The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-12-12, Page 14Letters must be Ogned
.Should be 250 words,or,lesS
.Can be writfen*on any Subiect
.Must not be slanderous or
• defamatory
. °
KINSM ta RADIO AUCTION-0.Another. year, 'another
• Kinsmen Radio AuCtlon, for the 2.5th year the Windhatn,
Kinsmen Club spOnsored a radio auction to raise, funds.
—Robed Colley 01 11* woad
line 01 Lois celebrated hie se*
Busy all night were club members working the telephones birthday at the home OW
and taking down the latest bids on products and services Mtre Wilson Thornton 00 Ssftr.
• donated by local nrierchantS. • (Staff Photn) d*Y evening- Joir. Gelley'e deg*.
Twenty Square miles of
Goderich Township, including
eight miles of shoreline on Lake
Huron, were added to the Malt -
land Valley Conservation Autho-
rity at a meeting Monday In Brus-
sels. The land, comprising the
northern area of'doderieb Town- "the land:is designated ,all VerY due to inflation, • . •
ship, gives the authority its 'first - hnportant, by the authority, The Thelong range land acquisition
Lake Huron shoreline; The south. =,,iarea is near the source of plans were also unveiled by Ian
ern part of the township is under '.Sharpe'a Creek, a tributary of the Deslatiriers; the resource man.
the authority of the A:usable-Bay. Maitland, RiVer, and is covered ;ger, The plans are only general
field`conservation Authority. by cedar bush with several strong guidelines but designed to ln
Representatives of the Wintint.: .Springs,- • crease the current land boldino
cipality members of the authority ; One member noted legislation of the authority whit* at present
voted unanimously for the expEtn-1 is being considered exempting is 1,570 acres.
shin, The increase gives the conservation authorities from the Mr. pealattriera indicated the
authority about a 2,000 square -tax on lanctspeculation and this, importance of .purchasing land in
mile jurisdiction. may solve their problem. the maidValley between
In the new land are 11. small Treasurer Marlene Shield gave
creeks .which .flow into Lake authority. members their first
Huron and have caused erosion ' look at the proposed 1975 budget.
difficulties. The township, by ` Estimated at $035,000, the budget
joining the authority, is now includes: adMiniStration, $103, -
tilled for provincial grants 10frat 700; conservation areas pro -
in solving the erosion problemS., gram, $165,000 and water man-
iaother business, members agement program, $98,000. The
were told an Auburn area farmer 1974 general levy for mtmicipali-
is hesitant to sell 100 acrMi of Ida ties will be the same with
property to the authority because expenditure idereases dependent
of the Ontario tax on land specu- on contributions.
lation. Harold Glen decided not to The treasurer also indicated
sell his land, fearing the tax', the cirrene 1974. budget of
would penalize him. $376,000 is not expected to cover
Known as the Saratoga Swamp, expenses theend of the year,
Bowline' and Goderich before
private cottage purchaseS have
driven the land value up too high,
Mr. ,DeSlauriers noted the land
has grat potential for a public
recreation area but something
must be done soon.
The resource manager stressed
the plans are tentative and do riot
bind the authority to specific pur-
chases, Stream and river sources
in McKillop, Mina, Minto, Mori-
ris, West Wawanosh, Howl& and
Grey Townships are also con-
sidered important.
ter, Mrs. Thornton, Provided 4
birthday ,dinner for ,h1M, (Welts'
attending were. Mr. and Ifni.
Glen Colley, David, *ReiVaine
and Dean, Mr. and James
Golkw, Mr. and Mrs. Garry Les-
ion, Tim,. Sean and Is,Yanne 01
SdttliVille, Clarence Oolley and
Sheila Afaerhertion, Ms Jean •
ROhertaell, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Smith, Mrs. Muriel McLean,
Jack Widtstead, Mr, and Mrs.
Jeffery Thornton. After a de-
licious dinner, Glen Golley and
14ro. Thornton ahewed, Movies
anrislides 'much were enjoyed by
Makes soft, bouncy curls
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master charge'
. 111,1••••• :AN .1 (AI 'I lel 111.0.9
Ball installed the new officer* for
1975 when the United Chiral
Women met iti the Sunday SchOol '
roomof the church here on
Wednesday evening of last week.
Mrs. •Lloyd McGee is the new
preSident of the group.
Other officers are: past ptesi-
dent, Mrs. Lillian Gallaher; first
vice-president, Mrs. Ronald Mc-
Michael; second vice-president,
M!s. Jack Burns; recording
se retary, Mrs. Gallaher;
corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Archie Miller; treasurer, Mrs.
Harvey Coupland; pianist, Mrs.
Mrs. Anne Wylie and Mrs.
1Viation Van Velsot of the Friend-
ship Unit conducted the worship
service. They took as their theme
"Inside Christmas". The scrip-
ture was the Christmas story
from the second chapter of St.
Luke's Gospel.
Several intereettag readings
were given, including "Inside of
Christmas", "Christmas Eve
Thought" and "One Solitary
Life". The singing of carols was
interspersed throughout the wor-
ship service, with Mrs. Mc-
Michael at the piano. The wor-
ship service closed with prayer.
The minister of the church, Mr.
Ball, was the guest speaker. He
opened his meditation by reading
irom 1119610444air lav,13,11"
eaGorspal 0. fUsawmgisatsints:themrme. Q"BallThes
brought to .the attention of the
listeners the wonders of the uni-
verse in which we live, claiming
that "in his own heart every-
one believes there is a God when
he sees the wonder of the stars
and all nature around him." Mr.
Ball reminisced on the joys of
Christmas as a child and
11/11-tOsi polt1194 ain9oraslt.
tnrougnouc „the years and
stressed how joyous we should be
to celebrate Christ's birthday.
