The Goderich Signal-Star, 1953-01-01, Page 3109th Near-iNe- CUARTERXI, ACCOUNTANT Telephone 343 Licensed . municipal Auditor A. AL IIAUBlait ClIARTZRED .4.0CaLINTANW 55 i3oUth Ooderich, Ont. CHIROPRACTIC PIPORBERT B. SUCH, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic. Office Hours: Mon., Thura --9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues.. Fri -9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat. 9 to 11.30 a.m. . Vitamin Therapy Office -Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. MAGI8TB&TE OR.DERS • ' PAYX1121T OF WAGES Magistrate D. E. Holmes, QM., ordered Murray Miller of Clinton to pay the blalauce a wages due to Allan Dickson -and Edwin Pol- Ling . J. r of mas 4t4ir Mn Ex- h•ora Indy she's Dram indy ); a Irew �r C iN1 10 by utch. CdPes to a trIst- misiss este= Ontario 111otorways 'lock both of ItIt. 3, Auburn, iu police court on 1.`nesday of last week Dickson and Polloek had been employed by , vvttio was re- moving fences ter the depantinent a highways 'between Clinton and Goderich. Total wages claimed by the men were 189 to Dickson and ;92.20 to Pollock. Miller paid each untn $715 in "court on his Aria &p GODERICH; ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1st,1953 , NILE 'HURON MUNICiPALITLEa MEET TAX DEADLINE (Inten)id for Ittst week), * NILE, Thae. 23.--31ra. Its alr., There are many Indications that Nee is sibetaidding tgaue daya in Gode- 11062 was a prosperous one fur rich and attending ' the diamond ilium!: ,iut.v. " If the payment of i wedding of her aunt and uncle, taxes IS a, good criterion for the Mr. and NITS. 11.111Tili Great. tate Of vveil-being of the cottniT, M. and Ur* Cliff' lileNell„ mid then the past year might Well have Mir. and UM: poug. McNeil at tiljeen .6 rFeord one. tended the funeral of Mr. Jamie- " County Clerk -treasurer illavvey son of lAnidosboro last week. iMiss ICa.y MOI4ennan of Lucknow is spending tho Christmas Wilkins's vvitth Mr. ad Mini. Gralnun MeNee. Miss Joyce Johnston is uuder the with an attack of immix° a week previously and ilsaciwundicebor's :are the balance was ordered paid by the Douglas SOwerhar, Godorich magistrate. TowsollaP, holialtY'lug with MB unristmas Day HURON COUNTY CROP REPORT meisittuntegtall.." wide, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff With four or 11/Ve inches of 8110W Mrs.Gordon Anderson has been Former Chief Justice R. S. Robertson Is Honored by Judiciary at Toronto Erskipe has reported. that, for the. first dine Id Ms experience, all the' municipalities in the cottuty paid their coUnty mates, Wtalling ;487,- 000, by the December 20 due date. The Hon. Robert S. Robertson, Gee as loug as Judicial precedenea former Oiler justice of - ()Mario, is followed in this province." who was bora la Godtorich, was Mr- Jalb-tice- Ke111-Y, on„ behalf a he pulsate jUdges of the high cuurt houored at a dinner iu the Toronto tsaid:' "We have not come here to viab on Monday night of last week, talk our distinguished friend' to act...coding „to the Toronto Daily death, hnt bo expresta our admir- ' ittiott for his loftal character, our appreciation of his splendid career and our gratitude for the magniti- taut srvices he iras rendered." - - • - W. H. LOBS Rrau.erzi) Star. More thau 20 judges were 1Preseut to pay-' their respects to the man who held the highest. Judi - dad pest ,tn 0.uttirio from 1938 waif his retirement this .yetir. The tomer chief justice was presented with a i4lver tray. en- graved with a quetution front Ovid's Metamorphoses. Tranallated. It readii: The. dutiful are the Heavy .Tlues. Year especial cvare of the gods, and those wipe honor their duty are them- selves honored." • rrelephonc Cans 'Friday evening, and cooler weather, On the sick list. ' 4 " wellthor-. However, with no snow event of the ytar was the datldren cakts made front 