The Goderich Signal-Star, 1952-02-28, Page 2'MOS patt'�t� $oE Qa Couvrri3 FoRtuorwr wMEICLY Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. • •sbi erigttes IR*tes-..Canaira and Great Iiritxin, $15 a year: to Vatted Stater, $3.50 Stricaly lu advauce, , Rater vu request.' Telephone 71." Autt.r M *s t 'ciesd-elastt in.ail, feast Office Department, Ottawa, Outdo -Town Representative: C.11'.ti.A„ 1(I�i ,Peter :3trvet, Toruuto. 'Pilot* Etta .-CTUU. , Member of Caniadiau Weekly St -wait -awn* Association. _Weekly -Circulation Over 3,000; GEO. t LUIS era ►Bash; r, THE GODERICht $IGNAL43TAR No Exac iy. Unanimous 4 .TliU1t:WAY, 'FEB. 28th, 195"2 A, STAGGERING BLOW The uutbre k of the dr:ado-d bad rah mouth disease, discovered in dlc:atluuss 1, ay he very iutissleadlug. 1Vheu Canada itiapurfs raw au:t• teriala or partly manufactured 'goods slew' may use these goodie anal materbsis as supplies fur her fats iliskratcheeran, is the worst blow tortes which employ workers and eider buffered by the livestock in- tofu out article', which are sold *vary of Canada. The Unites! at a profit. '!'hues what is called Staters has already haunts' the im ala '"uutavursihle blalaus^r of trade" laudation of beef,.. cattle and begs may be cuuverted into a "favorable from this country, acid this ex It:tlaucxc:" For instance, a• big t, .t- elusion will continue until the d�' lure in Canada's imports in li►:,1 ease is. wiped out, and perhaps: was pindustrtat machinery, to i,c, wager. Thou:tands u! animals in used in this •country,si exls:tudiug I the infected area will i e destroyed, tndustri;al produetiou. :The tut Mat intiuitely more diaarsstroue Is porters of thus machinery did out the los;ss of the t rtite�al St. _I., ,,, regard' •'its"• "t9,urcll:asee us, - a los;iu" market, which Last year " tool: { pro',.,rttiota ; they intended to use it =i,3p,Q()g,t')p() worth of l'auadian ! their business -awl their livestock and meats. to increase ae profits. It is °&,twist• possible for a I 'With .only the' Canadian market ! 'country us ecu long period to hart a so-called '"unfavorable balance of t rade" (acav,rdiug to ,:the published i statistics of imports and exports, awl, still be quite prosperous, On they )thc•,r hand, if - a rouutry is selling its national resources in reckless fashion it may build, up a `'favotalile balance or trade" and yet be on the road to disaster. For a definiteand reliable fu=' dicatiou of what is Involved,in trade 44tatisties one must look behind the published figures and discover how and to what extent the national economy is affected. lett to the meat trade it tap ea - petted that price- in this country will decline, but any relief thus afforded to cow'uu.ters will be negli- gible In face of the lues which will be. suffered by the whole country. 'Federal' and Provincial Goveru- wents have ai,eady taken action. to eradicate' the diseases. and to quarantine a large area in aak- atchewan surrounding the district is which the infection has appeared. & NEW AND WELCOME NOTE d duatinct reversal of educational ts'endla in Ontario h promised' by t$e new Minister of _ Education, Dr. W. J. Dunlop. According to ortzsteuaentai wade publicly from. time' to_ tinge, the Department under_ his direction intends to st.e that greater attention is given to "English triage and comprehension,,, to reading and writing and arith- tasetic, subjects which it would ap- ipear have been somewhat neglected .n 'recent years. As time in school its limited, this.Will mean less' at• tention to some of•the "fancy sub- jects!, ott the curriculuul. This;, it is explained, dots net mean that wusic, art and physical educcation are to disappear from the school subjects; but that there is fo be a redress of balance, in order that more attention may be riven to basic, subjects, '`the titre.