The Exeter Times, 1890-3-20, Page 5Facts For Farmers end Home -
"For we have seen the land, and behold, it is
very good. Be not slothful to go, and to'
enter to Possess the land."
Why would you settle in the Far North-
west when laud can be had in theNear
North-west ? weere there is a
home market for allthe pro-
ducts of the farm. The
Janda of The Great
Northern Railway
Aro now thrown wide open to actual rattlers,
Near the great markets of St. Paul, lz"i.nnea-
polls and Duluth.
The land grant commences within twenty
miles of Minneapolis which possesses the
greatest fiourirg mills in the world, the out-
put from which bas averaged 31.175 barrels a
day. These cities aro oor.neoted with seven-
teen different railway systems and the lands
offered are intersected by their branch lines
of rai1-ay.
The lids are well timbered and well watered.
They at the most productive in theeworld. as
the fellowicg crop statistics prove ,
CROPS OF 1889.
Bushels Average Bushels Average
per sere per sere
Minnesota 45.000.000 15 411,000,000 35
Ontario 35,600.000 ]5 et .000,6t0 33
Manitoba 700,000 12 - 3,040.000 33
CORN rive
Busts Bush
35,000,00e. 1,000 ten.
9.000P00. 1,000.000.
nano nous •
The above atatietica show that whatever
Otte he grows in Ontario, can lil;ewi ie be
grown in Minnesota, and Minaesota'a
enoriilous production of earn chows the
climate to be temperate,
To settle 400 miles from the great mark.
eta meana at least 15 cents a bushel for
railway freights and extra charges whiob
come out of the bard.working farmer and
"oaakes him poor indeed."
Go Up with our groat 6xonrsion thia
spring and spy out the land for yourselves.
.,There's a tide in the affairs of roan
That taken at the good leads onto fortune,"
Further particulars and ,lane will be melted
free on application to.11001i\WAIi'PEft. aanuniasioner St, Paul, Minneapo-
lis. or to the Company's teed agent, UE0ROB
PURVIS,1?.O. Box 7, Loadan.0nt. Doo19-4m
A party of pleasure -seekers, Mr. J.
R. Grant, merchant, Luau ; Mr Papat,
of Seaforth; Mrs. J. Ross and a lady,
of Scotland, have gone from Lucan on
a trip through to San Francisoo, British
Columbia and all intermediate points
of interest. They intend to be away
about three months.
Mise Fanny Huston and Misa Alice
Cameron, left Anderson for Pilot
Mound, Man., on Monday last. The
day before they left, at the close of the
Sabbath school, ear .L eariu, in behalf of
the school, made a very appropriate
address and presented each of the
young ladies with s beautiful Bible.
The gaspipes in tbe Meth. church,
Parkhill, became frozen during the late
cold snap and occasioned quite aseene
on Sunday evening last. Just as the
pastor announced his text: --."Let your
light so shine," the gas wavered, flick-
ered and finally went out, teaxing the
congregation in darkness. •
The alarm was given between five
and six o'clock Thursday evening that
some,little boys bad broken through the
ice on the pond. Mitchell, when Mr.
Mogi and Mr. lloltne% rushed to the
spot and discovered t.hgt three little
boys were under the water. The
youngest son of Mr. Wm. Babb, aged 5
years, was drowned ; the other two
were saved at the risk of Mr. Mogk's
The Stanley correspondent of the
Clinton New Era says;-.t't)n the Sau-
ble line reaideaa French couple,named
Jeflro; who recently celebrated the
55th anniversary of their marriage.
Both were laid up with the grippe, b'ut
are now as sprightly as cricketa, and
can 'trip the light 1 ntastio' as well as
many young people, They have great
g-andahildren living, and it is said that.
three ,etlerationa are iiving in the one
The Latest Current Wows T]Ironghout the
Tho Stratford spring show is to be
held on the 15th of April
The Ailsa Craig Spring Show will be
held on Tuesday; April 22nd.
One hundred years ago Sunday, the
first Methodist church was opened in
Mrs. Fergus of Norwich, aged 84
years, has during the past two weeks
made a quilt of 972 pieces.
