The Exeter Times, 1890-3-13, Page 2i the.atret Itas \beau strdiug Queer. 100 years.' THE LATEST CONGO DISCOVERIES. ( LATE FOREIGN NEWS, It is built of wood e tirely, a a has not vis- ible in its interior a single supporting piller, M. Bootsrer Foote Seine Pnexpeeted and THE LADIES! , --- tinusuat Things In the Mongala Rosin. the galleries seem hung upon the walls, and 1 One would think that the list of novelties 1 Belgialt FailliterS Manned. when the audience goes out the.refters ean, 11/ African. diseoyery was about exhausted; A liew and Distinct Form of Pi:tease I — be heard creaking as they are relieved from :but every now and then a traveller re-ap- watch to itfalettil_w c auedleee Women. , 0.v.jutowynan 01, TEE sonootts the weight that has been, hanging from them The German War Of6ee has issued a gen- 'pears. from some obscure quarter of the Dark ileaw some or 'nun* Regained Pres* ; oral enter that in future no ofeeer is to be Confluent with a fresh lot of wholly unex- cenCtoletaton. Perfect geanii rind. I IN PRITS.8111., armee> Phyeleal Zerraty. 1— ele served before dinner at a military elub with pected and interesting information. Wise - .t le,cit ar more than °lee small glass of spirit or liquor mann s street villages many miles loag, tot A great Londe* !, atillt_toLtaire. and. absinthe is absolutely prohibited. It Wolf's Sankuru route for steamboats to rhYstasit /sr *it,..' A NEW Alan EDIVIIIE tilElaiael tetiraitha has hitherto been they:0,410e of officers to • Central Africa, Arnot's miles and miles of he notes a new __-- : stimulate their appetites or the heavy early 'artificial eaves, with their thousands of Uhl m 7 1 A hotel is to be meted, it is owegetl, at dinner by libations of kununet or brech, human inhabitants, and many other dm- distinct for0Gcognac or gin. 'cowries, ere all of the nature of geograpla nem= &wsepas. • the foot of the reat Pyramid.' duced in Calladilm women by worij. about sere -sate and overwork in caring for the home. This b, only too true. It is wby we sees° nuu* loam pale, weak, languid, and sefferieg Ssom lees.daelies and innumerable weak-. manes. They cannot stand the strain upon' torah nervous system. Many of them hem found the meares to sustain their faillrhg strength, to give color to the cheeks, and new life and vigor to the body, in Paine% It is add that the French CIOVerzunextt Walter Robinson, the famous crieki a, ' , 1 rre •ises, ! 1106 got to a pase where it trill soon have to member of the All England Eleven, attemp- I The latest contributor to this list is Mr. borrow largely. ted suicide by teking strychuine a few days iiedister, who, in November last, explored ' The =Versifies of Italy ago, butwas saved byprompt mediertlattentl.:the Mongala River, a uorthern affluent of ' of for the inferior 'wade' 1 1 . t° e exe eemPlaine,d mice, auti. released upon. promising the Court the Congo, and its principal branch, the Dui. evItielt they allot diplomas.° m ae-t len e ' that 1m would not do it again. It is said that Capt. Cogoilhat and one or two other tre- llis habits have ruined hire, although Day a.i Yellers had already been up the hiongala for fk T1 . he l' &shop of Verdun lias undertaken to year ago he was one of the finest erlelret•forty or fifty mile., but no oue had any idea l r nose a million fiance for theerectionat Van- players in the world. ;tilHodistefound it out that the basin of couleurs of a splendid meniunent to J0011 of The Belgian authorities have discovered !this little river extends far northeast to - that the royal palace at Brnssels is absolutelyI wards the Welle Makna, ma that in a eau- • The German Government los decided. to devoid a any appliauces to prevent its shale ple of days, steaming on the, Dua branch, &mimed Berlin with the Baltic by means of ine the fate of that at Laelren in ease of twhiell comes from the east, Many very in - a. sbip canal. The work will be commenced Oe4C'. There is not even an alarm bell, call terestiog things would be found. , in a few months. pipe, or telephone available, and most of the li in the first place, liodister -ens surprised The inenagement of the Court Theatre At wood wore is rotten. All the valeerble ;to see tat everybody seemed to know he - Vanillaelem. deeeeed that hereafter no pictures have been taken to the gronud floor.was Celery Coropound. This pure andscientilie ' women who are over 45 years olti shall be to facilitate their removal in, the ease of no- COMMA FOU MANY Rouen etegeered for thtzballet , cessity. :remedy is espectelly