The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-10-16, Page 2P,.
�Il�r ubrrtct
Published by Signal -Star Ltd*,
Subscription Rates --Canada and Great Britain, $2.50 a year: to United
:blies, $3.50. Strietly in advance.
Advertising Rates on request. Telephoue 71.
Authorised as second-class mail, Post OtUee Pepartuit•'ntt, Ottawa.
- Out -of -Town Representative: C.W.N.A., 10S Peter
Street, 'Toronto. I'huue Eta 3-07641.
Member of Canadian Weekly Newspapers
Weekly Circulatlou Over 3.000.
GEO. L. ELLIS, Editor and Publisher
Tit- RSDAY, OCTOBER 144l}, 19;12
News from Tokio is that 1'riutess
Yori, daughter of the Emperor of
Ttipan, has been wedded to :L
wealthy ehikkeu faueier. Nothing
remarkable about that, except that
the wealthy man who like: the se=lf• in this country.
chickens doesn't usually .c apture a
rt'e•eut test iu English at the l'tti-
versity of '1'orutttu. 1'erhat►t there
shuuhi be More attention to the
teaching of English in our swhouls,
so that native Cauadiaus may s4►e:rk
.null write it as accurately a.:Some
Of the immigrant, do after :l fete
• • •
Another mews despatch from over-
seas touvey•s the information that a
Frtenc•h, chiropodist declares thst
Scots have the best feet of all
European people who wear shoes
consistently. But haven't S.eoL' al-
ways lteeu noted for their superior
• • •
Walkerton Chxigers have sou the
intermediate "A" fa.tball ehanlpfot:-
ship of Otlt+alio. Goderich )ilgers
h=ire takeu the W.t)..A..\. softball
A. quiet but pretty wedding took
plaee Saturday afternoon, (►sober
-1, in New St. Jautes Presbyterian
Church, Loudon, of Christ nu Rutty
\1ac\lillan, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs: Win. J: Mat\iillau,
Gotterich, and Earl 1►exter Brad-
shaw. only sun of :Mr. and Mrs. 1t. means by whieh sutall ,capitalists
J. Bradshaw 'of l'eterl oro. '1h:' become united in order to produce
ltev. itichard Stewart ottin•i.atetl. important and beneficial result.:.
The bride wore a strapless, ankle- They carry un mad hostility against
length dress of gold' taffeta tL i+ll all established institutions. They
bolero and, set-in yoke of go►til would ,choke the fountain .of in
title. Brooklyn Dodgers Lvov the sequins, he wore a matching hat dustry and dry all streams.
National League baseball pennant nnd, accessories and carried a spray "In 41 country of unfounded lib -
of ereaui roses. Mrs. John 111101y, eriy, they clamor against oppress
and nearly captured "world 1 sister orf the bride, was matron of sion. a r In a country of perfect t
hi ef rused eautu blue silk elutl , they would 'nave hesvenseries." Is there something in
name, after all? taffeta: street -length dress, fashion( d and earth :1gainst • privilege and
• • - '.. _'• Leith a full skirt anti large sh tw Peol- monopoly, In a. country where
lar. She wore -cinnamon aeee ssorie property is More evenly diviitiyi
A Canadpal' press artii. est ii the and carried a spray of• plink noses. than anywhere else, they read rhe
105'_ tourist business report: th;tt\Ir. '( urdut► Connor of London was self, shouting agrarialn dt►,'triues.
all pa=rts of Canada have had :t best nau. After a reception at .',.) Ina Country where wages of labor
healthy' inc reuse. the Jluritiute Al haruelitie road. the couple left are high beyond parallel, they.
Down Mem�ry 's
45 Yegrrs Ago
A tire, whieh broke out in the
office of F. J. 1'ridhatu, caused con-
siderable damage to the premises.
Bon. I)r. Pyne, Minister of 1:ttu-
eation, definitely decided to pre -
Pare a new' set of Public School.
Readers for the schools of the
The Loudon .Free Press reported
that Herr Connote \'outv'inkelsteiu-
hauseublaiser was staying at the
Loudon House.
The Toronto General Trusts Cor-
poration offered for sale Ridge-
wood Park and Ridgewood Farin,
belonging to the estate of the late
Edward C. Attrill. 'It tntd been
rumoured for some time that the
C.P.R. might create an up-to-date
summer resort and build a hotel
"'There are Iersons wIto etaistaltt-
ly elautor : they coutplain of op-
pression, speculation and -pernicious
infuent.* of accumulated wealth.
••• "'They cry out loud-;tgaiust all
banks and corporations and :t!1
by motor for \ltwtreal and New would teach the laborer' he is 11111
Provinces particularly - hale had a V -ark State. he bride travelled in stn oppressed sl.ive. .
"Si'r, what Can such men Lea►It,?
What. do they mean? They Lvant
nothing, sir, but to enjoy the fruits
of another man'` labor."
Daniel Webster -1 s'! -i
••• \\'e'. Mill do it. It..1.1).
great influx of tourists. c_►uta11) ;1 rely g.:ib:tsdiur, :nit with pink
as usual has hada great proportion ,feather hat and utatehiug
of initeatsed tourist bttsiuc>s.. soil es. \I r. ,r•t• tel \lrs. Ith:i 1.I:lw
♦ • • \will reside in i,ulldull.
r. !►rewL. ea11s for an effort to Nt'RSF:-('HAAMNE1.
make the dollar and the hound Iu .1 setting of pins gladioli and I -
sterling interchangeable, "at least t' bite r1-tt rs, Virginia Margaret
t'hauiu•y daughter of Mt'.:1ud
LL'ithin the C'umulutrLetaiilt." lout 11. 1:. t-'tuiinev of t)ldcastle, toot_
does not suggest hots ibis can le tutu), Lt -:U united ill uulrtiago to
dune. The pound sterling is guaiac-, LAC 'William S. Nurse, son of Mr.
where ;About two-thirds of its num- and ,1ts. W. Norse of ('oruwall,
Ina1.v:flue at present, and if Cal) Ont. The wedding totrk place oe-
tr.ulbcr _'11 at the 1{.t'.A.F. chapel,
adiau exporters van be persuaded to Ifiockcliflc, (►nt. The bride wore .t
ad=ept two-thirds of the value of white late and stet etvcktail- length
their Kis tis the trick can 15 accept_ dress with Matching hat :Ind tarried 1
at prayer l►ow,k of in•chids and sweet- i -
heart roses. A\\'.] Helene Smith,
as bridesmaid, wore. ;111 ideutie;IL
dress to the bride in mauve and
carried yellow ro.ei,„�and bronze
mums. LAC'. Bob\lchittritk gave k
the ""bride away. acid I.AI'. Skip
'('lien Lv:ns lest. man. A teteptiott'
'Vas held' :11 the home of ('1)1. and
Mrs. Ben R. Russell t,f Itockuliffe.
jilishe t. The problem seems to c:111
fior a financial wizard.
• • •
\V'e wish the headline -writers. on
the d;atily papers would he a little
more careful about how they top
news items referring to the Goie•-
rirh waterfront. The 'heading lu
one paper sec fully, 'Urge Godot i<it Por . her (laughter's wedding, the
Harlan : Safety," would lead the
reader to ltdlieve there was some -
harbor: --,,h he in conditions at site
thing- wrong
item -..told • • of -.,rt , re-
conitnendataou that otltraetors for
work at the la:rbor s'1►ould use
safety precautions foo their work-
nien. The resY>mmendatitin wound
apply to work on'land or water. In
another paper was the heading
"Flimd Sand Bar Forming Near
Harbor 'Mouth." The sant} bar is
not at the harbor mouth, where it
would be an obstruction to naviga-
tion, but :tt the nxttlt) of the Rir••r
Aiaitland where vessels do _not ga..
