The Exeter Times, 1890-3-20, Page 2•
Ayer's Hair .V'or
S the "ideal' Hair -dressing. It, re.
K stores the color to gray heir ; promo `s
a fresh and vigorous growth ; preven
the formation c;,
dandruff; makeethe
flair soft and silken;
and impartsa deli.
Cate but lasting per.
"Several months
ago my hair coln-
meneed falling out,
and in a few weeks
m head was almost
bad. I tried many
remedies, but they did no good. I final-
ly bought a bottle of flyer's Hair Vigor,
and, after using on1Jr a port of the con-
tents, my head was covered with a
heavy growth of hair. 1 recommend
your drel."Muuay, Sharon Gov, Ky.
"I bane used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a
number of years, and it has always given
ane satisfaction, It is an excellent dress-
ing, prevents the hair Irene turnin
g y. insures its vigorous growth, an.
keeps the scalp white and clean." —
ataxy A. Jacksou, Salem, Mass.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for;
promoting the growth of the hair, and
think it unequaled. peer restoring the
hair to its original color, antl for adress.,
in; , it cannot besurpassed.»- eIrs. Geo.
La Fever, Eaton Rapids, Mich,
`"Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excel-
lent preparation ler the hair. I spew
of it from lei wia experieuce, Its use
promotes theetrowth of new hair and
makes it glossy and soft. The Vigor la
also a cure for font ruff." --3. W. Bowen,
Editor "Enquirer," McArthur, Ohio.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past two years, and found it all itis
represented to be. It restores the natu-
ral color to gray hair, causes IMO hair
to grow freely, and keeps it soft and.
pliant -arts. M. V. Day, (.'oboes, N. Y.
"My father, at about the age of fifty,
lost all the hair from the top of bis head,
After one month's trial of Ayer'a Hair
Vigor the hair began coming, and, in
three months, be had a eine growth of
hair of the natural color."—P. J. Cullens
Saratoga Springs, N, Y.
Ayer's 11air
raereneu irr
Dr, d. G. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maas.
cold lay Pa:aglate and I'erfueaerr.
Rau Fans m Oat+ �rlti
FOR $A1,g BY .aLL CEA: Via:
M:4.ta lttit sera ueN to err2,0
itstrotta'aper algia
pr,aatt�ri nriirata
Swic,2a trrcw.:wes
i. tttot1r.ucL nqcx:�0u1t
sSatlr n.xLY2.pla1
5 Pens, i CIR.
h,t 100a Fenn a Re k sant
A.. ,L �- •{m
find wsndcrlageurrd. Books
a ()se roadmr, Tea"dman Kin from all
Fr:Rr oAnd; "n rtpnll ation4r:us to Prof.
4. Luiset;e, t:a: 1 lith Ave. New York.
Sore Eyes
Bruises 7
Sed i
Burns t. �-.�r di,1j�dJ r�+EXT
Sore Feet
5: tar,
l3dT,1,t{9 `in
,t8.^l�9 Y
gg�I rw�.�XinnC7 %r,l�4nt u�
" 'F'rlUiya,;,a
Pleuro -Pneumonia in U. S. Cattle.
Li the Imperial House of Commons on
Monday Mr. John Lang, member for Dun-
dee, asked whether the department of
agriculture was ready to grant the demand
of the Scotch farmers for equal facilities with
others for importing cattle from the United
[States and Canada. He also asked whether
the condition of the United States cattle
justified the regulation providing fortheir.
slaughter et the port where they were landed.
ler. Henry Chaplin replied that the tinintecl
States government was not complying with
the conditions of the Act of 1878, and that,
therefore, the present restrictions could not
be relaxed. In 1884- , he said, 47 cattle
from the United States affected with pleuro-
pneumonia, had arrived in England. As
recently as February gra bull suffering from
the same disease had beers[ landed at Dept-
ford from New York. Communications in
regard to the enforcement of the provisions
of the Act of 1878 were atillproceecling with
the United States government.
diseharged at three times the rate of the
Armstrong gun.
