The Exeter Times, 1890-3-13, Page 1AND HURON RON Ullr MIDDLES GAZETTE.
L11. DICKSON, Barrister, Sol.-
. snorer iuprcme Court,l`lotaryPulllic
'OOAVQyatleex Comwiasiouer,,te, Money to
Diuceen Parson's 131oc1t, Eseior,
R .. iL COf..iLIN$,
Ba-isGer, Solicitor, Gnuveyaaucer, Etc.,
H2 ET "IL, - ONT.
ffioegamwelYsB1ook Ralt'eold,)
-Barristers, Solicitors, Rotaries 'Public,
Canvoyauoors tsca, ezo,
tI"Money to Loan at Lowest Ratite of
B. T. 3r.T.MT. J. Za,L1QT.
er 07.1rEil
N itraua Oxide Gas for Pains s l Extraction.
Snl,tneU'a Block, Miain•st,Exeter,
Extraote Teeth without pain,
be riving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Viliugs ono all other dental
work the beat poesibte. Gees
to Zeintea QAlitetTlanxad'tyi.n
cense Mouth:
1Y� J3il0NVNIN
• P.tipradunteVietoriatl
;res idsnc e.Dcst in terLs,b
I1. , AL 0
Ivars ity.Offea
ppositt' Tri:
flR. AYNia1i1,
County of /damn, OM
,.Carling's store,klxster.
J. A. IBOLTAIkib, M.O. 2.8
D 0, omoo, man $..fexeter,OAt.1teetdau
e r templed b P.AtoPlitt ipe,
e howler e40AtIv 4 1 Y
F. CUT'TJ N, M, D,, C. M.,
• Graduate Trinity 1lniveraity, Tor-
onto 4 Ii'et. Med. Bohm)]. Toronto ;f=rail,
Am Inst.etlratiiologY: Member N. Y. Acne.
Anthropology; Member Col. P. S„ Ont.-
otltioa, D.tshtr0od, Ont.
ItY EILBEIi, Liaxensedd Aua
tloueerfor Eay,Stephe.n, and 11,1oGilli-
vray 0.ownahipa. Sgteanonduotcdatmodorata
restos. 0fltoe-At Poet-etllea,OreditonMut.
TOEIN (BILL, Auotiol,eer for the
tfy Townships of Stephen, Ray and 'Osborne
enethoVillage of Exeter, All sales promptly
ettended, and satisfaction. guaranteed. Bales
Alma i:t; attbtaoffoo.
Tennent & Tennent
satiates of the Ontario Veterinary College
Oregon : One door South of Town Hall.
hL. par cent, X25,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies repro seut ed.
CANADA.: oad Office, London, Ont.
After 31 years of successful business, still
continues to offer the owners of farm property
and private residences, either on ,uildings or
contents echo most favorable protection in caro
ofloss or dam age byfire orlightning, at rates
upon such liberal terms, that no other respect-
able company can afford to write. 42,875 poli:
pies in force 4890. Assets 8378,428.00
in cash in bank. Government delimit. Deben-
tures and Premium Notes. TAMES Geexe,
President; D. C. iMODONALD, Maneger. Devin
esteems, Agent for Exeter andvieinity.
'Publisher *and x'xopirietors.
The Molsons Bank
{OUARTEIieeD BX re, ALIA3tENTel 853)
Paid up Capital ,.. .., eke ,040,00
RestPund ,,, ,.. 1.000A
heel( deo. Montreal,
GzermaLeleris os>i
20brancisoffices intinsDesolater). Agmeal to
in tine Doneinlon,11.8. A, and Hurope.
betas Brawn,
Open even -lawful day, froze 10 a.m. to 3 p. ra
SAT.VB,DAYS,10 a, re. to 1 p,m,
4 i?erCent,perennum allowedfor money on
WO -e
Goldsmith .+ ail!
s To LS,-
S,.-,CIfS,--.JEWELRY, -•
ltif'Pereenalt.ttention given to repairing of
watelme.clocks and jewelry:
posfto host Office, PARE1IILL
.rr1.11E WA.'1'ERLOO 1tMIJTUAL
Establlehedin 1863.
