The Wingham Advance-Times, 1975-04-24, Page 18Maw - + ,1 The Wingh&M, %+ P ine-Times, Th day, April 24, 1975 Fordwich Personal Notes Mr. Wad Mrs. Austin Stinson t S1Anday evening with Mrs. Wes Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Goldrich and family off Guelph were S:: tur- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ]Anson Dmerling. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne .Wilso;i who were married Saturday in Harriston. Miss Pat King off St. Jacobs spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don King. Miss Linda Ettinger of Kit- chener spe ..t the weekend with her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Carl Ettinger. A carload of LOBA members went to Fergus on Thursday night to. attend county lodge. Mrs. Harvey Bride of Don Mills visited one day last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaye and Murray of Palmerston visitr', Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons. Mr. a d Mrs. Derek Weber spent the weekend in Windsor. Weekend and Sunday visitors with Mr. nd Mrs. Lloyd Nickel were Miss ',osemary Nickel off Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hallman, of the 12th line of Howick. Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Harris and family of Nobleton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clarkson. Miss Violet Beswetherick visited for a couple of days last week with relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Elmer Miller and Grant spent a couple of days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sothern, Tim and Tracy of Palmerston visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Sothern. Mir. and Mrs. Alex Wray of Scarborough spent the weekend t their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stewart attended the . P. spri 3 nquet and dance for the Kitchener dis- trict held at the K -W Granite Club on Fri, : y night. Harold Doig is at present con - find to Listowel Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lenwood Edgar of Mount Forest were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W i . anhison. Misses Maude and Esther Harding of Toronto were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 'Harding and attended the Wilson -Crispin wedding on Satur- day in Harriston. Mrs. Edward Doig of Brewster, N.Y., and Mrs. Vincent visited a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig. Euchre procesd$ for Jamboree FO °"; '>WIICH - A progressive euchre party was Odd In the community hall on Frida$ night with proceeds being given 1Q David Demerling to help towards expenses to the oy Scout World Jamboree in Norway, wbicji he will be attending. Mothers of the Auxiliary served lunch. • Winners were, high lady, Miss Minnie McElwain; high gent, Jim Vittie; low lady, Carol Donaldson; low gent, Norman Har c : ng. Special prizes went to the youngest boy, Dale Hunt, and the youngest girl, Kathy Clark- son. GORRIE Al Nicholson won the shaggy dog at the Howick bingo Friday evening. The huge dog was com- peted for through a sale of tick- ets, returns of which will go to the Howick .girls' hockey team.. THE FULL CHOIR of the Wingham Sacred entertains parents and guests at the school's o eart School • n'house last Tuesday evening. There are about 25 students in the choir under the direction of Mrs. Janet Day. MAXWELL HOUSE -Regular Grind COFFEE 9.19 ib AYLMER-Vegetable ‚soup10 oz. AYLMER-Tomato CATSUP •99 32 oz. AYLMER-Fancy Keg TOMATO JUICE 2/$ 1 a oz FRUIT COCKTAIL 3/$ l 1 001. LIPTON- One Coup - 50's TEA 2/Si TULIP-Soft The Wingham Advance -Times, Thursday, April 24, 1975 Grade A Red Ribbon Beef: Boneless STEAK $1.43 Ib........... Grade A - Red Ribbon Beef: Boneless 1.43 R9UND Ib. Grade A Red Ribbon Beef: Boneless RUMP ROAST 1.49 Ib. SHOPSY-Old Vienna Salami Sausage s1.59 18 oz. - FRESH Pork Riblets .49 w PILLSBURY-Butterflake Dinner Mills .39 8 oz. Cheese Slices X2.59 2 Ib. MARGARINE Ib .69 SHORTENING QUICK OATS .le $ •297 BElWALNUT NIBS'D PIFCFS lib. • 59 WITTICH'S-Sugar, 12's DO -NUTS 10c OFF .63 WESTON-Granny, 12's BUTTER TARTS 20c OFF $1.19 WESTON-Raspberry, 4's SWISS ROLLS 10c OFF .55 McCORMICK'S-Snap COOKIES $1.39 Tork - Clover Cream 6 oz. CARNATION CREAMED TUNA 2/$ 1.00 MONARCH CAKE & PASTRY FiouR si.'.. ,1e Toilet Bowl Cleaner - um -FLUSH 59 • 34 oz. House and Garden Bug Killer RAID s 15.8 oz. • IMPERIAL -100% Vegetable Oil •69 Margarine KRAFT SPAGHETTI DINNER and Tomato Sauce /or Meat Sauce HEINZ STRAINED BABY FOOD JUNIOR FOOD 4 HOT CHOCOLATE MIX FROZEN FOODS 6 Varieties 1/2 Gal. 9.35 SCHNEIDER'S-Quarter Pound 12- Boneless -Ready to 'Eat DINNER PICNIC X1.59 ,e. COUNTRY SAUSAGE .99 ,. COOKED MEAT 8 varieties 2/.79,.. WIENERS PKG 8 .5 5 COOKED HAM .,,c.. .85 oz. JACK'S MAPLE LEAF -Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLL .99 lb. MAPLE LEAF WIENERS • . Ib. MAPLE LEAF In Piece BOLOGNA D • Ib. Cheese Twists ) 1.99 12 oz. 43/4 oz. 7'/, oz. .69 .20 .28 ,,,61.09 Beef Burgers lb. •O`/ RUPERT'S-Golden Batter Cod Portions 16 oz. • 99 McCAIN-Fancy Mixed Vegetables VALLEY FARM French Fries 2 2/75.85 2 Ib. Cello .75 DEVON -Sliced Breakfast BACON $190 . Ib. DEVON -Link SAUSAG E 79 • • Ib. off! 79 PRODUCT OF HONDURAS CHIQUITA Bananas Ib..23 CANADA FANCY . ldaRed.Apples 3Ib..69 U.S. NO. 1 Head Let.tuce 24s .43 .49 .35 TEXAS NO. 1 NEW CROP Carrots U.S. NO. 1 Rosebud Radishes 2 Ib. 16 oz. RED FRONT GROCERY LIMITED PHONE 357-1020 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK •