The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-12-12, Page 9WIDOW AdveneeliMeik Via, 12, I1 4,
features from
The World of Women
USW meeting features
a candlelight service
A Christmaas candlelight seaty-
ice was the outstanding feature of
theDecesnber meeting of the
afternoon unit of the United
Chureb. Women which was held
• Tuesday of last week with 33
members and four visitors
Present. Mrs. Passmore was in
charge of the service.
After welcoming all preat,
liars. Passmore explained the
symbols of Christmas--decora-
tiionss, carols, stories and lighted
candles -all leading to the birth
of .the Savior. Carols were sung
and scripture was read by Mrs.
Denis Langridge. A Christmas
hymn was read in unison. Mrs. A.
tieRintoulsang "There's A Song in
Throughout the candlelighting
service the message pre-
dominated that we must be com-
mitted to the Lord's service. We
must love Him because' He first
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rthe WA's ikes-
wale held is the
loved us and gave 'HiMSelf es a
the ladies the Together,:. Together
hymn of
commitment "0 Jesus, I Have
Promised to Serve Thee to the
End", each holding her lighted
candle. Mrs. Passmore closed the
worship service with a poem, "A
Christmas Wish", then wished all
a happy Christmas.
Mrs. W. Lockwood presided for
the business. Minutes and corres-
pondence were read and roll call
answered. The members re-
corded 75 visits to sick and shut-
ins since June. The treasurer's
report, by Mrs. Bone, recorded
more than $1,000 raised by the
group during the year, more than
- meeting the allocation. The of-
fering was received and dedi-
cated by Mrs. Lockwood.
The group has quilted six quilts
and has four to quilt in 1975. Mrs.
Underwood and Mrs. Haselgrove
volunteered to welcome worship-
pers at the church doom on
January 5.
The next unit meeting is Janu-
ary 7 with , a general meeting
slated for January 13 at 8 p.m.
The Meeting closed with the sing-
ing of a carol and fruit cake and
cookies were served.
—Mrs. William Henderson Sr.
was allowed to return from a
London Hospital last week and is
now a patient in the local hospi-
tal. .
Former neighbors of Mr. and
Mrs. John Finnigan gathered- oil
Wednesday evening of last week
at the Wingham Golf Club to
honor the .couple: Euchre and
cribbage were played and Iunch
was served. Mr. and Mrs: Finni-
gan were presented with a mat-
ching floor' lamp and table lamp
by Mrs. Sarah Anstett and
,George Henderson.
o Places ..
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CHRISTMAS FAYRE—A sale of crafts and gifts was held at the Wingham and District
Hospital last Friday for the Hospital Auxiliary. Miss Gwendolyn Norris, director of
patient care, and Mrs. A. Jewitt, a patient, admire the hand-crafted items made by
auxiliary members, while Catherine Forsyth stands behind the gift -laden counter.
(Staff Photo)
Mrs. J. Nicholson is returned
BLUEVALE — Rev. Eric Le- story from Luke's Gospel, and business of the meeting. Reports
Drew was present to install the Mrs. Stamper who gave a timely were read from the treasurer and
new officers of the United Church Christmas reading. During the unit leaders, telling of their
Women when their December study period, Mrs. Willits told of • various activities and recording a
meeting was held on Wednesday the Mormons, their history and very successful year. The, sroll
afternoon of last week. The new religious beliefs. call was answered by bringing
slate of officers was presented by The stories of carols from dif- gifts for the\ Children's Aid
the nominating committee, Mrs. ferent countries were told by Society.
L. Warwick, Mrs. Keith Johnston Mrs. Marie Elston, tVlrs.. Bert Christmas greetings were read
and Mrs. Mary Campbell. Hastings, Mrs. Lloyd Warwick from Lum Lai Ting, the UCW's
Mrs. Jack Nicholson was • and Mrs, Robert Wheeler. The `� sponsored child in Hong Kong. An
returned as •president. Past members joined in the singing of increased amount was voted for
president is Mrs: Harvey Edgar, each carol after hearing its back- this -,project because twitter,
first vice president(Mrs Wendell i,igroundtstory -. f• t, ,� sts:' A donation -was also voted
Stamper; second vice president, A tribute was paid to /the for the Sunday School to help in
Mrs. Alan Campbell; third vice memory of the late Mrs. J. Wick- their work.