This oomy.anv has been over Eighteen
oars in' uooessta]. operation in Western On-
ario,eudeonbtnues to insure againsttoss or
,, °mage by a ire 13ui1c1sngs,Merohandise,Man-
Factori es,and 411 otherdesoriptionsal insur-
bi. bi erty. intending insurers havo the
�,'fansuringonthe Premium Note or
O 8�stem.
ashenyears this Company
x.-a.rrng the P p y
hasissued ;7,096 Policies. coverin!•property
o the%inountof840,872,088';and,paidinloss-
es a,lone3709,752,00
A.ssetS, Ste 0,1o0.00,e,onsiseene of Cash
n clank,GovernmentDvtiosit,an tithe amiss -
seed PremiumNotesouhaudaudinferste. J
W WALDEN D. Presides. t. 0 . Ni. TAYLOR,
Searetary. 3.fs . Ilvauts,Tnspector. CHAS:
NELL-L isitfor'Fxetekptr>;dvipiuity,
aS� � Pi
P o
Saving and Hair cutting in the latest style
"ofthe art.
Every attendiopaid to cutting
Ladies and Chilclrens Hair
Fraction' Optician,
Graduate Optic School 11%Y -
Brine tooted; defective eight restored by Om
aid of fine slaw's. Largo assortment of the
Agee t;lane* on band, A ea ll
mat) 3]•t3lVro.A.5-$T London..
lic1%afl Holler
Tito best grades of Roller flour
holaonle and Walt,
Cook & Reith
Hensall. Oct. 15th. 1889
WANTED -A good energetic man. or men,
to sell our Fruit Trees, Roses, Shrubs, Orna-
mentals, etc. Permanent employment. Write
at once for terms, and secure choice of
territory. We sell only first-class stock. hand-
some outfit free. Address MAX BROTHERS,
Nurseymeu, Rochester, N. Y. -8th Nov, 21,
BgssETT.-In Exeter, on the 6th inst., the
wife of Mr. Edwin Bissett, of a son
HAINEs-BtrclrANAN.-At Strathroy, on
Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 1890, by Rev. Mr.
Dayfoot, Mr. Alf. Haines and Miss Bella
Buchanan, both of Parkhill.
GREaiNNOOD-Ross.-At the reeidenoe ofthe
bride's father,Bonmiller, township of Col-
borne, on the 26th ult., by Rev. J. Kestel,
Mr. Thomas Greenwood. formerly of
Lumley, to Mise Elsie Ross
' SPnoAT--WnioHT.-AI the residence of the
bride's father, on the 5th inst., by Rev.
A. D. McDonald, Mr, Alexander Sproat,
of Seaforth, to Miss Martha Florence,
daughter of Mr. Wm. Wright, of Tucker -
Box. -In Stephen, on the 6th inst.; Mr.
Richard Box, aged 42 years, 2 mos.
L17XTON-In Usborne, on the 8th inst.,
Aun, relict of the late John Luxton, Aged
80 years and 10 menthe.
HONLArIAN,-On Feb. 27th, 1800, at the
residence of her son, Patrick Houlaban,
Esq., 12th con., Stephen, Mary Houlaban
aged 92 years.
The perfect guilty of Imperial Cream,
Tartar Baking Powder is acknowledged by
leading Physicians and Chemists.
In the Manitoba Legislature Friday Mr.
Smart, Minister of Public Works, continued
the debate on the separate school question,
contending that the system of schools pro-
posed by the Government would be non-sec-
tarian and that no injustice would be done
to the Boman Untholios of Miuitioba,"
According to the repore of the Ontario
Commissioner for Immigration there has
been inh
t ePast 3.ear,
as compared
ed wit
1888, ;a decrease of, 5145 in the number of
immigrants who remained in the . province,
and the decrease in the number of= immi-
grants parried by the three leading steam-
ship lines to Canadian ports was still more
marked. The total number settled in the
province was 15 3
p 77 and 51753.
Mitlard's Liniment Lumberinan's friend,
That we have removed our ,groceries
from the hardware store and now occupy
the rear end of the
Dr._ goods Department
Well .Assorted
And values aecaud to none.
