The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-04-24, Page 21• >tr • D ' Tempt�inai.. Const,ucilon 6AR�1# - ONTARIO Adviso,s you to contact them now for Fres Estimates in CEMENT ILOCI( CHIMNEY Of CEMENT DRIVEWAY etc. BEAT THE SPRING RUSH -PHONE 335-1202 • VAN EYL OROS, CL#FFORD, ONT., 3274045 OFFER THESE SAVINGS ON FARM EQUIPMENT DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL BALE RACKS REG. $530. NOW $375. FEED RACKS REG. $495. NOW $375. 100 SALLE FERTILIZER SPREADER Interior Ring Included REG.. 5370. $298. DISC 54 UNITS available in various makes, 9'2" to 21'6" Painted, !spoked, New, or Used Blades froom $600 to $1 800. VIII -R0 TING CULTIVATORS from 6' to 13' SPECIAL per ft. $45. PACKERS from 10° to 14' with or without transport. Kit included from $550. to $900. PLOWS FROM 3 - 7 FURROW 3 Pt. or Semi -Mounted COMBINES, various makes and sizes CORN PLANTERS, various makes 4 and 2 row LOCKIE ELECTRIC * Residential * Commercial *Farms *Electric Heat R.R. #2, Gerrie, Ontario CALL 335-3149 SPEDO BATHING SUITS BICYCLES HUNTING, FISHING AND,ARCHERY-EQUIPMENT HOBBIES CENTRAL BICYCLE SHOP 48 Arthur St., S. ELMIRA 669-2706 ainfon FACTORY . OUTLET Their Original OLD MILL' .t tk. nNw., tnck IPJ BLYTH WOOL and LIMNER PRODUCTS J BAINTON LTD. Blyth 523-9666 • MID WESTERN PAVING ASPHALT PAVING DRIVE WAYS PARKING LOTS Listowel 291-4794 Wingham 528-2626 Mount Forest Harriston, Palmerston - TOLL FREE 338-2210 YOUR AUTHORIZED 0 YAMAHA DEALER P & F Lawn and Sports Equipment LISTOWEL 291.2441 Licensed Mechanic "We Service What We Sell" Farmers shy. lane now for su.mmer help 'Warmers who employ stu- dents during the summer Should make their needs known as soon as possible," Brays J.•W. Huldey, Agricultural Manpower Officer with the Ontario -Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Many students with agricultur- al experience and training are contacting the Agricultural Man- power Services Branch in the hope of arranging employment on farms for the summer. A number of these students partici- pated in the Junior Agricultural- ist Program last summer where they gained experience in the dare of livestock and machinery operation. "At the present time there are more students available than there are jobs; however, I am certain there are many farmers across the province looking for summer help," says Mr. Huxley. Farmers interested in employ- ing these students should con- tact : Ontario Ministry of Agricul- ture and Food, Agricultural Man- power Services Branch, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, Ontar- io, telephone: (416) 965-6149. ■""'tea My trip to the city amiworna Bill Smiley ====wimovsg=;=0 This seems to be a gold Week to clean up some loose end$p SQ# you happen to have a loose end, join me. Me and the Old Battieaxe spent a couple of days in the city dorm our winter break holiday. And "spent" is the word. It .we!d have been cheaper to fly toMexi- co and peek, up Montezuma's curse, as they call it there, or the .dire rear as we call it here, T7i$ remark has no connection with the opening sentence of this • column. We went out shopping to buy a "little something" for Pokey, the grandson. Just a little shirt, or a toy, or some other trifle. Fifty dollars later, I staggered out of the department store, toting two large toys, six little shirts, four pairs of overalls, a full dress suit for the kid, and a plastic shell windbreaker with a lining and a hood to "keep him warm when he comes out froth swimming." At 15 months he's going to be doing a lot of swimming, you see. Then, of course, we had to de- liver the stuff. So we invited our- selves to dinner with daughter and told her not to fuss, that we'd bring along an old chunk of meat or something. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, she agreed with alacrity. My wife's idea of a couple of items to help out with dinner turned out to be five dollars worth of steak, the equivalent in pies and stuff, and assorted groceries running to another 10, my daugh- ter supplying the potatoes and water for the coffee. However, it was worth it. We each got to hold the baby for about 10 minutes, in one -minute snatches, between bouts of trying out his toys and. having clothes tried on him by the women. After many years, I finally realize why I hate trying on new clothes for my wife's surveil - Service Director GUNS, AMMO, REPAIRS AND ACCESSORIES 1 ABC SPORTING GOODS 350 Minnie St. WINGHAM, ONT. . Stagecraft .. J ayco . Prowler .-Gliendale Open.6 days, closed Wed. Satisfaction ale tisfaction ales ervice 3 miles eos of Listowel on Hwy. 86 Ph. 291-1158 MOVING? (ss) hRRKBmR eXPAeSS Lines LTD WALDEN BROS. Free Estimates On Houshold Moving 357-2050 MACK ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR "WE REPAIR ANYTHING ELECTRICAL" 291-4213 295 Inkerman st., Listowel gtipe1z Q�nr'' : TRUE 24 r...,.• 10liy ` Qr_G4 EpY'rF 1A�E5 t. SEk"LCE, r, J • 323.1500 323-2043 25B r -r<. N 1 • r.,01 ,1 , 42F;t +.),/TA and' ealk 'j TIRE CENTRE ' Josephine St. WINGHAM Ph. 357-3733 Are your best bet! • Box 709, Durham PHONE 369-3203_ Located on No. 6 Highway '/2 Mile South of Varney BUY USED MATERIALS BATHROOM FIXTURES DOORS - WINDOWS LUMBER, ETC. HOURS -- Mon. toFri.,8a.m.to6p.m.• Sot., it cf. m. to 12 Noon ALADDIN OIL LAMP PARTS CHIMNEYS, SHADES, WICKS, BURNERS, MANTLES, ALSO ELECTRIFYING KITS •9y Bring your Lamp to THE TREASURE SHOP Clifford, Ont. 327-8091 MAGNETIC SIGNS For Cars, Trucks, Offices, Mailboxes Eliminates costly lettering Removable when trading or painting LISTOWEL BANNER MOUNT FOREST CONFEDERATE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES POWER LAWN MOWER CENTRE Sales Ind expert' rpairs to all small engines STEVE MEW HARRISTON Bus. 338-3616 Res. 338-2717 JOE'S TRUCK & TRAILER Wingham 357-2612 INCOME TAX PREPARED - Farmers - Businessmen - Individuals Reasonable Rates CALL NOW Monkton anytime 347-2)141 Brussels Tues. and Fri. 887-6663 Ronnenberg Insurance Agency `Avoid the Rush Repairs to all \ makes of cors and trucks DIESEL FUEL . Specializing in TRUCKS AND HIGHWAY TRAILERS BALL SWEATERS and UNIFORMS Latest styles, choice of mater- ials, cresting on premises, plus complete team �e supplies, balls, bats, gloves, etc. Sales and Service for Sekine, Peugeot and Raleigh Bicycles r ALL PRO SPORTS Ontario St. Stratford 271-7650 • CROSSROADS ADVERTISING DEADLINE TUESDAY NOON WEEK BEFORE DEADLINE HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us c cell for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER -hogs by the half and whole -beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS hogs - Tues. beef - Thins. 338-3330 CROSSROADS WANT AD CALL 351-2320 291-1660 323-1559 • HADCO well Drilling & Digging Ltd. Rotary Drilled Wells. Machine Dug Shallow Wells Sulphur. Free Wells Deepening & Repairing Caissons -Ea rthboring Elervacor Shafts A WELL A DAY THE HADCO WAY Auger Rental Equipment For Any Job ELMIRA 669-3761 ST. MARYS 284.3702 lance. That baby despised every minute of the clothes -modelling session, and bellowed lusty pro- tests as his mother and gran pulled his limbs into all sorts of gymnastics, tryingto stuff him into his new pants and shirts. It probably happens to all males in childhood, and they re- sent it ever after. Next day was even worse , fin- ancially. My wife was deter- mined to buy a rug, bedspread and drapes to match some new knows— and wallpaper in a room she'ddeco- rated. As any woman most husbands, too—this is a ee three-month, not a three-hour quest. It's usually about aseasy Chord. looking for the Lost Consequently, the old girl went a off with leaden step, sagging 0 mien and built-in frustration. She looked so depressed my heart went out to her, and in a moment to of madness, I offered ac- company her. Unfortunately, shewas in the -bathroom withthe door closed and the water running, and I was so emotional s that I was whispering, o she didn't