The Exeter Times, 1889-11-21, Page 8w53.wetow, ROYAL Pt4114 �- esoturety_ vuR b ok telly Pure, This powd 0rnever -varies A marvel of pur ty,etrenanholesoinebc ss. More aeon o tical than therlori ordinary kindf .end auuoi be so/din eonlme Mimi with the multitudes of or test, short :weight, alum or phosphate, Powders.S,ilciouly in sans,—ROYAL 13AK, NG POWDER 00 .106 Walletreet N.Y. GIZIIPO 7n"G9.nx'Ti`IARSCR`"'• :Z4-.:ioIROIS 7P I2 3 INSTJRANC G ' 7BNESTELLIOT,AGENT. FOB `d THE WESTERN ASSURANCE COar. PANT of Toronto. ; also for thn PHONIS FIRE CNSTJD,4NOE COMPANY, 01 London; England,the ROYAL t1ANAI)IAN, of Mon- treal,a^d the BRITISH EMPIRE LIFE AS- SURANCE C01\IPANy, of I,ondou Enhlan& established 1517. 4.4sots over $5,000,000, claims and bonuses paid, over 610,000.000 To the Public and Sabbath School Teachers, Officers and Trustees of South Huron, Perth, and Middlesex :— Another holiday season is rapidly ap- ' proachtng and the thought of many of you bat been busy in regard to Public and Sabbath school entertainments and in try- ing to solve the questions "what to do," "where to go" to provide for the greatest pleasure of the children under our care. The first question we do not propose to answer, the second we modestly feel assur- ed is one to wbioh an answer is justly ex- pected of us and that our reply to will be but iu good order. For over twenty years our house has been a depot for holiday supplies. That twenty years has given us much varied and valuable experience, and with thoughts and energies still directed in the same purpose, our house should at least be entitled to a due share of enquiry, This season we will show a very large stock bought with much care and embracing almost everything saleable which can pro- perly be embraced in a Bonk, Stationery and Fancy Goods business. We respect- fully invite a call after the first of Decem- ber and will do much to make the visit pleasant and profitable to you. J. GRIGG. English, Gerrinan and American Fancy goods House, Exeter, Ontario. &OCAL VE ivS.—Wes hall bchappyto re- .:aive at all times ,front any part of the County, items of local news, such <es ac- ,:itlents,or any interesting incident what- ever, front any of our subscrib ers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public rstion. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 31, 1889. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Good Bargains can now be had in Hoots, Shoes and Harness at C Eacrett's as he is selling cheaper than ever in order to clear out the stock as soon 05 possible. Don't fail to call and see him before purchasing elsewhere ".07nmence Now, We will take great pleasure in for- warding the TIarES to any address in Canada or the United States, from now until Jan. 1890, for 15 cents. Sub scribe at once. 1 of Invited. On Friday evg. last Mr Chas. Mack of Stephen, gave a party and invited malty friends. --During the evening seven young men who were not invited came tis the house and intruded. Mack re- quested them to go away but they refus- ed and upon Mack insisting that they Leave his premises, they pounced upon hirci, giving him it severe beating. Mr. Mack came to town and laid a charge against the offenders, who are called upr,nto meetMagistrate Clarke in Exeter on `Friday and explain why such con- duct. ,m - Things We Would Like to See. The crossings cleaned and rendered in aiassable condition. —Electric light in Exeter. --A g An en ter risco man a with p ,. money buy the Pickard grist millaucl run it to its full capacity. -Every family in town take the TEE TIMES ; about thirty more and we will have them all. --Each week from now until Christmas prove as favorable to the increase of our subscription list, as did last week.— Tho long -talked -of twine :factory and pork packing establishment started at an early date. -' The Pickard stock sold enbloc and opened out and retailed by a pnshing marl not slaughtered on the market to the injury of the other mer- chants of Exeter. ---Ali subscribers who are in arrears pay up at once. Arrested 'oP T arceny, Ort Monday chief Gill,, on the strength of a telegrain from: High Constable. Schram, London, arrested Edward Row- land added Elizabeth Taylor of Biddulph at the Lorne Hotel, The story goes that one night recently Wm.'Tayler on going home found several persons with his family iii leis house having a high time. While Mr. 