The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-06-26, Page 2e; y:
ORR (hidPCiCk Oitguat-iihar
Published.. by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
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Sleutt►tr of Canadian Weekly Newspapers
tl Weekly Circulation Over 1000.
(;F.e). L. I LLIS, Publisher.
'1`HL'1tS1)AY, Jt'NE _pith, 1t52
bursting With new-found prosperrity
slltt,•t' its :Idinissioll to the Canadian
The Pint of Juiy is,rightly one Confederation. New industries
of the moss itnportaut trays in have ,been established, people are
the Canadian calendar. We do not employed at good wages, and living
celebrate it with the enthusiasm ..standards are rising, although still
that marks the Fourth of July i below those of other !tarts of (_'au -
across the borders—We (soul(' well , :Itis. Before hitching up with
emulate t,ur neighbul's to some ex- t,attatia the island wits a sort of
tent in this respect—but ut least ! poor relation. \ow, according to
we pare not dishonored the :in report, lousiness is booming ►ing and new
niversary by shifting its obsery- life has come to the people. It is
,nee, is solne have Irajsoed, itt tv be hoped these pleasing ae't'0un15
favor of a long week -end holiday. will be verified in the years to
In G oder:eh the..anniversary of come' and that Newfoundland will
Conftr.lera:'ion has been rather over- never have rause to regret its
shadowed this year by. ahlisiptoi ti states a, Canada's tenth' 1'r•o\ltlo'e.
of the old Hoke Week in August,
but it may be hoped that in future
years we shall return to the trade
\1"iten some thirty years ;go so'y-
tional 1►en:iuion 1):1y celebration. testi twarly bankrupt rail va s were'
1Ve have much over svhil•12 t 2 taken over by the Federal goer-rit-
rejoitie it the anniversary of oast [lltetlt and converted into the Can-
, clay eighty -rive yxears :lgo when the adian National Railways, :1 tense
Canadian Confederation cattle into urctimucatiuu of debt
being. l'an:tdtL was a lotkor 0,,uutry taken t)ver,• and interest cletis!i's
then, :it least so far :1s externals en this debt°Lave ever since been
went. and its transformation into a burden upon the finances the
forward- company. t►uly in t•Yrt' tonally
the stron'�Q, prosperous,
looking Country it •is today is troth prosperous years has the sonlp,tny
ing short of marvellous. Few in- been able to pay -these fixed charg.s
deed of those who' knew the Canada , in full, and year after year itriit-
of not mere than fifty years ago ttl ut
voted large t
sums of
could have foreseen the• change;, money to meet theta. Now it has
that the passing years have been decided to revise the capital
brought. uhuil our country bac 1)- strueturti of the national railway
NC►tlie tone of the itlost e[Itt'rprising. corp ratre11 :tn{I relieve it of a great
most respected and must influential Iortion of the dela which it has Temperance Hall for the benefit of
in the world and has taken a place been unable to discharge. 1t is the members of the Goderi ll branch
of the 11'+otnen's institute was
Do You Reniember When:..?
Down Memory's
• 45'° Years ,_Ago -
A cement walk along the front
of the C.P.R. station at the end
1.)f the line was built and the ground
around the building was being put
in order.
The promoters iof the' Goderich
1V'heel Rigs Company concluded the
purchase of the six acres adjacent
to the Kensington Furuitnfe Cutti-
pauy on which to erect their build-
The demonstration held in the
alongside rhe_greatest nations of exl►«s`te 1 that whit this relief Ill
the earth in intermit -lona' affairs. ('.N.R, will he :Mlle to balance a�
let us remember these thine,,- on counts iIl its; yearly operations.
.'1is reasonable It
the le,r,i"11s t'ltt-s1 1�f .1111\. 'llis a )la• if ew',1
.. _'"Str:ttf11rt1 how—ling roof I►tl lttk Itis the
p:lyllleills :1 Ce illtt 1111t111'ly in''rt':l "I'•1-1 oonson fink winning. the trophy
EDITORIAL NOTES .inti if the ra-il":1 lines dot with t tires str Lights:
not lose too Illtic11 business free Tho morning service at St.
—�-- the t'(ltll.etitien ,.,f the 11015)secd It;corge's Church, in colutueinur:ltiou
lndicittions of the tl�;Ntlwartl tof the festival of St. John the
pant 'so., was attender! by about It)
members, of the Mlasonic. fraternity,
the parade being, an itniLosing one.