adaeted to the 'needs of woman, and is daily making the meat e enevkable cures. hire. W. F. Ccoper, • 6o St. Ilypolite St., Montreal, was for s, long time temehled with nervoueheadaaese foss of appetite, low spirits, eta Aft. using the Compound, her headaches at, smeared, appetite was good, and hexsphire revived. Annie Gourley, of River Bestulette, found, the Compound a. certain cure for weakness, and now feels as well as she ever did. Marty & Crteadien lady has the same reason to be grateful. Paine's Celery Compound can berm - chased at any druggist's ler 000 dollar battle. If be should not have it on band, order direct from Waits, RtcnalinsoN Co., biONTRILAU . . before he reached tbem. The dnute tele- " The Austrian eourt has just gone out of; During the past year it is offimally emu- phone ie in good working order ea the aion. mourideg. for Winne Rudolf, haviug refrain- putea tntre 10,000 persons inte-e emigrated gala, and its beats, sounding from village to ed, from all eritertaillmentE Ala soeial'from the Goverennent of Ana, Rasa.", ;village, notified Chief Itiaka at the mouth I eajoymmit of every sort for a full year. lehiefly to America. Tlos wholesale ewe of the Dna thet a white man was coining is regration has had an unsettling, effeet upset the two days before the puirtug little steamer p... .4 :rum . . e el, , Reeotan pile -einem etvehinatiotenoonee,'„Kuseirrn peasants of the 631110 proVillee, WhO came lute mew. that he bee diseeverteatiat dipth,e, the neceesary means are enuilating As Hodister steamed up the Dim he was THE OF" ANY TIMES. A COOK BOOK FREE By state see key :see eg eer east °Wee ears= Walls. tclureern Co, Montreal.- VS5 Sofia Geld Watch. Sol fc-r16200. entlY later. watch in the wor24. Farfat4 ritaskeepar. War - naiad. Emu Su:4 Boating Taw Van. TAO** and pub' alasaosIthiernka and eases of inatil Wine. 0 no rersou lamb la. aut.:. am name Qua frau, %Warr wl:k oar lauta ar46 n. wogs law cr Ylouselten4 SILsalifteitii These suarke,as win as um wahli, Ira lea , rree, and after r.a. hero kept iltflabt2S that country, and forwarding Itlie exampie of their neher neighbors. !rite surprieed to find quite m number of large ly eurala.• by ineatiation oe e r y s i p e la s . All the t.,,,,,..011 women,3 altroZations eee -authorities are interfering to stop the end- villagei built on piles in the middle a the river. There are thousands of native huts, sum tit women students to the 1-inverszty, i petition to the- The ' • I onerese meat lineeeee and nett•ed banks, but the object in raising them from abent to athlete's: a uteneter .. ,Auetrien Reichsletth 111 itiVer Of thtt :amis. The rag ball at .‘,' MUM at the close of the particularly on the southern affluents of the amigo, that stand on piles itIong the river 'S9,000 for the poor a the city. The higheet or 11 aton, will hereafter live most, a 'cericatures of ragged costemes deuced at the the high water season. 'I here are very few niembers of the local aristocracy ha costly the ground, is merely to avoid the floods in Princess Victoria, the sister of the 1Cmper-' the time Mt 01 “ermait'S, having an aim' ball, grand ladies assisted as hoggarti, there tribes who habitually live in huts built over mese of :350,049 a year for that purpese fromwere tagged quadrilles of honor, three Me the water. Bat. liodister found at least zi • perial archdukes hgured as scavengers, arid half dozeu large water villages where the tiermany luvi been lunch astonishml at military officere, disguised asblinel beggars, huts were huddled closely together on piles learning that every eingle one of her ships 4,104Welli a cau-can. in the reiddle of the river, leaving a water is autiqmrted, an.i. that in fttet every assage of about forty feet on either side. ship the country has eves at' when it was il Tthhe Prussian Landtag has been consider- P Around the villages are rows of small timb- 1 41. the ra0eks. eg e overcrowded condition of the Prus- sian schools and the praising peed of more ere, one end resting on top of the piles and Railways in Builuul. the other on the river bottom. presenting Thew is A 111r1V Eiffel Tower on the benks' teechers. The lack oi Waters has calmed. leam e for proteetiou against Tr11:0erreocretnitlyunot.4leethett ergnertion Inei Gein. a the 'Newoneerett. Petersburg, constructed a tremendous increase in tilleicte risoizAt*I01„tig amnieniiniceslinn-ehilo 110b2.try to carry the village re oat a ai way Met t le in eatirelv of !UAW bitieke of ice, with reetaur- elas.ees and a correspontliuo