The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-06-19, Page 6P1 SIa • THE GODERIPH SIGNAL -STAR T1IURODAY, J1iN40 19th, its DRESSES DRESSES DRE$SES Hundreds of Summer dresses now showing - crisp and cool for the hotSummer days. Ginghams, Picolays, Chmhrays, Sheers $3.95 MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE. - SUN DRESSES SPECIAL FROM $195 SHORTS T-SHIRTS HALTERS JEANS SWIM SUITS STORE GEO. W. SCHAEFER F3 SON V ° E Swiss Eyelet, Crepes and Nylons. Full range of sizes. $4.95 w $5.95 $8.95 $14.95 BINE LEGION HALL GODERJOH Sat., June 21 JACKPOT OF $35.00 for full house in 55 calls. If not won on Saturday, value of jackpot an also iumber of calls will be .raised each week until it • is won. 17 GAMES $1.00 $5.04 CASH .PRIZE 4 SPECIALS --Share the , Wealth Doors open at 8.30 p.m.- 1st game starts at 9.00 p.m. t • Why . Buy A Used . Frige . When You -Can Have A BRAND NEW 1952 8 ft. Westinghouse With a 5 ' year Guarantee for Only $259.°° ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, June 1S. ---Dr. Hec- tor MacKenzie and \1rs. 3laeKenzie of Vancouver, who have been visit- ing with his sisters, Mary and Grace, on the ,4th concession of Ashfield and his brother Donald of Blyth, called on friends in I.oc•ii- ali h and Kintail. It is 26 years 'since he has been here and he sees many changes. 31r. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie visited with their son Rae in Wind- sor reeently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan, Mr. and Mrs.. Alvin ('ollinson and Bill ('ollinson spent. a few days in Detroit. Mrs. Macintosh is visiting with the Rev. J. R. 31ai•1)onalcl and Mfrs. to 16 -Wilfred Hrckes, Leonard Sheis • her o MacDonald. . .t algin f ` a 1Rickel Pete V'andcmere John River congregation in Nova girls, 13 Scotia where .the R.eV, MacDonald to 16 - Irene- Bell, Mildred Me- Dougali, carol Vandemere; Sunday ministered before coming to Ash- School teacher- -race---Muriel I:ock- ti ld and Ripley. hart, Molly Cox, Phyllis Harrison; 31r. and '31rs. Whitehead of Tees- married women's rase - ,Muriel water visited with Mr. :old -,Mrs. Lockhart, Phyllis Harrison, Molly Ewart Jamieson on Sunday. Cox; married. men-- •1tay Cox, Bill Congratulations to Mr. unci Mrs. cox. login ('ox ; tat women's race 'Wilmer Robb who were married _Mrs. Alvin Proctor, 3lrs. 'Morris recently and ore r*siding near Ant - PORTER'S HILL WESTFIELD P(►l.t'FF 1t'S 111L1:, ,lune 18.-TI'he ,AVEST1'IEIA). June 18. -Mr. and Sunday school of (;race Church31rs.Mrs. Norman •Radford of Parkhill Visited on Wednesday with 31r. and held a very successful .picnic Friday Don Sne1L evening, June 6. Everyone enjoyed \Ir. -and .net ('htirles Sulitl► and a picnic supper at 6,30 after which the dart were held. Results of ' the races were as follows: 4 years and under --Sharon Lockhart, Don McDougall,- J ulia (-'ox ; 5 and l3 years old -Nancy Sch(►enLals, Janet Harris, Patsy ('ox ; boys, 7, 5 and 9 -Grant Sowerby, John 'Harris, OBITUARY MRS. JOSEPH I� LLI(}TT Mrs. Joseph. Elliott, Cobourg street, passed away in. Alexandra Hospital on Friday in her 135th family Mrs. J. L. NleDowe11, Mr. year. She had been in poor health Gordon McDowell and Barbara for a -year. Smith were among those who at- Formerly Eleanor Rose Elson, she tended the Snell reunion at Landes- was a, daughter of the late John born Community Hail on Saurda3'. 'I r. Tong Van den Assiut was a Esson and Charlotte Campbell and Hamilton Visitor on ' Friday, was born in Bayfield. As a young girl. she went with her parents to reside in London. After her mar- riage, she lived in Nairn, where' her husband, the ,Rev. • Joseph Elliott, was minister of the Presbyterian Church. In 1903 site.. -came to (ode - doh. Her husband died in Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, in 11)19, after serving overseas in• World \'\':1r i as a chaplain. Mrs. Elliott was a charter mem- ber of the Ahmeek-Chapter, 1.0. Mr. AVin. McDowell spout Sun - lack Valldel►1l'li'; girl., 7, 8, and J- day with 31rs. Josie Cameron of Shirley Mc•l'owan, ',ail ockhart, Belgrave. i)'lanne Harris; boys, 10, 11 and 12 Nit.. and Mrs. Norman McDowell, -Bob Proctor,' Willis Bell, Bruce Gerald and Gwendolyn, visited on Harris; girls, 10, 11 and 1.2 -Luella Bell, Phyllis McCowan; boys, 13 Suuday with 31 r. and Carl 1Mrs. Deatns of (,enelp}l. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walden are moving to Kincardine. 'Phey have sold their home in Alnl►erley to 31r. Thomas Hobb who will move there shortly. Harry 3lacDonald is eentin(•41 to Goderich hospital. We all wish for him a speedy recovery. Bernard Shaw who always liked 'to. be the skeptic once , said : "Each generationn titxu thinks tlewoI lis Lr_ n- gressing because It is aI'ways mov- ing. But a pendulum moves." CAN SAVE YOU MONEY You can often save money by replacing outdated inefficient machinery or by improving your home and buildings be- fore they are rundown. Your Royal Bank Manager is the man to see about FARM IMPROVEM ENT. LOANS which, may be used to pur- chase implements, equipment, machinery; to improve farm homes and buildings; for electrification, etc. Up to $3,000.00 may be obtained for periods of one, two or more years. Rate is only 5% simple interest. • Big... beautiful gad* foot WESTINGHOUSE Meth.] N'S'I1 similar 14-) one above ONLY $25,00 DOWN AND $2.50 PER WEEK • AT WILE REINHART Z°: ELECTRIC PHONE SEND FOR IT TODAY! Ask for this booilet at your friendly 'Royal' branch -or writ. Advertising Department, Head Office, Montreal. THE ROYAL BANK OF Can CANAII.�DA�7� r� ('jou _Bank l �n _tris 'LRoyal' GODEitt('H 1111:INCA: \v. IT i►t'L\1:11: E. \lanager. Hiekes ; boy's three-legged race--- \1'}tfrc t 11tck( -acrid- .tint ,Harrison, Pete Vaindenlerc' and \\'illis• Bell; girl's three-legged race -- 'Grace Harris and Beverly Proctor, Joyce l'ownshend and 311141 red McDougall, Carol Vandeun're .x11(1 Irene Bell; boys' wheelbarrow rafts -Wilfred 11a'kes and Jinn Harrison, Paul Sc•hoenhals and Rolf Harrisoe, Leonard Iliekes and Pete Youth. - mere ; girls' wheell►a rr(4W race --- Grace and Dianne Hitrris, Shirley M •Cow. c an and Galif 1.ockhae t, Pht 11}s McCowan and Luella Bell. There were also tug -/)f -war anti relay r•a('es and Oranges ((ere given to all infants and children present, Newlyweds Honored. -A Very en- joyable evening tvaS sis'nt last Fri- day evening when a presentation f _lir, and Mrs. Roy Wise I nee stelle Cox) took place in the choolhouse. The. first. part of time Vetting was spent 111 playing (':4I'ds p 'z4's going to: high. lady, Jit. 'til Melilwain; low lady, Mrs. \\'til Cox; high gent, Austin llarris ; low gent, ,lint ('ox. .lust before_ inn( h the newly -married couple were asked to conte forward and an address misread by Melly Cox and Mrs. 11. \i. Martin of Goderich spent a few days • with her sister, Mrs. pert Taylor, and Mr. Taylor. The Men's Quartet, Harvey, Gor- d-n anti- Murray aleDowell and Lloyd Walden, accompanied by Mrs. Murray McDowell, assisted in the service of song -•at Crewe, Sunday evening, Mr. and 31rs. Frank Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Irwin of Rlythswood, visited on Sunday With \1 r. and Mrs. Clarence Cox. 31r, and 31rs. Douglas Campbell and family visited, Sundt • evening with 3Ir, and3Mrs:. Russel Good of How'Skinny"Gins Iltilllet Township. JIr. and 3lrs, John (Tear ate' Children of Kitchener spent the Get Lovely__Curves week -end with \Ir. Armond NJ: - Burney and other friends. • Mr.- and Mrs. Alva Mel )w(r11 Gain 5 to 10 lbs, New Pep were London visitors oil Saturday. Mrs. rr \[r • r I J r.. .Tot n IIrld(L an :t is I i cl stnd Edo of Jordan Station, spent the week -end' with Mr. and \Ii. Earl '\Vightnlan. Mr. and .I1rs. Alex Roberton and Jimmy of \Vinghanl visited Wed- nesday evt:ning with Mr. and Mrs. \ur:In:tn llel).well. Messrs. 1Ia�rvey, and Lloyd 31c- 1)owell were Centralia visitors_ t 11 Satnrday. • Mrs. Kenneth Campbell and soil Steven returned it(1t11e from Eng- land on Sunday evening. She w:'s accompanied by her neither, Airs. Stevens, wh(1 will 'nage her home 1n this vomit ry. 3i r. Kettle.' 