This lino will be carried on ae heretofore
and our stook
Boys', Youths'
and Children
Are excellent value. Come and see,
The following ie the honor roll for the
moth of February, of the four bigheae t
aooma in Exeter public school, the nates
6ccarring in order of merit
entstmeeL'S 'ncOrr.
Sixth Olsen-AfiaEesery, Albert Gregory,
Clinton McCallum, Rennie 'Cinema.
Fifth Claim-KateClernrnt, Maud $ioke,
ilfelvillo Martin, Mattie 3f4Ca1luw.
Senior Fourth Class -Willie Brooks,
Nellie Dorward, Slary Brown, Arynilla Sial';
Jr. Fourth Clasa-Willie Fairbairn, Nellie
Martin, Cecil Hersey, Janet Brown.
IInes vo8ra3'0 R0Ol1.
Sr. Class -Ida Johne Sheldon Clement,
Evil Ilustou, Mex, Urquhart.
Jr, Claes-Maggie Sweet, Atex', 'Barite,
Norman Faneon, Tillie lkalkwill.
miss anemia's 7to03r.
Sr. plass- .fay Sanders, Willie Weir,
Ida Ferguson, Frank Sweet.
Ir. ''bums F Tiartatn Eoeptar. •,'hili Orme:*
Lizzie Wil'wn, Russel Bioko.
lase Oxrz'e noon.
Sr. Class-- Wilber Cudmore, Tommy
Weld's, Herbert '1'rovethiek, Rothe Hagaith.
Jr, Claes-Laura Sutton. Eddie Christie,
Normae Bissett Raymond Faison.
S. S. No. 6 Usnongn.--Tho following are
the Warnes of the pupils who obtained 50
per cent. or over an 'written examination
worst during the months of January and
February, viz ; Fifth Class --E Brimaoombe
89, C Andrew 89. L Halls 88, F Delbridgo
84, J Delbridgo 82, C Johns 81, D Cathcart
79,1' Halls 79, A Andrew 78, J Turnbull 77
G Powell 75, H Delbridgo 72, J Heywood 62.
Fourth Class -C Delbridgo 79, G Miners
77. L Andrew 76, P Brown 74, R Johns 73,
N Hind 72, H Sricor 68, E Turnbull 67, E
Johns 58, G,Delbridgo, 53, W Johns 50.
Senior Third Class :-M Clements 64, A
Smith 62, A Frannie 61, L Halls 57, L
Coward 56, E Smith 55, M Brimacombe 54.
Junior Third Class ;-A Hunter 76, F
Miners 73, S Johns 72, E Andrew 68, 0
Powell 67, F Brown 66, E Powell 64, R
Coward 63, A Miller 62, L Krause 62, H
Kyle 58, I Upshall 58.
Second Olass-E Clements 97, S Cle-
ments 96, N Fletcher 89, A Smale 80, M
Miners 79, P Rowehffe 79, G Spicer 75, 0
Francis 73, S Smith 73, F Delbridgo 60, T
Fletcher 5e, W Hudd 57. G, HOLtrAN,
S. 5, No 5 REroi r. -The following is a
report of the standing of the pupils of S. S.
No 5 Usborne, for the mouth of February,
said report is based upon regularity of at.
tendanee, general work and good conduct.
The names are given in order of merit :
Fifth -Gorge McCoi 5, Wesley Harvey
and Thomas A Russell.
Fourth -Ida Westcott. Edith Westcott
and Lyman. McCord.
Sr Third -Willie Richard, Fred Willis,
Charles Sharer, Blanche Westeott and
Violet Russel:.
Jr Third -Lila McCord, Lily McDonald,
Ellie Richardson, Jennie McDonald and
Charles Prout.
Sr Second -Clara Dayman.
Jr Second -Garnet Frayue, Nelson Prout,
Willie Frayne and Ellen NI Westcott.