'25 Years .Igo
iron! 'military lift•. :Ind Canadians Messrs. AIacEn:ul and Tebbutt
are inclined to believe uu)' sturu started business at their Hew' g;tr-
they Ite:tr of recklesssexpellditary i,•turia su'ert5.
'There i a neat et-aRole tend+envy
at. .t,hc soldiers' r 11111)S. Soule of Arr•inge41) nts were nettle ftor a
pntonu nr nsp:tlH,it writers to use tpt,e ;toric:, vellen iuyestigalct1, toll:11111,1 11 hip baseball 'utile fat.
the expression "under way- as nue ate found to have little ,futtnd:Ltiotl Wednesday afternoon' of Old Horne
word: We do not find the word Wcs'k between the Risdons of •tte-
ijl real ity. lour Instancfe. it v:rs trott ant! the Osiers of Toronto.
`'untlt-.•w in the die•tiolnlry as, ret H, r""tell that a hoioby horst' hail Rev ye Leo etttertaintd the 111011-
mtaniu, . .n 1►rugress " It i; t,ya 1 11 made of military Material is rs of the Town Connell, Water
distin•t :.yard,. �t 0,,-t of }111) as a 4 itrisnnas pet and I.ikpC t'unliniss[�n►. town of
Beloit •and the press at the Hotel
•eat. for an officer's children..'It�unstst.
tended by about 40 women.
Two rinks front Goderich, one
ski1ped by 11. W. Thomson, the
other by F'. 11. Holmes, entered the
trend est- pen es inere:lse. A $10I�i Y'p
cut in retail price of a large line . • •
of muter aunotmeetl. directly Waste • seems to be • insepar:Isle
as the resttl.t of ,,the lower rust -of -
living index.'
ate at the corner of Kingston and
. •
A s,p:en;e Cont t guff.;" in 1 '
turned out- that it t'iiet Duly .',:.l.:tO A disastrous lire, starting about
• receu' ei .tge snit 1.111,,,1 that "1h' to Itnilil the 'and i' laidni:;ht e)r •portly after, intoe a
higpw: ;• s notch 1ur 1re'dt st1 fns' was nettle by a i Ittuan, II•,t\t \, r coulplt tt' wreck of the saw mill
as it f��r :aotorists at any in
muchincry • of the Goderten Jlanu-
� there is little doubt that military fat•tnfin� l�'otitilrtny ttftl gutted the
Still. ;•ilellt:h so far :1s the law is
expenditures sr, net mager rear part Of the of
concerned the, pedestrian may he sr,1'utini/ed 111 :ltly 11 2,,•ti IIs fasp tpue cuntpony's trucks- was also
dead right. it is well for him 14'1 brnetf.
iun. I'erp:lps this is part of ihe�
exercise .11111 [1 111!1 r 1. live. . - R. 1:; Fears :1 go
k, r:.. ., +f11t11LL It'y-4lkliltt",}:S nllkta Lsattft.rinf, s.
: LL fir ` T l . ,.1„frrilu�. , w e11-4:now.n,.
his life for his country,. and neer!
1V- btiieye ihew'-will .be general not la, too mindful of the property
approval of the refusal by the Town of 1+0 )•1)1t:
wilt; ore giving; mac 11
Council of a permit for another les;. Yet. these in aitthurity ha ye
service station at the highway in- responsibility for reasonable etre
'tersest:en on Victoria street. Witit
of tite money placed itt their charge,
three stations already there, and j and there should bc' especially
Many t•itilo 1: -en passing nn t pe strict vi ;ilant'e to
t prevent etontrat-
to ;and from school, 111 1rattle” tory for military stores from
when a fliimiug meteor sped across
the northern sky, trailing a long
plume of smoke which hung in the
sky for -20 Minutes after the phe-
nomenon disappeared.
John S. Platt,` Longest focal sub-
scriber to the Bell system, pulled
vL plug from_ the new switchboard
in the local telephone office to in-
augurate a new common- battery
system, making it unnecessary, for
users to turn the cranks on their
telephones to signal the operator,
danger is Already great:
leaking undue profits. •
Site,. the middle of Novetnbei
last there have Been over I0) out-
, breaks of foot and -mouth distoA.s.
in Gr,•ai Britain, and over :,0,u00
animals Suave beton- destroyed in an
effort to stamp out the' disease.
Yet there has been no indication of
any attempt to wake political"
capital of the trouble.
• . •
If the weatherman would cast
an eye this way, he would. see fields
and gardens thirsting for rain.