et dian Governmeut ehould c instruct more rail. a : BAD 111E.NCH SEADLaNSW.P. I The Plimship pronounced /Unseaworthy and a Neivi. Vessel. Asked Per.; Frenchmen have never been particularly brilliant in their efforts upon. the sea, and have been ridiculed and held in poor esti- mation BS sailors by the hardy seamen of England. The mishap that has lately over- taken the Dubourdieu, a first-class cruiser, bearing the flag of Rear -Admiral Rigault de Presmenil, -the French Conunauder-in-Cbie recently appointed to the Pada° station, will not add to the reputation of Frenelt naval officers. She sailed Jan. 22 from Cherbourg, with the Admiral on board, but broke down when off the Canaries, and had to put in for repairs. Here she was detained for some time, workmen tinkering at her . until pronounced ready to resume her voyage. The machittery proving useless, the Dubour- dieu. proceeded under sail to Dekker, which station was filially readied with the cruiser strained, and leaking badly. The Admiral at once telegraphed- that the ship was utterly 'worthless anti that he must be • supplied with another. The Dubourdien was e slow ship, and as no attempt was ever made to force her, .it was supposed she would not suffer the usual mishaps a mod- 1 ezei vessels possessing high-powered anti complicated eogines. ; But there appears to be a reason for the extraordinary manner in which the man-of- war has been so razed that does not appear ; on the surface. It is the custom in the French Kavy for their ships to remain at - sea durhig a eyelone or had weather, sub-; jeeted to the fury of the elements, with no A effort being made to seek shelter, as any i prudent commander 51141 seronen would do, i eiremnstameee permitting. It is a well-known feet thet the Atlantic Oceazt of late has been swept by tierce gales of 111111SUO1 force and ; fury, and the llopship wee out, 111 more than ' one with the reSUltS nf) reeorda The vessel thus pronounced worthless is. of a model type, which French entimeiaste expected to be able to encoanter any wea- ther with fighting qualities of trot-claes order. The disastrous termination of the cruise must be both mortifying mul heuill- iating to the French Authorities. The Frenell lost a ship last, year hi the Chine seas through this recklessedefiartee of the elements. ants, oltservat 101 2)2 forms,and other Anne- the ainount of instruction b mutt receis-ed by eath Y • . toil.. t Ia woah It 16 1feiigL na3900 Pone place the explorer Annul one of•k)udaea reVe 59eth1itionUmlaStethe largest ebuilding estehlishments thtbexperience of seinea trio 11141i(01, ltlninee6s. It is; ruourred Cat Gm first volume 01 , el:in eirildren have been taught iii classes of cootie in owns id Loe to has yet been eeen in. Ceutral Africa. Canoes ((11 2022 in Indio, will aways lie it, paying bust - does uoter.qTant exportation that rails -ay ex- liernerek's unpubliehed earrespandence,170 to 100, aud by the dozen were scattered, ohnig the shore. exteudiun, :rem 1862 to 1880, is aleint to 110 150, In 1886 almost, 1;3,000 children. had They were ot an diniensione end in au stages ne se. 1. (21 instance, the litarris Railway, issued. anti thee the t( (1 1u 8. willoo teaclars• of reatuufacture, and there 31116 also , large 829 utiles long, oad °petted mere than fifteen atteeee seen aftee the first. 't 22. of thnber, tut ia, the forests autl yeara ago, earned mtly 3 per cent. last year, ,.., 'Jilting tile last year Signor Crisp'''. an - Ate t hone of the Japanese uationai tilorized payments to the aanomred neweiy draggetl to tllrivcr b 11i01emI y to be, rhe restfit, of the Leo lalway in Ilmitmli, mis mi reitentlY 4. 114. ii" HoglIdi half a million friuies to Italian awareness trarriformed into canoot. 1102 1. says it illweyery 0IPPorts Um "rromr's mixiee• Before Thebew's kingdom nem 0!) 2.1. there ie : "Oh, that the reign of 2022 Emperor friendly to the Governinent and himesVper- located. exaetty like a, little shipyruel. might emitinne for thothands and thousends smelly. The 111 212. witnessed nue peculiarity were =miles of railway in I.,orver Ilttrinalt of yotre -until oyster shells become rooks.' Of this sum 225,000 fraues went which has not elsewhere been observed. which had east three millions. Three years to newspapers in 'tame, 80,000 francs to the (memo banes to sOWS, alba natives were oery soy, and wool they after annexation an extension 220 miles long letter t : the Shah of Persia, thauking him livers at Milan, 50,000 francs to Minittprial 63W file ate:liner coming, they generally took Neapolitian press, THE BEST it i, ili,1 that t110 1447:- has addressed a Wa3 open° I to \1l 121-13-13 which is now 384 far the pante:tarn anti liberty aee„rded orgaus at Turin, 25,000 to Venice, and to their Canoes, which were fitetetted to the inilesby niii from Rengoon. Thenele line cost 20,000 franca to Florenca The balance was piles that supported their huts, and paddled aoilietinng under two millione. 