The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-03-12, Page 2PAGE TWO
4tibtritil ibigttal-Otar
Published by Siguat-Star Publ1 bitig Limited
Itubeertptien Raters-'anada and Great Britain. 8'-.54.t a year:
Stated, $:,-;,U. Strie:ty in advauce.
iQtr+nK Elates on reyueht.
Telejboue 71.
uthorizrd as severed -t lass ma!!, 1'vat Office Department, Ottawa.,
c rut Pot Towltepresentaftve : C,1ti .1.A.. `10S Pett r
street. ''Toronto. 1'►a„ue Em 3-G7611.
Alt•wt,er of ('anadiau Wtekt) ,'tiewst►apera
Aeckty Birt” ilati•,u over 3.000.
GiEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher
Tlit)lf� AY. MARCH 1`-th, 1953
to United
50 Years Aga I lion. Geo. S. Henry urging that
Dr. Frank Turnbull died from the department fake over as a•
exhaustion after attempting to ., provincial highway the road be -
navigate the Maitland River +from tween Clinton' and Winghani and
Auburn to Goderich in a canoe.' eastward through Harriston. am was
tion when it was noticed that his Robertson, M.L.A. • North Huron
1Hein sight of the G.T.R.Sta.' delegation was introduced by . .
canoe had upset and he was clutch- - and Dr. « . J. Milne, reeve of
ing the side of it. The canoe was Blyth.
PORTER'S HILL, starch 10. --
Community Club Party—The Cam-
mnnity Club held a card party
and dance in the schoolhouse last
Friday evening. Euchre and "500"
were both played. - High prizes
for "500" went to Mrs. George
t -
stopped at the breakwater and 1 1 S Years Ago
The News -Record last week gild i the medical men in town, includ- A boom was being experiei�leett'
'What will happen now' is the a picture of Clinton's new Public ; ing the doctor's brother, were in' by The Dominion Road Machinery
question in -the minds of :u:111O ' +School., looking even a bit more 1 attendance, but to no. avail. Company and business was the
ss, blaalenkoV takes the place of like a factory than the Goderich ! blesses. J- W. Vanattar and W. ,best p some years. Three large
H Robertson purchased the Signal ,Champion graders were made for
Stalin the Russian hierarchy. I C I
paper and business- Mr. D. Me --i Ilay, Morris and Southwold town -
to t - G i Il' dd moved to Ottawa ships- -
After more than a quarter eon cryi �, i icu y ,
of rule Stalin was still a man of I Winter is now in its fifth month. A number of farmers in South:4 The court House was saved from
mystery; of the man who succeedsHuron have formed an association 'serious damage by the opportune
That is all right for winter sports, or union, the initial meeting to be visit;of caretaker George James,
bitty in the Kremlin little known but some of us would prefer not held in Hensall. 1 when he made his nightly visit
errors of the Huron, of ins tion. A short circuit in
in the world. outside There are
fears that without Stalin's ex.
vwrience he may (nark his advent
with some rash proceeding that
will precipitate war On the
ether hand, .there are hopes that
be will be of peaceful mood and
will remove some of the c ou millions but has - now mounted to rived in theform of a ba y
apprehension in which the world $�r5 millions, and the end [ l for for p
O b1 Reiss Capt
h ! d of
to have a season spread out so ; The der
thinly but rather a real winter of 1 Bruce and Grey Electric R.R. have a join of the pipe -covered wiring
!purchased all that part of the in the basement was believed to
shorter duration. Is the weather- ; Maitland Falls Reserve situated in have been the cause of the trouble.
man listening' ;Colborne Township with the object! A large deputation of Goderich
• . . of obtaining power for the rail- r men went to Ottawa regarding
road. harbor improvements. The depu-
The official estimate of the cost Years ,Ago talion was well received and the
blathers and Doug. Stirling. Low
prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Little. - High prizes for euchre
were won- by Miss Donelda Dale,
Gordon Manning. Low prizes went
to Mrs. J. Stirling, George Hender-
son. The lucky chair prize went
to Mr. Charlie Anstay. Lunch was
served by the ladies. The high-
light of the evening was the draw
fora Kenwood blanket and a silver
cream and sugar for which mem-
bers of the club had sold tickets.
