The Exeter Times, 1890-3-13, Page 4Established 1877. vrEzzi,t BANXE1R, EXETER, - ONT, Transacts a. general banking badness. others on fa erablereintsQf luorohants sad Offers every aeeommodetion eensis t ene with aafeandeouservativettenningpritnciples. riveeer cent interest allowed on deeeslte. Dr a£tsissuelparableat any eines. e£ the bx erehauts 3)auk• NOTES DISCOUNTED, & 1><foNli Y TO LOAN ON NQTRS AND MORTGAGES THURSDAY, MARCH 18th. 9.590, EDITQRAL NOTES. At. idea of the change that is', coining over the farming class in the United States is shown by the resllts ot an investigation made by the State Librarian ot Indiana into farm: mortgage indebtedness in that State. He reports that this form of encumbrance increase $6o,37g, 000 between the years 2873 and 1879 inclusive, From 2.852 to 1$88 the increase was $46,476,000, a total of Sxo6,8se+000. Interest on those loans is at the rate of seven per tent., and the farmer s of the State a_repaying annually $ ,4eo,00a in interest. Nearly all these mort- gages are held be foreign companies thirteen of which in three years forclosed mortgages aggt-egating The murder trust for providing one miliiou dollars. Indiana is one for young Englishmen of xneans, of the best agricultural States in with head -qt asters at Niagara the -Union, and when it shows us a Falls, may have done•a much mora extensive business thee is at present known. But the police are sharp enough to get to the bottom etc A. Tue. Jesuit Bill settled, the dual language trouble averted. and. the Orange Bili out of the way, there will be peace in Parliament until Mr. O'Brien asks a few questions about alio reference of the Jesuit Matter to the Attorney -General nn England, when the aged Premier will be worried for a few days more. THE Ontario Legislature had sanctioued a Government Bill for the estalilislunent of county poor houses and industrial farms. .�.s population ixlerea ;:e at is natural under ordinary circumstances tera larger residuum to be -precipitated to the battoci c?f the social scan:, and it is better until the world has grown wiser rind better that those to anent shceld be provided with industrial homes than .that they should go to recruit the criminal class or become burdens upon, Putting it in a different way, the private charity. record like this, what must be the general coni;tion of the farmers throughout the Republic ? These fads contain ample food for reflec- tion among those who imagine that coni nercial union would better the condition of Canadian farmers. Ixadiana has commercial union with alt the other Mates, yet it does not se Ve its tanners $rorll hanhvupto3', Te ,Ontario Government has issued a diagram showieg that the value of the products of Ontario are, acre for acre, greater than that of any nine of the I.luited. States which it quotes. Taking the crops of wheat, barley, oats, corn, rye, buckwheat. potatoes, and hay for six. years, 1882-S7, the diagram shows that ten acres in each of the above crops yielded: Ontario,.,, ,.. ,. ..$9,440 Ivew`kork............... .7,474 Ohio Michigan Illinois Indiana. Wisconsin Kansan 3iissaari.. , , . .. 6,440 .141.0,..0,842 5,7179 410.0 $,078 •;,.5,309 4,355 lows.,•...., 41 41 ...... NEWS NOTES. Information has been received at Tor- onto of the sale of the Bell Organ Factory, of Guelph, to an English syn- dicate for three quarters of s} million, A contract has been made with Spring Bill. N. B., nines for the delivery of 20,090 tons of coal at Portland, Maine, It will be shipped in schooners at Parrs. b oro, Germany has 19.470 postofdces, .Eng - 17,587, Prance only 7,346. Last year 05,000,000 postoifiee orders, withIr value of 4,800,000,000 francs, were forwarded in Germany, and 21,000,000 orders, the value of 658,000,000 francs, forwarded in France. A ballot paper with a number on its back corresponding with a number in the voters' list may be a seer it ballot to Mr. Mowat. but there are many who talc a eif[ereiit view, A. numbered bsliat can reveal tate voter, and that is what the law was formed to guard against The man who was forcibly ejected from a car in Sap, Francisco after tendering in payment of his fare a $.Z gold piece, which the conductor refused to accept, has just recovered a big