The Exeter Times, 1890-3-20, Page 6A Fact
WORTIT knowing is that blood ds -
eases which all other remedies fail
to ourei yield to Aye's Sarsaparilla.
Fresh confirnacte
tion a this state-
ment comes to
hand daily. Even
each. deep-seated
and stubborn oora.
plaints as Rheue
matisne, Itheuma-
tie Gout, and the
like, are thorough-
ly eradicated by
the use a this won-
derful alterative.
Mrs. R. Irving
Dodge, 110 West
ce,,* 125t1i street, New
York, eertifies ".About two years ago, after suffering
for nearly to years from rheumatie
gout, being able to walk only with Rea
discomfort, and having tried various
remedies, including mineral waters,
without relief, I saw by an advertise,
ruent in a Chicago payer faat a man had.
been relieved of this distressing come
plaint, after long suffering, by taking
,A,yer's Sarsaparilla. I then decidedto
xnake a trial of this medicine, and took
it regularly for eight months. I inn
pleased to sav that it effected a corn,
pieta cure, and that I have since had no
=tarn of the disesuie."
Mn L. A. Stark, Nashua'N. Ili
writes: "Oue yea x ago I was taken ill.
with alaeuraatism, being confined to my
house six mouths. I came out of the
alekieess very much debilitated, with no
itwetite, and my system disordered in
every way. 1 commenced to use Ayer's
Sarsaparilla and began to improve at
once, gaining be strength and soon re -
'covering my usual health. I cannot say
too mica ue praise of tale well-known
"I have taken a great deal of medi-
eke, but nothing has dime me so
=cacti good as Ayer's Sarsapa.rilla. I
telt its beneficial effects before I had
quite finished one bottle, and I can
fiatelytestify that it is the best blood -
medicine I know of." —L. W. Ward, Sr.,
Woodland, Texas.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass.,
Prase al; six betties, ea. Wes* see. !sten.*
IS +-
No Alum.
Nothing Injurious,
There was a long sitting of the Maribor -
.ugh Street eoliee coma that day, and at the
couelusiou ot it the prisoner was committed
for trial for the wilful murder of Margaret
Neale on the night of the 10th of June.
The evidenee was all on one side, and every
iteni of it appeared to go home -with fatal
force. The testimony giveu at the inquest
was repeaeed, and the Countess of Southfort
readily identified the handwriting of the old
letters found in Female's lodgings. There
could be no doubt whatever as to their being
the letters of the deeeased woman TO her
hueband, written at various times before he
left England. A fatal revelation, unloolted-
for and emphatic, flowed from them. The
last was dated " Oetober 25th 1S$„" and re.
ferred to the imminent departure of the
husband for India; and it was proved, that
Claude Feline sailed from Portsmouth in the
troopship Euphrates on the 29th of the same
month. It did not need Frank Holmes,
who remenebered the date so well, to estab.
lish this fact ; but he also remembered that,
if Fanne were the recipient of those letters,
that last momentous letter from the dead,
wife must have been received by the hus-
baud, while he was stayiug with himself the
week before embarkation.
The evidence of detectiveTherton is already
known to the reader ; he bad, nothing to add
to it, and felt his ease eompletea by the dis-
eovery of the letter. Mr.elayton was sworn,
and admitted that Faune was rn the habit,
when he mine to hie house, of staying till
past ten; pressed On the paint, be ma he could not help netting, one of the . TAMS familiar to her ear her n° 111V,11n t ta..11 -
not recollect an occasion, for several 44 ;Metter t unswerea Museesave sharply. native maul, ; awe sang with rink brow tary inated'was wattheo. by the entire coin -
ing,. and like a mate in a dream, Frank
Holmes mechanically did the last thing he t sands be England, they will be eager to
would have cared at the moment to do; go to other countries."
stepped into the brougham, and seated laina- Holinee shook his head. That is true,
self opposite the lady and her husband.
The rest of the -way down to Charing
Cross, Mrs. Musgrave, leaning towards him,
kept talking away, in a voice musical to
listen to, words he hardly understood, evhat
with the noise of traffic and the confusion
into which his thoughts had fallen. At the
hotel lee helped her from the brougham, and.
in the vestibule she said. prettily ; " Idiom
only ask ten minutes to dress. Will it be
with very pretty effect, "we have not much
money, and I am anxious for my husband to
be getting =income."
"I should not like to dishearten you, Mrs.
