The Exeter Times, 1890-1-30, Page 5t.vprC�!itz' DISTRICT DOINGS. 1 It Is the intention to erecta new Wetleitest Current News Throughout the Episcopal church at Winghatn. District, Ur. Wm. Scales and Mies Jennie Tramps are plentiful in Parkhill. Spoon of 1 arisbtll, were married recent A cheese factory is to be established lit, in Parkin11, Mr. A. Adams of Thedtord, fell into Mr. Lee of Brinaley, lost his youngest a limekiln last, week and wan badly son by death last week, hurt, La grippe, measles and diphtheria Mr I. Service of 'Tedford, died last are prevalent in litytb. week and was buried by the Salvation Army, Mre, Sames Kite of Seaforth, died Mr. Francis Bolton of Clinton, school last week of consumption. teacher, to dead, aged 29 years. He Mr, David Derma of McKillop, died waa formerly a resident of Godernch. last week of iullammation of the bowels Mr. David Glidden of Fullerton, did air. Thos. MoLegd and Miss Mary some plowing on the 20th inst. liow Feeney of Staffa, were married last is that for a Canadian winter? week. On Friday of last week Mr. W. J ,n A young man, eon of Mrs. J. $truth, son of riddul pressed kwn . aged i ers of Clinton, died somewhat unsex- son p y g pettedly on Sunday, from pressure on years. the brain. , Mr. Thomas Tallon of Bait Nissouri, A man was arrested in New fork et -on Wednesday of last week, aged charged with drunkenness,who said, he 4- ears. was a Roman Cet.holio preset steationed Miss Anna McIntosh of Brucefield, at Parkhill, died in London last week after a linger Andrew Sebario of Guelph, aged 12 Mg illness. years, son of Michael Sabario. was out nen Eliza Doherty of Biytb, passed with game companions on Sunday last away to leer rest Wednesday at the age ehaeing squirrels. Young Sehano or H years, climbed a tree after a squirrel, and ate Ailsa Minnie Laura and ter, statute "identelly fell to the ground. Be was McIntosh of Corkin, were joined Logeth carried home unconsotaua and expired er as Man and wife last week. next day W. A. pial♦dward, formerly or Wood. When the Grand Trunk train from stock. was frozen to death while out Sinaardine was comm intoWinghatn iit;ntingIn Wyoming Territory, atation Thursday morntngitstruclrand A young horse belonging to George killed an old man named Stolle, whose Loohart of M.MeKil op, brake eta leg while duty it was to watch the orosaing. Ile was sltavelling snow from the rails and running in the yard. and had to be it is supposed he thought iritnseix out shat, of the reach of tho train, 'the farmers of Uullet, Fullerton and Logan are talking of erecting a. large Phe. large steam whistle to be used at the Lucknow waterworks, cul a gift Souring miff near Lh0 G. 'l, li. 8 -- a to the council by Muslim, McQuittau, in Jlitehell, the contractors, arrived there on A paper to be called The Bee is to Wednesday, sad has been attached to be published at Ai Wood by Mr, R. S. the boiler" Itis a very large one, of T'elton of Blyth. We wish our cotton. the locomotive pattern. and itis claims success. ed it can be heard about six miles Wm. Bisbop has sold his 201) acte away. farm in Grey township to Douglas Fer. Christopher Farmer, a brakeman gu-on of 1 seawater, son at James Fer. employed an the G,T.R., was killed in guson of Grey, 'for $8.(lf)0. the yard at Stratford last Saturday k 1' 1 he "lifers died at Gatlerich, at the reel- night. 'While adjusting a coupling deuce of the son. Chas. A., on Sund-.ty was struck on the bead by a pro ecttng week, an old and reapeote,e rea.dent in timber, and falling beneath the wbeels the Berson of John Nairn, sr. was instantly killed. Deceased had air Stephen lvwin of Dungannon only been merriee five months. 