The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-06-26, Page 941P THURSDAY. AWE Bith, 1.962 NOTICE SUMMER BUS TIMM TABLES Effective June 25th, 1962 Obtain your copy from your locail Agent SAME MOORS ' PHONE 344 THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS LIMITED Kitchener Ontario * PLAY BINGO at SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, JUNE 27th $1125.00 CASH PRIZES THAT MUST BE WON! 15 GAMES AT 20.00 300.00 SPECIALS $50, $75, $100 225.00 JACKPOT PRIZE 600.00 ADMISSION $1.00 EXTRA CARDS 25c LAKEVIEW CASINO - DANCING EVERY NIGHT - Bobby Downs and his Orchestra , Special Holiday Midnite Dance' June 29th - 12.05 'a.m. till 3 a.m. Mens' Softball Tournament Tuesdayjuly 1st FIRST GAME 1.30 — FINAL GAME 6.30 Sylvan — London — St'. Joseph — Grand Bend —THE BEND" IS IN —FULL SWING" BRING THE FAMILY —26 TEN GODERICIt IIIGNAL4TAS NEWS OF AMAIN • LUDLUM Jane 2$. — Mr. and Mrs. **cry Sturdy, Betty aud. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colson of Blyth are visiting friends at Bracebridge. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Itellveen ut Oshawa are visiting the turners parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Mc-, Ilveen. Mr. and Mrs, H. G. Ling of Tor- onto spent the- week -end witb the lady's parents,Mr. 'arid Mrs. R. D. Munro. - • Miss Elton Muteh. who has been visiting her brother Stanley and Mrs. Motcli- at La Combe, Atta., has returned home. ' Mr. and Mrs.' Krete of• Detroit are visiting Mrs. (Jorge Yungblut, Vieand -Arthur. Recent visitors with Mrs. George Sturdy and Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Sturdy were Mrs. Dot Reed, Mrs. Russell Reed, Mr. Charles Murray and Mr. William flamer, nil of Toronto. • Mr. and lirs. Alex Hlddleston of Scotland are visiting the lady's uncle; 'John Houston and Mrs, Houston. Mr. Arthur Yungblut visited friends in Detroit last week. The annual memorial service will be held at Ball's cemetery next Sunday evening at 7.30 o'cloek. The service will be in charge of the United (7hurch and the Rev. C. C. Washington,will bring the message. The vacational Bible school wiJL be hold in. Kniii Presbyterian Church; starting Monday, June. 30, at 9.30 a.n. Miss Muriel Davis and Miss Ksther Roe of London will be the leaders. Visitors with Mrs. Tony Tom- kowiez are' her mother. Mrs. Bar- ron of England and her aunt, Mrs. Brooks of Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rollinson and Murray were Sunday visitors %vial Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ferguson, •IVa terloo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby spent the week -end al-TohcritiorY, Prouse—Taylor. — A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Knox United Church ntanse at 2 o'clock Saturday, June 21, when the Rev. (7. C. Washington united in marriage. Lois Evelyn Taylor. younger daughter of )lr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor, Auburn. and Robert Benson Proust, son of Mrs. W. Prouse, Goderich, and the -late Mr. .Wilfred 'Proust.. ,,The bride wore a -becoming • beige gabardine suit with pink a ceessories a hd ein•sage of pink roses. Miss Betty Rodger, Arypaillilkmow is easy on your purse 1 THE MAJORITY OF ODERICI-1 STORES WILL BE E TUESDAY, JULY 1 (Dominion Day) ALL DAY , WEDNESDAY JULY 2 This advertisement sponsored by Better Business Bureau of Goderich Junior Chamber of Commerce. —26 cousin of the bride. was bridesmaid and chose a suit of navy Glue with pink accessories. and corsage of (*mations. Mr. Ronald Glazier was best man. Following the cere- mony. it receptiom was held at the bottle of the bride's parents. Later the young couple left fur It honey- moon at TilLsouburg and Niagara Falls. On their return they will reside in Goderieb. NILE • June 25.---Ifrs. J. Taylor, 'Auburn, -spent several% days with her„ brother, Mr..,George Rutledge and Mrs. Rutledge. - SUS. Robert Bogie is visiting her uncle in Wyandotte, Mich Harold Knight had another at- tack and W;18 taken to Sesfortit hospital: Miss Jessie NVallace has gone to London to attend the wedding of her friend, .Miss Emma Sanderson and fpr an'extended visit. Mrs, Tom McPhee has an attack of shingles. The teacher, seholars and some of their parents had a grand ex- cursion to, Toronto in Mr. Sher - wood's bus on Thursday. ,Entertains. — The Nile .entertained the Carlow, Bentuiller, Leeburn and Dungan- non societies last Friday afternoon, in the church. Mrs. Graham Me - Nee was in the chair and opened with a hymn. Miss Currey led in prayer, Miss Florence Wilson gave u. musical. seleetion. Miss Betty Bowra, Goderich, a solo, 'and Mrs. Rivett, DungannAt, a solo. Miss Fisher, Jean Snyder, Joy and Lorna Feagan sang and Mrs. A. Straugh- en, Benmiller, read two ',orals. Mrs. F. Hawkins gave ti musical selection. The guest speaker, Miss Sybil Courtice, Clinton. gave a Most inspiring talk un missions. 'Fite pianist for the program was Mrs. Leslie Pent land. The meeting closed with a hymn and the bene- diction. Lunvlienn _was served to the guests. Mr. C. M. Ittibertson. Goderich, took _ the service on Sunday and spoke on temperance. Little Joyce Matthews !rad a ton, silectotny Monday morning in rich hospital but is doing tine. , TAYLOR'S CORNER Equalization fat 1953 County Rate. • Comity Assessor Alex Alexander presented the following elualised, assessment, on which the-196.34conuty rate will be based; to the Jtute session of Huron Countyseetineil here last weth: Mainitipality LaudalBadisaings Bess Ashileld " ..11 2.86%400 4 4350 i * .2$73.740 Colborne 4,490,138., ' - 9,300 1,700,438 Goderich Township 2,270.050 _ - 3.050 2,273,700 Grey 2,999,9'Z' 10,200 . 3010,15 Hay , , 3,1,81,8wr, 30,0.49 3,211,920 llowkic 3,503,347 30612,, • ll.Clir3,959 Mullett 2,000:A 13,051, ' 2,074,010 Sidi:Mop • 2,717,025 Morris .. 2,401,700 • Stanley 2,1153,655 Stephen 3,383,603 Tuckers:111th 2,4525,700 Tttrubitrry. 1,577,140 1".44141%e 2,653,936 East • Wawunosh 1,597,014 %Vest Witwaposh 1,iliti,0110 Clinton 1,4306,858 Exeter , 2.049.310 1;oderich Town 4.197;249 '..4eatorth ' 1,262,870 Winghani, .._„ .1,793,599 Myth 464,195 Brussels , . 534,125 Ilensall '598,520 ' $53,117,833 2,525 4,050 3,750 17,173 4.500 6,975 4,201) 1,950 0,150 135,701 191,625 310,772 133,976 97,949 2'7,015 32.175 49,650 2,719,550 -2,495,758 2,4102,405 3,40.0,781 .2,530,200' 1,534,083 2,658,136 1,599,594 1,802,156 1,742,622 • 2,240,935 4,7113,021 1,398,5413 1,391,5-18 491,810 566,:ioo 648,170 $ 1.308,991. 5'-1,486,829 "ivESTFIELD DONNYBROOK WESTFIELD, June 25.—Mr. and DONNVIIROOK, June 25. --The Mrs. William McVittie of Blyth W.M.S. and 1V.A. met on Tuesday visited on Sunday with Mr. William McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. Victor ' Campbell and Larry of Owen 'Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mri. 'toward Campbell. , ., - • The church and altar were beauti- fully decorated on Sunday for the children's - service, with peonies, iris and roses,. Special music was rendered bv the children's choir and the Pastor, the Rev. C. C. Washing- ton, preached a sermon enjoyed by both children and atitilts. . James lla rold Brigham, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brigham, svas baptized during the service.' ' The Saerament of the I.Ord's Sup- per will be adtninistered next Lord's Day, June 29. On July 6 there will be no service ' in the Wespield. church, but a joint ser- vice will lw held at .kuhurn United Church at S pan. _ 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett, Mr. Bill 11;irrett of Manitoti. Ilanitoba, and Miss Barrett and Mrs. Robert 1% ightman of Blyth visited on Tues- TAY,LoIt'S ColtN_Ell, June :.'