D. W. Felshfield and 0. Dent two En-
glishmen who set out to the Caueasus to
Three. Children Polsone iitt search for some Clue to the fate of Donkin
and Fox, the English explorers who were
Sheffield, lost there some time ago, have returned,
and report that the lost men set out, to as-
tend Mount Dychtall, which isnearl r 17,000
I1F[W ARM OR THE BRITISH feet high, The searchers attained nearly
SOLDIER, 11,000 feet, when they eame upon the last
camping place of the unfortunate men. leo
doubt remained that they had made a that spot opar-
Strange Death of a. Man Near Castleford, tial descent from and that then
} the snow had given way and they had. been
- ' swept into the great ice fosse at the foot of
A SCENE AT A.WEDDING. the cliff,.
An interesting controversy is under way
Gun -Boats and .Cruisers for the VJdiaese in the English papers as to whether ladies
Government. should ride malt fashion, it having been hint-
ed that several well-known lady riders eon-
ttemplated taking a bold step this season it}
The Etlglieli Hauser[& will hereafter put that direction, .Field, in a long editorial,
after the report of each speech the time condemns the scheme, declaring that the side
that was occupied in its delivery saddle is a better seat for the woman than
The sale of intoxicating liquors has been the cross saddle, safer and more comfortable
forbidden at the restaurants attached to the
railroad stations in Victoria, Australia.
The railroads are State institutions.
Three children in the Sheffield work-
house were done to death a' fewdays ago by
the medical officer, who carelessly wrote a
prescription for twenty grains of Dover's
powder ru ten packets instead of for ten
grains in twenty packets.
Each of the new volunteer batteries re-
ently organized in England is to be supplied
while riding and less dangerous in case of
accident, Among other arguments it ad-
vances is the one that the natural roundness
of a a emau's limbs renders her unable to
keep a secure seat on a cross saddle. Plump
and round -limbed men, it asserts, can never
be good -riders.
W illinnt Jennings, an American, 73 years
of age, who had gone to England to give
evidence in a trial in which the Jennings
family seek to recover possession of a vast
with 1:;0 rounds of shot and shell each } ea1, !tract of land in that country, was being
which it r undsc f s of user ie practice driven from the house of one relation to that
tiring, There are to be two complements of of an other near Ctastlefor el by Joseph
men to each batter of nuns: .lemunr,a, aha was also a relation, a few
e (IOW ago, and in some wayfell over the edge
Two ironclad frigates are to he built in of vehicle
the � el tele and was killed by the wheels.
England for the Russian fleet in the Baltic. The body was discovered by a stranger.
They are to be fitted with the most powerful Joseph Jennings, who was apparently under
engines that can be constructed, and are to the influence of liquor, declared that he was
he armed. with the heaviest Krupp gens. unable tosay when or how the accident had
They are to be constructed from Russian happened. The C'oroner's jury returned a
plates. verdict of accidental death.
The foams old mountain fortress of
Asirgarh, which was formerly regarded as
clue of the prineipal defences of Central
India, is about to he dismantled. It stands.,
on the summit of an almost inaccessible
mountain, sad has many interesting Metor-
ieal associations.
The postage on a letter from the United
States through England to India is 5 cents.
The postage on a letter mailed in
England for India is 10 cents. On
account of this the English business lnlblic
is making a big kick against the English
fiesta[ dt•itartllient
The discovery of a lode of uranium at the
Union mines, Cornwall, was aunoaneed an,.
eral mouths ago. This is believed to be the
only known lode of that metal in the wend,
as it had previonsly been found only in iso-
lated pockets and patches. Since the dis-
covery was made steps have been taken to
develop the lode and to work the mine.
Experimental works far procuring the metal
front the ore were fitted up in Loudon, and
the Ore bus been subanitted to treatment in.
order to determine the best economical
method of extinction. The market price of
the metal is about $10,000 per ton. It is quite expected to become his hoot blackanis
Don't Blame the World.
Don't blame the world because the thorns
are found among the roses ;
The day that breaks in storm may be all
sunshine when it closes,
We cannot hope to always meet with for-
tune's fond earessiug;
And that which seems most hard to beer
Wray bring with it a blessing.