'rhe was killed by being thrown from his remaina were taken to Sarnia on diose buggy on Wedneaday evening, Ile was day. An mnq•rest will be hold, 4 found dead lyine at his own gate. At a recent meeting of the South A farmer says, that the mice pre Huron Agl, Society the following ofli- over runnrne the orchards dust noir, cera and directors were cleated tor the and when the snow tails, thousands of current year: ---Thomas Russel Pre'si- trees will be destroyed. Prepare 1 dent, Leonard hunter first Vice, Hugh The village of Lucknow, on lMonday., aleCerty second Vice, Directors --.lien had a test of the new waterworks, 00Mo and ry Beacom Goderioh. Township, John Murdock Stnnley, Robert McAllister now claims the best fire fighting facile Hay, ,loon Willis Stephen. ,las.Pickard ties of any village in the Dominion, Exeter, Wm. Kydd Tfehorne, Alex'd A vntuabie $v. Marys Newfoundland Ross Bracefteld, 1`. F Coleman Sea - dog strolled Into a drug store lest week forth. John Ki'ohen, Stanley, was ap- and took a piece of chess which had pointed the extra director. strvrhnine on it and flied from the et- •Our exchanges tell u$ that a fraud is '� being perpetrated upon the school ie. C. Rogers, general merehant of' sections east. An agent comes along Brussels, who failed some weeks ago, soliciting orders for charts and other has effected a compromise at 55 cents .chooi apparatus, amounting to $35, in the dollar in 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, Ind forges the name of the Secretary secured by a relative. .r some other member of the board. A young boy named Cook (son of le then visits the other members, who Mrs f ere, late of 011nton) lost three *Aug the name of one of their number fin,,y .v days since by having them already attached to the order, do not cnug,, #r the clog wheels of a mill he tesitate to place their signatures . to was working in at Brandon, Man the order. The agent represents that air. Stoneham of the Dotherty organ the county will pay for these nacos- of factory, Clinton, spirt hie thumb badly pill find they hareies but ins to foot e time the bill. section with a saw one day last week. This is say beware, and look out for the 'bar - the first accident to himself in an ex - per, for such he is. perienoe of thirty-five years, Joseph Reid of Parkhill, was shot in the leg by Joseph Whim') while trying to gain admission to the latter's house. No arrests have been made, the pope. lar I -eating being that Reid deserved what he got. Mr. Enoch. Murphy, at one time em- ployed on the London police force, died at the hospital in that city on Sunday morning of consumption. Mr. Murphy was formerly a resident of Rib bert township. Mr. H. Bee employed in Shoults' warehouse, is laid up with a severe at- tack of neuralgia. He left for his home in Exeter on Monday. Mr. W.Swiner ton of Exeter is relieving him here.— Parkhill Review. Mr. S. Sloan of Goderich, found t • his surprise the other day that his position as License Commissioner dis- qualided him from sitting as a Town Councillor, and handers in his resigna- tion before the first meeting of the new council. A young man named Smith and another named Black were before His Worship the Mayor of Goderiob, last week, alleged with disturbing the For- mers' Institute meeting on Friday evening. They were fined 50 dents and eonts or eight days in jail. At a hieeting held at 81. Thomas on Saturday afternoon of the gentlemen intereet,;,1 in the supposed coal mine at L mace Station, it was decided to • t%t resume the test of the mine, to de ermine if coal can be found, and if found, If it is in.payine quantities. Mr. John Whelan of Luc"gin, met with a serious accident the other evening. His horse attached to a buggy ran away and threw him out, whereby he received a severe c It in the head, end it was several hours before he recover. ed consciousness. .The buggy wag, smashed. We see by our exchanges that the farmers in all parts ofthe country are preparing to go mo -e entensively into cheese making next summer than ever before. When farmers experienced 1n this particular adopt this course, those in this vicinity need not hesitate to do likewise. A man named Pugsley, who a few months ago rented