president, Mrs. Charles Mathers; stead by Mrs. C. Johnston. A Mrs. ' Nicholson thanked the
secretary, Mrs. C. Johnston; beloved member of the TJCW and members; last year's executive
treasurer, Mrs. Bert Hastings; church,. she will be long remem- and committees for their co -
pianist, Mrs. Glenn Sellers. bered for her willing service in operation and support during the
Mrs. Walter Willits opened the various facets of church life, her last year. '
meeting with a devotional ser- love of children and her faithful During the social time follow -
vice, assisted by Mrs. Sparlin* visiting of the aged and ill. ing the meeting, Unit One served
Johnston who read the Christmas Mrs. Nicholson conducted the refreshments.
Mrs. J. Ostrom speaker
for St. Andrew's WMS
The Women's Missionary
Society of St. Andrew's Presby-
terian Church held its Christmas
meeting on December 3. The
president, Mrs. Robert Arm-
strong, gave the invocation and
prayer. followed by the singing of
"0 Come All Ye Faithful." Mrs.
William McKinney read a poem
entitled "No S eeter Thing", and
a quiz was conducted on children
of the Bible by Mrs. J. Mclnnes.
Because of the absence of Mrs.
William Ford, Mrs. J. Conn pre-
sided at the piano. •
The minutes and correspond-
ence were read by the secretary,
Mrs. Gordon Wall. A total of 90
visits had been made by the
members. Reports of the various
committees of the society were
read by each convener and ap-
proved. A brief business period
was conducted, followed by the
singing of "Joy to the World".
Mrs. Wilfrid Congram selected
the scripture reading from Matt-
hew 25 and gave the meditation
entitled "Gifts that Talk". God so
laved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son: That is why we
have Christmas — to celebrate,
to rejoice in, to remember the
greatest gift God has given to
man — His Son. That baby boy,
born into a poor family, was des-
tined to change the course of his-
Jesus has shown us a God of
concern, a God of peace, and a
God of mercy and justice. Most of
all He has shown us a God of love,
for Jesus loved totally and un-
reservedly, with that love which
went all the way to Calvary.
Mrs. Congram continued, God
so loved the world that He gave
His Son. What a gift --- a gift that
really talked! All gifts say some-
thing. How can our gifts point to
Jesus Christ?"
Jesus said on one occasion,
"Inasmuch as ye have done it
unto one of the least of these my
brethren, he have done it unto
me". He made reference to ser-
vice to the hungry, the naked; the
lonely, the sick and the prisoner
— that is service where there is
no thought of return, because the
action is done purely for love's
"Our gifts can sayy much about
the love of Jesus Christ ,depend-
ing on the motive of the giver: We
also need to give of ourselves.
Whatever our gifts let us make
• them talk of the love of Christ in
our own hearts," Mrs. Congram
said in closing.
Miss Leah Currie led the meet-
ing in prayer and the offering was
dedicated by Mrs. Robert Gal-
The guest speaker, Mrs. John
Ostrom, gave a very thoughtful
and impressive address on "The
Real Meaning of Christmas",
taking the audience back to pond-
er over the events of 1,974 years
ago and seeking, with the help of
God's Spirit, to understandthe
wonder and the glory of what took
place in Bethlehem when Jesus
came into the world to be our
Lord and Saviour. Luke, being a
physician, gives details that
other gospel writers have omit-
ted. In Luke 2:1-5 we are told of
the time, place and manner of His
Jesus was born when the 4th
monarchy in the days of Au-
gustus Caesar was at its height.
Judah had become a province of
the Roman Empire. The world
was at peace. How fitting that the
Prince of Peace should come at
that time, one of the loveliest per-
iods of the year.
It was also foretold in Micah
5:3 that Jesus was to be born at
Bethlehem which means "house
of bread". How fitting that here
the Bread of Life should be born
— in Bethlehem, the royal city for
the Jews.
In conclusion, Mrs. Ostrom re-
marked that Jesus' coming was
at she right time, ordained of
God, to send into this sinful world
the Saviour. The place of His
coming was also according to
God's perfect plan — Bethlehem
the royal city of David. The man-
ner. of His coming was unique and
Mrs. Ostrom -was thanked by
Mrs. Jack McKague for her most
meaningful and helpful message,
and was presented with a gift as a
token of gratitude.