Mr. Thos. Fallis of Grand Bend, sold
twelve head of cattle for $390, making
average of $32.50 a piece
A curling match was played at Forest
Monday, between St. Marys and Forest
St. Marys won by 8 points.
Mr. F. J. Coleman, who has boon in
the merobantile business in the village
of Ktnburn, has removed to Cromarty.
• The couucil of the town of St. Marys
' ,have by by-law reduced the number of
hotels there from nine to eight, and
put the fee at $200.
The death of Mrs. James Morton oc-
curred at her home, 7th con., McGill'.
vray, Thursday last, at Lhe age of 68
0. J. White, after 18 years in the
firm ot White & Co.,St Marys has sever-
ed his connection with the establish-
ment, and retires.
Mr. Sim Fax, the oomique, ot w ood-
stock, has made an assignment. His
liabilities and aeeets are about the
same, $3500.
Notwithstanding the numerous ap-
plicants in the field, the friends of Mr.
J. T. Owens of Ailsa Craig, feel confi-
dent he will secure the county Regis-
trarship of Middlesex Co.
Mr. John Johnston, a farmer resid-
ing on lot 40, con. 4, East W awanosb,
made an assignment on Saturday last,
for the benefit of his creditors. His
liabilities foot up to nosey 5000, while
the assets are nominal,
A Boouz to the Afflicted.
MR. Enrroa.-It is a well knowu fact
tnat the majority of people are inclined to
look upon a cold in the head as a matter of
little importance -involving at the most
only a temporary iuconvenienoe. No more
disastrous mistake was ever made. The
neglected cold in the head is the souk of
the catarrhal affections with which about.
seven -tenths of the people of this country
are afflicted, and catarrh itself is too often
the preliminary stages to consumption and
death. The symptoms of catarrh are mani-
fold, bat among them may be mentioned,
offensive breath; doll, oppressive headaoite;
offensivedroppings from the nostrils into
the throat and bronchial tubes: deafness or
partial deafness; constant hawking and
spitting; weak and watery eyea; a hacking
cough and feeling of general debility; ring-
ing in the ears and frequent dizzineea
These are but a few of the more general
symptoms, and those who expenenco them
should lose no time in applying a remedy-
delays are proverbially dangerous, and in
the case of this too prevalent disease may
lead to death. We offer Nasal Balm to the
public as a positive cure for cold in the head
and for catarrh in all its forms and stages.
Nasal I3slm has been tested iu thousands of
eases, and the testimonials in our possession
prc,ve that it is all we olaien for it. It has
cured other sufferers -it will euro you. It
is easy to use, pleasant and agreeable and
does not regniro a douche, or any torturiup
instrument to apply it. Give it a trial and
bo eonv;need, of its great efficacy. Sold by
all dealers or sent post free oil , recept of
price -50o for aulall or 41 for Ir cm size bat.
ties, by addressing FeLVORw cb vox .Brock-
ville, Ont.
A valuable Albion mare belonging to
Dlr. R. McLeod of Lucian, died on Fri-
day front an injury. On Thursday evg.
last Frank Kent rode the mare over to
his brother, William's, who Itves on
the adjoining farm. Ile tied her to a
picket fence and went into the bot;se,
Coming out he found that the
annual had broken loose and gone
home where she was found with a
picket penetrating her stomach.
Mrs. Jos, Wilson of Bright, commit-
ted suicide by drowtling in her cistern
Sunday morning or last week. Her
husband missed her for a few minutes,
and upon searching he found her as
stated. She tried suicide by poisoning
about two mouths ago. She bas suf-
fered from melancholia for some time
past, The husband and family of nine
children have the sympathy of this
locality at their severe loss.
A fatal accident occurred two miles
from. bright, Tuesday, at 10 o'olook.
Geo. Hammond, a hired man with
Isaac Hewitt, had got onto a straw
stack to throw down some straw, when
it fell, bury ing him. When found life
was extinct. He was born in London,
Eng., and was eighteen years of ago,
He came from the boys' Home at
At Knox church, Woodstock,Sunday
night, Rev. Dr. McMullen, ex -Modera-
tor, referred incidentally to the Ben -
well murder. alae thanked God that
there was a hell for people guilty of
such crimes, and said that be had no
desire to be in Heaven with the man
who committed so foul a deed," How
about the passage: "The vilest sinner
may return" etc.