The blanket was won by Barrie
Miller while the cream and sugar
went to Miss Donelda Dale. The
rest of the evening was spent
in , dancing to the music of
Stewart's orchestra of Stanley.
Quite a number of dance prizes
were given out as follows; spot
dance. Shirley Bell and Mildred
McDougall; best waltzers, Mr. and
Mrs. Reg. Miller; tallest lady on
floor, Mary Scribbings; tallest man,
Harry Williams; elimination dance,
Anna Porter and Ray Scotchmer;
oldest couple in square dance, Mr.
and Mrs. G. Henderson. A nice
sum was cleared which will be
used for community welfare work.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Merrill Switzer on the arrival of
a daughter last week.
Mr: and Mrs. Lawson Lockhart
and two children of Royal Oak,
Michigan,, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Lockhart, Clinton, visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Lockhart.
of the. Hydro conversion was $191 An addition to the harbor ar- minister gave assurance of sym
al- pathetic attention to the requests
Ca t. W C. Ruddle of ' placed before him- Among the
views such news as is allowed• to
tonne out of Moscow In the cir-
cumstances, "wait and :Yet" must l Lawrence seaway before thatpro- Ruddle, of Orland
A large deputation from Huron Harry Vines and his son, Frank
lie the attitude of the democratic , jcct is long under way.
nations, with constant ,_ ins to beand Wellington counties waited on Vines.
tt early for the worst. 1 Toronto's tax rate for this year'. --
ills. Towns in
.Ii WRONG IIIiIPRESSION i of the Pis 41.3 rovince are lucky hif tt><ry
-can manage with a. rate of less
than 60 mills; yet Toronto is to Editor, Signal Star. ;showing the unopened road allow -
get a bigger handout per hear i Sir,—Our advertising agency has i antes. It was my feeling that the
from the Provincial treasury than been instructed to send you a con -
1 Council, as a whole felt that a
any town 10 Ontario. 1 public path or• road to any past
*tract for our 1953 advertising and !of the beach where conditions were
, Mc- "ammunition taken along to fort
$275 not 'the Str.
yet. We may look for a similar Queen who was wintering in Flor- ify its request for improvements
boost in the cost of the deeper St. ida sent it to his friend, Capt. 1 was an airplane picture of the
a. harbor which had been taken by
t �
An anonymous postcar.i from
Elorth Carolina reached -Senator
Taft with the following nessaee:
"What's Canada crowing about"
Sure we would be able to reduce
taxes too if we hadn't begin sup-
porting Britain (her - :►other
Letters to the
Canadians eat mare perk thppatn
capita in 1 1 as compaa ed to 44.1
beef,'67•8pounds porkpounds of beef per capita.—Quick
Canadian Farts.
wou should receive it within a safe for children would be a d
Now that the bit; ice cream few, days• •finite asset:
season is approaching-, the Pro- Meanwhile, I would like you to
much we value your
the job of making the
century. � banking, system
country) for the ;ia .t'.:at•ter Owlet Health Department should know hov
• see to it that what is served in „ paper in
better understood to this, Tri'. :-,, tion i restaurants and other eating; places and appreciated in your common
. Free Press well says • - -T-ht. card' is real ice cream and not a syn ity and to thank you for all your
d ' + • r• telt' 1 t t product. The irritation may help in the past.
1 c•Yours sincerely,
in the taste a gout the same. -� a
Canadians are grateful for tile and ;;iris and older folks want tnt• J F. SANDERSON,
aid given Britain by the U.S in genuine article. Public Relations Adviser,
theyears following 1V -rid 'War ' The Canadian Bankers Association.
reflects an attitude tin._ i-.0 .a thetic
pro uc
While but theb • lyith kind personal regards,
too common
Two, they can point out that 'this I, They: cost of street lighting ' to editor, Signal Star`
country through loans and grants Goderich for the current year, ac -
contributed on a proportionate cording to the estimate presented', Sir.—By. the label on my paper
basis, and is still making sontribe- to the Town Council by the Public I notice that my subscription has
tions to- NATO similar - to C.S.Utilities - Commission, will be expired, and I enclose 55.00 to
arms aid to tVestern European i 510,927. And when we had the extend it another two years.
! old municipally -owned steam- 'It is over fifty years. since the
Bands, includingBritain Further -1
powered light plant street lighting'1 Signal first started coming to my
more, the British got into their five years in Goderich and
present condition not by high lie=
ing or reckless spending, but
siinply because they devoted a
larger portion of their tneome and
foreign investments to .c.teting a
common foe than did the U.S.
What is more, they star' se earlier.
Canada miglft do more .h, n she
is doing, but it is an :.:tciication
of ignorance to infer that she has
done nothing, just as ,t .. '::) charge
that Britain has been dependent
on U.S. support."
was provided without charge to I forty-seven - years in Kitchener.
the Town. That is a long time in the life of
,. , a man—a fact that is- particularly
The Saltford Sage has just dis noticeable whenever I visit the
old town and miss so many,of
covered that the whirls thing in the once familiar faces.
the newspaper' that he took for A great deal of history has been
some kind of puzile is a weather made during the first half of the
chart. After spending about half' present century. Many changes
have been made in industry and
a day trying to figure out the i international politics. At the start
"probs," he stepped outdoors and of the present century electricity
found out in thirty seconds la:
h d that as we know it was in its 'infancy; 1
the automobile washis rheumatism had given -him the nuisance on the hibecoming a ,
ghways, and
correct tip on the weather most of the household appliances !
- s ;which are common today were in '
According to the U_N. statisti- ; the experimental stage.
In the realm of international ,
cians, Canadians get about the ' affairs great powers have gone to '
Iworld more than do the people of ' the sepulchre of nations; mon- !
Mansard provide:, '->urr•Y ' any other nation. One in thirty ; archies havebecome republics, have'
samples oi what goes !r discus-,` americans" (meaning residents many kings I
passed into oblivion.
- Lion In 'the Fecicr:il ,rliament.
/1.11 parties have ni n] e:'' who
indulge in senseless interruptions,
and the Speaker of tale ltJuse, not
infrequently has ditlieyult_y in pre-
serving a semblance of order and
dignity • in the proct'edings On
Thursday- last. Marcit...5th,-__ Mr,.
Sinnott, a Liberal iier:.ber from
Manitoba, had the 'Io -O and
Hansard reports:
Mr. Sinnott: 1 sh:►uld tike to say
a few brief words about oil
Hees: - 'Keep passing .
`stuff, George. • •
ttlr. Ross (Souris): Pass -hire a
snow -book. George.-...... .
1.1r. Hees: Yon have 4 parlia-
mentary assistant.
Mr. Sinnott: Oh, wa have beard
- a lot of bellowing from Broadview
too. •
Mr. Hees: Keep p,rssing the stuff;
'George, or he will have to stop.
Gar. Sinnott: In my ruling, Mr.
Speaker-- under certain restrictions. Rather
Mr. Hees: You have • of got a
riding any 'more Wles • is your i contrary to expectation, the result
•d 1 has not been an overall increase
of the United States) travelled what of the future'.' This is an
abroad in the year for which age of speed; and in this fast-'
figures are given, while one in moving era no one can be sure of
five Canadians did likewise. Itlost 1 What the gods are holding back
Canadian travellers went to the I
from us.
States, and most U.S. travellers
came to Canada. This -is not surpris-
ing. for there is no other' thcr arca
Kitchener, Ont.
March 6, 1953. I
on earth of comparable • size, in Editor, Signal -Star.
which international relations are
so close and travel across the
boundaries so easy. Italy, we are
told, is the country most favored
by the world's tourists, its art,
Sir. -1 would again like to pre-
sume on your good nature to try
to clarify • the situation regarding
the closing of the Township road -
was invited to attend the meet -
its history and other associations :Jrnof the Colborne Township
proving strong magnets. Council on Tuesday last and during
the discussion Which ensued I felt
The United States ban on Canthat the Reeve looked on my letter
adian livestock imposed on account
- to the press as a direct reflection
on him and suggested in some way
of the outbreak of foot-and-mouth that he might not be •looking out
disease in Saskatchewan more than for the interests of the ratepayers
a year ago has been lifted and the by taking action to close the. road.
