The Exeter Times, 1890-1-30, Page 8INSURANCE RNEST E rLIQT,&GENTFOrt PANT of Toronto; slso fox the P c COM. All fklS U ANCA CO3IPANtY, of Loadon; Englead.the Bt3YAEd CANADIAN. of Mon. trea,l,aed, the EiRITISH EMPIRErih'E AS- CH .NCE COMPANY, of t,ondou. Riceland. estebltahed i847. 4ssete over $5,009,000. elnirrt5 and bonuaes odd. orer$ Q.00Q.000 r_.__ To Our .Patrons. :4. pertinent piece of advice in the columns of a late Trade Journal ran time : However hail you may have worked slur foe 1589, resolve to de at lea- t1 o. little better during 1800, It is not a difficult matter to see where better and more work might have beou done if oneeare to seruti nize closely, even though tete vision ht. de- fective end poverty too great to purchase ar lisir of specs. We hate noticed a few w ee. spots An ourselves and inspired by the above bit of advice resolved to adopt -#' it as one of our ra es for 1890 and faithfiely ebsesve it for at least a Creek. We are trci.eg ter put stock iu the Lest possible stetpe to tial every gap and give every she -f. drawer and corner the cleanness and neatness, of anew pia. Oar Book. Ste tto:wry, Swat' ware and Wrapping paper Departments, are in good abase and Jany t:udads ever ready to supply the dernaeds of SFe$aiag, Parting and other friendly gifts, The tlitton3 tt£ bath our Jt4 bi;It; aud lee tail l'ratde wits kin 1 y accept our heartfelt gratitude for their past liberal support. 7 (demo, Dula-st., l.xeter. rrf'.."'9MaW MCT BANS ,U'PT STORE liclouLtedly the finest store in the town. The larg- es.: stock. The best stock ,1 the cheapest stock, ARF THE LEADERS Are you thiillflug about t t;alts far spring Now is i.' t time 10 [rtlt" them. t1 t Ye some plums ,for you, s.t e prices as last. year. You l saw what that means. Ask see our spe(tial lines. They tire," rawly waiting for you. `lyra will perhaps want a nice dGlc ear - pet :or spring. Don't forget that the Big Bankrupt Store does an' immense Carpet slid Curtain trade. Values are right or we couldn't tale the trade away from the old timers that have been with you so lone, could we 3 No, eertatinly not. We have brisket: the OLD LING and they can't mend It. We are at the 'bottom] for low prices every time. Ther© tire; some startling bargains in Views Goods of all kinds, we must snake r'oons for early spring arrivals. If you need woollens of any kind now is our time, Fascinators, Clouds, Shawls Hosiery, Gloves, I'nderwear and leunels. All must be removed. Quick r you will be too late. Boots & Shoes and Over- • : es zve what we do right. We have ee Velltt;l linea that we are clearing. Ladies lined Overshoes are among this !ot Furs aid. Overcoats 50 per cent. off Big reduction, isn't it 1 Come and see Our Dress Goods have been moving freest of late, They will go quick for the ziext.week, as we have made some extra .reductions. Black Satan Mery goes at the reduced prices. J A. STEW/ART, Bankrupt Stock Dealer, Exeter. 3 STJJv fajta Mum THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1890 l.00At. HAPPENINGS. Nice Present, A great many new names have bee n added to our list during the last two weeks, by subscribers ordering THE Tir''v:5 to be sent to distant friends or rel., ices. What more suitable present sou°d be made, than a paper with all tie, vocal happenings, which can never les contained in a letter Besides it 'h#ir.ge the giver recollection each week. l .,• rr,na]s, Ilia. Readyof St. Marys is the guest vt .trs. J. A. Hayes. -Miss " T. White, mt ."Ener of Sarnia, is home spending va- s title -The reeve and deputy -reeve are al eogling the County Council now in .....on at Goderich. Mr. Thos. Russel of the "Riverside Farm," is a victim of a e ry severe attack of influenza, which has settled on his lungs, . His condition :is precarious. -Mrs. Monteith, the v'atitu of the runaway accident some fi::re ago, was removed to her Home in 1.1. hems on Saturday last, after a so- ja u 'u of five weeks at the. Metropolitan hotel, Exeter. She has almost recovered farm her injuries. 