The Exeter Times, 1890-3-20, Page 8It
PANY, or Toronto, for thePIXONL$
England.. the ROrkr, ce.NaDIA:I, of tion-
treal. a.d the O' ARx() 1iUIJAL LIFE
ASMI I'.0 Qi•7, CO'3: or Waterloo vetebushed
lb?ai Asseran,osiufore%$13,1?i,400, Bonuses
every ycsr after 3rd year.
Wall -Paper
Wallpaper, 5c. per roll,
Wallpaper, 7c. per roll,
laflpa.per, xoc. per roll,
Wallpaper, x c. per roll,
Wa;$paper, _ ;. per roll,
Wallpaper, 20C per roll,
Wallpaper, 30e. per roll,
'Wallpaper, 50c. per roll,
Wallpaper, pretty, at
a:: 1 spar, choice, at
` Trt./n Exeter
The Great Dress Goods
House of Western Ontario.
We claim and 'without any
fear of contradiction to have
by far the largest and most
fashionable stock of Dress
Goods ever shown in Exeter.
We make a specialty of fine
Dress Goals. We under-
stand how and what to buy
We are busy opening up our
spring novelties. A few days more
ani all will be in. Where the new
goals are alt Maim; to be stored
away, is than we can teal we
s e never so crowded. Our large
ci1:.412 is jammed from cellar to gar-
ret. Some of the g must be
cleared out at once to make room.
Now in order to run of some special
job lines quick, we will offer some start-
ling bargains. Our Dress Goods stock
sa ss, biro we must reduce it. In order
to riga s¢, early, re will make a run an all
aktw goods.
A line of Beautiful Stuff, Goods
all new Shades, in Flaiu Plaids and
Serapes, 8' cis will be the price
insUad of xz cts, and for 91 cts we
will clear a line of regular 15 cent
tY«,u_uds, they are all new and very
pretty. In better goods we will
ds equally well. 25 cents will buy
the very best all wool foufle cloths,
x5 different shades.
Remember we show nearly
a thousand pieces of new
Dress Goods, and we guaran-
tee every piece from 25 to 40
psi cent. better value than
any of the "Old. Timers" can
show you. Can we sell more
Dress Goods this spring than
all the other houses in Exeter
put together ? Perhaps we
can, we will see. Remem-
ber we are the leaders.
Come and see ourbeautiful new spring
atoelr; we will please you,
Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter,
31Tv Moto; Mum
THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1890
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs
of boots and shoes that need repairing,
to be left at the leading boot and shoo
store next door to the post office. G.
.A. Nice Present.
A great many new names have been
added to our list during the last two
weeks,by subscribers ordering Tien
'TIMES to be sent to distant friends or
relatives. What more suitable present
could be made, than a paper with all
the local happenings, which eau ne 'sr
"be contained in a letter esides it
;brjings the giver recollection each week.
aa..Dog without Brains,
There is a young man in town named
Dia]colm McInnes, who owns a "yeller
dorg." It is a worthless cur and has
been a source of annoyance to Malcolm
,for some trine. Malcom. concluded to
despatch him, and accordingly, one
morning borrows a rifle, and employs a
young man to hold the dog. The trio
repairs to an adjoining field, and soon
positions are assumed, Malcolm standing
at It range of 3?r feet. ' The rifle is dis-
charged and the dog scampers to the
other end of the field. Malcolm returns
to town and avers he shot the dog
through the head, and that the cur lay
dead somewhere. In the evening the
canine "turns up" and is still enjoying
the pleasures of life, notwithstanding
that Malcolm assures us that the cartridge
went in at one ear and out of the other;
hence the reason of the dog not being
killed. We would advise Malcolm not
to shoot the dog, but place it on exhibi-
tion as the only brainless canine on
Groceries choice and fresh at the Big
Bankrupt Store.
Good Friday, two weeks from Friday,
Mr. I,, Edworthy‘rud femily left on
Tuesday for Killarney, Man.
Ladies ; Do you want a stylish, well.
made suit ? Try Miss Baker.
After May lst another liquor store will
be opened intone).
A, meeting of those iutereeted ' cricket,
will be held shortly.
For the newest styles in Gents Hats you
must go to the Big Bankrupt store
C.onsiaetable pressed hay has been ship-
ped from Exeter station this week.
