The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-06-12, Page 8LEGION. HAL
Sat., June 14
JACKPOT OF $38.00 for full house in 58 calls.
If not won on Saturday, value of jackpot and also
number of calls will be raised each week until it -
1; won.
17 GAMES $1.00
4 SPE hare the Wealth
Doors open at 8.30 l p.m.
1st game starts at 9.00 p.m.
The June sleeting of the Kint:i:l
Women's Institute was held on
June 5, at the home of MN. Cordon
Finlayson, with the president, Mrs.
Ray Daltt& presiding. There .were
14 ladies, three visitors and eight
children present. it was decided
to plan for a bazaar in the fall.
`Mrs. Fred M eG regur gave a tine
report of the district' annual which
was held previously In Clinton.
An auction sale during the meeting
Proved quite profitable. The hostess
took pictures in Color of our Salads
Teva quilt. -
The nos -ting closed •with the sing-
ing of - the National Anthem. after
which lunch was -served by the
bastes, and her committee.
What boosts a man's stock.
with people like these?
\ a1ti
in«rariably, employers like the kind
of man who readily accepts re-
sponsibinty.; And they know that
this attitude is suggested by a
man's ownership of life insurance.
So life insurance can h. a "plus"
to a man in an', line of work.
re;4 it
Many a man is rated "the best
husband In the world" by his wife.
But 0 he owns life insurance:—
which provides his, family with
financial security- -he enjoys extra
laurels because of his concern for
their- f uture-
Because hanker, and others who
lend money render such useful
service, their opinion of a man is
important. To them. ownership of
adequate life insurance is often an
important factor In establishing
ratisfactory credit.
• T
4 -
When they know"that a man owns
Ole insurance, they know he's try-
ing to achieve financial indepen-
dence for >frfs family and. perhaps.
for his own later years. And be-
cause he'q-doing his share in this
way, they regard him with respect.
Today, ✓anillions of Canadians are providing security for
•'themselt'es and their families—and, enjoying greater
prestige—through .owning life insurance'
AT YOUR SERVICE! More than 50 Canadian,
British and United States life insurance com-
panies compete actively to offer you the best
possible life 'insurance service. A trained life
underwriter from any of these companies will
gladly help you choose the kind and amount
of life insurance that will best fit your needs.
"14 is Good Citizenship to own Life Insurance"
IHuron County Help
to Blind Centre
is Record Amount
Ilurou Cuunty has to date over-
subscribed its objective by almost -
50 1M:r cent in raising $14,722 fur
the eunstruvtion of a \Vesteru On-
tarju home and :service Notre fur
the blipd- to be built in Loaidul..
No 'Other county in- this .distrit•t
cattle anywhere near this achieve -
mein, stated 1:. !•'. %Vlweltr", district
field secretary -for the Canadian Na-
tioual Institute fur the Biiud.
Contracts fur the building were
let uri May 30 and it is hoped to
turn the nim sod by Iuly'°1. ' Total
coat of construction is to be
$• (1,-1'9,1.
('hangs in Ylans
Mr. Wheeler also announced a
change in construction plans for
the centre.
"Our original plan called for the
ereetiou of a 3 -storey building with
reoitieuce aecutuutudatiun fur 33,"
he said, -but larger numbers need
housing; quarters than we had firs!
supposed, forcing us to step up
our living space to a 40 room wing."
The expansion of one section
bruught,with it a need for increas-
ing the size of others, such as the
dining room and the recreation hall.
-Must radical of all the changes,"
Mr. Wheeler explained, '•tvaa the
decision to •replace the 3 -storey
structure by a one floor editice that
would tju away entirely svitli haz-
ardous- stairways and wake the
building' conform to Ontario Gov-
ernment safety regulations." The
.change appealed to the Board be-
cause so many of the potential
residents are elderly people who
will tied greater safety, comfort
and convenience with all the facil-
ities of the Centre within easy
reach on one floor.
"t)f course the cost of the ex-
panded Centre will exceed the or-
iginal estimate," the Field Secre-
tary observed.' Receipts from the
public campaigzi. grants from the
provincial and municipal govern-
ments, and from l'.N.I.B. .head of
lice, and ilio anticipated sale value
of the present London builcliug.
will amount to bout $253,000. Thi,
leaves a deficit of about $26,500
still to lee raised to Complete our
building free of debt.
•In accordance with statement;
made during the campaign," said
lir___Wheeler. -we will nut be ut,tk-
iug a further general appeal for
contributions, but believe the muni-
cipal councils and citizens of these
counties will give us, the added
s!1piM,t't we deed."
() tussis l..- Rets
111 auswc-r to inqueiptiries about ,f-
ticbtl receipts from those who emu -
tribute(' to the building fund cam-
paign. Air. Wheeler explained that,
in order to keep to a minimum the
cost of the campaign, voluntary.
tvp,ist- were enlisted to prepare
111e receipt's in the London office.
