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The Exeter Times, 1890-3-13, Page 3
,.. ��x �, ,•tie.:, a;". for infante and Children. Hassteriaiesowenedeptedteci ildreatthat Carteala trews cMe, Om ipetlon, irecommeaditassuperiortosurprl r#ptioa Tharararreit, Ana lactan+ known to me." ZT A. Ahtosca. D. mus �ers,tr, t o sad »oto 80. , 'url OlttQrd ar. Asn, . � gg _ tilYou/ togdona awni0lMloo. Tas CltxrAva Oerol4Nr, W Itarsi+y tit, N. Y ±ti,:LL-.?e`�%%"�''I:�:ia:' .,f-.:r,:�el/1'7i:�..� tt ..Y:,...:5' w..tet•r.,. ie. .. i..�+... GOING TOCALIFORNIA VI. i THE & uta, fe aCaL1,'*e. r. (At I yr p.1+1, slurp Tees ) d :Zhu Orme* •• ,i 5.516! p. in. Son NO0 ► ,�ar iattelfw Cit• t*.T4nIP tat Ar. xa liusvn pp 7:34I O. m. Kee I'Tuts .Thur i• W 13 11 a4r. � •R ra 4ad .• .l$ a 111. a ed rl Tuts -Fri ,NW +r. Velment •1' SOS p, in. Thee Ned Thu Fri Set Ar, ibli. uatt¢ua,. x.12. Oa,pi. Wed Thar i1''ri Sat Sun Ar Biroux,•• Ilt;a;,4a. zo. Thur Fri ISat San peon Ar. ,psAmpler p• in. 1'bur 'Pre 'i Sat .Sag iron As -San Diego,.- 1 U. p. tu- Tlhiur Fri .Sat 'Sun Men You pet the only line of through ears without change Chicago Angeles, and you savor 27 hours time. OFFICE ---74 GRISWOLD-ST., DETROIT, MIMI, GEO. E. GILMAN, Passenger Agent t Sue Den Moo x011 Weed Wed Wed_ to Ito T EXETER TIDIES. •�11Is publiseed *Tory Thursday morn neat TI IVIES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE hiairl.atreotenearlyoppasite Fitt rn'e Jett-elpry dture,lJxeter,Qnt.,by aohrl White t& Sona,Pro• prig tors. DATER oft anvpirrtstxa t?iretinsertfan, per line .....................1O caroti acli rnbsetpacetiusortiou,per lirao..,...SOQpta1. Ta 11 190141 insertion, advertiser:lents should a tent in uotlater than Wednesday morning OrrJO PRINTING D1;p'ti1TMENTis one f talo largest and host eguippea in the County t Huron. 011 work 6Utrusteti to ua will resew sr prompt attention. Decisions REQ ordtn: NeWs- pa pews. Any person who takes ltapporrotularly fronts tie post•asloe, whether directed in his unmo or snottier•e.or whether be has subsoribed or not it reepan01116 for payment. S it apeman ordara his paper discontinued Pomus;tpay a,llarroara or the publisher may continuo to sand it until the payment is mads, cad tbeu collect the whole tt��W1int, whether the aper is taken from tie otQoa or not. S In ;knits for aubsoriptiout* the suit .lay be nstitutodiuthe ,lace wheretfto paper is pub - tidied, although the subscriber pray reside hundreds of andel away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to tako newspapers orponfoliealsfrom the posit- ogloe,or removing and !caving them uuoalied or is prima facie evidence of intoutionalirau? FREE , err, xl:w p E .:, skis Sa11t1 "* Worth tialhe . nem watch to the trans, rester eimakrper .0 b aatedh er r.. BOLtl GOLD hunting cue*, Both. Lela• and gent's flus, with. work* mud tare* of equal value. Oan r torero Din cash lo;sltty ten torero one tree, together win: tar targe end valuable lino efllota, hold samples. These samples ns writ ai the watch, ars ih•oe. an the work yen seed do U to *low what we sand you to those who call—your Maude and nelghborsand Uwe about you—that ulna's *results kuvaluable trade far us wbkhholdstorysatstvhraontoetansd, and thus no aro repaid, We pay all napalm, freight, ate Atter yen. know alt it you weed likes to solo work far u*. you cos earn from i¢ O to 060 per week and upw►nla. Addrea,, Dtrneoll. Co,.Ilos si18, ro,•thtnd.lhl,nine. tllfAati KANSAS, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA COLORADO, UTAH, NEW MEXICO OALIPO R NIA, ARIZONA., OREGON, And all points west of the Missour Riva via the Santa Fe Route FROM CHICAGO. For particulars and ticket s ate your s agent, of address rarest flog t E , d GEO. E. GILMAN, Passenger Agent, 74 Grstwold et, Detroit, Mich flEO. T. NICHOLSOhN, General Paas. and Ticket Agent Topeka Kansas. .9 Cords °• i,, "®U's 1 O BACKACHE.ut) ti T t I o OWE 11i V. fof doaerlet,tivo catalogue containing �ost��o cols from r,..