Mrs. Brown's farm on the Huron .Road was arrested on Saturday charged wish fraudulent deal •ings in other parts of the country. On Monday he left Fort Erie in charge of an officer from that section and con- stable Yule of Goderich. He has stnee returned end ,t looks as if he was a victim of false arrest. It is said that he intends to take proceedings agatnst the parties concerned in his arrest. r',li?dro11 Cry fill° 'itclier"s Nastorik progress made during the past year : 1888 1889 Iricree Teachers and of5cere on roll 283 313 30 Scholars on roll - - 8702 2643 $1 Average attendance scholars 1888 1881 1 No. of scholars woo beoamo members of church s 98 116 18 Total amt raised in S S $959 07 81126 81 $16774 Total amount contributed by schools for,ohemes pf the church - $37190 $416 40 $41 50 The committee recommended that Pres. bytery would recommend all officers and teachers to take a lively interest iu the county and local Sabbath School Associa- tions, with a view of keeping tkemeeivee in• formed in Sabbath Sohool matters, and in torch with Sabbath Sohool workerii gener- ally, An interesting and profitable conference on Sabbath School work was held in the evening, commencing M 7.30. M. Tames Mitohell of Goderioh, spoke upon the sub- ject "The Cougregation and Sabbath School," and the Rev. Mr. Henderson of Reusall, upon the enbject of "Pee Sabbath School in relation to missions," Both ad dresses were fall of rigorous thought, gennd advise endwise instruction. The choir of the ceng.egatiort rendered choice music, The next meeting will be held on the second l'aeeday of Ma' -ch, in Willis Church et Cliutort, Presbytery of Huron. The regular meeting of the Presbytery of Huron was held in the Presbyterian ahuroh, Seaforth, on Tuesday, 21st inst. Mr, Ache son of Kippen, wad elected Moderator for the ensuing six months. The report of the committee on the State of Religion was presented by Mr. Musgrove. recommending that a couferenoe on the state of religion be held at an evening sedorant of the Presby- tery, at its next meeting, at which the fol lowing recommendations of the Assembly's committee be made the subjects of confer- ence: 1 That Sessions meet as frequently as possible for seasons of special prayer and conference tonohing the spiritual condition of the people. 2 That the Assembly would earnestly recommend ministers and elders to call the attention of their people to the importance of family worship, and to use their best en- deavors to secure its regular observance, at least on the part of all heads of families in full communion with, the ohureh, 3 That inasmuch as it is evident that the memorising of Scripture and of the Shorter Catechism is not so general as could be desired, 8, ssions be asked to bring the anbjeet to the attention of parents, superin- tendents and Sabbath School teachers. 4 That guilds, or societies for young men and women, be formed in our oongregatit.ns when found advantageous, for maintaining and promoting intelligent attachment to the church, and for strengthening the ohrietian life. That euoh recommendations be spokeu to by Dr. Ure, and Messrs. Ramsey, Simpson and Henderson. That the Session of the congregation where the next meeting shall be held, be asked to secure the services of the ohs.ir to fn,nish suitable selections of music for the occasion. The, report was received and adopted. Representatives were asked to pay the' rates doe by congregations to the Presbytery fund. The congregations of Edmond villa and Bayfield and Bethany were granted leave to seek moderation in a call to a set- tled pastor, and for the time being to be at liberty to find their own supply. A circular letter from the Presbytery of Ottawa, referring to certain suggested amendments to the Ontario License Act, adopted by that Presbytery, requesting !co- operation in securing such amendments, was read, and copies of the amendments re- ferred to the committee on temperance,with