'This week's issue of TIRE TIMES is a few hours late, owing to three of the staff ha+riug been `laid up' with the grip and un able to work, since Thursday. Those of our readers who have been victims of the ntalaidy own well understand the situation and cause of delay. The grip is not to be trilled with ; it grips hard and vigor- ously and don't: let go in a hurry. We respectfully crave the indulgence of our readers for any shortcomings in this issue. Mr. James Creech has again been appointed to the positions of constable, txa-col1eefor, bell-ringer, poll -tax collector, lamp lighter,'. care taker town hall, etc., etre , oto., at a yearly salary of 8325. Anyone; who envies Mr. Creech the posi-t tion should be allowed to perform the work for a year, in order that they might experience the duties incident thereto, and also PP o learn to appreciate Mr. Creech's position. Possibly there would then 'riot be such a dispositionfor unnecessary feels.finding. Childrepi Cry for Pitcl.er's Castor= Brevities, Beautiful, springlike weather, and no. snow, It costs more to revenge wrongs than to beer them J, A, Stewart again addreaaes Tinias reader, in this issue. Natural gas hoe been discovered at For- est at a depth of 100 feet. Spring, spring, gentle spring. Oh, fora poet to write some words on awing, Read Messrs, Carling Bros; change of a. dv t. Whey are offering special indu e meats. G. A. E. McLeod was the successful bidder for the weigh scales. hie tender be- ing $5 per month. Several naw forms have been plaeed in the Exeter publie sehools, owing to the increased attendance. The Exeter grist spill, together with a quautity of laud, will be sold under mort- gsge next Tuesday. Amongst others in Exeter, grip [has seized the most important personages -the m misters and the "devil," Whilst skating on the pond, Tuesday evg . u tinted boy ran amuck a barbed wire fence, but was not seriously injured. Several of tbe Sunday school workers of Exeter ate in attendance at the S. S l:onveutien new in session at Seaforth. Farmers are not waiting for sleighing, but are lieu nig wood to town en wagons. 'rhe eitir-ros are being pretty well supp fed The joke about McGinty had a groat run ; bub it is uot neatly as great a run as the influenza is havine, as everybody nose. On Friday the house and lot owned b R Spier% w1•1 be off•red for sale at tien. The prepetty muathe sold. See' eters. Lessons are said to he a eure for the in: fiuenzs. One feet is patent, however, that the t] -street dea=e a ham have hal tt larger sale than usual Rev. Jasper Wilson is recovering from duct bis iciness and will conservices in the Main street Methodist church on Sunday, morning and evening as usual Grain is being marketed in large %lianti +fes at the Exeter market at present and the layers pay the very highest prices. Saturdey was *Si uuueually busy day. Messrs Verity it: Sons on Wednesday received a carload of steel f om Pltilatiet; phia. \cat week they win commence the ehlea ens of ten carloads of plans to ti anitoba Jir J 1' Clarke. merchant, is holding a clearing sale of all fail and winter geode, ata:1 oilers the best bargaius yet. 1e has jnst Issued a circular, setting forth facts and figures. Mr. 191,i s a in o in Exeter,a l ered oWaste \eekea Brs., a very andeome monument of Seoteb granite. to be placed to the memory of his departed son, on the grave in Sarnia A uew school section known as No 13, has Leen formed, and a school opened on the lake roan. The Seely ot the trustee' board advertises in this issue for a teacher - mule or female. In Exeter, there are more men find cm: Velment with :lfessrs Dolittle d Seemore than in eny other one Hue. The only ob- jectiun many of them have is that the stI at} is inadequate uata for all purposes Tho wardens for 1900 in the counties of Perth, Mild esox, and Huron. are respect; ively John McMillan, reeve of North East hope ; W H Taylor. reeve of McGillivray; and Juhn. Britten. reeve of llullutt. We are obliged tr, Messrs Huxtable and nicks, of L'etoralia, for copies of THE Traces of dates June 6th and 20th. We still t ant a copy of Aug. 1st and Sept. 10th. iu order to complete