�rrods or pnoplo who hero sewed froi;p* 0cordss dat*y. g, (ICO now sneezes. be 1: where there is a or ling haws sent free of t'oe txxo1 everybody toe do itbetter tharlthe oak It. miseted to all ery 0A tyle owns a saw should Yave one. o ; so y1 v reursin tt�ps,��y�iIa. A oh y�ear{r� �dt.al r er write FID iy o SAW Ar i• CBINE CO., BOB to till l5. Qaual tat„ Chicago, 3;1. natives. 4- nt a�eb , greatest ,1 (reg:Fentt M HOW( a1 Mi Oise of the p SMUTTel-eP eaeopea r n • the world. Our fh ties are unequaled, and to Introduce our superior good* tiro will aondrlstta to Owe raa*O1 in sash locality, u above. Only those who writa 10 u* at ends van tooko sure of the ohaam. All you have to is in .tarn la IS *how our gon,L to Iles chore who esu—your neighbors '.,t<,,, cad those ttoanb you; The be. A.* gioaiar of this advertisement S:' - - shows see wall sod of tho tcle- meopa. The iobewjnv tat rives the appearance of It roducod to about the fiftieth part of Its balk. It h * grand, double dee tele- scope, ns ]ergs as 10 easy *o carry.• WO will111'0 show you how you CAM make from iii8 total° a day at least, from the et*tt,wltb- out ezport enee. Delver write at onao. We ray all express andrgea. Address, H. HALLETT A LX)„ Hoz Si SO, raarLAND, MAINE. WI Ea a IS GRAND LOVE STORIES, a package of goods worth tyro dollars' to manufacture, and a large 100p Picture Book, that win surely: put you on the road to a handsoale fortune. 'Mita quick, antisend 6c, sfivnr, to help pay pos- tage. Mention this payer. .A, W. Sff. avis F , var'unouttb,1%8. 1.1 TAR PUREST, STROlKC.ST� BEST„ CO! TAINS No ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any iejura ms materials. E. W. GILLETT TOT,otiT4,oYT. * Cnit,p00, fess'itoftheC*w•*Sti..wrD3our,IT CTr4741 • HENfALL95 SPAM CURE Intodrascselaeffaiauuieetg e It certain does +tot blister. stead proof below. KENDALL'S SPAWN GWIM. OFFIOE or CHARLES A. SSTDErt, )} 43i.ZrzL.aD Der ath•D rn:to Bash. IIousrs. ) P -r uwoon, ILL, NOT. 20, It58. on. B. J. Xminiexx Co. Pear Siirs:I have always purcbasedrqn- dasl'e S Cure by the half doyen Its, I would udeeetnlarger quantity. I It it one of"wwrryA beat liniments Ora earth. I have used It to my sa.Ylles for three years. Yours trely, Cases. A. Brrnm, KENDALL'S SPAVIN MIRE. Brooravo, N. Y., November 11, 1698. Dr.. D. J. KENDALL Co. Dear Sign :I desire to glue ySou teat eaonlelof ray goodopttionofyour Kendall 's31 in Cure. /ham n ed 1i for Lnrnenette. Stiff Joints and pp¢vine, anQI have found is ensure. cure, I cordl- ally rCCor-nnend it to aUhorsemen. Yours truly. A. H. GnLISNnT, Elanagor Troy Laundry Stables. KENDALL'S SPAWN CURE. BA0r, WINTON COUNTY, Oouo, Dee,. ID, ANL Ds. B.J. EktIDALn CO. Gents : I feel it my duty to se o wJmt I ban* e srith your Keadalls Sparta . I ,ve it -A4v1et ,orae, T]i&t , nine dlylt7 • itre�a� O 8 end f 0 el Ong, Wit a case or Yours t ita 1+p, ANDtttasv Eot•.;'0 tor. KENDALL'S SPANN NINE. Price St per bottle, or six bottles for $1. 4. `tun. ran) it or can got It for yon, or it will, coot io any address on receipt of Woe by the ppr try, bar a° Dn. B. J.:SBWoar L Co., osburgh oils, BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. the bottom. members, formed of tubes : vatying izz diameter front twelve feet to five Corrin Nome to Tea. get burning gaily, e _ feet, were carried out oil either side by ThThe kettle singes its best ; Inseams of a crane secured to a movable All things are bright and cheerful Completion of the Gibantio Structure Eglotndivork, ivlhielh travelling along the Here inour sweet home nest, There's nothing nosy, my baba., '1'o do for h on and n:e, lint just to watch for some -one Coining honkie to tea Well *tako our cozy places here in the window seat, Where he"11 be ire dm' us Far down the chilly street fie sa; s it a tikes him warmer, Oliabv jmwt toseo Thereof khat where under When. coming home to tea. In all the laumd. lily darling, Ile says-ar,d trete it is -- There's not another baby