The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-01-08, Page 3Ou tatf. , emir of tt pair e being Eskimo le Ant - 'ed for r'ansla- in the aragoll of ete rho ►lashing Ire the 40,01iu ttppea r- e aver - cording more •ipturee reading ing the agether. IT Cty. iIz. st ares r farm largest vast $45 eak, in will it trey ,is itories? 3. At. tons a million 2. The editors a hand- ) odih Year -,moo 2 -- GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, w TURN'�' OUT GODERIOH 'OOUPLE' MARK I MORE THAN 50 65TH ANNIVERSARY Bum= D,IRECToItI.Y CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT^ Licensed Municipal Auditor A, M. HA1W 1 QU1ARTEaIZIf71 AOOOINTANT 65 South St. Goderich. Ont., Telephone 343 cautorRACTiC fIO11,13ERRT 13. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours: Mon., Thure —9 a,m. to 5 p.m. Tuee.. Fri --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. `Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office --Corner of South ' • St. and Britannia Road. Phone 841. Western Ontario Motorways 3Lr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Sandy celebrated their 915th weddingan- niversary at' It quiet family dinner et their home an Mouth street on New Year's Day. . Prent were their two daughters, (Beulah) Mrs, Ben Homan; (tPellrI) Mrs. James ►:Wafted, with their husbands; their sell, Fred, and six grandchildren. Mx. and Mrs. 'Sandy were mar- ried at 'Bervle on January 1, 1908. Mrs. Gaudy is the ,dernier Ruby Gleba of Bervle and Mr. Sandy is the son of the late Mr. and Mas. George Sandy of Ashfield Township. The couple have lived in Goderich for the past 35 years, during which time Mr..S'andy hes been a prom- inent t•ontra'ctor here. Departures - 7.20 . aJ To London daily except Sat.. Sun., . and , holidays. 8.30 a.m. To London and Strat- ford daily except Sunday and holidays. 11.45 o a.m.—To Sat., ° Sun. London holidays.and 445nmdaily excepto rd and Lon- doSunday and holidays. 5.45 p.m. To Loudon on Friday only. 8.30 p.m.—To London and Strat- ford ford Sundays and holidays only BUS DEPOT AT SAMIS MOTORS PHONE_ 34.!I Roy N. Bentley Public Accountant 11 Kensington Ave., London, Ont. NOW LOCATED IN. BAN OF COMMERCE BUILDING ON THE SQUARE II. M. FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured— Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w EDWARD W. ELLIOTT'. LICENSED AUCTIONEER . Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 460J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. FOR FIGURE SKATING More than 150 turned . owt for the introductory classes in figure skat- ing at . the arena .on , Friday last. M:rs. Jeune .Smith is the •instructress.. In the meantime, tskaters are or- ganized' into. two groups -- those; ever 13‘o Tears of age • sand !those under 10 years of age and will have classes every Saturday. See adver- tisenent elsewhere in this issue for details. It is expected a figure skating club will be formed when vaxlous details are arranged. "HELPING HANDS" END YEAR WITH A SOCIAL During the month of December the ;Helping (Hands held four tileet- ings. A parcel: of Mood was sent to an overseas family. On the last Friday of the month each member ,received a small gift. A social time was spent, after ► ' which, the Scripture was read• by 1,200,000 RORSE)POWER will come from Ontario „Hydros Sir Adam Beek-Nlakfra Generating Station No. 2 upon completion Mrs. W. J. Jewell. Mrs. Ens read - given in 195?. The plant, which will be in initial operation in 1954 is shown at the left in this 'artist's sketch of how the ultra - which, were p,lvetu RIy firs. E. Bueclt-, ler, Mrs. V. aKneeshaw and Mrs. modern structure will look when finished. T the right is Hydros Sir Adam Beck Niagara F. Jewell. All joined.in the sing- I one time the largest hydraulic power plana lug of a carol, with the Rev. F. A. public utility in Canada. Both plants ar Jewell, B.A., of Toronto classing below the famous cataracts. with pr'acyer. .Rev. Jewell then. showed lantern HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Goderich Phone 144 Geo. G. MacEwan • Fire, Accident land .Motor Car - Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH A. L. COLE Optometrist --Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 3Q Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w JANUARY 8th, 1953 sus an extra surprise a few of his MRS. lides of the Christmas 'Story, and ! P MaCEWATT HEADS 1 .wedding which took•plaee in July. F. T. Armstrong' OPTOMETRIST • Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH I(vNOX LADIES' A D 1 }lather : "I never kissed a girl On Tuesday afternoon of last until I met your mother. Will 3-ou be able to say the same to your son When you get married?" Son: "Not with such a stradght face as you can, nap." 1D. GIT UARD •Stonework, Brickwork and Plastering A good job of plastering has no substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria Malcolm Mathers INSU*ANCE AND REAL ESTATE Now located at , 46 WEST STREET GODERICH Phone 115W KIDN:EYACIDS RobyourRest.. Many people never seem to get a good n' ht's rest They .twn.and ton—blazne it on 'nerves'—when it may be their kidneys. Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the system—disturbed rest often follows. if you don't rest wen get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help the kidneys so that you ' can rest better—arxL Iee1 better. 1 ss. Dodd's Kidney Piils gq1rffOO/1S BY BLACKSTONE'S ,week the Ladies' • .Aid of Knox Church held their regular meeting in the church parlor. Mrs. J. Baker read the Christmas~ story followed with • prayer'by Mrs. Erskine. After the annual reports, Rev. Mr. MacMillan installed the ricers for 1953 as follows : President, Mrs. Peter' M ieEwan ; st rice -president, Mrs. George I•Sehaefers--•-•21e1--•vice-president, MIs. W. J: 'Ritchie; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. Win. Abell; secretary, Mrs. R. E. Wilson; treasurer, Mrs. George Stokes pianist, Mrs. Win. Mc- Lairen ; aggiStant pianist, Mrs. Clay- ton Nivins; gift convener, Mrs. R. Burrows; loess secretary, Mrs. John Mlarwiek ; convener social commIttee,' ;Mrs. .A. Alexander; auditors, Mrs. A. Straiton, Mrs. J. Baker. A. social half hour concluded•• the meeting and Mrs. Schaefer ••and Mrs. Abell poured tea at a festive table. J=/411 Iwo 1 "$o THIS is the lake where you've seen 'em big enough teasulluabLiar It's no fish tale, folks.; when we tell you we have some remark- able buys in furniture and elec- trical app lec=trical-.aFP lianc.ea. after. regroup-_ ing our stock following the Christmas. season. You'll see some mighty attractive prices. 7SiQCitotonc,o , - ittniturt PAINTS. STOVS. ELECTRICAL APPLIAt CES "On the Broadway of Goderich" PHONE 240-J GODERICH Goderich Township opera o ► Hydro's Station No 1, at 0 in the world. The new power development is the biggest ever undertaken by 'a e located on the bank of the turbulent Niagara River approximately six miles Curios At Nile Shop O ''The 'welding shop of Stuart Tay-' REEVES OF ASHI`IELD for in the 'hamlet of :tide to manyREEVES CENTURY LISTED is more than just a place of busi- ness. The shop ''hats drawn many a Curious wayfarer interested in bis collection of antiques, which range from Texas Longhorns -to cutout animals and one of the first sewing Machines. Probably strangest- of—his eollee.