The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-05-29, Page 18Advance -Times, Thursday; May 29, 175 key school to start 7th season The Southampton 'Summer }Pokey School staff are gearing pp for their seventh year of operation in preparation for this year's school. Head Instructor is Ted Scharf Of the San Diego Mariners of the WHA, who recently returned to Southampton after a very suc- cessful season. Ted Scharf has spent a great deal of time pre- paring this year's program to insure that all, boys attending are exposed to nothing but the finest hockey instrtiction available in Western Ontario. Instruction will be given in the basic funda- Howick Legion plans bazaar The highlights of a zone rally were discussed and plans were completed at the May meeting of the auxiliary to Branch 307 How - ick Legion. The rally is to be held in Wingham and plans have been made for a tea, bake sale, and bazaar in the Gorrie town hall on May 31. Thirteen members attended the meeting where all offices for the coming year were filled by acclamation. Dorothy Craig of Wroxeter was installed as a member. • An invitation was read from the Blyth auxiliary to join them in a D Day service at Londesboro and lunch later in the Blyth legion rooms on June 1. An invitation was also received from Goderich auxiliary to attend a birthday party June 24. A social was to be held in the Legion rooms by the men of the branch on May 26 to which the legion ladies were in- vited. The mystery prize donated by Sorena Austin was won by Helen Clark. Lunch was served follow- ing the meeting. HANOVER HOLIDAY ,„ TOURS WesternCanada mentals of skating, passing and receiving, shooting, checking and offensive and defensive play. Goaltenders will be participating in some of the regular sessions sutth\ as skating, but will be receiving special instruction in the fundamentals of goaltending by All-Star Goaltender Len Press who played during the 1974-75 season with one of the London Junior Clubs. The program is rather unique inasmuch as the progression to new topics depends upon how quickly the students absorb the lessons. Thereby giving each student a Very sound foundation in basic fundamentals before moving.on to more complicated aspects. The school is a non-resident operation which provides many interesting pastimes for the entire family while the boys are attending Hockey School. There are weekly sessions starting on June 30th and concluding August 1. For boys living in the Western Ontario area bus transportation is available from Wingham, Lucknow, Kincardine, Walker- ton, Hanover, Chesley, and Mea - 'ford and all points in between. The school boasts a very young and forward -thinking staff with such players as Rob Barnes of the Hamilton Fincups Junior A club, Len Press, London Junior, Tom Cassidy California Golden Seals, NHL, and Ted Scharf who heads up the staff from • San Diego Mariners. 22 .days departs June 28. Visit Calgary, Banff, Okanagon Valley, Victoria, Vancouver, Kamloops, Jasper, Edmonton, Saskatoon. and Frankenmuth Michigan. Highlights will be Calgary Stampede, Tours of Victoriand Vancouver, But - chart Gardens, Western Development,Museum, Columbia Ice Fields and See Be Ranch.' Maritimes 12 days departs July 26 and 15 days departs August 9 and September "6. Visit Fredericton, St. John, P.E.I., Cape Breton, Halifax, Peggy's Cove, Annapolis Valley, Stowe Vermont, and Lake Placid New York. See Green Gables, Woodleigh Replicas, Fisheries Museum, Fortress of Louisburg, Cruise the Bay of Fundy. Gaspe and Saguenay Cruise 9 days departs July 27 and August 17. If you're looking for something a little different ',fa tour, try this one. The Saguenay River cruise is of particular interest with granite cliffs towering on either side and giant West Indian freighters travelling along. Among places to be visited are St.