur
Jos Sceli left Lucan on Monday fir
Aloosejaw, T. W.T.
Messrs Ransfard have bought the
114 acres on the Huron road, Tucker.
smith, oweed by ,Air (leo Shipley.
St Marys will hold a celebration in
honor of the Queen's birthday, but
Alenday instead of Saturday will be
The death of :Miss llarrnot Morton
occurred at ber mother's home, lot 25,
con 6, AleGilllvraa', the other day, at
the early age of years.
Mr. 'rhos Austin, of bfcGillivray, is
now an inmate of the insane asylum,
and his farm is being sold under direc-
tion of the Government inspector.
A movement is ou foot to erect a
grist mill in Kirkton. Two mills have
been burned in that village within a
few years a£ each other,
On the charge of allowing gambling
in Isis house, the proprietor ot the
Grand Union, Clinton, was up before
J. 1's McGarva and Steep one day last
week, and paid a fine of 450 and costs,
Mr. Leslie Ironside, of the Jermyn
Lino, Granton, who has been spending
a few months in Manitoba, has return-
ed home, and intends moving his family
to that far ofl place in the spring.
On Duncan McArthur's farm, Ailaa
Craig, there is a buttonwood tree which
measures 29 feet, 3;e Inches at the
stump. It was measured by Edward
Stewart and James Buswell.
D. Rogers of Wallace, has disposed
of his faros for $4.000 to Mr Miller, of
Fullerton. Mr R has removed to a
farm which he purchased near Thed.
Mr. Tames Patterson, of the eleventh
concession of East Nissouri, while en-
gaged in pruning a tree a few days ago,
fell and broke three of his ribs. lie
was taken to his home, where, under
the doctor's care, he is doing nicely.
li1r. Samuel Foster, township clerk
of Hay, left last week for Michigan,
his family going by train, himself and
a neighbor taking each a team and go-
ing by wagon across the country 200
miles, each taking a load.
The death is announced at Strathroy
of Mr. George Prangley, from la grippe
and brain troubles. Deceased was born
in Wiltshire, Eng., March 14, 1830, and
was but slightly over 60 years of age.
datrtas Hawker of Corbett was driving
through that village flat Wednesday,
when his horse became unmanageable,
throwing Mr. Hawker out df the buggy,
seriously hurting his bank. This is Mr.
Hawker's fourth accident within a few
Mr Geo Pogue of Lunen, has passed
the first year examination in the medi-
cal department of the Western Uni-
versity, with honors. Mr .tt W Shaw
passed the second year exam. with
honors, and Mr W T Banting, of Mo.
Gilltvray, passed.
Mr. James Gilmore of the 3rd con.,
Stanley, will be 95 years old it he lives
until the 5th day of April, 1890. Jae
has lived in the township during the
last 47 years. Fie is in the best of
health and bids fair to see the end of
the present century.
Mr John Thompson of the town line.
of Blanshard and Nissouri, prior to Ills
leaving for the Northwest, was made
the recipient of a welt -tilled purse by
members of the Presbyterian church,
as a token of respect and appreciation
ot his services as, leader of the church
A largely attended meeting for
organization of aiacroirse club was held
in St Marys on Friday evening' last,,
when the following officers were
appointed ;-Hon Pres, Mr Jas Max-
well ; Hon Vioe.Pres, Mr W Andrews;
President, Dr Gray ; '1st Vice•Presi.
dent, Mr Guittard , 2nd Vice-Presi.
dent, Mr W J Giilis ; Secretary,. Mr P
MoDermott ; Treasurer, Mr Fred W
Long ; Captain ofolub, Mr Tas Hodder.
Managing Committee, Messrs James
Leery, Wm ,Nebo: f -I F Sharp, 11 A 1.'
White and D Maxwell.
While loading some "lumber at Ben-
newies' mill on :friday last, Patrick
Shea, of Logan, dropped dead,
Mary Berger, of Elibbert, who halt
been in delicate health for some time,
died on Tuesday last.