On Monday young Strickert of Logan,
aged about 16 years, brought a small
quantity of peas to the Mitchell market
and was given a ticket at Carter Jt
Son's storehouse for 2 bushels. Before
presenting the ticket for payment at
Mr. fiord'■ store he added a figure 2,
making the ticket good for 22 bushels.
On Tuesday he brought more peas and
got a ticket for 4 bushels, which he
altered to 41 bushels. Me got tha
money, pail Mr. Hord $5 on the store
account, bought himself a watch and
chain and went home with the remain-
der of the money in his pocket. In
making up the tickets on Tuesday
tight. the fraud was discovered, and
Mr Lester drove out to the boy's home
and succeeded in getting the matter
made right.
W hire irir, .u.eilancl of Uabortle; iitts
driving across the railway crossing on
Main at., Lucan, on Monday, his hone
took fright and got aWaj+, , Mr Reiland
was thrown oat against a verandah post
and badly hurt.
A few days ago, Norman Maguire of
Leese, While with his mother on a visit
to frietidll in Forest, was pounding some
grace when a piece flew and struck him
in the eye, completely destroying the
Wednesday morning, a large stick
of oak square timber was taken to Arise
Craig by Mr. Gillies' men, from Mr.
Lewis' near Brinsley. The stick squar.
ed 20 inches and was 60 feet long, and
as straight as a re.,d. Four horses were
required to draw it.
Mr. James Long of McGillivray, is
seriously ill. His son, George, is home
from Winnipeg to see him. Mr. S.
timbers of McGillivray, who has been
in poor health for some time, is, we
regret to learn, not improving in
Mr. Joseph Schwemler of Raleigh,
while tieing up his cattle the other
evening was struck in the ear by one
ot the horns of a cow, which ruptured
a vessel at the base of the brain. His
wife and daughter subsequently found
him dead in the stable.
Wilson's Wiltt (.Merry I.Re1teves
Vuugils and Colds at oucc,
and cures quickly.
STIX should be in every house. It asses
weaty times its cost, Sold by all druggists,
What Is It
To those who baro never used Wilson's' Wild
Cherry, wobeg to explain that it is a proper -
aeon for the our° of troughs. Colds, Croup,
Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Loss of votca.
And kindred diseases. which has been in suc-
cessful use for twenty years. It is a purely
vegetable mediotue in te form of syrup, pleas-
ant to the taste.and gives immediate relief to
sufferers Crete diseases of the Throat, Chest
and Lungs. Wilson's Wild Cherry never dia-
appoints. Try it for yourself end family.
Sold by all druggists.
Red Wbost
Spring Wnoat...
Barley ...
Oats ...
Clover Sled .
Timothy " ...
Peas ..
Corn ...
Butter ,..
klonrperbbl ...,
8otatoes,per bushel
Apples,per nag M•4
DriedApplespr b DOM
Geese per lb.
Turkey porib
Ducks per lb
Ohickonsperpr -..
Beef -.
g ±desrough, ,.
dressed .., .
Sheepskins each
Wooiperlb ...
If you will send us your addrees,we wit lmail
you our illustrated pamphlet explaining all
about lir. Dyo'S Celebrated Electra-Vottaio
Belt and Appliances. and theircharmineefleets
upon the nervous debilitated system. and hew
they will aluicklyrestore yen tovigor.manheed
anti Health. It voltam thus at2ieted. we will
send,you a Belt and Applieuces on trial.
VOLTAIC BELT CO.. Sfarshall.Mieh,
When Bab; '.vi::' sick. we gave her Casten*
When aha was a;,l, al,* erica for <'astora.
When she because !disci. she clung to t isttaria,
C'Lon c1:0 had el.lidren. olio gave theta Caatoria,
▪ 35 to 0040
• 25 to 27
350 to4e0
▪ 1 Soso 700
5I to 53
• U 40 to 52
... 0 13 to 1.1
▪ 14 to 34
• 00to510
• 40 to 1 55
• 1COto7QO
• Oto 450
• 0eetog07
• 008 to 10
• 006to007
... 0 25 to 0 30
• -. 450 to500.