'Taylor ws absent preferring a charge against the party,. several of the men went to the barn, and cleaning a quantity of grain took a loasd to Grantor). and sold it, 'eventing with the money. Rowland and 1ttiss Taylor are the only two yet arrested, The prisoners were taken to London on Tuesday, tho. girl dismissed, and tory- land sent tb. the 'Central Prison on a, three months'eorxnnittment for .vagradt; cry. Taylor and family formerly resided near Witic Brevities. The 1,xetor salt works Co; is dailx shipping large quantities of salt from Exeter, if autumn is a preparation for winter, the arrangements for the chilly season are beim cotdueted Ott a very slew scale; Saturday night, Jaek ]Frost put in lett appearance and sucecteded in placing a coat of ice of a couple, of inches in thick nets on all watete outside. Fifty per cent. off Ladies i'nr Coats tet the i3ig Bankrupt Store for the next 15 drays The Big Stock now containedinthe Big Bankrupt Store trust be sold during the next 15 days, The latest in line of fashion for Exeter young ladies, is cigarette smoking on the streets, Some of them can puff smoke with the elegance of a dude, In Manitoba,; the people areenjoying the pleasures of a sleigh ride and skating on the ice, while in Ontario we are having comparatively mild and pleasant weather. Peter the Great vs. Desertera dramma of Russian .unitary lilfeatithe independent Order of Foresters entertainment en the evg of Monday, Dec. 2nd. Our advertisers will find in the Crediton news. something of interest to them. The paragraph was unsolicited and can be verified, Thewriter is in a position to kno . 100 pairs all wool Noise blankets, 2000 lbs stocking yarn' in 16 different shades at the Exeter Millen Mills. Evang lists Hunter and Crossley commence a series of revival service London on the first Sunday of the I ear. .Lt is about four years since t he'd. services there. The report' which has recently gained extended currency, to the effect that. the Exeter grist and flour mill had ceased operations for the time being, is founds- tionless. The mill is being run as usual. Dr. Oronhyateka the Supreme Chief Ranger of the Order, and one of the first speakers of our Province, will he present at the Independent Order of Foresters' en. tertainmeut on the evg. of Poe. 2nd. Fair warning. The large stock of men's and boys Over Coats now at the Big Bank- rupt Store must be sold during the next 15 days, over coats for men $3.00. Cheapest in Canada. The turnip crop is nearly all taken up in this section. The crop is lighter than usual, because of the small size of theroote rather than scarcity in number. The yield, however, is very fair and there is little reason to grumble. You can buy the best sealette in Exeter for just half price at the Big Bankrupt Store during the next 15 days. $2.75 will be the price for the best during the big sa'e. First come, first served ; buy your coat now,,S On Sunday last several miscreant youths broke open one of the doors of Mr. S. Davis' house at Devon, and besides disfig- urfng the building internally broke several panes of glass. It is thought that some brainless youths in the neighborhood did the deed. At a meeting of the Exeter base bail club on \hednesday evg. last, the business of the past season was closed. The receipts amounted to 8173 14, expenditure $172.14 leaving a surplus of $1. besides a challenge cup vai ued at $15, which had been won by the club during the season. You can get 'big prices for all kinds of roduce at the Big Bankrupt Store for the ext 15 days. All kinds of groceries below ost for .15 days. For 15 days there will e a big crowd of delighted buyers at the ig Bankrupt Store. The High and Public school trustees in nveution at Toronto on Tuesday, passed resolution recommending that examine - ons for entrance into the High schools he Id only once a year. That is a step in e right direction ; and another step of a miler kind might well be taken relativeexaminations.promotion examinations. Boots and Shoes, rubbers and over -shoes per cert. below regular prices for the xt ]5 days at the Big Bankrupt Store. uy your wiuter foot wear at once and ve money. The mail stage and passenger line be- een I.ucan and London has changed nds, the executors of the late proprietor, r. John Judge, having sold out their ek of horses and vehicles to Mr. J. W. me, of Ducal]. Mr. Orme takes posses - n on the first day of January next om the editorial chair to the stage. A will s 1n New hey Personals, �'Qciaitp�lRellr. Yesterday evg, the residence of 14.f `i'hos. ,Shapton, short distance west of Exeter, was the *sane of a happy event, the occasion being the marriage of Mr•a Sidney W. Davis, to Miss Loy Shapton," eldest' daughter. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr, Wilson 111 the preseidee' of a few relatives and friends. The bride was supported by Miss Fanny Davis while Mr. James Shapton performed the duties of grooms- man. The bride was attired in a cream colored dress, while thetbridesmaid wore a dress of similar color, both wearing a beautiful wreath of orange blossoms, After the nuptial knot had been tied the gathering partook of a sat ptuous repast prepared by the bride, and of her cook- ing abilities all spoke most favorably, being unanimous that Mr, Davis had se- cured a wife Possessing a, most essential quality. The latter part of the evg wits. spent in the various amusements incident to such occasions, all leaving at a seasonable hour for their several homes. The happy twain left for their new home at Devon amid endless con- gratulations for their future happiness and prosperity. We now issue our con- gratulations, and trust that on the turbid see of life their voyage may be a pleasant one, Mr. Davis is popularly known in Exeter, while the now Mrs, Davis is a lady of rare qualities, and a great favorite among her sex. p n c b 13 00 a ti he th si to 50 ne 13 sa tw ha M sto Or sio k'r fitting change. • It is rumored that either Rev. James Walter Hodgins of Bayfield, or Rev, T. J. Lynch of Sunderland, will be extended a call to occupy the place of Rev, 91r. Downie as incumbent of Holy Trinity Church, at Lucan• Either of the gentle- men named would be acceptable Ile to the congregation, Y atiou but . . g it is thought b that the former will decline the call, g A,11 mantle cloths cut free of charge by the best cutter in Western Ontario at the Big Ilankrupt Store, Exeter. Look out for some great changes at the Big Bankrupt Store. The whole of the present stock must be cleared outduring the next 15 days. You can positively buy $2 worth of goods for $1, for 15 days only. Remember the re -opening services of the Main-st Methodist church on Sunday and Monday next. Rev. Mr, McDonagh of London, and Rev. 1,1..Hendetson of Hen. sall will deliver sermons during Sunday. On Monday a platform meeting will be. held at which some excellent addresses may be expected. The chores has been other- wise improved heal des the ` erection of a tower and spire. Exeter, in the midst of darkness, is situated in the centre of half-a,dozen towns all of which afford electric light, . Such is not the case because we don't require the improved lighting system, but because no person seems to have the public•spirited- ness to take hold and carry the agitation through. People of towns where the system has been in vogue for a few months, and who were at first opposed to it, are DOW load in theirpraise as to its useful- ness. Possibly the new council will give us electric light ; or mayhap 11 will be one of the planks of the platform of the corning1 are co municipal election. experi Silk Embroidered Dress Robes reduced fair, u from $1:4 to $8.75 for the next' 15 days at succes the`13ig Bankrupt Store, Ask to see them held u Hager, delighted and satisfied buyers Eha't will crowd the Big Bankrupt Store for the p. next 35 days. Will you be there 7 consul Boos 'WARTEb,--Farm era should lead file 33 the important announcement of J, L. Grant & Co,, of Ingersoll, in another column, in reference to fattening hogs early. This firm will buy 00 dressed flogs this winter. Nor. 21-t5 Constable McLeod of Lnean, High Constable Schram of London w in town on Monday after two persons who had been arrested during the day by Constable Gill Particulars else- Where.- -It now transpires that 1VIr. J, N. Hooper has made an assignment of his goods and chattels to one Jenkins of Toronto. Mr, Hooper has been en- gaged in a general store business. in Shelbourne for some months, past.— Miss Eliza Cooper of Biddulph, is visit- ing friends in town, --Tho many friends of Miss Clarke will be pleased to learn that she reached her home in Butte City, California, on Saturday last, ex- periencina a few delays in consequence of the heavy snow storms in Mexico. - Mr, Benj. Eilber of Crediton, was iii town on Tuesday paying the Exeter creditors of Mr. Geo. Moatz the second dividened declared by the Directors. There is yet another to come, which will mtekea total of 40 cents in the $.-Mrs., Northcott is at present ill. Messrs, Evans & Neaman, masons, have dis- solved partnership.—Mrs: E. A, Follick is spending a pleasant time with friends in London .—Miss Emily Sanders of. London, formerly of Exeter worth, is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Hodgins.- -Mr, Thos. Sweet who was severely trampled on by a horse some time ago; and was thought getting better has taken a re. - lapse and now lies in great pain,—Mr.: .1'. Grigg has returned front Toronto, where ho has been purchasing goods.— Mr. Win. Parsons sr , is at at preseint lying very ill.