About twenty sparrows attacked a
squirrel on the roadway at Cataraqut
and the little fellow had hard work in
escaping from the birds. They turned
him over aeverat times before he
reached a stone pile.
John Shorten died the other day in
Halite's. Before death be weighed 430
pounds, and it is thought the corpse
weighed 500 pounds, The handling of
the casket was attended with great dif-
Meesrs Archibald Nicholson and Wm
McDonald, of Kinloss, together cut 14
cords of wood in 8 hours, Tlie:wood
was sawed into 2 ft length on the prem,
rses of Wm McDonald, lot;6, eon. 2,
Kinloss, on Friday This is a good
day's work, vireo calx beat tt?
The skeleton of a man found at the
Lake of the Woods,near whichwere the
remains of seven wolves which he bad
evidently shot, is supposed to be the
remains of a well known explorer nam-
ed AleManus, who has been mfasing for
same time and who was attacked by
wolves and overpowered alter despatch,
inn seven ot them,
Jas. Hays, Esq., eK.warden of the
county of Muton, haa been the recipi-
ent of two handsomely upholstered
easy chairs from his old constituents,
ldr. flava has been twenty years reeve
of Alc1Illtip, and has administered the
affairs at the township to the setlafac-
tion of the ,great plass of the people,
The farmer may often feel poorer
than be really is from the system of
false book=keeping whrch he practices.
He is apt to figure simply upon the
aulaunt be receives end that which he
pays out and strike the balance as his
profits' for the year without computing
,what he has gotten out of his land us
the way of a living,
We learn that nearly twenty young
perilous, from Parkhill, mostly ladies,
are now employed to the Strathroy
woolen factory, We would like to see
enterprises enough in Parkhill to furn.
fab employment for its young people at
home. Where is the Board of "Trade
that was to have been formed for the
promotion of such enterprises?'. -Re-
Amongst men who have forced their way
to fame and fortune, we may name, as 84
example to all, wo.tby of imitation, the
famous and justly celebrated ThomasHollo-
way, better known throughout the "Wide,
wide world" for his Pilla and Ointment. Of
these medicines it is not our purpose to
speak--weare .not writing*pale, but s "•id
facts, to 6faow what can be done by great
atreugth of mind; and that what ane man
bas done another may do, provided that he
bas the ability and determination to nee it
With .all pis gelal
We read of the great Napoleon. whose
ambition was to cenquor the world, but
Holloway" has done something else, for. in-
stead of shedding oceans of human blood,
he has cured his thousands, and spread
great toy autonng the poor sons and dangle.
tete of affliction by his wonderful Medicines;
and, although he does not pretend to "raise
the dead," yet he has given strength to the
halt and soundness to the lame; and if he
has not "opened the eyes of the blind " be
has soothed the pain -worn, and eonifortod
those on the brink of the grave; and in
four quarters of the globe his preparations
have found their way -.not Melte force of
the sword, not with the aid of legions,' ut
have been silently borne on the bosom of
old ocean in our huge merchant ships to
every corner of the civilized world whet*
sufferierg man is to be found.
But to do all this gigantic work, to ac.
owlish so wondrous a deed, required
much thought and tomtit energy, for with-
out these combined, this mighty work could
not bavo been accomplished, And thus he
did it, There is a wise raying, "Don't
spare printer's tub 1" nor vast piles of the
prologs metal, gold. Ho advcrtisas in all
the languages sicken llanfinp civilized
nations --and whether you go into Franoo,
Belgian, Holland,Prusaia,Denmark,Rassia,
Oreeee, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland --nay,
we might say all the kingdom of the world.
and in n thousand tongues they talk of
"Holloway's Pillsl"- in a thousand Innen.
ages they utter "Holloway's Ointment 1"
We are filled with baundleas wonder and
astonishment that one mall, one niud, ane
head. could plan and devise all bila; and we
say that, if one man Lae reelydoue 80, there
moat he same wonderful curative properties
about hie Pills and Oiutnnent,-'Pact Close a
Uiatorical Notion.