The strawberry crop, alas, is al-
ready practically ruined, and -other
crops are going the sante wily un-
less the drought is soon relieved.
Two or three million -dollar rains
would he- gratefully welcomed.
• • •
Quotation from one or• our ex-
changes: One of the best methods
of encouraging people to 5hoj) at
home is for loot stores to offer
their wares at tht' 4111110 .f►riees that
similar products, can be purchased
elsewhere and to keep telling this
people about it through news -paper
advertising. Bright and clean
stores and printer merchandising
methods also are necessary.•,
• • •
The "weft" interests 1) t t_wo
battles last week. At Kincardine
there was a vote on the establishing
of to liquor store and a brewers'
warehouse. There was a majority
for both;'proposals, but they failed
to obtain the neeessary threes -fifths
vote. Owen Sound gave the "drys"
a more derisive victory, reeotding
a straight trtajority against the pro-
posal for liquor outlets in the city.
Owen Sound voted out liquor nearly
fifty years ttgo. Anti ainee then hos
voted down efforts on five different
occasiofns to change 'that decision.'
• • . • . ,
Newfbundiund is said to be
playwright anti author of Peter
Pan, died in London, Eng.; at the
age of 77.
,W. G. Bowden, local horticultur-
ist, plucked a "triplet" rose front
his flower garden, the petals of the
heat! being 'grouped in lhrte.' whorls
to resemble three flowers on one
stein. although there was only one
Ilea rt.
Several residents of Goderich
witnessed an awe-inspiring sight
Accidently on Purpose
Complaints about the inaccessibil-
ity of the site of the tomb of
":Tiger" slilmilop .have -letteu- tli, i'toyi101 tl....politic s. �1'ryitn; _to use
erred by members of Che historic 41lte same *diets. in built splu', es
nitulittee of Huron • County Come-' merely" adds to public confusion.
cit. It,' is conducive to cynicism. It
slsokesnian for the tomntittee helps. the politieal . hacks and rite
Said that T. R. Pat ti'rsca►, 11010 mach ines. It handicaps t,te ran-
(sonty engineer, had tried in vain did1110 55110 wants 14) ori and talk
to secure a roadway into the site. intelligently and sincerely. •
He pointed out that the C.Y.R.
track runs alongside the site to ih,, Steve Stothers, •son of Mr. and
tomb, affording no means of pro-
The cotimittee is taking steps to
have the marker on the tomb pro-
teted :and the surroundings
cleaned up.
(From The McGregor Heriald )
Recently an Oklahoma banker
wrote tl letter to one of his ens -
timers relative to a request for a
cheque. The letter appureutly was
the last straw. It broke the camel's
back. This was .the reply the
banker got:
' "I wish to inform you that the
present eouditiou• of my bank ac-
count wakes it l nposs-ible for we
to "seud you a cheque Cu r(spouse
to your request.
"My present tinuue'ial condition
is due to -the effects of federal laws,
state laws, county -laws, eorpora-
tiou lows, bylaws„ brother -in-laws,
mother—in—laws and outlaws that
have , been 'foisted upon au un -
Suspecting public. •'I'hrouglt these
qus---•lnw I have been held
t18wu, held up,' calked on, sat on,
flattened and • squeezed until I do
not know where 1 am, wlaat, 1 Am
ttud why'', 1 am.
"These laws compel me to ptiy
a merchant's tax, capital stock tax,
income tax, real estate tux, pro-
perty tax, auto tax, gas ta4, water
tax, light tax, cigar ttlx, street tax,
school tax, syntax and carpet tux:
"In addition to these taxes, I'm
requested and required to contri-
bute to every society and orgauiz-
talon that 'the invective Mind of
matt can organize --to the Society
of St. John, the Woman's Relief.
Navy- League, the Children's Howe,
the Policeman's Benefit, the Dorca3
Society, .the 1"'.JLC.A., tiie Buy
Scouts, the Jewish Relief, The Near
Fast, the (.old Digger's Home, the
Poticeman'a Home, also every hos-
pital to
1►ital and charitable institution t
town, the Red truss, the Blaek
Press,_ the White Cross, tate Double
Cross and the Purple Cross.