• It's," No doubt ,cr instructions from higher up, The Globe and Mail EDITORIAL NOTES we don't have -ter look --for saigus of spring this week. They are :ill' around us. • . • • There ean hardly be anyone now who will not agree that the invest= may remember it as one of the street begging has been practically rut.nt 'in the arena was a profitable territories, with Alsace-Lorraine and d non-existent in most cel tt� thirteen to one for Goderich. When a' flour the Rhineland, involved country for a. pc !!'Dred War I peace settlement. tourtec'n years. is built for sllIll,, .,- ttSe• the a!°cult i It is a rel; 044( • t. . r. Down Memory Lane 4 dears Age ..John o'ltutu,b , es -Mayor of Stratford wart `)tilted .wleu tltw Wren -al to Chleage expre s eau off the rails a fe•w - tulles east of Guelph. The cause wail said to has ee btett a • broken rail, the cars rolling down an embankment of about 4l)'fett.' `John F. �1,udresass of 1 Goderich ss'asf" un the train return - 1 fug from Toruuty but„°..beyoud a w_ I bad shaking by apa1 some bruises, escaped injury. IStialne.s utatters 'Su Toronto prevented Iteeve McLt-an frons string tai the fatal train. Goderich Intermediates were de- feated in the last round of the seual•ftual by Berlin. The tseru's crop of ice was all safely housed and the quantity Istored was in excess of the pre- ` vious year's crop. i The railway committee of the Mouse of Commons trawled the bills for the extension of the Canadian Northern Railway through Ontario by the building of many new branch Bawls including uhf, to ruts from near the International bridge north- Jumped into bis bicycle, striking westerly through Hamilton to (rode- it between the ulud-.guard and the handle -barns. ri'rbc• Star installed a new folding Goderleb Collegiate Institute machine but the manufacturers students displayed their versatility shipped the svrung.nuwbcr. in dancing and gymnastics before a 25 Years Ago large audience in the gymnasium Several hundred addttioual in- of the school. vitations to the ceptenutitl c•elebrst- tion were mailed, bringing the total to .ovor 3500. The' . Marine Club started getting people prepared tor the celebration by holding a mas- querade party iu the Oddtellows' Ball. The event brought out 220 costumes. -- The following officers were elected by the directors of the„Iilue Water Golf and Country Club; president, E. 11. Hill; vice-president, A. J. MacKay; secretary, • K. E. Naftel ; treasurer,' It. L. Lloyd. Tenders were called for altera- tions to the Post Office, Several hundred additional boxes were to be added and the wickets were to fare ,north instead of east. '. ..-- ,MCCA,�.– s, 4 WIIAT IS THE SAAR? -.. PROSPEROUS TIMES Many Americans,. new to their (Fort William Times-.lournal ) country's role as an international Few Canadian boys who are tak- arbiter and reading of the con- fug their tirst looks at approaching tToversy between Germany and manhood, can recollect seeing a man France over the Saar, may be par- cloned if they ,,,ask, "What is the stop ask—for uh another man on the street and Saar?'' ' nee or a --quarter.; They may, if they search their For a precious generation the mentot<lesa, , recall_ it .tt13. the sin aili sight what a counnon one. border area in which k'rc• it a German soldiers first tired on each other during the so-called "phony. war" period at the 'beginning of World War II. Further back, they Preoccupied _ia_ the rush bU busy' days whic)a•-have been with us since the start of she Second World ,War, not many Canadians have paused to consider the arresting fact that ion slightly smaller 'Unemployment insurance, and the w-iti be a still greatest• asset fur' than Rhode island—or than Luxeul- bourg, which it adjoiusa-in whilst' ,. • the town. • - 1 lie mines. producing around 11', mil - Ater \'iscouut Alexander, .leaving two it was administered as part of Ilion ton's of coal a year. • (stead:safter six years as governor- France until 193, w•hep a. i►lel►is- 'cheery •luessage ' cites joined it to Germans,. NOW it general, had a ; is again part -Of an economic• 1101441 for our peopttis:( "Canada the said► ; with F'r:uue, strottt;ic apprdved by IS now on the road to a golden i its voters 1n 1!117, and F1 tee hoists; future. It is one of lile o►1 it, tical 111111e". countries in the world and its real sil'Tted in 1950. Yet it is tart -tell development is only just heginuing.' l golf -governing, 8nd its final statu ! is: to Ise settled in the it•ate treaty ' '•' not yet tritiated with Germany. 