Musgrave," he said gently, "but London is
a vary diffieultplace to get an income."
"John says," she observed doubtfully,
"hat there belt.% no means of living for
as far as it goes, Mrs. Musgrave. But those
who are able to pay the cost of reaching and 2, 366 tons, was a four -masted iron sailing
settling in a new country can do so without !hip. " 1Xhile gobig_ from Rte to C4leutais
, a ballast, says the London Standar "site
the aid of an agency i and those who are too 1
agency Igot ashore at St. Paul's Island, Strange to
poor—the great inajority--want au
that will find the uecessary money for them saY, she ran in a cove between the rocks.
She had a erew of thirty-three hands and
and take the chance of ever getting it back
again. I don't think that the idea. will sue- the 011137 wad'
the ship, where theta was. a drop of forty
of estape WAS over the laiws of
°eV Wae silent now, with her hands elasp- to fifty feet. A rope was put over thebows,
too long to keep you gentlemen waiting for ea and her eyes on the carpet. Holmes, and one by one the crew dropped into the
couteniplating her graceful head 'hewed in surf. All escaped but the mate. It was 9
Eight Days cos os Barren Island—Rescued
nod Taken Home.
The Captain of the ship Holt Hill, which
was wrecked some weeks ago on the barren
and desolate island of St. Peul, has sent the
owners of the ship, Messrs. W. Price & Co.,
of Liverpool, full particulars of the wreck
and of the Robinson Crusoedilte adventures
of the crew on the island. The Holt Hill,
" That means half -an -hour, Frank," anxious reflection, thought of the man drink- aotelno:iiattirteigpho,t when
"'rfellowsthe 'I:east etioareMekahr on
observed Musgrave when she had gone up. ing whisky below. IN as she thinking About thlle beech,
nearly frozen. The men escaped
stairs, " Woe down and let's have a cigar- Ion to° ?
She raised her head suddenly, saying half just as they were when the ship struck, and
ette while waiting."for the most part they had no shoes on, and
They went down to the smoking -room, d. Y? xp ' g 11 • thought rather than
addressing her guest : " I thin't know what were but partielly clad. Reeks 200 fee,.
and Holmes, observing Museemve beckon to A
waiter, said : ''Nothing for ow, musgraeoe, we shall do," and moved to the piano.— high faced them, and as precipitous as the
" Ma I slag, Mr. Hoboes ? Or do you hate ski° of a house. The safety of the men was
" Not a whisky -and -seltzer t" inot assured 'until they reached the summit,
17011610 IWO? ' she asked.
" N - that." For the best part of an hour she eat at the'but this was
But the man returned, presently with a
which instrument, singing and playbill, Frank •a manors ame wrier= Teen.
quantity of whisky in a tumbler,
at Hobnes beside her turniag over the musk. 'Capt. Sutherland, while climbing the rocks,
caused Holmes to glance incredulously
his friend. His doubts were soon decided by It was a hiatus in his existence, in Aillich he 'fell some twenty feet, and when he reached
seeing :Idusgrave, after the addition of a fell into °billion of everything except the the top his bawls were dreadfully skinned
sot -mite'. Nor was it that the seeinetl to exert ktsi e summit they
little of the mineral water, drink the coutents siogular enchantment of this worean's byutc110,hshenaTuahuatictioevisiener,oei
of the glass at 4 draught. And them lookina ; divided into parties, some to catch penguins
her charms ana ravomplislonents for him
et the man, he was struck by an alteratiZ
in his appearance ; he looked flabby awe lad She done so, probably they would have eoine to tish, some to get wood. and water,
- failed of effect ; bat she bowed her head one awl others to explore the 'island. The cook
, Palie;What is the matter, mes,,,reve le, he lowered her splendid e-oice in devout rend. had one matelitana on this the hopes of the
o ermg of a, tem from the Stake, 41fater or thtrtY4w° men reste41, " the nightswere dm
. .
weeks prior to the murder, of the prisouee Pausing a minute or so, the influence of the and swelliug osom the Tweet/tate love.sowee pally with the keenest possible interest, and
going bt fore ten o'clock. Further, be haa liquor y11101.110 luel di -unit produced a, softer of tho South, with equal unconseiousness ZI to the joy of ell, a fire waskindled, 'Ms was
to coufess that the prisoner's departure on mood, era he mid : "1 have a horror of his presence heel& her. Nor as the power kept up elay and night:special isentries being .
