The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-04-09, Page 10N >A bier i�i14e. he amisid £k. !'lire Haw me; Ik . for esth Madera THE SQUARE AXD ..:.HERE AND THERE Firemen . answered a call about 9.30 a.m. Wednesday to the to.Ter of Eldon and Britannia road we a grass 'fire threatened to get be- yond control. Exactly - one hour later firemen answered another call—also a grass fire—at the home of Mrs.. Norman McInnis, West street. Goderich residents responded *well to the appeal for overnight accommodation for boys taking part in the Young Canada Week pee wee hockey tournament. Ac- coinmodation was secured for 50 boys, When a player on the Walkerton team showed up ,without a birth certificate at the pee wee. hockey tournament on Monday his 'father phoned Queen's Park and the Registrar wired the required in: formation Tuesday morning. Workmen have been busy with rakes and a roller fixing up the Coping Events Beta Sigma Phi are sponsorini, their fifth annual Spring Fantasy which is- to be held in the Gode- rich Pavilion, May 8. Dancing from 9.3dto one to the music of L.onel Thor`nton's Casa Royal Or- chestra, - Dress optional. $2.50 per couple. -15 A play, "Abigail Goes Haywire.' will be presented by the Y.P.U. of Cavan Church, Winthrop, e0 Victoria Street Church parlors on Fridas'. April 10, at 8.15 p.m. sharp (under the auspices of Victoria Helpers Class). Admission .50c and 25c. t -13-15 Goderich Township F deratio:i of Agriculture will hold a •soci:-1 evening at Holmesville chool 00 Monday.. April 13, at .30 p.m. I Prizes for euchre and 5 0. Ladies please bring lunch. -15 Card party, bridge and "500,' April 17 at 2.30 p.m. in Blue Roorn, Legion Hall, sponsored by the Legion Auxiliary. Admission 50e. Lunch served. Everybody wel- come. .. -14-16 Frigidaire Cooking School spon- sored by Ahmeek Chapter, IODE, will be held in Collegiate auditor- ium, Wednesday, May 6, at 8 p.m. Crickets saleat H•bb t' lawn at the. Court House Park. "*Now children," said the teachsr speaker. The famous Acadian THE GODERICE SIGNALrST,A .E. p THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1953 -9 I Rapid Robert who Was a lover of fast action Used the classified For utmost satisfaction Briefs For clean-up, moving and gen-1 eral cartage, call E. Jeffery, phone 843W ' Headquarters for plain and ! pr 39e to 65c yard. The Textile Sh l5 5 West street. Mrs Leone McArthur will be in luted cottons of various qualities, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having_ claims against the estate of Emily Alberta Johnston,. late of, i`the Town of Goderich, in the Cou,pty of Huron, widow, who died on or about the llth day of March, 1953, are re- quired to file the same with, full particulars with the undersigned by the 18th day of April, 1953, as after that date the assets of the estate will he distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 30th day�of March, 1953. R. C. HAYS, Q.C., Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the'Estate. 14 -16 - TEACHERS WANTED (1 ODERICH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL Area requires school teachers: Please state qualifications, experi- ence and salary expected. FRANK YEO, Secretary -treasurer, R.R. 3, Clinton. -14-15 Toron early showing. of slimmer millia- ' Tickets 50c on i er s ery at the Royal York Hotel. 15 and Emerson's Stores. -1 ti Buy Laura Secords, fresh each Euchre and Old.Time dance in week, ca,ndies and nuts. Camp- -15-16 Hall, April 10, sponsored bell's Drug Store. -15-16 by St Pe"ter's C.W.L. Cards from to next week attending the p Sb 11 furnace oil and stove Dancing 11130 to 1.30. Adm' oil from Fdward 'Auels, tank truck 8 to10 m Prizes and lunch.Order e Admission 75c. TO RENT FOR RENT.