Sr is Part -Violet Willis, Normae Mc-
Donald, '
Jr n Part -Maggio Russell, Jessie Rich-
First Part -Benjamin Bruce and David
J. W. HocA1tTu, Teacher.
Pram -room Balers, ..Z+' Stinson bas +elt-
changed farms with John McCurdy, ho* *
farina being on the 12th con, Theexahange
was heads according to conditions: an tonne* -
tien wit t each farm. -On Tuesday lest,
while jams McCurdy was engaged hauling
wood from the bush, he bloke one of Lis
ribs. sqlH* was driving over a log with the
empty box, when, the sleigh suddenly' atop.
pine, sitglW him forward on the edge of the
Smoot REPORT -The following is the re-
port of the pupils nt the Sr Division of S 8
No 8, Hay, for the month of February :-
Foorth class -J Hoffman, 475 M Cook,
395 ; J England, 354.; A Geiger, 350; J
Bhlers, 320; J Cook, 268; Louis Kleinstiver,
250 ; I3 Hoffman, 246'; G Snider, 245 ; H
Callas, 238 FGeiger, 207 0 Beayer, 201,
Third Sr -Lucinda Xleinstiver, 356 17
Rader, 309 ; L Rader, 299 ; W Bean, 294 ; L
Schroeder, 288 ; 9 Schroeder, 240; J Ben-
der, 223 ; D Beaver, 161 ; F Livengood, 128.
Third jr-l5 Weber, 824 ; A Ehlers, 280 ;
D'Hartleib, 262 ; M A Miller, 168 ; D Hatch-
et), 113 ; L. Lindenfeld, 60 ; D Snell, 59,; E
Miller, 54.
Second sr -L" Thol, 383 ; W Ekttein
338 ; M Bender,331 ; N Miller 303 ; A Kraft,
254 ; H Restemayer, 245 ; E Bestemayer,
238 ; J Gossman, 237 ; I3 Steinhagen, 227
M Wolper,
196 • L Milia 175 • L Wolper,
171 • NI
Rader, 159; M L , W 1 Livengood, 154 ;
Eidt, 42,
S. M, HAUGH, .Teacher.
trig. late for last week.)
,'hist .M'Mre, Thoutas Stewardson spent
lest +t:r.,ity with 'tar father, Mr 0 Hob%
-Dr C'ae7' broke a buggy spring neer 'sore
lost week ou the rough rosds,•--Mrrr (. H.
Wilson, Jr,.stud Mr It Webb ware the dele-
gatea from the Boston Metftodist Sabbath
salmi aN the S, S. oonvention et Cenirailia.
-�Mr W K. English is looking fora six or
soya' months' engagement with a good tar -
mar. Loyal Orange I.odge, No. 919,
sold ohm copies of the first Edition of Rev
33, L Austin's pamphlets, the Jesuits ; and
at Visit Iasi meeting erdered 100 opine of
the now and enlarged edition. Every voter
should read those pamphlets, They contain
58 Nees.
--Par slight skitt of now has
disappeared and muddy roads
the order of the day, -Targe
of wood and bark etre being
Exeter notwitbstaedinttthe bed
ocindstia4 tit the roads, -Mr 1i Cook bard a
lot, aro or ;atonday last scud now beast stook
of freh loge on Maud, --Mr Noah Proid,
who kali been canvassing for a fralttrees
rzttrierr, fn thio eeetion of the country, bas
st yottd appointment in Parkhill. Mr
lereerfrtt teen appointed to the *Moe of
o:ti,uitabie fats is Moo superintendent of
pati" orka In Parkhill. ITrr h a trust.
worta,y ratty aid is well qualified for. the
-,t which be ha; received' --Mr
, t.:ze Mseroor for the township of
1, I. as in our village one day latat
-What causes the pleseent smile of
illege shoemaker; II is become he
e has a'. apprentice boy of bill o vu.
C; W, Smith be
'Jr;n the Centralia
Grand Bend.
13at„ro.-•.1'he !Mermen aro taking r►d,
vantage of every epere moment they have
in proverb* plenty of lee for their IIaherisw
They autielpato having late of fish, judg-
ing from the preparations they are rooting.
Samos to thorn, -Mr. Musser left this
eilIage last Tuesday far East Jordan, Mitch.