that Saturday evenieg was rather abruptthese things. My 'wife is so interested-- of the spell OVer Frank Holmes lessened , told nit• to watch and prevent it going out. ,
end caused him haute eurprise, as he luta not excited, in faet—over that wOritan'S murdet. au ex. The whole island ems explored. The only
when, turning quickly on the stool,
alluded during the evening to any pi rpose that she would take 200 to OW t oliee court presion a disgust swept over her face, and fresh 'water, besides some rain that had. lag- "
of going so early. -to -day to hear the whole thing. sshe had not , was succeeded by an ill -concealed look of ea between the rocks, was that contained in i
Barton made no moton in his evidence patience to wait till the evening papers, " distress. While sleeves singing, lier husband. 4oroe bollbig spriugs.
of Frank Holmes having seen and math° which I told her would beve a full reportluni returned aria entered the room unobserv- "Atter getting the watei•, the men bad to i
prisoner at Albert (ate; it was unneeessery, "So you were in the courthouse t So was ed, ana was now lying on the eeee in a wait until it cooled before they could drink
and:the officer did riot with to drag the young e ; lint I did not see you." 1 drunken stupor. it. The penguins were rank and oily, but. ,
men iuto the ease without sufficient reason. "Jams siek of it. .1 have always detested I atre. museheave left the piano, "ti with. after 'being steeped in salt water all night. 1
The garrulous and coniumnicative laud- murders am', sensations of every kind. 1 out waiving her husband further, said t their Meek Seth did not taste SO 123111Y. A
lady did not follow the example. She de- f,..:hoguila Iwo ow reaa the &lane oe this „will y ou have eatree, ::,111. Hahgeste though the surfeit alai& the woe felloa-s leas
posed to Mr liolines milk% at her house, ease in the papers' Feld musgreate turniug 8
1 4,4Thankii,00. 1 1110St Sin° tteDil.n.ight,Mr8. bad of the food calmed uretteein and, in severe
awl telling her he hail seen the prisoner at • li. 1 1 ". onl • it In ened to be a mau el -, 1 1 1; • fo e - era de- al eases, the vomiting of blood. thatelleli
Wonderful Vegetable plgooTer, 1114
Amore" the Terrible Result*
of Overwork.
A True Invigorator.
Weakness and prostration of the naval*
IlyAenl surely follow that overwork and
Welly which brings sorrow and suffering to
so many Canadian homes. The terrible
results of nervous weakness, are seen on
every hand. Pains in the back, poor and
=refreshing sleep, lack of appetite dr.'
pepsia, and lost enervr and strength, are the
first symptoms of more serious and danger.
clue trouble. This is the way that Paralysis,
Paresis and Insanity begin. Do not delay
amoment longer, for some timeit will be
too late to regain your lost4health and
vitality. Use Paine's Celery Compound
now, and the dull eyes will regain Omit
brilliancy, the cheeks will grow rosy, the
brain become clear, the nerves strong and
steady, your sleep restful and refreShing,
appetite good, and health and happiness
wili take the place of misery and suffering.
A. Sabiston, the well known lithographes
of Montreal, wiles: "In the stunner ot
1888 had to work very hard, end was
troubled considerably with insomnia (sleep -
lames* 4.7. resolved to try your Paine's
Celery Compound, and after taking the
contents of two bottles, felt like a new
man. A good night's rest gave me strength
for the duties of_the day, and instead, of,
starting out to business in the Mornut
feeling fie if I had completed A day's work
Instead of being kibeut to commence we
Started out in good spirits, feeling fresh
and strong. vIdy wife and VA11013$ friends,
to whom I recommenled the medicine*
have been benefited greatly, and in fact
Paines Celery Compound is a household
word in our 611111Y,"
Albert Gate, eomine homeward at a querter
past nine. This lea to Hoboes being called,
nraeht to his annoy:awe, to corroborate the
point. He did no. more. But the woman
went OA to say that Mr Fiume had. told her
that he was about to marry a very wealthy
and beautiful young lady.
• Poor Mr Clayton was recalled after the
witness went down, and. had to admit that
the prisoner had beena suitor for his daugh-
ter's hand ; that lie himself kul asseuted
to the .suit, and had believed tile marriage
would soon have taken place. This was a
powerful point for the pros -wawa.