our fs]e for 11380 The water in the pond has frozen to a depth of 'ix inebes, and at present those who are disposed to .avail themselves of the pastime can rearizea deal of enjoyment The doe is not sufficiently thick for har- vestin. Eng'i h sl„rtotva have so far driven out the native inseei: torous birds that there is a great increase in destructive insects, Sparrows will only `ei,t insects as a last resort when grain and kinked food is not obtainable. a• The anniversary of the ' Caven Presbyterian Church, will be ce rated on Sunday. eb'y 9th. Rev John R s, M A., of Brussels will preach specialser ons morning and evening. The usual' tea and entertainment will be dispensed with, Liberal collections are asked. See bills. Several complaints are heard. to the ef- fect that the members of the new council are altogether too reserved in their delib- erations of public business at the Board. Some allowance must be made for bashful- ness ; and until after they have become properly initiated we must not expect too touch. On Sunday afternoon the quietude of the day was s'rbruptiy broken. by the hide- ous noises of three young men, in a buggy, who drove along Main street at galloping speed They violated the by laws of the village, and narrowly escaped being -lugged." Apparently, they had had too much fire water. This week will close the first half of the winter with no snow yet to speak of, and the lowest record of the thermometer in o these pelts up to date, ten be'ow zero.If this winter desires to reach the average of avers the recent mild sgssons it will have to give us some very low readings during the next six or seven weeks. The people of Parkhill ere offering in. ducements to Me Wm, Morrison, in con- sideration of his taking the management and control of the salt works there. We understand Mr. Morrison endeavored to procure the Exeter well, but was unable to do so.. He will possibly get the Pare - hill works, in which event his family will. go there -to reside. An exchange says: -"Steer clear of bank notes as you would of rattlesnakes. La grippe microbes are lying in wait in the soft texture of the alluring greenback." If any of our delinquent subscribers have a surplus of greenbacks we would advise them to forward the same to this office. We will risk the advent of the microbes and will give there credit for every dollar received by us. Mr.. W . E. Wilkins, of Sarnia, was in Exeter last week, settling the financial affairs of his deceased son, Harry, who died suddenly at Shelburne recently. Mr , Wilkins informed us that the opinions of the doctors who examined the body, were to the effect that death was caused by the 1 blood ceasing its circa atton'through the 'heart, brought about by a chilL The deceased had had an attack of the, grip some weeks before, but paid very little at` tension to it. He had as be thoughtthor:, oughly recovered, and on the evening pre: vioua to hie death attendeda earnival,and stood on the ice. It issupposed that he became chilled, and after retiring was so overcome that he was unable to call for assistance.' Minard's Liuimenf cureaOarget in Cows. '! Exeter Muaieipal Courtog. t The council meet pursuant to adjourn An18ent90,. at. Towa Hull, Exeter, Jany. 25th All the members present. Minutes of the previous nteetiog were read and confirmed, Moved by W. G. Bissett, seconded by H. Spackmtu, that G. A. $. McLeod's tender for weigh scaler be accepted at $5 per mouth. -Carried; Moved by W. G. Bissett, seed by J. Oke, that Mr L. Hardy be auditor forthe current year. --Carried. The Reeve appointed Mr. John Taylor as the other auditor. Mo; -ed by W. G. Bissett, seconded by A. Spackman, that salary of the audi- tors $S each, per annum. Carried, By-law No 1 1890 to confirm appoint- ment of auditors was duly read and passed on motion of W G Bissett, sec by D. A. Ross. Mr. Hayes having resigned position of pound -keeper, it was moved by D. A. Russ, see by J Oke that G A I. McLeod be appointed in, his stead,- Carried, By-law No 2, 1890, to confirms ap- pointment of pound -keeper was duly read and