The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-05-21, Page 5wr A THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1963 THE CODEIICH BIGNAL4TAII ST. GEORGE'S- CHURCH Sunday, May 24 ---Whitsunday. 8.30 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 11 S.M. MEMORIAL SERVICE for the late Rt. Rev. A. L. Fleming by Bishop Marsh, Bishop of the Arctic. 7 p.m. Missionary Work In Th. Arctic." Bishop Marsh. A. W. ANDERTON, Organist and Choirmaster. REV. KENNETH E. TAYLOR, M.A.. D.D., Rector North Street United Church 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD." 7 p.m. Evening service withdrawn In favor of Victoria Street United Church. REV. H. A. DICKINSON, B.A., Minister MR. H. A. CLARK. Organist and Choirmaster Knox Presbyterian Church - 11 a.m. "THE HOLY SPIRIT." The Sacrament of Infant Baptism. Nursery and Junior Congregation. 7 p.m. SPECIAL SERVICE. The Rev. H. Mitchell, B.A., and the Choir of Knox Church, Kincardine. Sermon: "The Master's Touch." REV. R. G. MaeMILLAN. W. H. BISHOP, F.R.C.O., A.R.C.M. Minister. Director of Praise. • Goderich Baptist Church MONTREAL STREET Minister: Rev.' Ian G. Hind, B.A. Organist (Interim) Mrs. E. Donaldson 10 a.m. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETS. 11 a.m. The "1 Am's" of Jesus. 1. 1 Am the Light of the World. 7 p.m. "The Vows of Destiny." Monday 8 p.m. ..The Young People's Society will meet. Wednesday 8 p.m. The Fiftieth Annual Meeting of Church and Congregation. • Thought for the week: "He that masters few duties, by and -by will master many." The Church of the Light and Life Hour heard each Sunday at 9 a.m.-900 CHML—Welcomes YOU to worship at the .Free Methodist Church CORNER VICTORIA AND PARK STREETS 10 a.m. Your Sunday School convenes.' 11 a.m. ,MORNING WORSHIP. 7 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Wednesday 7 p.m. Christian YOUTH CRUSADERS. Thursday 8 p.m. Class Meeting. 1 Thess. S:21—Prove ail things; hold fast that which is good, REV. G. E. BABCOCK, $4 Park St. (Pastor) Phone $97R BETHEL TABERNACLE WATERLOO AND ELGIN REV. HOWARD E. MINAKER, PASTOR SUNDAY SERVICES. Sunday School 10 a.m.—!Ys for Girls, Lads, Moms and Dads. Sunday, 11 a.m. "THE FOURSQUARE GOSPEL." 7.30 p.m. '"AT9 THE END OF 'THE WAY." Tuesday -8 p.m.—Prayer. Meeting and Bible Study. Friday -8 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors. THE LITTLE CHURCH WITH THE BIG WELCOME. 1 Victoria Street United Church 75th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SERVICES AT 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. REV. ARTHUR J. McKAYE, former minister, will be the guest speaker. SPECIAL MUSIC MINISTER --REV. D. W. WILLIAMS , ORGANIST—MR. BERT KEMP9TER UNION • UNION, GODERICH TOWN- SHIP, May 20.—The May meeting of Union Miesionary Society was held Wednesday of list week with a fair attendance. Mss. William Fuller was in charge and opened the meeting with a hymn and prayer. Mrs. WWililams, favored the meeting with a piano solo. The business included a report of the Presbyterial meeting by Mrs. William Porter. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Harvey Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Davidson, Windsor, visited 'in the community recently. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Porter, Exeter, on the arrival of a ,baby girl. The children are ,practising for Flower Sunday, June 7. Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and family have taken up residence on Charles Orr's farm. Mr. George Mcllwain is again a patient in hospital. All join in wishing him a very speedy re- covery. The May meeting of the Social Club was held in Union' School on Thursday evening with a fair attendance. The president, Mrs. Austin Fuller, _ presided and opened the meeting. A short 'program prepared by some of the school children under the direction of Mrs. Gordon Orr, was enjoyed. The Social Club bulletin was pre- pared, and read by Mrs. Stanley Mcilwain.. Rev. Mr. Newton, of Holmesville, showed films, on Can- adian sports, the Coronation, and local scenery. A hearty vote .if thanks was tendered Mr. Newton by Rev. Mr. Williams. Lunch was served and a social hour spent. CREWE NEWS OF DUNGANNON DUNGANNON May 20.—Mr. and Mrs.` R. J. Durnnn left, Sunday to visit their son, Chester Durnin, wife and family at Irwin, Pitts- burg, Pa. ' Chester arrived on Sun- day to take thein home with him.. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Comfort, St. Catharines, and Mrs. Alma Fines and daughter,. Suzanne, Toronto, were week -end visitors with their brothers, Harold' and Cecil Blake. Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mason McAllister - and Ken were Ross ,Murray, Miss Mary Mur- ray, St. Helens; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark and his mother, Goderich; Miss Ruth Wilson, Toronto; Mrs. Sandy Young, Mrs. Victor Young and Miss Helen Young, Carlow. Mrs. Alf Hefford, Toronto and Bill McClure, wife and family, Elnlira, were week -end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doma and son Lawrence, Melton, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler and Tom. Mrs. Doma was formerly Fergie Ball of Crewe dis- trict and is a niece of Mrs. Fowler. Anniversary services were ob- served Sunday at St. Paul's An- glican Church. Rev. W. Vollick, of Kincardine Anglican Church preached the sermon. Rev. H. L. Jennings, rector, read the history of the church and also the mem- orials. Walter Tigert, Port Albert, presided at the organ and the choir was assisted by members from Port Albert and Lucknow. The Dungannon Y.P.U. enjoyed a picnic at Kincardine on Monday. Visitors over the week -end with Mrs. Minnie Jones and Melvin were Mr.and Mrs. Bert Marsh and Betty, of Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Wallace, Blyth, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bowers, Goderich. visitors with Mrs. S. J. Kilpat- CREWE, May 20.—Roy Culbert, of Hamilton, was a week -end visitor at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, of Wingham, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hasty and Mr. Will Hasty. Mrs. E. Zinn visited with friends in Clinton at the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. C. Chamney, of Belgrave, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Thompson, of Donnybrook, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. 'Raymond Finnigan. Mrs. Lorne Hasty held a Stanley Product demonstration at her home on Tuesday evening. LEEBURN • LEEBURN, May 20.—Miss Eliza- beth Haughn, of Hanover, visited recently with her cousin, Mrs. John Chisholm, sr. Mrs. John Quaid and Betty, of Sarnia, visited over the week -end with • her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bogie. Mrs. Pearl Bogie of Midland visited with relatives in this dis- trict on Sunday. THE VOICE OF BETHEL WHERE,DO WE GO FROM HERE And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Heb. 9:27. This text answers a question which should cause each one considerable concern. We are not placed here forever, nor are we certain of what tomorrow may. bring...__ God's Word likens our life on earth to "A vapour that ap- peareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." James 4:14. It is unreasonable for any one to justify the gross indif- ference that prevails to these warnings from God's Word. The business of Satan is to influence people to neglect their eternal welfare. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. The Lake of Fire has been prepared for the devil and his angels: In Revelation 20:15 we are clearly told that every keerson whose name is nit found written in the Book of Life is cast into the Lake of Fire. Those who go the broad way must receive its penalty. Preparation to meet God is an individual responsibil- ity. God has ordained that each one who comes to Him as a sinner and seeks pardon can be cleansed from his sin, trans- formed from a sinner to a Christian, and given an assurance that all is well for eternity. Noah was scoffed at by the majority but it was proven he was right after all. It was tragic for those who wakened too late to accept salvation. - It matters not what man says or thinks, it is what God declares that matters. Sponsored by the Bethel Adult Class "Immediate service" IN YOUR LOCALITY FOS Estate Planning ' and Wills Investment Management and Advisory, Service 4% Guaranteed Investments 2% on savings — deposits may be mailed Real Estate Services For prompt attention call RAYE B. PATERSON Trust Officer. Hamill, Ontario, Phone 51 or any alike of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA TORONTO • IONTRLAL OTTAWA • WINDSOR . mAGARA FALLS • SUDBURY SAULT STE. SARK CALGARY • YANCOUYER 4\ rick over the week -end re Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatt , Brian and Cheryl, Toronto; Mrs. John Petrie, Mr. and Mrs. James Mac- Millan and Donna, Goderich. Miss Ida Wbyard N visiting a while herdo 1 Honor, Hor, 0Dei- The United Church Mission Band met Sunday's iln the basement with 30 present. Jimmy Blake was pianist. A film on mission work was enjoyed. Mrs. Robt. Irvin read the story and Lorne Alton operated the projector. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webster on Monday were Mrs. E. Hall, daughters Meda, (Lor- raine) Mrs. Delbert Wilson and husband, of Brantford. They also called on Mrs. W. R. Andrew. Mrs. Ethel McDonald underwent an operation for removal of ap- pendix- at Goderich hospital on Wednesday of last week. Her progress is satisfactory. Miss Fern Roblaprooderich, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. William Sillib. The W.A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. W. A. Culbert on Friday night. Mrs. Everett Errington was in charge. Mrs. Harvey Alton read the Scrip- ture lesson and Mrs. T. C. Ander- son gave the lesson thought. Mrs. H. Alton gave the treasurer's re- port and reported on the congre- gation supper. Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Cecil Blake reported on the renovation of the church kitchen. Mrs. 0. Popp gave the topic. There were 18 members present and four visitors. . Mrs. Wilfred Pentland conducted a Bible contest. The hostesses were Mrs. H. Mole, Mrs. W. Pentland, . Mrs. Geo. Hodges and Mrs. Ivan Rivett. 4 Obituary 4 1 Maj. D.Me MacKay Passes In Ottawa The death of Major Donald Mac- Kay, Director of Indian Affairs Branch and a native of Goderich, occurred Tuesday in Ottawa. 'Maj. MacKay suffered a 'heart attack. Son of the late Capt. and Mrs. Donald MacKay, he enlisted as a private in the First World War and returned frons overseas with the rank of major. Following the war, he served as a member of Parliament for a British Columbia riding. He -is survived 'by hie wife, Mar- ion, three sons, Donald, with the RCAF; Graeme and Malcolm, at home; two brothers, Robert, in Southampton; Hector, in Richmond Hill; two sisters, Mrs. Kate Camp- bell, of Flint, Mich., and Mrs. David B. MacDonald, of Ripley. Two brothers, John and Norman, predeceased him. The remains will arrive in Gode- rich Saturday for a funeral ser- vice at 3 p.m. at the Lodge funeral home conducted by Rev. R. G. MacMillan, of Knox Presbyterian Church. Interment will be in Maitland cemetery. WESLEY FARROW ,first shoe factories in this district. Wesley H. Farrow, a former resi- After learning the business with dent of Goderich, `died on May 6 his father, Mr. Willis opened a re- in the Belleville hospital, in his tail shoe store on Main Street in 81st year. Mr. Farrow was born 1895. In his younger days he was on a farts on the . Hullett-East 'a well known ',athlete being es- Wawanosh boundary and farmed : pecially interested in football, and for some years in that district be- : a member for several famous dis- fore coming to Goderich, where- trict teams. Later he was a well he -lived for ten years, later going :known . lawn bowler. He was one to Toronto -and finally to Colborne, of the oldest members of North - county of Northumberland. His ; side United Church. His wife, the first wife, Annie Johnston, died in former Alice Maude Willson, died 1942, and later he married Mrs. in 1936. . • Florence Fourtney of Kitchener, Surviving are two sons," Gordon, who survives. Also surviving are CDetroit; , Robert O., Akron, Ohio; a son, Roy R. Farrow of Mitchell, two daughters, Mrs. H. L. Watson, and a daughter, Mrs. George Lee ,Goderich; Mrs. (Dr.) F. J: Bechely, (Mary) of Toronto. The remains Seaforth; and four brothers, Charl- were brought to Blyth for inter- es, Stettler, Alberta; Frank, Winni- ment, Rev. J. W. Colley, minister :peg; James, Seaforth; and Roy, of Colborne United Church, ,con- "Detroit. ducting the service. I The remains rested at the fam- ily residence, where services were JOHN E. McCANN ;fly yesterday at 2 p.m. A funeral service for John Ed- (DST), by Rev. J. W. Stinson; and ward McCann, late of Stratford, interment made in Maitlandbank was held at the Heinbuck funeral Cemetery. home, Wednesday of last week. Mr. McCann died early Sunday JOHN W. WEBSTER evening in the Stratford General John W. Webster, 86, who died Hospital after an illness of three' in Alexandra Hospital Saturday, months. The service was conduct- came to Goderich 39 years ago ed by Rev. Karl J. Knauff, of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. Pall- bearers, all nephews of the de- parted man, were Emmerson Over- holt and Leonard Overholt, both of Goderich; Harold Overholt; Stratford; Norman. Brenner, Albert