4)lit ario' - d•tluk hill for the ,}sear I 'Meanwhile c.;11 fruit, the Saar ending Marclt :;1st, 111:,1, 4v:1. ote•r !goes to 'sustain steel 1rnduetion in I h'ranee, the alsrtaaa Rohr, atld the • challenges 1)r. now Doubles -int b1 pry,- :':.'1( 405),rl1U, iucludina a lrr,►fit to�.�:t:7r its lf. with the Saar. 1 n 11(11 ©(eluents, whi(°tt it eL,iwri to th+' pro tire of- lt►.i)tlnilurr. '1'his'st(e'l production closely :rl,pruxint- indicate a -period of "violent re- figures out :It :in average of viler aces that elf Wert Germalty : if action - in e(lucati')u.;' Lilt - 4v1' 'Ire fur each or the Province's popula- AVest Germ•any 1411(1nnld thrt `steel pre,elgetiott wire hall' agaitl 11(•4.4'01:11. the Minister '1,:1: struck tion of •1,54)t0,OIN); but :,s these 11 as nisi,lr i)� 1�'r�r•'s. �s fur co;ll. a note th:J4 i; !VIP i with eager !,111111101 inelode> women anal e1(1l(1-' l;elnt:,►,y h:�s 11„. ;(r. „neleeati a(cept4t1((41 by people who wish to ren '' well :Is ,e great tl,rrnle,•r of 44itlr .,r 4Cil11.111 the r !Tari' 1 5e(' their child re•11 t ell e;rotill''tled in the prime esse11tla1, of educ:,tiuu. AN UPHOLDER OF GOOD CAUSES The death of ,Russell T. Kelley, 1 tomer Minister of Health for 011- _t:trio, brought 'ninny tributes to his activity anti I;oud 4cork iu khat Office until illness forced hili retire. , 'merit. etire- attent. A native of the Teeswater ' diatrict of Ilr"t'tce eouuty, Mr. Kelley lead a colorful life --athlete, musi- chin, insuraneeagents-then-head of~ s- an- advertising agency, he° entered a -the Legislature at the' age of sixty- six years and a fess months litter was appointed :Minister of Ilealth ander Ti'rentier George Drew. 'He got around . among the people, learned their problems, with special reference to health, sand n"iia un interesting speaker at wally gather- iingi, large and small. His popular- ity Was convincingly ' indicated when a scolding by The Globe and Mailtfor being too fret. 4tith his apeeches (he rarely "talked politiees" ), brought epressdons of rtigobous 'dissent from the Toronto party organ from all parts of the etaintry, regardleas of ',arty utiilia. tion. Now The Globe and Mit 0, referring to tht' (lose of a life devoted largely to community and philanthropic activitte.. says, "Spelt wholehearted devotion to good t,tuy4s is rare enough to la, a source et inspiration and gratitude." IMPORTS AND EXPORTS Repeatedly the' column has a 11- - - tetnpted to -point out the mistake in taking the ttgure,of nt►tlon;tl lanports and exports tepa►rtetl ftotn Illtinth to month as a reliable In- dication Of national profit or loss. The popular notion is that an Px- c ss of imports over ecports Is a loss, and an exet',e4 of exports over Ilitpoi°t$ a gain. The ennciusinnst to 1* dreern from this simple pro - tee* of ,subtraction piny 'be grotaly in -error. Ott the surface It should 1111 evident" that t1 trader who does lith receive • (Intpott) a greater 'tante than he sells (exportal Is doing bpslnesa at ti loss; but there *rd 'ao many factors involved in Alnt!!tntttionai trsde that surface in - wen who 11.-" - lit t:e (,r nes lie111u1•. Han Ssae•n.:e \i(,t,ttir:. the a((r:lg4: for regular elri►el:ers 1 t tht t°, .e,1'4 A elasslfied ad is probably three. times that milds. I iu 'File sinonl-`t:,r l,rin�s reenit�. The Rev. Maxwell C. I'arr, pastor of*the Westutinster Vetted Church circlet received and accepted, a esll to bet•vute apastur of Victoria -Street and Vulon United Churches. 