The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-06-26, Page 3t�bert1.j. 105th Year ---:\o. 26 BUSINESS DIRECTOkY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT! W. exciL ATritivou. CHAIRTEI.RED. ACCOUNTANT Phone Na.—QtI1ee 343W. Souse 343J Goderich. CILIROL'KACI'1C limu3E11;T B. ,3UCI3, I).C., Doctor Of Chiropractic. Office Hours; Mon., Tburs —9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Tues., l"'ri--8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 p.m. to S p.m. Wed. & Sat. ti to 11.30 a.m. Vitamin Therapy Office --Corner of South St. and Britannia Road. Phone 341. INSURANCE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO. — Farm and Isolated town property insured. President, J. L. !►Idose, Seaforth; Vice -President, J. H. Mchiwing, Blyth; Manager and Secy 'Teas., M. A. !Lid, Seators.h. Direeetors--S. 11. Whitmore, Sea - forth ; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm ; E. J. Trewartha-, Chilton ; Ilobt.. Archibald, Seafortli ; John 11. Me. Ewing, Myth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; \Vin, S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Ilar- vey Fuller, Goderich. Agents --J. E. Pepper, Bruceiield ; It. F. MrKercher, Dublin; J. F. rru- eter, Brodhagen ; \Vm. Leiper, Jr., Loudesboro; S. Bake-•. Brussels. .. Policy -holders .can make all pay- ments and get their. surds' receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Keith that's Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich. Western. Ontario rio• 'Motorways SUMMER BUS TIME TABLES EFFECTIVE - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25. Phone 344 for details. Charter Coaches for all occasions. For information phone S.ainis Motors at 344, partied, for schedule changes. on ho ys.. le B Roy N.Bentley Public Accountant P.O. Box 58. Phone 587 Goderich, Ontario FARMERS Protect your farm machin- ery with a FLOATER INSURANCE policy. GORDON JEWELL R.R. 6, Goderich Phone Carlow 30r4. NOW LOCATED IN BANK OF COMMERCE BUILDING ON THE SQUARE II. M. FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured— Rest Assured TELEPHONE 268w Th`ere's one way to surely prove. 7f you are man or mouse. - Spend the 'winter on a farm Where the plumbing is outside the house. - GODERICH, ONTARIO,' THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1952 ALBERT SHORE , Public Accountant Income Tax Consultant Income Tax Returns prepared' .,for businesses, farmers and individuals. Financial state- mems , prepared. Auditingi Bookkeeping and Accounting Service. Once corner . North St. and Square.. Residence, ,14 Victoria St., Goderich. Phones: Office 975. Residence 444. ADDRESS P.O. BOX 797, GODERICH. DONALD B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Counties 'of 'Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For infortnatiou apply to 4. N. Kernigharn, Division Court Clerit, Goderich, Ont. .. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly 'an- swered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Salt=s Date by calling Phone 466J, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER HURON AND PERTH Seaforth Phone 11-661 or Harry Edwards, Goderich Phone 144 C. F. CHAPMAN General Insurance Fire, Automobile, Caspalty Real Estate 30 Colborne .St., Goderich Phone 18w F. T. Armstrong OPTOMETRIST Phone 1100 for appointment SQUARE , .GODERICH GeO. G. MacEwan Ohre, Accident and Motor ^' Car Insurance OFFICE-1LASONSIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH A. �...k-.:- COLE°. Optmnetr•ist Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. D. GUITARD Stonework, Brickwork and Plastering A good job of plastering has no substitute Phone 482, Brock and Victoria List of Promotions and Scholarships at Goderich Collegiate Announced Promotions and scholarship awards • for 1952 have been au- nounced by officials' of the Goderich District' Collegiate Institute. Scholarships were nworded as follows:.Veterans' Metnorial,.Grade D---1. Ted Turner, 2. Helen l'rid- hanl ; • Peter Adamson Memoriai, Grade 10 --Marilyn Mc- Kim Memorial, Grade. 