The prisoner's solieiter put very few
GARTH& CO., 4Jutsonis to the witneeses. He Seemed to
reel that the MSC mi the other side was too
FACTORY SUPPLIES. strong aua well -knit to be lightly aseaufted
and that it was best to reserve his energies
Valves, iron tle. Lead Pipet until he found ewe ground to field upon.
Loose Poliey OilerstSteam He only asked Mr. Clayton, if there had been
Jet Pumps, Farm pumps, a formal engagement itetween his daughter
Wind Milk Cream Separ and the prisoner, to which the answer was
ators, Dairy and Laundry
S 1 L
Hand and
_Machine Ilse.
In Sample, Ladies' and
all other kind:.
Lizlitest StIoREest
In the World.
Salons. for tke Damian
fates Demo St., one of the most central
and elegantly furnishednotels lathe City.
A.ecommodation for 400 guests,.
,12 to $3 per day. Si Ve onager.
);:t E 1:S• S
Bele lilts for nada,
Wholesale Impttrs of
Manufacturers of
Steam Packing,
1, asked, innocently, without raising her eyes did Margaret /scale go to e pat
nv A tivisxa T ER
1"4"" TIMES.
lU Iliad known. But not even that would have a iiithaul evening." Were eaught, aud. E01110 nettles were the only
induced me top to the court, if it hadn't - with him, and hesia vegetation the men bad. For tobacco, the A COOK BOOK
been for Lucy, She went nithe door
d Wing thereamoment, walked withisiradown:1 1Mm, from tw° elaY mimke41 "ue:
'rope vans. Their leek were foamed of shied
" Naturally. as a womau. MiteMilagraTes the Merriam. to the elevator. As lie was admit
feelings are strong on the matter."
d to touch the hell, she said, molting in ids t pates, and most eases the num had simply owl to *v IVIee_tineeeedlogasentor tr,IL
"1 suppose so ; and her southern blootl is
, with a sednese that was very touehing • 4°I *imam and thins for a covering. Some. qs°"""" "1"" "‘""" 44 U0.4 4494/441/414
IV "131Wrtilan 110WeVer," headdea, "sue ehe eaduaa, we luta a prospeei af' Inds AVIV found, but only one hail A 23201.
is satisfied now, eineethe fellow deem% seem ' living in London. I't evtiuld be so pleasant, till Willer'
Frank Holmes althea ham his soul he had ' evening.: Shell you come toonorrewt" I found the rain water they brought leek a
had the presence Of mind to decline the i " A thousand thanks, mi., muse0.1„,„ 1 supply in the legs of a is:dr of ()Wet pante. ,.
invitation ; 118 even 'ATM, so far as to 6c:tst could desire no greater pleasure; but 1 arre imam, the lege having been tied to keep. in °
about in his mind for an excuse to go now- ' not able to promise for the evening. I shall the water. There were mishits and goats on
He could find none, of mese. He hoped call during the day, however. And now the island. but they were too iiimble•for the
they would not spend the next two hours gootl.uight Tin, Mrs. Musemve." ' shipwrecked men. Some ola fishitook,swere
found on the Nand, and others were made °
feeling which he diel not dearly understand. When Holmes reaehed the street. iustead . °IA of wire. `several 1" were eallght• awl :tom le sour Immo tor 2 MObAlreatt gall=
tO $01110 - 4.(.• i g ,,* I . ^ i ''
tliseuesing the murder, for, owing eon e, se vww14, ws w
lie was reluctant to talk about it, with Mils- of going to hie lodgings he turned down to f04911041 aft acceptable aish. The wider in
giewe mid hiS Wife. Their seutinients., the Embankment foes; eider stroll and half the spriegs was so hot that the men could entart:eeteerareerefe,9,,,,,%,V,te,.%wesegete,
watreer-tsoecoo4,11NrItiremoreor own rrareent, no*
littreiwo A: Co., 7AOM 8 lIt. rortluadslifalne•
'strongly opposed us they seemed to bet jarred an hour's thinking; For kill filet time he WIN half 114 the "I in the" . _.
uncondortably on him, i ahleilehatioi jtulstitnklefttif. nothing but the woman he. "There was not a tree on the island, wideli
Mrs. Musgrave was a beautiful erlea.!ion,
i (I WAS eovered with thick, railk grass and '
1 • y .. • • ,,, . • I a. ,,. euelies. It was most trying for the poor, manzarkREVY nilAND=4,
tO 11AVe a Chance. I have ,you for a Mend, to come to us of an• Tint I:arbor:vs: PAINT
20380114 Cold W1R
Rot to mach Is thlteNsIcl,
rment Omekopor Wm.
