The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-04-23, Page 3wa,„ 4nit oberit inaL -at _rtos,rtupp,, 106th year ---Nn.. 117 GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; APRIL 3rd, 1950 REPORTS A SMALL SURPLUS' ON YEAR'S OPERA: THAN K -OFFER At their Easter thank -offering meeting on Monday, North Street Evening Auxiliary presented the film, "Wings to the Word." The scene of the story was Brazil, and there were many interesting glimp- ses of the modern cities, agricul- tural and industrial areas and the vast expanse of jungles and moun- tains. On behalf of the .auxiliary, Mrs. R. R. King thanked_ Mr. C. E. Payne for operating the projector. The president, Mrs. A. D. Pear - son, explained -tile origin of nAnY 'NORTH STREET MARI AT' Easter customs and several hymns were sung with Mrs. J. R. lo'ialls at the piano. A short business meeting _followed. Miss Jpsie Saunders was asked to prepare at report on the Presbyterial meet- ing the following day, for pre- sentation at our May meeting. Ushers were chosen for the lecture to be presented this Friday. Mrs. Pearama asked for donations of toys for the nurskeor- THE.CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH GODERICH MEMORIAL _ARENA COMMISSION Consolidated Statement of _Receipts and Disbursements For the year ended December 31, 1952 Receipts General account Arena building account Arena floor account . General account Arena building account Arena floor account Bank overdraft Jan ,,unsy Balance in hank Decena Hockey Canteen Skating Special events Subscribers Signs Rentals Donations Free time to "learn to declasses" (see contra) .. • ftisbursements • ....... $ 21,638.92 4,532.00 10,498.22 $ 36,669.14 $ 20,721.56 3,025.00 11,710.84 $ 35,457.40 1952 .$ 489.07 722.07 1,211.74 31, 1952 GENERAL .ACCOUlgT Receipts Salaries and wages Advertising Telephone Disbursements Insurance Canteen purchases Power and water Repairs and maintenance Fuel General activities and special concert Free time expense (see contra) Excess of receipts over disbursements • BUILDING ACCOUNT Receipts Grant—Town of Goderich Disbursements Building payment Excess of receipts over disbursements ARENA FLOOR ACCOUNT Receipts Donations—Goderich Lions Club Disbursements Arena floor Excess of disbursements over receipts $ 36,669.14 . , , UNITEDWILL iSMOKE ENGULFS SQUARE lp I BUT ONLY CHIMNEY FIRE A rovide Recreation, Meet Operating RS • Y MAY 10. lipenses At the Same Time Is Aim . , Smoke billowing onto the - , 0— I Square last Thursday after - Rev. Alex Donald,. M.C., of St. _ John's United Church, Stratford, will be guest speaker both morn- West street, including the Goderich volunteer fue depart- ing and evening at the anniversary ment and two fire trucks. services at North Street United But the excitement was short-lived when firemen dis- Donald served with the Canadian covered that cause of the Church, Sunday, May 10. Rev, Mr. forces in the first war and holds smoke was a chimney fire in the Military Cross for special ser- the building housing the R. H. Cornish Electric Store. uating from Knox College, Tor- The outbreak was believed vices for king and Country. Grad - onto, ,Rev. Donald has held the to have been caused by a wood pastorate of churches in northern fire in a small stove in one of the second -floor apartments. to St. John's United in Stratford. and eastern Ontario before coming Special anniversary music will Heavy winds blowing from the be furnished by the Arcadian Male harbor caused the smoke to Quartette oaf Galt composed of the , pour from the chimney and following: Wm. Currie, first tenor; I billow across the centre of Herbert Morton, second tenor; 1 town. Herbert Harbach, .first bass; Don- Firemen spent about three- Herbert Burns, second bass. These quarters of an hour checking the chimney. By early young men have achieved distinct even - success .at various music festivals 1 ing the sntoke had subsided, and a .few weeks ago won the +Gold ' although residents of - the the Kiwanis Music Fest- apartment were concerned be - Medal at ival in Toronto. - The excellent cause the chimney was still quality of their individual voices caquuitseed.warm. No cmage was le brought special mention from the adjudicator. The Arcadian Quar- tette has kindly offered to give REV. A. G. DONALD, M.C., ATHLETIC GROUP NAMES a special kali hour musical, after the evening service in the chnrct' auditorium. A special