A number of friends of Air. anti Mrs.
John Sansburn meet at their reeidenco
in Blanshard on the evening of the
24th nit., and on behalf of the neigh-
bora and friends, Air. John Bothwell
read an address and Miss Maggie
Driver presented Mr and Airs S. with a
well filled purse. Mr. and Mrs. Sans -
barn are leaving this vicinity and lo-
cating in Windsor..
James Rodgers, a young Iran, left
Mitchell a few weelcs ago with A honks
for Berlin, where he intender: to work
at his trade as a tailor. Lust week he
stole $4.50. and will now get two or
three menthe in jail for his dishonesty.
Thus through one false step,his charito-
has been blighted for hie. This is a
sats warning to young men who are
easily led astray, Rodgers fell into
had company, drank at times, and
finally committed an aot which has
disgraced him. -Mitchell Advocate.
On Tuesday last a special train com-
posed of 14 cars of stock and effects,
and a passenger coach, left Clinton for
Manitoba, Those who left were :-
James Wells and family, for Virden,
Man ; Joseph Stephenson and family,
Griswold ; R Elliott and family, and A
Elliott and family, Carberry ; W
Moffatt and family, Moose Jaw ; .Miss
Moffatt, Shoal Lake ; Mr and Miss
Hood, Penne ; Miss Nelson, Brandon ;
A Wylie, Pease ; W Mustard, Birtle ;
P Dallas, Winnipeg; two Miss
Hunters, Gardner.. At Seaforth the
followint; persons joined the company :
S Geddy and family, J Chapman and
family, R McCartney and family.
Then more got on at :Mitchell, making
a train of 55 passengers and 14 cars of
"'When the spring -time Domes," we
usually find ourselves d o,vsy and exhausted
osing to the impure and sluggish state of
the blood. To remedy this trouble, take
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the most powerful, yet
safe and economical, blood.purifior in ex -
at nee. -
After Manitoba secures the Hudson Bay
railway it will be independent of the re-
mainder of the country for at least four
mouths in the year. All its grain will go
out that way, and all its merchandise will
g in by the same route. But a long
stretch of the railway remains to bo built,
and icebergs are pleutiful in Hudson
Last year I went to Manitoba on the C.P.
R. At fiat Portage I got sick, and at Win-
n peg 1 was so weak I had to be assi.ted off
the train. I got a bottle of Burdock Blood
Bitters, and, atter the first dose telt better.
When I got to Boissevain I was as well as
ever. The Bitters cure the bad effects of
of the surface water of the prairies.
DONALD MUNRO, Bolsover, Ont,
Special Customs Agent Drulard on t Satur-
day paper
seized the pinna of he, French nch p per
I Progress, Windsor, for passing machinery
through the Customs at au undervaluation.
Nature had lavishly provided cures for all
the diseases flesh is heir to, but the proper pre-
paration of many of them has not yet been dis-
oovered. In Wilson's Witd •Oherry wo have a
euro for coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough. Croup
and kindred ailments, prepared from vegetabie
drugs, in a pleasant and concentrated form,and
which invariably gives Prompt relict' and
effects a epeody euro. Sold by all drggests.
The Allan Line steamer Canadian, which
arrived at H•difnx, N S, Idonsiey from
Glasgow, occupied 17 days on the passage.
She exporionce a tong westerly gales but
received no damage.
If your Dough keeps yon awake and rest-
less by eight, take Ayer's Cherry , Pectoral
and obtain immediate relief. This remedy
allays inflammation, heals the pulmonary
orgaus„iuduces deep, and restores fiealttt:
The sooner yon begin toe better.
n' u .ky, Illinois and Misso iri have
been visituit by heavy show Boerne, and
mor } floods are anticir.ated..