11—Carolyn ,Naftel ; Peter Adamson Memorial, Grade 12—Marilyn Turner. The following students have been promoted to the next grade as shown. 'Names are in alphabetical order. -Where a subject appears in brackets aTter any name, special permission must be obtained be- fore the subject is continued in' a higher Grade. Grade 9 to Grade 10 Beth Anstay ; Jeannette Austin; Faustina Banks; Anthony Bedard; Irene Bell; Russell- Blue; Shirley Benjamin (Fr.) ; J'anet Bowler; Beverley Bowra ; Rosetta Brindley; John L. Buchanan (Math., John M. Buchanan (Fr.) ; r Rua! Cook; Corrinne Cranston; Arthur Currie; Harold Davis; Fred Dick- son; Eleanor Driver ; Diane El- liott; Marilyn Elliott; Verona Ellis; Shirley Finnigan; Aul,eeu Fisher; Jim Fisher; Jayne Ford; Tom Fowler (Eng.); Barbara Gau- ley (S.S.) ; Johd Graham; Bever- ley Haggitt ; Kay Hamilton; Marg- aret Harrower; Wilfred IHicks (Fr.) ; Kathleen Hill; Richard .I3olyer; Clarence Hoy; Jim Jack- son; uck-son; Sarah Jeffrey ; Ray Johnston; John Kane; Elisabeth Lauder; June Leatherland (S. S., Ag. Sc.) ; Allan MacDiarmid; Ron Maclu- tyre;. Gerald Macl'11ee (Math., Fr.) ; Beverley MacKenzie; Ramona Grade 11 to. Grads 12 - l.orutt Alsip ; Betty liowrtt Joitu Chapman; Leone . Chilstlavf ; Aud- rey Cranston ton ( lust.) ; Clarence fuer (Alg.) ; Muth Darr; Ruth ikn kstuder ; Fred Durst ; Glary, Joyce Ellwood ; Marjorie Erritii;tou (Hist.) ; Betty Etue (Alg.) ; 'Glean Feag,^an ; Sheila Callow; Evelyn Glousher; Shirley Gower; Jane Graham; Leonard Jenkins; Bar- bara Johnston (Hirst.) Jean Laith- w•aite; Jean laugille; . Evelyn Larder ; Eleanor Lauder; Laura \I. Leatherland ; Shirley Leitch; Patricia l.ong,mire ; Joy Lutz; Cath- erine MacDonald ; Yvonne MacPhoe ( Eng.) ; Jim McArthur ; Donald McBride; Joe Martin - (Hist.) ; Ralph Morris (Fr.) ; Muth Moss ; Carolyn Natter ; Robert Ouellette ( La -tin) ; Douglas Reid; Juck Reis „( Eng., Hist.) ; Ben Mehl; Ross ltivetit. ; Bob Sanderson ; B111 Schaefer; Tom Shackleton (Algg.1 ; Mel Simons (Eng., Fr.) ; Peter Sturdy ; Dianne Thorpe; Patrici t Videan ; David Waits; Ituth Willis; Nancy Wilmot; Annette Young. Grade 12 to Grade 13 Jack Alton (Geom., Fr.) ; Bill Andrew; Barry Attridge; Betty Black; Agnes Chisholm (•Geom.) ; Rosemarie Chisholm, Nick Dublck (Latin) ; Barbara Fisher; Ann Hamilton; Jelin Hawthorne; Ted Howell; Florence Hudson (Geom., Fr.) ; ' Dorothy Longmire Geom.) ; Kathleen Longnnire; Mary Lou Mathieson ( Latin, Geom.) ; Bob Mills; Edna Rivett ; Jacqueline See; G•raydon Symonds (Steno- graphy) ; Tom Thompson; Marilyn Turner;. Norma Warnock; Shirley Young (Geom.). Commercial Deprartment McKay; Richard Madge ;.Alex Mal -'Phe following graduated from the Comulercial Department: Hon- ors ----Lorna Buchanan, Margaret Langille, Dorothy Langridge, Evelyn Me4 abe; graduated—Isabel Andrews, Ruth Bowen, Lois ('amp - Beverley Proctor; Verna Rutledge; bell, Frances Martin. Dennis S•hobbrook ; John Simpson ; BOY THOWN FROM HORSE >ylv-iu-Skeltt+tt 1-3lttti )- I)onhtt lough (Fr.) ; Joan Mallouglt (Math., Fr. )•;. John