passed, on motion of W. G. Bissett see by- H. ;Spackman, Moved by Id, Spacltsnan, see by J. Ole that Jas. Creech be constable, caretaker, etc. Carried. Moved by W. G. Bissett, that salary of Cunetable be $300 per annum. Nut seconded. Moved by D. A. Russ, seconded by 11 Spackman that the Constable's salary be $325 as formally. ---Carried. By-law No 31890 to confirms appoint- ment of constable, define duties, etc, was duly read and passed on motion of II, Sluiekntan see by D. A Ross. :‘loved by H. Spackman seed lay D A Ross, that Wesley Bissett be road cont- na iasioner. --Carried. Moved by H Spackman, sec by .1 Oke that the salary of road connniesiuuer be $1 50 per day.--•Cerriied, By-law No, 4, 1890 to confirm tip• poi ntmentof road commissioner was duly read and passed on :motion of 11 A Russ, see by .3 Oke. Application fur use of the band roans was made by the Exeter Draught Club. Mcved by ti G Bissett, sea by J Oke, that the band room be granted for Wed- nesday evenings.- Carried. Moved by W G Bissett, seed by D A Ross, that the Treasurer's salary be $35 per annum. -Carried. Moved by W G Bissett, seconded by. 11 Spackman, that 14lessrs J. Peart, W Harding and W H Parsons together with the Reeve and clerk be a board of health for 1890.- Carried. k3y law No, 5 1890, to confirm ap- pointment of board of health was duly read and passed on motion of H Spack- man, see by W G ,Bissett, ct Moved by J Oke, sec by W 0 Bissett, that Dr. Lutz be the medical health of - floor. -Carried, 13y -law No. 0, 1890, to confirms ap- pointment of medical health officer was duly read and passed on motion of D A Ross, sec by W G Bissett. Moved by J Oke, sec by W G Bissett, that Jas Down be appointed assessor for 1890. -Carried. By-law No, 7, 1890, to confirm ap- pointment of assessor, was duly read and passed on nation of W G Bissett, sec by J Oke. (Salary $50 per annum . ) Moved by W G Bissett, seg by D A Ross, that list of items of printing he furnished both printing officer in this village and tenders for same be received at the next meeting of the Council. - Carried. - Moved by H Spackman sec, by D A Ross, that $2 50 pei week be granted to John Veal until furthers orders.- Carried. The Clerk to ask for tenders for cedar and hemlock. Tenders to be received at next meeting, Moved by H Spackman, seconded by J Oke, that orders be granted for the following sums viz ; G Cudmore $1 25 labor, J Creech 40c charity, A Cottle $1 repairing fire engine, R Williams' $2 50 charity, Jus Creech $82 balance of salary to date, M Emmett R 0 $19 expenses of municipal election, A Allan $15 fi6 stone, J Creech $2 charity to John Veil, $2 to S Fanson, 50c to Mrs Wilcox, $5.25 wood for town hall, $2.80 sundry necessaries. -Carried. Moved by W G Bissett, sec by D A Ross that the council adjourn till Satur- day evening lst Feb. 1890, at 8 o'clock p.m. M. EACRETT, Clerk. We will consider it a favor if our corres- pondents will send newsy budgets each week, sr as often as practicable, It not only assists us in making the ZYnixs a wel- come weekly visitor to eath home, but it places the respective villages and localities in an advantageous light before the public. P. Ross ispreparing for the Mr. J erection of a new brick store and residence at the market, and has considerable of the material on the ground. The buildings will be of the latest architectural designs, -styles new to Exeter. The additions to the market corner will be worthy ones, and we trust Mr. Ross will be well reward ed for his enterprise. The anniyersary services of the Thames Rodd Presbyterian church, will be held` on Sunday and Wednesday, Feb'y 2nd and 5th, On. Sunday, special sermons will be preached by Revs C. Fletcher, M. A., at 11 o'clock, a. m., and B Clement. at 6:30. On Wednesday a grand entertainment will be given, by talent from Seaforth and Exeter. See bills and programs for furth- er particulars. 