11 ('antphel ,, aceotnpalIied by his ne1- ther, Mrs. Albert Campbell of a I Auburn, metered_ to Ncvy V-ork 10 a T(1r'ch'ierl' la nip was Presented to- meet then'. t11001. by Mnrial Lockhart. it.(ly•31 . T>w)ld Srll'tt'lett loft \\•.ell behalf (if his wife, tint Irked thein rlesdar: frtoar Anderson. Indians, with a few well-chosen words, aft, -t• where he w,i11 spend'a weak . which ,the ladies served a i(►yc'lV Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger lunch. The Community ('list) hell its June meeting at the home of 31rs. Rill Cox with at fair turnout. 'I'he afternoon was spent In quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Lockhart and girls spent a few (lays last week in Owen Sound with the former's brother and :sister-in-law. Mrs. Elgin Cox rind Children spent a few days hist week in 1'a1merston. D.E. 'She was a talented pianist and hatcl studied under the late Professor George Sippi of Findon. A widely travelled' woman,, she' had "made 32 round trips across the Atlantic. and had travelled exten- sively in Europe, North Africa,' the • ASHFIELD ASUFI E141), June 1a. --- miss Ethel Mackenzie. of Toronto was hoiru' for 1110 week -end: Mr. an(1 3Irs. AVhitehead of Tees - water spent Sunday- with 31r. and 31rs. Ewart ,lillnies()n, 'Pits June meeting of the \\'.31.5. is being held this Thursday at the home• of Mrs. AV'iiliaun Johnson. Anniversary services will he held next Sunday in Ashfield Presby- terian Church at 11 a.111. and 7.30 p.m. - 7'he Rev. Glen .Campbell of Seaforth will 1►e the speaker: IIt'RON COUNTY CROP REPORT All crops made little growth this past Reek. Moisture is badly needed, particularly in the southern section of the County. A consider- able acreage of cereal grain has been sprayed for wee(' control this week. . A iltlnilo'r of silos wen? stilled with grass silage this week and indications are that there will be twice as -many silos filled in this manner this year as compared to 11)51. Quite a few barn hay drying units have recently been installed to handle this year's hay crop. To Owners of BRIGGS & STRATTON ENGINES Regardless of the kind of equipment you use powered by Briggs ,da Stratton Gasoline Engines, we are prepared to supply original service parte, adjust or- repair your engine. Save time and money -bring your engine to us at the first sign of improper operation. * Original Parts --* Trained Mechanics * Right Prices Campbell's Garage: 57 St. David St. Phone 1097 were London and Centralia visitors on Sat urday. 3lessrs. Lloyd - \Walden and Garth McCli 1(hey were Centralia visitors on Saturday. Mr. Gordon ('oak of Cochrane turned home on Saturday and was aecotnpanied by air. AVilli:tnl Snell. W.M.S. Entertains. -On Wednes- day, June 11, the members of the Westafield Women's Missionary So- ciety entertained seven sister so- eieties, namely. Belgrave T'nited Church, Brick United Church, Donnybrook United Church. Knox United Church, Auburn. Anglican Guild. Presbyterian and Baptist Church all of Auburn:- -Th(' de- votional exercises were taken by 'Westfield' members, Mrs. Chem. Smith, the president, ha ving chs rev, and gave the call to worship. The message of welcome was given by Mrs. Stanley ('ook who also read the •Seripture lesson. Prayer was by •Mrs. Marvin McDowell. Each society present "gave a niituher en the program. Mrs. Emerson _Rodger of Auburn United Church, rendered a solo, "'this is • my task." Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft of 'Brick Church gave two readings, "Do it" and "The Burden." Mrs. W. Bradnoek and.Mrs. Donald Haines of Aubutn Presbyterian Chitral' cit ng a duet, "in the old fashioned days." Mrs.. Hilliard Jefferson of Donnybrook sang' "A wonderful 5avionr is jest's 313 Lord." Mrs, Haggitt of Anglican (Tit kid gave a reading, "Oar Patein of Life." Jars, Scott of -' Bel„rave United Church gave a reading, ' "Strangers within • our • (Tates." Mrs. (Rev.) John Ostrom of the Baptist Church sang a gaol() "Down from His Glory." After singing the hymn, "in Christ .there is no East nr West," the offering was