The buried seed must rot in earth ere it pro.
due the flower,
And the weak plant to fructify must have
both sun and shower,
So man, to gain development, must struggle
with life's crosses,
And view with calm philosophy his trials
and his losses,
.A deadly, pois'nous weed may yield a salve
of surest healing,
The sweetest bloom may pois'nous be al-
though its bane concealing,:
Things are not always what they seem, but
still Was Heaven designed them,
And we should class theta all as good, and
take them as we find them.
Little we know of this brief life, and nothing
of its sequel,
Then let us take in humble trust all that
may seem unequal,
God's ways are not our ways, and Eee should
certainly be trusted ;
All that is wrong in His good time will
surely be adjusted,
Wedding By Wholesale.
The rite of 'Warr p e
erga is ► or e o i ]ss coatly
in Enema, whether celebrated at church or
chapel. In the latter case the minister is en-
titled by law to a fee of 5s., and, besides
there is the reststrar's fee, that functionary,
as the legal witness of manage, being neces-
sarily present. At some parish churches
marriages are celebrated gratis on certain
days. At the parish church of Shoreditch,
London, Whitmonday was the day for mar-
riage without fee, As many as 00 couples
would present themselves, and the worthy
vicar made one rehearsal of the ceremony do
for them all, On one eceasion, itis said,
several of the victims or votaries of Hymen
complained that the right parties hall not
been conjoined in matrimony, "Oh, well,"
said the eccentric clergyman; "you must
sort yourselves when you get outside?"
A Staffordshireman when asked the proper
question. thou have this woman to be
thy wedded wife?" looking down at his bro.
Pas. and, addressing the bride said to her;
"Wilt to elane my huffs?" She probably
A fox driven by the hounds in a recent proposed to substitute it for gold in elective most likely responded; "I will !"
Mint upon the estate of. Lord (Granville at phitnng, and it is also expected to prove very ' A blushing rural maiden, when asked the
Weimer le a itie bolted right before Lord useful melectric light insulations, corresponding question, "Wilt thou have
castle and ieyeso tlthrough
o. hntherbauto with -the The l eneety (iaverntnont has fauna it tthiisl genet .?" replied modestly: "Please,
necessary to issue an ordinance regulating
hounds in full ere" after hint. They ran the expenses that may be incurred for a
f native wedding in the Kadva Kaubi east('
[mantelpiece. in the district of Knirsa, where peculiarly
(Tot Rey, the founder of nottern medicine expensive customs have prevailed. Ac -
in Rapt, s:eys that it requires as inneh sur. cording to these regulations, only 10 rupees'
geryto kill one Egyptian as seven Europeans, worth of cocoanuts are to be distributed at
and there is no doubt that Egyyptiaus bear the marriage procession, and the payment
:surgical operations with extraordinary pluck at the ceremony, when the . bridegroom
and success. A man in the native hospital touches with his angor his tnother-ht-law's
who has bad. his thigh amputated at 2 o'elook dress, is not to exceed two rupees. The
is sitting up and quite lively at 0. brides's family may not give more than five
'I heladies of Bermuda have started a dimers, nor may there be more than twenty-
went -
riile chit, of which the (lovhave s wife is ftveglnestsateach. Only thirtyrupesnnty be
President. They, have a ranee of their own spent e, nor is sc the rbr dearoont s tour receive
where they practise at 100 yards witli 200 mare than two rupees when he is invited to
calibre weapons, and are said to make re- ilia father-in-law's Mouse.
in rkably good scores. TIhere ere seventy
lntnrbers, alai their Brat championship cone A former memaer of the Pall Mall Oa: -
petition is to take pinee next month. cue's stallhas just returned to London from
A 'printer's error bas been detected in the
the United States, after some seven Menthelast issue of the Bible from the Cambridge ent in studying American joutannalizitn by
Press. Inn Isaiah, shill., f3, the worn the practical process of earning his daily
""fotmdationi" is begun with an "r," instead
bread a working journalist, and tells the
of an ""f," The mistake was discovered by a Caseltethat he has come back impressed bread aswith
can of the Rev. Di'. H. Adler, [alta three great ideas : ""First, that the ppsafes
has received the standing reward of a guinea —lit
of journalist is harder in New York than
Offered for the detection of such an error, it is in London ; secondly, that the growth
} of trusts, establishing a monopoly of articles
The [[cher of the English Court of Probate
and Divorce has just died, leaving a fortnmel of necessity,is the most development;
portentous peril that
of el 00,000, accumulated from a salary of ducat that the oriean development; and, third -
ower in the
$750 per year for thirty-three years, and Sytas than lin� @ y Catholic has far re untry in the
from the tips that flowed in upon hint in a.: Old World. The papers are afraid to print
stream, averaging nearly top4,000 per year. la word to which the priests take exception,
Suitors, jurymen, witnesses, reporters, and and any Catholic who goes to hear Dr. Me -
lawyers all have to tip the usher hi the Glynn lecture is excommunicated. " Fmin'
English courts. s Fall at Bagamoyo.