- tion and rare to these txtrtsis his collection of Texas Longhorns, the largest of •which has au eight, foot spread iie also has several'-inoose and elk horns, mounted sheep and deer heads. Collects Horns first elected by barllot. POULTRY PRODUCERS HAVE LARGE SALES Continued .mild (1•Elather and:good travelling condition:, for a long period have been most appreciated by those residing in rural. areas. Poultry -producers report 'they have Charles E. MaeDonagh, former clerk of Ashfield 'township, who compiled a list of .AshfieJikl reeves about ten years- ago, has brought the list nap to date. It is 102 years !slate sAslitield's first reeve, Chas. AGRICULTURE OFFICE STENOGRAPHER RESIGNA The resignation of Miss Marjorie Stanley, Clinton, who has served for the past three years as a sten- ographer for the Department of Agrieulture at its Huron County otdice in ,Clinton, has been accepted. Miss Stanley will, be replaced by Miss Jean Gibthingb, daughtea- of Mr. and Mars. Warren Gilibings, R:R. 4, Clinton, who assumed the position as of January 1. Miss will Ili be ARE YOUR TR$I�LE$ LITTLE ONES? Do you ever worry about the future of your youngfamily should you suddenly tailed by death? Family Income assur- ance will replace your in' ome, while the children are growing up and take care of your widow for life. . Protect your loved ones with a Family Income poliuy�of the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Reprel�tative of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Harold W. Shore 57th ANNIVERSARY Not only did, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crich of Clinton welcome in the New Year on Thursday last'but they also had a special observation oaf the day since it was their 57th wedding anniversary. Mr. Nelson Crich of Goderich is a son. Two other sons are 'Herman of, Mute* and Harold of London 'There are two daughters, Mrs. ;Boy Lege, married in (Myrtle), Ituthven, Ont., and (Arvin, was appointed to office at, early January.- \iabel Townsend, London. There a sratepaye_rs' meeting. peeve atoll are 20 grandchildren and eight councillors were appointed td .►ointed t Y a The man had undergone a major great-grandchildren. i motion of the meeting; until 189:74,.i operation and was coming out of Both Mr. and Mrs. Joseph,Crich during the reevesbIp of William the ether. keep in fair health although_ the o Mallough; when the Board was IIE fall cool hands' brushing his latter has been confined. to her forehead.home' for the spat three years. The A notice of Weirton, Mr. TaOf the twenty-eight reeves who ,n.=-1tihe7e am° I'� :1w 1 in leas lived in the Nile area ,for the served Ashtlehl Township in over _ '•"'•en , pastseven. yeaurs. For 15 years, he itis 100 -year ;history, few are still ,, „_^in has been collecting horns. line of living. They include Chas. Stewart, I'n] ytnll his rare sets is that of ailtelolac Alex 'Hackett, Murdo Matheson, horns from Africa. - Alex F. Jiac'I)onalot, Gilbert Frayne, About three years ago he also Cecil Johnston and Elmer tLa.hun. started his tine collection Of hind Three Wardens arced Indian horses made frond The Township has had the Huron 11 basswood. Each winter ausua y tinds hint busily engaged carving out. ,antiques or keeping his horn collection highly polished. Besides scores cifother historical articles he has in his. possession a serving machine at ,least 100 years old, which is still in use kind` is Irted to be the only*one of its I• practically- -fold out of ail their 1 kind in Canada. turkeys, chickens, and geese. One ped 1" It grower ke is that- he shipped Federation of Agriculture WILL MEET ' 'HURON WARDEN EXPECTS ons of turkey- this year to Northern Ontario and Quebec, and that since •Marketed June this 3'�ar lie" 'ails " ii`ia approx•fmately 7,000 turkeys. Feed dealers report decreased feed sales as compared to the same period in other years. • INCREASED COUNTY RATE* Huron Warden CIta rn e y Johnston forecast 0 one -mill inerease in the county- levuy in 1953, largely as ,t result of proposed increased ex - Farmers are .very perturbed over Penclitures on the road system. the decreased hog prices and many He .