Wanted, Three or four goodnpppreutlees,
Apply hiss Baker, over Richard Pickerels,
Considerable building will be done in
Exeter, :luting the eonnug summer.
t'lleautiful new Print all below regular
prices at the Big Baukrupt store, t
(dents Listen, 6 {Iced Ties for 25 cents
at the Big Bankrupt store.
The maty friends of Mr. Harding will
be pleased to learn that be is mending
Ladies : Do not take your suits to the
City this Spring. Give Miss Baker a trial.
Prices moderate.
Se :eral flocks of crows have been seen
in this neighborhood during the past few
days, which is an iudication of Spring.
Great hig bargains in new Boots and
Sbocs at the Big bankrupt store. Spring
Goods all in.
Vacant houses in Exeter are very scam.
and until a Ilersori is in search of one the
seareity is not fully realized.
The market hes been somenat lively
lately and as :a eons mieuee business in
town; is unesua ly lively.
The other evg. a horse wass stolen Irani
Mr, James W'eateott's stable, Ushorne.
No elm: of the animal as yet.
Ladies requiring Black Dress goods,
simnel net fell to see the beautiful new
stock et the Dig Bankrupt stere,
Already this year's mapie sugar is ou
sale at the grocery stores. Another
fudication of Spring.
Richard Pickard has the largest and
.finest variety of Dress (hoods alai Prints in
t. wu. Call and see them,
Mrs, McGinty lives at Ildeston. She
appeared on the progtasn of aconcert held
in that village the other evg.
Cdr. Rd, Dissect also bate a brood of ten,
game chickens, which were hatehed some.
days age,
The cheapest and largest stock of Black
soil Colored :satin mares. are at the Big
Bankrupt store,
goryoi I,¢au
1 has been
organist in the .lames•st tIeth church, in
the stead of ldiss Brown, resigned.
Several loale of cattle were shipped from
!Neter station, on :Monday, by Mr, James
Great bargains in Carpets. Curtains,
Window Shades and all kinds of house
fnrnishinge, at Richard Piekari's•
We regret to announce the death of
Girarude, a 12.year.ot.l t'a'igliter of Mr, 14
Hardy, which oeeurred on Monday,
If yon want to see the most fashionable
stock of Dress Goods in Western Ontario
you must go to the Big Bankrupt store.
Monday was St. Patrick's Day. The
event was appropriately celebrated in same
of the more "Irish" communities, in this
Grand velure in new Tweeds and Pant -
fags at the ]sig Bankrupt store. Order
your Spring suits early and save 25 per
Saw -logs are being drawn to the mills
on waggons- The epectaole is an odd one,
and no doubt the horses deem it as un-
commonly hard work.
Whilst returning home with a load of
hey on Monday, one of 113r. Stanlake's
teams ran away and upset the load. The
dnver jumped and escaped.
An immense stook of carpets and curtains
at less than regular wholesale prices at the
Big Bankrupt store. Some big values in
the very best brussels carpets.
Whilst walking along the sidewalk: on
Tuesday evg. Mr. Remington bank clerk
slipped and fell through a large window in
the post office store, completely wrecking
it. ai
The Presbyterians have formed a
Christian Endeavor Society, with the fol-
lowing officers: President, Rev, Wm.
Martin ; vice-president, John Grigg; secre-
tary, Jos. Senior ; corresponding secretary,
Robert Muir; treasurer, Miss Horn.
For Gents' Furnishings go to Richard
Pickard's. He has the finest display of
Suitings, Trouserings, Ties. Collars, Cuffs,
Shirts, &a. tic., in town. Special values in
ordered clothing.
The Firemen are meeting regularly each
week at present, making arrangements for
the forthcoming celebration of May 24th,
It will be the duty of the citizens to lend
the firemen a helping hani in their efforts
to give a worthy celebration.
It is said that there will be a sixth hotel
license granted for Exeter, at May 1st, the
Metropolitan hotel being the new candi-
date: Already the signatures of almost
the entire electorate of the division have
been placed on a petition in favor of the
new lioense.
The snow plow was brought into requi-
sition on Monday morning for the first
time since a year ago. Very little snow
had fallen, but it was piled in heaps along
the sidewalks by the usually brisk March
The choicest stock of beautiful Dress
Goods ever shown, is at the Big Bankrupt
vA polished knitting needle i
pped into a
tessel of milk and immediately withdrawn
n an up right position will tell you whether
your milkman is honesttor not. If the milk
is pure a drop of the fluid will hang to the
needle, but the addition of even a small
portion of water will prevent the adhesion
of the drop.