Brenner and Elmer Brenner, all of Kitchener. A profusion of beautiful floral tributes was re- ceived and relatives and friends attended from Zurich, Goderich, London, Kitchener, Dearborn, Mich., as well as Stratford and district. Burial was made iii, Avondale cemetery, Stratford. i ELLIOTT McVITTIE Elliott McVittie, who died at his home in Windsor, Saturday was a native of Blyth but lived in Gode- rich most of his life. He had been in Windsor about 18 months work- ing on electrical conversion. Surviving besides his wife, form- erly Eva Grindrod, are his mother, Mrs. Annie McVittie; two daugh- ters, Barbara Ann and Marilyn, Windsor; one brother, Albert, Blyth, and three sisters, Mrs. T. Elliott, Peterboro; Mrs. P. Mc- Dougall and Mrs. William Curry, Goderich. Service was held Tuesday after- noon at the Lodge funeral home conducted by Rey. R. G. MacMillan, of Knox Presbyterian Church. In- terment was made in Maitland cemetery. Pallbearers were Edward Jesson, Cecil Kemp, S. MacDonald, Douglas MacDonald, E. J. Nordby and Ove Hokansson. WALTER G. WILLIE SEAFORTH, May 20.—Walter G. Willis, 82, one of the oldest retail shoe merchants in Western On- tario, died Monday in Scott Mem- orial Hospital. He was a son . of the late Robert Willis, who established one of the LAKEVIEW, CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY to the music of NEIL McKAY and his "All Stars" • FEATURI NO JUNE --JOHNNY— and the QUARTETTE ALSO Dancing Coronation Night EVENING AUXILIARY AT NORTH STREET The May meeting of North Street Evening Auxiliary was held in the church parlor on Tuesday. "Europ- eans in Angola" was the subject of the study program, taken by Miss Dorothy Westbrook and Mrs. M. Henry. Several hymns were sung, with Mrs. J. R. Walls at the piano. The president, Mrs. A. 0. Pear- son, presided over the business meeting. Miss J. Saunders pre- sented reports on the Huron Pres- byterial meeting, and the London branch conference at St. Thomas. Miss Saunders also reported on her work as supply secretary, and read a letter of thanks for supplies sent to Severance Hospital in Seoul, Korea. Several members volun- teered to supply flowers in the church during July and August. from Elora, where he was a photo- grapher. • He was a member of the Free Methodist Church, Surviving is his wife, the former Sarah Ward. Rev. G. E. Babcock, of the Free Methodist Church conducted the funeral service Tuesday afternoon at the Lodge funeral home and interment was made in Maitland cemetery. Pallbearers were Robert Hoy, John .Vrooman, William Beacom, Donald Harris, Robert Williams and Matthew Sproul. FLORENCE NAFTEL _ Florence E. C. Naftel, 66, died Tuesday of last week in Alexandra General, and Marine Hospital. Born in Goderich she lived all her life in Goderich Township. One niece, Miss Madeleine Naf- tel, of Goderich, survives. Service was held last Thursday at the Lodge funeral home, con- ducted by Rev. Carew Janes, Trill. ity Anglican Church, - Bayfield. Pallbearers were /James Naftel, Robert Sowerby, Ben Whitely, Pat Whitely, Leo 'Chisholm and George Salkeld. 1K 4610041 folly And the story is por- traits of your children's growing -up becomes a pro. cious possession with the advancing years. Phone foe your appointment today. HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE ST. GEORGE'S W.A. The regular meeting of St. George's Church Woman's Aux- iliary was held in `'the Guild Room, the president„ Mrs. K. Taylor, pre- siding. The meeting opened with prayer and the singing of a hymn. The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. R. Needham and the Lit- any prayers by Mrs. Stubbington. The secretary, Mrs. Kolohon, read a letter stating the Spring Deanery' meeting would be held at Trivitt . Memorial Church, Exeter; on June 9. Mrs. Lauder and Mrs. Blay spoke on the general work of the W.A: Mrs. Taylor' reported she had attended a meeting of the educational secretarys. Mrs. Fred Hunt told of the Dor- cas work and the aims and objects of the life members thank-offerin Mrs. Wilson, supervisor of the girl's branch, reported on the work of the girl's branches, and .Mrs. Sale, of the Junior W.A., spoke highly of the work shown by the different branches of that depart- ment. The meeting closed with prayer. Tea was served by Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Dodd and Mrs. Sale CALL MEETING OVER DISPUTED FIRE BILL. AUBURN AUBURN, May 20.