'ClederiCh this past "I know trem nil Own experience the Christmas holiday. The ehorusest, recitations, drtilks, Christina's Day than on the pre- how the ludgeg Of the supreme court of Ontario have missed you ,on the greand earlier in the week, of Nile school's Christmas concert: travel conditions were excellent for ., Fairm.era have made good use of etc. were all well done. Miss is vious. one, the Bea Telephone 00111 - since tyour retirement front the the excellent weather to Wins, 11 Livingston dessrves great praise pany Ints reported. There were bench," saki Chief Justice J. W. outsitle work up-to-date. It is not ' a-- for the order and the work she no more local Calls made through Pickup, who succeeded Mr. Robert - put on the Program 51-1T-'4 Gel.'" the Goderich switchboard than 111 son -They find I %%ill continue we got the first real taste of wintec thristmas Concert. - The big There were afore long distance chief justice speaks 1 720 a.m. a.m. To London daily except Sat., Sun., and holidays. 8.30 a.m.-To London and Strat- ford daily except Sunday and holidays. 11.45 a.m.-To London and Strat- lord Sat., Sun. and holidays. 4.15 .p.m. -To Stratford and Lsn- • don daily ,except Sunday and holidays. 5.45 .pan. -To London on Friday onlY. 8.30 .p.m. -To London and Strat- ford Sundays and holidays only. SUS DEPOT AT Emus MOTORS PILONE 344 , E{oy N. Bentley Public Accciuntant Sox Goderich, Ontario NOW LOCATE)) LN BANK 0F COMMERCE " BUILDING ON THE SQUARE 11. M. FORD Get Insured - Stay Insured- • Rest Assured TELEPRONE 263w on December 24. -Dustow aoonvranist or t the 111.11.S1C. Miss Barbara Taylor 11.151. Boh and lon local g distance often 'that one sees tile 1a-(- was the e -being i I - ealtrliegier*enstnor4w inhsas anhealper elbriatinggat ,WtIS the winner 44 the Imlay tiokst Icalls low, red on December 24, Ism - water supply in farm vvells thesome- thrat drew a beautiful 01118111:011. Mr. 'ever, were d•own from the merlons what. back to normal. Miff , McNeil ' WZ1S chairman. The. i otms, ristuDye. . coming of Santa Cgaus made all On Christmas Day, there were very happy. ' 0,7t.sa local culls and 430 long tits- ' 3 For the first time since..1946 busi- mess for .cooperatives was down in Canada during 1951. Figures show thot 41,016,550,971 in total business was cloae by ,768 aaeocia- titins. This was a drop of r..n,2.71,- 000 from 1950. Geo. G. Maawan Fire, Accident and Motor Car insuranc EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER -Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date by calling Phone 466J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. in 19 2 tame calls entered here , • while ott the. same day in 1951 'there were 5,745 local calls and 352 'long distance Calls, On Decsmber tcalls and 435 long (Vast:ince calls HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth -Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Gixlerich Phone 144 g Ovi ri err° OA ifS BY BLACKSTONE'S .24, 1952. there were 11,..st local made, w on t he day bet o re Paying t vitiate to the * keen. , Christmas iti 1951. there were 12,- penetrating mind :I Ild 11140.4111Y of 091 heal calls and 507 long tlis ipespose- of -Ir. Robertson. Chief " Extra Staff ' 1.1austiee .1. C. .1IcRuer a the hish tanee (ails made. I The Company reported I ha t . sortiSsirSt it sutlitt-lut: it"laInd N'Vt1111SM A fli eamtillnie wIIPV 1141 judssuents will rema in as git ale - to your kind guidance and. eounsel."• Speaking on behalf of , the court of apptal. Mr. Justice Keiller Mac- kay sad : "It is fitting to say thet She power of the intellect of It. S. Robertson is.