Mrs. Gallaher conducted the
business of the meeting with a
successful year being recorded
by the group. They have again
agreed to adopt a child under the
Mustard Seed Plan.
Lunch was served by the
Harmony Unit and a social hour
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride visited
a couple of days last week with
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Riddell at
Miss Mary Cattanach is at
present confined to Listowel
Memorial Hospital.
Miss Cindy and Master Jeff
Mulvey of Belmore visited Sun-
day with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Sothern.
Jack Schumacher was able to
return home over the weekend
from Listowel Memorial
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Simmons
visited one day last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Allan in
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaassen
CGE Styling
Hair Dryer
Fashion and economy
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handle. 400 watts.
Philips -Ladybug
Ladies Shaver
Angled head, twin edges
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Worki-wide voltage
system, smart compact
travel case.
CGE Professional
Hard Hat Dryer
Touch 'n' Tilt jumbo
size hood with high
velocity air flow,
4 -position temperature
control. Detachable
hood for storing or
carrying. 900 watts.
Ask about our Christmas layaway plan!
BELGRAVE — The regular
meeting of the evening unit of the
United Church Women was held
December 3 at the home of Mrs.
William Coultes with 17 present.
Mrs. Laura Johnston opened
the meeting with a poem, "The
Most Priceless Gift of Christ-
mas", followed by the hymn,
"Good Christian Men Rejoice".
Mrs. Johnston conducted the
business. Minutes were read and
adepted. It was decided to con-
tinue the birthday parties. Of-
ficers for the coming year were
then elected as follows:
Leader, Mrs. Murray Lough-
eed; assistant leader, Mrs.
Robert Taylor; secretary, Mrs.
Bert Johnston; assistant secre-
tary, Mrs. Laura Johnston;
treasurer, Mrs. Kenneth
Wheeler; program convener,
Mrs. William Coultes; social
committee, Mrs. Murray Vincent
and Mrs. James Coultes; com-
munity friendship, Mrs. Lewis
Stonehouse; group leaders, Miss
Annie Cook, Mrs. Ross Higgins
and Mrs. Jack Higgins.
The collection was received
and dedicated by Mrs. Johnston.
The Coast Sisters then favored
with two songs, "Grandfather's
Clock" and "Away in a Manger",
accompanied by Mrs. William
Coultes on the piano.
Mrs. Ross Higgins and Mrs.
George Johnston were in charge
of the combined Christmas wor-
ship and program, the theme be-
ing "It Is His Day". Singing of
Christmas carols was followed by
the call to worship given, by Mrs.
Ross Higgins.
"0 Come All Ye Faithful" was
sung and all joined in the re-
sponsive reading. Prayer was
given by Mrs. George Johnston
with scripture passage, Luke 2:8-
20 read by Mrs. Ross Higgins.
The singing of "0 Little Town
of Bethlehem" was followed by
meditation by Mrs. George John-,
Christmas stories were read
by Mrs. ltuss Anderson, Mrs.
Cliff Logan, Mrs. James Coultes
and Mrs. Jack. Higgins.
A poem, "Christmas Joy" was
read by Mrs. Laura Johnston.
"Joy to the, World" and the clos-
ing prayer by Mrs. Rens Higgins
brought the Christmas meeting to
a close.
visited recently with friends in
Mrs. Norma Shannon, Bonnie,
Jack and David Shannon of Clif-
ford and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weber
and children of Palmerston were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Sothern.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lambkin of
Windsor visited one day last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn and
Judy of Orillia were weekend
guests with Mrs. Earl Ridley and
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haver -
Mrs.' Bill Sothern and Mrs.
Wellington Hargrave spent one
day last week in Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Law and
family of Belfountain were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald D'Arcey.
Those attending the Guelph
Area WI convention, held in
Kitchener last week, were Mrs.
John Winkel, Mrs. Stan Bride and
Mrs. John Freeman. Mrs. Bride
also attended the London Area
Convention held in Stratford.
Mrs. Cecil Cooper and Everitt
visited the former's daughter,
Mary and her family in Downs-
view recently. Everitt Cooper
also visited with Miss Laurie
Cooper who is a student at Brank-
some Hall and will fly on Dec. 18
to spend Christmas week with her
father, Allan Cooper, who con-
tinues to live in the Caribbeans.
Laurie is the youngest student At
the school for girls.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. John Armstrong on the
arrival of a daughter at Listowel
Memorial Hospital last week.
Miss Anne' Miller and Miss
Jean Cameron of Fergus were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnston
of Verden, Manitoba, visited last
Friday with their cousins, Mr.
and. Mrs. Austin Stinson.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Browne were Mr. and
Mrs. Darrell Knoblauch of LIsto-
Holger Espensen of Thessalon
spent the weekend with his wife
and family.
hoids meeting
Huron-PerthThe ThandReii.
its regular meeting In the .8ea.
forth Community Hospital
cafeteria 'Nov., 20, with Rev. G.
Smith presiding.
In the Education Report given
it was
Huron -
Perth Association would take
part in a • national and inter.
naeteilo a, j1 a nit.ul
" mok n wEaid tataotimiOn
osioncn• I,
4141 e
areas in school, with, of course,
the permission of School
Mr. Thuisiriore stated that the
"Ecologist of the year", John
Wakon and runners-up Marion
Adams and Teresa Ondrejicka of *
Exeter, would be presented at a
Christmas Assembly at North-
western, Stratford.
T. Leiper of Londesboro
reported that $18,075.10 had been
received to date in the Cluistmas
seal campaign. - •
W. Uney, Stratford, reported
that financial aid and supervision
of breathing equipment is con-
tinuing to sufferers in the area.
Be sure to get in touch
with the Welcome Wagon
hostess. She can help you
get to know your normal-
munity as quickly as pos-
sible. •
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