Rev. Mr! . Anderson, and .D D. Wilson. Ballantyne, and S. Scott, to report ata sub- sequent meeting. The annual report of Sabbath Schools, for 1889 was presented by Mr. Scott, who re- ported that out of 33 schools returns had been received from 26, and that the ieturna were fuller and more satisfactory than those of the year previous. We give a comparative statement of re- turns for 1888 and 1889,;; illustrating the Eminent pbysioiaus everywbere ree m - mend Ayer's Cherry Pectoral as the most reliable reureey that eau be bad for colds, coughs read all pulmonary disorders, Ault your druggist for deer's Almanac ; it is the boat publieetioe of the laud, ane fall of intormatiou, A painter named William Andrews. who has heti his place of business and lodgings rooms in tho Crawford House Week, Wide - ger, was found dead in bed on Friday morn- ing. Fiom the position in which the body was lying it is supposed that he started. to get out of bed when the fatal attack came upon hiss. dare. Coventry and Renames were summoned, and they declared life extinct end that the deceased died of Heart die• 0850. dt I~US1NBSS REPORT, ,dames McCarty at Ronude & Dita- Carty'a Collecting Bureau, Drenthe, Out„ states .--""Have used *vend bottles "*f Burdook Blood Bitters for kidney disaster and Erni it a it wonderful remedy. Previous- ly I; had been taking pills, thinking 1 had liver complaint, but now I are quite well and will alwaya prairie $.1L1 ." TORefieNT.3 OF TOOTHACHE, loan recosi.enond elagvard's Yellom Oil as a oars cure for toothache, I suffered for sevorat days, then I hinted sly cheek and rubbed the Yellow Oil on it and wait immediately relieved, Mas, DAVID G. ,iltNorr, Ru-aeLM su • The Salvation Army in Canada and New- foundland have raised for the self-denial fund 37,090 13, of which they sent 86,008 to India. A little et (inibourt's Parisian halm a pl ted at night. will aeon render the hands soft and white. Parisian halm is delight ul y pe , t ed. said by alt druggisk. The j.evehy store at R. E.Sm't of Tit. buryCentre, was burglarizes of a numbermbti of wtales and some jewelry early on Fri day morning, No clue was found to the robbers, and by the way in which it was done it is thought to be the work of pro- fessionals, A WINTER'S TALE. Last winter my little girl caught a severe cold wbieli lasted all season. I doctored with everything looted got, but to uo avail Finally I got Ragyard's Peotoi al Balsam and gave her two done which improved her, and in a week she was entirely cured by its use. Mas. C. 17010104, Cornell, Ont. 'Manitoulin Expositor: A letter reaohecl ns this week from Australia in exactly 30 days. The distance is close nu 10,000 miles. Yet letters from Gore Bay to Manitowaning Wei 12 days to go 50 miles. At the same rate of:going it would take letters 65 years to get here from Australia. FIRST HELP FOR THE WOUNDED. In all oases of wounds, bruises, sores, outs andsprains prompt action is necessary and the wisdom of those who keep Hag - yard's Yellow Oil on hand is demonstrated. It is a prompt, effectual and reliable cure or all injuries, croup, rheumatism, sore throat, etc. Used internally or externally There were 28,787 names of school chit. dren on the rolls of the Toronto Public schools last year against 25,000 the year be- fore. LITTLrs LUCY'S LUCK. "I had a disease of the Ekin for which Ma tried everything she could think of, but without effect, but the first bottle of Bur Book Blood Bitters I tried, I found relief. It gave me great satisfaction!' Lear V£NABLEE, (age 11,) Boissevain, Man. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper, MARKET REPORTS. ExETaIB Rod Wheetm75to. 0082 Serbse. Wneat-•„ ••• 00 75 to 00 82 ttarley , v 35 50 00 42 Osie Clover B sea renothy " rear Corn ..1g= Butter Ftourparbbl ,. Potatoea,por buebel Apples,per oag nriodappiespr b newel per lb. Turkey per lb Duette per Ib. C hickene per pr 'logs,d,reesedperic0 'seed widearongh, dressed , 3heepsklne oath lalfskina Wool perib Rey porton nnionsoerbusb woodier lord OP▪ P PPP MP OPP PPP PPP *Po PPP P:PP PPM P. POP PPP RIP Pop 350 to4uU 1.SOto700 53 to 0 54 440 to 052 0 2u to 6 2a 14to016 0ato510 40 to 1 55 1COto1SO 0 4to050 006 to 007 0P8to 10 006 to 007 025 to 030 45010500 400 10525 200 to 250 850 to'356 060 to 80 050to090 018 to 070 ,,, 700 507 00 060ts000 • ••„ 25010300 OZMARTA S Pali wheat 0 8'0 080 . ....... 0 8'.1 080 0 3S Oats nar,ey 0 250 26 Clover Seed .,, 310 3 50 'timothy ,.250 400 Pena 050053 F gga Rutter ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15 015 Potatoes per bag 75 75 APplee perbuab Wool per lb.. Bay perton 14 00 14 Oil Bran per ton•,...,. Shorts "' '" ,.., ' ,.20 00 20 00 oatmeal perbbl,,., 17017 0. C, RToemms & Co. Gents,—I certify that MINARD'S LINI MENT cnred my daughter of a severe and what appeared to be a fatal attack of diph• theria after all other remedies had failed, and recommend it to all who may be afflict ed with that terrible disease. JOHN D. BoIITILI£a. French Village, Jan'y,1889. • MONEY FOR ALL. W nelTJ.8D—A good energetic man, ur man, to sell our Fruit Trees, Roses, Shrubs, 0roam, ala, etc. Permanent employment. Write i?. ,nee for terms, and a pure choice of territrry. We sell only first-class stock, hands°.. ze outfit free. Address MAY BROT3 t ERS, Nurserymen, Rochester N. Y. --St idov. 21. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When alto was a Child, she cried for Castoria. Whoa, she became Mies, she slung to Castoria, When alio had Children, alio gave thew Castoria, 0 55 20 020 710720 060700 LONDON.. Wheat 83o to 85o per bus, oats, 27c to 23e per bits, Peas, Soo to 37s per bol, Bar, lee.11 slting.43 to 44c per bus, Barter ereed, 340 to 4ta pgr lies Cern, 454 is 47to per bushel. T0R'1NT0, Torouto, Jan. 23 —Wheat -Spring No. 2. 550 to mak, per butt ;red winter.No.2. 'Co tote per bus Manitoba No.1 hard,' tS to 105 No.2,1 01 to 103 : PEAS 580 to 60c per bus CAN 27o to 29e per bus. FLd)Ult, extra. $3.01 to O'1,G5 as Per hakstraight � 00 to $ e, BARLEY. No I, 5ttttonot Nc,2,fie to45e; Nob, extra 31. 40 42e; No. S, Sae to 37e.. FOR RUU} t 'CS, ItARA IMU 3, ANI) ALL w. sri iI)IS(ORDEl1S OF CHILDREN, Sena's Emulsion of Pare Coe Liver Oil. with Ilypophosp'llltes, is unequaled. The rapidity with whish eleildres gain flesh and atreiittth upon it is very wanderfni, "I hive treed Scott's l;mnlsion in caeca of Rickets and Mareetaes of long standing. In ev .ry ease the improvement was matk- ed,"••-•J dt MAIN, el.D., Now York. Sold by all Druggists, 00c. and $1.0(1 To Our Subscribers. The special announcement which ap- peared in aur eelumus same time since, au - naming A spo•'ias arrangement with Dr. 11. J. 1.enda11Co.. of Enosburg Falls, Vt, publishers of "• A Treatise 0n the Horse and his Diseases,"whereby our subscribers were enabled to obtein a copy of that rake able work PRIM byysending their address to l:, J, K1 NDALL 00„ (ted enclosing a two cent stamp for mai l- inxsame) is renewed.foraliuttel period. We toast all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obttuning this valnnble work To every lover of the Hurse it is indis- pensable, as it teats in a simp'e manner all the dis ases which afflict this noble ani mal. Its phenominal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it stan- dard authority. Mention this paper when sending for a "Treatise." Nov. 4th—] $t. AnvSOE Toll/ort53148.—Areyou dtsturbeclat uightaud broken of your rest by a sick ohild suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so sond at once and get a•, bottle of'Mrs ,Wins low's Soothing,,Sy r up't for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will eelieve the poor little sufferer ins mediately 1.