—FURNISHED TWO ROOM apartment downstairs. Kitchen with sink and built-in cup- boards. Near the lake. Suitable for a couple. -No conveniences for children. Apply 33A Essex street. Pl"ione 1104R. 14tf - -14-15 dealer for all Shell Oil Co: products. Ii OR RENT.—STORE. APPLY Anniversary services will be held Phuue 98. -t'=If BRADLEY & SON, Hamilton at North Street United Church, ALBERTA LUMP COAL for street. -14 Sunday, May 10. Rev. Alex. Don- quick low cost spring fires—smoke- , O RENT. — THREE-ROOM and M.C., of St. John's United less and ' clean burning --excellent r apartment. Phone 754. -14 for warm air furnaces and heater P stoves — now only $15.00 ton. Dean Coal Co. Tel. 95W. -14-15 British Knit—Quality knitwear for men, women and children. Specializing in made -to -measure dresses. See our new spring styles. Orders taken. Miss Grace Maskell, 127 Bruce street. -15-18 Church. Stratford, will be guest who was trying to boost the sale of the class photographs, "just think bow- you'll enjoy looking at the photographs when you grow up. As you look you'll say to yourself, 'There's ' Jennie, she's a nurse; there's Tom,he's a judge; and—" Male Quartette of Galt will furnish special music at morning and even- ing services. Remember the date —May 10. -15 Pan cake .social and crokinoie party, will be held, at Union Church; Goderich Township, cn "And thre's teacher, she's Friday, April 17, at 7 p.m., spon- dear," came a voice from the back sored by the social club. Admis- of the class. sion 35 and. 25c. -15 The Saltford Community Club I will hold a card :arty in the Salt - ford school Friday evening, April 10, at 8.30 p.rh. Everyone wel- come. Lunch served. €' 15x Don't t buy that television until you The annual meeting of the -Up- have seen and heard what we have Per Canada Bible Society, Gode- to offer. sr- -- STOP rich branch will be held ins St. George's Parish Hall, Thursday, We don't high-pressure you, you April 9, at 8 p.m. Rev. W. H. get the honest facts and decide Moore, district secretary, will ad - for yourself. . dress the meeting and a film will be shown on the work of the So- ciety. The public is invited. The regular meeting of the after- noon Woman's Guild of St. George's Church will be held in. the Guild Room on Tuesday, April Hutchinson Rad ro 14 at 3 p.m. s -15 ,Huron Rd. Phone 498R The Ahmeek Chapter, I.O.D.E. , will meet Monday, April 13, at 3 Saks are -backed by ••TEST EQUIPMENT PARTS and SERVICE— AT ks WE ARE AGENTS for COUNTER CHECK BOOKS PRINTED' GUMMED' TAPE MADE 13Y �r{lpf> 1 �a FaprA caeo cry itos to every b!,,sl�eS; ura;e.t,an's and without obligations SIGNAL -STAR PRESS, Goderich, Ont. Phone 71 p.m. at. the home of Mrs. L. West- brook, Albert street. A full -at- tendance is requested. • -15 With gardening season close at hand, you'll want to see "Great Garden of the World," a pageant 'of world history and culture in Bowers to be shown with colored slides at North Street United Church, Friday, April 24, at 8.15 p.m. The event is being sponsored by the Evening Auxiliary. Mem- bers may secure tickets from Fran Armstrong. • -15 The Goderich Art- Club announce Open House on Wednesday, April 22, at 8 p.m., in ..the Art Centre. Local amateur painters at work. Refreshments. -15 The Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O. D.E.. will hold their annual spring rummage sale on Saturday, May 2. in MacKay Hall. -15 Euchre and "500" party, spon- sored by L.O.L. No. 182, at MacKay Hall, Thursday, April 9. at 8.15 p.m. _� Prizes,_lunch-__ _ _ TO RENT — SMALL UNFURN- ISHED apartment, three *oaths and bath, self contained. JAS. A. CAMPBELL, phone t.o. -15 WANT ADS ,FOR RENT.— THREE-ROOM apartment, hot and cold water, two-piece bath, front' entrance. No room for children. Ready for oc- a cupancy M y 1 Telephone 900M. CARDS OF THANKS 15x VT AY I TAKE THIS METHOD OF thanking my neighbors and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy. These --expressions have been deeply appreciated as well as the floral tributes 15- MR. THOS. DOUGHERTY. IN MEMORIAM STODDART.