United States market is now open,
However, he explained that in con-
junction with the County Council,
he had been' quite active in plan-
ning the purchase of sites for
parks on the lake front. These
proposed sites would have parking
space for some hundreds of cars
together with other facilities which
appeared tb make them very large
and costly undertakings. I gath-
ered from conversation with the,
Reeve that neither of these sites
was anywhere near a central loca-
tion -for Colborne Township. I
also gathered that the development
of these sites has not passed the
paper stage.
In view of these 'facts I held to
my original view that until such
time as a suitable thoroughfare is
found whereby the local people
can take advantage... of a public
way to the bathing facilities of the
beach, without travelling to the
boundaries or outside of the Town-
ship, then care must be taken not
to irrevocably close any prospec-
tive road.
I found that members of the
Council were quite enthusiastic in
attempting to locate a site Ohere
a path or roadway could be made
without too much expenditure.
Mr. Deputy Speakter, Order
would ask • hon. member., to give
the member who has the floor a
chance to make his speech. 1
in the price of cattle here. Both
the United States and Canada are
well stocked with cattle and prices
hould point out that certain tn-are about at a level. ' In fact, there
ti:rruptions are permif(ed, but per- l have been some shipments from
(raps the manner in whtch they , the States into Canada. However,
are being made should be Avoided r (-anadi
May T ask the hors. an growers will have the
Mr.: algson:
member a question"' 1 advantage of the larger market in
An hon. Member, Tine is up. !which to dispose of their stock.
- Mr: Sinnott: Mr. Spt nlc'•r, 1 re-' A year ago 'there was some appre-
ruenibc: . that a few attars ago hension that the outbreak in
Broadview was repres•erted by a'
gentleman -
Saskatchewan might have very
Mr. Hees: Are you atu,ti,rig for the , serious and lasting consequences
Liberal candidate in Springfield hut., the Canadian veterinary- ex -
next time? For whom are you ' ports made a quick and thorough
voting in Springfield, Sohn?
Mr. Sinnott: I suppose this i., f, , 'Joli of clearing out the disease and
hurting them over there and it is ''the whole affair has' been handled
sinking in. I want to refer to a ! with a minimum Qf disturbance to
Harte oil refinery which is in my !the interests affected.
riding.- '
'' -
- Mr. Hodgson: Gas
Mr- Sinnott: It cost in the neigh ` FOUND DEAD AT CLINTON
>hcrurhood of $15 million .o
build Police said LAC. Bud White, 23,
In 152 volume of national pro-
dewctIon in Canada went up 0 per
cent while labor income went up
12 per cent. -- Quick Cir?
Northfitlit Water
Wiled to barn for the
grinding of wheat was built "iit
s, Nowa ' in 1lftll�i.—
LEEBURN, March 10.—Mr. and
Mrs. John Quaid and Betty of
Sarnia visited over the week -end
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Bogie. On Saturday
they all motored to Lion's Head
to visit Mrs. Bogie's sister, Mrs.
Wm. Stoddart, and Mr. Stoddart
and family.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Doug. Bogie and
Ronnie of Listowel spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Rod Bogie.
Leeburn W.M.S. will meet . for
Yours truly, their March meeting at the home
A. E. JENNINGS. of Mrs. Joe Freeman.
Cannon Sheets and Pillow
in pastel
shades, double bed size -81x99 inches.
$2.25 PER PAIR
Solid colors, large size
(22,45 inches) in yellow,
flamingo, blue pink, and
green colors. A roil good
quality towel for only -
25c EACH
All White Cannon Sheets
Double bed size 81x99 inches- Plain hems.