15 Yawns Ase Goderich Sailors defeated. Sea - forth 3-1 in the second game of the W.O:11.A. group finals. to take the roend by a swore of 5-4 sand the right to advance into the W.0.11.A. pl:iydowna against Stratton!. Captain k:, C. Robinson .enter- tained the Sailors at an oyster” supper in Wong's Cafe after they had defeated Se�aforth Beavers, Many awall lumber stills which had not been working for years were busy again as a result of the stimulus given by the Mississippi valley flood, One uaill In Goderich was working day and night. 'l'he youthful son of Harvey Beattie, Goderich Township dairy- man, was riding along the Blue Water highway' when a rabbit plentitude of jobs during the period have wade it unnecessary for men with any self-respect at all to ap- peal for help prolnbtcuoul3ly°. This Its a sidelight, but an in►d portant sidelight, on the prosperity we have enjoyed in the plant decade. MU QED TAN AND ►OOD slow , h fir, Minister Gln Produes • sad treat, rkiwc the lamest sited tier. is. Om** , 'The 411501r1s , INAt�ttla� r> agriculture ;isupytk-r, ts'iil t>k- U/O,rt extensive to date, t•tt• It eul1{�iiars for Chatsr .. will a open thte iroiar'toraath Atarawll HW- !lesser fend Food (Shots. diesel > old 'in the Ttsttu1seIbrern' Wt tt ru Pair (3rourvl�. tondos, on March' 4, 5, d. 'There will be the usual Ilse exhibits of Frain, seeds, poultry, eggs, t,attin', WE ARE AGAIN Contracting Barley for the Canada Maltislg Company the same as last year. Our elevator has been completed and we are equipped with four ramps to provide you with 'SPEEDY, UNI1OADING FACILITIES, W. G. Thompson & Sons Ltd. HensalL Day phone, 32; ' right phone,2.o, ---$tf Ytk " iar . Saturdy Night MA.RC-R.__ __. P.M. - BRINGS . BRINGS Rev. Ralph H+t LONDON, ?A$TOR Mr. A. IL Werner CONVERTED JEW palm MEET US AT THE Clinton Collegiate Auditorium • ANI) !MING YOUR - FItIENi)S, AND 'NEIGIi- .BORS. wornchain has. r ted ��your You need a new link ... UOW MCF' will find one Quickasawink! UARDJA 4 THE LEADING il4FANITIRYMEN Canadian _ soldiers are playing a world-wide role to discourage aggression . . . to he'', guard' peace. 'At home and overseas, our soldiers stand as—Guardians of Peace. The Canadian Infantry Soldier -is ,the toughest, the best equipped fighting soldier in the world today. Recently anew specialty with extra.pay .and prestige was created for the Infantry Soldier. This is the Leading Infantryman. He is thearained Infantry Soldier. He has learnr to handle expeitly the many weapons of modern infantry. He has been • trained to take care of himself anywhere, any time, it any kind of situation. The Leading Infantryman is the most thoroughly trained fighting soldier in the Army. Play your part in Canada's most important business today, defence. You are eligible if you are: 17 to 40 years of age, (tradesmen to 45), physically fit and ready to serve anywhere, New matemt. MOTT METAL %Luc CaRtat No other major appliance con do so much to lighten your daily kitchen tasks. , Styled in steel for Canadian kitchens, Mott Metal Cabinet Sinks save the housewife thousands of needless steps, give 'the ' finger tip" convenience of having practically everything within easy reach. In fact, every expertly engineered feature of Mott Metal Cabinet Sinks is devised to . "Take the Irk Out of Work" in the kitchen Come in and see these modern, time -saving, work -saving Cabinet -Sinks today. - N(l\V ON DISPLAY AT OI'R NEW SIIOW ROOM ON NORTH STREET Breckenridge Hardware Apply to the nearest Recruiting Depot: No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. Nis. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Stmat,'Kingston, Ont.°. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. . No. 7 personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elisabeth Street, London, Ont. Arany Recruiting Centre, 230 Main Street West,. North Bay, Ott. Aroty Recruiting Centre, James Streit Armoury,' - -- 200 Jamas St. North, Hamilton, Ont. n11ee•0,„ . Listen to "Voice of the Army" — Tuesday and Thursday evenings — Dominion Network. Vow 1/ie. CANADIAN ARMY WIVE FORCE NOlEl r AnimmoilblibumombsboommobbmINNIW