The Exeter Times, 1890-1-30, Page 71 MANY A LIFE HAS been saved by the prompt use of. ,11 Ayerre Pills. Travelers by rand or sea are liable to constipation or -other derangements et the stomach and bowels which, if neglected, lead to serious and often fatal consequences, Themostsuee means of correcting these evils is the use of Ayer's Catllartie Pills. The prue dent sailiugonoster would av Soot/go to sea without leis chronometer as without a supply of these Pills, Though prompt and energetic in operation, Ayer's Pilia leave no RI effects ; they are pereiy vegetable and, sugar-coated ; the safest rreetlleino tor. old and young, at 1louto or abroad. .For eight years I was 'afflieted with constipation, which at last became so band that the doctors could do ne more for me.. Then I began to take Ayer% • Pills, and soon the bowels recovered ti2e'r natural and regular action, se Haat r ti 14.4114 Excellent health."..Mrs, C. E, Clark, Tewksbury] Piassathusette. "1 regard Ayer's Pills as one of the most reliable general remedies of our tonics, They have been in lase int ray family for affection eieptirmg a pur'gae - l -a -ill satisfae- t 'ren tn�. five, Isere i s e.;lnlh'1 8 � fi ccs ee;e ll nt havefound them iii an tis,n, We f noel 1 . tinnily for calls anal light #levers. "— W . R. Woodson, Fort Worth, Texas, } "For several years I have l l more neat Ayer's Pills than pec anything else in the iuedieine timer, to regulate. my bowels and those of the ship's crew. These Pilks aro not se+veto 111 their ace tion, but do their or thnron ;lily. I ]lase used them with good infect for the cure of rheumatism, kidney trou• btes, and dsspepela,a"—Capt. ;ailhiIlea, Steamship hip Feheia, NOW York City. "1: have found, A,ver'cl Cathartic flits to be a better family medicine for cum- ]mon use than any other pills within my knowledge. They aro not only very effective, but safe and pleasant to talcs --dualities which must maim thele 1"a ued by the public."- du1e1 Reuel, Yerfucuert 1 hila+lelphla, Ila. Aimee, 1;rellrAtkl of Thxeai ,Suxo,�eian $ • The Almanach de . G etha for 18.90, Which has, been lately pepliehed, ceetajne, a* 11.4ua1, etatieticel detail$ concerning the military forces of the various European Staten. chis portion of the work lima been thoroughly re- edged, eo as to secprq,tha moat accurata info metion accessiblm lb appears Haat Ib is praotioelly impessible to atoertain the fighting atrongth of the Germen army when pieced on a. war footing, on account of the complicated arrergementeby which portlona of the territorial farce* are worked into the strength of the regular corps. The peweetetbiiabments of (lermeny, France and Reale are given by the Almanack as follows- Our:may--834 battalions, 465 €g,aadrooe 361 bane, rlea, i 506 mounted guur, 13,457 Meets. 468.,400 reek and file. trance - 26:763 offiioera, 534,100 rank and file, 480 field batteries, 2,C60 mounted ,grace- P.nssia. — 848 battalions, or 386.312 Infantry, 328 aquadrene of cavalry wlth 57 416 men, 344. batteries of field artillery with 1.542 memo ed 21444 :444, 61 861 xnen, 33,E battalions of engineers. eating 18,077 men, beeidee 31.130 men of the "Itain'" *ervloe, making a total k f 562 500 men. To tbeee should be added 268,giadrosse of Coseacke numberlea,51941 men, 112 859 loots* troops, and 72.634 re- some Mean; which will brhngupthe etreneth of the R«uasian peace establishment to 799,- 9/S men. The Rnsan forces het] on a ting re °strut teas fold . w.r. 991.- 0 men of :rag alar troops, with 4 030 pleats of otklliery, 280,610 rotate men, wish 619 gime 137.730 Cara**, with 210 gone of their ewe, owl 169 500 eupplomeneery• re. starve men, with 334 piooee of artillery, Thi* eatireate isexalu.ive 01 1004 troupe. The war footing strength of France Is anti• mated by the Alrnannaok et "One' the following Active army about 2.0014000. divided Into tea (hashes, acoordlog to ego; L,022 006 of the territorial army, dtvjded lake ttvo c144eo2, according to age, and re stews troops divided lata ejlt olectre, nuns berlog 762,00{4 total amounting to 3.78400 WM. Self Government: for India, The don ire among the natives of British fndia for a greater meRure of self govern. FLBB,T`PtQ]ED arc MACS. Remaaset 014 OlsCe i'awertal Tribe in Nova Scotia.. When our