This has Inmost :1 substantial saving
to the fund, leaving almost the
entire ,Movant of money raised in_
1I'nrou County' available for. c, ., -
.1 ruf-t ion p►11 Those,.
"Naturally. it has taken longer
lit prepare: the receipts under this
arrtngeneent-`than it would have
if we had hired a battery of tyl1-
ists " air. Wheeler conceded, -but
the two or three months delay
should mit cause anyone any ineun-
ver►ience as the receipts cannot be
used .for- income tax purposes until
they end of the year. Incidentally,
all Code•ricli receipts have been
prepared and will be distributed
by the end of this month."
It was 1)r. Charles Mayo of .the
famous boyo ('lisle who, said:
-Worry affects the eireulation, the
heart. the gl:finds, the whole nor‘ -
out. system. I have never known a
i.suss who die„(! ;x,►tu overwork hitt
'fiffile.f' "it"ho d'ictl from doubt."
Lawn Mower Service
Leave at 187 Newgate St.
formerly J. V. Thomas,
Elgin Ave.
Pay Small Sums Now
toS'r WOO flee
.. o R E .o YOUa C GEt PLAN
s. - - -',fie cold' WOW
You pay for your
Wits. u unthly sour
. 140 big v+thter easy, m
coal' in small,
'blue scarcely miss' blue coal' ill
you'll scar s. We deliver 'blue
for before
trio spry of time. And it's p.
LttT► et inns
Z" plenty of ins. ld bv'seig
";este( bei Your household
3- Me re smoothly all Year rout~
more stn,itvly „7,..s. ''
What a wonderful feeling is to enjoy
the winter free of fuel bills. Start buying
your coal on the 'blue coal' Budget Plan.
Face next winter with your coal paid for
and your home heated with 'blue coal' —
the world's finest anthracite.
Phone us now about our
Canadian. Fashion
FON 1HE SEA U. lct anvithem
sunlovers will go this summer
Ahoy••. diesstnaker swim suit trim-
med with black piping and lemur.
in,im: .ln t e,•L rb.i;h
in red carnation. nigh on the
shoulder. is rubber -zed
The marriage of Jean Mary,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A:
strove of Toronto, to Mr. James
Walter- -Melllwain, son of Mr. and
Mrs. -Earl 1). McIlwain, of Gode-
rich, took place in St. llarnabas
Church, Toronto, with the Itev. lir.
Hill officiating. Mr. Dewdney was
at the organ.
/riven in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a frock of while
lace: over pale pink taffeta and
carried a bouquet of pink sweet
peas, rose -buds and stephanotis with
matching headdress. Mrs. J. Ulru-
kata' attended her sister as matron
of honor. The bridesmaids were
Mi s Bernice L3rOulby_
-Joyce Jennings, all wearing white'
figured organdy over azni.e blue
1ric•oline. '('hey carried bouqut•ts
of pink roses and blue tinted car-
nations and also wore n►atehiug
headdresses.. Iiouglas Harrisf'tl
Witgroomsman and tile ushers
were Robert Ilauley- and Joseph
Nfeh.,Ison. "
1'h« reception was hi•Id at the
home of the bride's parent, and
'glrests"Were 'present from Cuderich.
Exeter and Hamilton. Tilt! coupi:4'
liter left on a trip to (tut -sec
they will reside in Toronto.
Those from (hiderieh attending
the wedding were: the groom's par-
ents, Mr.-- and Mrs.- Earl 11. Mc•-
Illwain,' Mr. ant: Mrs. Itoss Ilar-
rison and Diane and Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Hodgkinson.
muturnuttex =Aims
Changes in 43 charges were re-
ported -by the settleweut committee
of the London Conference of the
United Church last Friday. '!'hose
fur Ilurou Presbytery were as ful-
luws •
Ashfield, the Itev. J. R. Dickin-
son; Be'grave, the Rev. C. D. Cox;
Exeter (Main 5t.1 , the Rev. A. E.
Hulley ' (subject to transfer) ;
tlorrie, the, Rev. W. J. V. iuebuu-
an ( subject to transfer),;.. Grand
Bend, the Rev. W. C. Sutittr; KIP -
pen, the Rev, Norman McLeod (sub-
ject to transfer) ; Loudesboro, set-
tlement pending; Seaforth, the Itev.
J. W, Stimson:; Thames Road, the
Rev. W. J. Moores.
Goderich will be one of the stop-
ping points on the itinerary- of 250
Irtssengers on a four -ear special
train, bearing members of the On-
tario Model Railway Club and their
friends on a tour of Western On-
tario points next Saturday, June
The party will make an hour and
a half stop here where they will
be the guests of .the Goderich Board
of Trude. Arrangements have been
made for a tour of the 3'urity
Flour Mill and salt plant, as well
as the elevators of 'the Goderich
Elevator and Transit Colippany. The
visitors will also make a motor tour
of the beauty spots of the town.
