The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-10-30, Page 10G>,
THIS_ BAR ROOM SCENE is one of the turning points of the play "The House Not Made
with Hands". The bartender was played by Barry Simpson, with support from Ron Bee-
croft° Leonard James, Art Laidlaw and Dave Shaw. Jack Gillespie as Joseph Flack was
the major character and was supported in this scene by Lavonne Ballagh.
OPP offer reward for poster
The Ontario Provincial Police
have launched a province -wide
search and are offering a $200 re-
ward for a poster -in a student
Wanted is a crime prevention
poster stressing the dangers in-
volved in hitch -hiking.
Corp. Herman Meyer of the
OPP's Community Services
Branch said the winning poster
will be mass produced for distri-
bution across Ontario, bringing
recognition to the winning stu-
dent, in addition to a $200 scholar -
Hitch -hiking is legal in non-
urban areas of the province, but
it can alos be lethal, Cpl. Meyer
Why Pay. Taxes .. .
- if you don't have to?
You must pay some tax, but -
probably less than you think.
The government allows sev-
eral methods of reducing
taxes, one of which is the
Income Averaging Annuity.
Certain types of income an
be used to buy such an
annuity. and the amount of the
purchase can be deducted
from -your total income before
Give us a call. Find out if you
ave to pay all that tax.
. Wayne M. Chandler
R.R. 4. Brussels
The M
The increased ,number of as-
saults on both hitch -hikers and
drivers is evidence that young
persons are not fully aware of the
dangers of hitch -hiking and of the
precautions to take if hitch -hiking
is necessary,• he added.
If someone must hitch -hike, the
OPP recommends: do not hitch-
hike alone; do not get into the
back seat of a two -door car; be
selective about the rides you
accept; do not aitch -hike by
night; do not wear suggestive
For the poster contest, students
may use an illustration, drawing
or photograph with a caption or
inscription. If the poster has a
photograph, the negative must
accompany the entry.
Entries must be postmarked
not later than Dec. 31, 1975; the
winner is to be announced on Jan.
15, 1976.
Poster designs together with
the student's name, address,
telephone number and school are
to be mailed to the Ontario
Provincial Police, Community
Services Branch, 90 Harbour
Street, Toronto, Ont.
Sound nutrition aid to
beating high food cost
"Nutrition Matters" is the
theme of Nutrition Week,
November 2-8, sponsored by The
Ontario Dietetic Association . to
focus attention on the fact that
adequate nutrition is vital to good
"One way to counteract
spiralling health care costs, is to
prevent illness caused by poor
eating habits," said Sheila Smith,
President, the Ontario Dietetic
Association. "this requires a
concentrated community effort
to educate the public first to
recognize that nutrition matters
and secondly. to do something
about it."
The Nutrition Canada Survey
in 1973 revealed that half the
adults in Canada are overweight
and lack certain nutrients in their
Some of the contributing
factors to this situation are the
rapid changes in our lifestyles,
escalating food costs, sporadic
eating habits coupled with
reduced physical activity. We are
eating more often away f
home and snacking as an alt
five to regular nutritionally
blamed meals.
All this adds up to concern by
dietitian -nutritionists who are
daily confronted with the health
problems of the poorly nourished.
There are some positive steps
that can be taken to deal with this
situation. The Food Prices
Review Board shote that if a
family of 4 knew what to choose
Celebrat� faith, dedicati
at Wingham UC anniversary.
The twelfth chapter of John°a active and believable force.
Gospel, and the story of the Spectators were almost active
Greeks who came to Philip with participants in the events pre -
the request, "We Would See sented on the unique tleatreia-
Jesus", was chosen as the back- the -round', living along with the
ground scripture text as Jack actors and experiencing their
Burghardt spoke at the morning doubts, feelings and hardstdps as
worship service as the congrega- well as their *triumphs.
tion of the Wingham United The major characters in the
Church celebrated its 112th an- play were Joseph Flack and Mr.