invitation is extended to all to -come and bear this eut- noon drew quite a crowd to $ '7,799.02 7,722.62, 2,872.36 361.50' 144.00 275.110' 2,162.84 301.581, 3,213.00, $ 24,851.92 I A surplus of $722.67 for the tiacs hockey club; minor hockey year ended December 31, 1952, is clubs—midget, bantam, pee. wee, Motor League under direction o Lions club, "Tadpoles" and "Squirts"; Learn to Skate class; Industrial League; public skating groups; Curling Club; Cotillion Club. The facilities of the rink and auditorium are available on a rental basis for other groups. Indicating the extent of the use of the arena in 1952 are the fol- lowing figures of paid admissions: hockey, 38,303; skating, 10,575; rol- ler skating, 2,643; bingo, 11,160; other, 11,956. of $98,000 at that time but could A summer program of roller not be built for that figure today. .. skating, dancing, badminton and wrestling has been planned. The canteen, operated by the commission, has operated at a profit. Local suppliers are given debenture of $85,000. Since open- preference in the purchase of goods ing in 1950 considerable has been for this canteen. spent on improvements to the Figure skating classes have been building and on new equipment. , operated under the directiOn of During 1951 the sum of $1,000 !Mis. June Smith. It is planned from current funds was paid on vfe19th53es.e classes again in the council made a grant of $4,532.001tf1:1Pao Appreciation Expressed the building account. The town St. John's United Church, Stratford COMMITTEE MEMBERS at the end of 1951 which completed The commission has expressed all payments on the building fund its apprecation of the efforts of standing male quartette at 8.30 Tait Clark, of R.R. 5, Gdderich, During 1952 the "Lions Club account. Arena Manager Lorne D. Wakelin and his staff. It is pointed out ree • ed Ch ich Vrooman secretary of the -Colborne stall a- permanent floor at a cost they have tried to operate the arena in a manner acceptable to — Sunday evening, May 10, in North was named chairman and Anthony raised the necessary funds to in - Township Athletic Association at. of $10,921.44 and ,drainage around the public. The commission has also expressed its appreciation of others who have contributed very considerably to the success of the shown in the financial statement of Goderich Memorial Arena re- leased this week by the Town of Goderich and the Goderich Mem- orial Arena Commission. At the commencement of the year, Jan- uary 1, 1952, there was an over- draft at the bank of $489.07.. The complete financial report is presented in an advertisement to be found on this page of the Signal - Star. In operation since February, 1950 the arena was built at a cost It is also equipped with an artih- cial ice plant at a cost of $30,000. Funds were obtained by public subscription and from a municipal . MAKI a Meeting of the group held Mon - Toronto Minister. and Choir Heard ••Ross Pfrimmer, of Benmiller was day night in Carlow. At Knox Church Sunday Services $ 5,472.82„ Hundreds of Goderich residents 1,157.05 I. thronged Knox Pres b.y t e ri an 1,733.60 vices at which Rev. H. Douglas 288.91 Church on Sunday for special ser - 5,359 -55. Stewart. B.A., of Victoria Presby - 2,966.36 1,836.96 507.04 1,399.27 3,213.00 $ 23,934.56 917.36 $ 24,851.92 .$ 4,532.00 '$ 3,02500 $ 1,507.00 .$ 10,498.22 $ 11,710.64 $ 1;212.62 1 NOTICE I To GODERICH DAIRY Milk Customers We wish to announce that we have purchased the GODE- RICH DAIRY from Mr. Owen G. Hamilton. We solicit your continued patronage and will endeavor to give you the best service and satisfaction possible. It will be our earnest desire to become a real pert of the community. There will be two men employed by this business, both residents Goderich, one being a oroPartY_ owner. _ We will continue to operate the Dairy Bar, and it will be staffed by girls who are residents of Goderich. The milk purchased for this dairy is produced oh farms in the vicinity of Goderich. We are proud of our products and can assure you that these products are processed in ore of the most modern plants in Huron County. Your patronage is appreciated, 1 terian Church, Tbronto, was speak- er and special music was presented by Victoria Chureh choir. Choosing as his subject "Your Faith Needs the Church," Mr. Stewart delivered the sermon at the morning service. Mr. Stewart, a close personal friend of Rev. R. G. MacMillan, minister