'Shute the ex- BAKING POWDER tension to Mandalay Wee oi enel in ?clattery spent on the Sleilian press tout individual away to , last the combine(' Bunnell lines have inade correspondents. MC KE urETS I84-6OIN 1 People Wonder utHEN they find how rapidly health is restored by taking Ayeihs Sar- saparilla. The reason is that this preparation contains only the, purest and most powerful alteratives and tonics. To thousands yearly it proves th veritable elixir ot life. Mrs. des, Lake, Brockway Centre, Niche writes "Liver complaint and. indigestion made ruy life a burden. and came MAT ending my existmace. For more than four years I suffered um - told agony. I was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly had strength to drag myself about. kinds at feed distressed sae and only the most dela cote could be digested at all. Within the time mentioned several physielaus treated moveitheut giving relief. Noth- ing that I took seemed to do any per- marteut good uutil I began the use of _Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which has pro- duced wonderful results. Soon after eemreenelog to tate the Sarsaparilla I could sea au 'improvement in any condition, pay appetite began to return and with it came the ability r digest all the food taken, any strew, li improved earls day, and after 0. t months of faithful attention to y&tr directions, fouled myself a well woman, able to attentl to all household. duties. The medicine has given lea a -near Ierma o o, and I cannoe thank we? too meat" the notleratenetl, eitizeus a Brockway Ceutee, Midi., hereby certify that tba above atatement, ramie by Mrs. Lake, 13 MO in every particular and entitled to full eredettee."-0. j. Chamberlain, Co W. Waring, O. A. Wells, Ihvg.-Lit. 4,3fy brotlier. 35 England, was, 1Or o. long teneeunable to attend to his occu- pation, by reason of sores on his foot. sent him Ayer% .Abilantse and the tes- timonialit contained induceO hien to tey Aver's Sarsaparilla, After using it 22 little while, lie was cured, end is stow - a -well Malts Ill 15. 311gar 11)211 at Brieletne, Oneenslandnaustraliee! — A. Attewell, Sherbet Lava Outarto. Ayer's Sarsapoia, runrAnno sh O., Ayer & 0o48 L.awcll, Maqc,, Vz44 4.44 taattke..N. Werth $e a loots. cars ea yam b01314 rer li seeinha and shown thcnt to thcsa hint the inigenia of the Order of Pius IX. vasnoy Arra asaikl,thor become :,-our 9.11 property, 21a•so .. lirinee Albert of 'Monaco 1 -,said to intend e nd SAORPItIL ..t., sh •xlc.61.ft:ghtte% Ad4rets Stratton 40 Co., Aces 81*.Portimaid,hiegoo. to devote the $.41,10.(li.19 wr year 1152.13 20 gets . felon the gamblers to the completion of the /7atheilral anti other public improvements. =114211A El If EICIPilkl-"---*". . ife i.svery wealthy himself and has an Who ch wife. ts Wentt, Nervous, 'Debilitated, enormously ri who in la% FOilv o=4 tcnoranoo 1!Q•3 Trt- It il reported from Berlin that the total ft,od away. kW cf10r of Socly, '::11:tri urd 6111k,!1iptio1e for the t)ttozneu Anatolian telanera0co,, emenee Cabe -setae; exatue :leer in A' aVt. per Cent. tailti Obligations Railway 11 e ee 1 „„eo eau frourrtelna et 1.4o. Moodoollos Loae (xt oue million sterling ht LontIon aud '3''' ""1"-"o as the old ones of bamboo. lievehriee the :amt. Se:tilted.. a Will b.O.V0,13111a1I flags in. Nola rk-"Dit40/10, VraaaLIIEz.!ezos, WOCilittf.,,3Z, tier:tatty amount tr eht.110.000. in, mars The lances ieczyte . arnet-towe tieetea a 0 a. e. ;el too titielice! 'lee to Eartli i.....:.oey, onet•roptIpn A I. Er.: reir Omuta where name le Gabrielle folors nailed,te themSnear tlfellitd. .A Frentili ntillionaire named. Ilamouding, t It' =T. Mar...hlu:not lo L.`c.6,'Ir•A•4 tt • grit . zy, NVP.j L.EL.1. 1'2:: EIVE spainfif 0..... ,...; P ILI...111:vi. but vele) knot relanel in any fray spending the winter at N.ice, a few eveeks "Ooltliett 'Cure. Is lel:laza You':'•• -.1::10. tow the heroine of tile eeesatioual i arnfil: ngo onlinv,1 a entlin of a, special pat teim, and igior rtt,toii.,... the VII:C9 Ritt.e..cr .tte c.,./.1 Geo. tolulltir ease, lite; aetiaietl to the emete to 101 1t gmund in a cemetery upon which reeert materommeeties. eatie.C4',:` -.22 t!.0 t:;•;!,',..1 ulti .