intrepid forefathers first landed on the eh+orea. of Nova Seetie they foaind there a rave of Wong, lithe limbed Indians, to whops, for want of a better ]tame, they gave tl eeof the 1410-M ice. The blic•M:i'o ohlefa were strong, powerful repreeen etivea of the Indian race, friendly in disposition,, brit quick to take 40a00 if injnred—filet., footed and perfect represoutetivee of Goa'a noblemen. Wherever the race of whites baa, Come in oontaoa with. the red man the degredation and demoraliz dtion ofthe latter have been complete, T'o-day any one visit, Ing Nova Scotia and looking at rhe very email remnant of a once powerful tribe would net believe that they had once been owners of the land. which the Genadian govern- meet today allow theins 10 oocnpy but a melt portion of. Whore they formerly ruled •with no one to deny their right they now pa a from hoose to hones la the town* and village' of Nova Scotia and beg for food, clothing ani) money with which to buy retia. Visiting l'ic:oil, Nova. Siotia, recently 1 was invited to visia the reservation open which, the Mio Mso Indians live.. 11 fe'situ. etod at the lndlsA Cove jneb acro*s the her - her 11012 Pieton, and a ferry boat quickly carriesou 4211241 to the landing place oppo- site, .A *herb walk throe arrived Bh the woods and w e as the Dote and sew before u' the di ellinge of the biic•Meo chiefs, their *vibe and their felonies. Until within a few yeast the Mbc-Mica °coupled 'wfgwauta eata t h ar forefathers refatber' had Joao before them, but a fear years ego they began to band little bate, and now but two or three of the wig - heal wigwam* Tetania, The chief* do abaoiutely nothing but loaf and cocabionaUy fib, while the tiitewe end the liatle ones malrg willow hesitate which they loll iu 1'1ot0U1 rocelviag a fair price for their handiwork, which is immediately aeiald upon by the head of the houeeheld, who Imp hill rata and carries it to the camp, where the chiefs make night hideous nueil the bottle i* empty. Armed •With ray pltotograohio apparatus -1 mean appear& to he en the Increase. 100'404 10 frost of Dae of the wigwams* and Whatever coaoes.ious aro made to this osught a plater°, I enplpaosedthab the wig• Iglcfb will, of oourue, bo made fat very slow wssm wa' v&ca, and wwas greatly Itatonishe4 dud tentative way. Thema,at ardent' lover of when tfnt ber Wittig the Omura the door cot `rae fawtitutloar will recognize the =amity urine aA old *haws, vat- thrown one side at caution in rnaklacax changes is thepptislcal said it squaw and three of bar children Aye rnrrAnDle On 4. C. Ayer & Co., Sol,;. fay sill Dealers rev Lowell, la ',Wel , { Mase r of o of ipREAD-MAKER MBIA.$ W Lama Um ro tl(!1 BA(IIUSII w1 FOR 9A1.L' frt. W.. IZA1 RS�i for Catarrh Cure, twang spitting, a ar Y u o s tart you in time fallowcd is sold by receipt ONT. name. ..ems r. 7 X •:.�i t •, -r. . l., „ � NASAL .> F� :, ,s Acertain l+- ie3 ? , - Cold intbc Ce Ur:EE HEAD i I all it0 Y r". Y ay t ,t tea SOOTHING, Jt`1` ';.' latent Relief, �� Failure a R, 7,g , Y rn•,alled diseases are e ,terjh ,auc as llradeehe, all r7 r " foal breath, f.c n, t,a�txa li . of debility, r i anyof these l �r iia © Cater:h. and should lose a bottle of N0. AI. 13ALu. neglected cold in head results b consnmplion end death. ail drnl;gists, or will bo' sent, price (se cents and ex.co) by addressing FULFORO & 00., ys, Beware of imitations BALIVI. anti speedveure head and Stases- CLEANSING, G. Permanent Imp isibie. simply symptoms partial deafness, hawking and a IF r se. C kindred m 1 dr � no tirrro n procuring ,Be teamed in Catarrh,, NasAL BALM post paid, ou BRoOKVILLE, eimilarin � daarora Peltae3watchIntheworld,l7 Perfect r ,' y `,t..4,1 Pk,- fi:: - .. k ''� Oid O. undid Lilt. riceekeeprr. War -J ranted. Fieary ,t...: Hunting Cana. •' and gents' elee.,witk and CUBS of equal ` O 17 Pan 01101e together with oar large cable line of Housdhold Samples. These : well u the watch. Free. and after you 2 months and shown them become your own proppenZ_ bo sura of receiving the .y all express, frelp,ht,e$a S1:J. Portland, jLLfJJII Mitt Both one sampler,. wo have to jyatela f1<ainee P cold Lidice' works value. fres, ands]. u send kept those Thou Address ,. " "' Chem In your borne for who may here Called, they who write at once can and Samples. Wa�+ Stlnaon do Co., Jaox A COOK BOOK FR EE By mail to any lady sanding .is nee cost office adress: Wells, Rkhards.'