• • •
'I'ttat bill passed :tt the, fast ses-
st in of Parliament granting a $3,000
life pension to M.P.'s who have
been elected three times- is begin-
ning tt► have a backfire. The Lib-
tuothetr wort, black and green stt:peel
taffeta and yellow rest•. The
mother of the groom tort. - pink
and black taffeta and pink nose:.
The. three-tier wedding _ .rake- -vv,a
baked by the br'ide's tilt year old
grandmother, Airs. .James Black of
Goderich.. t out-of-tt,u a gite,ts were
Mrs. C. 1t \lartin ,rt Dett'oit, Cpl.
Ben R. Russell orf (,tom;lx,
A.11'.1, .trim y Atkinson of \lout real.
\letrt►politatt United ('hurete
London, was•'dui-uratetl teitlt yellow
:Ind brume mums, candelabra, ferns
and palms •011 October 11, at three
p.m., when • the Rev. George Gott
united itt marriage Mary Ellen Cul-
bert, daughter of \Lr. and Mrs. Cecil
A. Culbert, Dungannon, and Donald
Lloyd Willitatuson, London. soon of
J1rs S. \Williau►c►oll and the late
Mr. Williamson.
Given in marriage by her uncle,
Mr. James O'Farrell of I1ondon, the
pretty bride wore a gown -of white
(' ull:11 11y lace and frothy tulle over
tarsi member for. Springfield, Man.: ,;iritis The forula•l,1►oliee of pleated
has been turned down by the bile tulle was covered by a brief lace
'eral-` convention in his riding 117-- jacket with long pointed sleeves
t>I use he voted for the tensions
and standing collar. The skirt con-
sisted of layers of tulle over satin
hill. Ile has :already stat in two and was full over crinoline. She
1'arli: ments •and he threatens to wore a lae'e tap to hold iter tiuger-
run as an independent for a third Gtip veil of illusion and earried a
crescent easeade of pink and ti hie
The matron of honor, ALes, Jack
Itronupton, .aster of the groom. was
in toast nylon net over t.afeta.
The senior bridesmaid. \lis. 1 ►u:',,
Ilenderwon Leal: dr, ._ed in Kelly
green and the jnnio►r bridesit lid,
Miss I3-verly ;-draw in moss Keyes.
Ii."4ve- rr •jr;wr" t1n%`'} '•► .11,f1e tl;f.r Their Li-iun-s, were '.thlil;trt% *14.41
r•...•_, ` :: 544.1 ,sur f,•;- Lv th •tr=iples. tt•,tliee• , i%ije11 with
• J. •-i: tat. ;,nil tiered.-;Inkle-1t'ta"il1
TAL! 'ill- '•''P'' sklr:• The-eni'o•r att,'Itttatlt. litre
•"r - `;'" ••-It!!t'; ,,.:t lldt ;11111 ,';IrClt91 a l ole,
• • • tie . o0 utulns. Thejunior bride--
term.and 1f sent baf•k to Ottawa
he pr"nal-4s to- :ntrt,-durt' :t bill for
r' -peal of the pu=i+►n Ict,•islativn.
At 'hi• di -••'ante we Leonid s=ty his
i -b int c c c4- row-•ei.«.ri+on .,re
('.,n!tiluents •.f t1'..' tone tiute
:t,I �- tr'••-'"* . itd
maid LLu:e a llufal IIe:111hatttl ;111,1
r:i'-d .1 rtshapedslut; of
• •'i. . . 4,L4 ti }`.-o 'crit t tT1":1 r.�,
}Tr ovt. r r
qtr •1 1.'. Ito wlli:llusnu. brother of the
ott7risti 'li' }:t•',!!1-1• ;1U:.- grooth Vi01 ;;r•).1111.111:111 ;Itrd :It.'
n',. - ,:.,., tt_ Ii -t' -r- iL e1'1' '1 ll•,llla• t'llltlert, llr•1-
11 !t t!' \• • 1 r,h.-r of the grille, Tem Stn�tb.