^...orvies,b1,z-ii.,., •,-, a.- - •,... • .. .. • . i• --. .%... r I . ; .. . • • . • t f ti,e, he had a, vault built under his personal m - on acouses into itztif,3 ....1.. a 44....4 rq::•'-.e., ' 1.111p1T.10.311t notice lier peesent one attracte. 112.21 '11 with room for three coffins. ' "I No. t'tI rele :met a .elatet tato 14, q"" I te Scientific farming in Italy is fo be under- want room enough to be quite at ease," he one:vat the b-zrarn franst. W.:..:4 ..4.isT,,,....!::,, dais. 32ewit riaciinv/5 c qrt t:••rt Me -;-,T,.•-ci s.%,,. . , , yeer be a etlinpany OWIRIPe a t i• 1 111.21 . a 1 so rt. a • said tio a f‘rie.iiolwho usited him why he nettle all leas done he shot hire - three worths, ent•trea.!rt it•ris, tit Ici... tl•r.ti t.prlyc 7 . taken tilf.4 in&a... :tames ,71 cu." :4..a.,,raur..A. Vt.? r.,,:-.• Taint:LI, 14. ‘,.. , 6.,,.g L -I t.1.1 operations f toll 0( 1 1 ii. r 1 ' It o No. tliia an turaIr1;;,,,irs,:t's L.,::1C1 resivea -Rive (1" 21 the wmeltni ploegit, pureed self (teat in his room at the hotel, after 1121 12 no ntstt:w (.4 -.1i0s." 10T.•••: ttf,Y14.,' ' Iv oxen, that has held the Yield since an era ing made a will leaving all his money to the irtl,, Sol., under ocr unite:. Cl.tErLint41,.., - initfc.re tile Retnan Cl,:s4Ars, will „ widows and orphans ot 111011 killed in the re- etee.t. n Cure, rri CO i23. T.t.,10:3-as lfioi....c.::. 1)11.;b3;347 cent explosions in the mines at St Etienne. . CoaToroctc. Cint. have to co. • . Switzerland proposes to hold alp Lausanne 4-Atrvi 'LAD FS ()NJ Y. -tf, in .Iune a fair that will present specimens of num „roma: TUE 31An on.AND14. gross mange 51 per cent. larger that the be conetructed of hollow steel, Although er could not enter, they watehed the strange with htuces, the shafts of which are to Fr0111 the small channels, which the steam The (10002511 Cavalry are to be armed lugs of the nine mOnths of 1888. The gross earn- BO S year 1880-00 will be about .....:—. . 2 E old lines gained during the corresponding ; they will he made as light as possible, monster, and, when they MeV that no harm 4480,000 as compared with 037,000 their weight will not materially increase fallowing means of showing their own friend; expenses, being heavy during the first lie Antoutradng it remains somewhat doubtful whether befell thorn, they almost invariably took the in Iejurleue. the preceding year. The working Ike amount each home has already to le• intentions : A canoe, moaned by sgerm year of a new 'Mammy absorb 62 per cent. of ER F.B E 04,ror, and whether these new lances will of the boldest and most agile 1,41'muere• the earnings, and there et•ill be left e.182,000 .,-;s::--1---1* VERMUIE' 'would advance to within forty or iifty feet 00 10000 than 3f, per cent. on the total capita f the steamer. Then one of them would of5,000000 . Working lenses melt to dild. up a fovtil and suddenly throw' it th- come down to Oi4 per cent. W en the new line ward tire steamer, The bird being m112140 has been open a couple of year.; : for the to fie- far would light on the steamer, to old lines worked at 53 per cent. in 1887, avoid falling in the water. Then the men when the Tomigoo Railway. or one-half of . all known alimentary substances, taking in - FRE.:1811,1 IiIF.CULATIO '4 '"I Li.•; breads, confectioneries, pastries, cooked For seaerior te Err.of., %use r,,,,,o,vrovv - dishes, vegetables, groceries, preserves, cho- 0-cido. En inrsoi lay ts-t thliviA ,i ... .- eolates and so on thrinr,h al/ that the htnnan who nse trn mo•a•rnt Y Novo:- 'el. 110:0.- , di k b R•ifectual. Prlca, S2. Toronto Medicine Co Tcufonto. Ont. it ent, Irt Pltia.lant s,olutt -11(1w,4. The various branches of one of the most enid astonishingly good. practice is :memo - distinguished Rus.sian families are about to plished, considering the short time the new get together at Moscow to celebrate 1;1 e fi • pastime has been in vogue. So much en - Exeter i3titc her S'aop hundredth anuivereary of their 'attaellimeNnet th usinam las en areas y the monthly be ed b the Koreakofla, the Rymsky-Korsakoffs and private ranges, and i ------------ 35 itas cstomary the canoe would paddle away for dear the then system, had been opened, only two life, without waiting for the present which years. Meanwhile the gross earnings will Hodister wished to make them. increase, and it is pretty certain that the Chief Wake, who was with the explorer, open railways of Burnell, as they now stand, ---e-----"e"—Oret`"--- of evhieh 164 niiles ware opened in 1877, with CHADtliiCii ;, LEATIM010 was well known and mucb respected by the will pay over 5 per cent. in 1882. This will natives, but even his influence failed in some be an excellent result for a railway eystein talk. with the white inau. OS one occasion 0 STEEL -LINED TRUNKS eases to lull their fears and induce them to l'oPC)1700L14 where lofty hills fell precipitously to the In Semple, Indies' and au addition of 169 miles ie. 1885, and a river, Malta mounted a pletform that had al orbs:. 