received by Mrs. Howna'd phell and 31rs. Lewis Cook and was (Iedleated hy- 3irs. Chas. Smith. The highlight of the meeting was tin address chili by Mrs. (Rev. 1. Moores of Belgrave on "Oar work of onr own Dominion Board." The president extended a vote of thd'hks to airs, Moores and all who had taken part to make the afternoon so pleasatP and helpful: After singing the hymn "Jesus shall reign." and the benediction the ladies were invited to the church school room for re- freshments where each visiting ,o- elet,v in tarn thanked the Wes'. field -Society for their kind hos- pinitty. Mr. and Mrs. Vert Taylor and Mrs. TI. 3i. Martin visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mr's. 3iilton Iiooper of Woodham. Thousands who neva could gain weight before, now have shapely, attractive figures. No more bony limbs, ugly hollows. They thank Osumi. ILuta Peon les skins because blood lack Iron. ps you uv. too. Improves appetite;°digestion so food nourishes you better. Don t fear getting too fat. Stop when you gain figure you wish. Introductory or get -acquainted" mise only 60i. Try Detre' Tonic Tablets for new pounds, lovely curves, new pep, today At all druggists West Indies and South America.. She ,was a direct descendant (great-granddaughter) of Captain Campbell, Post Captain of Admiral Nelson's.. flagship, "H.M.S. Orient," at the bottle of the Nile. Her grandfather, the Rev. Robert Francis Campbell, was originally a Lieutenant in the British navy. looter he __ordained in the 'Church ea England and *ak sent as a missionary to the Huron Tract, where he founded the parishes of Godericl► and B.ay'lleld. Surviving is one son, John Esson. Campbell Elliott, Q.C., of Montreal. After resting at the Lodge fun: eral home, the service was held' on Tuesday afternoon in St. George's Anglican Church, con- ducted by the 'Rector, the Rev. Beverly H. Farr. Honorary "pall- bearers were William F. Dunning, R. J. Acheson, Judge T. 31. Costello and Bruce Smith. Active pall- bearers were Dr. J. W. Wallace,. J, A. Sully, George MacEwan, W. J. Baker, Charles ledward and H. C.'. Dunlop. Interment took placp- in Woodland cemetery, London. IN ALL FLAVOURS icttire 'News from C -I- Child : '•.First think. David's father is 42 and still alive." No tire is blowout proof. But only the Goodyear LifeGuard Safety Tube gives you positive protection against blowout dangers! ' And LifeGuards are re -usable ---good for 100,000 miles or more of blowout -safe driving -out- last 3 sets of tires! 'Figure the savings yourself! See us today for FASHION PHOTOGRAPHERS often use family groups to point up the versatility of modern fabrics like nylon. Daughter display$,zhe„Wiest.:.. thing in nylon playsuits, while her parents model this summer's smart nylon beachwear. Good news for Canadians is the new C -I -L plant at Maitland, Ont. which will lead to more 'of this wonder fabric for your easier living. •. �yrV+w'ti GOODEAR LIFEGUARD SAFETY TUBES BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for your old tubes J B .11 I LIS Motor Sales St. David's St. Phone 755 MANY THINGS you find so useful today, like nylon and "Cello- phane", were developed inchem- ical research laboratories. Search for improved or new chemical products goes on continuously. Did Mots know? • FARMER reading recent issue of C -J -L Oval magazine is interest- ed in articles by Canadian _agri- cultural authorities, ,'tints on country home decoration and garden planning, and many other farm features! Write GI -L, Box 10, Montreal, for your f rete copy. Since 1939, C -I -L's production volume has increased about 191 per cent; its payroll and salaries total has increased about .314 per cent. In addition to fair wages and salaries, C -I -l' employees have en- joyed' a company -financed pension plan since 1919, Q life insurance plan since 1920. CIN ,fRVIN( CANAn1ANS THROUGH CHr t TRY • CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED - MONTREAL is r <t:'''''"" : If your worn chain has parted You need a new link WUOW AC& will find one Quick as a wink y ics