>evend upon it, mothers ; there is, no mistake about.it. It cures Dysentery and i)iarnccea, regdlates the Stomach and llowels,cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system 'Mr's. Winalow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is asap to e n • prescription pleasant the taste and is the pros 1 of one of the o]deat and best female physicians and nurses in tho United States, and is for sale by all ,druggists throughout the world. Pride twenty -flee cents a bottle. Be sure and askfor'•Mita WI isr ow's germane e?nVA. 'Rand no, other int. The Canaa Coy. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE The following ]ands, now ronted, will be open for sale after 1st November. 1869, when the existing leases will expire: Towxsemr CoxoEssiov Lor Hay • 8 WI,E} & Ee, W. 6 13 N ,9 " 15 13}„7. W1,21.25 Stephoa 18 S#.72 Aux Sables y9E},14, El. N#17 West William 14 E},8 15 3 Stanley 8 W:, 7, WI, 8 GENERAL TERMS :—Ono -fourth of pur- chase money down, and ten yours given in which to pay balance, at a rental equal to in- terest at 5 per cent, per annum. Prices will be given on application to the Commissioners, CANADA COMPANY, Toronto. October 28th, 1889. !a:hionab t1! "SS- stet PUMPS, PIIMIsp A WANT SCPPL We will hereafter make and ueep on hand, a good supply o we will sell at usual prices, and guarantee 81 em to Oil the bili Us s�_ We respectfully ask a share of your patronage in (hitt line, and ifs to supply you with good pumps, and promptly, Iron Pumps will be Varnished When Desired. Shop one door south of Parson's Bluekamith Shop, Main.st., Exeter.r J, W. REITE ,F, H THh; BEST YET ! THE CHEAPEST YET THE BIGGEST YET! sIDOVIV241 4* WA RENBALL, - ONT. kARDWAREMOW/ANTS BROOMS IN AL3.7i1111,3ADlLsts STOVES (& RANGES, 411 lands of J Ighat and Heavy Hardware. MCCEANICS TOW, CUTLER"', ETC L1NDERTAI(ER A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOODS. Emblems al the Dzftsrentt Societies. Everything new and ixrst Claes. FUNERALS CONDUCTED AT MOD. COAL DELIVERED ON SHORTEST ERATE COST. TRE BEST NOTICE AT LOWEST HEA SE IN THE PRICES. COUNTY. Clive us a call for axa.gthi .g ix). the l ",za,o Overcoatirigs:atany price ; Suit- ings at any price Pantings at any price. est Ordered Clothing piodnced in Exeter GentlemenI eave your orders early,for with the best staff of Tailors ; the best stook of Fine Trimmings, and the bes Cutting in Town, you are sure of atiefaoAna J. Ed MILL. - OOKED OUT WE WILL START A GREAT KNOCK -OUT S ALE ! --ON-- Thursday. Oec. I9th, 1889. AND CONTISUE THE S elE FOR 40 DAYS. We will offsc our large stock of StaVia , Tinware, Axes, Crosscut aaU Saws, Lamps and Lamp Goods FOR C A.S I 0111,"2" At prices that will KNOCK BANKRUPT PRIORS into A COCKED HAT. This is no bombast but actual facts. A call only necessary to con- vince you. Agents for the Raymond Sewing Maclaine. All kinds of Maclaine Needles and Oils. All accoun's must be settled by cash or note by the rat day of February, 1888. BISSETT. B ROS, CEN TRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter. C ,B,FJ �i TZr !ALL and WM G-00DS_ I have just received my large cnnsignment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and to make room for them I am now selling off my Previous Stock ! At figures away down. I do not believe in carrying over goods until another year, and will always sell at ROCK' BOTTOM PRICES' Rather than hold theft over. MY STOCK is the best assorted in town and of first quality goods I am here to exchange goods with the public for cash or pie- duce and am bound to do it. e • P. • ROSS, Market Store, EXETER. Nov.13, 1889,'.: RUR 11 CO That we are still continuing our Diseount Sale DURING JANUARY. 20 per cent. off on Drygoods. and 10 per cent. off on Hardware & Crockery FOR CA.BII_ HAPPEL iS; CLEGHORN, ZURICH. N. B.—A11 parties indebted w save trouble by settling prior to Jan. ISth. DO YOU WAYT TU BUY FUR NITUR AT LOWER RATS THAN SHAM 00008 —ARE TJSLTLLLY SOLD —THEN oALL GIDLEY'S y —ONLY FIRM '-CLASS— Reliable .Goods At Prices Lower _that 'so -cal led Cheap Houses can give Undertakingin all it `` d rano SO. S. GIDLEY, ort �• � , s o C: cb S. (rtdteyj ODDFBLLOW'S 13L00B, f1