—In loving memory of Robert George (Rosy) Stoddart who passed away April. 8, 1952. Just, when your life was brightest. Just when your years were best, You were called from this world of sorrow To a home. of eternal rest. —Sadly missed by Father. Sisters and Brothers. 1,5x GORDON • YOUNG AND faniily are anxious to convey their thanks to the neighbors and friends who were so kind to them in their bereavement; they are especially grateful to those who sent flowers, loaned cars and those who sent cards of sympathy. *011.4.11011, ssi i GET_ STARTED__ RIGHT FOR SPRING DRIVING Drive your car in NOW for a thorough check•up. Make sure it's RIGHT and ready fo roll when Spring weather ! beckons. Play safe] SAMIS MOTORS - r Pontiac Buick—G.M.C. Trucks iNGSTON. ST. PHONE 344 -15 For Results - A Clasifed Ad FOR. SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE.—,FENCE POSTS, AN, CHOR posts, brace pests and stakes. JOHN' HINDMARSH, R. R. 2,` Goderich, phone 1190J. tf TO RENT.—THREE-ROOM SELF- CONTAINED flat, furnished, possession. at once. 43 North street. 15x FEMALE HELP WANTED CRESS CORN SALVE FOR SURE relief. Your Druggist sells Cress Wart Remover, leaves no scars. -15 FUJI. SALE. --USED REFRIGER- ATORS, a electric rang,s, ran- gettes and Washing machines at 1S1RGAIN PRICES. S11u1t1: .Z,1'- 1'LIANCE $, Goderich, your iikad- quarters for hearing aid batteries. 47 FOR SALE.—THIRTEEN LITTLE pigs, about ten weeks old. LEONARD L. RODGES, R.R. 1, Goderich, phone 933 r 13. l5x FOR SALE.—USED EQUIPMENT: Model UTS Minneapolis -Moline, a good buy; 1 Massey -Harris, 102 Junior; Ford -Ferguson with man- ure loader; 1 AR. John Deere; 1 good used set springtooth harrows; new and used disc harrows and cultivators; gardens tractors. GEO. WRAITH, Goderich. -11 • KITCHENER BIG -4 CHICKS. Special two week-old pullets $32.90; three weeks $35.90. -Can- adian -Approved. Prompt ship- ment in a variety of breeds, crosses; day-old,. started. The very chicks to catch up with good markets. Wise poultrykeepers order Big -4. Particulars from RYAN & SONS Goderich. Phone 345. -15 LADIES! AVON PRODUCTS offers an easy and pleasant ( means of earning money. We have. an opening in `Goderich. Write I MRS. M. STOCK,' - 78 Duchess, • avenue, Kitchener. -15 AIRS. EVELYN ZEIGLER WOULD like to thank those who were so thoughtful to her and sent floral tributes, loaned cars or as- sisted her in any way during the illness and subsequent death of her mother. -15 r RELATIVES OF THE LATE 'illiam E. Morris take this opportunity to thank those who sent floral tributes, loaned cars, sent cards of sympathy and those who extended sympathy in so many ways. -15 BIRTHS . AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE- HOLD EFFECTS from the home of Mrs. Isabella E. Anderson, 125 Napier street, Gode- rich, opposite Godericht� hospital, on SATURDAY, APRIL; 18 at 1.30 p.m. Two leather rocking chairs; lea - Cher wing chair; bookcase; leather couch; ..brary table; three Brussels rugs; gramaphone and records; pedestal table; small table; two ' cloth couches; four wooden rock- ing chairs; veranda swing; jiall rack; folding cot; walnut desk (an- tique); dining room table and. I chairs; Singer drophead sewing ma- chine; Quebec heater; large walnut buffet (antique); mantel clock; arm Ichair (antique); electric range; cook stove; kitchen table and chairs; BAER.—At Alexandra Hospital, ; small oak table; three bedroom Goderich, on April 7, 1953, to 1 suites, including beds, dressers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baer, R.R. 3, I washstands; three felt mattresses; Auburn, a daughter. i two feather ticks; large pine chest; GLAZIER.