The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-11-06, Page 10THE GODERICR SIGNAL -STAR ON T SQbLZz AND .... $ERE AND THERE First real snow storm of the season last year was on this date, November 6, and on the following dtlty. . 'Pont Pride. \1.1'.1'., visiting the Stivittl-Slur otII&-e last week -de- scribed the rumor re a new trifle way •i ;h - way b3 -passing Clinton as "a pile dream." Largest steel boat yet built by _lathitvson Boat 'Works, lone 56 feet long, Ls nearing completion. 11 will go to Parry Sound. The fat caner are getting thinner and the thin ones are• getting fat- ter at the "Keep Fit classes being held every .Wednesday evening at the public school gymnasium, it is elaiwed. ..y the members atten- ding. 'There are 14 regular atten- dants artisans the WI .1114.11 with more expos+te(1. If poll wan, to keeps your busi- ness a scot -t the sure w•ay 0 --Wet to advertise. CARDS OF THANKS MISS at. L3'MAN uk BE AI''1'1- LANt and Hair.Dressiug Salon takes this opportunity to thank her oustowers, fu1• their patruuage dur- iug her terin of business iu Code- rieh. 44 THE r1'1LY Or TILE LATE Miss Frances E. McLean wish to thunk the luaus friends and neighbors fur their kindness autl expressions of sympathy and -fur the floral tributes received. 44 The "Queen ler a day- at 1110 Jaycee ladies' night Novemisr 12 will be seleeted tei• an unusual Oasis.. Each wife 'will be called upon to give exaggerated ,aceeunts of her husband's 'faults. The wife who. ean ma•ke her husband ap- pear as just about "the_ world's worst", will get the prizes and the crown. Of cours.e, some wives will _ have a head start. or so they will Art Thompson of Reg. MeGee's Green _Xeres farm was instrueted to. hatil -in to safety a certain. gate prt-vent it from . being taken away by pranksters on Hallowe'en. He went one better and 'took an-' other gate also. Driving along the road- with"the gates to take them to near the house, a poliee car .engthy explanation was he able to aonvinee the cop4 that he wa -11.41 prankster .1 moving gate4 for fun hut rattler one removing them to PERSONAL- MRS. 11. J. A. MacE\\'AN 11 anxious to express her at►- prer.•iation to those who were ,o kind and t iougl►tful for thea dur- ing Mr. MacEWan's illness. 44 6L l,d A. MRS.'EDWARD and family wish to thank the neighbors aaud friends who extended their sym1401Ity to them, these who sent floral tributes 'and those who sent cards of sympathy. 44 MR. AND MRS. GOLDI'E N1 W - TON take this opportunity of thanking their ueighbol'$ and friends of Zion !'birch and '1'x1?'1+►r's etirtar for the beautiful and useful gifts the, had. given them; they also wish to express thanks for the kind messages accompanying theist. They wish their friends 11, ktioW they have enjoyed being co-workers with them and that they will tv,ntinue to think Of theta individually and unitedly. BORN AKE13011).---At 1 Ebury Street, I3utely, Yorkshire, England, on 1►etubcr 27, 1952,10 Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Akeroyd nee Audrey Wits land 1, a soli. BAXTER.—Ai Alexandra Hospital. Goderich, on October 31, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs:. Sheldon Baxter. Goderich, a daughter, alio roe Norene. IIAMILTON.--At Alexandra Ilos- pital, Goderich, iru November 2. 1952, to Mr. and Mrs Gtorge Hamilton, Goderich, a daughter. HOLMES.-- At General Hospital, Ottawa, on November 1. 1952, to Vicki.wife of John E. Holmes, 1►ttawa, -11 daughter, ..Ann \'ictorhe I..IUNUG1tEN.---At Ah xaudra IIos- pital, Goderich, on • November 3, 1952, to Mr. , and Mrs. Allan Ljanggren, Goderich, a- daughter, Laurel Ellen. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED„ .alr. and Mrs. George A. Canol- bele Goderich,"-.