of Knox -Church, served in Kincardine be- fore going to Toronto. Mr. Stewart pointed out that man's relationship with God is in the first instance a relationship of the heart. Although Jesus in- structed His followers to enter into private- to pray in secret, he said, He did not stop there, but declared to them that He would build His church. The Christian needs the fellowship of the church, he said, to strengthen his own individual faith. Secondly, Mr. Stewart said, the church gives an opportunity for unified work among believers, and finally, through•the church the in- dividual Christian finds an oppor- tunity to express his Christian Wit - Miss Connie Newham, 14 -year-old pianist, was heard in a solo, "Vari- ations," by Mozart, followed by a• contralto solo, "He Shall Feed His Flocks," by Handel, and a men's chorus, "The Lower +Lights." Trumpeter Douglas Sproule played 'Air in D Major," by Pur- cell, accompanied by the organ, and the choir sang the selection "Jerusalem," by Gounod. "The Soft Summer Breeze," by Barnaby, was followed by another piano selection by Miss Newham, "Fan- atasie Impromptu," by Chopin. .Mr. Sproule played a trumpet fanfare and the chorus and quartette were heard in "Christ Our Passover," by McFarlane. A hymn, the benediction, and the postlude, "Finale," by Mendels- sohn, concluded the program. Soloists were Rita Rodger, Donna McCalla, Thomas Hodgins, Marion Grant, Lula David • and Elmer Daniel. FIRE DAPILAQES HOME IN GODE.ILIC_H TOWNSHIP Clinton Fire Depdrtment under the dire"etion of its fire chief, Grant Rath answered `a call for assist- ance on Monday when the stucco ness. Vesper Service farm home :of Percy Riley, R.R. 3, At the vesper service held in Clinton, was threatened by fire. ithe church at 4 p.m., special music The blaze' broke out by a chimney was sung by Victoria Church choir, 'in a partition which separates the under the direction of Mr. Austin Douglas, in a "Worship Through Music" program. Opening the program was a pre- lude, "Tocatto;' by Dubois; played by the organist, Mrs. Margaret Watson, Mowed by a processional hymn. After the invocation, the full choir was heard in a chorale, "We Do Adore Thee 0 Christ," by Dubois, and an anthem, "150th Psalm," by Franck. A baritone solo, "Lord God of Abraham," and a quartette selec- fion "Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord," by MendAssohn, were next. chosen convener of a committee to look after intermediate sports with Graham Johnson, of Nile, and Frank Allen of Benmiller, also on the committee. Eric Moore, of Dungannon, was named convener of the committee to look after juvenile sports, with Clive Allen, of Carlow and Archie Hamilton, of Saltford, as committee members. Harry McCreath, of Saltford, was named convener of the coMmittee in charge of pee wee sports. kitchen from a woodshed. Goderich Townshjp neighbors, who came to help, opened the wall through to the attic and with the aid of fire extinguishers were sur. cessful in almost extinguishing the blaze when firemen arrived on the scene. The damage was confined to the partition itself and some smoke. damage. Lucknow has lost a prominent citizen by the death of William Murdie, hardware merchant of the village for nearly half -a -century. He was in his 81st year. The annual field day of the Huron County Federation of Agri- culture will be held at Seaforth on June 20th. the arena to protect this floor at a cost of $1,285.15. this the handed over to the arena commis- arena such as: the hockey players greater portion of this has beeti sion a final cheque is yet to be and their sponsors; leadership of presented and it is understood this various groups who have directed wrecreation; citizens of Goderich and ill be done at a special funotion district by their support and heln- ; • at ..the arena in the near future. NI suggestionsTown Council; The commission's aim is to pro- ,Public Utilities Commissron. Mr. George G. MacEwan is chair- vide,Benefit for Youth and at the, man of the Goderich Memorial same time meet operat- recreation for the citizens ing expense. On this basis , the 1 Arena Commission. Other officers larerno Mayorraha m, K J . E. K. Huckins, nosy, iReevenson commission has endeavored to John iblefor the Voting& peopte in the j. H: Walter Westbrook. L. 0. Whetstone, _grant as much free time as poss- 'secretary-treasurer. 