- and will be, felt from the Atlantic to the•Favitie and be- yond in -all spheres of volts ve activity where lawyers on -the beneh or at the bar, are wont 141 exert preponderant or slignal FEDERATION PRESIDENT Huron Central Agriculture So- viety at its anttual meeting in (Min- ium on Saturday renamed W. II. 110LIDAT sun. sow= RE.ToRE (mamma lay Although the amount of ontgolng mail" 'twin Goderleb during the Christmas Season. averaged 500 let- ters and carda a day niore than in 1951 during the two-week ponied POreelliceetti:altaff°b4.harisdtwasaii tiltill°callaeoluP10:11 first, third and fonabh class mail sorted by Christmas Eve, Walling only, u few magazines to' be sorted after the holiday. Of. the, utetered mail sent from, Godenich, which includes cards and ietters, 106,829 pieces were sent tont in the three weeks from December 3 to December 20, but this total was made up largely in the two weeks from December 12 to Decem- ber 20, when 147,919 pieces were sent out. •Lobb, Clinton, as its president for 1953. Other' officers are: Stewart ne- Dwan, Stanles) Township, first vtice- president ; .Frank Falconer. Stan. ley, • second Vice-president ; A. J. McMurray, Clinton, secrete r y - treasurer and manager. The meeting picked Saturday, 'May 30, as_ t he date for the spring fair. A rePott submitted by Mr. McMurray showed that' there were some 469 entries at the 1952. Spring fair. with prize money paid on 305 Prizes. To mil retsants were $4,106, while total expenses were $3960, - Directors for next year are: Hal- lett TOmusbibp, W. L. Wityle, E. J a ek Van Kama n d, Thomas -Leiper ; Tuckersmith, lIarold Pep- -per, Bob Arlan, W. P. ROberts; G oderi eh To w rip; ti 1), Alfred Wit r- ner, W. II. bola), Robert Sterling: Stanley, Stewart MeEwan, Robert l'eck. Ansta1 NIcKinicy ; DT. J. W. Shaw, Mel Oriels 'Dr. (74,0Tge ;01i11014, liTOW11, F ,elestat \while the usual extra staft was oti dutts to handle extra holiday oaths they Were atfle-to-handle-the extra - load 111Uell CUShr this Chrlstmass' due to the rearrangement of staff 'so that long distance calls were handled only by special long (Ls- * tanee operators, !saving haat oper- ators free- to concentrate on loear . ealls only. This arrangement was ZW1NGELBERG-HOFFMANN instituted during the sast summer. r.rhe Rev.- Heinatrich united in IDue to the overload on traes• jmarriage at Attrich Lutheran icoatinental (*instils, the Weal ex- I (lianas Jutta Hoffmann, slaughter change Was unable to eomplete any 1 of Mr.' and Mrs: Arthur Hoffmann mils beyond Ontario and Quebec of Hedwig, Germany, and Ewald \on 'Christmas Day. Malty burg dis- Zwingelberg,- son -of Mr. and Mrs. t alive (kills plats d before - a nd,.after 'Its -man Zwingelberg, Grand Ras Christmas Day, bowel:cr, were com- 1 yids, .31inas . . 'Acted without any ditlieulty. The The bride A1111$ 01W1led 111 WIlito company earlier Made a speCial net, • fashioned with 'a full skirt appeal to subseribsrs /o aveid the showing floral embroidered motifs. heavy traffic! of Christmas Day if The tit.ted bodice was worn with a posSible." ' • s brief black velvet jacket. 11&-r No -overseas mils Were completed shoulder length veil was arrangtal from a beaded headdress and she carried -a 1)o -tartlet- of red roses. _ . W11 11 '1 11 independence of mind. 'His C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Casualty Real Estate 130 Colborne St., Goderich Phone 18w .....ssommor "What& you masa Iroze I just got your bi114or airew muffled" Misunderstandings seem to lbe part and parcel of everyday !from here on Christmas Day due life 'but we look forward to to previous bookings; At all r points. posts in otir administrittien of ins Outgobig (Mall . The biggest batch of outgoing mail was approximately 70 bags on one twin, including ail, types ot mail, wade up of 50,000 cards and letters. and 30 bags of parcels, ex- cluaive of rolls off newsptupers. The heaviest load of 'Incoming mail in one shipment consisted of approximately 100 bags, including about 900 parcels, which arrised on Monday, December 22. In case you want to