tea;. „tom a1;�.,..t1- • ..•1 • l,,',
11,1111.. 11-r'tti,t'r :Cud .Jaek Sin],
t►r::ani.1 Was Mr. T. 1'. lobstJ•.e• and
I71i11;11 t,.,- ►, 1.1.1 - aftJohn 1'atlll'•Il �t,t� .+rl/r1�1.
they-' have -:tit L;,• ,. ,1 t (;
,! For a r'w'elttIni :It (lie 1'.t;t,,
no'C1rf.• t_}tart a'•tn.-^ •h• „ 1 a' ' 'L rr-',111ra111t. • 111• rlie's to
th'•r wore :t ''t' -ot•; 'Itt;th .Irl f
ren eft' -r :t .11•.r -t ',-.oe ri : hit
•{•'1.3i lIt:l lli t• �"• .„ �t 1:It 1.i,11'k :,,•..
ro'Iinti (' 1;1 k. la ;bet 1 ,rk> !t 1' •seri•'- and :t f -f, -t ,,• of white rose..
1tsh tt• 's'lrr••l '1111 t'0.h11(1'.'t1 LL;,1 SID. LL ;1r ;1.-:.11.11 '1.o t he 11t'111,
haste neer he,lrfl :ftiytlliur 1411: :tr••ann"- toot her. first -4441 intur-
/It1-t..4 eri+tti• with i•tnt•itf-t 1rf 1:1v'e,
lirttl. -And Lee (': 7(�,4r i, tilt 1411- 0 torflnoirt•• feather haat tilt b r=tes
) o1.ed r'11le 'requiring kn',t'l'letltt- .1f rose (+)M:ego
EnglirttT Ltuuld :1t ;•t, . • ,tat . alt s I For ft Vc'ultiitig trip by }lir tit
Kvv•e'diith imlt�it r t ►1, in e incl►• • (•INvI•larel. Ow bride wort, a black
Naturally he would learn to speak
'drew. pink ,oat with lrlark trial,
knk haat with blae•k bead trite and
French and ff h'• !'"'1 sou Ettti`i1ittt veil, black ar•r•t>w+r,ries and :►. ,c 1 :'
elax► he' would l •mtu•h better "gttite densi t,.rsai;e, i►rt their return the
wed, with three lnngtttflgi!'tt. than the t",ul'Ie will rt» ide in lw►ndot►.
ordinary Ontnrinn who knows only " A little
English. And, as 1) ottntemporary tori !whose parents
not grayest readers vi lied friends
enquirer, "at 'but school ore they doe other day. /the gazed long a nd
to he t*right the itftrIrtielez► of this earnestly nt, the well -tilled book -
trading tangling?. (F,n t')? --- ',helves. then -ntnnzed them by ex -
the n1104011n1104011 being tt► t. P recelh- rla••inWitia :
e gei book* from the ilbrnry
taunt a unsstis tartor7 refzultst of .a ton, hitt we fake oars back.'.
on the 75 -acre park.
• 25 Years Ago
Huron investments, Ltd., opened
a [few office its Sevaforth with Ben
Johnston In charge.
A branch of the Canadian. I.egiod
out; formed in (ioderieh with Major
A. 1'. Sturdy as president.
Three large carrots, all weighing
two pounds or over, gro'.vu by W.
11. Burnie in his garden, were to
be'seen in the Window of the Star
LEEBURN. Loudon visited in the community
on Thanksgiving Day. -
1413,713U1tN, Oct. 15. --pita. Jultu Mr. and Mrs. George ferry of
'Toronto visited over tl►e 'l'hauky-
Quaald and Betty of Sarnia t�isit'�d giving woek,end with 'the tatter's
(violin, Mrs. Terence Ilttnter and
Mr. Bunter.
'Visitors on Thanksgiving Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher
and Gerald were M -r. and Mrs.
Tien Graham and family andMiss
Betty Soworby of tioderieh and
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Young and
family of Carlow.
last week -end with her 'wears..
