The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-12-04, Page 7ti PI UIaf31 x, DEC. 4th, 1052 oderich STORE HOURS for Christmas Shopping pen Evenin COMMENCING: Open All. Day Wednesdays in December GO.pERICH MERCHANTS .CAN SUPPLY. YOUR EVERY. CHRISTMAS GIFT NEED NOT CHARITY, BUT A JOB Not all the toys that will gladden the hearts of children this Christ- ians have been made by Santa ,Claus. Thousands that look like .new and Operform as well as ever will have been remade, from old, castoffs, by the crippled, blind and paralyzed men of Goodwill In- .dustries. :Now celebrating its 50th anniver- sary, Goodwill has become a unique. and thriving organization says a December header's Digest- article. Goodwill is dedieatecl to rehabilitat- ing discarded men and material. Its method gis simple: it persuades the public to contribute castoff items of all kinds; disabled workers in Goodwill factories then repair them ,and sell them at low prices in Goodwill stores. The sales re- ceipts cceipts pity the workers' wages. Seven in Canada Today, 101 .Goodwill factories hum in the United States. 350 re- tail stores sell an annual volume of nearly $1.1,000,000. Seven Good- will organizations now operate in Canada, others frotu Australia to the Argentine. - In ro years the Goodwill plan has employed 240,000 people, most o hi f whom were e e r egarded as uncui- ployable". when they ,first . Oconee_ Paralyties, arthritics, the bltnd,•t:he •men without arms or legs all do Goodwill's work, each setting his own work pace as his capacity allows. Many have graduated to good jobs in (private industry; .others have been promoted to super- visory posts - in - Goodwill's u%'U plants. The movement is the brain child of a Boston Methodist minister. In 1902, he began collecting old clothes for his needy parishioners. As much of the clothing needed -repair, he organized sewing bees for the poor women of his parish. In exchange for their labor they wore given the repaired garments. Then a small store was opened and surplus clothes were sold to the public. Later he added furniture, toys, kitchen utensils, electric appliances. - Today Goodwill' deals in virtually every -tiling. A cage of white mice featured a recent transaction. But Goodwill's greatest job of restoration is that of men rather titan goods. In Goodwill's shops says the Digest article,- human dig- nitynt a the1self-respect se expect that conies of self-help have been restored- to thousands who once had thought these assets lost. . The Detroit River which runs by 1Wtipdso_, Ont., and Detroit, curries at,__a_v. er-age of 115,000,000 _ tons of sliipping a year -greater tonnage than 'that' of Sut''i,, Panama and ticiel canals combined. Snowplows Using' Mobile Telephones 'Same Service for Cars Next Spring Snowplows and other vehicles assigned to keep highways 'and roads in this area open this winter are now equipped with mobile telephones. C. B. Symonds, Bell 'Telephone manager for this region, announced this week that 28 Ontario Depart- ment of Highways snowplows and sanding trucks in this area are being served by Bell radio -telephone equipment. Telephone connections with the vehicles are provided from a radio `trunsmrittiiig and receiving tower, 150 feet tiigh, which was erected four miles north -of Clinton last September. This site was chosen because it is centrally Located in the territory served. 'Calls to and from vehicles are handled by u special operator at the switchboard in the Clinton tele- phone exchange. The mobile tele- phone switcl1board, like tate outer switchboards, is in service 24 hours a day. • Radio Tower Near Clinton. The tall steel tower near Clinton serves a wide area, which includes Goderielr, Seaforth and Clinton, as well as Bayfield, Blyth, Carlow, 1 • LIF o Association HEAD O'F F I C E • T O R O N T O DECEMBER 18 9 a.m. 9 p.m. DECEMBER 19 - 9 a.m, - 9 p.m. DECEMBER 20 - 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. DECEMBER 22 DECEMBER 23 'DECEMBER 24 This ad. sponsored by Better Business Committee of ,Godecich Jaycees, OPERATORS SPEED SNOW REMOVAL Dublin, Hensall, Zurich, Brussels, Dashwood, Duu%gaunon ;and Exeter. lir. Symonds said that mobile service will be available to oper- ators of other types