A Washlna'on epeotai says ;-The Way,
and Means Comm ttee ha 'e finally cloci.'td
to placehi tee on the dutia`>le list. `19 e
duty will be 15 peg weir. ad valorem. Tb O
action was taken at the iultauoe of western
farmers and cattle man.
Chiitdre“ Ltf', tor ?!'"e 1;1c;;1,
i&31= IUSI'DETS.
Red who at
Spring Wnoat..., .
01,,r1ey ,,, .
Q1oxer Sled ,.,
Timothy ., •., ., -
Dorn ...
ntee . -
Flourparbbl. -„
itatoea,per bnahei
ApPles.Peroag .e,
AriedAppleepr b
ueeeeper lb. ,•
Turkey per lb "
Dne1 aper lb
i ogs,dreseedperlf0
Beef ..
fiidesrougb, .
” dreseed .
9heopskine eaob
Wool porlb ...
Onion snerbItala
I owned a litter ot pigs. They throve
well until a month old, trhtn their throats
swelled, and spite of all remedies they all
died except one, which was nearly dead
Laughingly I said. I would try Yellow 011,
nod ,lave it a thorough application. tie im-
proved at ono, and soon was all right.
Wnsmeet Wiaasen, Brinsloy, Ont.
There have beeeu eight burglaries in
Oakville during the past three weeks. On
Friday night the postcitiie° and telegraph
Oleo were ransacked.
Burdock Blood Bittern is a medicine made
from roots, harks and herbs, and is the best
known remedy for tlyspeesia, cuustipetion
and biliousness, and will cure all blood
diseases !roma calnmau pimple to the worst
scrofulous sore", .
It is a privilege to recommend Hagyard'a
Yellow Oil. It is a sere curd for chapped
panda swellings, aore throat, croup, etc,
MRs. GEO. Mann, Josephine P. 0. Out.
During the recent leo* at Lake Erie tbn
steamer Lakeside, lying In the Kingsville
harbor, was lifted high and dry on the
Rave you a Cough? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry
Have Sou a cold? Take Wilson's Wild Cherry,
Have you Bronchitis? 'lake Wilson's Wild
IIavo you lost your Voice? Take Wilson'a
Wild Cherry.
IIavo von Asthma? Take Wilson's 'Wild
Dave you a cold in the head? Take Wilson's.
'Wild Cherry.
Tho Old. Reliable Duro for all diseases of the
Throat, Chest and Lungs. Sold by all druggist.
Kingston masons and bricklayers will
meet in convention in a few days to discuss
the eight-hour question.
Had suffered with headache, and tried
everything I could think of without effect
until I used Burdock Blood Bitters, which
relieved me right away, and 1 am now re-
markably well,
ANNIE TORANGEAN. Glen Almond, Que.
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam loosens the
phlegm, curing coughs, colds, hoarseness,
croup, asthma, bronchitis and all affections
01 the throat and lungs.
Mr Andrew Robertson, the well-known
merebant and harbor commissioner of
Montreal, is dead.
To euro croup, give 10 to 30 drops of
Yellow Oil on sugar internally, and rub the
throat and chest with the Oil. It never
Gents -1 was cured of a severe attack of
rheumatism by using MINA1tD'S LINI-
MENT, after trying all other remedies for 2
Gents, -1 find a valuable colt so bad with
mange that I feared I world lose it. I
used MINARD'S LINIMENT and it cured
him like magic.
Dalnhousle. OIIRIsrornzcR ,MAUNDERS.