.n & Co., Montreal. USE Eritioil-, �� of. A _ YOUR �i Em n j i al. �, `--- `51' 1 1... I 1 NA R FRESH � 0 -v , t r 1� � 'Y fi `111 cis:, o ^` it, THg'ARE PECCRLESS 1N NAME QUALITY Q U : aNn R FLAVOR & C9.' 0 R tRSSER @ me E. RE y`. !` , % . i t ,' . NT. • :r:: �p' A..`( t,> � C H .PEAPSON '--t i -a A -� Mo. 1kfaida Tnlc anonglt to Write. ai cheep paper ascan 4lling 4 • 50, tom; h••vao and Inlcetasm6l all in enc. • 1 kiedoftekeIlihelby action se ,feeds itadfb { ofweidags • atriOhanieepochal e;Weill wi oan saki AndyttaaS. innieirAl-Waive iteepael. . 8arNgraiiAle "•iWla , �araah. W. Aitatlea ' 5 PWls, ' I hiR, P. 0, Stamps taken, tot er'est Feared. R+' i 00p Petro Book • �s�eCnpt. FRET'.' Media aa,n thin �4taiea W. N.E'Z, I e,oriIlQlt'ttb, fl.t. Si ODD THINGS. Two French dentists extracts teeth without pain by spraying; the external ear with ether. There is in Windsor castle a gold punch howl and ladle for which Georgelir. geld 10 000 guineas, but is which there has never been a drop of punch rat des Thorn is fifty menufactorfe* of imfaation butter in Germany. A factory in Mannheim produces daily 6.000 pounds from a prepaira, Lien of 0000antd. The Persian. Prince Keykebah Deehmsn Mirza, a amain of the shah, has jnee boon convicted of counterfeiting Moscow, Reale, andd has been oondemed to five yoare of hard labor in Siberia. The E npreis of Germany bee sent a mint ber of magnificent doll*, with complete trouueaux in bilks, satin, and cloth of gold, all of the moat exponslve and elaborate ees- cription, to the Princess Rally, 6 years old, and favorite daughter of the Sultan of Tun key. The cost of these toys was upward of $6,000. Neer odDist, Shah of Persia and King of King, has about sixty wive... By thesetho' Shah •has. had a family of forty children, of whom nineteen are still 1iviag—sevenmint and twelve daughters.. The heir-appsretat Is net the eldest surviving ton, boa the t 11 - sat sora by a priiiooeaie of royei blood. Ile 1* now thirty year* of age and hat a large fend ly. John Barna *ave 1089 was the brightest year for Oren) Britatn'e workingmen. since 1818. In London alone 360 trade'. txave pin- ed aborter hours and in.creeeed pay. The gas stokers gained 50.000 rnenlbere and reduced their hours from twelve to eight,. The hakes had their hours reduced from 100 to :sixty ppr week, heeldee an advance in wages, Over 260,000 men were added to the mem. borahtp at lahorh toilette. oonditlon of the population of two kauaa3ted cad fifty millions, most of them ignorant of the rudiments of government, iaelf•govera. great must grow with the growth of eIueetioa end into111,gonco. Ina Ufa cannection a recent report upon the vernacular Litoretawo of Indra peewee" 'onto iutoreet. Darius the pest year 1,398 book. and 026 periadioelg wore published In India, )'here were eltogot er 21 Iaagaages employ- d, mploy ed, the principal ones being Gugerati, Maratbi, Euglisheud I3sn'orib, Who fevcrlte studies of the pee le appeer to he theology t as transcendentalg d philosophy, The arras est :lumber of hooka are works el t an-. . poetry d religion, and ninety per cent. of three are of o Light r int literature r *. I. 1 b 1e .i. a is plentiful d p !;n ab ap 'r a ad is written and foro t by fnferlor edaaakian. Tiler* le a great lssok of wark. ou the arts, biography, hittory, polftice, solemn) and travels, "Whettis'weeterthan to have a friend ou caul truth" .asked Sewkin,. "Tr have friend who will treat you,' replied Dew - ins. nary—And, dearest, do you think of me alt the day long? D**rest—I did, Harry; out the days aro getting longer now, and of course—won, you kno'A'v that must make sono diffaroece. The two D,kot s ace b a alt o commending os ,heir reapeetive careers as States under somewhat lnausploinue oircamstanoes. In a snout message to his Ltgislatare the Glover, nor of North Dakota announced that accord•' ing to the estimates there would be a deficit of about 8248,000 in the State's finances for ,he current year, sad that at the present rate of expenditure this was likely to be greatly exoeoded. Tho Governor of South Dakota had similar bad news to announce to his Legislature, in thie case the estimated defioit for the year being about $173,000. When, In addition to these facts, the deetl- tution among the farmers in certain localities in both States la taken into consideration, it will be seen that the twine aro not beginning lila ander happy oircamstanoee.