30 ft extension of 220 miles hi 1,889. The financial outcoine will be satisfactory also 117 IIMICS1 IlOd MOM been built out over the water and in a sten» for the Indian Treasury, evhich borrows sil- TRUNKS ver for its railways in Indiu, at 4 per cent. For Erand and In the World. The Indian Government Moe recognized Machine Use. that railway extensions in Burmah, besides J. RYELEIGR & CO • lucrative business, and they haVO arran,eed HU no SUPERIOR- MONTREAL, —. pacifying and enriching the province, are a to spend two millions duriug the next tree teleiirs.for GA Dominion Burmale—Pall .3(a7t Gazette. ......_...*HAthilt ?LP IT. BALMORAL. years on further railway undertakings in ,MONTREAL. • Saved by •Good 14as, It is rarely, indeed, that a TfltUl'S life is .Totria Demo St., one of the moat centred preserved by his beauty, for it is a quality 'and elesuatly iurnishvedli,olvtolsolonZuF0F1,ty. Accommodation for 400 guests. mthoerec.alsiekelythtoLloms:eathpaonnst save, but Hlmettot wrialos. .....................tZ toillatpe:r2 day. ge Y s Y V Manager. the anecdote himself eefar as the risk of life, 0 EMIRS' ..MIIIIIII. which he ran, but he left others to inform= ' " Domitilori . They are naked, their , when he penal through Repels in 1791.1 mi.% as tar tot Canino Go M PA NY, -•-•--7 LEATHER BOARD the Cause of Ms rescue. He was not twenty 4 g,,I iwle fny ed. in a company formed in Belgium, with time the lamps were hung across theitreets • . a PALMER & SO Manufacturers of of white enterprises on the Congo, and BODIES ARE COVERED WITR CLAY, War was not declared, but;„ there was • a ' their large consumption of fish, have resat- strong feeling against Eng:land. At that 20 000 capital, to catch and dry fish on' they have no lances or knives; and no in- —heriee the cry "A. la lanterne 1" When' Wholesale Inapars of ASBESTOS MILLBOA119 the'lower Congo. Companies aro constantly dustry except fishing. They sell their smok- any unhappy Victim Was taken, the paocess ' idlINISTS!SWIDRIES, Steam Packing, has a herd of 600 cattle on an island in the human habitations. Hodister saw for the the mob, who seized him with the cry." wile. ore, was so uhfortunate as to fall in with 1 rld3.N.OTAR,MAILST:, NI ONTREAL. PULLEy BOARD, tries on the Congo. Among them is the live wholly on fish and roots. Their villages Lord Ponsonby, walking in the Rue St. Hon- ' * S OA Pe' * FFICCTION coming into view to carry on varians haus- ed fish for canoes and other articles, .and of hanging' him was a very simple one. I river and a large establishment for making lint time on this voyage admen with white 27tis iff a P;Irfect'Pri4los company of Congo Products, which to -day rumble rather the hoines of beavers then en agent de Pitt ! un.eacreeAnglais V In , palm oil; and. the Society of the 'Upper hair and beards, and beet with age. All lanterne I" The lamp was taken down, i to $606,000, and has steamers on the river amen,e most African tribes. the cords placed round ,his neck, and he ': Congo which has just increased its capital the men wear beards, which aro seldom seen. and ivory :telling in the Antsverp market. 1 Hs:lister saw large numbers of the curious was actually:hanging in the air, when the , ''' women, who played such a prominent part to Dahomey. The King of that happy 1 bv Gronfell and Van Gele on the Mobangi, con pour etre pendu 1" was the cry. He TIIT' 13/7: FOR LAUNDRY USE. tree houses that have been oblerved else- throughout the revolution, rushed fonvard There is some telk of a lfreneh expecliiatinoidi where only by Nachtigal on the Shari River, and cut the cords. "C'est A1L.trop joli gar - recently amused himself by cutting. Off .the I an- • - • d by Wolf ontheSankin•u-Lomamis These fell on the pavement and was immediately wrapped the heads up in the French flags PrPaA ;Pi Es,RS lea s o some e ne an nativesItribe houses are built at the entrances and exits carried off by his protectors and carefully under the protection of