'Kinkead. the'latter being hope they will profit by this health- ful exercise under supervision. I , Total leneth of the General llo- izations have used or are using the The following groups and organ- , tors assembly lines at ashawa is facilities at the arena: Samis Pon- two -and -a -half miles.' T•N, 1111T OT tin By careful planning and saving. Air young couple built the house of SIN* dreams. with ,the help of Casiptiee largest home -loaning institution, dm, Sun Life of Canada. Furthermore, op small additional cod, they Wiiity pro- tected their investment with a Sea Life Mortgage Protection policy whitillk should the husband die holism home is paid for, instantly dears 01 remaining rrsortgage indebtedness. PLANNED 'LIFE INSURAIGICII BRINGS PEACE OF MIND Without obligation, let one MI you how the facilities of Ills SUN LIFE ASSURANCE co PANY OF CANADA can We meet your particular needs isP. way that will fit your pocketbook Harold W. Shore NORTH ST. PHONE 7401111 Representative of SUN JAFFEASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Information available on N.111.A. loans. L_J arid ,road -testa lively new GODERICH DAIRY R. B. Cousins, Prop. Phone 48 or 707W Edward Jenkin, Manager. 17x GODERICH PAVILION DANCINg WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS Every Wednesday—Modern- and old time dancing to Clarence Petrie 's Nighthawks.. Every Saturday—Johnny Brenan and his orchestra. The Pav. is available for afternoon and, evening rentals. The Management caters to lunches, banquets, wedding receptions, etc. Phone 675 or 419. AtOn the. ThePARK , Square PHONE 1160 Now—"MUTINY"—In Technicolor—with Patrick Knowles and Angela Lansbury. tPRIL27!h—ALL WEEK --MAY 2nd. _ - "MA AND PA KETTLE ON VACATION" At West The CAPITAL Sireet — PHONE 47 ao im am dlo Now—"Astassin For Hire"—A Howard M. Dietz thrilleib, MON.—TUES.—WED.— Broderick Crawfik'd, Claire Trevor, Verne Gibson In 'Technicolor—you will enjoy this riotous mystery comed;---- and it's liberally sprinkled with musical interludes. Come on along as the Kettles go to Gay Parec for a howling holiday where" they have a dizzy involvement with a spy ring fit's all new all fun and it promises you the most, uproarious evening you've had in a coon's age. MARJOFilE MAIN and.PERCY KILBRIIDE -- with ----- Ray Collins, Barbara Brown, Bodil Miller and Sig Rumen. TWO SHOWS EACH NIGHT ALL THIS INEEKII "STOP, YOU'RE KILLING ME" A NEW IDEA FOR GREATER CONVENIENCE The front seat of Dodge two:door models is divided '3-2i - so that rear seat passengers con' get in and out with minimum disturbance of front seat riders. YOU ENJOY GREATER SAFETY g etter All-round Vision — New, curved one-piece windshield ond downswept hood give you a closer, wider view of the road. Higher, wider side and rear windows provide excellent all-roUnd ✓ on. Wide -sweeping electric windshield wipers give constant - speed, efficient performance. • Unique Safety -Rim Wheels— Standard equipment on all Chryder-built cars—help hold tire on the rim in case of a blow- out, allowing safer, straight-line stops. Dual -Cylinder Front Wheel Brakes — Dodge has two hydraulic cylinders in each front wheel broke fpr balanced control —!providing more stopping Flower in front where it is needed Broke linings are of rivetless Cyclebond tnlng which provide longer, troublefree Ufa with no chance of drum scoring. Wayne Morris, Rick Vallin and Jack Larson A new type Western in which the Sheriff, dad burn him, turns out to be the guy you gotta watch! "THE STAR OF TEXAS" REGENT CLUB COUPE DODGE Sunshine or rain, spring gales or balmy ,breezes, you'll be safe, comfortable andcontent in a new, livelier 1953 Dodge. Yoult find that a brand neW crpproach to suspension design has helped create a car which . handles surely ... hugs the road'. . . Ond takes the curves in stride. . You'll experience new performance too —with a new, more powerful engine (now rated at 108 hap.). And, if you desire, you can have the smoothness and no -shift ease of new -Dodge Hy -Drive, available on'Mayfair and Regent series at extra cost. .. With Hy -Drive you shift directly into High— then " you can stop and go as you please without touching the gearshift or clutch. Discover this amazing new Dodge for yourself. Come in today and arrange for a road-test. DODGE FAMOUS' FOR DEPENDA11/1/1Y DODGE .MAYFAIR • DODGE REGENT • DODGE CRUSADER Reg. McGee II Sons HAMILTON ST. PHONE 7es, Aimuirmimpasololoommoommillimmillomommossm