Educational sermons wore preached in
the ''-Methodist churches, in Exeter, on Suu
day last by the home ministers in aa,
of pulpits. Rev, Mr. Port of
Parkhill, as announced to have taken the
work here, was enable to do so, the death
of a, sister having called him to Toronto.
Mr. Alex Colquhoun returned to Douglas,
Man., on Monday, after a visit of several
weeks in this neighborhood. Mr. Colqu-
houn took with him 15 mares and two
stallions, "Charming Charlie" being one of
the latter. The animals are first•class, and
were the pick of the country. We wish
Mr. Oolquhoun success,
The Auditors' abstract of the receipts
and expenditures for Exeter for the year
1889 shows a total amount of receipts of
810,653.46 total expenditure $8,612.99x-
leaving a balance of 82040.47.' The bal-
ance is far too large, for so small principals,
and: our legislators should be careful not to
strike a rate so far beyond actual require-
- meats,
,�: ,......,...`_...-.amu_, ...
Exeter MumioPa,lr"ncl. GOODS,NEW
STEWThe council metsirn-
ursuant tc ad'oQD pQ
reent at the town hall, Exeter, 15th
March, 1890.
All present. The minutes of the
previous meeting were read and eon -
firmed. .
Moved by ll' G Bissett, sec by J Oke,
that the followin; sums be paid, viz :--
Jas Creeoh $y, charity to Mrs, Piper
and Thos .Hartnell ; $4.50 for cedar
posts for market square cattle byre—
Mr Emory addressed the council
relative to exemption of taxation of the
Pickard grist mill property.
Moved. by Jas Oke, seconded by W G
Bissett, that this council will agree to
exempt from a greater amount of tax-
ation than $2,000 yearly for ten years,
on condition that the Frill be fitted up
with the roller process and capable of
producing 100 barrels of flour per day
and operate at least eight months in the
year ---Carried.
Rev Mr Robinson prayed the council
for a grant of .425 for the Mechanics'
Moved by D A Ross, sec by Jas Oke,
that $25 be granted—Carried.
Moved by W G Bissett, sec by H
Spackman, tbat the motion recorded
relating to rent of room to the Mechanics'
Institute be recincled—Carried.
Re -Board of Trade requisition to
establish a butter and egg market; it
was moved by J Oke, see by H Speck-
man, that the use of town ball grounds
be minted for the sale of butter and
eggs and other small farm produce,
except such articles as are specified in
the market by-law—Carried.
Moved by W G Bissett, sec,, by ld
Spackman, that this council adjourn
until Saturday, the 29th inst , at 8 p.m,
-T-Carried,- 14I, Eaensar, Clerk,
P..xeter to nave le. grist MVO,
The Pick* milt will be open to do
grlsting se usual till the list of April,
when we Out down for a couple of
months to remodel. The chopper will
not be interfered with in any way.
Farmers requiring grist;ng done please
bring it before then.
4 i 0ntortunnte ,-
11ir. Edward Howard, whom, it was
mentioned in last week's issue, as having
been injured by a lathe in the factory
detached, is again the victim
Of a painful accident, He returned to
work the other morning am? while en-
gaged sawing lumber, a knot flew from
the board, tamed by the rapid buzzing
of the satin, and striking Mr. II. on the
eye severely injuredthe optic. For-
tunately the sight will not be impaired.
Some Weather Comparisons.
December, 1815, and January, 1810,
were very warm, indeed so mild that
rials were seldom lighted in our rooms.
February was also as mild as spring time,
with the exception of one or two cold
days. March was cold and boisterous
the first half, then mold to the middle of
April, when winter sot in with ice and
deep snows, which continued until June..
June was bitter cold, the coldest ever
known; frost, ice or snow,,.;.fiost every
night, destroying almost everything that
frost could kill. Snow fell 10 inches
deep in 'Vermont, New Hampshire and
Maine, three inches in the interior of
Now York State, and in a part of Penn-
sylvania and Massachusetts, July was
cold and frosty. Ice formed as thick as
window glass throughout New England.