.5.,--,thiy -evening-_,--with--- Mr.- -and Mts. The Quarterly Official Board of tilt' Marvin NIcDowell. appointments of Zion, Ilohnesville \l r. and NIrs. Gordon Bosnian and and Ebenezer will nieet at 116Imes- children of Belgrave visited on Stni- ville. Monday evening, June 30,, at , day with Mr.' and Mrs. -Mattijce 8-Tp.tii. 1ro '' 1-snian. Nirs. Linda laing-„,of Weyburn, Mr. and Mrs., Garner Nicholson Sask., has been visiting her bro- 0144l family of Belgrave visited on titer, Mr. 'Austin Sturdy and Mrs.. Sanday with NIr. and Mrs. liarvey Sturdy and Other friends° of the 114jlowell. community. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dickinson of Miss NViltla 'Wilson of Clinton Burgesville and -Mr. :fill Mrs. Bert spent the week -end at' her home Nlarsli - of retorsinirit-' visit4.41 .--44- in Goderich 'l'ownship. i-entlY with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence . ' 31r., .1. Nit...Millen attended - the Cox. Oiltifellows' couvention. in Toronto Miss Ruth Cook spent last week last week. \VII 11 her sister.. Mrs. James Hoak Ntr. and NIrs. William Hill of of Crewe. 144derielt visited on S111141413' • with NIr. Pharis Mathers and Carolyn, Mr. ttuti Mrs. Robert Fuller. 3! s, H. Mathers, aml Miss Hattie The W.A. are holding..their an- Gallagher of lateknow and NIr. Ted utial picnic on Mrs. Wi i IlI:..S.1 ...r.:INVII (la 1)1,11 I'll 44! Toron'to visited on t‘.)%1..eet kNN:ednesday afternoon of next Smida-y with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wight man. ""'"••••••••• Mrs. J. Brigham and Kenneth of H Blyth visited ,,ti 'Sunday with AIL% and 31 Is -Charles Brigham. i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook and f 'Air.- and 3ir-4.- .1a4,1.• Cook and babe rvisitea..4,14 Sunday . with 31r. and 'MN... Itriwo m,irshai of Toronto. I mr. Bill , Rodger of Itillbrook , spent the week-eud with his Dat- Ints. Mr. and Mrs. Enteron It44(114•44r, Mr. and NIrs. Clarence- Cox i visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs:. Ernest l*atterSon of Auburn. Njiss Ioriii( ,.„ Biiehanati, ....•._11;1s_ 514.11 red a position with the 140111414,11 ,LLife insurance Co., London. - •:,- . "Mr. Jack Stevens of Toronto, is ,assistingMr.. Arnold' Cook with the ftfrnt work. • : : 31r. and Mrs. -Jim Boak and James of Crewe, Mr. A. E. COok of Myth, and Miss Violet ('?ok of Goilerich spent Sunday with Mrs. Fred -Cook.-- NOTICE Colborne Ratepayers A special general meeting of the ratepayers of Col- borne Telephone System is called for July 4, 1952, 8 p.m., at the Township Hall, Carlow, to consider use of part of the Hall for the Telephone Central. Jas, IL Feagan, Chairinan of Commis- sioners E. Stanley Snyder, Reeve -25-6 411111111111111111111111111111111111 A rather queenly young woman 1501111141 a crowded city tired little man got up and gave her his seat. There tV:14 4 1110111ellt 5114,1Ie44. - "I beg your pardon'?" said the tired little man. "I didn't say anything."' said the queenly young Woman, rather con. scions of lior queonliness. "1111 sorry," said the little man. -r thought you said 'Thank yon'" The • FOUR -DOOR DE LUXE SEDAN The larger British car really designed for Canadians '18 Delivered In Toronto Inc. Custbm Air Conditioning NO OTHER CAR OFFERS ALL THESE DE LUXE FEATURES AND GIVES COMPARABLE VALUE FOR YOUR MOTORING INVESTMENT • • • • • . 