—[Er, emerged. By an offer of a quarter to a Name I induced her to alt with her Inter codas family introut of the opening to tate wigwam and let Tae take saottter picture of her and her fetidly in the rot of making the baakete. The wigwams" were made of the bark of trees and aro thoroughly waterproof and airtight. Uatli recently the Canadian government baa allowed the Indians certain prlvitegee, such al rldtog ell the retiread' free, oto. Recently that has been stopped, and now Lir the poor o rIa Lunen," hasput do m. d ws, the price before he can ride oa theraias. This ba put b a stopto the begging in ox ed tions to different partof the country, to which the Idle - Mace frequently wept before the gov ornmenb interteted with their little mule Blore. Tae Miceldece don't intermarry with the lvititee, hat me daughters of tho tribe:marry extremely ycuog. Oae whom I saw, a girl of fifteen year*, was a widow and the mother, of two cunning little papooses. She and; the papooese were the mull sueoessfadl baggers of tho tribe, and succeeded before I lett Proton in winning many silver opine from my store, The tribe have speedier burial custom of their own and they hold a ceremony which is somewhat similar to a wake held by the colored realdente of the "Tenderloin" pre- cinch re a cb Who in , lho oeremon3isai ways held at night b and the .cane le lighted by torobes which are stuck in the ground surrounding the corpse; that le suspended from a framework =deaf the branches of treat. I waited in the neighborhood of the damp for several days to no a funeral, but none of the Mio.Mao chide were accommodating ouough to div for my benefit. Ib would appear that the expense of liv- ing In Toronto fa greater than that of liv- ing in London. Generally speaking, how- ever, the cost of living in Toronto, except in the matter of rent and fuel, is about the same as in the large towns in Enpland. Meat is cheaper In Toronto than it is in England, but as a rule groceries are• dearer. The Torontonian can get beef trom ten to twelve cents a pound that he would have to pay eighteen to twenty Dente for in England. Ent in England be could get hie sugar from four to six vents, and tea really worth drinking at 24 Dents—enoh as would coat 50 casts here. And coal and hones rent in Toronto are on an average about double what they are in England. Taking every- thing into consideration, however, the Toronto workman, with his 40 or 45 per cenb, more wages, is better off than his Dom. rades over the sea. Last week a great meeting was held at Exeter Hall, London, to bid farewell:to the venerable Blaho to is about v p Crowther, w b bo return to the lower Niger, where the British missions in a large dietriob are in his charge. Few man have had so remarkable a hisbory as this native African, who, when a lad on the Benue River, was torn from his mother's side by slavers and, after months of misery on the coast was ehipped in a slave shipfor PP America, freed with other hapless captives by a British cruiser, educated in Sierra Lsene and England, and became man of g a learning and power, whose name is known wherever Christian missions are promoted r and one of the ntoeb romantic incidents of his life was when, a quarter of a century; after his iiapturo, an, old woman rushed from a crowd of natives to whom he was preaching, threw her arms around his neck, and he k found she was his mother. Bishop Clrowther vee a man whose history o is a r that some r 9 P branches, at leash, of the negro family are oapable of largo development. Masi) Played by Twinkling Lights. A musical gas machine it an English invention, and it will. be played the same as an organ, It has thirty-seven glare tubes, in which a number of gas jets burn. These jets, placed in a circle, contract and expand. When the small burners sap orate, the sound ceases. The tone depends upon the number of burners and the size of the tubes in which they burn, so that by a careful arrangement and seleotion