Meyers (Eng., Fr.) ; Isabelle Moo(e; Joan Morris (Art).; Marilyn Musgrave ; , Ruth Pea -hey ; Ann Pentland ; 'Helen I'ridhami; Smyth (Eng. Fr.) ; Jeanne Snyder-; Norman Stewart ; Velma • Stewart Colleen Thompson (Math., • Art) ; :John Simmons, 12, son of C. M. Isabel 'I'igert; Ted ,Turner; .1o.11 1 Simmons, Goderich, is in Alexandra Vanstone (Math.); Jean Venn; -'hospital suffering with severe head and leg injuries received in 0n aceident on Sunday 'afternoon on Highway 21, •fliree miles. south of Goderich. According to police, a car driven by Walter MacMillan, of Iwtiidon, was proceeding, north on. the high- way-, 'when Simmons who was with WHEN STRUCK BY CAR Bob Volland; Ken b\Valzak ; Lois VV.ebster ; Ruth Westbrook; Jean Wilkinson ; June Willis ; Bill Wor- sell ; Robert Wood. Conditional: Loretta Martin; John Smith; Bill Wisser. Grade 10- to Grade 11 Icon Baer ; Shirley Bean ('Hist.) ; Bill Bowra (Agric.); Frei Bac•11- other boys, was. -appfiroaching on anan ; Ron iluShe11 (Fr.) ; Malcolm horseback from the opposite direc- •('amplell ; Bill Carruthers' (Math., tion. Simmons' horse, it is be - Fr.) ; Don 'Chisholm (Eng., Hist.) ; sieved, veered to the side and was Jim Clark; Rosemary Clark; Rose struck by. the ear, knocking the M. -Collins (H. Ee.) ; Joan Cowley; animal into. the ditch. When Bob Dockstader ; Lorne Dougherty ; I found,- the horse way dead. Tile Margaret Joy. Durnin ; Margaret 1 boy was thrown into the air and land con the highway, Provincial Constable* . James Moore - in- vestigated. Emerson; Norma Errington (Hist., Ag. Se.) ; Beryl Freeman.; Sharon Fulford; Joyce Gingras; John Grif- fiths (Hist.) ; Alan Grigg (!Hist. Geog.) ; ()barinairl Hasson ; Barb- ara Hay (Math.) ; Jack„ Hicks; Doreen Lamb ; Margaret MacDon- ald •(Ilist.) ;- David Maclntyre; ,Audrey McCabe; Gerald McDowell; GODERICH COUPLE MARK GOLDEN WEDDING DAY Mr. anis Mrs. , George Proctor, Ruth •McNevtn • Delmar Maize . Anglesey street, Goderieh, cele John Maize ; Betty'htathieson prated their 50th wedding ainnivers- •;lrtttll;,,Viorrie; -Fred- art br cviterti►ming their flnaily Moss;L�ivv rence Ne4thit Isabelle and -gr indeliiildr(stl :►lt"" a. turkey :Aivins.: Don Overholt .0Shop and Witheratthe BritishT:xchange Agri(.) -; aim finder; Marion I'i( 'Hotel Wednesday evening of lastttveek, June 1S. • blad(► ; Lillian Popp.; Blossom , I'ortingrll (Fr.) ; Jean I'ronse Mr. .and Mrs. p roc•tor were rnan- Ruth Reed; Ruth Reinhart; Bill rietl at the home of her 'parnntr, Reis (mist., Math.) Lorne Rivers; Mr. and Mrs.ThomasI Harrison of Sylvia Robinson; Don RoothGoderich 'Township, by the R.•v. (Math) ; Patricia Samir;; -Fred .Cohn Malesl of the 1 reshyteri:a;i Church at liaylieki. Skelton (Agrie) Dawn ~nyder : Sylvia Stiugel; Marion Taylor; Their attendants were Mrs. Mary Carol Van der Meer ; Joan War -Smith of Mitchell and Mr. Nelson Trew nock;, Marilyn ,Williams; Allan :rrthu - of Clinton, both of Wilson ; Barbara Wilson; George Wright; Jeneane Young; Bob Yungblut. Conditional: Evelyn Young. GODERICH PAVILION DANCING SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL HOLIDAY DANCING --Tuesday, July 1st NEIL McKAY AND HIS ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY NIGHT --Mode -n arid -Ord- Time Dancingi CLARENCE PETRIES NIGHTHAWKS PAGE TIM= Canadian Fashion whom are living. Their three wins, •Cyril -of Tor- onto, Alvin of Goderieh 'Township and ]Tarry 1... of Mitchell, with their wives were present at the celebration as were live - grand- children. 