Thais halt so sweet as his : And then -hut this is nonsense, An i jsun to ma ke Inc , been mooted for the bridging of the irth,,thoasns of the cantilevers ,drat finally as. T'Ile knows tharU'snot anothero wife even kla1P•of half a re one by one abandoned. n , adopted elm, to buildt out from each en -Now think what hell be bringing Northern, us to-nifikit, my pet A. cheery smile. for one thing, That never failed urs yet ; J merry word of grating, A.nd kisses two and thee: For that's the way our 1•:ome-one Comes always tame to tea. But there are those my darling: Aye, on this very street, -- Whose ears have lost the music Ot homeward tiast°ning fret. Oh sty and remember Bow happy we should be, To have sou e one to watch for, Coming home to tea! Cam Tr. Bronson, Across the Firth of Porth, Scotland, i tube itself followed up the erection. The !top members and the , upper portions of the .14 iirtda., 1 .`t/s Niles An Len,1,-t!i-OL►e!*a' I y; struts and ties were erected by.means of Il. R. i$. the Prluee or 'Wales., ;special cranes travelling along the top muem- _ ;bars themselves. Iia' oNLr Or TIIE ASSlST.* 1T 7etit;,IXlt^rlis, i The material, already fitted, drilled, and i. some cases also partially riveted up in the The briefest glance at the map of Scotland Workshops on shore, was brought iris steam abundantly evidences the raison it .stye of the barges to the ends of the cantilevers, and b gigantic structure across the Firth of Perth, '.meanie of the cranes already enumerated, whose successful completion has just marked speedily transferred to their sinal position in so important an era in the annals of engineer- ithe structure. ing. i Various methods were proposed for the Various projects had from time to time*erection of the 350 feet central span joining but We 1, 1 d. I 1851 b 't h d however, the North British, Great Northern, cantilever fashion, with the requisite ternpor- North-Eastern, and Midland Railway Cont -cry supports, until a junction in the middle panics, being anxious to attain direct coin -,was effected.. The southern central girder munication to the north of Scotland, which was closed on October 10, 1S80 ; that over should enable them to compete with the the northern ehaunel on the ?tai :November . west coast eampanies for this traffic on equal . following. if not more favourable terms, instructed) The .:1,000 tons of steel employed in the their respective consulting engineers, Sir Forth Brielge is that known as mild steel, John Fowler, 1' .C. M.G., the late Mr. 1Eirria,aid was made on the open hearth or Sie- son, andMr. Barlow, to report on theinens-Martin process. Two qualities were .tatter. On the 4th May ISI these en- eniy1o.ytI. one to resis.':. tensile and eoln- gineers submitted a joint Report, the pressi -e strains; having strength respective - result of prolonged consultations, unan-•ly of thirty to thirty-three, anti thirty-four imously agreeing that the steel cants- P to thirty-seven tons per square inch in ten - lever Bridge designed by S'ir John Fowler'Siou. Uuder the combined eircumstaees of l and ?ear. B e fulfilled ,Bak r fetlfi_le 1 al a 'rho most adverse conditions l the necessary o r o ea I i a forstability r i ti ns the 1 e•e3 1Sa conditions,I c It t n far a gip•, awl s the t o the Qrld�•for the mail w -a to lea_ t expensive and; t f the atructuro, the maximum rolling iQatl, l;y most suitable design for bridging the Firth and the fiercest hurricane, the strain will V. toil of Perth. The Forth Briar Railway Com- /never exceed seven and ti halftonspersquaru yon #hu horn till the close of the day, t e a S- • 'S! th t hard, h h Pally accordingly appointed Sir Fanv- incl., and in some parts eonsiderahl • mesa, h d, ortty .ands begrimed with ler and _fr B. Baker as engineers for the it will readily' he perceived how amplle isthu soil undertaking; and by the close of 1882 the margin orsafety allowed, In the ttelvin for ]tread in the clay— contract was let to the combined