of vehicles in this region next spring, us soon as the necessary additional equipment can be obtained and installed. In ail, more than 200 highways department snowplows and sanding trucks in various parts of the pro- vince are being equipped with Bell mobile telephones this winter. The telephones keep the vehicles in constant touch with their head- quarters, thereby enabling them to receive instructions, • and send re- ports while ou the road: The driver of a mobile -equipped vehicle can place calls to and re-• ceive then' from any other tete- phone. whether 'in a vehicle or on land, that can be reached through normal local or long distance facilities. A 'Big program .Prov'ision - of the service in this region is part of tl.large-scale ex- pansion Of the Bell C'ompttnv's mo- bile telel.cllote _service. 'Thet entir., program is scheduled .for-eomplet10u late. in 19:i3_ and will provide ser- vice over a wide area stretching* front Windsor to Montreal and reaching northward to Owen Sound. Mobile -equipped vehicles will than have continuous service while travelling cit roads, highevys and city- and town streets anywhere itt that wide area. When the service went into oper- ation here • it marked completion of the first phase of the program. In addition to Clinton, exchanges being equipped to provide 'mobilo service in this first phase of the over-all program are • .it London, i1raeebridge, Huntsville. Preston - Parry Sound, Y)ntetnee, Port Hope, HawkeShtiry. Cornwall, Ottawa, Brockville, Smiths . Palls, Kingston and Belleville. Types of vehicles which have been equipped with mobile tele - • IN PURSUIT OF A VISION "I have lived in the pursuit of a. vision, both personal and social. Personal: to cure for what is noble, for what is beautiful, for what is gentle; to allow moments of in- sight to give wisdom at more mun- dane times. 'Social: to see in im- agination the society that is to be created, where individuals grow freely, and where hate and greed and envy die because there is noth- ing to nourish them. These things I believe. and the world, for all its horrors, has 'left me unshaken." -Bertrand Russell. The history of gold mining in Canada dates from 1651 schen Louis XIV of France granted u concession to Nicholas ,Denys to mine gold in Nova Scotia. Calls to and from mobile telephones in Ontario Department of Ifighways snowplows and sanding trucks in this area are handled through this switchboard in the Bell Telephone's Clinton-_ exchange. The operator shown above' is Miss h`rances Woods, commercial passenger curs, anibnl- ces •nears, n ,, police tow truck;, cranes, transport trucks. bank and express money- cars, and lire -fight- ing trucks. Equipment in the subscriber's vehicle consists of a radio trans-' nutter, receiver, control unit, un- tenna, and a telephone handset, all compactly arranged, so. that• it can •be fitted into any type of vehicle. If You're TIRED ALtTNE TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down niw awl then, tired -out, heavy -headed, and maybe - bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, jest a temporary toxic condition caused by ezceu acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. look for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodd's. 52 JUNIOR MATRICUL TION IF YOU DID NOT FINISH HIGH SCHOO.L;-.AO. SO NOW BY STUDYING AT HOME IN SPARE taw The High School course' offered by this 5I -year-old School pre-t•p pares you to write examinations for a Secondary School Gradu- ation -Diploma. (Junior Matriculation. in Ontario). I' Progress rapidly. • Low monthly payments includes all books. DO NOT ALLOW LICK OF EDUCATION TO HANDICAP YOU. WE WELCOME ENQUIRIES FROM THOSE OUT OF SCHOOL FOR. A NUMBER OF YEARS. PI4I';AS1: Noll:: The American School is p'ri.marily for adults and iviltl not accept sttuieuts who can and should attend their local High Sch+lol. Please do 'trot write unless you are over Ili years of agr' and are tither at- tending nor able to attend resident school. AMERICAN SCHOOL, 312 Wright Bldg., .122 Wellington St. London, Ont. • - Please send me, svithout obligation, your FREE 12 -page High School Bulletin. Nance ' %ge Address Ithoncs iticludE heti' private and i41:1-4`iWWt '' 'EMERSON'S . • Representative K: S. GILLIS -- GODERICH DRl.NX , TRAD1 NARK REO. RE REFRESHED Gifts .. Suggestions RAZORS FOR HIM -11 411 IP :OUTSTANDING WHEREVER THEY SERVE Skilled, tough and proud of their reputation,,Canadian Infantrymen are the finest fighting soldiers in.the world. They,are the -top men in the Canadian Army. Modern developments have only made the job of Infantry gore complex, demanding careful training in many fields. Wherever they have served, Canadian Infantrymen have distinguished themselves. Today, in Korea and Germany, Canada's infantry Soldiers are once again demonstrating their superiority. Report right away to: No. 13 Personnel Despot, - Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Street, Kingston, Ont, Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond 5t. W., Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main St. V4,... North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre, James St, Armoury, 200 James St. N., Hamilton, Ont. A2tsbw-o The Canadian Army needs more of these men. Canada needs more of these Infantry Soldiers to help maintain our security, to help assure our future. For young men with the spirit of adventure, there is challenge and satis- faction in serving with Canada's world-famous Infantry. You are eligible i/ you are 17 to 40 years of age, physically fit and ran meet Army test requirements. Applicant should bring birth certificate or other proof of age when reporting for interview. Jautk€CANADIAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE Nom! CUTEX GIFT SETS 69c to 3.00 REVLON GIFT SETS. 1.00 to 6.00 Ictctctoctetcirvc atocctctctvctec►ec'ctc GYVE HER A PERFUME THIS CHRISTMAS • Chanel 6.00 Coty Christmas Bell t4,4' Perfumes, 4 scents 2.50 Shandra 1.00 to 9.60 Coty's. Muguet , 1.40 Rubinstien's White Magnolia 2.75 • Shalimar 6.00 Cr,. t:tv,ctchchrtc,ctcPcet>: veva to►tt.yckctcem COLOGNES • Apple Blossom 1.85 White Magnolia .. 1.75, 2.75 • Heaven Scent . 1.25, 1.85 • Gardenia 1.25, 1.85' • Lotus 1.75 Shandra, 1.00, 2.00 ▪ Yardley Fragrance 1.75 Aprih Violets 1.75 ' Old Spice 1,75 121PwC V Friendship . Garden 1.75 Schick Electric ... 29.95 Phillishave 29.75 Sunbeam 31.75 Rolls Razor 9.95 Gillette 1.59, 3.79 Schick Injector .... 1.25 • BILLFOLDS Plastic - 98c Leather .. 2.50 to 7.95 Men's Plastic Travel kit .... 5.70 Men's Leather Travel kit • 9.85 1.c'ct; tStetgtet-vetores tetctome CIGARETTES Flat 50's 97c ZIPPO LIGHTERS 4.50 Others at 1.00 to 7.50 YARDLEY LAVENDER 4-4444-4444/41:1-4-41I-4-4-4 44-4444 COTY GIFT SUGGESTIONS- w az,ctv-s,�a,gr ..w+,T.Wcb oq% Coty Perfume in a beauti- ful golden -slipper 4.50 Fragrance Bar containing Muse, A ' Suma and Le Vertige Perfumes 8.00 a vccvetcictctetetetet tetmc'ctct Purser set contains Cologne and .Perfume • 3,00 cctctorcteigtOottctetvocitbElva Adventure 'in Fragrance contains 7 different Coty Perfumes 2.50 tetctete'ctc ctcwbuctctctvctctetctc i Purser Set contains Face Powder and Perfume 4.00 ttctgtctvvoctetvittcttctetenvme t. 1.25-1.75-2.50-3.50 ^ e tAtm,v,c-rugtatc,4t iwctvviskr YARDLEY TRAVEL KIT FOR LADIES Containing creams, ton- ing lotion, rouge, lipstick, face powder, etc. Beautifully packaged. 7.50 cock le etrtetclvatc'cteivcctvzn. NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES 1.15 - 2.25 Baby Brownie ... 620 Brownie 616 Brownie COMB, BRUSH AND MIRROR SETS Chrome finish, pearltone back with medallion 5.95 tm.-tortztvetvelictogtvcvtottclvvirctt SEAFORTH FOR HIM Lotion 1.00, 1, Talcum 1,?575 Deodorant 1.75 Groomstick1.50 Sets at 2.00, 2.25, 3.50, 5.25 and 8.75' vtoreetcvvw.cfcite tctctcivoccurcietc YARDLEY'S FOR MEN Shave Lotion .... -1.25, 2.00 Talc, Shave Bowl 1.10, 1.50. Cologne 2,00 Sets from - 2.35 to 7.50 .etgtc-ky vatc etct r tetgr t •vovvc-rte MENNEN'S SHAVE SET Lotion, Talc and Shave Cream 1.48 .4,41mtgic;t� rctclt;tetr,tCeat ttaTtCtdeaden WOODBURY SHAVE SET Shave Cream in Plastic Bottle and Lotion 3.30 1.40 tvoctrzti" ','telco ct s taj,"t tEGeimtttivo 8.25 MENNEN'S LOTIOV' 9.25 68c - 1.35 -- 1.48 1.25 Brownie Reflex 14.25 Brownie Hawkeye ..6.25 Brownie Hawkeye for FTash attachment . 8.25 Flash Attachment for above 3.80 vetctetvcictcwrAtctctgtcvntortc° WRAPPING PAPER SEALS TAOS RIBBON, ETO. TIVIITTIVITIVOPTCRIM '4 1111' 41171-14111111-WIMIZPV