know how this huge volume of mall was hand- led with such efficiency, the total aggregate number of man-hours spent on outgoing mail alone by four people from December 15 to December 24 was 366. This does not include the time spent by the same people during the same'period leaVe 111 Detroit, had to settle for Junior direetors: James Snell]. Fra nk Falconer, James 1411)1) Weddings F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE GODERICH 1953 with the hope of giving our customers ,understanding lp in the selection of furni- ture to suit their ' every need. A -prosperous New Year to one :and 1 0MICE-MASONIC TEMPLE • WEST MEET PHONE 230 . GODERICH D. GUITA3.D Stonework, Brickwork and Plastering A good job of plastering has sae substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria A. L. COLE Optometrist -Optician ftes Examined, Glasses Fitted 1Phone 33 Godericb, Ont. Malcolm !fathers INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Now located at 46 WEST STREET GODERIOH Phone 115W taritotone'.0 urntitirt PAINTS STOV;S ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES "On the Broadway of Godswith" PHONE 240-J GODERiCH The entire tittle allotted for over- seas, catts from Canada Was booked up well ahead of the hoMday season. Among the long distance calls reeeived In Goderiell on Christnets Day...was one to .11r. and Mrs. Gra- ham Inglis, Ilisiee -Street. -fro-in- t:heir .4:laughter, 'Nips. Cha Victeria, Mrs. Inglis re- ported 'that the- Sall WIlti very clear - and ,was put through prenatals.. Mrts.•Chantler is 'with the Itritish Colunibla welfa.re • department in the 'parliament slutildin.f.ss in Vic-. toria and •Mr. Chant/ler is with the Hu &sot t's Ita y Coinpan y in t t eity. .. Mrs. Oliver Peok received a t,eie- shone 'cella on 'Christmas 'nor -1111m from her Miss Frances '00011, who is employed as a titirsc's aide .at the GerieralOTIospital 111 17,111100.1TVeT, DANCE AT EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL HALL ON Saturday, January 3 PRESEWITNIG CLARENCE PE'rRIE AND HIS NIGHTHAWKS, FEAT"O'RING WARD ALLAN LiAtuenfG 9 TO 12 ADMISSION 50c, • -1 At PARK On the The Square PHONE 1150 MERRY WIDOW" -In Technicolor,- . with Lana Turner -and Fernando Lamas-- ALL-V(0RM * • *:* *". JAN. -5th to 10th. THE u/ET AN TECHNICOLOR- Ftilmed in County ,Ifayo and glowing with glOrions haekgromuks of the Irish countryside . . . See the hilarious Rattle of. the Century . . . Thrill 40 this shisplieity of its romlanee . . Enjoy every motnent with John Wayne - Maureen O'Hara - Barry --Fitzgerald and the famed Abbey Theatre Players of Dublin . . . Two shows each night at 7.30 and 9.45 p.m. 'Faith an' les a Davila' picture. .. ad1111111.4.11111=1, YOURTANTNER DIES... will the firm be endangered?' Will essential capital be wit - drawn; a stranger .forced upon you in hi is place; settlemeni difficulties with his widow en- countered? Business assurance with the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada will safe- , plum your 'firm from suck eventualities., Protect your own firui . call' me today. Representative of Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Harold W. Shore , I ARMY BEATS AIR FORCE AT CONFIDENCE GAME • ywo service girls, on sorting incoming mail. • doughnuts and coffee at the •U.S.O. SERVICES ARRANGED FOR WEEK OF PRAYER ' Goderirtt mipist ri a 1 Asso- ; elation met on Monday, 11eeetniller 29, for the election of otheers anti te, arrange the Week of Prayer for I \— 'Plii.- elect loll 4)f .itlicers res.u.'assi, las foillows: President, the Rev: 1. 4%, 4 Hind; vice-president, the Rev 11. A. Iiivkinson; 4 -croft Ty - treasu rer, 1 1,i, ise•tra tit Hillery. . 