—At *Alexandra Hospital, I bedding; quantity of dishes; elec- Goderich, ori April 4, 1953, to tric vacuum cleaner; scatter rugs; Mr._apsl.: _.Mrs___.Russell_....I"=1asier,_cooltirll;_.__ uteXlsils;------.Isawn._-_-mower, Goderich, a son, Gordon Robert. garden tools; numerous other ar- PATERSON.—At Alexandra Hos- tides. tal, Goderich, on April 2, 1953, TERMS—CASH. oi FOR SALE. — SWEET CLOVER cleaned for seed. CREE FREE- MAN, R.R. 3, Goderich. Phone Carlow 1410. • 14-l6x FOR SALE.—AJAX SEED OATS; would clean and treat if de- sired. JOHN ALLIN, R.R. 4, Gode- rich. Phone Carlow -1929. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paterson, No Auburn, a daughter. • NO .COMPLIMENT Lone Golfer: "Sonny, you've been following me around for an hour. You'll never learn to• play golf watching me." Sonny—"I ain't watching you, mister. As soon as you dig , up ten more worms Pm going fishing." TEACI-:ERS- WANTED ASIIFIELD TOWNSHIP SCHOOL '" Area will re -rive applications until April 23 from qualified Pro- testant teachers for two school;. • All roads kept npen: hydro. Duties to 'commence in September. State qualifications, salary, phone num- ber and fe- ler inspector. R. T. KILPATRIC'I • : ec.:'rcas., R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario. -15`16 WANTED TO RENT "TANTED.— ArC)MMODATION 1 required for air force per•- sonel stationed at Clinton. If you haVe a house or apartment, furn- ished or unfurnished to rent please ` call Station Housing Officer at Clinton 382, local 252. -3tf FINANCE AND INSURE your next new or late model ear, truck or farm Machinery at lower cost through_ Harold W. Shore INSURANCE A(: NCY "All Lines of in'-rranee" NORTH 59'. PHONE 766W Loans also arranged on 1946 and later ,rel carts, 14-l8x FOR SALE.—G.E. HUMIDIFIER, walnut cabinet, in perfect con- dition. May be seen at 104 Brock street. Phone 1082W, evenings. 15 FOR SALE. COMPLETE LINE of McCormick tractors and farm machinery; one used Ford tractor; one used W4 McCormick tractor; two used two -furrow plows, Al condition; 13, 15 and 16 marker drills. J: J. HOG- GARTH, Hamilton street. -14tf reserve as property is sold. W. E. ANDERSON, Power of Attorney for Mrs. Isabella E. Anderson. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 15-16- Auctioneer. FOR SALE.- .L AMMElt MILLS, Fairbanks Morse, various sizes, either stationary or power take-' oil styles. GEO. WRAITH, Phone 1285 or 931r3. • -14tf SUN- - 11- SALE.—STEEL CRIB; SUN- SHINE tricycle, both in good condition. Phone 10821. -15 1� OR SALE, RED CLOVER seed. ERNEST PATTERSON, 107 Bruce street, Goderich, phone 1275. -13-15 ENOUGH PULLETS FOR THE summer -fall markets? Or broilers? Hillside Hatchery can give prompt shipment in a variety breeds, crosses. Day-old, started. Capons. A livability guarantee. 35 , years catering to poultrykeep- ers. " Agent here LITTLE BROS., South street, Goderich. Phone 938 r 14. -15 FOR SALE.—GOOD^COOK STOVE practically new (Winghain TAR. -14 FOR SALE. — PERENNIALS shasta daisy, painted daisy Dyke William choice variety English daisy, begonia. All varieties of ale, cauliflower, tomatoes, pep ors, etc. B. R. MUNDAY, 127 Widder street, phone,598. =142f FOR SALE. — McCORMICK- DEERING W4, used only ' four days; McCormick -Deering :model Super C, used seven days; Case model S, used very little; Massey -Harris 44, used as demonstrator; two model 30 Massey -Harris; one Massey - Harris 22 hydraulic with plow, -- --used ---s-. demonstrator-:--- .-All. above tractors new guarantee. C. Allis-Chalmers; .R.C. Allis- Chalmers; B. Allis-Chalmers; Ford Ferguson. Model 102, Massey -Harris; model 81, Massey -Harris; model 20, Massey -Harris. Also plows, drills, disc, manure spreaders. Horses and livestock wanted in exchange. Season's guarantee with each used machine or tractor. Tractors on trial if wished. See us before °you buy. ELTON McLELLAND & SONS, Massey -Harris, Bervie, R.R. 4, Kincardine. - -15-16 FOR SALE.