'Aword about the ethics of writing for the press. • There is certainly some con- sideration due compositors. They are not overpaid, and every piece of poor nlaru •script makes a difference. An.. article. written so villainously as to take'twice''as long to set it up, as it ought to take, just doubles the work or divides the earnings. If this is not stalk robbery, it is a form of imposition which touches it very closely. Write plainly, and use paper freely. The grip is still among our citizens with increased vigor, although there has not g g been any fatal cases. The two Methodist ministers- are experiencing the effects of the malady and as a consequence were ab- sent from the pulpits on Sunday last. It would seem as though grip was destined to seize all, as daily scores of citizens who were not going to be affected, are taken down. The'disease is powerful andcannotnnot be fought off: Wil.on's Wild Cherry cures Coughs and Colder RAT CLEARINI.. SALE ICHARD PICKAIEB'S l ,'v ] �t Black and, Colored Dress Goods. Black and Colored Silks and Satin Marrs. Mantlings, Uls ers, Dolmans, ant' Jackets,. Men's and Boys Overcoats and Suits,. Men's Fur Coats, Caps and Gloves, Men's Wool Under -shirts and Drawers. 1MMFsn's Felt Boots, Rubbers, Over -shoes: Etc,, Ladies' Fur Goats, Muffs and Long Boas.. Stio In fact everything will be sold at prices which will ensure a speedy clearance, ti RICHARD PXCKA •° . On Friday night bet a couple of tramps broke into Rose & Taylor's planing mill, and stealing several tools. effected an entrance to Mansons alioe store and supplied theme res each with a pair of overshoes. The concert given by the Chautauqua Concert Co., under the auspices of rite Sons of England B. Society, on Friday evg last, was largely attended, tad the Com parry was also all that was claimed for it The several artists performed their re- spective parts with due cleverness, elicit ing great appreciation. as the many recalls would indicate. The committee deserve commendation for their enterprise and good judgment in their selection of a company ; and indeed ought co have been more amply reworded for their trouble. Proceeds, upwares of $1Q0, barely suffici- ent to pay expeniles. Cettaiu prcaehera are exciting the people in the western part of North Carolins, by predicting the end of the world during the present year. This continent, however, bas pa -sed safely thransfh several each scares, Out in Mexico eke sehoola are supported by a tax levied on gambler,•. There is a n thisera Gamb certain amouut a � e in l we bave been told, make a good deal of their money out of the "readers" Ice dealers in Loudon are snaking sleeper ate efforts to induce the north branch of the river to freeze A uumbr•r of mon are kept busy moving the fioatiug slush over the darn in order to let the ice form But it comes not Donald Morrison, the megantlo outlaty, cost the Province a pretty penny before be was finally captured and tried. The Qne: bee publie noeonnts show that $ 4,762 was spent in trysuq to eatels him. When the expense of the expedition by Judge Dugas and tbe coat of the tial is added, several thousands addittioual will he ,accounted for- , . 5, MARRIED. SNaLL-BALnWELL-(}n Wednesday, Jany. 29th, atthe residence of Wm Rollins, Beg, brother:in,law of the bride, by Rev Jasper Wilson, Al A, Mr Jas Snell of Stephen, to Miss Mary Balkwell of Exeter DIED. Craven -In Blanchard, on the 18th inst., Sophia, wife of Daniel Oliver, aged 80 years, Morenuen.-In Hallett, on the 19th inst. Alex. McDonald, aged 35 years. BATLANn,-In London bospital, on tbe 24th inst., Thomas Butland, aged 27 years, Davie -In Exeter, on the 30th inst., Alex- ander Davie, age& 75 years HOW ABSURD for people to rain their health with un- wholesome food. The food prepared with Imperial Cream Tartar Baking powder is wholesome. What enhances the beauty of fine features more than a clear akin? Even plain features are made attractive by a good eomplection. To secure this, purify your blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It bas no equal Price 81. Six bottles, 05. Worth 85 a bottle. 