00 80 to 00 82
▪ 008Qso0Q-8:1
• 36 eo Q040
16 to ;s7
• elas to327
• 1 5Q GO 2 tj9
51 to 58
.• 040to 52
•- Q 18 to 13
... 1gso0n4
• 40 to 155
• Q 000 50
,., 0 C6 to 007
0e8to 10
• Q06toQQ7
.... 0 25to. O
.. 450 10500
▪ 400 tog 25
• 200to250
▪ 50 to 256
• Q 60 10 80
• 050to000
2 50 to 300
OenWheat &T, nttHlre 010 080
Spring Wlzeat 0 80 0 So
Beriey „ 0 at 0 36
fiats.,.,.. ..... , .. ,,.,« 0 ht27
Otero; Sood ., 3 t 0 3 50
Timothy 2 50 400
Peas 0 53 Q 59
Regi .., 12 0 12
flutter ..-... ........ . «, 12 016
f'otatoea per bag 759:
Apples Por baffle
wool per lla 20 o'2a
Rayperton 5 -
,.«. 51 6f.n
Drat) . per tort 14 00 14 00
Short, '• "" . , .,20 00 2+100
Oatnlealperbbl.,.,, ., .6 (10 7 00
An old physician retired from Practice, hav-
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for
Consumption 13ronchi tis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and affections, also a positive
and radical cut:, for nervous debility and•all
nervous complaints, after havingtested its
wonderful curative powers in tousands of
oases, has felt it his duty to make is known to
his suffering fellows. actuated by this motive
ane a desire to relieve human suffering, I will
send froo of eharge, to all who desire it, the
recipe. in German, French or English, with
full directions for preparing and. using. Sant
by mail by addressing with stamp, namingthis
pater N. Y. NoYus, 820 Powers' Block, oeh-'
,iri:ou Iiab, wa.e stet we gave her Castorla.
Whoa she was z Child eh- ,tied for (,e,aior4se.
When she became .iiss, she clung to Uaeto:i.a,
When eke had Children, alio gave whets' Oastoria,
If you will send us your address, we
you our illustrated pamphlet explaining_ all
about Dr. Dye'a Oelobrated Electro -Voltaic
Belt and Appliances, and their charming effects
upon the nervous debilitated system', and hoax
they will quickly restore /OR tovJgor and MM.
hood health. Pamphlet free. It you are thus.
afii tech we will send von a Belt and Appliances
on t, io]'. VOLTAIC Alla Co.. Marshall .Mich,
Wheatalee to SSo per bus. Oath, 29e to
See per bus. Peas, Me to 60o per bus. ]lar -
s oMelting- 43 to Ole per butt. Barley Feed,
53 t, par bus Corn, 41e to 471c per
Toronto, April 3.--Wheat-Spring No, 2, see
to "17e pet bus : red wintor.No.2.Seu ton per
bus. Manitoba ,`Io -1 hard, 1 le to 1 U7 No. 2,1 of
to 1 03 ; PEAS 55e to 58o per bus. OATS 290
to Mc per bus. FLOUR. extra. $3.40 to $9.45
per bbl; straight roller. ,43.70 to $3.73;
strong bakers, 34,00 to ett,311. Belefsl Y, No 1,
2c to 62e; No.:; 47o to 470; No 3. extra 40e to
42e. Yo 3, 39e to 370,
Traus,Oaritinentat Irxf ovation
Sleeping oar pasaengers for Pacific coast
points via the Chicago, Milwaukee rt St,
Peel and Union Pacifio Overland Fast Mail
7400 00 longer have to wait in lino at Ouuu-
oilBluffs Transfer Station to obtain sleev-
ing car berth reeervatians west 01 the Mie.
sauri River,
The new nrrangewouts made by tho Chu•
cago, Milwaukee to St. Peal Railway obviate
alt soh delay and annoyance,
For further particulars enquire of nearest
Coupon Ticket Agent or address A.E.H.
Carpenter, General Passenger Agent, Mil-
waukee, Wis.
Armee 1oAxovnlNa.--Areyou distnrb@flat
uightand broken of your rest by a sick ohild
suffering and oryiug with pain of Cutting
Teeth? It so send at once and got a bottle
of :drs,Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for Cb il-
drou Teething. Its value Is iuoalculebto.