firm of° Thechanges resultingfrantvariationaof tensa A slug that will tell of is day with its rest, Me::ars Tanana. Arrol, & Co., Who forth. peratur©haveofueeessitytohe,.11owedfor,and II' hen hearts fendly'rouud uu are how'd, with commenced active operations. • 411 SO large a structure they are considerable And the hands that are Horny, anti crossed Before passing to the building of the; --an inch for every hundred feet being ar. on time breast, structure and the many points 14 interest r'uhged for i0 t=xpatloiuu anti 0untraction,the ii ill be Iost in the folds of the shroud. therewith connected, we propose briefly space over the whole length of the structure A son for the rich man, nslio rolls in his to deal with the principle of the cantilever gives for this purpose no less than seven b and the general features of the Bridge itself. feet. For each pier and '•antilever, with • .9u<1 the era, with gaily at his Leet ; 'rhe word. "cantilever," which denotes a art of the connected girder which it has to From the mighty and happy with tronfart ; bracket, Ls becoming rapidly popularised. In carry, eighteen inches of play have been de. the Forth Bridge,, the brackets are double, signed. r and health, To t being placed back to back and fastened to -1 ,the surface of the bridge requiring to be the lost, wandering .retell on the gether. No better illustration of the coati- kept painted is no less than twenty acres k lis ,o tell ste'reet- en leverprfneiple eau be given than that of Mr. whilst the rivets employed if laid entl to end bright gold will be faithless to liaker's'hnmancantilever'- •HamelV',twouten would coyer about 3$0 miles in length ; and-t,,1311io:auo tinct will fsttlu Like the cluutl, sitting on eluurs, with extended arms, and thelilatcs used in the1Qustrltctian would ex- il'it'. li:tlt• :nod 1•eat to sae lenc'1 sllali fall, supporting the *same by grasping sticks hut t- tent ix distance of Lever forty-four .miles, S int; aj ainst the claim. In the Fortis 1 ridgcI The structure was tested by the engineers And be lost in the folds of the *allay,*.. the ciiaiz'y ntust bo imagined to be played ao on the:21st January of this year 10 placing When the humble shall lie in the Faure state third of amile apart, and the .lens heads on the centra of thetwo 1700 feet mom spans, ] ly ]say . "' to be three hundred and sii:ty feet above the1two trains, each made up of fifty loaded As the lailiians in merit awl worth-- ground. Their arms are represented by,voal-wagggoas, and three of the heaviest en- When t asl;et and coffin both fiend 'itcath the. huge steel latter, members. anti the sticks or gines:old tenders; the total load thus waled , clap props I.iy steel tarl,ea twelve feet in diameter upas the span being the citrin' .. weight of ( Ample room in but six feet of earth— and one inch and a gnarterthick. I1StO,,,aana, or more than double that which tyllcu tine eelao 3s gone from the highway No novelty is elaimcd for a cantilever sys- the bridge will ever 111 practice Weaned to and street, tam. It is, sty a matter o1 fact, a. prellistorie�sustain. bride he results attainedwere most tartly-,• That ;inng of one mighty and proud. :vast.';anent, as illustrated In the stone factory blowy ropedturd ire enct ANA r'' To prove, though the wide world be Haid at corbel and lintel combinations found in the donee with tie calculations of taus engineers. r tlty t. e'lic,t Egyptian and Indian temples. the, days later, the first passenger train 'Twill he i4,,fitiin the folds of the shroud. 