verdict against the company. The Supreme Court held that $.:t was not an unreasonable amount for the a;entsof a corporation to change. The beekeeping business is an erten- sive one in this Province, some 25,000 persons hemi; engaged in it. Of late years foul brood has appeared among the bees, and legislation is now sought for the propar inspection and regulation of the business iii this particular, which the Minister ot Agriculture: is promoting. Matters in South .A,frica are becoming interesting. It appears from the des - p; tehes that the opponents of the Buten Republican Government have become suiliciently strong, to hada down its flag and assert British sentiment by actions which place its powersatdeliance. This is a sign of growth of the English popu- lation in ra country where a short time ago a law was passed practically dis- franchising Englishmen. Emigration has been pouring intik south Africa from Great Britain, and British capital and enterprise have been developing lands which the Boers have long regarded sail waivereserves. Thus it would appear that the question who is going to own Africa from the lakes to the Gape is up for solution, and the British colonists have made uptheir minds= the answer, _ Ontario farmer, with eighty acres ;illi. Adasu. Bentyl., l . k', havingin the above crops, at the end of the deee so well fur the .protection of six Fears would have received more pigeons, ought to turn his benevo. lent attentioes to the cause of insectivorous birds,and bringabout legislation to do away with „the English Sparrow. Once .upon a time the woods and fields of Cana- da were vocal and resplendent with sling birds and birds of rare and beautiful plumage. But they have disappeared, Were they the worst enemies, instead of being among the best friends, of .man, they could not have been slaughter- ea , more mercilessly by man and sparrow. The insect armies that occa£ionally ruin millions ot money worth are among the most strikiug effects of bird murder, while the constant depredations of all sorts of insect pests are the direct results of the disappearance of the birds. And if those ladies who tum their bonnets with stuffed birds ;would only realize the amount of suffering. and actutsl loss the Cashion entails,' they would not inflict the pain and sorrow that every m:tn of sense feels. than the farmer in New York, cul- tivating the sante area and tile game amps, by $ x,x06 ; more than the farmer iu Ohio by $2,183 ; in itlichigan:by .32,200; in Illinois by $2,7gS1 in Indiana by $2,86x; in Kansas by 53,2x3 ; in. Missouri by $3,34.I . in Iowa by $3,682. On- tario's average for the six years was better than the average of these nine states during the same tear by 4S ,per cent. In wheat the average production was from two to six bushels more than that of the nine states. In barley the dif.' fererace in favor of Ontario was from four to five bushels, in oats from four to nine bushels, in corn from i8 to 26 bushels, In rye from two to six bushels, in :Buckwheat from xs to 15 bushels, in potatoes from 27 to 47 bushels aud,in hay from one- fifth to one-third at a ton per acre. .MANITOWA appears destined b set an example to the other pro- Ninces in some very important mat - tiers. The majority of the settlers an the prairie province are men who retain, •a too lively recollection of the evils existing in the older pro- vinces to patien:fily permit their ex- tension to, and .establishment in,, A1anitoba. Desirous of having a homogeneous people, a harmonious body politic, and knowing that state -aided sectarian education and ecclesiastical exemptions are potent influences in dividing the popula- tion into hostile camps and keeping them divided, they have wisely de- termined to remove the last vestiges of the connection between Church ,end State. By this radioxel opera- tion every one is placed precisely on the same footing, each family and each church being left abso lutes free to take . char .e• of the Y g moral and religious training of the young, • 'In . a r ew country this is the only logical position for the civil government to take. In the older provinces the question is ranch more complicated and cannot be Fo eas;ly dealt withas in Mani- toba. oba. • Children C6 ror Pitcher'. 