... 400to525
-„ 200to250
.- 35otoa56
• Q60to 80
... 700tt07 00
• 250toso0
OT; 3iARYa
Fall Wheat . 0 00 0 80
Spring Wheat.„„.., .. 0 80 0 80
Barley .... , ; 0 31 038
0 53 0 50
x50 16
Clover Seed
Timothy... .....
Potatoes per bag ,,
Apples per bush
Wool per ib
Ray porton
Bran per ton
Shorts" '•
oatmeal per bbl -. 4 00 7 00
in pronouncing Nasal Balm the sovereign
remedy for oatarrah. Mr. Horatio Collier,
Woolen Manufaeturur, Camertawn, Ont.,
states : Nasal Balm is the ouly positive
remedy for enteral that I ever used.
W111 soon end it not supported by genuine
merit. The seacoast of Burdock Blood Bitters
is founded on merit and approved by trial.
It purifies the blood, and cures dyspepsia,
constipation, biliousness, sick headache and
all similar complaints. B. B. B, is purely
Frank I?esh&s Po11u1ar Monthly
Voti Ai tiln 189t',
The current (April) number of Prank
Leslie's Popular Monthly contains fully a
dozen elaborately illuatreted artielet, at q
one of wnieh is worth buying the Magazine
fo••. "The Senate and its L08iera" is dis-
missed iu bright, gossipy ibyle by Frederick
Daniel, end nearly a snore of protraits and
views acoompany the text. Wm. Hosea
Balton describes the Tennessee Blue -grace
region and its thoroughbred horses, together
with the historic homes of Presidents Polk
and Andrew Jackson. The wonders of
Edison's perfected phonograph and grapho-
phone are b illiantly set forth in Arthur Va
Abbott's paper entitled "A Voice from the
Past," with the best pictures that have ever
been published in oounection with thio sub-
ject. An excellent account of the Union
League Club of Chicago, with its palatial
now home. is famished by Lieutenant
Bassett. A'fred H. Gnerneey'm series of
historical papers on Frederiok the Great is
oontiuued ; Sophie Worthing Fives pi, t •r:
eaque "Notes on Nuremberg" ; Andrew S.
Fuller studies ''The Domestic Life of Pre-
historic Amerioaus" in their pottery -ware ;
the celebration of the new Oon'titntion of
Japan is illustrated and described in an in-
teresting letter ; and the history of "The
Umbrella" is as entertaining as it is season-
able. The short stories and poems of the
number are by favorite magazine writers r
including Lucy Hooper, Ella Wheeler Wil
cox, Charles Henry Webb, Frances Currie,
one otl ere.
The two farms in Biddulph, of 100
acres, and 54e acres, belonging to the
estate of John, Flanagan, have been
sold to John Hodgins for ` $5,400. The
tenement house:in Clandeboyo was sold
9 and the
r. Blackwell for'3295, a
to a,Mat
store premises were withdrawn.
A desLruotiee fire occurred last Sat-
grday'evening in West Williams, by
which Mr. D. McClellan, con, 13, lot 4,
lost his barn and sheds, together with
four horses, 'a number of sheep and
about 100 hens, all' his agricultural im.
plements and grain. '!'here isnot the
slightest 'clue as to how the fire -ori•
giniiVed. •
1Vlinard'e Liniment Cares Distemper,
Sudden accidents often befall artizans,
farmers and all who work in the open air,
besides the exposure to cold and damp, pro.
duaiug rheumatism, lame back, stiff joints,
lameness. etc. Yellow Oil is a Toady reme-
dy for all such troubles. It Is handy and
reliable, and can be used internally or
Wheat,83c to 85e per bus. Oats, 27o to
26e per bus. Peas, Ste to 57c per bus. Bar -
ler, etulting.43 to 48e per has. Marler Feed,
330 to 4lo per bus Corn, 45e to 471c per
Torouto. flax-10-Wboat-Sprin No. 2, 62t
to 83o per bus ;red winter. No,° OM per
bus. Manitoba Noe hard, 104 to 1 Uo leo. 2.1 62
to 1 03 ; PEAS 55e to 58e per bus. OATS 300
to 31 per bus. FLOUR, extra. $3.50 to 59.50
per obul: straight roller. A3.80 to $3,851
wrong bakera.0i,00 to $4,re. BARLEY, No 1.