—Mr. J. N. Howard who has been visiting friends'in Mitchell and Stratford for the past few weeks, has returned home. and ere The AgrIcultural Societies. The Huron Expositor again faintly en- deavors to answer our questions anent the Agricultural Society controversy. Our cotetn. claimed that the County Society paid 8190 in excess of receipts, and we asked the source of its surplus funds. This is the explanation :—"The only source "of revenue the County Society has, is its "membership fees and its share of the "Government grant. The money received ``from these sources it devotes to holding a "spring show for entire stock and to assist "the Branch Society that may for the year "amalgamate with it, to offer at its show a "larger and more attractive prize list and "in this a'ay increase the usefulness of the "local society, as it has done this year "with Exeter." Its membership fees amount to about 890, which with its share of the government grant, about $40, make a total sum of $130. There are still $60 short of the .$190. The sum' of $130. our cotem. says is devoted to holding spring fairs, and assisting the Branch Societies in offering a larger prize list, Must'we then infer that a big thing is made out of alio spring fair ; and that that enterprise alone is the only source of revenue for the County Society , If so the Societyis= Y very foolish to continue the fall l exhibition at the ex- pense of the spring show. And as a rule spring shows barely pay expenses., Our cotetn. claims that a portion of the spring show's surplus goes toward enlarging the prize list for the fall fair. This assertion is too bare -faced to get any credence. When the arrangements between the two Societies are made, a certain stun is guar- anteed by the branch society sufficient, we would imagine, to pay all expenses,) includ- ing prise list, The iocal society 'really pays the prize list. Previous to this year the sum paid by the branch society to the County Society was $1,000. The County Society no doubt realizing a huge surplus in this amount, anxiously sought the $800, which it this year received. The Exposi• torclaims wea are on the wrong strain. s ram. If Po will it kindly set us right by giving an intelligible ,explanation, and cease its beating around the bush. By such shallow contentions it does not -surely hope to de - hide the intelligent public into its meaning' less' impressions. Whether or not we have humbler! ourselves in this matter, as our cocem..claims, we have the satisfaction of knowing that the directors of the Ste- phen & Usborne Branch will not be found cooperating with the County Society, at least for many years to come ; until in fact, some more favorable ..scheme can be ad voiced by the county institution. They have this year discovered their error and nvinced, by the summing up of tho '.nee of the past several years, that a utter .local auspices, will prove as sful--•more so financially—as one oder joint auspices. This result is we were after ; and contrary to the it0r's view of our arguments, we er we have acted in the interests of ranch Society, girktdlz. FBt,leys.—Horse clipping has become quite popular- in the villiage and sevetal of the old plugs have assumed quite a differ, ent appearance. --Mr. John +most lits commetieed the erection of au additien to his dwelling house.—Mr, 'Robert Dawson a improving' hit farm by building a new frame 1iouse,,—ut' postmaster has aures orders that ,no parties are in i"tittiro t0 take mail matter from the post ofiiee without asking dor' it. This is a move in the right direction, —Your eorres' liblitdent IS terposcent during the past 'lie 111 Lx Store cred tl on e0 over h Goods Mery Silk 't t iiiria member the greatest sale ever held eter is now on itt the Pig Ban]trupt The whole stock must -be slaught. wring the next 15 days, Conte at aud seour0 the biggest bargains you card of All the choice Now Dress going at just halt price, 'Black Satin 1 el r etla, Colorec4 iVlervelheux and One tern rienriettas will go quick. M's Linifont cu'resGargetirl Glows, Aw ICH 'RSI PICKARD'S The largest and, best assorted stook of Dry Goods in the county, bought stri tlY for cash. Everybody is invited to cal] and insect' our goods. Specialty -of it in ry A i, 1° licrj ;, RICHARD PIGKAR,De month for want of items to make up the weekly budget, but lie expects to furnish a good supply, weekly, henceforth. for Many months to come; lamestRT or A LitcrunE,-The proceeds of the collection taken 0 l 011 the occasion of a lecture by Rev. H. D. Steele, incum- bent of St.Paul's, anionnted to $52, which was devoted to the church repair funds The title of the rev, gentleman's lecture was "Woman's Sphere," and his remarks were based on Romans xvi. The gentle- man referred to the' degraded position Women occupied where heathenism was in vogue, and compared it with the place in which Chtistianity set her, and showed how women, had taken a prominent part frond the beginning in every worst designed to advance the cause of true religion, The lecturer portrays iu descriptive language the virtues of woman and maintains a be- lief that there will .be more women in heaven than men. He also gives illus- trations of the devotedness of the gentler sex, and coutends that the great Bible principle is, that while woman has equal rights with man in spiritual matters, yet socially both in church and state, woman is subordinate to man. He likewise upholds the textof St. Paulin which he says `'Let your women keep silence in. the churches, etc." The true glory of woman, said the speaker•, is in the domestic circle, for we have no sympathy with masculine women who sacrifice true wonvtnly modesty- Speaking odestySpeaking of mothers, the rev. gentleman believes that if they are actuated by high Chiistian priciples they can contribute considerable to human happiness both by precept and example, and in quickening the time when the result of woman's sin in Eden shall be obliterated by the hallowing influence of true religion. To old and new subscribers pay.)