..The government has so governed
my business that 1 do not know
who ow'115 it. 1 am suspected, ex-
pected, inspected, tlisrespeetel, ex-
amined, re-examined, informed, ' re-
quired, commanded, compelled until
all that I know i5 that I'm sup-
plicated for Money fonevery known
need, desire or hope of the human
race, and because I refuse to fall
and go out and beg, borrow and
steal money to give away, I ant
cussed sed and discussed, boycotted
talked to, talked ajeout,lied
to, lied
about, held up, held down, and
robbed until 1 ani nearly ruined;
so:the only reason I aw cringing- to
life is to set' what the hell is coming
(Financial Post)
Illustrating how little meaning
party labels of the Federal field
now have in the Provincial field are
Saskatchewan and British Coluut-
1►ill. The Saskatchewan t.t'.F.'et•s
have got some of the experience
that comes with responsibility. The
i -
Holicies they enact and the si►eeehe.
their more sensible people make are
11 t lite blazing euctenlettts to
social animosities and to commotion
that come from C.C.F. head-
quarters. Nor are they those which
have been loudly proclaimed by the
11.4'. t'.('.F'.'ers. The coastal
C.t'.F.'ers incidentally often 'talked
a tire: -eating brand of doctrinaire
socialism which grade it seem very
if th
e v' 11,11
any • noseelle..
whatever of world events in the
past several decades.
'frying to use federal labels in
the Provincial Meld has similarly
made nonsense for the Social
e'rediters. As demonstrated in the next."
recent campaigns, Soeia1 Credit ai
in ,.alberta is quite different to
what. so they pt•oulise, Social Credit
wenn1 be in British Columbia.
So, down with the traditional
labels .of the Federal sphere in
Word has been received here of
•the death of William Kilpatrick
on May 23, aft his home lu Orange,
Calif., at the age of 845. A former
'resident of Ashitleld Township, tae
is survived by his widow and Live
sons, all in the United States.
Mrs. John 'l'horburu, St. Ucorge's
Crescent,. passed away at her home
on Saturday morning utter. seVertil
months illness in her •12nd year.
Formerly Marguerite'Robinson,
she was a daughter of Mrs, Robin-
son and the lute Capt. t'. E. Robin-
son and. lived all her life in Gode-
rich. Site attended Central Public
-Sehool and the Collegiate Institute'
and was married in 11)13. She was
a member of North Street loiter!
Ch u Mh. "
Besides her husband, • she is 'sur-
vived by one sen, Kent, 7 het.
mother and six brothers anti.
sisters: Capt. C. 11. Robinson and
William, of (iodericl ; .Ellwood, of
TiltiltSDAY, IMF) 2etb, nag
Editor, Signal -Star.
'Sir,—)Enclosed please Mind sub-
scription renewal. My amort, the.
late Miss Sophia !flair, did enjoy
your -paper so much all through her
ailing weeks. its arrival was one
of the bright spots in her week.
Thanking you sincerely,
I remain, your truly,
t ahts.) VIOLA W U RN,
'< Montt), Ott.
Stratford ; Mrs. Charles Fulford,
Goderich; Mrs.Robert Stoddart
and Mrs. Arthur Bateman, loth of
Chat ham.
The funeral service on Monday
afternoon at the Cranston funeral`"
home was t•ouducetl by the Rev,
FI. A. 1►ickinsou of North Street
United Church. The pallbearers
,were Dick Carter, Barry. West -
Sale, Don McKay, Earl
Fulford•----•iind Arnold--McCCodoe il.
Interment took . place in Maitland
ceuuet e ry. .
Mrs. S. B. Stothej•s, Ian know,
graduatted last week from Michigan
State ('((liege With a Master of
Science degree. ile plans to return
to Michigan for a two-year course
for the Doctor of Science degree.
Walter Kingswell was' winner of
the $50 prize in the weekly Old
Home r'Week draw on Saturday
flight. The lucky .ticket. w':1§ sold
Til 1r R'nlgsit'eii by his (Iint Met,
in-law, Mrs. Ralph Kingswell, and
the draw wos.,nllile by, I,. 11. Hyde,
:Nelson street. There will be a }150
seize :twarded each Saturday night
from now until Old Home Week,
August :1-7. 'Pickets may be -ob-
tained from local merchants or at
the (11d home \Vtok la4adquarters
at the corner of.- Hamilton and
Newg:ltt streets.
e'1)id your wife come front -a good
"No, she brought it with her:"
and HOME
Phone 98
FIL is installing these in the homes
of thousands of Canadian .,
, farmers every year. Talk over a
Farm Improvement Loan with your
nearest 13 of M manager. Why not -
do it now while it's on your mind?
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