August was worse still. Ice formed half
an inch thick and killed almost every
green thing in this country and in
Europe. Corn for seed in 1817 that was
raised in 1815 sold for 85 a bushel.
Base Bail.
A public meeting for the purpose of
re -organizing a base ball club for the
season was held in the town hall on
Thursday evg. There was a large at-
tendance and much enthusiasm was
manifested. Mr. B. S. O'Neil, Pres.,
occupied the chair. After routine busi-
ness and the accepting of Mr. B. S.
O'Neil's resignation as president, the
election of officers took place, with the
following result :—Hon. Pres., Isaac
Carling sr., Esq; Hon. Vice-doWm. Drew
Esq; Pres., Mr N. Dyer Hurdon ; Vice -
Pres., Mr. L. H. Dickson; Sec-treas.,
Jos. Senior. Committee.—R. Eacrett,
Ed. Bisset, Geo. Anderson, D. Tait, J.
Elliot. A vote of thanks was tendered
the retiring president, after which the
meeting adjourned to Saturday evening
April 5th, for further organization. The
prospects are that we will have one of
the best amateur teams in Canada this
The epidemic whioh was so prevalent
in this neighborhood during the winter,
and known as "la grippe," is reaping its
harvest just now. Within a few weeks
a great many of our citizens, particularly
the older ones have been removed by its
effects. The latest victims are in the
persons of Mr. Wm. Whitlock, and Mrs,
Wm. Balkwill, of the London road south,
the former of whom died on Saturday,.
the latter on Monday. Mr. Whitlock
was affected with "la grippe" some weeks
ago, and it was thought he bad almost
recovered when he was seized by paraly •
sis, one side becoming helpless, from
which he never recovered. He was aged
77 year,,s and was one of the oldest resi-
dents in this section, having been one of
the pioneer settlers. Mrs. Balkwell also
had apparently recovered from a serious
attack of the grip and had been about
the house for some days. On Sunday
evg. she ate her supper and appeared to
be quite well. At nine, o'clock however,
she became very ill, and died at three
o'clock Monday morning. Mrs. Balk -
will was aged 50 years. She leaves a
husband and several grown up children
to mourn her loss. She was a sister to
Mr. John, Gill and the other brothersin
this place. The friends have the sym-
pathy of the community in theiraf iction.
Both funerals took place on Tuesday and
were largely attended, the former taking
place under Maeonic order.
No Lady should fail to see our New Dress Goods. We have the Attest range ever
shown in Exeter, comprisie g all kinds of Robes, Black, and Colored Cashmeres, Fowles,
Henriettas, Sateens, Serge% Etc., Etc.
We have a very large and beautiful range of PRINTS, All the latest patterns and
colorings are being shown by us ; and they are going fast. Come and secure some of
our 10o line. They areimmense value,
In Gents' Furnishings, we have the nobbiest ;Suitings and Trouserings in town.
We do our own Tailoring and glen antee a perfect fit. We have Felt Hats to suit every-
bod , and the prices are right. Collars, Cuffs, Ties,Shirts,Etc., Etc,, direst from the
Y l; �
factory® They are the latest ; call and. see them,
Special Values in C-rcaceries of all kinds,
Wish to eall the attention of the readers
of the TIMes to their sale of
S ecta1'alue Watches
When, if you are intnding a purchase
you can procure one at about half the
usual rates. AU movements are carefully
selected for our fizat•elasa trade.
In Diamonds and other Freeious stones at
equally low rates.
Goods of all Iduds sent on approbation
to responsible buyers, and epeeial tears of
payment given the eame•
When in tide city don't forget to call at
the largest, dI'eapest and oldest established
business in the west.
A. caRx & CO.,
Cor. Richmond :and Dundee Sts.,
London, Ont,
Mrs. J . Cobblcdick of New Castle
who has been visiting Mrs, Wm. Par -
arms returned home on Thursday last.—
Messrs. Farmer and Farneomb visited
Clinton on Thursday last.—Mr, Bee has
returned to town, from Parkhill, and has
taken a position in Mr. II. Levett's
storehouse. --Miss Ettie May, is visiting
her brother Mr. W. F. May,at Parkhill,
- Tho manager of the grist -milt has
arrived in town, and very soon the work
of improvinn the property willbo emu-
ntouced,—Mr. Cleo. Case of Toronto, is
the guest of Ins father, Mr. Wm. Case
--Miss Ida Carling has returned from
visiting friends in Toronto.—Our worthy f
Reeve, Dr. Rollins, has been slightly
indisposed with an attack of the grip.
