The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-11-07, Page 5• • rr • Lalonde revives oI A move 'toe. the Canada Pension Plans is in the. Wit, sod Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde sweetly intro- duced a bili in Parte which st �� e features tt as 'lam. COCwhich Mrr Woad* intro- /30ml in. April of this you, The bill was being em Bred just before Parliament solved for the recent election. Mx. onde said the main u'J of ', the new Bill, J as i indicated n the ,S y from the 'lire,, are to: equal t't for *web contributors alaaftctet* under the Canada P Plan; Amon to retirenent and ollarlisits testi for retirement Establieb a new formula, for determl the 'ms's earrings ceiling and thoroby establieh the base for rapid growth of future C.P.P. benefits; *'�,,,,, Plan's Change the ba of he Ip n s exempt earnings provisions e ehy MOW a meter :op - CURRIE'S h ik Ffor Ik .. tie Piss; Allow members of osrtain religious grout* to exclude them. *iv* from the Lal".;, And mete a large number of technical chugs* to improve the Pion and, gonorally mahe it more effective. The amendments , Wined to provide equal treatment 'will pave the way for pensions to be. paid to widowers on the same basis as now paid to widows. At -r+ IAA hem financially 1epa "sill Ir 0n the oar hand,widows' pealpealiOna are payable to: widows over 45 yea old; under that age a; at the tri disabled; nt ha 'e dependent t'hildr, n Pr noiiti noneirwor are tai to widows between d !a` years of age who are ,disa=bled or do ;not *Lie de pendent chillthen. U� the bill the equality � Hi2 E FLOOR OF URN IMRE QUALITY 4 DOOR OPENING SPECIALS ADMIRAL i9" Black and White:T«V. with, stated. ADMIRAL COMPONENT STEREO: AM/FM Stereo, 8 track .player, record changer, stand, earphone set. SPECIAL LAMPS . 71/2 PRICE" Large Assortment Bt 411421 'da➢ `a`e tthfrst'a.•.A.1 ��♦ Ai • amendments will make Possible for + safdren's benents be *don the disability or del of female contributors 'aa the sante boil as they are now pal with reepect to male con tributoNl. At the present time such benefits can be paid in the case of a female tr,butor in situations wheree. children were substantially dept en or tli�elrdeathmotebefore herr di bili . * Another important feature of the bill concerns the proposals fOr rernovi the retirement and earni s that now apply CPP �r�etirerneut pensions. B r the Act, at the presen time, contributors between 65 and 69 must retire from regular employment before they can qualify fnt a CPP retirement pension,, and recipients of these pensions who are aged 65 to 09 face the prospect of'having their pensie,ns reduced .or eliminated if their `;,post-retirement earnings exceed. amounts stipulated by the legislation. Once the new bill becomes law, . these testa will ' no longer apply. and persons 65 or ,ogler raydraw their Canada "Pension Plan retirement benefits whether or not they eco ntinue to work and receve wages, The new bill also -establishes a new formula for determining the earnings ° ceiling of the Plan, called the Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings. (YMPE) in, the legislation. The new formula provides that the amount up to which a person may con- tribute will be in creased by 12/ per cent each year until it catches up to the average earnings of Canadian workers as represented by the Industrial Composite of weekly wages and salaries pub- lished by Statistics Canada. After this transitional period, the YMPE wilt. be 'kept parallel with the average earnings by equating it with a projection of Industrial composite data Mr. Lalonde said this change will lay a vial i le in substantially ncreasing CPP benefits in the uture it 0it refit tib, he to +exn O that 'w sr the ` runxt. ill decade„ CPP' retire- ment pensions