-kish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ina May, to Mr. -Herbert John StatTen. son ef Mr. and Mrs. Mel- riage to take place the latter part 11 Briefs II Make a note of it today to -renew ,our Signal -Star subs riptiuuWM' COW au- Keserye Friday evening, Novem- ber 14, fur a curd party in the Parish Hall under the `auspices of Margaret Seager Club of St. George's Church. "Bridge' will be Played and progressive Five Hun- dred. Luuch will be served. Ad- wis_ uu 50e. Houle -wade candy, home baking, jaws and piekles for sale at our "Snack Bar." -40.6• As wiuter mouths approach, now is the time to review your fire insurance- x1It les. For � ou r re- puirements of insurance on resi- dential, business and farm proper- ties, hlioue 766\\^; H1truld W. Shote, lu ur;tute Agency, "All Lines Of ln-uranee," North street, Goderich. 4144 ti -der Shell furnace oil and stove oil front Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for 1111 Shell Oil Co.- products. Phone 08.•42t1' Reserve Saturday, November 10, for a bazaar, bake table and tea iu the Legion Blue Room from 3 to 5, sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary. 4245 Goderich dome and School As- sociation are holding a Bridge and •'500" party in the auditorium of the school on Friday, No �,ember 7, at 8 p.m. Good •prize,, 1t1'fsc7h1 served. Admission 50e. Everybody wel- come. • 43-4 Keep November 11 open for .a visit to Mrs. Kershaw's open house. She will receive. teeth afternoon loot evening. Tupper Ware will he on. display. -43-4 Have you reuienrlercd to renew y+ ur subscription to -the Signal Star? Annual Christmas Fair, first Sat- urday in •Ileeeuiber at British Ex- change Hotel, sponsored by ('.\W.1,. -43-6 .Alimetk Chapter, 1.1►.1).E., will Bold their regular sleeting at the house of Mrs. .1. C. (-'utt, Park Street, ou Monday, November 111. at 3 p.ut. 44 I NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Goderich Art Club is planning al All persons baring claims against ]t4 al amateur painting exhibition the estate of Amelia Mary McLean, to he hold soon. All these who -late of the Town of Goderich, in have done original hinting recent- the C2►unty of Iluron, Spinster,- who ly are asked to brih.g their work `died on or about the 17th „clay crf to the art eentre on Tuesday. No -''October, 1952, are, requited to file veuiher 11, at 8 p.m. The liret ex- I the same with full particulars with hibitien of tine reproductions has I the undersigned by the 15th day of". now been hung at the centre. 44 November, 1952, as after that spate the assets of the Estate will be distributed. Dated at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 22nd Clay of October, 1952. , R. C. HAYS,' Q.C.. Goderich, Ontario, 424- Solicitor for the Estate. 4 ZlilURSDAY, NOV. 6th, 19612 a For Results — A Classified Ad EON SALE 11.1114 SAtt.E LONELY FIND 'A FRIEND through ns. Write for folder. FRIENDLY FOLKS, Box 303, Mac - Tier,. Ont. 39-4sx Picture Frames for photos, prints" and paintings. Any size Picture Frame ;made to order. • Smith's Art .81, Gift Store East St. Phone 198 PIIILIC NOTICE FLOOR SAND.ING‘ • rloor sanding new aud old floors. J. C; COOK, phone 23.1-. ti. Here's a tip so valuable It'd belt be amplified You'll always get results By using classified. NOTICE 1.O CREDITORS NorICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS . Take notice that all persons having any claims against the estate of ANNIE 7SABELLA Mac- KENZIE, late of the Township of Ashfield in the' County of Huron, madam, who died at the City of Toronto on or about the first day of 1 Octobor, 1952, are required to file sauce, with full particulars, with the undersigned on or before the 141h day of Novenl'bor, 195.2,, as after, , that date the assets will be did,• tributed. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, the !16th day of October, 1952. FRANK R. DAIRROW, Q C., ' Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the estate. 42-44- T1OTICI': '1'O CREDITORS AND OTHER:+" In the Estate of ,ELIZABETH VAUGHAN, late of Goderich. Deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate are required to for- sti-ard full particulars to the under- signed by November 15, after which ' date the assets of the estate will be distributed. FRANK Is►NNELLY. Q.C., Gode- rich, Solicitor for the Estate. -42-44 POR .SALE.—NEW AND USED i:udius, electric and battery for sale or trade. Excellent coudiVon. Mtiny to choose. !;row. Sold with u 00 -day guarantee. 13. R. MUNI/AN, Radio and Souhd Service, 7 \Widder street. Phone 51)8.-it1 FC)li' SALE. ---A 'VERY , IN'PE•It- F:S'1'ING red brick semi -bunga- low with good accommodation. Downstairs includes!, two bedrooms and bathroom; upstairs are two bedrooms and two-piece bath.' Two closed in porches and breakfast room. Oil heating, brick garage. Lots of trees, shrubs and flowers. Agent : MALCOLM MATHERS,s r Real Estate Broker, 46 West street, Goderich, Ontario. -36 Tickers are available from Mrs. George Filsinger 'or at Bedford Hotel for joint luncheon of Almieek and Maple Leaf Chapters. I.O.D.E., at Beater(' Matt en Noveniber- 12. 44 thraeite. The deluxe' fuel for •Her- aka-nq it 1,,, ,TO ' CREDITORS AND ,- OTHERS In the Estate of Charles Robb, late For distinctive personal Christ- l of Ashfield, deceased. mas -eards—cards with your name', All persons, claiming against the above estate are required to file mid your seleeted verse printed on . particulars of the claims with the Clinton. Summer months, Bayaeld, them_st:e the somple ,sso s o undersigned bv November 25th, Christmas. cia rds at The Signal -St a r 1952, after 'which date the assets* Office. Order them early before the ' , of the estate Will be distributed. (-twice ones are out of stoek. 44-6 FRANK DONNELLY, Q.C., Gotle-. Reserve 'Saturday, Noveinber 22! rich, Solicitor for the Estate. for St. George's Girls' Auxiliary 43-5 -NOTICE TO' CREDITORS. phone 45 r 2. Guaranteed radio service. WILF. REINHART ELECTRIC, Hamilton street, phone 466. New and Exclusive have a new line of Canadian and Imported CHRISTMAS CARDS that will capture your heart. I take subscriptions also for all magazines and news- paper.s. Special gift rates now m effect. ERNIE BARKER - 46 Hamilton St. Phones: 232 1060W 42-50 ATTENTION FARMERS. FOR YEARS TIIE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOGS HAVE BEEN PAID IN AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. START YOUR WEANERS NOW TO' GET THAT MARKET. SEE US ABOUT A 110(4 C'ONTRACT. PAY FOR FEED WHEN HOGS ARE SOLD. NO EXTRA CHARGE. GEO. „WRAITH, MINNEAPOLIS AND FERGUSON FARM MA- CHINERY, PURINA FEEDS. MONTREAL STIMET. PHONE 1285. -200 ADMIRAL TV • The Academy Award Winner RADIO BUILT IN AT NO EXTRA COST. SOLD AND SERVICED BY HUTCHINSON RADIO Phone 498R 33tf Huron Road TICE. Money loaned at lower cost on purchase of new or late model cars or new trucks or tractors. HAROLD W. SHORE Insurance -Agency, "All lines of insurance," North street, Goderich, phone 766W. -41tf Room and board at 44 Wellington street, phone 98011.. -4,3tf Skate sharpening. Lengthwise and crosswise grinding. Hockey and figure skates a specialty. Child, ren 15'e, adults lale. Skates left at arena, 10c pair extra. CULP'S, 100 Elgin avenue. 43-5x FOR SALE.—BUI/GIES, READY to train, talking strain. Cages, seedy and bird supplies. Gold fish and bowls. C. WOODS, 41 East street. -40tf FOR SALE. — 1 F141 1i SNO Plow with 94 rt. wing, hand hydraulic on plow and wing, a good plow for any 3 ton truck. Worth the money. See LEE JEN'NISON, Grand Bend. ' Tel. 62. 43-4x FOR, SALE,—STORE BUILDING on main street in. Dungannon, 5 room apartment above. Iilydro throughout. Immediate possession. $900, 1/3 down. THOS. KOVIAK, JR., R.R. 3, Goderich. Phone 110 r 27, Ripley. -4311 . Have you printing jobs to be done 'between now and the end of the you are in need, send the printing jobs into the Signal -Star NOW. Soon the pressure.of (7hristmas ad- vertising will cut down on the time avatlable for job -printing and your job inay be delayed. 