9 • Front seat almost five feet wide. 3 -speed steering column gearshift. Standard American nuts and bolts. Full flow oil filter. No -draft vents front and rear. Rear fender skirts. Centre folding arm rest. • Luxury interior trim.' • Seven new 1952 colour choices, • • Custom air conditioning heater and defrosters. • BonderiZed rust -proof body. • Four-wheel Lockheed hydraulic brakes. • Removable sleeve engine: • Automatic turn indicators. • Chrome horn ring and window trim. • Twin electric windshield wipers. • Electric clock. • Dealers, parts, service; -coast to coast. CAMPBELL'S GARAG 57 ST. DAVID ST. PHONE 1097 afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mark ..i_rutstrong with :in attendance of 12. -Mrs. Norman TittinilmoU 1.4117 sided over the meeting which opened by singing hymn 15, fol- lowed py the Lord's Prayer In uu..- sou. Ps.alin selection 731 was read re,SPonsively and prayers were of- feryti- by Mrs. ('b'arks Jefferson, Mrs. S. t'Itaniney [ill Mrs. Wit- ham 'lardy. Mrs. E. Robinson gave a reading on Christian stewardship. The chapter in the study book was read by Mrs. 11. -Jefferson. The meeting elosed by, singing 'hymn 501. Mrs. E. Robin- son was in charge of the 1V.A. meet- ing. A pa reel • post sale was held. :Miss „loan 1*in'rr of Niagara t'ails is spending this, week with tor grandparents, 31r. and Mrs. R. Chanmey and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chaniney and Diane were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Henderson at li,ippen. Mr. :1401 Mrs. IV. J. Craig and Allen of Auburn and Mrs..George Wilkin :411(1 Ittibert of London spent. SuntlaY evening with DonnybrOok HOLMESVILLE I 1()14.1114:SVILLE, Junt. 25.-- Dr. ztint Mrs. Eric Hansen, Faltmaiii01, were guests several (lays last week of Rev. 11. G. and Nlrs. Newton .a t the parsionage. Dr. Hansen is a professor at. the University of Alberta. • Airs. G.- E. Met"iillough, 'Fortnito, is the guest of bit' son and daugh, 31r. :Ind Mrs. Frank Mc- Cullough. - Congrat ti la t ions , to .1 he pupihc teacher and. music' teacher of S.S., NO. 3, i:44dericli, the 11olmesvili44 seliool, for the Hite. program 1114,43' put 1,11 over CKNX, NVingtato, on Strturday, .1 11111 21. • Miss Kathleen 11(411(4(4 is the teacher and Nliss Illiddon is the inusb• teacher. Mr. and 31rs. Fred Potter. Clin- ton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Edward . N1r... and Mrs. Al. Parke and son. 1Va3'ne, of Trenton, are the guests of Mrs. Parke's parents, NIr. ;1(141 Nirs. Leslie .Jervis. Mr. and Alrs. Esi and three children of 1,1144,•4)111 Park, Nlich.. were the week -end guests of Mr. and NIrs. Edward (:rig -gr. Sgt. 01i41 311-44: Jervis ;4t1.1 ;I treaL KINGSBRIDGE K 1NG 5111111 $ E, .Juni' NI r. and Mrs, L.antion 11 fiendon are visiting their soil and datighte4- w., Mr. :cod Ilrs. 1.'31(' Lannon. Mrs. Casper and son of Detroit are spending a few days with .14,1411 ()'Conuor, • 3! r, Vie, Eeennie 4,1' Toronto. re- turned art,r, 1w0 v;1(11-114,11 with 11r. ;Ind Mrs. .1 0 nies Miss Stella Dean 441.' Fore( is 'home for the holidays. NIrs. .1nilrew 11.frtiii, who this !wen in 4"Alexandra the past two weeks. is iiiipi-oving gradu- ally. 311' N:a' Martin had Ike 1111, - fort line of breaking. 