He is convalescent,—H. M. Cowan and
wife have returned home from England.
—Mr. Chas...Knight of St. Tliomas,spent
a few days with his parents in town last
week. —Mr, Brimacombe, the elder, of
the *`Mansion House" is very ill,—V',
E. Bailey, of Buffalo, was in town on
Tuesday and purchased many first-class
horses.—Inspector Tom is in town on
official business.—A. F. Manning, well
known in Exeter, who has been engaged
with the Massey mfg Co., for some time
as kook -keeper has been moved to Lon-
don fa manage a branch of the firm,
Read Richard Pickard's change of adyb.
Also that of Brumpton Bros'.
Oakville boasts of 15 pairs of twins.
Matilda Ruby has just died at Raywick,
Ky., aged 123 years.
Influenza is raging severely among the
Stoney Indians in the North west..
Mr, John Blown of Culross se:weeded in
trapping three wild—cats inside of a week.
Old Gabriel, a mission Indian who was
150 years old, died Monday at the Monterey
County Poorhouse San Francisco.
"Ayer's Medicines have been sasfsfaotory
to nie throughout my praotioe, especially
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has been used
by many of may patients, one of whom says
he knows it paved his life."—F. L. Morris,.
M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.
That tired, debilitated feeling, so peonliar
to Spring, indicates depraved blood. Now
is the time to prove the beneficial effects of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It cleanses the system,
restores physical energy, and infuses new
life and vigor into every fibra of the body.
Saturday night about 10 o'clock the resi.
denoe of John Broadfoot, on Mill street,
Brussels, was burned. the fire being caused
by the explosion of a lamp. Loss on house,
81,200; furniture partiallyisaved; no insur-
BEA—Wisnmam.—At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 12 inst., by Rev. D.
A. Moir, Urn John Rea to Elioner Wise.
man, all of Blanehazd Township.
Leve—Woos. - At the residence of Mr Wm
Wood, father of the bride, on the 5 inst.,
by Rev. S. 0. Edmunds, 13. D,. William
A. Levy of Fullerton, to Emma Matilda
Wood of Blanslhard.
McDoxazn-0Amarcx.-gt the Main street
Parsonage, Exeter, on the llth inst., by
Rev. jasper Wilson, B. A., Mr. Josiah
McDonald of Port Huron, Mich., to Miss
Mary Carrick of the township of Hay,
Huron Co.
BAnxwrr.n—In Usborna, on the 17th inst,,
Itslizabeth, beloved.wife of Mr Wm, Balk.
will aged 50 years.
Hannv-In Exeter, on the nth inst ,
trude Violet, daughter of Mr L. Hardy,
aged 12 years.
LANIIIN-In Woodham, on Saturday, 15th
inst., Mrs James Lankin aged 57 years.
Werietoox—In Ex ter, on the 16th inst,,
Mr. Wm. Whitlock, aged 77 years.
Minarcl's Liniment is used by Physicians
is not a dry subject to talk
To those w'ho have seen Carling Bros'
With all their talk does any store in town give rn.or
and ask less than Carling Bros.
Whore Is My Vhnin Boy T'iht
Probably looking at Carling Bros' Window Display o
All in the newest and latest styles. Young men take a
look and be convinced that we carry the largest, best and
most varied stook in town.
For Richness, Rarity, Prettiness and Display, Girling
Bros.' Stock
When you are tired of paying three prices for . goods -
take a rest and trade 'with Carling Bros.
Our Grocery Dep't is Complete.
Highest Price paid for Produce. A call solicited.
Is causing a great sensation, but not greater than
Happel & Cleghorn,
Who, having replenished the Stock in all Lines. aro now
selling at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. We have
also combined the
+n1 Ftthhing tk of E. APPR
Consisting of all .kinds of Canadian and Imported
Tweeds and Worsteds. 500 patterns to select from; to be
sold at Prices unequalled in the country.,
All other lines of Dry•Goods fully represented.
Groceries,Orockery, and Hardware at prices to suit
the times.
All Suits made to order under the supervision of ` E.
Appel, an experienced, cutter, of well-known reputation.
Call once and you will come again. Highest price'
paid for Produce,
Zurich, March 16th, 1890.