A Lancet correspondent furnishes the 1 The Chinese Government ]las ordered one
p powerful armorclad, two swift cruisers, and Letters have arrived Moro from a miaaiola-
following list of football casualties in two torpedo gun -boats from English build -cry in Zanzibar giving some particulars
her last the season
estortltel thirdthe firstweek
in eth e npastteni- ers Jan -and the two latter have already beenl about Ervin Pasha's unhappy fall out of a
nary, taken from acarefully tabulated record
launched. They measure 240 feet in length wnr�yre reception of. The i the missionary
describes explorersinof such cast alties as have been publicly an- draught of 6y 27 feet water being inches from the feet maximum
t10 Bagamoyo. Emin Pasha was full of praise
pounced: Deaths, 13. Fractures; Legs, 15: feet. The vessels are divided into 38 water- of the Catholic Mission in Africa, and gave
arms, 4; collar bones, 11. Injuries: Spines,3 a tight compartments a centre line bulkhead expression to his gratitude at the banquet,
nose, 1: knee, 1: ankle, 1: cheek, 1. the two engine rooms and the two which was also attended by five mission-
:dividingA gentleman at Poona,India,recentlysets of boilers. The machines =flee is cries among whom were Fathers Girault,
received a letter that hadbeensted. at protected y PA Schinze and Etienne. After th
P tell bysteel bulkheads a banquet
P L earls extending from q
station twenty mules away two years and the bilge to the gunwale, and forming the was over Emin said to Father Girault : ""I -
four months before, accompanied by the coal bunkers. The vessels will be fitted with have this evening been Drought quite out of
explanation from the postal authorities that two pairs of triple expansion engines, de, my usual routine. ��For fifteen ears I have
the delay was owing to the fact that it signed to develop 4,500 -horse power under not touched wine. Hereupon he left' the
been posted by the wrong train.' Instead forced draught, and to drive the gunboats table, not without promising Father Girault
of being grateful for the explanation he is at a speed of 21 knots. The armament will that he would spend the whole of the follow -
mean letter got olhumt have had an usinuate that ncommin only consist of seven Hotchkiss and two o.
Catling. Emiing n th tinthene wentolic intolission at the next room, and
y guns, besides five torpedo gums.
longtun. thinking, a
s he was
veryshortsighted, g, tsroor, h that
Denmark has organized a new system -of an opening in the wall was a door, he fell
At Mumbles Head, Wales, a crowd await- State butter shows. The scheme includes a with great force ou to a zinc -plated roof, and
ed at the church the arrival ofa bridalparty. continuous butter show at the expense of the from there he rolled on to the ground. The
After a Long delay the bridegroom's friends State during several months in each year, height of his fall was sixteen feet.
went to the house of the bride to see why where fresh samples of butter will be receiv-
she did not come. They were warned off, and ed every fourteen days, the judges' decision
found that the bride's parents, being opposed to be given on the butter as received, and its A Baker's Death.
to the match, had, after she was dressed for 'condition at the end of fourteen days. The A singular case of death from influenza oc-
the ce •emony, locked her in her room while `samples are to be sent immediately on the marred at Portsmouth, England, recently.
one of the family mounted guard. at the door receipt of a letter or, telegram, so that the Daniel Ferbridge, a baker's help, was seen
and t:nreatened to shoot any one who ap-'dairymen will not be able to make a special in a cart at the corner of Melbourne -street
preached. The wedding was postponed. ( cask for exhibition and the samples are to with the reins in his hand. The horse and
An English court Inas just decided that a be„repeatecl as often, as required. Competing cart remained in the same position for an
wife married in Japan after the fashion of ,dai•ries must send •in a return of the feeding hour, acid, the delay creating curiosity, the
that country is a legal wife in England, on; and system generally followed on the farm, ; man was examined. He was dead. He
the ground that "Japan has long been With spacial reference to the ,weak during I had _ben suffering from •influenza, but
could as a civilized country." A pray- }�vlifch the samples are sent in. At present could not afford to stay nt home.
him down ;and ,tiled rout tier front o the
No Fashionable Cod.