0WW. STAR GROCERY Just Received a d-' ietrnesey'sI3iandy in Casks Also other grades Brandy WrioLEs.ALE Lake MIron, La1ra4orWhite Aust received a consign - Our root Importa1aQI ofr andeaises. Corby whiskey l renoh & Domestic Wines. AND REITAIL Fish & I roup in Ebb. 1-2 Lb1s• mend of This Season's Teas Grocery Department is Complete X13. Every 13rar ieh. Exemption in Ontario. A bill amending the public and separate schools act, proposes that any ratepayer whaling to be rated a separate edictal cup. porter must ria notify the clerkof the mum - ideality before Mardi tat in each year. Treasurer Rosa tax exemptions bill, pro- poses to exempt all church bn-ttdinge, but the land upon which they ore situated and the laud attached thereto eba11 be eul+,;eet to a local ieeprUvemeut tax. 411 educational institutions, except public awl separate schools, ars to be taxed. 1'oreenal eropertr, ineladiug reroautile stock,, will be taxed is the same Mentzer au etpresent iu vogue itl Toronto. Clergymen's salaries and their reeldenees are also freed frons exemption. The twenty years' license of the 1,0141siana State Lottery authorities ex. Tares this year, and the utmost vigilance u being exercised by them in trytne to get a footholdin some other State. It is understood that though the Govern. of Louisiana has mules, stood thing out of the lottery, and have been offered several millions to renew the charter, they are resolved not to legalize tho system after the expiry of the term now running. North. Dakota, beiughard up, was offered a big bonus to allow the lottery* to be quartered there, but the lawgivers resisted tho seductive influ- lances brought to bear on them. Nevada has now been approached as abut hope, Anel a despatch from. San Francisco says the ahamces of ettcceas 'ire geode es three State isin need of money, and nary leerisletors will back the scheme. If it does not get a foothold in Nevada, the lottery is likely to go to the wall. Presbytery. of Huron. Short Items•of News. CANADIAN: The body of A, H. Alexander, a glass stainer, aged 35, of Toronto was found Fri- day afternoon hanging to a sapling in the township of Vaughan., near Toronto. He had been suffering from la grippe, and had been in the asylum twice and it 1e thought his recent illness unsettleu hie mind. He was an artist of some ability. The Connell of the Equal Rights Asso- ciation of Ontario has issued an address to the people of the province. whinh says that true friends of confederation are they who could obviate bitter contention, which mea- sures tike the Jesuits' estates set will in- evitably breed, not they who would allow the fame principles unhindered to work permanent discord and confusion. On separate schools in Ontario, the address says that .public money should not be given for sectarian purposes. All provinces ohould have liberty to establish or retain or abol- ish separate schools as they should see cause. At a convention of retaii'merolhaats of Manitoba at Winnipeg Thursday, strong resolutions were passed against insurance companies now doing busineas in the pro vhnne, it being contended that they were making fortuues unjuetly out of merchants by charging exorbitant rates. It was decided to ask eastern companies not having repre- sentatives here to enter into competition, and the merchants would pledge themselves to give the eompotinp companies all their risks. If no oompetitora eau be found it is proposed to establish a co-operative oompany A. committee was appointed to wait ou the Legislature asking for legiel'ttiou to regulate ineuranoo companies, autl also to abolish theobnoxions Exemption act, whioh,,geverai spankers alleged; made dead . beats of debtors. UNITen: STITES. 41 41 A protest-erainst lowering the dutyon bops has been trade by the 'United Staten; Brewers Association in the 'Ways and Menus. Comtnittee iii Coni;rese on the ground that American bops it ere . sufficient. Lt was stated that io the prohibition, states more beer ,was eoneumed than in the licensed states, because thane was no license to ho paid in snob stater+, and beer was. corse- ,quentlf' cheaper. Burchell the Man. "ANTED.. Toti:xahangoaciumntity of firstolasa Cedarreate fora horse. Apply to Sarepte 1' Q • moot3, 011. 4. lot 5. Con $, liay WAN TED bion to take orders for Nursery Stools,, on Sal,- ary orComimaslon. I can make a silocesafnl_ SA-LESMA . O A PION FOOD t h well work and follow my i and aaz_youur salary or commission every week. i'Pyrita for terms at arca. - A anFone who t /�R. •�.t�7 +mo�+ww •1 t` etruetiona. W,ll furniau handsome outfit frac- a'aN4 qi! t1 ,�h+^ a 1`ie IX tall'ti MS. 4Numer'mAn. Live Stack Food 0otiulsl< o'orgltto out. ..:Bu:raock mom - "..O OD TTE RS. IN THE WORLD, riouey Uved by its Use Horses can now be kept in bettor col;dition ; cows give more and At fife Ouror:or'a inquest at eteinaaton,'richer milk, and all kinds of Live which was COAolndett an Saturday, the jury agreed to the following;---" Ties find that the eald F. 0. Reuwell came to hie death by two pistol phots, fixed into ilia bead from behind—ore at or near the rare of the neck, and another a little behind and above the len ear, either one of wbfob wife Sufficient to vanes death ; and your jurors have reason to believe, and do believe, that the said abate were firedby the hand of Reginald Burettetl, eke Somerset, with the deliterato purpose, wilfully and feloniously, to cantuhit murder, on or about the 17th o1. k'ebruary.1800: and we are of opinion that Caroline iiurebell, wife of the said Reglad() I nrchehl, was accessory to the murder after the fact. P. blcLs's. Coroner. Roar. Rrrusurosn, Foreman." Stock is restored to health, fattened and improved at a much less ex- pense by the use of p i aSONAL. The ranter which nae Gained currenor during the past few days. to the effect that Afr. Jona lleleleell.storekeeper. and Lewis titaide, brick• maker, of Crediton, bad failed is utterly, false and wee orientated without the slightest foundation. Moth persona are carrying on business as heretofore. and there ie not the elidhteat possibility of their becoming insolvent. Jerre 1LF1.e1113T,. Lewis S:U1u.. 1110 OAIIp ftNTE R'S, STONE 4. IUASO:1sa i,xn PAINTERS. Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for school repairs" will I,llniScfctins,abt1ansadpean e seen, andai necessary information obtained at the *Aloe of the Secretary. The trustees will not be bound to accept the lowest or say tender. By order if trustee board. W. J, WTrserr. Secretary school'.o.10. The Presbytery of Huron, met in Willis' church, Clinton, on Tuesday 11th inst. There was a large attendance of ministers and elders. Session minutes were called for and examined and found to be correctly kept. The report an temperance prepared by Mr MoConnel, was read, and set forth that the evils ot intemperance in their differentforinawere quiteapparentthrough- out the Presbytery and more so since the repeal of the Scott Act- The report recom- mended keeping temperance teaching prominently before congregations ' and Sabbath schools during the coming year, and which was adopted. Carmel church, Hemel', reported that they had raised their minister's salary to 51,000 and a month's holidays. The report on Sabbath observance was read by Rev. I.8. Hender- sin. Mr, Henderson and Mr. Martin with Mr. Carnochan, elder, were appointed to draft a resolution tare the Sabbath Legis. lotion at present before the Dominion Legislature. This motion was afterwards submitted and passed, commending Mr. Charlton'e bill to the support of our re- presentatives in the House, The report on the ,tate of religion was read by Mr. Musgrove. It showed much progress made in all deparenents of church work. A ealt from Bayfield and Bethany to the Rev Robert Henderson was sustained and sent to Mr. Henderson who is at present supplying Manchester congregation. Rev. Dr. Lang, of Dundee, was nominated for Moderator of the General .Assembly. A committee was appointed to draft a reso- lution regarding iug the death of the Rev. George Jamieson of Bayfield. After a long conference on a report submitted by the commissioner appointed to visit Bayfield Road and Berne congregations the Presby tery adjourned. In the evening a very intereetine conference was held to,. which the public was invited. Open discussion on several practical topics took place, which were eatroduced by Revs. D. Mus- grove, D. M. Ramsey and others. Rev. .dr Acheson, Moderator of the Presbytery, presiding Minerrl's. Liniment (hires Distemper. Oreenway. Ont. CHAMPION FOOD, WILL CURE OR RELiEVF SOW BY GILIOUSNE$$$ p1WNfi'SS, JAMES PARKINSON, moloe DYSPEPSIA. F UTTY, lNt1/CEST/QN, F�f/TTERINO General Storekeeper, JAUNDICE. OF T11EHEART Agent for Exeter, ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE WM,, And every species of disease tubing' fro 4lsordered LiVER KIDNEYS. STOMACH. i3OWEt-i; OR 8L00%, . MILUURR & at. Pr"Plciamm. Coo. Silistugton XTOTICE TO CRIWITORS, In the matter of Samuel, Treutuner of the village of Crediton, township of Stephen, County of Huron. Province of Ontario, farther and brick manu- facturer. Notice is hereby Riven tbnt the above named Samuel Treuranor has made analignment to mo of all his estate and effects, in trust, for the benefit of all his creditors. A meeting of the creditors of the said estate is hereby convened and will be held at the Town uell,Crediton. Ont., on Saturday. March 15th, at ono o'clock P.m-, for tbe appointment of inspectors -land the giving of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. All creditors of the saidestate aro hereon required to file their claims with me. duly ch meeting. Proven. after the firn or st day of June.e the d D 1000.1 shall Proceed to distribute the said esta'o, baying re- gard only to such claims as I shall have notice of, and 1 will not be responsible for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof, to any person or persons whose claim or claims shall not Intro been filed. HENRY EMBER, Dated 6th March, 1800. Assignee. An experiment made the past. sum- mer with cows, proved' that with a handful of salt, or about two ounces of it, given every day, the yield of butter was increased one-fifth; and when the salt was withheld . the yield fell off in the same proportion: The reason, beyond question, is thatas salt is re- quired for full digestion of the food,.. more of the food was changed into milk. Keep salt within reach' of the cows. A •correspondent -writes :-Two lads residing on the Base Line, Blanchard, strayed from home Sunday, and in due time arrived at .Motherwell, in a trim horse and rig. Whether the love-sick ermine prolonged their visit . after. nightfall your deponeth saveth not, but at any rate the parental roots were not reached till the wee sena' hours next morning. What induced the young gallants to cross the line into i•3sborne to enquire the>way to the Base Lamps yet a•tn .Ytars } Y P lher's Gastoraa W 11. TROTT Boot & Iii Mau Has opened business in the premises of R. SPICER, op- posite SFNxolt's Photo Studio where he is prepared to meet his old customers and as many new ones FARM FOR SALE. 1100 acres—being Int 18,Nortii Boundary, Mo- Gillivray. There are 95 acres cleared, balance bush and pasture ; 19 acres in full wheat, and fall ploughing done; watt -farmed and stall - watered. Good frame house with stone meter; also frame barn with stable underneath ; good driving house. Distance from Oroditon post- e/lice Si miles ; 4 miles from Uentralia, and. convenientto schools and churches. Will be sold cheap. Possession given at once if re- quired. ApplY on the promises to Peb'y 27-1m JAS, Ii:1lM, AUCTION SAL Sewed Wo rka8vec al ty Repairing promptly and sat- isfactorily done. A CALL SOLICITED W. H. TROTT. REMOVED ! DAVIDSON' B1'.OS., Builders and Contrao- orshavo removed toSwaliow's old stand, core ner Main and tlidley streets end arorepared to sell Doors, Bash and Blinds and prepared oheapor than any other firm In town. Build- ingscentraoted for, Pians. Spcoificetionsand Bstimatca furnished if required. All work done with neatness and despatch and eatisfao- tion given. 'Seasoned Lumberalwayson hand Davidson arcs., WM. DAVIDSON. JOHN DAVIDSON NOTICE. 