49e slo: No.2 44e to Ora i No 3, extra 390 to
400; No.3.35e to sin.
A Trans -Continental Innovation
Malarial fever left me with my blood in a
terrible stats, witb boils breaking onton my
head and face. I was ton weak to work or
even walk, but after taking a quarter of a
bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters I was able to
work. The boils all went away in a heap,
as it were, and my strength folly returned
before the bottle was done.
Winona, Ont.
Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cures coughs,
colds, hoarseness, bronchitis, asthma,
Whooping cough and all bronchial and lung
tron;;lee. Price eco. per bottle, or 5 for
1 had a pain in my left side, which broke
out in running sores. Burdnok Blood Bit-
ters was the only mediuine whish gave me
relief, although I tried many others. My
side is all healed up now, and I am able to
go around after being in bed for over a year
without relief. I also used Burdock Pills,
and find them the best I have ever taken.
Mount Pleasent, Out.
GErireemex,- One bottle of Hagyard's Oil
eared me of lumbago after all else failed.
PETER A. WersoN, Four Falls. N. Y.
"I used Yellow Oil for croup this winter,
and must say I find no better remedy fot it.
FREDEnIOR BURSE, Four falls, N. 13.
Gainesville, Tex..,March 8. -Margaret
Lane, GO years old, weighing 175 pounds,
and a giantess in strength, yesterday cleaned
out the Mayor's office in true John L.
Sullivan style. Several days ago her hes-
geed was fined by the Mayor's Covet. At
10 o:clockyesterday she called at that
official's office and gave him a terrible
tongue-lashing. He ordered Policeman
Robertson to arrest her, and she knock
the policeman flat with a blow on the nose.
City Attorney Hall entered and attempted
'restrain the women, but she also floored
him. The Mayor than took a hand in the
game, and etre likewise knocked him clown..
Tben she waded in and actually 4brnshed
all three ot'them and drove !them lfrom the
eotart 1itOi n.,
Sleeping On passengers for Pacific covet
pinta via the Chicago, Milwaukee et at.
Paul and Union Padific Overloud Fast Shit
Bine no longer have to wait iu line at Conn.
oil Bluffs Transfer Station to obtain aloeu-
ing oar berth reservation% west of the Mis-
souri River.
The new arrangements made by the Chi -
cage, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway obviate
all tuck delay and annoyance.
For further particulars enquire of nearest
Coupe Ticket Agent or address A.E.H.
Carpeuter, General Passenger Agent, Mil.
wankel). Wia.
ADVICE. TOMOTIlERB.—Azayon disturbed at
nigbtaud broken of yourrost by a suck child
sutferin and crying with pain of Cutting
Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle
of"5trs.\Vinslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chit-
dron Teething. Its value is incalculable.
It willrcltevo the poor little sufferer tin
mcdfatel; .ionend upon it, mothers ; there
is I...mistake about it. It cares Dysentery
and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and
Bowola,cures Wind Collo, softens the Gutns.
=tacos Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy tattle whole system, Mrs.WinsloW's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the taste and, is the proscription
of one of tbe oldest and best female
physicians and nurses in the United
States, and is for sale by all druggists
throughout tbo world, Pilaff twenty-five
Dents a bottle. 13.6 sure and ask for 'Sins
WINsLOW'e pnlITLIZNO 8.ntra "and. no
other ind.
0..0. Rloli&RDS & CO.
Gents, -My horse was so afflicted with
distemper that he oould not drink for fear
days and refused all food. Simply applying
MINARD'S LINIMENT outwardly cured
Feb.. 1888.
C. C. RioiwmDs & Co.
Getrts,-I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT for bronchitis and asthma and
it has cured me. I believe it the best.
Lot5, P. E. I. elms. A. LIVItwsTON.
For Low Prides
Come buy for little money
and at little price.