—WEST END BUNG- ALOW, two bedrooms, nice location. Agent, MALCOL.M MATHERS, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street, phone 115W. --15tf Classic). Write BOX 24, SIGNAL- 1� OR SALE.—BANK BARN, 60' X 40', on stone, good condition. Apply JOHN HINDMARSH, R.R. 2, Goderich, phone 1190J, -13-15 FOR SALE.—THICKNESS PLAN- ER, like new. F. E. COTE, Regent street, next to Salt Block. -15 "`OR SALE.—WEEPING WILLOW trees, 3 to 7 feet high; also mulberry trees. FRED GILBERT, Huron road, Goderich, phone 936 r 32. - -13tf FOR . SALE.—GIRL'S BICYCLE, nearly nes,,. LLOYD YOUNG, R.R. 5, Goderich, phone 1521 Car- low. 1hx FOR SALE. — UPRIGHT .PIANO, in excellent condition, medium size, reasonable. WM. REID, 110 Park street. 15x i OR SALE.—ANNEX IN GOOD condition, $15.00.. Phone 997R. -14 1 FOR SALE. — FIVE -ROOM bungalow, two bedrooms, bath- room, living -room; kitchen, built-in cupboards, roll -brick siding. Rea- sonable. Evenings 7 to 9. Apply 169 Mary.. street. 14x e d order plants, Sweet ve*bona, carnation, hybrid bearded iris, 12 named varieties, medel winners. Rock .garden an Canterbury Bells, large pansies violas, annuals to follow later. Also cab P 1:,UCTION SALE OF HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE at 117 Wolfe street, Goderich, on SATURDAY, APRIL 18 - at 1.30 p.m. the following: ' Full size steel bed with spring and inner spring mattress, almost new; chefrobe; night stand; steel wardrobe; three lawn chairs; dress- ing table and bench; writing desk: davenport and three cushions, also used .as dotfble bed; roll -away bed with inner spring mattress; kitchen table with marble top; four chairs- chrome hairschrome set; Congoleum rug, 9 x 12 with pad; rocking` chair, upholster- ed and nearly new with foot stool FOR to match; three floor rugs; up- holstered chair; floor lamp shade; smoking stand; set of dishes and cooking utensils; hall tree; heavy duty electric range, apartment size; electric washing machine; white throughout, full basement, oil hot - enamel metal ice box; ironing water heating, garage, 104 by -70 ft. lot. House in excellent condition. FOR SALE. OIL BROODER • stove, reasonable. JIM BOYLE, R.R. 2, Auburn. 15x FOR SALE. —1950 VANGUARD sedan, ' air conditioning, hew paint job, good tires. Apply 64 Kingston street. 14-15x CULBERT'S B KERY "The Honte ` 'I=tfv Pt .try" Pineapple Party Cakes -40c each with Pineapple Creme Icing and filling. ' CHOCOLATE BROWNIES -35b doz. WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS -35c doz. Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty. Orders of x'$1.00 and over delivered. PHONE 465 PHONE EARLY A FOR SALE PUBLIC NOTICE F01 SALE. — USED GENERAL loan .sAO1NG. Electric refrigerator, apart old and new ,lour, sanded. !'hone ment size, good as new. Reason- I CRr.E COOK, 23J, Clinton. -2t1 able. Phone 898J. -14 NtOTICE. • - 1 WANTED WANTED. — WILL' PAY CASH for man's bicycle if reason- ably priced and in good conditiop. Write P.O. BOX 768, Goderich. 15x WANTED.—FIVE OR SIX ROOM house or apartment, unfurn- ished, b4 four adults. Phone 1029R. . ' -15 FOR SALE.—NEW AND USED radios, electric and battery for sale or trade. Excellent condition. Many to choose from. Sold with a 90 -day guarantee. B. R. MUNDAY, Radio and Sound.. Service, 7 Widder` street. Phone -598. -ltf FOR SALE. — TWO BARNS (36' x 60') and (40' x 60'). Any- body interested contact '-FLETCH- ER FISHER, R.R. 4, Goderich or phpne 1111 Carlow. 14-15x FOR SALE.—AJAX SEED OATS, $L10 per bushel. Phone Blyth 19 r 5. IN AN C. BEAN, R.R. 1, Auburn. - 13-15x FOR SALE. =- NEW COTTAGE, automatie heat, hot water, hardwood floors, picture windows, bath with full shower, full base ment with laundry tubs, garage. Possession soon. Phone 166W; • -lltf SALE. FOR SALE.