hear me. To my astonishment, sheburst into the hotel room two hours later, eyes shining, lookinglike a girl on her first date, andradiat- ing joy. She had hit the jackpot in' Y her shopping. Everything 0 matched some shade f off - yellow. Since I had expected to greet a ec worn-out woman, full of recrimi- nations, weary, dispiritedand a empty-handed, I got carried away. "Hey! This must be yourday. Why don't you buy a little something for yourself in that women's store? It will giv you a lift." "Well, as you know, I aven't bought a' stitch of anything new since I don't know when Maybe I'll pick up a new spring bl use or something." ecided ew tie, myself. e car - reed away. I walked out of that. men's shop with two ties and two turtle neck sweaters. 1 am not exactly the turtle -neck type , but ent, I made in Italy, and I swear I look ed just from coking a -high wat- out so that you look jolly, rathe r' than eft the g con - taming my goodies. I felt guilty nd my ladies' es, she spring blouse. And a new sprin g suit. casual louses. She was snatching things off the pening e h n 0 Not to bean old fogey, I d that, by George, I'd get a n Well, I guess i got a lits in a devil-may-care mom tried one on. It was white like Fred Astaire, just in Acapulco. Fred's a good -1 72. These sweaters had ext turtles. They conceal your :les and push your dewlaps just hang -dog. -• Fifty bucks Tighter, I 1 shop with a red plastic ba but jaunty. I lost both my guilt a jaunt when I went to the shop to meet my wife. Y had picked up a new And another suit. And a outfit. And some more b racks likea On the form service Phone 291 -2521 LISTOWEL DATSUNNow Sales and Service CUNNINGHAM MOTORS INC. 131 Kincardine Rd. WALKERTON 881-0140 two-year-old o Christmas presents. Ah, well, what the hell. You can't take it with you. Especially if there's nothing to take. Next day, back home, she modelled all her array for me. It was then that I learned none of her shoes or purses "went with" the new clothes. The rest is his- tory. Two good things did come out of that holiday, howr\rer. My wife told me she wanted to see me in one of my turtle -neck sweaters. I fought it, but finally gave in with bad grace. "Where are they? They're in a red plastic bag. Where did you put it?" "It's with the rest of the stuff," she retorted. It wasn't. It wasn't anywhere. After going back over the day before, we agreed that I'd taken it into the dining room, put it beside my chair, and had walked out without it. Of all the stupid Phoned the hotel, long-dis- tance. No, Lost -and -Found had no trace of it, but, learning my name, the lady there said she read my column in the Blenheim paper and we had a nice chat. Well, there gots fifty bucks, plus a L.D. call, Went out morosely to put some empties in the car trunk. There was the little old red devil plastic bag. With sweaters and tie. The other good thing was gyp- ping the hotel on breakfast. We ordered breakfast for one. I drank the orange juice, she ate the buckwheat cakes, I ate the toast and jam, and we shared the coffee. Two breakfasts for the price of one. I'll bet they haven't caught .on yet. I saved $1.80 on breakfast, two days in a row. A profitable trip, taken all round. "Il lirOadi Ap 2t1; t 4e 'R 'BETTER liNQLI1N By D. C. Williams WORDS OFTEN MISUSED Distinguish between TASTY (good -tasting; savory) and TASTEFUL (refined; fitting). Thus: "The sandwiches are very TASTY," and, "She made a few TASTEFUL remarks on marriage." Do not say, "You hadn't ought to have acted like you did." Say, "You OUGHT NOT to have acted AS you did." Do not say, "I promise you that I am telling the truth." "Promise" denotes some FUTURE action or condition. Say, "I ASSURE you that I am telling the truth." Do not say, "Compared to, others of his age, the boy's achievement has been remarkably phenomenal." Say, "Compared WITH others," and omit the redundant word, "remarkably." OFTEN MISPRONOUNCED Sycophant. Pronounce