( ing in advance, we will give THE TIMES and the American Farmer, together' with any of the following weekly papers, •for one year, for $1.90 • Toronto Empire, Globe, News ; London Free Press, A.dver• - YOU ALWAYS PA.YFOR WHAT YOU GET BUT DO YOU ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU U YI�.Y FOR . ? t ' I Get what oil a ' for i Y p � 'ou:get inferior . 3' ,,, you gages at regular prices. U1.ON T Get what you pay for ifou a forquality ' Y pay a q>� lits X011 don't receive, DON'T - Get what you. pay for if you payan eli..trava ant price. g p ice. YOU DON'T Get whatou y paY for: if You help to swellan exorbitant profit whose, fault is it if you don't get what you pay for ? ITS YOUR, OWN FAULT, BECAUSE You can alwaysmone our et bac! g Y Y to the last cent by trading with us. 13EC41USE We guarantee the best for the money. ,�.C�1r m• �Y We guarantee the most for the money. We guarantee the very lowest prices. Ever one f Y of facts go to show that you ought to ss, tiser ; Detroit Free Preor any other $1 1 b "' paper published. This is a good chancer to secure your year's reading cheap. TheTR,v E WITE V �p �ILI TJ G B ( OS , EXETER offer is lower than ever before Just con- sider ; three $1 per year papers, for $1.90. Take advantage,of this very liberal offer, early. Show this to your neighbor who is in the habit of borrowing. your paper; and if he is not inclined to take advantage of the offer, you forward $1.90 and make him a present of the three papers. The. TIMES American Farmer, and any of the city weeklies, form a strong trio -one which should reach a farmer's house regularly as published, year in and year out. The Tmrxs for all the LOCALNEwS ; the Ameri- can Farmer for purely farm inteiligex.ce, and the city daily for general news. Combined the three papers, furnish al/unci va00e of serial, and miscellaneousV reading. Read this twice, o‘ Children Cry for d'itcher's Castnria TIt &ii2il Roller Now IN FULL OPERATION GRISTING AND CHOPPING ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. The best grades of Roller flour wholesale and retail, SHORTS, BRAN ANI) ALL KINDS OF FEED ALWAYS ON BAND Cook & Reith, Props. Benaall, Oct. 15th, 1889, COMEatd SEE Our fall and winter goods. Just what you need. Firsb class goods and VERY LOW PPICEjIS SEE OUR DRESS GOODS, SEE' OUR 1dILLINARY, SEE OUR MANTEL CLOTHS. SEE OUR TWEEDS SEE OUR FRENCH COATINGS SEE OUR COTTONS SEE OUR BLANKETS BOOTS, SHOES, EIATS, CAPS Ana a host of other tidings. Tea 7e . Ei per Iii u p p lest -Mass. Japari tea tit 25eper its. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED. DOU1 ht 44 00 y 1{11itt:'roN. REM E MBER You can get a square deal for around dollar. RENT 1-4:1113 You can get a high grade for a low figure. REMEMBER That you pay for what you get andet what (i g you pay for., CATLING BROS EXETER PHOTO STUDIO Why is it that in other towns and surrounding country they speak so highly, of the Photographs that are taken in Exeter. And;how is it that there. are so many Phot's sent, into the different cities of` Ontario, • �from :the Egeter�Photo' Gallery , WHY ? Because Senior's workis asgood it n better than.' of better any of the leading Galleries 'is the:cit and t prices are $4 and ,$ 5per doz., whip Y ' heli e they get then! at Senior's for $3. E� PULL T�C YOUNG & KERR Have their Hardware and Tinware Store full of the various staple articles, You can buy your Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Machine Oils, Castor Oil, Wire, Glass, and l3aby Carriages cheaper from us than anywhere else in this section, A call will convince you of this fact. NAILS at the lowest rates.' Sewing Machine Needles &c, at the closest bargains We sell cheap and tale a pride in letting our cus- tomers know,` of it Lawrence sectacles &c. p , EAR, Orediiton, June 171h,;1.889. he .Largest THE BEST, TRE!N_C I E ST, THE S WEBT .� ...Fisal ---.Assortment of- r o IN TOWN. JUST IN, ec FRESH. Away down in Prices. FoLLIOIK''S Bread, Bans Oakes, and all kends of Past ry, still take the lead. Headquarters for Confection- eryery at.,: A q� yp P' ,: �+, OLLIC L� MAli MT., nXE'1Eit. IS rt.