The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-05-23, Page 5s..
1 04b. S 11
• Compound on back firmly anchors asphalt
shingle for a.positive seal against the elements1' 3in1 .
type makes roofing job faster and easier.
• Wide selection of colours makes a new roof
that's as impressive as it is functional..
• Three bundles per square (100 sq. ft root)
• Bring in roof dimensions and our trained Sales
people will assist in your material estimate.
per sq.
DENNIS LOWERY, a Turnberry tentral School student IS'
being fingerprinted , by ' Wingt)arl, police Officer Doug
Foxton. It was all part of a tour of Wingham pollee facilities 1.
arranged for the schools for ..'Police Week". Several area ,
schools took advantage of the exhibition and in One: day
alone 140 youngsters' toured ihe.police exhibition.
(Staff Photo)'.
See Beaver for a complete
line of windows and
Patio doors We stock most common sizes. Allow
3 weeks, delivery for your custom orders,
Rust -Resistant
We carry a complete line, plus
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Replace old screening
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Ihandyman tip
repair or replace?
The average life of an asphalt -
shingled roof is 10-15 years If roof
starts leaking, after 10-15 years,
A usually the entire side is worn, par -
titularly if its the weather side. In
1 Mich a case it is more practical to
replace the roof or side rather than
lust spot repair
No. 2a
%.• in a series
clip & save
It is possible to apply new shingles .
over the old, but we recommend
stripping off the old ones. Your new
roof will lie flat, you'll see what
you're adhering to and you may
discover roof damage that would
otherwise be missed. A flat spade
or lawn edging tool makes an excel-
lent tool for removing old shingles
quickly. It'll slice, through holding
nails and strip shingles off.
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Roll. Roofing
Economical weatherproof roofing
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Stock colour choice.
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2" x 2" mesh keeps pets
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mesh is coated in Green vinyl
— protects against rusting
and blends with foliage and
lawn. 42" high. 50 -ft. roll.
50 -ft.,
Monday thru Friday
8:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. • 4:00 p.m.
out ter
Last week Was "Police Week" Karen Quip) expose the rascal to
in Canada. In the story below, he without razitheinaticS.. The
Steven Nicholson writes how he rascalrepents: Life withoutmath
and his fellow classmates en- is just unbearable! With the help
joyed their trip to the Wingham of the court' Magician (10htv
police station. ' Wilson) the discarded Inathe=
"When we got ready to go to the maties books are conjured back
Police Station the grade Kinder- and a boy more appreciative of
garden to grade 2 got on the bus . math is the result.,
and Mr. Texvit drove. When we In addition, the Grade 4's pre -
got there we got in groups. First rented the traditional play, "The
we went in the jail. The group Three Little •Pigs" (Michael,
that I was in saw them chop -up Reck, Rick Dillon and. Murray
papers in this machine and then I Snell). While the Wolf', (Brent
got my fingerprint. -Then we saw Day) did his huffin' and puffin'
the police cars and the siren and the class recited the classic
it was really loud. We got some chorally.
stickers and papers before weKaren Quip entertained the
came back to school". audience with a tap dance.- A
1)--0---4) group of six boys tind an equal
Mrs. de l3ruyn's Grade 4 class number of girls perfoimed an
presented their assembly *last intricate folk dance.
Thursday. They delighted the The entire- assembly • wa&
audience with a production en-
titled, "Sir Problem". In the play
a young rascal (Donny Brooks) is
accused of having thrown his
mathematics books into he
river. In the* subsequent court
thoroughly enjoyed by an ap-
preciative audience.
Next Monday the Grade 7 and 8
students will be travelling by bus
to the Toronto Science Centre.
trial, the king (Terry Roy,), ably They will be leaving the school at
assisted by the Court Prosecutor 0:00 a.m. and hope to be back at
(Murray de Vos) and Princesses approximately 7:30 p.m. Parents
(Donna Thompson, Marilyn ten are requested to pick up their
Pas, Michelle Thompson, and children at that time.
WINGHAM SGT. RON ZIMMER shows some school chil-
dren touring the Wingham police station one of the
walkie-talkies used by police officers during their rounds.
The Wingham Police and the Wingham OPP detachment
both engaged hi a number of "Police Week" tours -and dis-
plays at the Wingham station and the adjoining armories.
(Staff Photo)