{.old McKillop Township coun- tre • threatening "to ' go -- otit "of—the" 1$1 tnrs that-. 'bridge - - construction swine business entirely. Wednesday, January 14, at 8 p.m. in S.S. No. 6, Goderich Township FILMS WILL BE SHOWN ALL FARM FAMILIES WILL BE WELCOMED ROBERiT STIRLING, President. • ROBERT WELSH, Secretary. 2 At D the TheARK n Square -- PHONE 1160 Now Playing—` THE QUIET MAN" In Technicolor - John ,Wayne—Maureen O'Harw--parry. FIttgeraid MON., TUES. and Ever WED.-- hin I Have Is Yours" yt g MXI1M. api'taSC1Lt$9 41 brilliant new dallying mu�S'lr rid .fes urnngn the ltlalen�ted Champions and s.1 cast of porn -- 1n Te•e+1$111 (4(lor Marge and Gower Champion and Dennis O'Keefe THURS.. FRI. and SAT,— • John Lund, Joyce hoiden and Scott Brady, " Axcbio't! -- Drama -- Te ehn1dalor door odvtntere story 411)4)111 o lrard-riding 9041 k>fthe West. "BRONCO BUSTER" Coming --"PLYMOUTH ADVENTURE" Tierney In Technicolor with Gene would account for much of the �-- boost in road costs, which may cover three-quarters of the one -mill j u mil. J. Calvin Cutt, Park street, a Bridges listed for consideration metnlliurgleail engineer, formerly this year are at Jamestown, Ford - employed' in Niles; Mich., has moved with and Winthrop. Under study to Peoria, 'Lllinois, where he has for 195.1 is a large span at Auburn, taken a position in the research which may take two years to build. department of the Caterpillar Trac- Reeve Dan Beuerinann, �MCKillop, tor ,Company, outlined the bridge satiation in the township. Ile said the 100 -foot - - bridge at 'Roxboro, spanning a branch of the Maitland River northwest of 'Seadorth, is scheduled for replacement. It will be shortened to 80 feet in length and its level will be raised about eight feet. 'Plans are also being studied to re-1nri1d—the- bridge near Bethel Church. MOVES TO NEW JOB Jack Batt, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. County wardenship three times. First warden was Joseph Griffin in 1893, Thomas sStothers in 1912 'and 't'ecil Johnston in 1950. Reeves of Ashfie Township since 18851: 1851—Char vin. 1852-53—I-tobert, .Davidson. 1$51 -57 --John Hawkins. 1858--tRohert Davidson. 1559 -(ii-- :Iohn Hawkins. 1802-69—William Ma:liough. 1870-74--Gea(rge . Armstrong. 1875-&3—Robert Webster. �Tosepl] - -- -. i . - • Griffin ( warden 1893). 1831--941—thug'' (1irvin. 1897-99=+Tohlr N. MacKenzie. 1900 41 Morgan I )alton. •1005—JOhn 'Barkley , 190(1 ---John McIntyre. 1907-12=Thos. aStot>hers 1912). 1913-14— i'Llliam 'IFunster. 1915 -17 --Charles Stewart. 1918-19--J. P. Dalton. 19"20-21—Joseph Hackett. 1922'.l5—.1. F. Johnston. 1926—John Farrish. 1927-3—Alex 'llatkett. 1929-32- -.Tohn A. McKenzie. .1933-30----Murdo Matheson. 1937—Richard Johnston: 1938--aRiobard Johnston. but only attended January (deceased). 1938—'Mex McDonald (10 1939 -43 ---Alex McDonald. 1944-4.5—Gilbert. Ftnyne. I916-50--('ecil Johnston iz1 4950_). 1951-53—Elmer GUY IVES & SONS CEMENT CONTRAC- TORS BUILDING BLOCKS and 'CHIMNEY BLOCKS Selkirk all -steel insulated chimney supplied and in- stalled. Chimney built or re- paired. Phone Carlow 1612 7-oxtf Ate West' Th •CAPITAL Street • -- PHONE 47 Now Playing—"THE FORBIDDEN LAND" With Johnny Weis amuller as Jingle Jim MON.. TUES. and WED. "STORM OVER TIBET" Aclventtire and roluti-nee high in at Siberian mountain range, whore thousands of totes of ice may beenme an 11W SS'OIne 111ef14'loe ReX Reason, Diana Douglas and Iea.n Tors THUR., FRI. and SAT. Janet Leigh — Carleton Carpenter — Keenan Wynn From the •nt sm story of the young i»chictee wfio centered army vvaith n tame tIbon in tow, "FEARLESS FAGAN" the Cowing "IIAKF oth a i (Davis andiPeggie Castle (warden Elected meeting, Graham. mos.) (warden Weddings-- GERIG—PALMER corsage of gardenias. I nautical science of Geneva bride of 'Roland Gerig on New , versify, Geneva, Switzerland. Year's Day at the home of her 'couple wilt live in Oshawa. parents at R.R. 2, Milton. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. !Proc- torPalmer, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gerig, Medco City", Mexico. The Rev. M. G..Newton officiated.Miss Eileen Gliddon was pianist, and Mrs. !Pamela Saddler sang. Given in marriage by her 'father, the bride wore 'an ..ankle-utu►gth gown of 'Chantilly lace and F reach net over satin. tier full lace skirt featured -a scalloped hemline wit!r underskirts revealing it frilly edge, and the fitted dice' wan topped by a lace bolero jacket styled with long tapering sleeves and a small stand-up collar. bier fingertip veil of imported tulle illusion was held by a ruck ing-trimmed tie srl- xprinkled headdress of net and she' The' bride was given in marriage curried 0 bouquet. of white gar- by her father and herr two brothers, and be assured of (tenths.1 Donald and George Ives acted as les of Mins (':irolyne Proctor, 1)ctroit, . ushers,- Miss , Lorna ripThe tsanartest sty en "was was ma Id of honor in a gown of . organist a nd pin y -c51 weld ing music A11 w001 Cloths.f - 1 over n the entrance of the bride land as Gloria Claire Palmer became the The groom is a graduate in 11 e1•o- Unl- The Wife with (w'lii perinr);—No, sol1. couple exchanged vows at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Row lifTe, U iborne Township, ' 57 yea rs ago. Fancy Eating MacIntosh Apples FRESH FROZEN Strawberries - Raspberries Cod Fillet Cooking Apples FRESH MEATS DAILY Mel Cranston' PHONE 350 LOCKER SERVICE KINGSTON ST. 6 for 29c 49c 39c 38c 5 lbs. 33c STAPLES—IVES The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ives, Colborne Township, was the scene- of a quiet wedding on December 17 when Shirley Marriot, daughter of Mr. and Mfrs. Guy Ives, became the bride of `Kenneth John Staples, of Illy-th. The bride wore 41 full-length r gown of nylon lace ovcwhite satin. filer headdress was al beautiful pearl studded tiara. and the nylon net veil was of tinger-tip length. She carried a tboucpfet of red' ro ses. The bride's sister, MTs. La*rrene ('ok lough, was her only attendaiiF and wore a gown of mauve taffeta and Carried a bouquet of 'mums. E 00 Yes, save as much as $20.00 on a new • inter Coat right in the height of the season. the season. embroidered 1 fine lac- satin al t and carrying a bouquet of yellow the register was being sinned. Rev. chrysanthemums. Valeria G a i 1 V. J. !Scott of Myth United 'Church Mathie•son, Craderiell, vv'as flower Performed the serv'iee. girl in white nylon lace with a! The reeeptien for the guests was white silk ds►nnct :anal carrying at hd titape llanue, following the basket of red roses. Serelvice.t '1'lu' bride's, mother re Jcreph Mt'1I,1ia111 Palmer, brother , eel edhe geestsserveand the eddinl g r of she bride, was best man. l F1 At a reception at the Park 'House, ate .families, .Supper per 14115 served (lotlarieh. the 'bride's mother ria .._1.)M,, Mirs line Blake, Mars. 'Norinatn reived, wearing :•1 blue Mee dress Allen, Mis4ev Gladys and Maxine with seed pearl trim. silver 111(1 tlile 'ltl.ake. The toast to the bride was h'a11,• gray ikloves and ron8atge of made by the father of the bride and pink rostra. the groom fittingly responded. For travelling to the Lanrentians, Roth the principals are employed the bride changed fio al sequin- at the 'R t',A.F. station, (Minton, trimmed white wool jersey dress ond 1after o short edi with matchingeawhite hot, 8111 take tiptemporary rcsidenrr iy muskrat coat, ekccassories and Hayfield. • Warmly lined and interlined. Good choice of sizes. Buy 'the coat you have been waiting for at a new low price, \1'I Sl'(;(11.1ST -AN EARLY SFbE(,'TION Geo. W. Schaefer & Son Pgo� ,s