—ALLIS CHALMERS tractor, 25-35;. three -furrow- In- ternational plow with spring hitch: M. -H. drag barrow, 4 section; 13 colony bees; 8 frame extractor with automatic reversible; medium size strainer; wax extractor . capping box; one electric . and one steam capping knives; wax press; equip- ment for 70 hives; new electric Century 3 h.p. motor; also new ball-bearing Guelph 1 h.p. motor. D. W. HAMILTON, Auburn, phone 9r -19 --Dungannon- 1548x 7 -room frame house, large living room, dining room, very modern kitchen, 4 bedrooms and modern 4 -piece bathroom, hardwood floort board; two step ladders; wash tub; two 50 -feet lengths of lawn hose; bundle of garden tools; garbage can; electric fan; electric heater; Pyrex coffee percolator; looking - glass; medicine chest; electric iron: casserole; coal oil heater, nearly new; bundle of mops and brooms; several kitchen utensils; conking dishes; two gal. galvanized oil can. Numerous other articles. TERMS --CASH.• FRED PREDMORE, a' Proprietor. MATT GAYNOR, 15-16x , Auctioneer. HAIR-RAISING TALE Then there was the man who went for raising rabbits 'and did not take into account their affec- zonate nature and was soon both - .red by superflous hares. WANTED.—ULD HORSES AND dead cattle. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT 1tRt1S., Mink Ranch, phone collect 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. -26tf WARTED,I+—LISTINGS uk I'RO- PERTIES tor sale No ct►urge 'u you until property is sold 11ALCQLM MATY ERS, Rea I Estate Broker, 46 West St.,' Gode- rich. Phone slaw. • WANTED.—ORDERS FOR CAN- ADIAN Approved Baby Chicks. For information contact GEO. WRAITH, your Purina deal- er; - or - write CRAWFORD'S HATCHERY, Lucknow: All stock government inspected.and banded. -5tf WANTED. DRESSMAKING, alterations. prices reaAAxialde. PHONE 1130.1. ' 1tf WAs'rED.--L1S'r1NGS 01' Pltc►- PMIT IL'S for sale. C. 1'. CHAPMAN, Realtor. !'HONE 1SW. 391f WANTED. — DEAD, DISABLED horses or cows removed free of charge. For prompt and ef- ficient service phone "STONES" collect, Ingersoll 21 or Goderich 936 r 21. -10tf WANTED. . FURNITURE FIN- ISHER, either rubber, stainer or sprayer. Pleasant working con- ditions, definitely steady employ- ment, group insurance, etc. See or write JAMES COLE FURNI- TURE COMPANY, Ingersoll. Guaranteed radio service. WILF. REINHART ELECTRIC, 1-? aniiiton street,.. phone 466. - -12 -15-16 LOST FUBLIC NOTICE. I, Mervin. Avery, will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted by my wife, Emily, or family. Dated at Goderich this 19th day of March, 1953. 13-15x NOTICE. Eavestroughing and roofing re- - pairs. HAROLD EAST, Clinton. Phone 577R. 14-16x MODERN FLOORS. . FLOORS laid, sanded and finished; old floors resurfaced. -Tiling a special- ty. I. E. BENNEWIES, Mitchell, phone 650 r 14.' 15-22x NOTICE. Become a bookkeeper, -steno- grapher, or typist in your spare time. Lessons 50c. For par- -ticulars, write CANADIAN COR- RESPONDENCE COURSES, 1290 Bay street, Toronto. -14-15 LOST. — GREY CHESTERFIELD cushion on Good Friday, be- tween R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton, and Goderich. Contact SIGNAL - STAR, Goderich. Reward. -15 NOTICE NOTICE, FOR SALE.—TWO HEAVY-DUTY truck tires, 750 x 16, 6 ply, slightly used; also 10 tires, 19 x 475. and 500; also some 20 and 21. Phone 771W or call at 252 Huron road, . Goderich. 14-15x 8 -room red brick house pn 10.1 foot by 104 foot lot in good loca- tion. Two living rooms, dining' room and kitchen on first floor with hardwood floors. Three bedrooms, linen rooms and bathroom cn sec- ond .floor. Full basement with oil heating. Automatic hot-water heater. Two g<ivrages. FOR SALE. — MEDIUM OIL space heater, 5 gallon tank; venetian shade, like new, 97" x 73"; kitchen table; safe, 35 x 28 x 37, weight about 1600 lbs. MRS. V. WHITTINGHAM, phone 735W. • -15 8 -room house sided with insul brick. First floor, living room, dinette, 2 bedrooms with hardwood floors, bathroom and kitchen with tiled floor. Self-contained apart- ment on second floor, living roopt, bedroom, kitchen and two-piece bathroom. Present rental of en- tire property $75.00 per month. C. F. CHAPMAN, Realtor, Phone 18W, 10tf After this date I will not be responsible for any debts ipcttrred by my wife, Doris Hatton • - Dated at Goderich this 8th day of April, 1953: RAYMOND HATTON, 15-17x Goderich. FOR SALE.