1 POLICE SAY ANOTHER CONSTABLE NEEDED HERE ON THE BEACH — Nylon goes to the beach, In .a sophisticated suit of black nylon taffeta with special-, ly constructed bra. and concealed' straps that can be tied around, the, neck for swimming. KEPT LIQUOR FOR SALE , GETS 30 DAYS IN JAIL Clifford Sproule, (West\Vaavva- nosh Township _fanner, was sent- enced to one month in_ jail by .Magistrate D. E. Holmes, Q.C., last Thursday., when he pleaded guilty to a charge of keeping liquor for sale, contrary to .the provisions of the Canada Temperance -Act. The. Ontario 'Provincial Police have given the Town Council their considered opinion that an addition- al constable is absolutely essential if ,maximum efficiency .'is to be maintained lu policing Godericu.. The local detachment at present consists- of a 'corporal and 'three constables. A letter from A. Moss,' acting Commissioner of Pollee for On- tario', read at Friday night's regular meeting of the 'town Council • and referred to the special committee, 'referred to a cclnference between District 1nspetcor F. Scott of the Mount Forest District 11.1;',1'. head- quarters- and certain members of the Town Council on May ':1, at which time stress was placed on the necessity of augmenting the local police personnel by an ad- ditional constable. "It is the considered opinion of District Inspector Scott, which is concurred in by this general head- quarters," the acting commissioner said in his letter, "that an addition- al constable is, absolutely essential it maximum efficiency is to be maintained in your municipality and under the circumstances, there- fore, it is suggested, that the new contract, effective January 1, 19M, be completed ,and include this ad- dition." LEGISLATURE COMMITTEE ON LAKE LEVELS COMING The 8(104 1 cotntnittee of the (1u- bario Legislature studying lake levels and erosion will arrive in Goderich from Grand ]lend on 'Fri - (lay morning, June 27. They are expected to visit the 5 oderich harbor and will probably leave Goderich before proceeding mirth after having lunch here. The committee, of which the chairman is Ossie Villeneauve, \I.Id.1,L Ulengarry, visited. the Crown-Attorney11 ;tenn ]Iy,-',bTer cities area last week. Q.C., told the court that Sproule Anyone interested in submitting had been lined ,§50 for :t similar infonli ad ion to the . committee i, offence in August of last year and that the Act requires,...01111 sentence la, imposed for a second offense. ('(1lhstuble C. Finnigan of the Huron County detachment of. the Ontario Provincial Police gave evidence that, from information re- ceived concerning the sale of a case of beer, he had executed a search warrant on Sproule's residence on June 8 and discovered- seven bottles of beer which he seized. The beer was ordered cointlscated. Failure to .pay court (casts would mean another seven days in jail, the magistrate said. LITTLE LAKES TURTLE CHARMS .ST.. MARY'S TOTS Mrs. Grace Eedy, who writes the "From a Kitchen' Vindow" cvlluun in' her son's paper, 'J'he St. Marys Journa1-Argun, and who is well re- membered in Goderich as a daugh- ter of the late Rev_ Jasper 'Wilson. in her column last week told of motor 'journeys she had been tak- ing. One of these was to the Ben - miller district., and she writes: "Another evening we- drove through picturesque country along the valley of the Maitland -River, climbing ;iii ;h hills from w�hicii there were ui i nifieeiit' 1 r(stic's; tits we came to the little old village of Benruiller, .where for perhaps :► century a woollen mill has done a thriving business. It is one of the loveliest