moo& /Inv 44441
Humber Duo.13.81x 1404.••
4,34 gnaw ouloo,wint wank/
awl (4240 of' mail valour.
old" cos 'mum on• Ova,
ttesther with ow losoomloa,
loll. Iino ct lioniseboati
Nautploo. Theta omplm. sa
ing the stump of a eiger into the river -: "the knout. to tate d over the prickly substance
a, negative. It was apparently without ef- black velvet touchea with 'a little lace and a
feet, and the solicitor said he would 'reserve very modest amount of jewelry. • She was possession of suck a wife ought to 611. bil„ in their bare feet. A emall lagoon was
his defente. Nobody thought that he haa, or certainly beautiful, yet seemed wholly un- with ambition.—What will be the ena of found on the north east end of the island,
tould have, any substentml defence; the conscious of the fact. During dinner, the but it proved. to be salt water. There were
only points which seemed open to him were it ?" he thought, remembering what .she had
lady addressed almost all her conversation droppea about their „ot hevi„„ .2„ea. cliffs round this lagoon to a height of 2,000
the absence of all evidence tending to es- to Frank Holmes, and es Sbe am not once money,' and the state in which he luta left to 3,000 feet. $t. Paul is rut island on
tablish communication between hlarnaret allude to the topic he wished to avoid, he which the Government is supposed to plate
Musirave. Any ' vita of it' would be ro„1.
provisions and water for shipwrecked sea-
men, but neither food nor water was found
by the erew of the Holt Hill. It was said
that, whalers visited the island, mul, though
not shipwrecked, maile off with the pro-
visions. Eight small boats were found on
the isked, though several were (mite un-
" On the eighth day a vessel was sighted,
Neale and the prisoner since the latter s re- was fairly fascinated, It was impossible to enough for the man ; but it WAS twill e to
turn to England, and cf any proof of resem- resist her, she was so charming without sus- ! think of a woman like Lucy Musgrave being
blance between the signature of "Julius picion of effort. Frank Holmes, now and , dragged down to the degradation of a fallen
Vernon" in the register ana tho known hand- again glancing at Musgrave, silent and oven husband. $U had touched the young man's
writing of Claudelltune at the same period. &only, oaul drinking more wine than he chivalry.
Both were strong points, the former spe- ought, wondered more than once why so If he had temporarily forgotten his prom-
cially so; but they were merely negative, radiant ana charming ftcreature should have'ise to Illiu,y Clayton, h'rank Holmes made
against a tremendous and compact array of given herself to such a dole. But there was 1 1 ' , • 1 'tt' • tl e
positive evidence on the other side. the fact to wonder at, and this evening P
e. e. t up' a promem so ;minaret Nettle's death till two and a, boat WAS put off from the .A male ea„ e2. 0„ursnr„re our orea
Mr Clayton touched Erank Hobnes on the
,„ Museatx di 1 t r so lintel' as ael-
fire was burned and distress signals ehown, tee era mis an Wu:11Mo Cure tor s'n Privato
shoulder outside the police court. mit•e lds wife hours pest midnight. is tatetl in a former
liViao Weak. tZervous, DebilitetOd,
who in his ;roily 0.11n ignorance law TN*.
raway bls Vizor ot Body, Mad and
Ingtrocit'acinaugate ogtextlalu5e.tthgHdinadtloaire,
tleokeohe, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness
f mozoom Baohtuinoce Sooioty,
••• tho Faoo th gi,i0CtS
114/13g to Early Decay, oneurniat on
t insanity, Icia mut to our *specie* YAW; 14 a
loeltive Cure. 7,t imparts Yotttliful
, Igor restoree the Vital Power In old cud
Dung. arrantbona und invigorates tba Brain
zerl aear000rzels Atoinalidestiuoitli tit mvnhottlem•vis.oys.stiocairt
energy ot tbe human frame. With OAT specie°
No. Sid the moat obstinate ease can be eared In
three snort:Us, and recentonsa in leea Um* thirty
'• to ueeks treat-
tl tf• tl but the ship disappeared. She was so mita DlSOSSOS uo matter of lloW tong stond-
that the shipwrecked crew could see the man lseS, • ul• °
at the wheel. Just as their hopes were afoot a Gum Priaa Sfi. Toronto lion:eine
Co To -onto Out.