44 Bake sale and afternoon tea by Jewell's, 52 Britannia Road, Thurs- tlay, November 13 from 2.30 to 5 Rummage sale in MacKay Saturday, November 8 at 1.30.p.m., sPonsored by W.A. of North Street United Church. For piek-up. phone 487. 44 HOCKEY SEASON STARTS AT ARENA THIS WEEK • Local hockey fans are getting their first look at Canada's national sport this week, as well as their first peek 'at the revamped Sarnia Pontiac's, with two games' sched- uled for the Goderich Memorial Arena. Last night, Sarnia Sailor4, Junior "II" outfit came here fer the local opener with Pontiaes and on- Friday night the Sh. Marys Intermediates will play a return game here, following their 9-5 de- feat at St. Marys on Friday night. The St. Marys outfit, still smark ing from their defeat at the hands of Pontiacs, will be out for revenge hut the new players on the loeal tine -up have proved strong addi- tions and a good battle min be expected, in spite of the loss of Time To Change Shoes? Slippery weather's coming up—so now's the time to let us get iour car all set for it. First, we'd like to talk over a pair of "snow -tread" tires for your rear wheels during the wet, skiddy months. They eliminate chains, save time and money for you—keep your family on the safety -side. Soond, we'll check you brakes and 'linings for straight-line stops. And third, we'll check your- front- end alignment for true -track steeilng. Drop in this week, can you? We can help you really get a lot more use and more enjoyment out of your car this winter! • is Motors FOR SALE. — CLOTHES LI:NI•? poles, cedar, 20 feet. Price de- livered, $3.00. JOHN HIND - MARSH, 11.It. 2, Goderich, phone 1190J. -43-44 Ten furnished 5 -room cottages located on beautiful 4 ocre lot with ever 300 ft. frontage on the Blue Water Highway and an ex- cellent sand beach. A money maker during the tourist season. 8 room brick house; 7 furnished cabins, 1 brick and stucco cottage. 7 room frame house in good heating, .very modern kitchen. the estate of John Jackson Wilson, 4. late of the Village 4: Auburn. in the County of Huron, Retired, who died on or about the 16th day of .0eto, ber, 1952, are required to file' same with full particulars with the un- dersigned by the 29th day of NO- vember, 1952, as after that date the assets of the' Estate will be 'DATED 'at the 'Town Gode- rieh, in the County of Huron, this Tim y„of November, 1952. Goderich,1 Ontario, Sailicitor for the Estate. 44-7 IN MEMORIAM 8 room red brick Inluse with garages, oil heating, 104 ft. lot in good location. C. ,F. CHAPMAN, Real Estate Bror'er,. phone 18W. FOR SALE-- 3-1V.AY, SUPER like them in beauty. bow r1) St rulauve and beating ptivr..r to give you .Whole -house comfort. 13L.1(_•KsToNIEIS FURNITURE, Phone- 240J. FOR SALE. ----- USED EQUll'- • 51ENT--one Massey -Harris 102 Junior, in excellent shape; one Model It Universal Miuueup alis Moline, less thuu a .year old; one used manure spreader on steel; one used manure 'spreader on rub-, ber;new manure loaders for your Ferguson or Ford tractors. New' tractors and waeiliiiery at all times. GEORGE •WItAF'PI!; Minn ea.polis- Moline and Ferguson farm machin- ery. Phone 14.'!35 and 931 r 3. -40 FORSALI,.—OU1t DUTCH Bulbs are getting pretty low, except for crocus which seem to be In large supply. �� claplov p rice on orders of 25 or over. Jt.ACiK- SON.S FLORISTS, Phone 105. 44 doors, size 6x0x7 feet. E. OVERHOLT, Cambridge Street, phone 664W. 11 44 ' WALK, bloyele, in good condi- tion; 1 pair boy's skates, size 1. TELEPHON-E 1394W. 44x FUIt SALE:—ON QUEBEC ST, a very nice two -floor house, hardwood floors in several" roosts, (3 bedrooms, two -cur garage, large lot. Agent, MALOOLM MATHE14S, Real Estate Broker, 46 West street, Goderich, 4041 FOR SALE.