spats in all Ontario. mill-d:uu has furnished' power for the m-tll,l•aud the dark depths of water beside it reflect the thick woods on the steep banks, always quiet and still. A. few. houses, 11 grist' mill, a store, and. the, woollen mill comprise the village. "Along the road not far'from this. village, there was a spot where the road passed between two small flukes or ponds at the bottom of a Bill. The driver said, 'Look out for hurtles-' and presently one was seen 1iloving -unhurriedly across the road going from one pond to the other. Needless to say, the ear' was stop- ped. and the turtle, not a snapper, but a full-grown mud, or painted turtle, was picked up` tend deposited in the trunk of the car. Next flay it was brought to St. Marys as a gift to. the grandsons.- All the children of the neighborhood halve gathered to look at it and to: watch it walk about, and it has been rarrtedabout so =dr that 'we fen r - its days will be, short. -Al in- frequent intervals it is allowed to rest in tehbAl2,,ti tuh-contain- ing a little 7vater an& some long grass. Here it tries at tithes to dig a bole through the side of the tub and to be on its interrupted w al y'.- GODERICH THEATRES PRESENT The CAPITAL STr. Fs. ; At PARK On the The Square L, PHONE 1150 Now—Clark Gable and Ava Gardner, in "The Lone Star." Mon., Tues., Wed.— Esther Williams, Barry Sullivan and Vivian Blaine with the I)e Marco Sisters and Billy. I (•ks4tein in a nautical Technicolor nlu$ic•al tliat dikes you from 0 Great Lakes naval citation to Paris in the Spring. "SKIRTS AHOY" Thurs., Fri., Sat.— Yvonne De ('arlo, Peter t'stinov, Marielle Terrey A canadian her11 star in n Whist] naiad:. production. A Noi•th African luxury hotel is Ore scene of international roma 1140 11)4(1 intrigue. "HOTEL SAHARA" Coming—"Pandora and the Flying " Dtitehman," in Technicolor with Ava Gardner. PHONE 47 Now—Gene Autry and Gail Davis,. in "Cow Town." Mon., Tues., Wed.— "WILD STALLION" in ('ineelPier, a •terrine notion story of indian (v►ntltr3 and of ar horse that saved a settlement. Starring Barbara Wooden with Ben ,Johnson, Stanford Jolley Edgar Buchanan. Thnrs., , ri., Sat.— "VALLEY of the EAGLES" For jack(1 movie ap►p►(•t,ites+,. a irni(p(e natural setting ler a ,tory of +l11Mple faltll (1141 ilevotic/1r. .lack Warner. ;Nadia. (.ray and .John Me('alllnn Coming—"Love is Better Than Ever."—harry Parks and Eliza- - Taylor. • w•el(•onle to sleet the members dur- -Ing-tliel--vListit he rfe--'l wont rr Pry -de; MJ..A., Huron, has promised. • TO RF MARRIED A wadding of interest is to take plal•e at New St. James I'resby- 1erlian Church, London, on Soho. -- (lay afternoon, June 2.4, when Naomi Elizabeth Little, daughter of \l rs. E. S. Little, London. and the late Senator Little, and Wil- liam Alexander Saunders, son of \Irs. Saunders and the late Charles K. Saunders, exchange marriage vows' before ,the Rev. Richard. 'Stewart. The bride -elect is' a graduate of the Siek Children's Hospital, Tor- onto. - Miss Little will 1►e attended 11y Miss Tony Aitken of London and 'Robert Ogilvie will be lies,t man for Mr. Saunders. Br(iithers of the .bridal couple, Derek Little, London, and Keith' Saunders, Toronto. will he ushers. SPECIAL STAMP 6,440 Thls is the special four -cent stamp to be issued in .Inly to c•11111 naernora►te the \VIII internatimi Red ('rclss ('onference to be held in 'Toronto, .July 21 -August tl. The stamp is to be printed in 11111e 1110 lted the third lime that two-clal- ored stamps have 11441n 1414111(1 in Catrnda. in 1s98. the Iiuperir.l penny postage 'neap stamp" w a- printed 111 red and blue, and in 19'19 another two color stamp nnnlcn orated the visit of the King and Queen. '('his is the first time that ('annda hat. been selected for ,111 Interim ion a1 Red Cross 'on 14 r_. (•sees and only the seven() lime that it has preen held in the \Wax{"•ern Ilemispl►ere. • LIFE INSURANCE AND. YOUR MONEY BACK A BRAND NEW SUN LIFE. PLAN WHICH 1 Provides insurance protection to. age 65. 