1 WI 4, of 14is,t4,s 11111 is now wearing_a east. There ;ire 4444Vi4r,t1 4.0544-5 of (wimps 4(1 this vicinity. •Itev. Father NfeNlartiti- is no - pointed pastor of tlity Sacred Heart parish in Langt(n. and leases to talie charge this week. t)ift. best wishes accompany him to his new home. Rev. Ilintri Van V,vrickt of !Langton • will he in charge .of -.St. Joseph's, Kingsbridge. ASIIVIELD W.M.S. ' The June meeting of the 3,411 - field W.M.S. 54114 held at the liloine of Mrs,- NVilliani Johnston. Mrs. Duncan NIacKity was in charge and the meeting Tenet] by repeat- ing the 1,01114 prayer in unison. N1rs. MacKay offered prayer, after which hymn 292 was sung The Scripture reading was read by NI inn ie 4 t Ilea rt. and NI rs. Earl Howes gave the explanatory into'', pretation of the chapter. Mrs. '401 11 MeGregl,r offered prayer. After the singing 4.4f hyiitn :1s7, Hugh Nim*Kenzie read front the study I4 -($)k oti "British Its ('4411441 ('3 and People," and after hymn 374 Mrs. MacKenzie read the 4441 1141 part "The Protestant Church in British Gui(4na." Anna 31ae Mol)onald offered prayer. Gleanings front the Glad Tiditig-,, prepared by Sadie wP read by Mrs. Rueben Wilson. The 4.;(41(len text was answered svith a verse from Seriptum After sing- ing hymn 582, Mrs.. NisieKay gave the elOsing prayer. The president, „Mrs. 1/uncan MacKenzie, took charge and discussed the fulsItie,ss P a rt of the i»eeting. The prayer circle was left over for the neat meeting. There were 35 adults present. The July meeting wilb be held at Mrs. IIts4lbr MacLean's. Anything to sell! Anything? Try a classified ad In the Signal -Star. •, • Comparison shows that the quality of a Bell "IMPERIAL" Threshing Machine stands up 'over more years of service. Buy your threshing equipment from the firm .that; specializes in manufacturing a better product for this one phase of farming. MACHINES AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE` DELIVERY Robert Bell Industries Limited 1 _26 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO PHONE 268 — 269 • - BUG KILLER .Post_ lit plugs into au electric out - !Here's a new gadget for destroy1-- -let. Inside- the fixture a special ing bugs. It's u vase like affair insect powder is turned into a for indoors, says 'The Financial- vapor and goodbye bugs.- • ji BRAESIDE BUTTER lair 590 FIRST GRADE SPECIAL FEATURE ! ! DOMINO (Contents Only) 2 DRY GINGER ALE BOTTLES 230 30 OZ. 16 OZ.' SPECIAL FEATURE ! ! DAISY • JAR 230 CELLO 14 OZ: 29 SWEET MIXED PICKLES CANDY FEATURE— Howrs Swiss JELL= BISCUIT FEATURE—DAVID & FRERE MARSHMALLOW DROPS PEANUTTOMMY TUCKER - CREAMYIlUTTER SLICED BREAD TOMATO CATSUP RICHMELLO corrEE RICHMELLO REGAL DRINKING CUPS DUCHESS PICNIC 'KITS GOBLIN 4.4 BRAISED STEAK BACON Sliced Leau be OZ. 290 CELLO is oz. 330 41AR LOAF 150 21 SOM.' E LAT' 930 Az? 90 -f-rt FLORIDA SIP — SWEETENED .9,TITAFFERWITS JUICE SHORTCAKE LAYERS RICHMELLOW BREAD. 5h"" 15c CUE PINE — CHOICE SLICED PINEAPPLE BETTER LIVING MAGAZINE CANADA PACKERS (REGULAR) tsrr 250 ruroz 370 20 OZ, TIN MARGENE MARGARINE WOODBURY'S DEAL) FACIAL SOAP ALL PURPOSE -FIVE Rosti " SWIFT'S PARD PER COPY 260 50 PKG. 370 14,34- 250 FLOUR Li.")) 480 DOG FOOD 2 Dominion Crystal Fine Granulated SUGAR10 Lb. 970 MAKE SURE - 8 oz. CERTO LIQUID Bottle 21p LIBBY'S FANCY TENDER KING PEAS 2 290 RED 1602. Tine 270 RUBBER RINGS Dc. 90 230 410 20 Ox. TIn 16 IN OIL — BRUNSWICK SARDINES 3 NEW CANADIAN MILD CHEESE' Lb. CLARK'S KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 2Pl?g1;. 330 PORK & BEANS Size '286's ORANGES 7Iceee.2 l'e9etaoec.: 29c 411 Golden Ripe BANANAS lb. 19c Size 96's 5 for GRAPE FRUIT 29c VALUES zrrzcTivz 111 GODERICH jinn* Clods, lila. Sat.. Yuan *S. New --Green CABBAGE lb. 7c Sire 300's LEMONS doz. 49c No. 1 Cooking ONIONS 2 lbs. 23c • OUR GUARANTEE A11 morcharniiso said at "Tour Dominion Mom" Is natimmatil- tionaliy intarantso4 to give you 100% satisfaction. DOMINION STORES LIMITED