- — ONE SET OF steps 23" high, 37" wide and 8 ft. long; 3 pieces Beaver Board, 4 ft. x 8 ft.; counter suitable for work bench, 36" high, 24" wide and 12 ft. long. Aptly FRED WHIT- '1'IN+(H-a1,' Waterloo street, phone 735W. -41t1 FOR SALE. — CUT FLOWERS, beautiful garden chrysanthe- mums, wide range of colors. L. R. HOLMAN, Oameron street, phone 722. -40tf FOR SALE., -11137 DODGE SE- DAN, radio, beater, new rings, 6.923. skates, size 6, high narrow boots, in good shOpe, reasonable, PHON.E 320J, 44x A ES AR . —IN LOVING MEMORY of William D. Caesar who pas- sed away November 3, 1951. We watched you suffer day by day And could not help in any way; Ikut just stood by and saw you pass Into the Saviour's arms at last. —Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by wife and family. 44x 1111111111.1, ART CLUB Members of the Goderieh Art, Club had a busy time last Tuesday evening. They. cleaned windows, bung drapes and put up their first exhibition of reproductions. They were samples of landscapes and still life painting by Paul Cezanne, Vincent Van Gogh and Seurat, tWo of the stars of last yetu's "Third Class Carriage" by Daum - Ron Biggar, to Fife Flyers of the Homer; "November" by Charles Scottish Cup League. Burchfield -and a group of portraits. There will be no Christmas Circulars mailed out by Miss Mary B. HOWell this year. HoweVer, all publishers' offers can be handled hy her. All you have to do is phone her for full informalion re Christmas gift' subscriptions.You can give a full year's subscriptions to some magazines for as little as 75c. Yott can't beat that for value. PHONE 213-W Miss Mary B. Howell 10 St. Vincent St. doderich, Ont.: 44-50 Pirckystoztrstsaikw t" tit KtilerCeCiVIMPCMEKIVVOMMIPICCtitiVICKte FOR SALE. -1937 enEv. STAN- DARD sedan; pair hockey boots and skatos, size 9%, new; until's bicycle. .Applal GLEN ECKMIER, 88 Nelson Street. ' 44x Olt 'SALE.—HUIN'TZMAN UP- RIGHT piano in good Condi- tion; several lady's dresses, sizes 18-20, and numerous other articles. Phone. 365, or call at 211 East street. -443 FOR SALE.:—SMALL COAL OR wood range With waterfront, in ',rood condition, priced reasonable. PHONE 177M. 44x CULBERVSBAKERY' "Vile Home of Tasty Pastry" NEOPOLITAN CAKES -50c each a three -layer cake with lemon and butter erente- icing. CREAM -FILLED CUP CAKES -4 for 17c •CHOPSUEY LOAVES -30c each Christmas 'Cake now on pale, place your order earlyr Only. 80c lb. Wedding, Anniversary and Birthday Cakes a specialty Orders of $1.00 and over delivered. ,Please phone early Phone 465 FOR ARTIFICIAL SERVICE from this farmer owned, licenced, non-profit, growing, co- operative Association, from top quality bulls of all ',breeds, the rates are: $25.00 fer a life member- ship, s5.00 per COW.. for members, and $6.00 per cow for non-members. Waterlcio Cattle Breeding Associ- taries For service, contact HARRY G. REID, Baylield 27, or CHARLES .1. BRANDON, Clinton 633 r 5 be - FOR 'SALE.--allOY'S SKATES, sizes 1 and 5. 91 WELLING- TON STREI.711, Phone 6543. 44_x R SALE.—BROWN MOUTON coat, :hill length, size 16, reas- onable. PHONE 948W. airs. G. Inglis, 14 Bruce Street. 44x SALE.—ELECTRiC TRAIN, track mounted' on board, nearlY now, priced for quick sale, $15.00 complete. 92 CAMBRIA ROAD. Phone 387M.' 44tf FOR SALE,--COLENIAN OIL °space heater, nearly new; 45 gallon oil,druin; kitchen stove, sev- eral storm aashes and Inside doors. PHONE 8183. 44 pin SAILE.--WHITE FIGURE skates, size 11. PIMNE 745.. 44 FoR 'NOVEMBER IS salami* time. While we produce them the year round, they are at their very best this month. Bpy them freely, they last so well. JACKSt)NS FLORISTS, Plume 10.a. 44 F(►It: SALE. --ONE USED -COAs. Stove, ono- used circulating heat- er, one used Quebec heater, unit me d bicy+•le. Ail in good eonditiou. Priced' for quick S ik•. IVRECKEN- -121D)E IIAIZD\WARE. FOR SALE.