1atPassing on to the leading dimensions of was driven cerusethe btruetnrebythe March- , the Forth Bridge, the total length of the Ioness of Tw'eeddale. The formal opening •, °En. E. rolvELI.. i rtructuruis 8•,296 feet, or nearly 1,' miles; clad ceremony took place on the 4th of March. s _ i there are two spans of 1710 feet, two of 080 toll was performed by His Royal Highness ! t. m „ 1 feet, fifteen approach viaduct spans of 1G''3 j the Prince of Wales. i the Canadian Nation. • feet, four granite arches of i,7 feet span on! The at ipl'uaulr lines in connection with the TILE Oa:away N tmlcls ! This fair G the south shore ; with three arches o sink•, Forth Bridge are 1111)1dly, heating comple- land 1 i lar construction and ;23 feet span at the cor-, tion, Aril eftlltliat of linen between Winch- ]ler name shall yet among Neat nations responding northern abutment. A clear burgh and Dalmeny -=giving direct access to stand, ! headway of 11(1 feet at high-water spring-' the Bridge from t ilansguw .-cud between the Each son a link in one true loyal band I j tides is allowed. The extreme height of the Bridge and Edinburgh, On the mirth side, structure is 301 feet above high-water, the' Inverkcithin g is being directly connected ('•rx faux to the core !—where prairies ' greatest depth of the foundations being with thn Bridge., and ntisiand with Inver- : roll, ' about 00 feet below the acorn level. keithin� Vari110uous shorter lines and widen- And northward to the limit of the pole.— '1 he 1na111 masonry piers, three in number, ings.arc being carried out, and then tllenfarg No eye but i huI'aher boundary yet can see: --- i situated respectively on the smith shore, on Iladtaidy is tieing pushed forward to crimple. And all this land is OHM la -and we are free 1 1 the island of In"hgarvie (all island fortuit- tion. Down through the ages yet to come and go i ausly placed midway between the two deep) In conclusion, we ma • add that the Forth -I11 this fair hind a nation soon shall grow, channels), and ou the Fife :;hare, ewisist each Bridge and the approach lines will, it is con- And send her produce o'er the earth afar, 1 of a group of four masonry culumls of con-' fidently anti steel reduce the journey from Nor shrink to guard her in owtime oPwnt ' ) (meth Q1' rubble faced with "ranite, and 49 Edinburgh to Perth or Dundee from two and , . r feet in diameter at the top by ;ti feet feet high; half ]loam to little more than one hour. In \•e'rlt •1� from Nations :-all of them it•ero 1 resting either on solid rock, us in the case of 1 the -mine mtumer the run from Edinburgh to free 1 1 the Fife and two northern Iuolsgarviepiers ; Aberdeen should be nladein three and i1.11al£ A pittliuts boast is-- Lottect,'eas ,faith in ' + or on caissons filled with concrete, as In the. hours instead of four and a half or five ; and they :" case. of the two southern Iuehgar'vie and the" that to Inverness in six and a half instead of The Briton and the Gaul shall brothers : Queensferry piers. I eight hours ; whilst on the journey frons Lon- dwell, I The masonry abutments at each end of the, clan to the north of Scotland a saving of an 111 "truth and l'ibIhtousness•' seek to excel,— Bridge call for nos eciel remark, and may be • hour or an hour and a ]half may be anticip;tt. One varve, one language, and one destiny,— here dealt with. Their dmensions have been eel.---CJia,tibera;v Journal. \o home for traitors shah be found in thee;! . JOII:C IMIaIm. Lost in the Pods tip the Sharoud, AMY USE THarVARE ,y PEER'E55 1N tiAno QUALITY AND FLAVOR • C.H.REARSON already given. Talo foundations were in the dry, and presented no features of difficulty. '11le piers anti arches were built of granite Give Yourself To Prayer. brought:from the well-known quarries at Learn to entwine with your prayers the About Small Bills. Aberdeen direct to the site bysea. • small cares, the trifling sorrows, the little Upwards of 21,000 tons of cement, 707,000 Wants of daily life. Whatever affects you, It is the most astonishing thing in the chine feet of granite and 117,000 cubic feet of he it a changed look, an altered tone, an whole platter of every -day business indebt- snasonry and. concrete were employed in the unkind word, a wrong, awotnd, a demand ctlness how lightly the small accounts weigh foundations and piers ;whilst no less thanone you cannot meet, a sorrow you cannot dis- on