We find the following lines in the tCer-
dant 2ram&r. Tliey eontain more truth
than pa
p eery:
A fasi l
h is table woman
In a fashionable pew ;
A fashionable helmet
Of a, fashionable hue ;
A fashionable mantle
And a fashionable gown ;
A fashionable Christian
In a fashionable torn ;
A.fashionable prayer book
Anil a fashionable choir;
A fashionable chapel
With a fashionable spire;
A fashionable preacher
With a fashionable speech ;
A fashionable sermon
With &fashionable reach ;
A fashionable welcome
At the fashionable door;
Afashionable penny
For the fashionable poor;
A fashionable heaven
And a fashionable hell;
A fashionable Bible
For this fashionable belle;
A fashionable kneeling
And a fashionable nod;
A fashionable everything;
But no fashionable God.
ions decision in a case where the wife was a he number of lorries enteredrs 360. Ninet
Hottentot and was married after the Rotten- ' judges have been selected, and these act in . Department of Railways and Canals.
tot fashion, had upset the union on the 'groups of three each, etch group recording ti L.D. Dion, a remanent official of the
ground that the Hottentots were heathens , an independent opiui In on each sample, above department, Ottawa, writes :—I am
and polygamists, and dad not know what, which is checked by those of the other twoabove
glad to giro you to -day the testimony
marriage, in the civilized sense, meant. groups. Each group will cDnsist of two but- ithat g Nasal Balm has completely cured my
At a sato aloetins* of the Royal Botanic ter merchants and one dairy expert. The citarr'h, from which I suffered for
y exhibitors are paid the usual market raft nearly
Society, an interesting sweetscented 'fern for their exhibits. The shows will be held at three years,
from the society's garden was exhibited. l intervals of a fort -night, during eight months
The perfume closely resembles that of fresh of the year. •
hay ; and, like it, is retained after the frond
is clry, and lasts for many months, if not
years, imparting its fragrance to anything
in contact with rt. • The secretary thought Courtship and Marriage.'
it might be grown :es asource of perfume •by. Courtship is sweet whenthe nights are
amateurs, its not commercially. As yet it long, • .
appeared to be little known in collections of And the north • wind is blowingfierce and
exotic ferns.
The London correspondent of the Man- And the lamp in the parlor is turned clown
cheater Examiner says , The Government low,
has secured the patent rights of anew, artil- And the only light is the grate's red glow,
lery arm which among experts, is believed And she is close to your bosomressed,
to be an advance upon any of the guns in And she lays her head with a y sigh on our
the armament of any of the European Pow- - breast,
ers. The weapon is the invention of two And you look in the depths of her lovelit
officers in' the American navy, Lieuts. Driggs eyes,
and Schroeder, from whom the Government That mirror the blue of the noonday skies;
has purchased the patent. The trials of the And you kiss her lips and her dime lecl.
new arm have been of a most satisfactory chin
kind. The range of the gun is said to be But marriage'.; Ah l that's where, the hitch
effective up to 600 yards, while it can he comes in.
Conventionality always gets to the front
in these miserable days.
Nature has wisely arranged matters so.
that a man can neither pat his e -,vii back nor
kick himself.
The man who has to ask hie wife for car
fare and tobacco money has no needs of a
M. Constans, French Mi.>ter of the In-
terior, in consequence of a personal disagree-
ment with Premier Tirard, has resigned his,
portfolio and has been succeeded by 1VI."Bou-
geris, a Radical deputy from the Jure
Mistress (kindly)-" Jane, I' hear you
have been seenin the park with my husband.
Jane (defiantly)—" Yes, nna'ani : I have."