—'RUDDy ICE BOX, white enamel. in splendid eon - (talon, Apply 85 DIA4IN AVE W CRESS CORN 1SALVE FOR SURE relief. s •Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve. Wear stylish shoes. 'Fairbanks Morse, various sizes, either stationary or power take- off st yles. (:140. WRAITH, Phone 1285 or 931r3. 44tf WANT 11'ANTEL t TO RENT %ANTED.=LIt T1A(3b OF PRO- WANTED D TO RENT.— SMALL PEJLTIES for ,sale. C. F. house or apartment by salea,- CEHAPMAN. Real Estate Broker. Ulan and family of one child, per - Phone 18W. 39t1 manent residents. PHONE 1258. 44x WANTED. --OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS., Mink Ranch, phone collect 936 r 32 or 936 r 21. -2611 pendable—autoniatie heat for every type of bome. Come in today and P 111" new nrodels':' FURNITI*I1E. Phone Fr/It SA1.E.—A 1111014 - Automagic washer, in good eon, an autoinatie washer at a reason - price. May be 11 na need. Pontiac--Buick—G.M.C. Trucks TON. ST. PHONE 344 WANTED.—LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. No charge to you until property is sold. MALCOLM SLATHERS, 11 e a 1 Estate Broker, 46 West St., Gode- rich. Phoue 115W. tat' WANTED. ---FARM, 100 ACRES or more, enclose full portico - tars to BOX 74, SIGNAL -STAR. WANTED. — LADIES: YOt'lt spare time agreeably and pro- fitably employed by taking orders for Lingerie and' Hosiery for Ladies, Men, Children and Baba's, also Bedding. Nothing easier vvith our magnificently illustrated cata- logue with colors, containing about 000 superior quality garments,- all with samples of our materials. All is a value of- $25.00 being - loaned to yon kree. Satisfactiod guaran- teed or money refunded. Fast de- livery. GenerOus commission, bon- uses, gifts etc. We. are positively the ones who givg the' most to their representatives and stilt offer the lowest. selling prices. Join our 4,000 satisfied representatives by Writing itumediately : 'DU JOUR LINGERIE , Inc., lberville St., Montreal. (.4235-126) -30-45 FOR SALE. --P AIR BOY'S skates, size 5, in gtiod condition, PIT( iNE 620M or WRITE P.O. F°R SALE.—I PAIR GIRL'S :Ifigure .skates, size. 2; 1 pair skates, SiZe women's red coat, Ze 14-16. PHONE 27J after 6 FOR SALE.— BLA.CK COAT, wool boucle, semi -fitted, mink collar, size 42, just like new, well under flair price. Call at 66 Bill- lANNIA .R.oAD, West, any day after 3 p.m. 44x FOR SALE,—TyBE SKATES, size 5, reasonable price. PHONE 384J. flowering plants at a nice range of FLORISTS, Phone 105. Fon SALE.-4KROEHLEIt BEI/ - chesterfield in good • condition. PHONE 386 after 6 pan. 44x boot skates, size 6. PHONE 864W. 44x WANTED. — ENDING AND darning. Articles must be clean. PUIONE 194M. 44x FOlt SALE.—BOY'S SKATES, 'size 10, in good condition. PHONE 020W. '44 FOR S ALE. ---TUR EN QUEBEC heaters, two of. medium size and one small size. 1.1'110NE 8523. FOR SALE. ---SMALL HOUSE, 3 rooms and bath, renovated, vacant, oil stove, 1-5 acre lot, bar- gain, terms. Apply W. A. SUTII- MU AND, Bo rrlster. Phone mo.. TO KEN"I FOR RENT.- HOUSE ON \'iet'oria Street, 3 i-ooms, bath and eellai•, suitable for couple. AP- PL1 A1148. '1'. E. G14.AV', Phone 476.1 or 279. 44 ves. PHONE S62J. 44 TO RENT.--110VSE, a MILES from Goderiell, 3 bedrooms, garden, laissession GORIniN JEWELL. R.R. 6, Gotle- rich, Phone 3tir4 Carlow after 7.30 TO 11ENT.--410USE, 4T11 Concession. Goderich Township, 4 miles frOm town, hydro and water. PlIoNE 934r41. 44 WANTED.--4tAWLEIGH BUSI- NESS now °Pen in Huron County. • Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. RAWLEICAH'S Dept. ML -K-216-189, Montreal. 44-5 'Sword Ferns, fine new plants on Allle at 20 r/f discount. We have more than .we baie room. -for. lAtIKSONS FLORISTS, Phone 105. 44 pllt SALE.