the conscience of some people. You ]night inilliou cubic feet of timber were used for close turn it into prayer, and send it up to suppose that the more humble and poor the temporary proposes, God. Disclosures you may ala intake to man Person is who sends in the little account Whilst the fog, aon andoss had had too little for yoou can make nr great the matterrd. Men CzGod is not timbe idly stle he ands at the top of aits at the the back stairs, or while she been ainecediug, steady workshops ns preparingact been too great for our small ones. Onlygivethe more quicklywould the indebted and the mallrtamaterials ed in sfork• the inc ntilvyourelf to prayer, whatever be the occasion honest emloyemake haste to settle it. that calls for it. Nothing of the kind ; there seems to bein human nature an almost aversion to pay He Objects to It. I seventy-five cents or to hand out a dollar and a quarter for these scrimpy little bills. "I see the price of meat has gone up," said The laundress, hoarsely answering you into a travelling man to' his wife. her shawl that the children are down with "Has it?" colds, but that she is pretty well herself, is "" 1' Yes • and as a man with judicious sport- tJ Po told to Jest leave it until next week., , in instincts, I object to it." ) " Leaving it" means, too often, nothing to t meet rent -day with. But what do you care about that? She must have a fire, or how Visitors to South Queensferry will re- call to mind the admirable equipment of the workshops and girder -yards and the interesting methods of dealing with the steel plates and bars. It is beyond the limits of the space at our disposal to deal with the ]ant employed in manipulationtl e of 1 girder-woriany detail ; sffice it merely to point out that from the eight hundred "To what?" ton ]hydraulic bending -press, employed for "Playing for such high steaks." tothebending the plates forming the tubes, down could she do the ironing ; and so you know to the smallest tool, the latest and most Do Not by. ony. , she is not cold. Yet the delay in getting approvedtitymachinery was specially a geedlarge About the hardest of achievements is to even your trifle of pay means scant meals for theetwo k.of it- The rgg drill -roads withidesilive without fret and worryin the midst of for a week and the children, still with >n- mrwork. lerecollected, their ad- , mended shoes,sent out toget milk or bread, inirable plant will he reeollectacl, whore the uncertainty. A rusiuessman doesn't know or kindlingon credit in the ext rain. The various members were fitted together, drilled,' how this vital venture is going to turn out. miser's of one re -erected in and then taken situ. dowzl; to be subsequently that her positiohousewife isn to• norrowlaced in 0h circumstances is utterly i of r. of holding on to little sum s miserly, itr this iit s It is unnecessary to clo more than mention seeable. What shall be clone ? Let to- not prudence, or anything but miserly dis- the mmncrous offices, stores, dwelling -houses, morrow alone 1 Attend to the nearest duties. stored honesty—the breaking rea would set countless of ehichink the ere., located for the work: The requirements Above all .dont chafe. You will need all s o red , p funds would set clets and' organization of a vast staff of men your vitality, perhaps, all your courage, to g people.undred.s.f' o numbering, at one time, over four thousand; meet those dreaded contingencies. But Phpromptly,eir esof of dyor are 1 satisfied f to dollars for the carrying out of such an Undertaking! nothing Wastes vitality, nothing depletes quite do, will be readilyapparent to our readers. courage, like aaprehension. Provk e, if you • while they keep on owing fifty or seventy - The erectioof the so-called vertical tubes' can. If you can't, go on calmlyin the round five cents in numerous other directions, is th over the main piers formed the first stage I of presenthbecomes Tackles t`to- mor the curious study. i