ala the notes of the emir al scale may be produc- ed in several odtavea. Some of the glass tubes in which the jets burn are nearly eleven feeb long. Perhaps the hardest teat a men oan give his self•reepect is to sit down and read ono of his own love letters when it is five years old. The agitation of William II. for the puri- fication of the Garman language has led to the substitution of the word "raum" for "coupe" on all the German railway car• rfages. Ib is a little rough en the a I g rimiaal. They get the weakest minded, moat ignorant men possible for the jury, and then speak of try- ing unfortunate ing. the p by a jury of his peers. • One has frequently to go abroad to learn to appreciate • home. The Montreal alder- man who recently took a trip to Minneapolis noticed,: among other thiage,. not ()medians wbo had gone there to live had to work very ba-& Izox the result of thin investgation ;i4„;tiru.linneng says that if young Canada wound decide to work a little more than half as hard at name as young Canada is. Do m - Pelled to work when he gate into the west, younge vCanada need ne" er leavehis own home. "1 am more • than ever convinced now," mild the alderman, "that the general 'conditions of the people of thle country to all intents and purposes are equal to, if not bettor than, three abroad. 1f they would only deoidoto work as hard here, they could do, es well, if not better." And there is not a doubt that tide,opinion issound - and' absolutely unessal blle. A Montreal Man has bean couderaued to pay the aunt of $1 to damage' for having' called open a person in a factory with a view to eolleotfng a debt, The court held that the domicile of the debtor ie the Peeper piece et' which to denoted money that is owing. It further deall0red that to tab, on the street for money that i* due constitutes an tna*aal*. It would appear that the everege debtor he* far more protarabion than the creditor. [Toronto Mall, Modioiearl rings were at ottte tiote gory seriously believed in. Physlolans were Isnot to wwer linger -rings in wblah .lona. were *ot, .and these stone* were credited wibh the possession of many virkae.. Srmetimsie the patient was simply touched with the ring soraotimee ha put it on bis Sager for awhile, litany a patient has worn each a ring to stop hemorrhage.. If the desired resale followed, the. ring was unreeervedly regarded as the healingagent p fa that cure did not follow we are tolnothing about 11, The young anof a a y B icit?g Spain, who has Ton n ced a n oast, of delver,nob t la a rat p pretty ehll t d. Ho as 1 i't t l Wad and has e eyebrow'. o 9 n r ws nor a alas pp her. Ile i' no vena and irritable y c ka and inherits an epileptic temperament. Ria father was a dissipated man and the child ahowe the effect of his paternal euoeetor'd folly. Hie mother is nota handsome woman by any means and her son has the plain looks of the Repsbarge. The eldeab daugheor. Mercedes, le a pretty and clever girl of 9, with the vivaolty of her granc,mother, ex Creon Iimbella. A peculiar rata of the d&Inking of foe cold water from &spring in Stonfugton, Conn., is reported. Who water flaws from a crack in a high rook, and the veins of .a • man who drinks from 11 begin to swell, and he looks and feels as though he wore about to burst for the next tan minutes. The swellinggradually aa bet das and no serious 9 i effect d * lett, e xoept a alight buzzing In the ears It le the talk of the neighborhood, and everybody is 'sager to try the effhot of the water. A specimen has been sunt to Boston for analysis. At O:dtown, Me„ a few days ago a woman was called to the door by her milliner, who wished to collect a bill :of $15. The good woman was sorry to disappoint her, but only a few days previous she had Invested her ready .mousy In an organette, and po• litely ushered her caller into the porlor to examine the instrument. The mllalo roll was acj sated, and as the prank revolved the room was filled with melodious strains of that ex -popular song : "I have fifteen dol- lars in my iniibe pocket." Tho incident was so comical that both soughb relief in laughter. A lawsuit has jaab been finished is Paath which began in 1763, 121 years ago. The Bishop of Neutra, in Northern Hungary, died leaving his estate to his family. They were unable to take possession owing to the Turkish ine-asion at that time. After the invasion it was found that there were 1,000 persons entitled to a share. They, being unable to agree, appealed to the law, and as a malt the exponaea of the law and admin• filtration have swallowed up the fortune almost entirely, and the heirs have increased to more than 2 000. *Now that the case s settled the heirs will gob about $5 apiece. 