He purposes sawing in a taw mill for,kiobt.
forpwlyof'thisplaoe. Ift Fulton
an; ve atte40 .to in, arse
who is capable of filling'that potrasiilou.--bfr.
McArthur is very sink with that dreadful
melody -la grippe. We hope to soon gee
him around again.-Thero has been some
excellent skating on the river these last few
evenings, and some of the boys have been
taking advantage of it. -Wood bees .+re the.
order of the day, Mr. Jas Mallard had one
yesterday, -The farm of Mr A. Sparrow,
offered for sale by Elliot Sr Elliot of Exeter,
was n'it sold on Monday as there was not
anybody anxious to buy.
r19raltuudinof tlha
yteryheloueltteat Clintonedthe ernmeeotTneadayg last.
--Tuti-soow bas disappeared and road is
ttllanp,--On Monday last Mr George
and siohrr started for Manitoba.
derstand that several others will start
- 4isa $attle'jSutlzerland who Ira,
pending a few days Witt; friends iu
bats zetunaed house again. --The
li kraus of the British and Foreign,
lible Boeiety will ire It'14 in the lkiotho4ist
zurch, Mansell, ori, Friday evening, 14th,
inet., to be ttddrei<;ed by Bey f3 G I.iying,
thous of South Woodalee;-.weirs 0 Tibb
t 1 Sarna will lecture in the Presbyterian
* torah o -t Monday 17th Usk under the
stuspnes Of' the Y P ;k1 Association.
>si Westar Itos zeaaev.d b a
Schnoll'a house tad, we
Aofisof to hot33otslelprs, $io rr.tgr*-.
Circa iQreb Irate tnatle -suite an balprovernetet
jrt tl a fetx,adatioat hie
Zs'ior and dppai on Afondsy:took possession
of the store formerly ooeapieed by H•anpal
Clatthorn.-"Rob" was late a few Wale oris,
week, owing to trains being behind lima.--
tdr It 9foare who has boon confined to hie
house for*few weeks an amount of the
o rippe•, bit obi* to attend to business again. -
24r k's—,est. sr., is eerioarsly ill,
T % 'Tows Home -Wo aro pleased ti
rev -.rt that at the last council neeetiog
whish mss held oa Saturday last, it tray
dtlo;+:•+1 to Ia4iid arutiw hall on the old Ate..
ru 'ilitibisstuat
g to partrous.trill _..m
.rit7itin an hon gar.s� 1tU inferRsa
d willbe ones yagron ap.'iee'
Solicitingtekrindpa.tronegeof all.
I remain yours truly,
C. W. Bsuvt.
Eason -.--,Magas A. Boyd, of Mitchell is
visiting at B. Mho's this week. -Prof. Els•
ton has the contract of 'washing 1,000 bash.
elft of barley for R. Hicks. -The bible
moiety will be held hers kala Thursday erg.
-Mr Shier of Woodbaut shipped a ear load
of claret seed froi hare on M2nday.-Mr..
A. Knox our station agent is on the sick
liot thio week. We bop,, to Ree 'slat out
soon again.-J.13a.xtablo moved to toren
AA Monday. Jests say; be likes luring iu
town. -One night loot week as John Lied
gins was going bonze be slipped owl fell
through the wire fenooin front of f3. Davis's.
and got eeverel ngly *macho* front the
Barts;. -S. Kenny intcndo going to CalgxrY
this epilog with a car load of horses. Sao.
Oro tipik,-Nail tk Davis have taken the
contrast of building a large stock bent for
Mr Jai Smith at Maple Lodge. The barn
is to be 93x70 with all the latest improve.
merit in stabling as Mr t3utitlt *cepa nothing
but thoroughbred etoak.
Bn1Ers.-The school entertainment on
Friday evening, fulfilled the promise that
formed the heading of theprinted announce-
ment asit was certainly a "literary treat."
The first part of the programme was that
charming operetta °The White Garland"
by thepupile of the school, occupying about
an hour, and was given in a manner that
showed careful training on the part of their
teacher. The second part consisted of
songs, recitations, etc. The singing of the
Misses Meeting of St. Marys, Mr. S Coxon
of Granton, and a duet by Misses Cameron
and Weidman, and Messrs. Coxon and
Henderson were especially appreciated. Mr
W. 13 Stewart -of Grauton, performed the
duties of ohairmau in his witty style. The
room was tastefully decorated with ever- •
greens, and appropriate mottos such as
"Aim High," "Be Genial." -"Be Just,"
"Be Generous" were placed in conspicuous
places. The evening was all that could be
desired, the crowd large enough to com-
fortably fill the house, and the financial suo-
cess sati.tfaatory.—Messrs. Mills Bros. of
Woodham, wore in the villa/e last week to
secure a site for a store, but were unsuc.
cessful.-There is a great demand for Drown
peas in this neighborhood, and any one
having that variety for sale would do welt to
advertise 10 THE TIMES.
BRIEFS -Mr W A Morrison and Mrs Bobt
Morrison of Hansell, were in town .last
week, -M. Murray and Miss Townsend of
Clinton Collegiate spent Sunday in town. -
Miss Consart, Parr Line, and Mies Dawson,
Babylon Line, have been visiting friends
here. -On Wednesday evening last another
successful carnival was held in the Aome
rink, where there was a good attendance
and some splendid. 'oosturnes. Prize win-
ners, Messrs John Ferguson, A W Stalker,
R Erwin and Misses W ,aloorhouse, M
Walwin and A Whiddon. The races were
too one-sided to give interest. Wes Erwin
winning the 50 lap race and John Whiddon
the ba*rel rape, -On Thursday evening last
Rev. Jas Livingston of Clinton, delivered
his popular lecture, "The Human voice" in
the towu hall to a slim but well pleased
audience. MrLiviugston treated the subject
in an interesting and masterly manner and
displayed good eloontionary powers... -D,'
Wright who was lately nnuonnced as having
arranged to take the property of Dr Nichol,
failed to connect' and has gone to seek new
pastures and perhaps endeavor to make
some such bargain cieewhere, and when
arrangements are about completed,b
out.--bvir John Davison entertained a num-
ber of his friends with a dance the other
Bad blood causes dyspepsia and dyspepsia
reacts by causing bad blood. So both go on,
. #h whole system is
worse until o s
growing , Y
poisoned. The surest means of relief for the
vietim i$ a thorough and persistent course of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Cooke?. Uterine -At the oast of ilia
Peeve, tba council suet on Saturday March
8th. the members sill proton*.
brei ad by lir Dioirisaci by Mr Volker that
the application of the trustee; of 8.4 No 11
to enlarge the boundaries of their goattee be
granted and that the clerk notify 41, the
Iwrtiea to be affected by the proposed
aheu$s ".
The auditors' report woo laid' *ere the
board. examined. *coapted and finally puma
end the clerk taximeter!. to cwt 1100 levies
prlutsd for dtetributtou,
Moved by kir 8obttflt area by Ur Vualker
that the praotio$ of plowing pp the rose -
sides for the pewee of bsnkine wire at
bond feuoae and. /oh nnaeeded. is hereby
prohiit<',1 except only on application. of
pertiea, .w the *mutat for asst parpae.
Moved by ¥r Schnell oro by Mr Yolks.
that a committee ro be
a tett cora. ed
p ,
the reeve, depot -reeve and dark to prepare*
,°lana and apeci6oattens fust the building ell
the new Town Half And that the clerk*
icotructod to advertise for tenders for the
Moved by Ur Fiey000k say by XII Schnell
that the following accounts be paid via:---
Blstobford .L Brown blaokamitbinq 42 85 ; d
Paterson wood for Curry 3460; Hnrt tk Co.,
printing SS 38 ; 7 Williams da Co flour for
indigent X7,50; J Voelker- flour feeindigeast
and wiovhit. to Varna $g 69; 3 14 Nets•,
rune bl+wise-ii .t js i5 . S„Y,h
making drain and hauling tilo 33 75; o •'
frey Nicholson 44 loads of gravel 03 56; ,Too
Norcott 86 Janda of gravel 41`, 16 ; W Snell
making culvert 52 00; Charles Grab lodging
and boarding an indigent 75 eta; Auditors
salary R R Johnston 06; auditors salary D
S Faust$6,
The eonnoii edjourned to meet on 'Wed.
nesday March 26th.
S. Fosrzn, Clerk.
. ,
b 1, sett � o i
4 .aa'4
lt� 1 f r
p p ttd�i
1sZ1- C tort were
4b tzlittsd°fcir O•iR
si els.
d iet]<satand bit .is Pro•
poet -1 to build 'thous the Porno size A; that
onw Tho interior will probably bs can-
ani caied, e lath alxlsnrtat/r Thilid wilt
lis. 'T boo,'bOoTanant for lock -Op add fut.
a;1 in the body of thea hall e. gallery
";r~r which will be the jury rooms, A
>ze•tingig held this evening relative to
ammo- 3Ir Ay Edwards of Wewarnoah
Ns'. -aihi , lute been the quest of his brother,
b • ;lrterde., for a flaw weeks, -Ray stiv
has dtreoutinued it long serlee of
sorr3oee in the German church.-
The Canadian -bred trotting stallion Amber
by Clear Grit, formerly owned by Mr. P. J.,
Pikey. of Beantford, stands at the highest fee
of any of tbo stallions owned by the Itilian
Government, which nail 88,100 forhim in Ger-
many last:year.-Ex. Amber F, owned by Mr.
T Murdock of Hon sall, is son of Amber, and
is (moof the best Stallions in Canada Re will
stand at elurdock's stables during the incom-
Benson Deo19-2m
SHoorisa MATcn-The proprietor of the
Centenniat Hotel, Mr E. Bossenberry, will
give a glees ball shooting match oa Friday
14th of Maroh. A good time is expected.
For particulars see posters.
PEltsouun-Mr and Mrs G. D. Arnold of
Ailsa Craig have moved to the village and
become permanent citizens. We welcome
the new residents, -Mr MoLrthur banker is
spending a few days in London.
Ewan Reams' Ass's -Toe Equal Rights'
Association met Monday Evg. Quite a
number turned out. Rev. Mr Henderson
and the Rev. Mr Cook gave short addresses
on ibe workings of the Association, and its
influences on the existing parties. Our
branch is gaining strength, every night we
meet. Two joined at this meeting/. We
number tweney-five now, and quite a
number are talking about joining. Our
next meeting will be held on the 31st of
11 arch when we are to have a public meeting,
at which addresses will be given by our own
members or any porsous who wish to
take the platform.
BEMs --We understand that Mr. E.
Bossenberry intends starting a livery in
Reneall, and that ho will not remove to
Zurich. -Our chances as to having the
Division Court Sittings, take plane in Hen-
sall in future, instead of Zurich, would seem
to be meagre since it nor transpires that
the Council of Hay has decided to erect a
new hall at Zurich, as directed by the Judge.
Tue Zurich people don't lose anything, if
they are aware of it. -A mooting of the Di-
rectors of the South Hurou Agricultural
Society was held here on Monday, There
was a good representation from the various
Elections, and the meeting seemed to be
spirited. The list was revised and enlarged
and it was decided to hold the Spring Fair
at Brucefield on Wednesday April 16th.
The County Fall Show will be held at Sea -
forth, the Tuoltersniith Branch advancing to
the County Society, 1750. -Mr. W. R.
Hodgins of liinoardine, paid our town a
visit on Tuesday and called upon hieold
friends. -The annual meeting of the Han-
sen Spring Show Association takes place
this (Thursday) evg. at the Mansion House.
-Mr. R. Delgatty, sr., of Stanley, spent
Sunday with relatives here. -The tea meet-
ing and enterlainmcnt in connection with
St. Paul's church here took place Thursday
evg of last week and was very suocassful,
The programme which consisted of Solos,
Instrumentals, headings, Recitations, oto,,
was well rendered and very pleasing to the
andicnee. The exhibition of club swinging
given by Miss Matheson, of Liman, was
excellent and very :much appreciated by all.
Nati Nichol
ndwi£e and
od ins a
-Rev Hodgins
of Bayfield, were visiting friends here this
week. -Mt James Suti;eiland and RsvJ 5
ra assignee of the Mote edits experts to
r :bls to choler. a► Anal dividend thorny,
wi'ith will wind u the alta.
]� to, ---
A number
frau (ireititen took in Holts' ahoatiog
ru'telt an brands) andcarrled off name of
the ewzu*pstakee,-Mr By Eliber sold the
chattels of MrJolm Winder, jr.,kon Tues..
day hist by public anoston, and snore Wail
reared on tbenz than mea expected. -The
noun ,sale for rant of the chattel* of Sam'f
Truatnauer, vrialoh wets advertised fOr Toes-
der last bas been postponed until. Tuesday
nut. -Maestri. 0 Maxfield end Henry
lSeteitrer, jr;, have rented the our mill for
i i y . tutee put in another
ap rod tet r a3; ss, ^aa
�r'a,,,.! oz
Vi :in and gives the boys a.uowi a,lttit
twice a week. The ladies are objecting
because they don't get an invitation, Yon,
are mean Jim.
LECTanE-Rev C 13 Howie delivered his
2nd and 3rd lectures on Palestine, on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings respec-
tively. Ou Wednsaday evening he describ-
ed a .laurney from Canada to Palestine and
gave an approximate cost, of the same..
After the tourists arrival at Jappa, the
eeaport of Palestine, he took him to Jerusa-
lem and showed him the city, gave him,
interesting historical events, and explained
ancient and modern customs of the inhabit-
ants of the past and present, respectively.
After describing the walls, streets, public»
buildings, etc. He led: him through the
gates on the road to Bethlehem and pointed
out David's well at the gate of the latter
city. He also explained the manner in.
winch the Bethlehemites built their houses,.
their customs and modes of living, also
how they make bread, which was very
interesting end lastly he took the traveller
too the place where Christ was born. His
leoture on Thursday evg was principally on
tee marriage onstccns of the east and he
was prepared to answer all questions, which.
were numerous, which were asked of him
concerning the subjects of his lecture. This,
closed his series of lectures in Crediton,
which were indeed very profitable to his,
hearers throughout and iustruotive to the
majoiity, he having made many points in
scripture clear by his accurate description,
of places, events and customs,
Briars -Mr J Taylor has returned home
from Centralia having given up business in
that place and has a tare° ,stock on
hand at his Kirkton shop. -Mr J. Weir
and wife of Nissouri have been visiting
friends in the vicinity. -Mr Wm. Moore
is away visiting friends at Hepworth and
Southampton. -Sometime since a petition
was reported in our notes to be"sent to the
Township Council of Blanchard,• with the
end in view of securing a polling place at
or near Kirkton, and the council have seen
fit to strike another division in the town-
ship consisting of from Lots 1 to 16 in-
clusive on W. Boundory and et;tencling to
the side -road le miles east of Boundat•y
line with the polling place in the village
of Kirkton. This has been a long felt
went and the electors in this vicinity are
thankful for the consideration shown them.
Be-attn.-Mr, Stewart, sr., died at lain -
burn, Friday last, and was buried in 'erne
cemetery Sunday, Bo was quite au old
man and father of our township clerk,
Should the Bayfield protestors succeed in
gnasltidg the roller mill bonus, our village
will endeavor to induce Mr. Kelbfleisch to.
start one here. This ie a much better
location being the centre of a good farming
locality, whereas Bayfieldhas only a stretch
of water to one side.- Thursday night last
Mr. Joseph Foster D. 141, was attending a
meeting of L. 0. L.1.045, and left his; horse,
to the cutter,
X11attachedin the still h sled:
\Vhen N • Foster was about to 1'
It , k s Dave, he
found his horse entangled in the lines ens
harness lying on the ground outside the;
shafts., 111r. Poste, hurriedly attempted
to relieve: the prostrate animal and was
severely kicked on one of his legs helot
the knee severing the tendons of the limb,:
an b ' hi m so 'that a 'will' be°
d d sa hn li con
fine o sot a time.. Ht r
dt 's fr n to,
a hl bad a