niversary on. Sunday. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson, three
Mr. Burghardt spoke of a small dedicated Methodists whose
country church where he once devotion and sacrifice helped to
had the opportunity to speak, the form the first Methodist congre-
pulpit of which bore the inscribed gation in Wingham. `they were
words, "We Would See Jesus". portrayed in the play by Jack
He said Jesus was many things to Gillespie, Wayne Elston and Miss
many people: for those who Ballagh. The role of Mrs. Flack,
needed a teacher, He was and a crucial factor in the play,
Teacher; to some, He repre- was played by Mrs. Marilyn
sented forgiveness; to all, He Wood -
provided answers which they The cast of characters also
were seeking. included: Jack Kopas, narrator;
Of all members of the congre- Barry Simpson as Ben Johnson;
gation Mr. Burghardt asked the Ron Beecroft, Leonard James;
question, "Have We Seen James, Art Laidlaw and pave
Jesus?", stressing that the Lord Shaw as bar room boys; Harold
will bring something to our lives Wild as John Cooper; Marilyn
that we can in turn pass on to Kopas as Mrs. Cooper; Norm
others who live in this world of Keating as the minister; Ansley
"pigsty manners and barnyard Currie as the young woman; .
morals" . Marvin Streich as William Var-
In closing, Mr. Burghardt ney; Sarah Jane Bender as the
stated that much of the emphasis child; G. W. Tiffin as Rev.
today is placed on obtaining gold. Thomas Hanna; Jun Ward as
"However," he said, "those who Rev. George A. Mitchell; Charles
have found gold in the hand, find Lloyd as his grandfather Charles
it does not bring happiness. Those Lloyd; Dave Shaw as John Snell;
who have experienced the gold of Stewart Beattie as Rev. Dr.
happiness in the heart, find that it George H. Cornish; and Wilford
can also be tarnished with Caslick as Rev. H. T. Crossley.
sorrow. But those who accept the The members of the congregation
gold which Christ offers, the were: Edith Walker, Helen
'treasure in heaven' which He Underwood, W. A. Tiffin, Marilyn
referred to, are blessed with the Kopas, Harold Wild, Jack Gilles -
finest riches, wealth beyond pie, Marilyn Wood, Lavonne
measure." Ballagh, Wayne Elston and Ans-
During the morning service, ley Currie.
the junior choir, with Ian Des- SPecial credits to: Barbara
lauriers accompanying on the Bender, director; Audrey Tiffin,
guitar, sang "Put Your Hand in production ,manager; Rod
the Hand". The senior choir sang Wraith, Ray Laidlaw, Mark
"The Lord Is M Tiffin and Nelson Underwood,
from the 12,000 food items in
supermarkets, they could trim up
to $900 a year from their food bills
and still eat.nutritious meals con-
taining the right amount of
What constitutes adequate
daily nutritional intake?
Dietitian -nutritionists recom-
mend that we aim for 5 -point
meals, with a food from each of
the 5 food groups in Canada's
Food Guide.
Every day, eat foods from each
of the following groups:
1. Milk and milk products
2. Fruits
3. Vegetables
4. Breads and cereals
5. Meat or Fish or other protein
If you have a question con-
cerning nutrition, contact a dieti-
tian or nutritionist in your com-
munity or write to your local
health unit.
Marnie Davidson. Nutrition
Consultant with the Ontario
Ministry of Health will be at your
health unit during Nutrition
eek: November 2-8. 1975.
Winter Coats & Jackets
Snowmobile Suits
garden for year
Now Ts the time to take steps to
control mire yoaz garden over
winter_ recommends J K
Hughes: Ontario Ministry of
Aftricaitire and Food Hort
Corrzht:icas have C,74!-abar. ed to
an above ncz-Ina.: population of
mice tbs year The krig grow -mg
‘egeitat.zzc have beer. facton :n
their increased r--= ber5 There-
fore, definite rneasiA: slikAaA be
taken now to : t'd.JCV
weeds arotmd trees and.
sita-ubis Clear
tree These cstc,
the anthem, y
Shepherd". and Mrs. Marjorie
Guest and Mrs. S. Wardrop sang
a duet. Hap Swatridge presided
at the console of the church
Theevening service was a
special event for the church,
carrying the people back to the
beginnings of Methodism in
Wingham and detailing the
history of the church frbm
early 1860's. The highlight of
evening was preceded by a short
introduction from Rev. Barry
The outstanding presentatia
concluding the 112th anniversary
celebration was the play "The
House' Not Made With Hands".
