The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-05-23, Page 3p. 0. s M • tl gut Loin Pork Chop:....si.........s.s.s.........i......... lbs CUT FROM THE BEEF CHUCK, BONELESS .CROSS RIB BACKS ATTACHED, FRESH 1. CUT FROM THE BEEF HIP, SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR PRIMROSE, FROZEN, 4 oz. portion We vacuum seal our "Quality protected" beef . and without additive, we let it age naturally' in a controlled; -cold environment, • . so it "will be tender ohd "good when it's do fresh cut in our stores. We. buy Cona' —pproved ,Grade "A" Red Ribbon :Beef, it is inspected, then carefully cut and trimmed to our strict specifications. From the moment we buy it until' you do, our beef is hondled,, under idecl conditions, keeping it cleon, told, ;'.� fresh, juicy and delicious. "Quality -Protected Beef. It's not !ust n name . , . it's" o guarantee. BACKS ATT$ ED I. FRESH CHICKIN BREASTS TOP VALU 2S to 31 lbs. FULLY COOKED - DINNER HAMS. BURNS - 3 to 4lbs. SWEET 1FICKLEQ !E COTTAGE `ROLL' c ' AMP' PRIMROSE,, 4 oz. portion BEEF- STEAKETTES TQP VALU - LINKIES -6. fit. pkg. ALL BEEF SAUSAGE TOP VALU - 16 oz. pkg- VARIETY PACK or MINCED HAM LOAF fyL U - JQRE PAgK : POR S� Ul Ji°iif1E`" SCHNEIDERS STORE PACKED ENGLISH SAUSAGE SCHNEIDERS - 6 oz. pkg. SLICED COOKED HAM U.S.A. NO 1 EAD LETTUCE MEXICAN NO. 1 VINE RIPENED TOMATOES c ea. SHIRLEY GAY SLICED WHITE BREAD 9c 24 oz. loaf •a. J � TOP VALU - GRADE 'A' LARGE SIZE EGGS FASCINATION Assorted Flavours` ICE CREAM gal, Eli" cont. J 1 7 JACK'S REGULAR �. POTATO CHIPS 49c 8oz. pkg. Peas +eOI.ONTA CLONN MAY, you'll always get more at IGA! more value, more quality, more service