e•ou come home with me and stay to dinner 1" Hohnes followed. up -stairs more willingly l' all) tit' he , p
. e• g investigation of (whiles, which his exception -
''Thank you ; not this evening. I have sev, than he had. one in to dinner—Mrs. Mus-
ei. thingsgrave's fascmations uu not men withoutal knowledge of London life and ate
"Well, jtnnp into this cab, and I will effeet. She sat down at the piano and rail quaintance with the details of most of the I
drop you at the Gorner.—What do think of her light fingers over the keys with a touch great crimes eonunitted within the past few another sail was sighted. The dried. grass
the case ?" he asked as they drove off. • that showed her a mistress of the instrument; years had developed into a talent. Now, in was burned, and the smoke as it ascendedwas
"It looks bad enough." then Musgrave rose, and muttering some regard to the murder of Margaret Neale his
, seen by the stranger, ahich proved to be the
" Bad. enough ; I hardly see how it could apology about " a smoke," left the room. attitude was this ;that the course of the bark Comm, The rescued inen, thirty-two
o• 12 R. ENO H R Scut. a TIO t4 'I'll. L•4
"He detests musie, and he is—what is the e - - a'
nolice was radically wrong and the convie- - "Stinnitorteer Ifew?riTaltnaisovIttin'skrveV14ne
be worse for him." in nimilor, were ninteen days on board the . Dral.rtclasu.
" It would he worse if they could bring to word?—.white-livered," said Mrs. Musgrave tion of Faune—if he were really the murder-. Cam ang, and were most humanely treated. - lop TI apre al Kin L I i„ Ayr . ti„ -,04:1101T,
"Seale and Faune since the latter's return to little startling. " Only fancy, Mr Holmes : logical result of a well -conceived method. oft Sutherland being remarkably -cool under the effenausie 'Piles $i..-Torontn illalse?ne ICel..
light any correspondence between Margaret with a matter-of-fact frankness that was a er—would. be ea accident rather than the
All orthe Holt Hill's crewbehrivedevell,Capt. g'"
England. That is still wanting, isn't it ?" he to lerwe England as soon as lie action. As to .4.U545 4. guilt or innocence lie
I trying circumstances. It was thought that Wentz. Out.
“ Such &fabric as a complete case is sel- read of that murder, because, 7 suppose, a had at present no firm opinion ; there was
- . I if the Government could put a supply of
•h h li 1 t A uld fresh water in tanks and. a quantity of
biscuits on the island periodically, as well as
a few fish hooks, they would prove a bless-
ing to some shipwrecked people. 1
"82.. Paul is a volcanic island of about
ten miles in circtunference, large quantities
of lava all round the coast testifying to the
many eruptions. It was the opinion of the
npon of his head. *‘ I fear in the present instance it. r: . have to be 5110(1 before the question of guilt
dem heard of," saadMr.Clayton witha shake former schoolfellow, of kis was amested for 1 • p
they can do without that evidence • and who o Natural' it was more or less of a shock '
' or innocence could be finally and completely
knows what may be discovered between now I answered. 'Why did Margaret Neale leave
to him, Mrs Musgrave."
and his trial? They have only been two 4 i But you, Mr Hohnes, were a schoolfel- house that Saturday night? It was here,
days at the case." 1 kw, and a friend as well, of Mr Faune. Did in the opinion of Frank Holmes, that the
the 1 .
pursuit meat to have commenced : hut the
police, finding no scent to start upon, had
run promiscuously about, trusting to chance
rather than intelligent directions. The arrest
Who knows r Hohnes repeated absent- you feel disposed to go away when it happen-
ly. "Yes ; for the time I must acbnit they ed ?"
have done remarkably well; but hasn't it ' " No • of course not."
come very easy to them f• I She left the piano, and after tossing about
a few books on the table sank into a low ? emeee
of Faune was the consequence of this course
"So you will not come with me, Frank ?"
said Mr Clayton after a pause. "I should chair near to Frank Holmes, "1 have o'• ---"
be glad if you would, if only to talk to Mar. had enough of it now," she said with a On the jury, with the evidence be -
1 find it terribly hard. Poor girl 1 Ah,Fran -, sigh. "1 don't know why I should
The young man knew what he meant, and of that poor girl ; but now that the man is he would still have demanded the
shook his head. "It cannot be otherwise new, virtually condemned I am satisfied.—Is it completion of the case by a. dearly
established answer to the question "why -lc that
C3 a Perfect 1Wctioll Mr, Clayton," he answered gently. "Let wicked to feel satisfied, Mr Holmes ?" she
° I tvill bemindfulof my pronnse this morning, hi her than his Wttistcoat. night ?" To his mind the question was a
us not think of these things. Tell Mary
I vital one • and it was to throw light upon the
" What waa ia Frank ?"