Mistress (still more kindly)—r" Well, Jane,
you are a good girl, and I dislike to lose yon,
but I cannot have any one about the house
who keeps bad company. So you can pack
up. "
n"e`w" Yee
for infants and Children.
'•"C+u!lArli►iatwwolladap#edtoclAilciranthat Caelorla cotes. collo Co1ipatiop,
I'recomnteudita,eupedottoaayprescripi on Bout Stomach, Dlerrb a, Erhetatton.
ltnowu to me,'" B A Attcetta, ll,D., Dills Worms. givre steep, and promotes tit',
til So. O=terd SL B, Without -, N. Y. SPithouL tniuiiolis medication.
Tun Gz_a-rAea 0oltinnw, W Murray Street, l 1
Sa, to fe to.
yet Omens, . 5;55• p, in, San Mon i Med' `rltu.. "AAr. Kansas Cit 5i2.t p. tet, Jinn Teel ; RThur [Pat Sun
Ar Hutoliinsen ...•...• 7:80 p, m, aloe Taos Thur :FS 550
Ar., Trinidad,. 11:18 a• m. Tees Wad l 'Fri SW Idea
sr. Lai Vega •, 6:05 p. in. Tues :WedThu .Fri Sat Ran
Ar,Aibuquvrqua 12:30 eon, Wed Thar pFr-1 Sat 'Sun Tues
at llarstot .•, 1u:45a, in, Thur Fri /Sat ,Sun Mon Wed
Aa Las Angelus ,,,- 4;2O p. fat, Iliac t Sat Sun 'Alen Weeas San Dieao.., 9;16 n, nt• Thur h Cl Sat , u
n Ho
n„ Wen
you got the only line of thrmgh ears without Outage Ohios o to Lo
Angeles, and you save 27 baurs tin e.
E. GIL \IAN, Passenger Agent'
or any injurious materials,
E.W. GiLLETT, TQ1iO To,O;iT.
tlan'Ct cf ter CE1.E5m'rEa:iQ7$LLYP,taDlrava
Ia published erery Thursday morn ng;at
o a lior ,ie&ro6 xteQnt opposite JWhSons,
n8rza or ADV4RTisL`i4
First insertion, per line....... fe cents.
ch sabseque,lttnsortiou,per line...."3oents.
To insure insertion, advertisements should
a settin uotlaterthan Wednesday morning
1 the largest:mut best oquippea In the County
f Huron, An work entrusted. to us will ready
nr prowptatteutiou.
Decisions ltef.a,rcliug News-
Annpy person whotakesa;PaparreSulerlyfrana
another's,hebus .edice„ whether a subscribed or d in his not
to responsible for payment.
2. If sparse') orders bis paper discontinued
oemustpay all arrears or the publisher may
ooutinuo to scud it until the payment is made,
and then collect the whole amount, whether
the paper is taken from we office or not,
m aults
8 1 for subscriptions,
uetitutod in the place where the paper le pub.
tailed, although the subacrillor may reside
hundreds of miles away.
4 Thu courts bare decided that refusing to
tako newspaperserpailodioalefrom the poet.
office, or rein orlug audleaving them uncalled
oris prima tacle evidence of intentional frau 1
Goldwatc i • It
Word, $100. cat a5
wench in the world. Pertcet
timekeeper Warrsatedhaevi.
101118 004n f,uattnr. Istat.
Path huller and sears et,
with works and ens es of
clleal value. 078 r gh8O:tia
each 10fa1ity can *retire Ono
free, together win. our large
and vslueblo auto(Itaasehold �a.nO1CN. These .1101,, as well
flA+im' as the watch are free. All the work you
need do is to show what we sand you to those who can—year
Mends and neighbors and those shout you—thntalways results
Invaluable trade torus, which bolds foryeare when once started,.
and [bus we are repaid. We pay all espreas, height, ate. After
you know all. if you would like to go to work for us ou tea
earn from $20 to 800 per weekend upwards. ngrtest,
Stinson aC Co.. Hoz 812.1'ortlttud. Dfte.
Tito Most Racecard -el Remedy ever disco,
Dred, as it Is certain Sn its eltecte and dors
not blister. Read proof below.
Bnsxillsn Or
CLzvi .&st BA: AND TROTTING Thum Roans.
ELntwooa, ILL., Nov. 81, 1818.
Dear SIrs:I have always purchased ybo�1tt Kew
Spavin Cure by the half dozen ttta, 1
would like pricesdn larTammy. I ther�3c It is
one of the best liniments, on earth. 1 have used is
to my stables for three years.
Tours'truiy, Cres. A. SNvonn.
BnooKL-rls, N. Y., Novernher 3.,1383.
Dn. B. J. IEeeaau. Co.
Dear Sir desire Sire : I r es ro to clue you testimonial of my
good Opinion of.•our S oda 'n 9pravfn Cure. I have
used it for LaMer!ews. Stiff Jotute an4
S ina, and I buret/bundle a sure cnr:o / recommend it to,alllior'setnen.
Yours truly A. N. GI,RRTr.
tifanagor Troy Laundry Stables.
SLIT, WIST0N Cotm%r, Ocxo, Doc- 79, 1011.
Gents: I feel it my duty to say what I have i .ere
with your Kendall'a Spaslu G' •e. I.Dave
twentyflvo horses that bud ._
i. .
Ran ois nine odwith
seven of Big Jap.w. linea I Lp,veTro
books and fODUQMed ti directions,
lost a: case of any kin .
Yours truly, Axn:nnw Tr: ata'an.
Horse 1)oclor.
e t^:wr.r
Price bt per bottle, or six bottles for $o `rug -
gists have it or can get It for you, or it wi l rt
to any address on receipt of mice by the pr
tors. Da. B. J. 3ExaeLL Co., .msburgh Falls.
And all points west of the ?lissour hive
via the
Santa Fe Routo
For perticalars and ticke a s e year •
Barest ticket agent, or address
GEO. E. GILMAN, Passe *ger Agent,
74 Grstwolcl 08, 1.irtroil', Mich
General Pase an t Ticket Agent
Topeka, Kenaaic.
-9 G. �
Runs llnsy a, ,
NO l3 ACISACf1�. %' y
n U1:11 ?4i N. t1 rue fee leseriptive catalogue
containing testimonials from hundre,I, of people who
have limed from 4 to 0 cords daft 25,000 new success.
folly used. Aeonev can 130 hate. where there is a
vacancy. A Nall INVENTION for 11"tng saws sent free
With each machine; by the tine of tills tool every bod
can file their own saws now and co it, better than the
greatest expert can without it A ;•tett to an
Cross -out satra 83very ode who Owua f. d,^,w should
have one. li0.l''d-'ty to pay; wo aunm0.oture in .'at,edn. Ask
yyear dealer or write FOLDING- 1CA,W 'Id[T 2414..
CHINE CO., 005 to till S. Canal St., Chicago,
One of the
S1:ST Tel-
escopes- 8 u
0, the world. Our ihclIltits am
unequaled, and to iwtroduceour
,gp.•rior 500919 will lend rn as
to 0890701190N in each locality,
ILA 01)0..0 Only those who write
to na et once can make ,tiro of
the 011,,,, All you have to do in
return to to show our goods to
throe, who mill—your neighbor.
and those around you. The be-
ginning of this advertisement
shows the small end of the telo-
•, the gppearanue of it unlaced to
b7 O�
---ti- A C-1 i {':/I 0
nbnnt the fiftieth port of its bulk. It is e grand, double AIZO tele -
..1,), 10A50 OS
tand,.doublesizotele-,n91tirgc09 i9 easy toa,rry. We will oleo Show you how Yeo
rant mice from 80, to :5114, n day at lens[, from the sout,wrth-
nntexperience, Better- write atonee:we Jay all ex pass charges.
And., aa, I1. MA LLI'r1'-a% CO,, hero f1' tai), Poltr1.A\a, 1teeek.
=-4 s 0 e, pio'lage of goods worth
two dollars to mann'_'aeture, anfl a largo
1.00p Picture Boob, that will surely put you
on the road to a, iacdsome fortune. Write,
qu-1tk, and send 5e. eilvnr, to help pay pos-
tage. Ment ion tv;s par or.
A,'tTi'.3a3N1Vli ti, Ti to moutb,1 F.55.