France. The war- I of the villages and many of them are seen 'tended. All these circumstances, I repeat, riors who carried out his Majesty's orders in the rear of 'the towns to guard -against with the exception of the cause of the inter- W p a il the attacks of enemies coming g through the ference of the women, were told me by Lord . tfaarat an sen em e royalpalace. aP- 'forests. They are firmly lodged* the large- Ponsonby, and lie proceeded to give an ea- pears that the present King has an old. grudge est fork of the tree, and are about ten feet Count of his sensetious on retumilig con- rir:Wg against Frenchmen. He was educated M , long and five or six feet wide. They consist sciousness. • • 1‘21111JI th 1 f hi 11 a id f • twoof a platform with uprights, upon which ....., yeara, according to the Voietaire, he went t res s the roof, and they are used to shelter • . , i through the regular course, or at least ap. ; the warriors and enable the1n to see all the I The consciousness of Dc Good. GARTH& CO., FACTORY SUPPLIES. Valve:, Iran Ar. Lead Pipe, Loose Pulley Oilers,Stearn Jot Pumps, Farm Purnm, Wind MIN Cream 8ep221. ate's, Daby and Laundry Utensils. 636 CRAIG STREET, al 0 1,1174 COL, baaalaraNliaMO The latest thing in women e clubs is tbe wian voicesuininoned everybody to a, parer - Ladies' Rifle Club in Bermuda, which is er. It took about two hours of incessant vigorously supported and well attended. talking to collect his audience, but finally a The governor's Wife is the president, and is great number of canoes filled with natives herself no mean performer . with the rifle, were massed around the platform. Then the evhile the club numbers nearly seventy chief told them wbat a friendly man the members. The range is limited to 100 yards, white stranger was, enumerated his purchas- es, and his generous presents, explained that he took nothing without paying for it, and enslaved no one. Then the orator with forci- ble and expressive gestures described the steamer, its engine, imitated the noise of the escaping steam, and declaimed with such to see young ladies start outwiheir rifles untiring energy amlpower of lungs that the to a garden party as with tennis rackets. explorer 700 feet away understood every Give a Congo porter his ,rations of rice word lie said' The Ng:legal people, whom' Hodister met and dried fish and he is fully equipped for on this trip, tvere, in his opinion, the poor - h 1 0' the river The to the, imperial service. The family includes Pill. e contests that people have established R. DAVIS, the Doundoulteff-Korsakofts. The astronomers at the Paris Observatory Butcher & General Dealer are in trouble over the projected building of a railroad near their establishment. They say that the earth trembhngs caused by pass- -IN RTICDS OF— est and most wretched natives he ever met. ing trains will make their observations use- increasing number of negroes in the service less, They will try to have the Goveremeot order a change of the route. EATS ?internees supplied TUESDAYS, _.:AYS 41ND SATUBDAYS at their :esidenee OBDEBS LEFT AT THE SHOP WILL ItE °Era PROMPT ATTENTION. Belgian farmers have become alarmed at the way hi which the frogs are being exter- minated by French pothunters, and have petitioned the King to forbid killing frogs during certain months of the year, as is done with other game. The farmers regard the frogs as valuable slug and insect destroyers. Because the Prophet Mohammed has been represented upon a Paris stage the Mohammedans of some of the Indian pro- vinces have been forbidden to atteffil theat- rical performances of any nature whatever under penalty of heavy fines for the first two offences and excommunication for the third. ; Lack of work is so keenly and generally felt ;ell the towns and provinces of Italy that the prefeets and royal Governors are issuing vigorous proclamations calling upon all owners of property to scrape up some kind of employment for the mioecumed, who are 1 literally penniless and at the door of , starvation. Moathly police reports of foreign visitors in the hotels and boarding houses are made • at Paris. On Feb. 1 the official number ceding month, but with slight variations ' 000d -for -nothing fellow, and gave great pre_ pare to do so. • He WES ili laz stu 1 3'.' P ' surroundings and shoviserarrows and lances a Ws1S 27,503, a slight decrease from the , upon assailants frone eht elevation. • ',ILL , pore . you of Lifi ittistx.rory 'Conte' ment serene in.the bosom abides, 'Tit . bago, Spical