11.11.111110111.1101111011111100010111.1.1111111.11101.010.11/01.1.1011. ASTO for Infants and Children' , "CMtoh AusowenadaptedtochodreAthat Ca ttosia Aures come, Congo.. ties lreomoraeocuta sen hzortoan - sour Ste >d, 1>e ' ypi'eserilitloII %fits rola* Diasi-h�, �raetatiwt, 1420104 to pie.! - II., A A1:erma, ?t1. i)., v�omen pea whoop, sriri paoxnoia* d>" 130. (*torsi8t, Brooklyn,1I Y'.. WI,aaoue interims mpd nelon.. atenteetegeleSPIS 753)7 CENTAUR COMA -NY, 77 Murray Week N.. GOING TO CALIFORNIA VIA T1 iE 5auta fe Xtov.te. ter emerge..., .. ......i 5:35 p. to. .tin er. 1Comeata vit•. . 5.05 p. re. shin 1105 iTues ." w elk u,.,, Thii Tu "Wert d T Fa tt e h tea At. Rete ddns°A-. . .. T -See p. ars, aloe 9Tees lead `Thai' &'3t slam ad, -..,..'......13:18 a. In. aes Wet Thur Fri SW ilea #r. s .: s .. Tea V G *Ja* ., ,. i .osp,pl. �nea .«ed Tbu Fel ;Sat Roe Ar.Albugaerque� 112Mils u. hltl IIflrur QFr1 lift 'Sun flues Ar Bsrstot7,.-,•-lu•45a•au, Thur Fri ;Sat ,son hton ,Wed Ar, 9 Angeles; .,..,.,4;24p. en, Thor Fri a. at Sun not' .Wed `j l 8 sa 1/1010,-.,, 8.ia P. an' `Ebur Tri plat Ben .bion Weed Ton get the only line of through care without change Chicago to Lee Angeles, and yon sato 27 hours time. QFPP.:%E--•71 GR1SWOLi1.ST., DETROIT, :41DII, GEO. E. GILMAN, Passenger neem 1 CREAM PIE1 rim EXETER MEG. topnblisnedevery Thursday morn o;,at TI MES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE as Oa. atl'oet,ncariyopposite Fitton'. Jewelers atpie.l+xeter.ttut.,hy John White Ea Polae,Prg- uriotors, SATES OF AnvslirtaneG gir6binaertion,iter lino 10 eenta. :'exit eubeegaeetinaertien „per 1tuo;.,...ticents.. To insure susertton. advertlsenlente aboaldt 0 .calm notieterthen 'Veduvsilay zugsoin< OarJOD• PAINTING i'Oi'tI:T1fEt Tis Daa. ;the largest wad best eyu,a'1°eca in the County 1 Huron. All workentraeted to ur Win seaeilr ar promptatteotioo; Decisions Uegnrding News* papers. Any person whotakese. paperreatularlyfrom (It 0 pust•oOie0, whether dlrctated in his name oo anobher'a.or whether be has subscribed ornot t* responsible for Payment. 2 11are no e paper%RecoPe o orders bis Aisc niiaaed .t t 1 t t as nuc a an au'onrs or Uiish may the u or Y 1 1 r a tinrato it untilOm pa) went hi made, and thou collaut the whole *roomer, whether she ax is to en from to pL ce or not, uta ,-, 1 sults :b,r tic nit S n l uU a ult. the s may be 1 Y netttuted in the place where the paper is pub- ished, alta:ough the subseriber may reside hundreds of miles away. 4 'Fisc courts have decided tbat refusing to 'alto nowspapersorperWheats tram the post- iJice,orroraptiugautltenting them uncalled or is prima facie evidence of intentional Irene PUREST, STRONCEST, ALUM AMMONIAN,T CO AiN$ 0 LIME OSPHATES or any injurious mNPHaterials. E. W. Gi LLETT, Ton nc,Z:G ,tS L. Were oftbtt;$Le.,FIPATTOO EDTAbYra'fiTrcRR4. Prince Louie Napoleon is advertising freely his reasons tor leaving the Italian army and entering the Rusaian army. One of his French organs save : "Prince L••uie prominent Napoleon told' a romine nb statesman that Cria l waspreparingtofi ht France. This was the reason why resigned Prince re i sed from the Italian army." Daring Christmas week the Philadelphia "Press" was rash enough to P ex Tena doubt to the correctness re06neD' Of thetateme dandelions were in bloom in the openb air in Pennsylvania about that time. Since then, ib now says, ha daily mail has been almost filled with dandelions, and the other day it received a bouquet of pansies, ferns, grasses, violent, and plover leaves, all pluck- ed inn In Montour county on the 71h ineb.. Accordingly 11 announces that its scepticism has vanished. The T Germanglengthrasa is diecusain at p the merits of a new French repeating air rifle, called the "miraole gun." The rifle was invented by M. Paul Gifferd in Paris, the original proj:ctor of