No : certainl not, from your point of motive of' the woman's fatal act that he now
ell, well ; let us speak about some- I bent himself, not reckoning as to whether
tell ou, should it be worth the eelling. Tell thing Elea Of course you know London ' it would help to convict, or acquit the prisson-
her—no matter 310W ; another time I shall e -ia•
Via DEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. er. But though it has been, said that Holmes
RECKITT'S BIDE " Something I promised to -try and do for view " be answered.
her t am goitg to do my best.
"Very well, Frank, very well," the bank- 1
"Very well, -indeed."
er said with a sigh. They were now at , "1 am afraid my husband does not," she
Hyde Park Corner, and the cab drew up to observed, with a shade of anxiety. "Per -
allow Holmes to alight. "Perhaps you will haps, " she added, looking up with a blush
look in to -morrow evening ?" ,
"Perhaps I may. . Good -night. „ I "youwill think it bold of me, but I feel
' that I would like to talk to you as a friend I
"Good -night." 'have known for years."
The cab moved on, but had hardly pro- He did not think it bold; he thought her
ceeded twenty yards when it stopped; and frankness very charming. She was not an
Holmes, looking sback, saw Mr. Clayton Englishwoman, and he freely gave her the
beckning him with his umbrella. "Come benefit of the difference.
round to -morrow," he said; "I want 'befall t
1 "1 feel flattered and delighted, Mrs
you something, and almost forgot to mention
M. Will you call. Musgrave, "he answered, willing enough to
, enjoy her confidence, but hoping it would
Holmes promised that he would call, and t
then turned back along Piccadilly ft his ' i 1 . for his extraordinary end, it might turn ou ,
have nothing to do with ler matrunon a le
e-- lotions. Ho had. sense enough to shrink am)c a
k et fatal 1 h viour ; but this was a secondary
way to the Strand. He was very full of that , that he
ea o 1118 w c la a ruc um. y p , • 1 point of interest in com arisen with t
4t.. A LL
.k;t- AND
21D8BresOles St,
• 141,
iiPERFEgt mon
_jk FOR THE :OM(
•ri, WARMING 12(
Exeter _Butcher Shop
Butcher General Dealer
----125 ALL SUMO Or -
men that had they been compelled to spend
another eight days on the island many of
them must have succumbed to their suffer- i : ' j
vl T
ings. None of the erew has yet allied in , '
Liverpool. The ship, though of immense
strength, was soon smashed to pieces by the .oniksytosmAeNrns supplied TUESDAYS, THURS.
frightful setts that frorh time to time struck SATUBDAYS et their teSidenee
her on the stem as her bow lay fasa wedged ORDER'S LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL RE
between the great rocks." OEM PROMPT ATTENTION.
A Smart Telegrapher.
MERIDEN, Kan., March 2,—"rm a slick
un 1" Telegraph Operator Taylor heard these
wards addressed to him by a stranger, last
night while he was receiving a message at
the railway station. He paid no attention
to the remark until he completed the mes-
sage, which read as follows:
"To the Sheriff: Hicks & Cephart's bank
at Valley Falls robbed this evening of $3000.
Robber tmknown. Description as follows:
Blonde hair and mustache, light blue eyes,
five feet eleven, medium weight."
The operator looked up and nearly lost
his breath when he saw standing before him
the man described in the despatch. He did
not reveal the fact of the recognition, but
merely agreed with the stranger that he was
aealick 'un." The stranger asked where he
couhl put tp for the night. The operator
directed him to a hotel where the "slick 'un"
took a room, requesting to be called ea the
morning in time for the train. Police officers
were notified by the operator of the stranger's
arrive . ey wen o
stranger was called out of the room,and ar-
rested. He attempted to get out his weapons
but the officers were too quick end he was
shot dead. The coroner's jury returned a
verdict exonerating the officers. The outlaw
Was searched and. the stolennioney recovered.