The meeting was concluded
with the singing of "Holy Night,
Peaceful Night", and prayer by
Mrs. J. McInnes, after which a
social hour was er(joyed.
Senior Citizens
re-elect officers
FORDWICH — The Senior Citi-
zens held their December meet-
ing in the newly renovated com-
munity hall. There were 54
members and nine visitors
lev. Charles Forrest chaired
the meeting for the election of of-
ficers. All officers were elected
for another year : President, Miss
R. Johnston; secretary, Mrs. S.
Bride; assistant secretary, Miss
Minnie McElwain; treasurer of
New Horizons Fund, Clarence
Carswell ; treasurer of Senior
Citizens Funds, Mrs. J. Warrell.
A very enjoyable program fol-
lowed, under the direction of the
committee, Miss M. McElwain,
Mrs. Kirby and Mr. and Mrs. S.
Bruce Robertson, principal of
Howick Central School, sang
several numbers and accom-
panied himself on guitar. The
Siefert h'amily played and sang
and the program committee pre-
sented a skit as well as musical
Cards and dancing rounded out
the Inteeting followed by a Christ-
mas lunch.
and opened the meeting
with .acall to -wo.rship. "As with
Glithessi Men oat std" was s *ig
•Se ptHol" was read` by a J, Crust. ey.
ditati( !has 'oaf'
i ►y of Christmas" s" which was
rcac by Mrd, Victor Y b1ut:;A
prayerw gI h3r , l i t
+ loalkey.
Sick and shut -ix li cal Weare
recorded. The seat,"s: report
wit given by *Ira. McBurney and
the treasurer's report by Mrs,
The roll call was aa_nswered. With
a. Everyone
Christmas vets+o
coureading, a�,rhi
sensentribstoryted or pby om, `'Whsle I
herds Watched 'Their . Flocks by
Night" was sung.
Mrs. ; Nicholson closed the
meeting with a prayer.
Mrs. Steffier
head unit
BRUSSELS --- Mrs. W. Miller;
reporting for the nominating
committee, brought in the new
slate of officers for 1975 when the
Christmas meeting of the after-
noon unit of the United."Church
Women was held at the home of
Mrs. Roy Cousins. The list Of of-
fficers is as follows: honorary
past president, Mrs. H. Thomas; it.
president, Mrs. H. Steffler; first
vice president, Mrs. W. Miller;
second vice president, Mrs. C.
Hemingway; secretary, Meas,. V. k.
Hupfer; assistant, Mrs. William if
Bea , m; treasurer, Miss Mao
Skeln; pianist, ,Mrs. Thomas; bz
assistant, Mrs. W. Turnbull; pro-
gram committee, Mrs. J. Smith, •
Mrs. Hemingway, Miss L. Lucas. 24
Fourteen members and two
visitors were in attendance and vk34 visitations were recorded.
Mrs. Steffler was in charge of•
the Christmas prograrn which
took the form of a skit: , Mrs. 14,
Smit, „Miss Lucas fed . M
REV. T. K. HA N• ,Roctor
MRL.<'HARRY *TOGO, Organic:
and ;hot leaser,
SUNDAY, mow* to- . .
Advo s
8;30 a.m.—Holy Common% r breakfost'foliowing
11:00 a.m.'—Family service; -Children's activity session
in pariah hall
Thurs., Dec, 12 -Altar Guild meeting at home Of "
Mrs. Ruth King, 2:30 p.m.
Hemingway, in shepherd�v
turne,z were the madam: ar-, the
parts entitled "The Night That
Was". The members of the group
joined in singing Christmas
carols throughout ' the program.
Mrs. Steffler led inrayer fol-
lowed by a short meditation. The
scripture, from the first chapter
of St. Luke's Gospel, was read by
Mrs. W. Turnbull., The offering
was dedicated and a poem, "The
Christmas Guest", was read by
Mrs. Steffler. Christmas cards
were signed for absent and
former members 'of the group.
Mrs. Steiner offered prayer to
bring the meeting to a dose.
S. S. concert
BLUEVALE -- The Presbyter-
ian Church Sunday School held its
Christmas concert on Sunday
afternoon with Wayne Baswick
as chairman. A large crowd
attended and enjoyed the recita-
tions, skits, musical selections
and Christmas songs and carols.
Santa visited to distribute`gifts
to the children and a social hour
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