E. Hibbert Son
Phone 86
And so on. of Victoria, B.C., was found dead
As - we have Wild, this sort of in the .cab of an R.C.A.F. truck
thing is not confined to any ane at the R.C.A.F. station, Clinton,
party: Every section of the House about 7 p.m. Saturday. A flexible
th exha tot
has members who, when the mood hose attached to a t?
the truck led into the truck's rah.
taches them, badger the member 1t is understood that he lived in
who is speaking and try to make i Goderich for a time while in the
bisalt of his speech. , air force. -
illustrated — Chevroltr "Two -Ten" 4 -Door Sedan
L'000".NOW7i0sorgewime=". LET�C H EVRU ,�RAL, MOTORS
Entirely New in Appearance with ... New
Fashion -First Bodies by Fisher. Here are more
new models (16 . f them') . more Iemits' d and
more comfortable bodies (take a look it d a rte r.1) - . .
and more color -choices (22 dazzling single -t -itie and
two -ton' combinations') - . . than ever befr' let's
e in
Chevrolet's history And, in addition, Chevr
entirely new Fashion -First Bodies by Fisher bring yt u
even richer and roomier c rlor-matched nteriors and
c 'cr sturdier Unistecl construction, for your greater
safety -protection!
Entirely New Durability. New, stronger, more
rigid construction imparts even greater durability urd
dependability to a car long famous for these qualities
Entirely New in Performance with .. - . New
115-h.p. "Blue -Flame" Valve -in -Head'
engine*. Chevrolet offers this powerful, gas -saving
high -compression engine in all Powerglide models,
together With the lcgnomlzcr• rear axle, and a new
108-h.p. ''Thrift -King" Valve -in -Head engine in all
-standard gearshift m rdets
Some of the members at the meet-
ing were quite open in their opin-
ion that the road previously mark-
ed for closing could quite possibly
become the most favorable site for
During my attendance the Coun-
cillors gave the matter quite a 'lot VIpT�1ZYA
of time and examined the plans
New Power -- New Acceleration — New
Po,ssiaQ Ability, you'll ' field that the new Chev-
rolets, with eitktar of these two great new engines,
bring you more power, increased acceleration and
greater- passing ability, as well as sensational new
economy. -
New, Even Finer Powerglide Automatic
Transmission*. Chevrolet's famed Powerglide
Autonuttic Transmission, coupled with the new
1 15-h.p. engine Ixxi Economizer rear[ axle, gives even
finer. fleeter no-slri'ft driving at lowest cost.
New Extro-Easy Power Steering. Greatest
advance in driver comfort since the introduction of
nut rmati� trtureniLsiore Gives finger-tip steering -ease
and parkins case ... rcztuces driver fatigue: -(Optional
on all Possergglis)s, equipped models at extra cost.)
Entirely New in Cone eoience With . New
Cent r -p, ,rl1 Pitont Seat Backs On 2 -door models) for
easier en- ,aro: and exit; Flew Moister -Key Control
with c:rmbinatio 1 starting and ignition key switch;
New Automatic Choke on all models; and new larger
rear -deck opening for easier loading and 'unloading.
Entirely New in Comfort with . . . New
Curved One -Piece Windshield. New Crank -type
Regulators for Ventipanes. Foot -Form Clutch
and Brake Pedals. And the setter, smoother Knee -
Action Ride.
Entirely New in Safety with ... New / iriger-
Fit Steering Wheel. improved Velvet-Prenttre Jumho-
Drum Brakes. Shade -Lite Tinted Glass (optional at
extra cost). And Safety Glass in windshield and all
windows of sedans and coupes.
Entirely New in Economy, too ... Yes. all new
Chevrolets for 1953 bring you more milts per gallon
of gas — more over-all economy of operation — and.
in addition, they're the lowest -priced Biot in their
field! Conic in — sec and drive this great new car at
your earliest convenience — and you'll I,noo it's the
car for yoti.
*Com!,,nation of Piiwerglide automanr tranlnti,",lnn and
113-h.p. "Blue -Flame" engine optional on "j ,, r.- I ell- and
Bel Air models at extra coif (Continuation, of %ra,dard
equipment and trim ilh,ctrated is dependent nn aloilnt)i/itr of