-Jean-Tort-Joli — the handicraft centre of Quebec, scenic Perce, Bonaventure Island, Matapedia Valley, Quebec City 'and famous Manoir Richelieu. Other Tours Space still available on Agawa Canyon Senior Citizens Special of June 20th, Pennsylvania Dutch of July 26th, Lake Superior Circle of July 19, California of August 16 and others. Free brochures available. TOP FORDWICH BOWLERS — Winning individual trophies for the past season in the Fordwich Bowling League were, from left: front — Marion Behrns of RR 1, Gowanstown, ladies' high triple (719) ; Gertie Lambkin of RR 1, Fordwich, most improved bowler (up 14 pts.); Andrea Eskritt of RR 1, Fordwich, ladies' high average (194).; standing — Lorne Behrns of RR 1, Gowanstown, men's high single (371) j Pete Eskritt of Rr 1, Fordwich,, n'ien's high average (200); Dave Dinsmore of Fordwich, men's high triple (733). Absent, for picture was the ladies' high single winner, Edna Adams of RR 2, Wroxeter. WROXETER The United Church Women held their garden party in the hall on Wednesday, May 21. It was at- tended by an exceptionally large crowd. The ladies wish to thank everyone for their support in making it a very stfccessful event. rioting .that hike out from winter storage9' The (nto$i' ;$tett'. Boe remind* . $00 to give it a safety eheck before ted' 4. ,ing it on thed.Make sureit is we1Wfli , �k the chain bon - ,tion and fitting, tighten all nuts. and bolt 119 , 'tiegk the ront wheel and steering alignment. don't forget The, tires, lights, torattk or hell„, refleetiVe -tape and brakes. Make elire°.every!; is in good woi i then . enjoy simmer. With the bag between the handles. Snapper fast means you get through fast. Here's why; • Grass bag is between the handles for tight spots. • Extra large grawbag-- holds 2-1/2 bushels. • Powerful vacuum action-- for ction-for an extra clean lawn. • Rear -wheel drive for greater traction. • Free -wheeling is automatic for safer control. Get your§ today. Be Snapper fast. *WM, AilSnapper mowers meet A Nth I lfltt'1s Npt'c ideations MCGEE AUTO ELECTRIC Wingham. 357-1416 , 355 Josephine Street MEN'S. BOYS' ADIES ;GIRLS', and BARY'.S WEAR Y ARD GOODS -FURNITURE- MATTRESSES -PAINT SEWING MACHINES -SMALL APPLIANCES -LAMPS LOCATED ON HWY NO. 4 SOUTH OF CLINTON AT VANASTRA MONDAY through THURSDAY 11. AM to 6 PM LADIES WEAR • ...4.1111• LINGERIE MATERIALS VARIETY OF COLORS BEDSPREAD ENDS "WHILE THEY LAST" For information and reservations Jim Courtney Travel Service 161 MAIN ST. E. LISTOWEL 291-2111 OR Hanover Travel Service 290 10TH STREET HANOVER 1400-265-3007 (Toll Free For Long Distance) RAY WALKER presents a Dr. Jekyll -Mr. Hyde appearance as he undergoes make-up'transformation for the change from his real self to the identity of Sheriff Jack Oglesby, the lawman with "a jaw like a rock and a brain to match" in the presentation of "The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch." TERRY TOWELING BY THE P?UND 23.97 SOLID COLORS $ 2.67 PER LB SIZES 10 AND 12 ONLY WHITE SHEETING 2.1 7PER LB SIMULATED FUR LEOPARD - ZEBRA - CALF & OTHERS PATTERNS.- SHORT NAP PER LB. SPECIAL HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON SEWING MACHINES Base Factory Outlet is now the authorized dealer for HUSQVARNA sewing machines for Clinton and district. We are offering special prices for public and high schools. School Board inquiries are in- vited. Please call Mr. or Mrs. Jutti at t33se Factory Outlet 487-7700. •IIUSQV ARIA •MORSE •UNIVERSAL by WHITE *DOMESTIC by WHITE •BERNINA •MORSE AND OTHER FAMOUS BRANDS All our used sewing machines carry a full one year warranty. WE OFFER SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SERVICE AT OUR STORE. ering In your machine for service anytime and have It back In five to six -days. Our rates are reasonable and all our work Is I fully guaranteed for one year. MEN'S WEAR FEATURE MEN'S LEISURE WEAR BACKSTAGE ACTION is sometimes more interesting than the on-stage presentation. For Bill Matisz, however. the make-up process was more torture than enjoyment Felt played one of the major roles in the Wingham TnwnP Players presentation last week of "The Death and l '4. t Sneaky Fitch " Goodbye iorcvcr to oil cans and oil spots. Fabrics and oil Just don't together. So Husqvarna developed a range of sewing machines that nesse need oiling. Moreover. they'll enable you to sew any type of fabric with betti r results. And make it more fun doing it You'll find yourself smiling while you're sewing with a Husgvurnu A smile of pride Try it' SIZES 36 TO 42 $ 1 2X00 $ 0.00 T� s 13.00