after the 'completion of the bed -plates andit ' 1 There are great houses wherethe' cobbler's 1 skew -backs. These columns are twelve feet bridge till you come to it. This is what boy, or the carpenter's son, or the young man in diameter and three hundred and forty- Christ rr st' no 'meant when nvin) i 'thought:"tTkeg h the frons the small mften ori thats 62 en: scoldeddcents. e or three feet high. They were built to a height g of about thirty feet by means of ordinary cranes supported ' on timber staging. The remainder Of -their erection was performedfrom a platform, which, elevated morrow, for the morrow will he all.lions treated by the parlor -maid or waitress, who (revised edition) for itself. Sufficient unto take your tone to all dependents, as though the day is the evil thereof• he had collie to steal an umbrella. . Yet all 1 the 1 it y t li g f hi and he w u e ou are s ea in from cry le- y means of hydraulieliftuig presses working The iron tower which London is proper -r iii ing ie pfootsie s ornsure l the door slammed sea u evneclarhepon ) inside the columns,was carriedup with them. f111 to build isgoingto' outdo' anything 171 PORANGE anS•rd so convenientOrange syrup is so 'efts - inside b I the humble dun is the pleasure of a defaulter, Lily made and so to have els The platform, which was raised about sixteen the line of -'t erof ancient- or modern not to sayof a border. thief. 'i'liere are sur - fent. at a lift, carried with it,all . necessary times: A ` premium of • twenty-five htlu t hand fdr various uses, that it is strange cranes, 'rivet• furnaces,. &c., in addition to pred dollars is offered for the best design, vivals of oilier qualities besides the fittest, more housekeepers do not make it, raspole e shelters for the men. Access to the platform and a number of foreign engineers have en- slid this strange disposition evidently, tom,s, daily in the season when oranges are ole n was gained by n10BIIS of cages, similar to those employed in 'mines, and actuated in a like manner by winding -engines ; all material, &c., bailie similarly wound up to the platform ANY A LIFE' OAS been saved by the prompt use or 1, A Ayer's Pills. Travelers by land or sea ere liable to constipation or other dorar,mnttch and bowr whichge, 11 neglenet0ocoftcdthe,1000stozto SOriolls aned. • often fatal consequences. The meatsurei IpeanS of correcting these evils is, the t 4, of Ayer's Cathartic rills. The pre • dent sailing -master would as soon go to see, without his c:;ronometer as Without ap supply of these Pills. Though prompt. ' and energetic in operation, Aye --'a Piila leave no areeis, they are purely. 'vegetable and sugar-coated ; th , safest Elet,.Cine for old. and, young, at home or 'ab a.; .r. "Foeight years I 'ryas tiffileted with eo1 •0 'a1ean, wench �t last b e„me so ll.'s 2 tLaY rfie doctc,rl, tech? c't :lo :pore. far too. 'Then I Lo'g a to :'::;. AScr'u li'11Ls, and saou tele bole- :ccove-etk their natural and r0gu10,. a: :s, sQ tlwt. now” 1 trate is Excellent health." .Mrs- C. B. Clark, Tewksbury, Massachusetts. achtlSetts. " 1' regard Ayer's Pills eta ane of the most ren;able general remedies of our in uSaiRnh ^pe been y taxies. They lir. •>E am ter affections revising n a jump. g f gt3sttpc- . '`h1 9 vm:, ane] li.ns a g3pen this ar, � a tion. Wtj have fought them as excellent remedy for roles and light fevers."--- W. It. ir'uud:len, Fort Worth, Texe . "For several years I have yelled mora upon Ayer'a; Pills than upon anything elate iu the nualiclue chest, lo regulate sIny Luwely earl those chi the Blip's Brett. .'hese Pills ere not revere in their nee tine, but do their work thoroughly. 1 hare used them with l;ont1 elites for the r Ure> (•f tet:Tiet`iti.an1, 1.Hitt y trait• Lies, and ds,pola: a —Capt. Mueller, St;:anallip Lc13010, Heti. York City. *AI have 10:11111 Aycr'-o Cathartic Pills; to Ise a bettor family medicine for com- mon use thou any other pills within ray knowledge. They are not only very rift t Live, but cafe and pleasant to take --qiialities which nova make then.. valued. by the Fuhhit.."