4 _Fresh, aiui New STOCK OF GROCERIES AND CONFECTIONERY • Ault arrived at the family Grooery. Also Pure Extracts and Spices. A beautiful piece of glass— ware given away with one ib. Mayell's Baking Powder. Of valuable farm property in the Townshipnship of Biddulph. There will be sold by public auction anSatur- day, the 15th day of March, 1890, at 2 o'clock p m., by Mr. James Oke. auctioneer. at Hodgins' Hotel .in the village of Centralia, the following valuable property. viz The NORTH HALF of LOT No. 2, in the end CONCESSION of the TOWN SRI P of BIDDULPFI, in the County of Middlesex, containing by admeasurement 50 acres more or less - There is a oomfortablo frame 1t storey house, with brick foundation • on tho premises, also a good barn. This property is about 1 mile from Centralia, in a good situation and will be sold on easy erns. Por further particulars apply to Mr. Richard Hicks or n r. Thomas Mitchell, Centralia P. 0. Or ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Vendors dolicitors, Dated 5th March: )800. Exeter., NOTICE TO 'ORE DITORS. In the natter of John Schroeder, jr., of the township 'of Stephen, County of Enron, farmer. Notice is hereby given thatthe above named John Schroeder, jr., has made an assignment to';me'of all his estate and effects, in trust, for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting of the creditors of the said estate is horebY convened and will: be hold at my office, Crediton, Ont., on Tuesday, March 11th,' A.. 1).1890 at 2p.in. for tfio appointment er in- spectors and n-spectorsand the giving of Directors wi thirefer. enoe to the disposal of the said estate. Alt. creditors of the said estate are hereby required to: • lo their claims with me, duly proven, on or before the day of aunh'meeting. as cfter,the int day of May I•shall mimeo . to distribute the said estate having regard only to 'nen claims as r shalt havcnotioe of. and I will not be responsible for theee assets oftheesai estate' or any part thereof to any person or oersuns, whose claim or claims shall not have been filed. + Maxey Ett.nttn, Dated March 1st, 18e0. -.1e. Assignee. One Door South of Post Office Dashwood Roller Flour for sale. Call and examine our goods before puri chasing elsewhere. G. A..HYND MAN. ---^HE RAS— A NSW AND COUP l,E'1ii --STOCK OF--- oot & Shoes. -�tj Sewed work a speciality. Repetitive promptlyattended to. t,ss 1y,1, GEO. MANSON,, INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY OF CANADA. The direct route between the West and all dointeon the Lower St. Lawrence and Bale es tihalenr, Provinoe of Quebec ; also. for New Brunswick ,Nova acotia,Prince Edward Cap eliretonIslends, an d Newfoundlan dand St. Pierre, Express trains leave Montreal and$alifax daily (Sundays excepted) and run through withotit change, between these pointsin 30 hours, The through express train cars' of the In- tercolonial'Railway are brilliantly lighted by electricity and heated by steam from the locomotive, time greatly increasing the COM - fort and safety or travellers, New and elegant "buffetsleeping and day cars run on through expreestrain e. Spring Goods In order to make apace forapring Goode We will close the Balance Our Winter Stock AT COST PRIC�yE WOn CASE O 4 L' INOLUDh1G : • Overcoats for hien and Boys, Ladies' and Gents' Furs, Ladies' Fur Capes and Muffs, Persian Lamb and Astrachan Caps,} A nice stock of Fur Trimmings, Cents' heavy wool -lined hid Mitts and Gloves, for '75 cents, worth $1 Ladies' Fur Capes $2 We cannot be undersold in Teas & Sugars for Spot Cash J MATHESON Canadian -European Mail and Passenger Route. 1' eseugersforGreatBritain nr;the conti- nent b`yleaving.11fontteel on;Aid aymorning will join outward mail steamer at Halifax' on Saturday. The attention •of. shippersis directed to the sup eriox;facilitibs offered b3' this route aor. the transport of our nd generol merchan-• dise iutdn'cied for the Bttetern Provinces and Newfoundland;; also for shipments of grain end produce Lilian dei for the Bnropeanmar- ket. ,Pickets may be obtained' and information about the route:; &Lao, freight and passenger rates on, an plication to N. 'WE 1 TFi'Op,B'PJN, Western Freight &Passenger Agent 98 nosain gmute Block ,York Et .Toronto D I?OTTtt' GI:;R, • • Ohiei Superintendent Ritilivav o1Ilce.9Soneton.N.11..Nov, 14, '89. Dominion &abra1y HEA s: QUA tTRS Pure Drugs; Patent Medi- cines Dye -stiffs, Perfumery and ; Toilet Articles, ;'` School Books and Stationary. Photo Frames, Albums, Purses-, etc. Cigars Pipes, and Tobacco. Also a large assortment of Toilet and Bath Sponges always on hand Prescriptions carefullypre- pared' from the purest Drugs. Remember thep .lace, Sign, GOLDEN MORTAR, Main.. St., 3. W. Browning.