Mr. 'and Mrs. Andrew Bogie.
Mr. and Mrs. 1.. Rooney of Lon-
don( spent last week -end with the
latttjr'S' - parents,Mr. and,
Thomas Chisholm and "i Tarry. They
were aecv,mpa ttied by \Ir. and Mrs.
•Ittwuey-, sr. -
]Diss Audrey Smite and", friend
of Leamington spent -the'I'hanks-
tyieiug week -end with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs: 'Wilfred Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crawford
rixdtell the latter's sister and fam-
ily in Loudon on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Finnigan of
Stratford were Sunday vittitors
with the latter's cousin, Mrs. W. .1.
Meyers and Mr. Meyers and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacAvoy
of St. Catharines were Thanksgiv-
ing, visitors with the Matter's par -
office. cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bogie.
Miss Isabel Sb.artiwn, B.A., was Mr. Graham 'Bogie motored to
elected president Of the West liatniltou and 'fronto ,last week.
Huron Teachers' Assoeiatlon at the On Thursday he set sail from Gude-
rich on the S.S. Starbuek. Ituu
organization's 50th annual eonveu-
bion held in Exeter.
15 Years Ago
Charlie Pearce, Sing of the Paul of Toronto visited over the
Hoboes, returned to Goderich for 'Thanksgiving week -end witb the
a well-earned rest.. lady's father, Mr, Arch Horton and
Premier Hepburn, 'in re-organiz- filutily, tend \1'r. and airs. Rud
ing his cabinet after the election, Bugles Other visitors at the week -
eight new ministers. end wt>re air, and Mrs. George
Otticials -and polies driving to Glidden of V-'ilteu►ount, airs. e A.
\V'iugham to attend court encount Hewitt of Mitchell and Miss Pelma
cared a dense snowstorm near Blyth 1 Glidden of Guiderieh.
which rendered visibility a matter \1r. uitt Mrs. Frank 1'aI►c>ul►:W„en
of only a few feet. of Defiance. Ohio. visited at the
Work on the quarter -million -clot- week-ei►d with air. and \Lt's. At►-
l:tr bridge proposed to sp=in the' drew Bogie and Mr. and Jars. Ter -
river ut Kaytield tv<,tild probably be eine Hunter.
started the following sluing, the '7,1 Ir. and .Mrs. iIamilton Clinton.
Star was informed. Stewart. itettyanne and Jessie of
voyage, Graham!
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Walton and
TORONTO, October 10. --
Weekly atewspatier advertising
has been one of the determining
factors in making Canadian
fought ter. aware of the int ort -
an •> of buying "Gland Name"
got,ds a t the local market level.
4. P. Gledhill, president of the
Ptckagitirc Association of Can-
ada told members of the asct 'i-
ation here tv►tlny.
".The eombined effects of
newspaper advertising and
itleasingly-designed packages,"
he said. "have been ct► prima t-ily
responsible for the ltroadcr dig•
tribntiou of l'att t liau ti red goods in this •onntry."
Butterick patterns have - just ar-
rived ,at .thein a•ser.�'Sewin Centre.
We, can GUARANTEE a full stock for IMMEDIATE
Call in and look over these outstanding fall styles.
Singer Sewing Centre
Something else
that "makes
the man"
(and does even
more for him!)
The ntonthly''me'eting .of the Wo-
n't -it's \litssiouary Society of Victoria
Street United Chureh met at the
ttou►e of Mrs. Amos Stoll, Britauuia
road; on Tuesday of last Lveek.
Jins. Aldit► Atkin luid charge
of the program. The fall
drank -offering is to be held
in November with Miss Clara Mc-
Gowan as guest speaker. Mrs. Wm.
Jewel gave readings on Temper-
ance. Mrs. Len Walters gave a
etia-pter on the study book, "Along
African Tullis.", Delegates were
appointed to ,the sectional meeting
in Auburn on October 30.