Written by Miss Lavonne
Ballagh, the play portrays the
efforts of the early Methodists to
build a church. It details the
history of the church from the
first services in the Zetland Bar
Room to .the laying of the corner-.
stone of the present structure on
May 24, 1901.
The play spanned almost 40
years of hard work and an ever -
abiding faith, and it transported
the spectators to a century long -
forgotten. The stage itself was
the church, set in front of the pul-
pit. The props were a study in
stark simplicity and were a
major factor in creating an at-
mosphere that suffjtsed the
church and made the play an
save yazffil crly and
Coo. Red Cross
offers $1,00
bersory to nurses
lighting; Diane Simp4004 and
Nancy Gillespie, .make-up;
Norma Strong and Jkne Lelren,
costumes; set design, Ain
Currie; Art Laidlaw, Harold
Wild, Ken Wood and Jiw Ward,
set construction; Shirley Bell and
Sylvia Ricker, props; Lori Guest,
prompter; Hap Swatridge and
Edith Walker, music,
To the cast and all who helped
goes the credit for the over-
whelming Success of the play.
For one evening, the church
became a ghost of itself and re-
verted to its birth. History came
to life to lay a foundation for what
is now and for what is yet to
come. It was a difficult task, but
the hard work of all who con-
tributed to the play made it a
rewarding task.
The message of the- play was
universal. It celebrated not only
the founding of the Methodist
Church in Wingham, but the
dedication and faith of all
Christians whatever their
denomination who worked to give
us what we have now. The
barriers erected between the
different denominations are arti-
ficial, the play said, and are
rooted in human weakness, not
the strength of faith. Where all
our forefathers worked together,
we work apart. Where they have
given us what we now have, we
are giving — what? The -question
of the future remains open in the
play, and with its conclusion it
spans the future as well as the
past: "It is fitting that at this
time, we should honor . their
memory and rededicate our-
selves to continue the noble work
which they under great difficul-
ties, began. As we draw our
memories of the past to a close,
let us look forward to the future
with bright hopes of many years
of united effort in our work for
Jesus Christ."
Tatra PratoctIon nt low cast, - 1044i;)(4101 Prot«ctiOn , Tartn*rshl
Inswing*, Sub ► 'Proprifeior ire a l eMcgt949, 1.nsnfance
Corporate loourance
READS OCT., 9.4-74-5
Advance -Times
Town of Wingham
1975 Taxes
of 1975 taxes is due on or before
November 15. A penalty of one percent
will be added the first,day of default,
and one percent the first day of ,each
month thereafter.
William Renwick,
Clerk -Treasurer
If you've ever had the feeling that getting big -
city selection meant a trip to the City, you're
fOr a treat (and rigid close to home) in the
Suncoast Mall. No hustling -bustling city
traffic to fight. Parking for over 700 cars. You
can shop at your leisure. no worry of parking
problems. Everything under One roof. Ws big.
Ws beautiful. And Ws open now.
under one
roof in a
A 61.000 bursary is being of-
fered by the nursing advisory
committee of The Canadian Red
erms Society to graduate nurses
registered in Ontario.
The award for the 1976-77
academic year. will enable an
Ontario nurse to undertake
further studies in nursing at the
degree level. The successful
candidate will be selected on the
basis of training. nursing ex-
perience and leadership
qualities. Consideration will be
given to the applicant's an-
ticipated contnbution to nursing
r. Ontario
Interested nurtes May obtain
:r.formation from The Canadian
Red ercss Society.. Attention:
D-rec tor. Family Health. 460
is St • Toronto M4Y 2115.
Np-p7:(Catlans must be sumbitted
tvelck--e March 15. 1976
Mrs Norma A Wright. RN,
"a -r, w as awarded the 1975 bur -
:s currently w'orking
• arr: her Master of Health
Soeim:oes. at McMaster University
yo7a re on a reducing diet,,
rt..-utt. weight should lose
perz...&, A greater weight Ems
healthy and it doesn't help
FIT:, a±.--nri--4se yczu eating habits_
Tom. %rant to tase weight
prn=e3 •-toek gels rill of 848