31ASON-3facEIVAN The Week of Prayer St.rViCVS have Standards of white chrysauthe-lbeen arranged as s.dlows: January and lighted 13 in Knox Presbyterian Oistirch--- mums, palms, ferns 'speaker, Dr. K. E. Taylor : January . • ' 1 till white candelabra de- 1-1 at. Vietoria Street l'nited Slturelt 1 - eorating the chancel of Knox pres- --speaker, Istart en a nt yo in a - out eent. 1(.1111relts-speaker. l'astiir Bah free rooms for le remainder of The hotel manager gave the gide byterian Church, foamed a y it.ary 15 'at Si. ;el I rg.l. ilgo,dea setting for a wedding of interest ask. on Saturday afternoon whets Katles their , visit. veld re for t lee ir Ch tutus dinner. Margaret Maenalland; 21, and Ber- nice Knoll, 1s, of the Royal Csin- adian Air Foree at (Minton, went to Detroit Monday of last week 4.0 spend their holiday. At the De- troit 1' .S.(). centre they met a yonug man dress,ed in a Oanadian *army uniform who 'gave his name is 1 v id Da v idson and helped /hem /nal a hotel room. -Ile dropped -in to see them -Wed- nesday to help them prepare to -see the town" and said they might have treuble with their 0.madian currency. They gave trim their en- tire savings,' $31,. and he left to have it eXehanged at a nearby bank. didn't return and the girls were left, stranded in .a strange city with - ken Alma, daughter a Mrs. Mao - Ewan and the late William George MacE.Wan of Goderich was sullied,. in marriage '• to .Douald Edutund Mason, Son .of Mrs. Mason and the late Edmund .•Mason, of Goderich.; The double -ring ceremony wasi Mrs. Erie Mueller of (seders. a performed by the Rev. It. G. 11le matron of honor, was gowned in Milian. Dr. F. T. Egener of Lon -1 blue lace and carried a 'colonial don played the wedding ,MUS1C 11 44(1 bouquet of roses. - the soloist, Mrs. F. Egeuer sang frock and 1 Given -in marriage by her 1114011',as 'Aowcr., "The bord's Prayer" and "lieeause.' glaNilissworKeQtraesnonMkneisliiikr carried lloWel:Tss .Mr. Petey J. MatiEwan, the bride . Jack' .1o.olted foVely, --gowned- --whitel - The page bey was- Rudy licek and Erie' Mueller was best chantilly lace- over crinoline satin, - styled with . tight-litting jacket sultulA reception followed the core- ,buttoned to the w a ist, roibed col la r alai ballerina -length bouffant skirt. mons at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. Erie Mueller, Elgin .Her double tulle. illusion veil fell ltrorn a sheil-shaped headdress of 1n:4'411'11r' 'tS(.11-)Ite.riviitit--- reside in- -tilrand 'late over • satins She -earried- a-- bous qtiet ..rf gardenias and stephanOtis. 111114114141111114114108411411041101111111061111114114111114 GUY IVES & SONS maim CONTRAC- TORS . BUILDING BLOCKS and CHIMNEY BLOCKS Selkirk all -steel insulated chimney supplied and in- stalled. , Chimney built or re- paired., • Phone Carlow 1612 7-oxtf Mrs. Gordon J. McManus, sister REINHART-CHISHOLM . of the bride, was matron of honor, Red roses and poinsettias ar- 'gowned in holly red nylon net over naked on the altar of -St. Peter's pale blue taffeta,fashioned with Church,. provided a seasonal setting bouffant ballerintelengtli skirt, for a 'pretty wedding on Saturday tucked bodice and matchittg stole. mornins when Mary Leone, &ugh- .she wore a headdress of red ter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. ()his- feathers and blue velvet ribbon. holm Of ,Goderich, WAS united in lier flowers were blue daisy Clay - Kitchener, son of Mr. 'John R. The bride's 1114AT, M111`y-JIIYIle taarriage to Dr. Edgar Reinhart id .santheatuats. 