eick- a fanL accent first syllable. Chignon. Pronounce sheen- yahn, accent first syllable. Chicanery. Pronounce shi- kane-er-i, accent second syllable. Proviso. Pronounce pro-vie- zoe, accent second syllable. Misanthrope (hater of mankind) . Pronounce miss-an- thrope, accent first syllable., OFTEN MISSPELLED Venal (capable of being bribed). Venial (trivial; ex- cusable) . Indiscreet (lacking prudence) . Indiscrete (un- divided). Millennium (a thousand years); observe the two "l's" and two "n's." Tranquillity; - j two "l's." Mobility ; only one "1." Con- fidently (surely; boldly). Confidentially (trustfully). Conterminous (bordering) contiguous); observe the "conter," and not "counter." WORD STUDY "Use a word three times and it is yours." Let us increase our vocabulary by mastering one word each day. Words for this lesson: SPATE; a sudden, almost overwhelming, outpouring. "His answer from the girl was a spate of angry words STULTIFY; to make wor- thless or ineffectual; to frustrate; invalidate. "Menial work can stultify the mind:" TRAIPSE; to walk aimlessly or idly. "We `traipsed all over town." FROWARD; perverse; willfully contrary; not easily managed. "His greatest source of worry ' is his froward, in- tractable daughter." WHIMSY; capricioushumor or disposition ; extravagant, fanciful, or excessively playful expression. "This play will appeal to those with a strong tolerance for whimsy." YOU CAN FIX -1T By Gene Von s3s STAIN RING If, after using a cleaning fluid to remove a stain from a' fabric, you find an ugly -looking ring has formed, you can usually remove it either by sponging the -material with clean water or by shaking it in the steam from a briskly -boiling teakettle or from your steam iron. Scratching over the ring with a fingernail, as shown in the illustration, is another corrective measure, or use of a stiff brush, or rubbing the cloth between the hands. Copy for Crossroad Classi- fieds must be received by 6 p.m. Wednesday of week prior to pub- • Bcation. For Sale 1971 INTERNATIONAL truck, 5 - speed transmission; 20 -ft. tri- axel implement tractor, hydrau- lic wench and lift -arta. Wm. R. Boyd, Box 111, Listowel, phone 291-2697. NEW STOCK of milker parts ler Viking and Gascoigne now at Crest Hardware, Mount Forest, 323-2881. Special liners for Viking milkers that last yet milk the best. 24-1-8 Miscellaneous NEW FARM BUILDINGS. If you need a new barn, drive shed, an addition or just a new roof, call us. Trust our experience of over 40 years. J. & H. Fleming Limit- ed, Hanover, phone 364-1880. E2 REGAN SILOS—Builders of poured concrete silos for farm and industrial use, silo roofs and accessories. Liquid manure tanks up to 50' in diameter, below or above ground. For estimates contact: Regan Silos Ltd., RR 5, - Mitchell, Ont. Phone 347-2793. On- tario Silo Association member. J5b WE BUY and sell everything — Cars, furniture, china, glass, brass, silver, gold, coins, stamps, complete households, old or new. Call the Country Bumpkins at Palmerston 343-2803. 3-10-17-24 Corning Events • ALL STAR TOURS Pioneers of Escorted .. Motor Coach Tours Limited, space remains for Florida and Mid Term School Holidays - SUMMER TOURS Are filling up fast for; West Coast and East Coast -(Weekly Departures). Plus many de- partures to Washington, Nor- thern Ontario, 'Kentucky, Alaska, Smoke), Mountains, California, New England, Bos- ton, Ottawa, Nashville, Wheeling, Akron, and Off Season Florida Tours. We can take you when you want to go. We also. provide courtesy pick-up service from Wingham, Listowel, Mount Forest and many other sur- rounding towns. TO GET YOUR FREE - COLOURED BROCHURE, FILL OUT THE COUPON BELOW AND MAIL TODAY To: C.R. ALL STARS TOURS LTD. P. O. Box 24, Cambridge, Ontario NIR 5S9 Name Address City BARFOOT'S EAVESTROUGHING *Coloured Aluminum *Galvanized *Residential Roofing (Steel and Asphalt Shingles) *Renovating FREE ESTIMATES D. M. BARFOOT TEL. 335-3918 GORRIE, ONTARIO •