Di/lease, E rr and, month, excluding August ancl September, Jam', the President of the 0 eeegrathiee'l 'pools several miles long, where the river Whoihele."Ins. off the snow pus the the line that net:tulle %uses ma Spreina. the dull season Society, was teaching a class in whim' the , widens to about a mile. and a half and still "'II -4' ' '•-• 1 Rheumatism, bletfreigita La e the number remains about the same for . trouble to his.profeseors. Ono day M. Arm- ; 1Vlr Hodister found in this little river I heir to the throne of Dohomoy was a member. :keeps ,aelepth of about six feet. This jour- sidewalk ei, And •lie sings in the midst of his labor frenothat of hireemiglikee. The greabling spirits of Preis are clodgiuq . J .aervina.anehiner 11-1 too gotten - trado III all parts. by a g Ian's with a marble board dotta .1 he young man became disorde-rly and hlis- ' nay has • h • f • 1 th o d roved that the Mongala and its .. them, we win send Tree 10 02+ ... . • placing 2220 tnacidnitsl, L ,, And geode where the people eon see risen in buds locality,the vvyy ltig soWing-rnarldue baths lit the weild,nith all th a' ottaviiii. uts. Wo will Mao sehil i'vOt, a eon. oicte line of our costly end inturible o rt samples. In return wo ash that pin show what we mud, 21 thow who buy call at your home, and after 22 inondit n1141411 heeeme you own property. This grand machine ia 220114 02101 tha Singer patente, whiela Won run loot 1 before liatento ran out It sold for so*, with the attachments, and Dow sass for 0 KAI,. Aig. to. No eapite1 required. Pla.;14 ID WAS usect nv Annie of the Italian coin- L.F4 -"''p, . machine In the world. A11 Is ...., „ light] 3 up e, amide to our defects and never ' owe. Bast, strongest, mostueo." eon' erine i he boat S. -wing -machine In the werld. and the . 21 '1%, at once osta WWI A litatter of Economy. " Wait a moment outside, Maria. I ve go,t,tyoosuteopuignhthetroeb"ave more regard for ap. pearances,John than to stop at a drug store on the way to church" (Fiercely)" It isn't a question of appear- ' ancesiMarla, it's a question of economy. I'Ve got to buy a cigar or two and get sorrie small change or else throw Gilt 110'6'11y -five cent piece in the contribution box. Do you think • I'm a Jay God 1 ?" anU begatelle board. The bread is laid in the collar, dragged him'. to the with Ahemow holes numbered like those on th's (kb" i of Congo hydrography than had been sup- , chief utary are more Important features angle of a billiard table 'and the bells are in spite of his furious resistance, and put posed. the out with a parting kick that displayed rolled over it by hand., winning or -losing the reverse of respect for royalty. Notwith- accortlina to the little in which they stop. standing his education' in.France, this King af:13.41°Yn en'Illiaillian‘bajio.aurnea.1" announces the in- is just as savage and bloodthirsty as his Female Diplomacy. much -lamented father was ; e,nd decapitto Mr. Gowing—Mayi escort you home, Miss. .vention of another new .gunpowder. The tions in honor ef his royal parent form his annulling ? itivezitors are Basehieri and Bellagui of Bologna, who have named their invention Aoupiria. is ertiaulated, pale yellow in color, aud said to be impervious to damp. principal delight. Miss Cumming—I promised ma I would not ao allow any one to walk home with me ; but ' ,Ail'ectatioa in any part of our carriage is here conies seer. Genf int:fn.:Sons given2 bozo 'who write to us at *nee eau se- petitors at the Moide Carlo matches. 'fails te make us take notice of, either as The slot tnachine to test your wegiht is 21n21Me ork of ws of hlah art over shown tenth= in America. The Stadsehouwburg, an old Amsterdam wantirt • eense or sincerity.—[Locke. one of the -weights of the world. TIMUIN DO., 17,03c 140, Augusta, Nobles A comniunity is in a hopeless condificia when its deet men refuse to be buried. ; 21 DEBresOleS t4, X, I LI,S VOISOOtre, ALL 440 SIZES A hi D eal WEIGHTS -••••••TO ORDER * " ese lief NS riarip EEE HE OREAT peoeed. o STR&STIfiligE FOR THE GPI V1 WARMING 1St puTRITIOUSI3EVERAGE A POWERFUL I NVIGDRAT,0 R • 010 BURDOCK .P1 LLS IP CIEE A SURE CURE Fon BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION; INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, isecK uoApAcw EI 5240 DISEASES OF . THE STOMACH, LIVER AND 130Vi/EL0. TH Joie IY1ILD,TH0ROU0it MID PROMPT, • IN ACTiON. AND .renm A VALUABLE AID I3UE DOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THF TRtATNICNT D CURE or CHRONIC, • AND ODDYINATE DISEASES. •