- -A VERY ATTIII,c- TIVr, bungalow n west end locatioa 1-25 Kt. Patrick's Street. Pmperty has living room, small dining room. kitchen, laundry, 2 n Ce: 11 i re garden. Agent MAL- colaat MATIMHS. Hell) Estate Broker, 16 West Street.. Goderiele Phone llaW. 4441' ing in March; saddle mare, Hahn!, three. sired by Pinwheel thee homes). MARY THoMP N 9.13r:11. A,nforth. 44 SEALED TENDERS like to establish yourself in a business of your own with a real future. Sell our 250 guaranteed .products, to riends . and neighbors„ You don't need capital or previous selling experience. Write fair free catalogue and details. FAMILEX, 1600 d Delorimier, Montreal. 44 10.01 tiE LADY'S GLAS- SES in brown ease, pink ;Plastic frames. Finder please notify'alltS. Reward. 44 Rewartl. Finder •please leave at 302W. 44 LOST.—LADY'S PURSE 'ON Square on Sunday, eontaining papers and sum of money. Finder pleose leave at THE ANDREW DAIRY or SIGNAL-S.TAR Office.. NOTICE WA.NTED.—AGENTS. GO INTO business for yourself- No col- lections. NO. stock. Take orders through interesting method for lat- est style knitted garments, lingerie. children's and infant's wear, ,which are fully guaranteed or full pur- chase price refunded. Immediate delivery. _High earnings Full or part-time ,Representatlyes wanted. Write today ler Information. 1-1(4- 44-6 ViTANTED.—WORK IN LOCAL ,ofilee by a young girl experi- enced in typing and bookkeeping. Please WRITE. P.0„ BOX 661. 44 woman to look after a family .of five Dor one week either end of November or first part of Decem- ber. Reply, atating wages exPec- ted to BOX 17, SIGNAL -STAR. 44x WANTED TO BUY.—PIANO IN gotx1 condition. PHONE 1024. 44x .ilygienie supphes (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six sam- ples 25e; 2,1 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53. NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 91. Hamilton. Oni. VOTERS' LIST NOTICE. Voters' List, 1952, Municipality of the Town of Goderieh, Counnty of Huron. Notice is hereby' given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office 'att the Town Hall, Goderich, on the 27th day of October, 1952, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elec. Hans, and that such list remains there for Inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take inimediate proceedings to havee Sits, errors or omissions cort; reeled according to law, the last date of appeal being the 10th day of November, 1952. Clerk of the Town of Goderich. Copy- of the Voters' List may be seen at the Town Hall, the Post Office, the Banks, or with any mem- ber Of the -Council. Nomination for the offices of Mayor, Reeve, Iaeputy-Reeve, Coun- eillors for 1953, two Public Utilities Commissioners for 1953 and 1954, and four Public Scheel Trustees for 1953 and 1951, Will be held at the Town Hall Auditorium on Friday, November 28th, 1952, at 7.30 p.m The eleetion, if necessary, will take place on Monday, December Emersow rug Store Corner West St. and Square Phone 46. We deliver. "As handy as the Postoffice" TOWNSHIP OF GODERIOH. S'enied tenders will be received noon, Saturday, November 15, 1952, for etplipment with the necessary plows for now removal of Goderich Township roads. 'tenders to state priee per holm kind and size of trneks and plows to be nsed. tained from Road 'Superintendent Roy Tyndall, RAI. 3, Clinton. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily ccempted. R. E. THOMPSON. Township Clerk, Clinton, Ont. FOR BABY SKIN CARE Lanolin Tube Diaperwash Ointment JohnSon Baby Oil Johnson Baby Cream Johnson Lotion Mennen 's Oil Baby's Own Soap Johnson 's Powder 40c, 65c 65c, 1.15 65c 68c, 1.25 15c 33c,. 61c -1-145 Livestock ana poultry losses to niarauding coyotes are reported in- Dextri Maltose Dexiu- Lactogen Protein Milk Pablum Cereals BABY FOODS 98c 85c 1.00, 3.50 89c, 1.99 23c, 43c