Among letters received recently
in renewing. sibseriptions to the
Signal -Star are two from Vancou-
ver which letters read, In part:
Urs. E. H. Durnin: Enclosed is
my renewal to the .Signal -Star
which brings me a breath of the
old home town. 1 regret I will
be unable to attend Old Home
IVeck but tvisli one and all a happy-
re -union. - •
Mrs. Minnie M. Wallace: : It will
lite 50 years in September since
I left Goderich. I still enjoy the
old home paper. I was at the last
-Old Home Week but I'm afraid I
can't make it this time. Wishing
ti`ou all a very •happy-' time from
!August :3-7.
How Can I Start
An Investment
By Planned
Savings T l rough
Life Insurance.
The basis of an investment
plan in most cases should be
life insurance. It meets in a
sound and regular way the
real objectives of investment
-- savings for the future, a
retirement income and
money for your family
should anything happen to
you. What is more, life in-
surance achieves these ends
economically and without
worry or risk: Discuss with a
Mutual Life of Canada re-
presentative a life insurance
investment plan for your
A new book that is certain to
be a publishing success was being
distributed widely through the
mails in Goderich recently. It's
the 11152 telephone directory, fresh
off the presses and hound fu a
green cover, which distinguishes it
from last year's buff -colored edition.
There are 7,773 new and changed
listings included In the new direc-
tory, according to C.. B. Symonds,
!sell Telephone umuager here. ()y-
ing to this, Mr. Syinoutfs urged Sub-
scribers to -check any personal lists
of telephone nUnibers against the
numbers listed in the -slew book and
to wake :iny necessary alterations.
">'.vokiug up The desired number
before calling," he' said,. "helps to
avoid ' the possibility of getting
wrong numbers a12d saves time for
both the calling and called parties.
'Information' should be called only
when the number you are seeking
is not listed in the directory-"
Help Suggested
Other suggestions to help sub-
scribers obtain the best possible
service from their telephones are
included in the ,directory. In ad-
dition, there is a handy list of
emergency numbers on page one
and a list of typical long distan^e
rates. -
Besides Goderich, ,the directory
includes listings for subscribers iu
Stratford, Mitchell, St. Marys,
'Tavistock, Listowel, Clinton, Sea -
forth and several other nearby
communities. •
bpi all, the- eowpFany will have
more ` than 2,500,000 db-cetories
printed to supply subseribers
throughout its Ontario-tuebcc ter-
An advertisement in the Signal -
Star bri ngs results.
Don't let old shopping habits make you
miss, the true -to -milk flavor of Bor tiff
Evaporated Milk!
Next time you shop, reach for t can
With Elsie on it .. find out what a differ.
nuc there can be in evaporated milks.
Wherever you use evaporated milk ... in
coffee, on cereals, in evoking . . . you'll
taste the improvement that Borden's true-.
to -milk flavor makes! Just try Borden's
Evaporated Milk, and see for yourself 1
Trade Marks Registered
- r
The National Safety Council of I are, 30% more deaths and 20%
the United States going over all more injuries off the job than on
"►tlie avails e`- etatistifes has nn it. It nments : "If you want to
earthed an important filet. There be safer, go to work."
Illustrated -2 -Door Custom Riviera
Right from the start - you'II love. it !
TT ISN'T always the big things that tell you how downright
good a car reallt is.
You'll note, for example, that this Buick has—not one—but
two sets of figures on its speedometer. There's one for tptal
mileage, which almost all cars give you. And there's one
for trip mileage, found on all Buicks, but rare on other cars
carrying comparable price tags.
Then there's the way' a Buick starts. No groping for a
starter button on the dash. You just push down your foot on
the accelerator pedal -and one motion does the whole job.
That's something -else found only on a Buick—and we can
give you a -good guess what the reason is—it's a Costlier
And when you, step on this combined starter-accelerator—
boy, do things start to happen! That great -powered Fireball
8 Engine purrs into action—and you're off with the steady
swoop of a Diesel streamliner on the rails.
Now, you discover something else. Buick's Million Dollar
Ride. Sure-footed on curves, level -gaited on the straight-
away, steady and true on course—it's worth every dollar it
cost in tools, engineering and special features—including
the magic of Dynaflow Drive.*
blue coal'
Edward Coal Co.
Phone 98 Goderich, Ont.
r -rt,. . •f wa•f a: ,M+n f+
2oZ i Kr5400, .eaCie
Branch Office,. Bank of Montreal
Stratford, Ontario
Branch Manager:
C. W. Leach, Phone 18-.
What we are trying to tell you is this: r7
No matter how you size up a 1952 Buick—by its features,
its fabrics, the way it performs, the way it rides—or the
cost per mile of operation—you find that nothing is spared
to make it the greatest buy it has been in years.
And that's doubly significanewhen you remember that
Buick delivered prices start down at a figure that any new -
car buyer can easily reach.
How about checking this for yourself, at your nearest
Buick dealer's?
•Standard on ROADMASTER, optiotrsl at
extra cost on CUSTOM and SUPER Series.
When better automobiles are built
will build them