A cleau sweep of everything before stock
!ahna lyles !
An old physician retired from practice, hay-
ing had placed in his hands by an East India
missionary the formula, of a simple vegetable
remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for
Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and
all throat and lung affections, also a positive
and radical euro for nervous debility and all
nervous oouzplaints, after •having tested its
wonderful curative powers in thousands of
casos.he.s felt it bis duty to make is known to
his suffering fellows. Aotnatedbyythis motive'
ane a desire to rolievo human suffering, I will
send free of c'harge,to all who desire it, the
reoipe. in German, French or English, with
full directions for preparing and 'mins. Sent
by mail by addressing with tamp,snaming this
paper W. A. Novas, 820 Powers' lock, Rooh-
esterii. Y.
ee tU.ry .'i!u' 'pltellef'S Castor!:
Every barrel guaranteed. We are the sole manufacturers of the'
Genuine Lardine. Mao Cylinder, Wool and Harness Oils.
Hoosier Steel Frame Grain Drill
Over 25,000 Hoosier Drilla and Seeders with our Positive Force Feed in
use in Canada.
GUARANTEED THE BEST IN TIIE WORLD, and tee only drill that can be instantly
regulated to run the desired depth in har ' and soft ground while moving
THE HOOSIER IS TIIE ONLY DRILL that sows alt kinds of grain and seeds evenly,
and at the depth desired in all kinds of soil.
THE IIOQSIER IS TIIE ONLY BRILL that commences to sow the instant the horses
TIIE IIOOSIER, 1$ THIS ONLY POSITIVE FORCE FEED. and is the only drill that
deposits the grain evenlyfa ust the depth you want it hard or soft soil. Iteusinesa Tnu,.
TIIE HOOSIER cn1 INE11 DRILL with cultivator teeth is the best cultivator made.
and is the only implement made with teeth on independent draw bars that can be set for bard
and soft land while the team is in motion. THE IlOn'iIR is lighter on the bevies than any
other Drill made. The points of exoellonee in the HOOSIER teat other Drills do not have are
worth more to the farmer than any Drill in the world.
THE COMBINED HOOSIER can be changed from drill to seeder or Reeder to drill in less
time than any Drill made. Send for our new illustrated catalogue and testimonial sbeet.
Beware of puroba4ing Drilla that infringe our patents..
NOXON BROS. MFt. CO. (Ltd.), Ingersoll, Ont.
Exeter, Peb'y 11th, 1890
'4'e will sell cheap for cash, the balance of our Winter
Stock—consisting of Cook and Parlor Stoves, Axes, Cross
out Saws, Rope and Web Halters, Sleigh Bells—at prices
that defy competitinla.
P. S.—Wo must ask that all overdue ace ounts be set-
tled at once, by cash or note, —B. Bros.
Drug Store
A full stock of all kinds of
Dye- stuffs and package
Dyes, constantly on
hand. Winan's
the best
in the mark-
et and always
fresh. Family recip-
es carefully prepared at
CentralDrug Store Exeter.
Overooatings at any price ; Suit-
ings at any price ; Pantings
at any price.
est Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter
Gentlemen 1 eave your orders eatly, for
with the best staff of Tailors ; the best
stook of Fine Trimmings, and tho bas
Cutting -in Town, you are sure of atisfao
Wit. J. SNELL.
I have just received my large consignment
and to make room for than I
am now seliing off my
Previous Stock !
At figures away down. I do not believe in
carrying over goods until another
year, and will always
sell at
Boot 1, Shoe Mak;
Has opened business in the
premises of R. SPICER, op-
posite SENIOR'S Photo Studio
where he is prepared to meet
his old customers and as
many new oneso
sewed Workas,eoiaity
Repairing promptly and sat-
isfactorily done.
Rather than hold them over.
is tbe best assorted in
o ando t first quality o
town f q alt ,y go ds
I am here to exchange goods with
the public for cash. or pro-
duce and am bound to
do it.
Market Store, EXETER.
Nov.13, 1889.
Kelable Goods
At Prices Lower that so -ca
led Cheap Houses can civ'
Undertaking in all it
(Successor toC & 9. tithes)