—Juice Duch Perfumer, Philadelphia, Pa. :R!1'AF. BT Dr. J. G. Ayer is Co., Lowell, Maas., Sal by ;di ase nlLra is .Its*};as rxs. READ -MAKER'S ME f Ula 15 t1Rll gi1T eoeniil FCR SALE 'FAY .4Lia )EA: ",'Reit 1:f„'.sies araDyb 1G 1128 isw:cc:oy1pair 64o x Was SAW 4111 t,a olta roma •. goo p$narWad attot 1 ►r auiam.•-.scan or Ih °n.t tbiterrotorratat tl d,S by tpmoteteft/ - t:ra•a2ar.hspo Rockall i wlUai4 Unteilnrieto.pitot ata ArlotirpLlaVs's u .:;g , i ^ d. P.O. Status':ksa. nl 5 a,°,iyk °gars- eda 1 If3Ca , c.:' iia tt sant FREE. sttti'',;�s tblr Sr-• Al4 jr .pT .1 •; ill .',! oi!Mi$s1 rltnlerrngcured. Baohylrtrnal r t.ti 1:.O.,. 1. Tettlmostals froas n nit Put. of tt,.h. n roe. Proutiost to Pief. rmst r:urs, ,tent on cpplit+utiost to Prof. `rJD. Lotsotte, :117 slitbrive, New York. to. FOR Sore Eyes Catarrh Lameness Female Complaints Sunburn Soreness Sprains Chafing AVOID ALL 189liA- TIONS. THCY MAY BE DANGEROUS. FAC -SIMILE OF BOTTLE WITH Rt)FF WRAPPER. Bruises �SE Scalds PONDSPiEas Burns EXTRACT Wounds Insect Bites. Stings Sore Feet INF1AM1ATIO S and ' HEMORRHAGES ALL PAIN DEMAND POND'S EX— TRACT. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE FOR IT THIS IS THE ONL\ MUT KING. DONOT TAKE ANY OTHER. down from the uayswheneverymali lifts tiful and cheap. Ripe and thin-skinned tared the lists of competitors. The site for Itis neighbor's cattle or sheep as he got the fruit is best for the Squeeze the this loftiest of buildings; (it is to be fifteen ' chance the snore defencless the owner, the • purpose. i hun't'ired feet), has not yet been decided on. better fun. The exllilarationofhaviai saved Joico through a sieve and to every punt tied The promoters of the project will naturally the small mount for that time is a ruffianlya pound and thea half of powdered -sugar. with choose filo. highest round and theyare a little of grated orange. peel and the g g feelingin the gentlest breast, and should be Vice of one lemon. Boil the syrup for fif- casting longing eyes upon the upper partoflong Regent's Park and even Princess Hill. A. roots out by prompt resolution to pay the leen minutes .and skim as long as any necessityfor its success is that it • shall be"deli, 1. located ithin easy distance of the Metro- politan railway. That the iuldergronnd railways of ,London thrive upon shows has beep. demonstrated by the fact that Barnum ready for erection. The riveting of the work was performed by specially designed maehines, worked by hydraulic power the rivets, of which there are no fewer than eightmillions in the entire structure, being"heatedin furnaces burning refuse oil,a novelty which has proved so suc- cessful that its use is now largely adopted. *sauce r -a id or The erection of the vertical columns beingwhile in London turned the decreasing traffic cussing which was the preferable, He will snakes a nice for pudding, a, t o listrlct mil a into average increase no ' 01 he h senor rises. If it does not look clear when. eke n off, strain it. Next bottle anti seal The Paternal View. up tight, and it will keep fora long time. . Two tablespoonfuls of the syiup mixed Daughter --"Pa, Mr. Slim and I were ells. with a quarter o£`apound of creamed bltttet' shrill ' VP at do sa ?" leasant 'flavor for custards'and ices. gduly b ult(lookingwatch)--" completed, in some sir months, the top of h c 1 an as o , go. you y p makes e : member connecting them was di 1 l ' of twent-five hundred a week. 11 is Pa lookin athis As it is 11.30 Mixed, with cold water and ice it a 4^--- r' : into position on the platform, now, rest- expected that the designs for the tower will o'clock I should say ' He must go' was•the delicious drink and can be safely given to t� i nt L. 1 1 5i i Q I' E. 1 V I D* in on the summit of the colts. g Inriq. Mean- be ready by the huddle of next month, correct expression. ? invalids, f.: