The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-07-09, Page 10IPi= Tel $QUA L. THE GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR For Results - A Classified Ad • £J D ....HERE AND THERE As many. if no) more, tourists as ever are visiting Goderich this summer, according to the records at the tourist information booth on the Square, but "they're not stay- 1 picnic will be held in harbor Park, electric heater for tank; bedding: $3 95 per yard. Clearing at 89c. ing in Goderich but going on tai- Goderich, on 1S'bdnesday, July, 13, at F. E. Hibbert & Son. -28 ther north," says the attendant, ; at 6' m. X29 set of dishes; china and glassware; M Be Bradford Most popular Group 1 of North Street Church antique dishes and many other Coming Events AUCiIION SALE kW:1'JON SALE OF SUMS '' home with hydro, water, 1' a acres of land, barn and household Summer Fesiiva1, Wednesday e$e--5 at Kintail on FRIDAY, JULY 17 Order Shell furnace oil and stove semina, July 15, on St. Peter's at 7.30- p.m. . oil from Edward Fuels, tank tilt& Church -lawn_ Fun for everyone. DUNCAN A. ktacKAY, dealer - for all Shell Oil Co. pro - Bingo, pony rides, refreshments, Proprietor, Kintail. etc. Draw—good prizes. -27-28 EyiILE roprie ." NAN, ducts. Phone 98. linf Home -cooked meals served nnMadAuctioneer. Suntmer rates are in effect on Saturday, July 11, commencing at 28x all kinds of Boal, At rock bottom 1130 am. at Victoria Street United rices, fill your bin for next L°CTION SALE OF,HOUSEHULU wester. Order now. Phone 1002. Church, auspices of Willing Work- .-1 FURNITURE erg Class. Adults $1.15- .,3 wellington street, corner of at. Overholt Coal Co. -19-22 $2,000.00 cash bingo at Mildmay For clean-up, moving and gen- Arena, Wednesday, July 15, at 9 Patrick street, on eral cartage, call E. JEFFI RY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 hone 843W. -1811 p.m 14 regular $50-00 each; three phone mosquito netting, special, at 1.30 p.m.,,. the following: $100 specials; one $1.000 .special; is Living room suite and chairs; 2 yards, 25c; fancy striped white all prizes must go. Admission 3 beds, springs and mattresses; 1 terry towels, substandard, regular $1.00. Extra and special cards 5 walnut bed suite; chiffonier and 49c each, special at 74c pair. The for SI.00. Auspices of Mildmay ` Textile Shop, 5 West street. -28 _.�8 dresser; rug 9 x 10; hall runner: T Firemen. Straughan" annual reunion small tables; lamps; clock; drapes; Cotton and rayon summer wash drophead sewing machine; chairs; fabrics. Regular value 51.25 'o II Briefs II 1 Miss a destinations are Port Elgin, South- Women's Association will hold a articles. ampton, Tobermory, Manitoulin garden tea and bniaar and sale of MRS. JOHN Proprietress. g Proprietress. : Island and Owen Sound. home baking at the home of MIs.AN'I It-D.—OLD HORSES AND G. Dustow, corner Keays and Rah HAROLD JACKSON,cttn �� dead cattle. If dead, phone at 28 Auctioneer. Registrations show the visitors Ian streets on Tuesday afternoon, _ once. GILBERT BROfS., Mink are from far and near. As far as rJuly 21. Tea served from ,3 .o • HE EXECUTRIX OF THE. Ranch, phone collect tiro r 32 or "far" is concerned they're from w 5` p. m. restate of the late Douglas Mo- 936 r -"I•''OH such centres as: Farnham, Quebec; Octogenarian picnic on R'ednes Kenzie will sell by public a tion , Tucson, Al -zona; Boston, Mass; day; July 22. All 80 or over in ou SATURDAY, JUY 25, 1953, "ANTED.—LISTLNGS OF PRO - West Virginia; Iroquois Falls; Her -oiled. For means of transports PERTIES for sale. No charge at 1 o'clock at the premises situ- ' to you until property is sold. schel, Sask.; Toledo, Ohio; Chicago; tion, contact Mr. W. Nilson, phone sled on the corner of Cambria Boulder, Colorado; Cleveland; Mil- 1019 or D. J. Patterson; phone 248 road and St. David's street, in the EstaMALte roM 'JiATWest Rea 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phone 115W. -12tf WANTED waukee, Wisconsin; Los Angeles, 28 California; Miami; Florida. St. George's Evening Guild will leave from the Parish Hall at 9 p.m. On Thursday last, R. Mathews + on Wednesday, July 15, for a of London wanted to know what wiener roast at Bogie's Beach. industries there were in Goderich 28x and the locations of the same. ' On Saturday three romantic boys from New Westminster, B.C., breezed up to the information booth and wanted to know where a certain girl lived in Goderich. They had met her some place some time ago and wanted to renew acquaintances. • T. Elliott of Sidney,' Ohio, did a bit of fishing at Bay field and ended up with a flock of catfish. So proud was he of them that he asked at the tourist information booth on Saturday where the rail- way express office was. He plan- ned to ship the fish he had caught (packed in ice) back home just to prove to the skeptics there that he Could really land 'em. R , On Sunday, Mery Nott of Sea - forth wanted to know "where the North Pole is." -A perusal of maps failed to find it However, the "North 'Pole" he wanted was the one referred ' to on stickers of tourists' cars saying they had visit- ed there. If we remember right- ly, this particular ,North Pole is an actual village and it is located In the Adirondacks in Northern New IN MEMORIAM CLARK.=In loving memory of - William Clark who passed away July 8, 1952. Farewell, dear father, ,thy work is o'er, Thy willing hands will toil no more. A loving father, kind and true; No one on earth we'll find like you -Ever remembered by wife and family. 28x York State. There is a small toy manufacturing firm there. town of Goderich, the real estate consisting of the north half of lot running number 134 in the WANTED.—LISTINGS OF Pl10- town of Goderich, being 52 feet s 1'1 -: RTI Es fur sale. C. F. by ated(a seven room, two-story brick feet on which there is situ- . C11•tl'MAN, Realtor. ,'HONE 18«'. 3:111 house, with hardwood floors in liv- ! ing room, dining room and -hall,• NTED. — DEAD, DISABLED good hot air furnace, full base-' �`.Ahorses or cows removed free ment, three piece bath and garage. t of charge. For prompt and ef- At the same time there will be ; ficient service phone "STONES" sold the chattels contained in the ' collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich said house, consisting of: 936 21. -1� Lansdowne, made by Nordheimer ' r Company, upright piano and ! `�IANTED. — INTERIOR DECOR - bench; mahogany upholstered , ATING, paper hanging, etc. settee and two occasional chairs 3 Part-time work. WM. TUCKER, to match; 2 oak occasional chairs; phone 1389W. 27-29x mahogany wall whatnot; oak din- ing room suite; phonograph and re- :WANTED. — BOARDERS ,IN cords; pedestals and hall tree; private home. MRS. JEAN magazine racks; small tables and 1 pATTERSON, 60 Waterloo street, 27-28x Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Moore of rockers; Singer drophead sewing , phone 414J. Birmingham, Michigan, said they machine; extension table and num- ir ket. GEO. WRAITH, Montreal read in the tourist folders that the ber of kitchen chairs; couch; 3 ; WANTED. — WAITRESS, PER- Blue Water Highway skirted the furnished bedrooms including ; MANENT position: Apply street, phone 1285 or 931 r 3. shores of Lake; Huron. They said beds, dressers, stands, springs, in-' BEDFORD HOTEL. -28 -25tf they drove from Port Huron to net spring' mattress (like new), F F OR • SALE.—YOUNG BUDGIES, quilts, pillows and bed linens; i Goderich and saw little of the LakeWANTED.—BRUSH AND SPRAY "' $5 and • up, budgie and canary enroute. They wanted to know if Wilton rug, 9 x 10; 2 Congoleum } painters immediately. Apply seed, 25c lb gold fish, water weed there was a road running along rugs; scatter mats; dishes; kitchen � J. MISENER, Commercial Hotel, and supplies. C. WOODS, 44 East closer to the lake than the Blue utensils; jardinieres; electric Clinton, room 11, after 7 p.m., street. last Wester Highway. lamps; pictures; books; Connor' week days. - 28-30x _ washing machine; folding ironing ! R SALE.—SMALL WARTIDIE tf board; fernery; extension ladder; " WANTED. — EXPERIENCED r' fQ RENT. — CABIN TRAILER `�' house on large corner lot, pos- lawn hose; garden tools, and many stenographer as secretary to session August 1. Also used Frig - sleeps four, all conveniences, general .manager of. progressive Pother articles. idaire in top condition and Mc - equipped with electric brakes. The real estate will be sold sub- ' manufacturing company. Must Clary rangette in good working BERT ALLEN, 171 East street, jest to a reserve bid. Terms: 10`- ; have good shorthand, possess. initi- order. Call 776M after July 3. ative, be alert and depedable. phone 1247. 21-24x cash on day of sale, balance within • 27-28x 30 days. Possession will be given ' Top salary to capable girl. Kindly . immediately. The vendor will, if - write full particulars in own hand , I. OR SALE.—SMALL HOUSE ON desired, take as part payment on and salary desired to BOX 57, Palmerston street, lot 62' x the house a first mortgage for one- ? SIGNAL -STAR. -2819 125'. Phone 1448.1. 27-9x FOR SALE -- FOR SALE—USED REFRIGER- ATORS, electric ranges, rang- ettes and washing machines at BARGALN PRICES. SHORE AP- PLIANCES, Goderich, your head- quarters for hearing aid batteries. -18tf FOR SALE.—WATERLOO GAR- DEN,tractors. Come' in and see the different sizes and various implements that may be had with each. These may be bought for as low as 15% down payment. GEORGE WRAITH, Montreal St. -16tf FOR SALE.—NEW AND USED radios, electric and battery for sale qr trade. Excellent condition. Many to choose from. Sold with a 90 -day guarantee. B. R. MUNDAY, Radio and Sound Service, 7 Widder street. Phone 598. -111 FOR SALE. —EIGHT -ROOM house on Trafalgar street. Apply MISS MARY B. HOWELL, St. Vincent street. Phone 213W. -211f FOR SALE. — A FINE, TWO- STORY brick house in excel- lent west end location. Four bed- rooms, oil heat, reasonable price. Agent, MALCOpi MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. Phone 115W. -1d FOR SALE, — A ,ROY DELUXE refrigerator, excellent condi- tion, used three years, 9.6 cu. ft.; I%, horse Hoover Bracket 60 -cycle motor; set of four golf . clubs. Phone 1107M mornings or even- ings. 27x FOR SALE.—CEMENT, TRUCK or carload lots, immediate de- livery. Phone 41 r 2, Wroxeter, or contact HAROLD or ALLAN IIYNDMAN, Gorrie. -2411 FOR SALE. — FOX FORAGER Harvester with quick change Harvester units now being solely distributed by the Waterloo Mfg. Co., Waterloo, and sold by Geo. Wraith. Come in and - see the most modern forager on the mar - You will enjoy dining at Sunset Hotel Recommended by Duncan Hines • K• .. LUNCH is from 12.30 TO 2 P.M. and DINNER from 6 TO 7.30 P.M. EXCEPT ON SUNDAYS WHEN DINNER IS •FROM 12.45. to 2.15 P.M. and SUPPER (our popular Sunday Buffet Supper) from 6 to 7.30 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS TELEPHONE 643 NOTICE TO OWNERS AND HARBORERS OF DOGS Dog Ikenses were due May 1st and must be procured. before July 15th. Tag must be attached to the dog. - Dogs are not permitted to run at Targe during the months of May, June, July, August and September. "Running at large" is defined as follows: "When found in a highway or other public place and not under'the control of any person," Failure to comply with the above regulations may re- sult in prosecution under the by-law. Zai+ -, API ':,a50 1 S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk -28 half of the sale price. ' ,ANTED.—$500 CASH TO PER- I FOR SALE.—FRIGIDAIRE ELEC- Real estate will be -put up for,:�` SON forpart time evening sale sharp at 2.30 p.m. Chattels, g { TRIC refrigerator, sealed unit; 'work between July 20 and Septem- earn. ber 20. Car essential. State age. For further particulars apply to '; , HAROLD JACKSON] Esq., Auc Apply BQX 58, SIGNAL STAR. tioneer, .Seaforth; Ontario, . or to' . - -28 R. C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, II1TANTED. — WARD AIDS AT FOR SALE. — CUT FLOWERS, Solicitor for the Estate.iApply ! as hospital. in person, peonies, Sweet William, roses, -26-28 , SUPERINTENDENT ALEXENDRA cornflower, • etc. B. R. MUNDAY, '�UCTION SALE OF HOUSE- MARINE AND GENERAL HOS- Widder street. -26tf : HOLD EFFECTS i P1TAL, Goderich. 28 at residence of Mrs. Charles Hunt, 43 St. Patrick street, Goderich, on FLOOR SANDING + WEDNESDAY JULY 22 1ECORATING INSIDE AND at 1.30 pm. Tie following: 1� out; floor laying and sanding. Curtis electric refrigerator; corn- I E. J. floor 125 St. Patrick bination Gurney electric coal and street, phone 2T6J. rick wood enamel range; large brass i bed and springs, inner spring mat -1 - 1re ,-„wa w,,,aome bedding;, lame i IN MEMORIAM ' B DDING radio; small mantle raTto;'2 sfeel-'"1treCA"BE:="=Ti�'"lo"ti'Iti" t't1'elrfd'ry"`'+(il at,TP. I`eR.",.-»-•.°.•-� wire beds or cots, suitable for dear mother and grandmother,1 Plants, annual, tomato plants, camping cots; white bedspreads; Martha McCabe, who passed 115c per RICbox, your choice. sGOD t. pieces of rag carpet; 2 comforters away one year ago, July 12, 1952.9 28 and quilts for camp cots; pillows; God saw that she was suffering, old white bookcase; Eastman fold- ing camera; antique buffet; antique platform rocker; 2 electric fans; electric heater; large handmade fernery; small fernery; card table; handmade wicker table; small kitchen table; 2 small utility tables; kitchen stool; kitchen arm- chair; plain chair; grey painted table; bathtub seat; lamp; folding ironing board; galvanized washtub; wringer; 2 stepladders, sane small; 2 old trunks, one steamer, one regular size; roll of 'linoleum; lawn mower; many garden tools; hose; bread box; cake box; rou,nd cake box; 2 camp chairs; 'dining room chairs; pictures; books; odd - 28x dishes; pieces of china; glassware; , McCABE:—In loving' memory of kitchen utensils; flower pots; fruit jars, and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH. No reserve as property is sold. MRS. CHARLES HUNT, Proprietress. rangette, automatic, nearly new; six venetian blinds, various sizes; two used camp cots. 37 Elgin avenue. L. H. ZINN. -27 FOR SALE • — LADY'S BICYCLE FOR SALE FOR SALE. — LAWN CHAIRS. Phone 552J. EDWIN HORNEY, Nelson street, Goderich. 25-8x FOR SALE. — TWO-STORY white brick house at 44 Essex street, in fine location, close to lake; four bedrooms and bath up- stairs, hot air heating, good two - car garage. This house could easily be duplexed. Enquire at premises or phone 844. -2511 FOR SALE. — TWO-STORY IN- SUL-BRIC dwelling with three bedrooms. Close to schools. Ap- ply 169 McDonald street.. 24x FOR SALE.--t-NEW HOUSE ON Anglesea street, possession at once. Phone 1248J, Goderich. -24tf FOR SALE.—ONE HOT PLATE, heavy duty, two nine -inch burn- ers, in excellent condition.A. NORDAHL, 154 McDonald street. 27-28x FOR SALE.—SEVEN-ROOM house — four bedrooms, over- looking lake and river, fireplace and sun porch, lot 200 ft. x 200 ft-, reasonable. CASEY ATKINSON, Box 324, Bayfield. 27-29x FOR SALE. -9.5 CROSLEY SHEL- VADOR refrigerator, -50 lb. frozen food capacity, in good con- dition; also Sunshine heavy duty two -burner electric stove. Phone 1037. -27 FOR SALE. — DINETTE SUITE, natural finish, red trim, tabiss, four chairs, padded red leatherette seats; matching cupboard, 32" x 16" x 56" high, in new condition. LOUIS HOGAN, R.R. 7, Lucknow, Phone Dungannon 76-17. -27-28 FOR SALE.—SMALL COLEMAN space heater. Phone 788.1. -27-28 FOR SALE.—SOME DOZENS OF used gallon jars. See T. R. LEE, R.R. 2, Goderich, or phone 935 r 33. -27-29 THURSDAY, JULY -~8th, LOSS CULBERT'S BAKERY "The Home of Tasty Pastry" ORANGE CAKES --40c each with `raspberry filling and Orange Creme Icing. Cake and Icing made with fresh oranges. STRAWBERRY PIES -45c each CHOCOLATE .CA;KESWITH MINT FROSTING 40c and 60c each Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty. Orders of $1.00 and over delivered. PHONE 465.. PHONE EARLY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE. Guaranteed radio, service. WILF. REINIIART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. ' -12 NOTICE. New houses built. Alterations, remodelling, carpentry work of all kinds. J. SPIVAK, phone Blyth 20 r 6. -211f iNJOTICE. ATTENTION FARMERS. FOR YEARS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOG HAVE BEEN PAID IN AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. STAILT YOUR WEANERS ' NOW TO GET THAT MARKE'1'. SEE US ABOUT A HOG CONTRACT. PAY FOR FEED WHEN HOGE ARE SOLD. NO EXTRA CHARGE. GEO. WRAITH, MINNEAPOLIS AND FERGUSON FARM MA - CHI ,,ERY, PURINA FEEDS. MONTREAL STREET. PHONE 1285. -201f FLOOR SANDING. Old and new floors sande-]. FOR SALE.—RED BRICK HOUSE' Summer CREE COOK, 231, Clinton. Summer months, 65 r 2, Bayfield. Nine rooms, 1 acre of land. -22tf Immediate possession, $4,500. Four miles south of -Goderich, on Blue Water Highway, the estate of the late Mrs: Emma Calwell. 27-28x FOR SALE. — McBRINE WARD- ROBE trunk in good condition. Phone 924W. -28 FOR SALE.—ALUMINUM TRAIL- ER home, 18 feet, with propane gas stove, fully insulated and equip- ped, heavy wiring. Price reason- able. GEO. COLCLOUGH, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone 805 r 31. -28 FOR SALE. -16 ACRES OF LAND all or part; also 10 acres with house in Goderich. Write MRS. STUBBINGTON, P.O. Box 561, Goderich. -28 FOR SALE. — WHITE KITCHEN cabinet. 58' St. Andrew's street. 28x FOR SALE.—sFHREE BEDROOM wartime house, priced for quick sale. Newly decorated, gar- den; landscaped. Phone 778M. 28x in first class condition. MaYOF be seen at NAFTEL'S HARDWARE FOR SALE.—FOUR ACRES ' • Timothy hay; also three acres STORE. 28x of Alfalfa, both good, at Port Al - FOR SALE.—ELECTRIC RANGE bert, reasonable. ART FORSTER, in good condition. Phone R.R. 3, Goderich. -28 672M. - 28x The hills were hard to climb; So He closed her weary eyelids, And whispered "Peace be thine." —Dearly remembered and sadly missed by Ella lid family. 28 SMITH. — In loving` memory of Arthur Joseph Smith,- who pass- ed away July 5, 1943. Surrounded by friends we are lone- some, In the midst of our joys we are blue; With a smile on our face we've a heartache, Longing dear son for you. —Ever remembered by Mother, Father, Brothers and Sisters. Samis- Motors Pontiac–=Buick--(.M:C. Trucks KINGSTON ST. PHONE 344 EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 27-29- Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, has been instructed by the Executrix to sell by public auction the pro- perty and household effects of the late Leon de Puedry on North street, village of Blyth, on SATURDAY, .IULY 18th Commencing at 1 p.n ., the follow- ing: Three-piece chesterfield suite; Clare Jewel cook stove; 8 chrome kitchen chairs (new); chrome kit- chen suite, table and four chairs; light oak dinette suite; Wingham Classic Move, -1 year old; round table (oak); studio couch; 2 electric radios; rangette; 2 -burner hot' plate (new); day bed and mattress; - ai Steel bed spring and mattress; double bed, base and felt mattress: kitchen cabinet (white' and chrome); kitchen table; library ,.table; child's crib; 2 trilight lamps; electric toaster; rocking chair; furnacette; oil burner; 2 electric irons; 3 alarm clocks; electric clock: Buckeye incubator; stepladder; long ladder; set of 1200 -Ib. scales; trees. set of°240-lb. scales; 1 High Striker; Ilruit TERMS--Property: 10 per cent large quantity of carpenter tools; hammers; sledges;• wretches; pipe wrenches; brace and bits; levels; garden tools; shovels; hoes;"rakes; spa •othDishionsi, erdes.es articlesandkitcton numerous toand mention. 1927 Ford,. coach, in A-1 condi- our dear parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. McCabe. Dad who pass- ed away March 27, 1950, and Mother who departed this life July 12, 1952. Beside your graves we often stand, With, hearts both crushed and sore; But in the gloom, the sweet words come, "Not lost, but gone before." God knows how much we miss them, He counts the tears we shed; . And whispers, 'they only sleep, Your loved ones are not dead." So we'll be brave, dear parents, And pray to God each day; And when he calls us Home to you, Your smile will guide the way. — Lovingly remembered by Daughters and Sons. -28 tion; 4 bridge beams, 28 ft. long, 14 inches by 8 inches; 2 bridge beams, 21 ft long, 14 inches by 8 inches. . PROPERTY — Consists of one acre of land, more or less. There is situated on the property a one - and -a -half storey frame house, cov- ered with asphalt shingles, bath - Worn, pressure system. House has been newly decorated throw hoot; all new floor coverings and blinds go with property. Small barn with garage and henhouse; garden and FOR SALE.—WARM AIR FURN- ACE with burner and controls. Real good condition. Phone or call MacDONALD ELECTRIC, Goderich. ,. -28 FOR SALE.—'41 CHEV. COACH, blue: 20 Elgin avenue. 28x FOR SALE. — APPROXIMATELY 175 light Sussex pullets, -5 weeks old. RAY ROBINSON at Nile. Phone Carlow 2105. -28 CRESS WART REMOVER REAL- LY does it. Your Druggist sells Cress Corn Salve --for sure relief. -28 down, balance in 30 days. Re- serve bid. Immediate possession Chattels—Cash. MRS. PHYLLIS HAMILTON, Executrix. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 28 -70 - FOR SALE.—ABOUT 11 ACRES of hay. Seasonable. Apply ARCHIE GRENIER, Port Albert. 28x FOR SALE.—WHERE TIME IS important. - Surge milkers lead the field. Safe operation, faster milking, easily cleaned equipment makes profits for the farmer. Surge service is tops. LOVELL McGUIRE, phone 593, collect, Wingham, has the proof. -22-25-28 FOR SALE.—HARRISTON COOK stove with reservoir and warm- ing closet and sawdust burner at- tached. Apply to MEL STEWART, Dungannon. 28-29x FOR SALE.—ELECTRIC WASH- ING machine in good condition. `ire iViriabTe:""" riUi a 4397—'-`285:- FOR 3.9: —'-`285x" FOR SALE. Twp story eight -room red brick house. Oil heating, full basement, 104 foot lot, two single garages, house in real good west end loca- tion ai*1 in excellent condition. One and a -half story insul brick sided house, five rooms on main floor, -three room apartment up- stairs. Full basement, coal stoker heating, south end location. Nearly new, five room bungalow sided with insul brick located on v., acre on main highway a few miles from Goderich. Garage. FOR SALE. — MASSEY'1HARRIS binder, 7 ft. cut, new knife and canvass. HARVEY PETTMAN, Nile. -28 FOR SALE. — USED TURKEY equipment, - three,complete racks, extra wooden flt flooring, sidewall fence, suitable for corn crib; , other poultry" range wire; also steel I-beam and 4 six-inch steel posts. D. S.. ANDERSON, R.R. 3, Lucknow, Dungannon 68 r 13. -28 FOR SALE. — NEWCOMBE UP- RIGHT piano . and bench. Write BOX 59, SIGNAL -STAR. 28x Lovely- summer cottage, five miles south of Goderich living room 40 ft. by 12 ft. With fire- place, four bedrooms, full bath- room. Cottage fully equipped. Large lot on lake bank in beauti- ful location. Immediate posses- sion. FOR SALE. — JERSEY COW, seven years old, milking, due January 14. Write BOX,,, 5Q). SIG- NAL -STAR. 28x TO RENT C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor. Phone 18W. -25tf rr0 RENT. — SECOND FLOOR apartment of three -rooms, bath, kitchen, at No. 69 Kingston street. MALCOLM MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street. -23 TO RENT.—HUNTEII'S BEACH— Cottage, spring -filled mattresses, screened - porch, hydro, July and August. MRS. TERENCE HUNT- ER, R.R. 3, Goderich. Tel. Dun- gannon, 19 r 6. ._ 27-28x TO RENT. — FURNISHED KIT- CHEN, dining room, bedroom and bathroom, near lake. 33A Essex street, phone 1104R. -28tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ti All persons having claims against the estate of Eva Grace Dunlop, late of the Town oo Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, Spin- ster, who died on or about the llth day of June, 1953, are re- quired to file the same with full particulars-, with the undersigned by _ the 11th_day, of July, 1953. as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 23rd day of June, 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, 26-28- ' Solicitor for the Estate. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT.—BY HIGH School teacher, for September 1, apartment or house witli two bedrooms. Write BOX 56, _ SIG- NAL -STAR. 28x LOST LOST.—LARGE BLACK COLLIE dog, in vicinity of Victoria street. Phone 1094 if any inform- ation available. Reward. 28x LOST. — TWO BOY'S WINE jackets, one satin, in vicinity of Gooderham Park and Agricul- tural Park. Finder please phone 830W, MILS. ROBT. COOK. 28x WANTED TO RENT.—BY NEW music supervisor with wife and two children, house ov self- contained apartment having at least five rooms. Write D. M. sEWINfJs?S.South...Dcive,-..St,- Cath-< arines, or phone MUtual 2-1828. 28-30x TO RENT.—APARTMENT, FOUR rooms, four -piece bath, private entrance. Phone 1365. ' 28x TO RENT.—SMALL APARTMENT on- Square: Phone 1019W. -28tf TO RENT. SMALL UNFURN- ISHED apartment, suitable for couple, self contained. 168 Bri- tannia road, Goderich. Phone 1129R. 28x 'TO RENT. — SELF-CONTAINED five -room apartment, hardwood floors, modern bathroom. 59 Bay- field road. 28x MALE HELP WANTED WANTED.—WOULD YOU. LIKE - to. be a salesman? Here is your chance. You can learn in your spare time, and make $35 to $50 per week while you learn. if you are married, and have a car for local travel, apply to P.O. BOX NO. 6, Harriston. -28-29 TO RENT. — SELF-CONTAINED apartment, living room, kitch- enette, bedroom and private bath; balcony with view of lake. MISS MAUDE HOWELL, 12 St. Vincent street, phone 213J. -28 FINANCE AND INSURE your next new or late model car, truck or farm machinery at lower cost through Harold W. Shore INSURANCE AGENCY "All Lines of Insurance" NORTH ST. PHONE 766W Loans also arrdnged on 1946 and later model cars. Gtf TENDERS WANTED ]ENDERS WANTED. The Colborne Township School Area will receive tenders up, to July 16 for painting inside and out df Nile school, work to be done by August 15. � Any tender not necessarily accepted. WM. WATSON, Secretary, 27-28- R.R. 5, Goderich. `ENDERS WANTED. The Colborne Township School Area will receive tenders up to July 16 for transportation of pupils: No. 1, from No: 5 section to No. 9 school on Blue Water Highway; No. 2, from No. 3 section to No. 6 school, Saltford, route pupils along boundary and 8th concession; No. 3, from No. 4 sec- tion to No. 7 school, starting at corner of lot' s10,. concession 1, Colborne. Tenders to pay for car insurance. Any tender not neces- sarily accepted. WM. WATSON, Secretary, 2728- R.R. 5, Goderich. TENDERS WANTED. . Tenders will be received until July 13, 1953, for painting the in- teriors of the following schools in Ashfield Township School Area: S.S. 5 (Zion); S.S. 8 (Dungannon); also walls only of S.S. 4 (Lochalsh). Tenders ,please ' quote prices for spraying and for brushing. Two coats of good quality paint to be used: Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. T. KILPATRICK, Sec.-Treas., 27-28- R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ont. VACATION RESORTS TO RENT. — HOUSEKEEPING cabins and two bedroom cot- - tages on Lake Huron. $20 couple weekly. Everything supplied. Safe beach, good. swimming, Si mile from highway. Fine for children. Write or se HAZELWOOD, R.R. 1, Bayfie , nt. ' - -26-34 Hygienic supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- pies 25c.,.,., 1..- s,tutipje,s .. Leh _.... -MaII C1t flee -'Dept: T-5:3. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91. Ilautil'on, Ont. *ENGLISH DINNER SETS Service for 6-8 and 12. All open stock. Smith's Art & 6ift Store East St. Phone 198 CLOSED FOR VACATION Open again July 20th RADIOS T.V. Record Players, etc. Hutchinson Radio and T.V. Sales and Service. Huron Road Phone 498R -28-9 Emerson Drug Store Corner West St, and Square Phone 45. We deliver. - "As handy as the Posto ii ce" DRAW FOR PERFUME AND COLOGNE POSTPONED FOR ONE WEEK So came in and spin the wheel and get your name in the box -€orthe-draw. Definitely will be drawn Tuesday night, July 14. esommois• To prevent Sunburn don't forget your Copper Tan Lotion. Used as directed will prevent _burning while you get a beautiful tan. 85c -1.50-2.2k For PHOTOPAK PRINTS bring us your films. 'Pictures printed by the Photopak process crystal bright, comp in t strip. FLY TOX BOMB _ 1.39 FLYOCIDE BOMB , .. 1.39 FLYOCIDE-16 oz. with 'sprayer - 75c