was • as yet without a firm opinion as to
Faune's guilt or innocence, he was, even in
the face of the damning evidence, still unac-
countably disposed to doubt that the man
was capable of such an ace Feline's disap-
pearance the very next evening tendedrather
to increase than to diminish Holm's donate
as to his guilt. Would 02. 1102. be better for
him to have stood his ground, if guilty, than
to have aroused suspicion by flight? The
manner of the murder indicated. an amount
of cool and methodical premeditation with
which, in his opinion, a disappearance like
that of Feline was inconsistent. He must
have had, it was true, a very strong motive
la f la 1 dt kl b the s ot
where lVfargaret Neale had been murdered, . 'Malik you, Itfr Holmes,"she said, mov-
an idea which, if he should be able to follow I ing her chair an inch nearer to him. "Then
it up, would end in the unequivocal con- • 1 will use the kind privilege you give me.
demnation, or equally unequivocal acquittal, : I am anxious about my husbaud's prospects
of Claude Faune, 'in London. I suppose he has said something
, I,
Walking down the Haymarket buried in to yort about his viess s?
his thoughts, Holmes was disagreeably in- "Yes," said Holmes, pleased that her con-
terupted by a brougham drawiag suddenly fidence was taking that direction; "He
up by the pavement and hearing his name spoke of an Emigration agency."
called He stepped over to the carriage, "Sending poor people to Texas aaad Canada
and other places. I euppose, wealthy as
and saw Musgrave and his wife. Before
giving him time to speak, the latter said England is, there are plenty of poor people?"
eagerly : "I am so 'glad. Now you were "Oh, plenty indeed," he answered with a
telmes ; but you shall enter this carriage "Then there may be some prospect for an sprained my ankle." Her rescuer: T
- Barkeeper.—" S'sh ! Take the back door
who first used the expression In the soup.
going home to your dull lodgings, Mr. smile.
d come with me, and have dinner with Emigration Office ?-1111r Holmes," she said, shouldn't wonder. I noticed, when you fell/ and f it 1 rn t t throw the people off
°vein e door s s e wasspeak - p g t nin or try o ow
vital one of the reason of 'Margaret Neale's
secret visit to Hyde Park the night, she met
her death. 1 ,
Hohnes sprang out of bed early next
morning with rt, -light flashing upon him;
and without Waiting to have breakfast; he
jumped into a cab and drove up to Fleet
(so BE Cn.%.iTINBED.)
Like His Compliment.
Miss Pert (who has fallen on the pave-
ment) : "014, dear me' I believe I have
1 Th t t the hall and the
Willing to Shield Him. •
Seedy Stranger (insinuatingly to bar -keep
er.)—"Do you know who I ami"
Barkeeper (shortly),—"No; I don't."
Seedy Stranger (protidly).—"I'm the man
TILL cure e ou of Lift minatory
Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Lem
bag°. Spiral Daease, Ear pee
oothaohe, Bruen and Spnins..
And goods whore the people 1.1111 B4110.
li14111, W11 Win 011d free- Mena
person in naah hicallly,tlic ccry
hest Sewing -machine umilc in
the wockl, with ull the ntivelitosins.
Is.N, mill also sendrrrect a rotoplete
1.5b500,,e l',:.iii, nr, e, nee; l.y,„ ,n.:: Cin, :ell:oil:I c, 1 tit;
*envies. In return WO Ili.r,'' rtutt you
moy cell id your hou.o.11110 nrf Or ,,,,
InfilltIlli all shad 11,01110 p•llt. OW.
property. Tili, icraiht um, blue
auicle ell rt. the Slst ire 1 poi soil),
A v711,111101,,,iri.,a1i,:t4tind r4i4irtsii4lhc:14.70111.11,111111;.:
1 qf; ;? ,,,„„„,,,.... 1,11d 110., U011i l4,1
1 I , ii siiii machine In the %voile. All m
t i4). Ilcsi,strungssronost use-
! I.14,..f`i.13.'..r:PIcATgi.v.e.n.,r50.''''0°11'"'"?'°;ts''! 7440144,14 .'"-
...,,,, frirrttli. No eapitol required. 1 .1.1n,
, _ Openate i ue n t 0 el, no ha
c.ohlit line or works of high art aver shown .togother it...America.
, Irlitrin ae 040, nom 7441.. A.ustiota. litaluo.
AlTo PICO eata lah
s' trade in ail pails, by
plactinx o Ur annoldues
"Shed th a h k droo in her eyesand voice at the same time that it was very neatly turned. ' the scent and give you ten minutes start."