It wills Move the poor little sufferer luz
mediated aonondupon it, uiothore; Chore
Is r,,,mistako about it, Itoures Dysentery
and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach and
Rowols,onros Wind Colic, softens the Game.
reduces inflammation, and gives tone and
onorgy)tothowhole system. ' Air a.WInatow'a
Sootning Syrup" for children teetbiug is
pleasantto the taste audls the proscription
of one of the oldest and heat female
physicians and nurses in. the United
Status, and is for sato by all drugafete
throughout tho world. Price twenty-flvo
•onto a bottle, Be Sure and ask for"•alis
Wsz sLow'a °"rTn1No s'vanw "and no
other Ind.
f r+ma t mNC SALE
For Low Prices
Come buy for little money
and at little price.
A clean sweep of everything before stook
!a:hna6ia S6yles !
Overooatings at any price ; Suit-
ings at any price; Pantings
at any price.
Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole manufacturers of the
Genuine Lardine. Also Cylinder, Wool and llaruesa Otis.
est Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 eave your orders early, for
with the best staff of Tailors tho best
stook of Fine Trimmings, and the bas
Cutting in Town, you are .sure of atiafao-
Hoosier Steel "rafine
raiin Drill
Over 25,000 Hoasiel Drills and Seeders with our Positive Force Teed
Vee in Canada.
GUARANTEED) THE 1I13ST IN THE WORLD, and the only drill that can be iicetautly
regulated to run the desired depth ire her • and soft ground while moving
THE ItOOSIER IS THE ONLY DIUL,G that sows all kinds of grain and seta: evenly.
and at the d.•pptb desire,' in all kinds of soil.
TIIF 130Q$IER 18 Till:; ONLY BRILL that commences to sow the instant the horses
TIIE HOOSIER IS TI1n ONLY Po81TfVR FORCE. .PEED. andis the only drill that
deposits the grain evenlyjust the depth you sant it an hard or soft soil. REM. -water ttc;s.
TUB HQSIEIt t.(•trlElt 1.1,111L1; Fwith cultivator tient is the best cultivator mato
mulls the only implement madawrtt testa on independent draw bats that can be set for haat
and sof* hind while the team le to mutton. :TIE Itf li,$I F11 is iaphter en the horses than aPF
other Drill trade, The here to of ex:elle co in the Ifa1C"-ICH that other Drills do not baso ora
worth more to the farm,. r than any Drill in the world.
THE COMBINED 110O81Elt can be changed from drill to seeder or seeder to drill in les
titua than any Will mode. Send tsar our na-ty iilustraiel eataleguc anti testrmon:al sheet;'
Beware of pureba,iag •llrill6 thee infringe our part:at .
NOXON BROS. MFG. CO. (Ltd.), Ingersoll, Ont.
Exeter, Feb'y 11th, 1.593
We will sell cheap for cash, the balance dour Winter
Stock --consisting of Cook and Parlor Stoves, Axles, Cross
cut Saws, Rope and Web Halters, Sleigh Bell` --a4 prices
that defy competitiri.i.
P. S.—We must ask that all overdue acounts be set-
tled at once, by cash or"note.--B. Bros,
Drug Store
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
*the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exetex.
0-003:3 8..
I have just received my large consign/meet
and to make room for them I
am now selling off my
Previous Stook !
At figures away down. I do not believe in
carrying over goods until another
year, and will always
sell at
Rather than hold them over.
is the best assorted in
town and of first quality goods
I am here to exchange goods with
the public for cash or pro-
duce and am bound to
do it.
Market Store, EXETER.
Nov. 13, 1889.
Has opened business in the
premises of R. SPICER, op-
posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio
where he is prepared -to meet
his old customers and as
many new ones°
Sewed Wor'kaSneoialty
Repairing promptly and sat-
isfactorily done.
-Tuve CALL
Itelable Gootis:
lit Prices Lower that so-c>f
led Cheap Houses can give
U de rtakaxag in all it
(Successor to C ct 9. Gidley)