—$194 G.E. WASHER, only two months old, for $150.00. ' Phone . 208R. MRS. I SNOW, 27 Napier street. -15 FOR SALE. — GLADIOLUS bulbs, all colors, mixed; large I bulbs 100, $5.00; 50, $2.50: 25, $1.25; -medium bulbs 100, $3.00; 50, $1.50. L. R. HOLMAN, Cam- eron street, phone 722. -15 NURSERY STOCK. PERENNIAL. PLANTS, trees, evergreens, flowering shrubs, gar- den mums, 'rose bushes. The earlier you get them in the more likely they are to live and thrive. PANSIES now in bloom. Plant them now, or at least just as soon as the ground is fit to work. ' Re- member, they do their best during the cool weather of early sprint;. Buy a flat of 18 plants at rork bottom prices of $1.35. GARDF,N MANURE -- Chicken dropping combined with wood shavings. Free from weed seeds, as no hay, stratv or whole grains were used. Analysis by OAC shows it to be strong stuff and they advise not to use too much of it. It is dry and 20 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. should be ample. Use early and work in. Selling price $3.00 per 100 or 5c lb. NOTICE. The Goderich Lions Club wishes to extend thanks to all those who contributed to the recent Red Cross drive for funds., '. Anyone who was not called upon' by a Libn canvasser and who wishes to make a contribution may do so by leaving same at the Bank' of Mon- treal, Goderich. GODERICH LIONS CLUB. 15- .1ACKSONS FLORISTS, phone 105. •13 NOTICE. ATTENTION.. FARMERS. FOR YE:A1tS THE IlIGIHEST PRICES FOR IIOGS HAVE IIEEN PAIL? IN AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. START YOUR 'VEANERS NOW TO GET THAT MARKET. SEE' US ABOUT A H00 CONTRACT. PAY FOR FEE LY WHEN HOGS ARE SOLD. NO EXTRA CHARGE. GEO. WRAITH, MINNEAPOLIS- AND INNEAPOLISAND FERGUSON FARM MA- CIIINI:RY, PURINA FEEDS. MONTREAL STREET. PHONE 1285. -20tf NOTICE. Would you like a house or any building built to suit yoururse or any repairs or alterations on your present home. We will lay floors or modernize your kitchen with cupboards. Exterior paint- ing and concrete work also done in or out of town. Our work is reasonable and efficient. If we can help you please phone 1455W or call at 175 Brock street. 15-17- - BRUCE E. RYAN. i)UBLIC NOTICE. 1953 bicycle license plates are available at the Town Hall and should be procured by April 25. Parties desiring to have young maple trees planted on boulevard _shuuld_leavo--their-requests -at the Town Hall or phone . 200W not later than April 22. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS, CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND SEWERS Parties desiring work completed, this year under the local improve- ment plan should submit their peti- tion not later than April 30. Blank petition forms may be picked up at the Town Hall. S. H. BLAKE, , Clerk, Town of Goderich. 15-16- • ,hygienic suppem (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six s1)11= ples 25c: 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 'I'-53. NOV-RUIBBER CO.. Box 91, Hamilton, -Ont. Emerson Drug Store Corner West St. and Square Phone 45. We deliver. "As handy as the Tostoffice" SPRING TONICS FOR PEP Burdock Blood Bitters 1.25 Syntona Wincarnis Beef Iron aid Wine Pierce Faforite Prescription Pierce Golden Medical Discovery Maltevol Wampole's Extract Bironol (Iron and Vit. B) Phospho Lecithin - - 1.25 1.75 1.00 1.59 1.59, 2.00 1,25 2.00 1.25 •