2 Retubns all basic annual premiums . paid if assured lives to 65. 3 Is available for male and female lives ages 15 to 50. At 65, the funds can be (a) taken in cash; (b) used to purchase a paid-up policy for the original sum assured and the balance taken in cash or as guaranteed income; (c) used to provide an .annuity; (d) left on deposit at a guaranteed rate of interest. Inquire now about this remarkable new Sun Life plan. Just call or write: HAROLD W. SHORE Representative of • Sun Life Assurance Company North St. of Canada Plione 766w SUN LIFE OF CANADA 26-9 BUSINESS COLLEGE DINNER - Silver lanvls of flowers and eau delabra decorated the tables for the annual dinner of Goderich Business College held on 1•'riday' eve'ri'big. There was an attendance of 2:1 stn - dente and guests. During tli dinner hour. a sing- song was: enjoyed with \lisp Chris. Leishman. 115 song leader. The aeeoni]tanist was- \tics c;e•rtrude \\pikes. Mrs. .1. 1.(r•. on behalf of the ..tildents presented the prin- cipal. Mr, .__\\'euver, \vitb a beauti- ful gift as an (•x aressiou ((f thei'l: appreciation. . Lovely gifts were also presented to Miss Lois Taylor. bride -elect, stud to the pianist. With Mr. Venus at the projector, films on "Telephone (,',ourtesy." "Ad- vaneed Typing Shortcuts," 'A S.•c- retary's ihty," and "Filing .-1'ro- ce(lure' were shown. 'These films were sul►101041 Ivy the Canadian Business Schools Association to its member school. They proved to be very educational and formed' a pleasant c(luoltusion tO an enjoyable evening. The happy event was brought -to 'al close be the singing of .the National Anthem. This year marks, the best atten- datice at Gti(lericih Basins College in Day $ehool.and Evening Classes. WESTERN CONSERVATORY– . Following are the pupils of E. I)0naldsun who were successful in the ,lath) .examinations of.the Wes- tern Ont.:it:TO Conservatory of _rust- Grade -1-first class honors, John Aherhart : honors;. Sharon Smith; grade a--lionors..lanet Hug -ill, Paul \Wilson. Donald Noble; piss, Gwen Stewart. Charlene Stowe, (equal) ; grade 2-- 1st class honors, Marilyn .Limes. Judith Mothers ; grade 1--' honors. Itianne IBannister. Attention, Music Teachers Rotary Music Festival S'r, THOMAS, NOV. 24 to 28, 1952 "Write For -Syllabus" . Y a1/Thomas, r t.a r l -1 1'.•lar Street. St. Thomas, out.. -26 • rging Ext i ON THE WEEK -END!. Holiday week -ends are periods of extra and added congestion on the highway. • conditions will continue to result, in accidents unless offset by patience, forethought and alertness on the part of all highway users. Thousands of visiting tourists -and children on vacation add to already crowded highways. The need for extra care is obvious. A traffic death is a needless death. hazard These You risk your life when you drive too fast for conditions --fail to stay in your own traffic lane— or fail to obey signs and regulations designed for your protection—or, when on foot, you fail to take necessary precautions. Enjoy your week -end. Make it safe--one`you will remember, happily. • GEO. H. DOUCETT MINISTER e GE.%. M\H\Sy EQ •