—The Three A's of Knox United Church held a bowling party in Goderich last Thursday evening, with 25 present. After the bowling they held a sur- prise party at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Stanbury when they presented them with a table lamp. An address was read by Ted Mills and Mrs. Elliott Lapp made the presentation. A lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Stanbury were mem- bers of the Three. A's before mov- ing to Goderich a few months ago. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor and daughter, Anthea, of Welland, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur. Miss Ruth Arthur, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. J. Ar- thur, left on Monday for Toronto where she has secured a position. CARDS OF THANKS THE FAMILY OF THE LATE Mrs. D. E. Anderson are very anxious to extend their sincerest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to -everyone -who--were--se-thought- ful and especially . kind to send flowers and cards of sympathy at the time of their deepest. bereave- ment. -21 141LMA,R AND PHYLLIS FISHEit would like to thank those who helped them in so many ways with chores, seeding, etc., and who sent flowers, cards and' gifts while Elmer was a patient in Westmin- ster Hospital. 21x IRS. JOHN W. WEBSTER wishes to thank those who sent floral tributes, loaned cars for the funeral, anis also those W110 assist- ed her in any way. 'WE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS our gratitude far -the kindness extended to us in our bereavement, for the many ,floral tributes, for the cards of syhtpathy and also for the loan of cars. Mrs. Eva Mc- Vittie and daughters, also Mrs. Henry McVittie and family. Clinton Town Council has de- cided to call a special meeting with Goderich Township officials in an attempt to settle a dispute over a fire call bill sent by the town to the township. Decision to have a meeting was made after a letter from,Robinson Thompson, township clerk, had been received voicing the town- ship's protest over a bill for fire protection: The township has a signed con- tract with the town for fire pro- tection for township residents for $100 for the first hour, and $25 for each succeeding hour. TAYLOR'S CORNER TAYLOR'S CORNER, May 20.— Mr. 0 —Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McKie and their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. David Gerrie, and little daughter, Laurel, _all of Tor- onto, have been visiting Mrs. Mc- Kie's mother, Mrs. W. Straughan, and her sisters, Mrs. David Rodges and Mrs. Howard Sturdy and Mr. Sturdy. They have also been visiting other relatives in the com- munity. They will be accompanied home by Mrs. David Rodges, who will spend• two weeks with them in Toronto. Next Sunday, May 24, Rev. M. G. Newton will not be preaching in" Zion Church. Rev. P. Renner of Bayfield will occupy the pulpit. Week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ginn were Mr.and Mrs, Don Scott, of Windsor. A , pleasant evening was i spent last Tuesday in the school. when the members of the community met to honor Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sturdy who were recently married. The evening was spent m playing cards, after which an address was read by Jerry Ginn, and a beauti- ful trilight lamp was presented on behalf of the community by Pat Whitely. Mr. and Mrs. Sturdy thanked - the community after which a dainty lunch was served by the ladies. ' Dr. and Mrs. N. Treumner, of Arthur, and son, Morley, of Tor- onto, visited last week -end with the former's sister and her hus- band, Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED The engagement is announced of Ethel Mary, daughter of Mrs. Roderick MacKenzie and the late Roderick MacKenzie to Cliff R. Jackman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jackman of Toronto. The marriage will take place at 3 p.m. (D.S.T.) on Saturday, June 6, in Ashfield Presbyterian Church. 21x 3 DAYS 3 MAY 25 - 26 - Y7 arch Midway Shows SPONSORED BY THE GODERICH JUNIOR CHAMBER OF` COMMERCE AT THE ARENA GROUNDS i RIDES GAMES FUN FOR ALL._ NOVELTIES ALL FOR FUN EVENING AND MATINEE PERFORMANCES WESTINGHOUSE FROST FREE 99 HAMILTON STREET GODERICH 123 ONTARIO STREET STRATFORD Gives you complete freedom from all Defrosting Cares. • NO BUTTONS TO PUSH. • NO WATER TO EMPTY. • NO CLOCKS TO SET. • NO HEATERS TO MELT FOZEN FOODS. IT'S COMPLETELY.. AUTOMATIC . MODELS FROM S299 up BUY YOUR ELECTRICAL GOODS IN AN ELECTRICAL STORE. WILF REINHART Electric and Television .