High - school
IIES'I 10115 (:) TO 111611 S('HO(11. 61{Ai)1•ATE4
1►o not let :Ige or prri'iotts ednt•atiou hold you back. \\'e welcome
"t'tlgltirit'. front those out of :who'd for :t number of e.':i1',.
BOOliS 1''t'1t 11SI11:U
Send Coupon Now fur Free Sample Lesson and Booklet.
.111ERIC:1N S('IIO01:, • (Established 1419'1) -
31" Wright Bldg., 4'' 1 Wellington ,St., London, (ltd.
• I'teast.1tLi--nn 1 It}•.1 tad LL ltboltt obligation, 4 -1 -page bo.wlact•
along Lett h :1 1'Iti- i .atu1;Tr'ft .. ,iii uC yiii'i"r`iif *tT r'h'rrrrt `f"rtirfir :�'�
Nance` Age
:it it f
Divine service for Alattlwud
Masonic bodge will be held at
Knox P.restjsttt riau Churtih on Sun-
day, October 111, at 7 pan. ` Meut-
bers will meet tit the Masonic
Temple at 0.30 p.m. Guest preach-
er , will be 11,1'. Bro. the Rev. Pru-
festsor l'. Ritchie HAL 8.1;)., D.1)..
of Presbyterian College, Montreal,
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1(1th, 11)52
st G ra ud Ch
MASONICu ttlat i
who is t a I u of the
Grand L.ixige of Quebec. Many
visiting masons as well as lot -al ars•
ex'I►euted to be present.
lit case of inclement weather
M tso►us will gather 'in the basement
of Knox Church instead of at
\Its, nic• Temple.
The buds of Canada's balsam
poplar are sticky and produce a
wax used by wild ' bees to soul
(Tacks in their hives.
vide broad and complete forms of
Insurance andGuarant•:eagainst losses
from all physical and financial risks.
Equipment may be insured while in use, while
in transit or while in storage between contracts
Buildings .under "construction may be insured
• from the moment the work commences until
its contpletion. +
Contract Bonds will be issued at Standard rates
for Standard risks, and at minimum rates, to
Contractors of financial .strength and satis-
factory past experience. Ask. ybur Insurance
agent or . broker to get you• a proposal from
"North -America" Companies.
' Service Offices throughout Canada -
Goderich Agent of Insurance Cr6: o`fTbt-t"i-Ailteritcx-------- -
Companies, is
The Square
H. M. FORD -
Phone 268W
"Clothes in-ike the than", says the old adage. Rut today
more and more men are learnini, that they can also►
enhance their standing with certain people by nrenini
life insurance.
Takeentp>,loyers, for instance. To them, a man's
ov' nership o)f Iife insurance suggests that he is fore-
sighted, thrifty, realistic. Above all, it reflects w•illitig-
ness to accept responsibility - an attitude that
impresses every employer.
in fact, anyone tvho learns that a man owns life insur-
ance regards him with added respect. They know that
it represents one of the most important assets any man
can have.
Yet perhaps the moat important effect of owning life
insurance is on the policyholder himself. it gives him
a sense of 'achievement. For in no other way can he
create such a valuable estate for so little in so short
a time.
So life insurance can do more than provide financial -
security for your family and yourself in later years.
It also influences people in ways that help win success !
No other investment
e u.,- , and
..tea. . _ ...... , .. ��' It1ti�reS � u \J"-
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�m acs value!.
at full I
�v one wanf�' fo build tip reserves of saving ,
C#th 50vitys tends ` r.::.'encoarage
and help SyS torgfiu Saving - make saving easier,
7 -key discourage wgs/eful spending are bate n cash
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. 111 F r
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�avings fonds 2rb always cashab/e gt full face value
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Tie newt'
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6 r6-- an average 94 3.4f %/heJdtm/afiLy..
Thy can 6it 'ia� for in cash in s/i/me 7k r'n rieef tree
the prig never changes .
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711i Series now on Sale
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Payroll Savings Plan
'ey some in