the Parisian pneu- matic poet. 1e is described thus : "The weapon is light, mach lighter than any of the army rifles now in use. Ib resembles the magei ne gun in that a steel cartridge about F span and a half long and as thick as a man's thumb is attached to the one barrel by means of a ncrew. This cartridge contains 300 shote, which can be discharged as rapidly or slowly as a man desires. Since neither powder nor any ny he ob r explosive, but only compressed and liquefied fiod air O supplies the expelling foros no smoke and no flash accompany the discharge." . Probably on the principle that misery loves company, the promoters of the ohannel' tunnel in England profess to view with noth- ing but satisfaction 'the appearance of a pro- posal to bridge the channel. They say ,the new scheme is a testimony to the growing demand for closer communicative& in some way between the. continent and Great Britain which the tunnel ' e e designated nahld to B promote whenpopular Pg re udioe against its t' be construe tion has broken down. Lord Wolseley, from the military point' of view, prefers' the bridge to the tunnel, but Sir E iward Watkin be Heves that the Power** of Europe would; not permit the erection of large piers is a than. nel diffioult enough already, and as the tunnel' could be constructed an one-tenth the coat of the bridge ohe latterproject retires quickly enough into the indefinite future. One can nee atatan oe what an important bearing the rise of the olonial empire has upon the home trade.. They received .from no last year an aggregate of £113,000,000 worth of Bri bieh geode, and the quantity is a steadily a e lar m one. Moreover, m of the carriage is in the hands of British shipowners, re, who thus reap Prfite even when British r blah merchants are neither the buyers nor the sellout. The duty of abates - men is to foster and encourage, an alliance which la ab once so glorious and so valuable to the parent land. -[Liverpool Meroury. The value of the refuse of a great city is very mach greater than 11 is usually sup. posed :'o be. Charles: Dickens' golden dust- man is not fi,wa sot of the imagination. Ib is said that an. enterpr ieiog Italian ,in New York now pays i$ 1 552 per week for ah a privilege m picking overtheDib edirtor nearly $84.000 a year. . And he does not depend upon P p n finding die monis or gold or money. His reliance :for .profit is upon bones, rage, tin cant„ &o. 'A few. ears bho pity paid man to 'Win the, dirt; thena Mil was induced to pity for the labor out of his dotttugs, and thou competition for the place set in, with the result . that the ;city derives considerable revenue from letting out the privilege. to "11 n NEWw Go '� ' slit^aHaiittFR nt� '' Geoid Weak F worth $ 500.00. umt hi watch to the world, i'eraet timekeeper Warrantcdbeery, "OLIO 00Ln honour caw. Both lIdle,' and gent. sista. with works end eases or equal value. ONe r+xrsoSJh etch lotsht7 can stem 00e rluntfour dand ablelIi10lttcbPt '1RliAtato IYampplee. Theca*amides,aswen AO the wslch are fres. All the work you • need dIs to Gov what .0 wend thout veuAret17.year oat Mends shu ble actor aandihmos ;isep es whrnenalwayst,rtoO, iavIlini 00300.,,*I which )''d.9oryrar,teh�bt,oletJ.flei and thus we are rryeit: Vu al all 0 10 work 0 , ftr,ght, etc. After earnfrpr ou know s.31 2O} to SOO pou would er we 10ok and ujnvirds.us. Addro/s, Sibson doco..Boa t ia. 1'oreland. 3iaine. Y ere Who Stost Successful Remedy evolr Gieeor orations 1t ie certain in Ile effectsn:a does net Water. lteadproofbetaw. KENDALL'S SPAIN CURL Opr,cu n e acre A. Sarnia ,l 431.11711A20) BAT A..110 i oT ipso Than llos,'Sas.5 Rumen, Ica:., Nov. 20, ISM Da. B. J. YlarnArs CO. Dear Sire: I have always rands:sedIen- dell•. OSppwin cure by the half dozen s, I woul9llte priceetnlarger quantity. I itis one of By,e best lintmenta on earth. I have twain camp siableator tftee yens. Yours truly, GaAs. A. SSTDna. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. asoosurs, N. Y.,November 23,1eas. Ds. aJ.Xsmit&CO. Dear Sirs :I desire to give 7ou teatirsoo1al of fru good oyintos of your nendall's spavin Cure. Ihave it for Lameness.. Stiff Joints and !adnII, and I have found eta sure eure, I cord. sly recommend it to all horsemen. Yours truly, A. H. GrotsRT, Banager• Troy Laundry Stables. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. BART, WINTON Couarr, OUIO, Dec. 19, laid. De. S. 5. gcN1ALc CO. Gents. Ifeel itmyduty to wbat•I have done -with your Itendail a Spavin e. I bate twenty-flve homes that lead v et Save%Off Ililf aZsnw: Weer t �ymid books cud dolajtwell the dt0�ona, have weer lost a case of any lel Fours tiny, ArDuer TsnSat, Homo Doctor. KENDALL'S SPAM ••URE. Price WI per bottle, or six bottles for 90. ' 'rug - gists oe000get it for you, or itv✓thl,. at to net a y , to spy address on receipt of IhReby the bore. 1)s R J. Yraanerr. Co., rah FdL1',, BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. b The Dayof Great Bridges, tin This is a day ofa bridges,and a most great remarkable one is now alot completed across the Firth Forth at Edinburgh.The r of entire structure is 8,091 feet long, or nearly a mile and a third, and it contains two span of 1,710 feet each the centro supporta being , PP g a furnished by Inch Garvie , that i -s , e lithe island called Garvie. The bridge has been as long in building as was the Temple of. Jerusalem, that Is, between six and seven years, The floor of the bridge is 150 teat above the water,which is 200feet deep under the center of the great spans. The 'oh structure is described m a -Solt paper r ae "a :oobw,eb of steel," and it is attracting great attention in that country. The Romans were great hr .rl.e buildere,'but they would have I..,ked in implement upon seen'' piecea of work as the arooklyn and. Ss. Louis bridges. The difficulty of climbing the extinct vol• rano of Iztaooihtiati "must be most pro- nounced, Ab a recent meeting of the Society ty of Aeroetation in Berlin, Prof.Grime enter- tained the assembly with a description of an ton of his, invention by means of which a anon with hie own muscular power only ma' leap up Into the air and fly for a 'ehorb time. The maohine is galled a Sprangf ugel, Several scientific men have become convinced that - Herr Grlese's invention le serious, and that it will aid considerably in solving the prob- lem of navigating the air. " It_ KANSAS, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA COLORADO, UTAH, NEW MEXICO CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, OREGON, And all points west of the Miseour Riva via the Santa Fe Routo FROM CHICAGO. For particulars and ti k e a s -e your Barest ticket agent, or address (CEO. E. GILMAN, Passeiger Alen*, 74 Grstwold at, Daroib, Mi 1t GEO. T. NICHOLSON, General Pass. an 1 Ticket Areat Topeka, Kansas, 9 Cords 10 "DNR Runs Easy(or NO BACKACHE. a, iKONP MAW. 'Write fo* descriptive ental as e7 w t no'from batviroda or people e s have sawed fru* 4aopcords do,000 now fally needs, oy cep be whorethere to Oh.7aeanoy. d•ll Y 1.109 for thing saws sent trees veit h each en e, the tee of this tool everybody eon file Meleesal a oaunt flltd.o it/lbdeatpteter than7etahA1le greatest e t antw hawns aaave.ey oWewho owns odehon�t have One. }o SO pay; ne,nm. AOC Your dealer 6 riteFbculNG SAWING- (mum APIYuF 015 l- 00., SOB to $11 6. Canal st., Chicago, I9fe !1 OTFoal MANY COPS on MILES• E0 dl isI , lo To One of the BEST Tei - P o.co e. in EE the World. Our facilities ars Ck nnsquated, and to introduce our superior geode we will sendFsa; to 000E 0500011 in each loo.litr, as above, Only those who write tons et once can 'make sure of the whence: Ail you have to deist Muni is to show our goods tap those who cal*— our neighbors and those, around you, The he ginning of this advertisement shows the small end of the tele -- scope. The _.:...v ., rot : "; ee the appeatn0ce of it reduced ta, about rho fiftieth part of its hide. IL Is a g nd double e inetelee.. ,coP05oslatgen t, as to carry. We will ;deo show you, hair year. e t from life Ctart wia,K oda at l ns n make hem [0 10 Y an �S $ e a all express olur cab-. out experience. HALLETT a C ,, Sea 880, y p g Addxo.s,H.H9LLETTdeCO„nosSt:30,P0arr:ertn ° t `+ , 10 ORNINT LOVE STORIES,., F package of goods a ¢s pa g gc p rile tea dollard to manufacture, and a larger loop Picture Book, that will surely put ymr on the road to a'haadeomofortune, %>ftor epic*, and send;do. silver, to help pay Pot- tage. AQ'entionthis par er. � lv�5lllir 3Y irc:y u� n 1A.. . Yi:S tit , .x N.15.