'TEACHER WANTED. A. Male or Female -holding a third glass Certificate -for S.S. No, 13, Lake Boad,Stephen. Duties to commence at onoe. ,Apply, statue; Wary, to 3A3f'L STANLAxE. Jan. 23rd, 1890-2t. Bay P. 0. NOTICE. Any persons indebted to the late Richard Wadlen of the Township of Usberne,farmer, deodaeed, or holding any property or securities belonging to him, are required to forthwith pay or deliver the same to his wife, the administra- trix of his Estate and Effects. And any person withholding payment or delivery of any documents after this notice, will be proceeded against according to law. ELLIOT & Euro:, Solicitors for the Administratrix. Emma Wadlen. Exeter. Jan.' 27th, 1890-3t. r„AKI h departments, 11 vaned. W 8UG • POISON 1 To bill that deceitful old bug HUMBUG, {fake equal parts of HONESTY and TRUT,d and apply as often as necessary **i Always on tap at our store. HONEST PRICES Is our answer to the ery of Cheaper than the the Cheapest, Cheaper than anyone else call sell, BELOW COS 1", and all the other pall - parroting of ETJMBU(.GI�RY. Truthful statements are our answers to the PUFFERY and QUACK OF gr Extravagant Statements' That stop at nothing to sell a bill of goods or HUMBUG a buyer. HONEST GOODS, HONEST PRICES, HONEST FACTS. Are what you will find at CARDING BROS. EXETER PHOTO STUDIO Why is. it that in other towns and surrounding county they speak so highly of the Photographs that are taken in Exeter. And how is it that there are so many Phot's sent into the different cities of Ontario, from the Exeter Photo Gallery ? WHY? Because Senior's work is as good it not better than any of the leading Galleries in the city ; and their pr'it,es are. $4 and $5 per doz., while they get them at Senior's for $3. Frank Lesllb's Popular Monthly x 1890. EAt:IIAn ron Ir , "Brazil and the Braganzas," written by the Hon George Make,reace Towle, and su- perbly illustrated with portraits, views and autograph fac-similes, leads off the February (Midwinter) number of Frank Leslie's Pop• alar Monthly with admirable timeliness, It is the first complete and illustrated maga zine paper on the subject that has appeared since the revolution of November 14th. An article on the Smithsonian Institution and the National Museum at Washington is full of interesting information which every American ought to possess. The biographi- cal papers are a sketch of Louiea M. Al - cotes noble and fruitful life, and a delightful moonlit of the boyhood of the poet Schiller. "The Land of the Lute," written and illus- trated;by Herbert Pierson, gives an artist's reministencep`of a sojourn in fair Provence, the home of the Troubadours, the anoien Rome of Gaul, and the birthplace of the re- doubtable Tartarin of Tarascon. A. L. Rawson contributes a racy Oriental paper, illustrated with his own sketches, and Prof L B Fletcher gives an entertaining and in- structive "Talk about Photography." There are novelettes by Duey Hooper, W 'H Sivi ter, Etta. Is Pierce and others ;. poems by Douglas Sladee, Charlotte Perry and the ex -Emperor Dom Pedro of Brazil; together a fulland withthe usual Absolutely Pure ■ Thing owe ernever varlet, Ainarveloi ur t strtthandwhoesomeness. Moreeon omicalbantho ordinary kinds and cannot be sol din co=petition wtththe multitudeaof ow test, short weight, alum'awrpphosphate, Powdere:Sold only in ossa.-itOYAL BAK. 0 106 Ws]letreet N.Y. PROMINENT PUBLIC MEN are not slow to give expression to their opinion where: genuine merit is concerned. D Derbyshire, president of the Ontario CreameryAssodiation, says : "Nasal Balm beats the world for catarrh and cold in the head. In my own case it effected relief from the fire applIcation:'a Io Hcnfl Roller' MILLS Now IN FULL OPERATION GRISTING AND CHOPPING ON SHORTEST NOTICE.. The best grades of Roller flour wholesale and retail. SHORTS, BRAN AND ALL 'KINDS OF FEED ALWAYS ON HAND Cook & Reith, Props. Oot. , 1889. Leading physicians recommend Ayer's( Sarsaparilla.; Old apt young take it with perfect safety. It cleanses the blood, strengthens the nerves, 'gnd vitalizes the system. Popular Aiperienee has long placed this Medicine at the need of tonic •alteratives. The Ontario Bank is in difficulties,culties,owing to crookedness on the part of head clerk*