'Reinhart and •the late Ars. Rein McAanus was flower girl, daintily hart of Stratford. • froulted, in holly red nylon net over The ceremony was performed by pale blue taffeta. . The bouff/int the Rev.. J. P. °Jerson. Mrs. A. E. skirt was caught up with little Buechler presided at the organ and nosegays of blue forget-me-nots, the 'soloiSt 'was Miss Agnes Gills- , which matelIed her hair bandeau .and she carried :1 nosegay of,,,,bliat holm, sister of the bride. The bride, who was given in forget-me-nots. Mr. Gadon W - marriage by hersfather, was charm- Manus was groomstintn and ushers -s- ing' in her gown of white chantilly were George Parsons and Jack - lave over satin, fashioned with net Frith .of Goderich. - At a 'reception at. the 'bride's 4;,,kee. iirredd lsoknigrt lielyxreiiidnetd sleeves vtehs.; home, Mrs. Mmewan received her back ' into a chapel train. iler guests wearing a rosewood crepe .floordength Freneh illusion veil and lace gown with white and gold was caught to a lace and satin straw hat and corsage of white Juliet cap., She carried -a prayer gurdenias. She was assisted by Oat book arransement of white. roses groom's mother, gowned in' cameo and streamers. 'Herattendants were her three ,Sister.s, Mrs. Richard Kaufman of London, us Matron of honor, - wore a ballerina -length gown of gold velveteen with fitted bolero -and a matehing Puritan -styled bonnet, re- lieved with veil loops, and muff with gold a nd blue ch r3'811n th et n u iii arrangement. , . The bridesmaids, Mrs. . Robert Buckley, Toronto, and Miss Rita Chisholm of London were similarly go‘vned in royal blin. setvete441, with matchIng bonnets and muffs of bine and gold. MT. Wilfred Reinhart 4-4 Goile- ,rich, the groom's brother. was groomsman and usherwere Harold IShantz of Kitchener and John Rein- hart. jr., of Stsatford. - After a wedding breakfast at the 'Goderirli Pavilion, a reception was held at the hotne of the bride's parents. Mrs.. Chisholm,. wearing navy lace with shell pink acces. sorles and corsage t4f pink roses and 'mums was assisted in -recelv• Ing by Mrs. Joseph McCaffery of 1:4,11ltford, the groom's sister, 1 gowned In winter white and black ensemble with winter white acees- sories and Corsage of red roses For a trip to New York City, I land 'mums. •the bride wore a green corded silk suit_ with white dowered hat, WWI e 'aveessories and orchid ,corsage and black Persia n la nth - coat . On mph - return, the counle will reside at 30 Wtter street nortit, Kitchener. 1 Aluests were present from .Tdr- onto, 'Stratford, London, "Wood- stock, .Strathroy, Kitebener and Goderich. 11011••••••••••14•••••••••• TAh; CAPITAL , PHONE 47 Now -"OKLAHOMA ANNIE" -In Trucolor with jndy Canova and Grant Withers. West Street MON.. TUES. and WED. , "THE HOUR OF TIPTEEN" Are you in the mood for an evening of dramatic suspense? Then you WIN enjoy this new and entertaining mystery (1411 11141. Peter.Lawfor(l - I)awn Addams - Roland Culver FRI. and SAT. Johnny Weissmuller - Sheila Ryan and Bob ‘Vatertield Jungle Jim 1041415 an anthropologist (into the 4481141 of (Mont People and is caught in an **plaint statnpede, among other adN:entstres. "THE FORBIDDEN LAND". Coming -Janet Leigh and Carleton Carpenter In "FEARLESS FAGAN." 1,r4r9., -4011Ni114.M1.1111.01111111111., blue crepe with pink corsage 41111 black accessories. For travelling, the bride wore 1 pale blue rioodle cloth suit with brown squirrel cape, matching blue hat -and black taffeta accessories, with corsage of pink camellias. Mr. and Mrs. Mason will reside In Houston, Texas. The bride is a graduate of the University of Toront 0. Guests present at the we(ldlng were front Stratford, Guelph. Ter. onto,. 14)1141011, Owen Sound, While Horse, Yukon,.Winnipeg, Kitchener, .Senforth and Windsor. •••••••••••••••••••••••441 DO YOU NEED ANY Carpentry Work ,or Plumbing DONE IN YOUR HOME? Whether it's to build a house, a garage or any woodwork or also plumb- ing or painting, come and see , me any day after 7 p.m. Guranteed work at the lowest price. , F. E. COTE GODERTOR Living in bus located next to Huron lee Plant, Huron Road 1-5x 0411.•••••••••••••••••1••41 We have appreciated your patronaggi during the past year and look forward to serving our customers—old and new—in 1953. E.BRECKEN RIDGE HARDWARE PLUMBING - HEATING PHONE 13S GODERir_H