willt penincrease d *baht **per cent, that up to a and **ability d. e; survivorpensions will *row to IN cent. onl ":thy Under le�%ti+on llast en Year, E for 174 was set at , e` S' and `f 1975. .at 7,400, -. ty That legislation also provided' for the till escalation of benefits in pay, in. line with yearly changes thp f um+ tax The new legislation is , designed, to`therefore, to provide for oha es in the Year's Maximum mien-' t able Earnings in 1976" and'sub- e t years. " n t, ry A further change in the' bill will, establish the "basic exemption (the amount on which contribu- tions do not have to be made) at f meets BELGRAVE — The Hi -C met at the home of Doreen Taylor with an attendance of fifteen. Brian Pfrimmer of the Minis- nfekinOnd.iteso,Vees showed *Uwe= offAbeitillullettiuWildlite Management Area. This was followed by a' question and answer period.' Janice Coultes and Doreen Taylor conducted games. \Lunch was served by the hostess. ale °pet tent af the Year'.s Maximum Pensionable Urn. Sege; 'and` the wrest laths* this is sot at te Pes Wit. it passed, the new will set the Year's Baal Exemption far 1175°at 0. At the she time; the Bill will deo a sped provilion that has anlied the self-employedpersons,. that, ' requirement that they must earn at leeet One and ene-tbird of the Year's Basic " pt i te qualifi as a contributor. These change ve provide groat* pity for per; at lower income levels to participate in the Canada PerlIkln Plan. In particular, increased manbers of .farmers, fish and other .self-employed persons will be enabled to improve their protection under the Plan. The bill also contains ° a pro - isle* which Mrri� c sects to 010 Combs Penoke rise is o n1 'Beets:that hotly 1st that benefits frets asor publie issormia. for Pooments dee*, tweed with of the provisoes. that Big C'",eR',which'ointsisol the same feektOlr04was debsted.by the abroad m su1"&from all politic* paM iccordi Y the new bill would *owe WNW. 6 ne 1 %p Off ALL MEN'S R1( BOOTS FREE "One Bowling Bag" with every purchase of BOWLING SHOES 71 X-efeb` iii, >I Josephine' Iraaluding� SNOWMOBILE BOOTS 20% Reduction ° Spec ial Group of HANI "HOME OF ;BETTER SHOES" VII LI9 of Th.11^ ��Bv la,i �� tips Kimt Oni.Ni On Wingham TWO HOUR SPECIAL - "10 P.M. TO MIDNIGHT" CHESTERFIELDS Your choice of six chesterfields with savings of $1.50.00 off regular price. Choose from SPANISH, TRADITIONAL, ENGLISH PUB, CONTEMPORARY, . COLONIAL. Choice of colours. OMEGA - Sewing Machines Automatic zig-zag. Built-in stretch stitch. '1999' "Free" Walnut Sewing Cabinet (Value $59.95) Pick out your Christmas gifts at these "crazy low prices". WE WILL DELIVER CHRISTMAS EVE. 26" ADMIRAL COLOR T.V. 1 Yr. Free Home Service Reg. Price $859.00 CRAZYRICE $ 00 P • • Deilcraft 4 -pc. SPANISH BEDROOM SUITE X59900 You get a FREE NIGHT TABLE. Value $109.95 4 Pc. BEDROOM SUITE: Modern styling, walnut finish, triple dresser, chest, night table, 4/6 panel bed. CRAZY PRICE $269.00 $25.00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE,ON SEALY POSTURPEDIC MATTRESS -BOX SPRING FOR ONLY $89.95 you can purchase a SEALY BED UNIT complete with head board. 26" PROTABLE ADMIRAL COLOR T.V. with stand. Reg. $568.95 CRAZY s50000 PRICE 1 WEVE pfr GONE ADMIRAL CONSOLE STEREO: AF/FM-Stereo, 8 track. player, recgrd changer PRICEY $27900 CURRIE'S THREE FLOORS OF 1TuREFURN QUALITY One Night Only Thursday, November? 8:00 p.m. no MIDNIGHT NINE -LADIES' LEATHER COATS f7999_s999 MEN'S DRESS PANTS 1O%0FF l'\\*A\ Winter Coats (Both Ladies' and Men's) MEN'S SUITS (2 Size 40..3 Size 42) Reg. $160.00 =49.99 REMEI NBER, THIS MOONLIGHT SHOPi PING SPREE IS FOR ONE NIGI IIT ONLY, THURSDAY. NOVEM BER 7. DOORS OPEN AT 8:00 P.M . SHOP TILL MIDNIGHT! ALL FABRICS 10% OFF Josephine Stroet Wingham 35.7- 2822 am