The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-05-16, Page 5Ills on
th Insif
On Mow
r and Con -
of the
held in the
amenating to hawked*
dollars in valtwend there were
r two of the same de . ", 4-
o( las fall's project on
Accessoliesi mold the
jeet, '''ate a Look at
'were on hand..
president, Miss Movie Wits
son , opened the meeting by ,ex-
a warm welcome to all,.
Anbesolls a. handy first
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It cools, soothes and,
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And puts the smile back
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First aid
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Afraid .you're
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Montreal --A: free offer of
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est. Reltoi e. eld ever made will be
gilten absolutely free to anyone
r eating it.
end for this free model new.
It is not * real hearing aid, but It
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No wires lead from body to head.
These models are free, se write
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today to Dept. 5210,. Beltone Elec-
tronics of Canada Ltd., 3637 Met-
ropolitan'Blvd,, E.; Montreal 1112
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We are looking for an indepen-
dent businessman tolease a go-
ing service station' . operation.
Texaco will assist with advertis-
ing, and mann-la ement support.
If you are interested, . please
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E. Cavanaugh
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or complete the coupon below
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Texaco Canada Ltd.,
170 Warren St.,
Goderich, Ontario
44.itudlog smote
aft*. W.wore read
by the secretarrtreasnrer and
letterscorrespondence Inoludeci
Assoc.from: for the ° Mentslly
Retarded re Mowers of
campaign; thanks from .the Aux-
iliary, , to Use
Wingham and O
triet 1 y1 t l for the donationof
9 U candy wl / 'Y
_..tom ,and a letter announcing
achievement day to be held in
Waw on r Juno l,, which
Airs. p IVY 1 4+.� 1 1�'.�ea
.p 011ie it'll)+ .
June the &"eland Lee hOirlale
stead, Niagara Fahr and other
Points. Mrs. Phillip, Steer sang a
5010, accompanledby Mrs, Clark,
Mir^. R;, loeddY gave a reading,.
"The old Violin".
The Quipp sisters entertained'
with two dance numbers to re-
corded music and Mrs, Russel
Alton sang two solos, accompa-
nied by Mrs. Wesley .Ritchie, fol-
lowed by a reading by:Mrs. Mil,
lan Moore, "The Second Conces-
sion of Deer and Finnigan and
Flannigan". A humorous skit,
"The Fish Story" was presented
by Mrs, Clarence Ritchie and
Mrs. Bill Raridenby.
Miss Rhonda Gibson, com-
mentator for last fall's project on
bedroom accessories, gave . her
commentary. The Susie Q's l*we
not had their achievement day, so
presented a display. The roll call
was answered by naming a dish
using apples, Lunch.' was .served
by Mrs. William Rintoul, Mrs.
Albert Coultes, Mrs. Don\, Ross
and Mrs. Dan Tiffin.
During lunch Mrs, George
Fisher called forward Mrs. Tom
Metcalfe, a member of White-
church WI who is moving from
her farm home into Wingham:
With words of appreciation for
her w"ork in the.,, Institute, Mrs,
Fisher presented Mrs. Metcalfe
with a F.W.I.C• badge. Mrs,��i.��et-
calfe replied, thanking the gi'pup
or their kindness . in re-
membering her in this way.
1110 :1
—Mr. and Mrs. George C.
Tervit of RR 4., Wingham, attend-
ed the seventh convocation of Sir
Sandford' Fleming College held at
Cambridge Street United Church,
Lindsay, on Saturday. Their son,
Robert Leslie Tervit, was gone sof,
vateSin -
theF.,tWo .
for t"`teehnicia'nt '' col e:'Also.
attending were his grandfather,
George H. Tervit, and Miss Deb-
bie Busby.
—Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilkinson
and family of Mississauga visited
over the Mother's Day weekend
with his mother, Mrs. Runa
—Assisting Rev. T. K. Haw-
thorn in the morning worship ser-
vice' at St. Paul's Anglican
Church on Sunday .were .Mike
Milosevic who read the first les-
son and Larry Milosevic who
read the second lesson.
—Gerry Belanger and Dick
Schwichtenberg of the CKNX
staff attended a training seminar
last week at the RCA Factory,
Candan, New Jersey, to learn
about operation of the new color
WINGHAM MAYOR DeWitt Miller was on hand to make a
Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital at their member
Friday afternoon: Mayor Miller presents the winning ticket,
of Wingharn to the Auxiliary's president Mrs. R. P. Ritter.
draw for a pant suit for the
ship tea in the town hall Iast.
belonging to Gordon Baxter
(Staff Photo)
One hundred and fifty students; young people of the Bayfield Bap -
of Colborne Central School visit- tist Church provided the program
ed the home on Friday.afternoon,�,` for "Family Night".Mrs. Pear -
and presented an operetta "The', .son thanked the group on, behalf
Pied Piper of Hamelin". The::.; of the residents for the hour of
residents enjoyed this perforf . singing and musical numbers.
mance very much, as it took
them back' to their school days
when this story was in one of their` � ----~'--
readers: A great deal of credit is , I—P, dCb !
due to the students and teachers ..
Vim ...y _.v
;ham .di �o
�� w. kP.y. f talent aR, : ahs Mis..
Mrs a■y..- ure a e t and "'' Aland ebur-
• Ya Ira. ,Bella �grY�� y, �.. ^s"', +;baa .';u,."' Ki:
mother. of one of the .stud mg and famyr were 'uveekend
' guests of Mr., and Mrs. Kurt
thanked all those responsibltor
Heuchert and Mr. and Mrs.
,the program on behalf of the resi-
The Bayfield volunteers .assist-
ed with Monday'sactivities, Mrs.
Myrtle "Parker joining Norman
Speir and Jerry Collins to provide'
the music for the afternoon.
The Over -90 Club met on
Wednesday afternoon and were
entertained by three ladies from
Wingham. Mrs. MacNaughton
gave three readings and joined
Mrs. Bosman in several vocal
duets, accompanied at the piano
by Mrs. Goy. Following the pro-
gram tea and cookies were'pro
vided by the kitchen staff, as-
sisted by a volunteer, Mrs. Luck -
ham of Clinton.
The music committee and the
Ours . ' � � hiterestrates
are. ehighest
we've ever IiaI.!
Toronto Dominion offers record
high interest rated on both premium
savings and term ;deposits. Whether
you're thinking short-term or long-
term, there's a TD plan for you.
There's never been a better time to
invest, SO ACT NOW!
the bank where people make the difference
Richard Wehmeyer and family
all of Kitchener,
—Several friends and former
co-workers attended a shower.
held in the fellowship hall of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church in •
honor of recent bride, Mrs. Alex
Thomson, 'formerly Annette
Oughton. Several contests were
enjoyed and the guest of honor
was presented with gifts, remin-
iseent of the five years she spent
here in Wingham. She now
resides near Chesley.
—Recent guests of Mr.. and
Mrs. Tom Jardin, Josephine
Street, were Mr. and Mrs. Lyman
Jardin and daughter Cathy of
Toronto. Last week Mr. and Mrs.
T. Jardin attended a family din-
ner held in honor of the 50th wed-
ding ; anniversary of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Reick at Kitchener.
oVt. Jssues
guidelhies. 'on
Ontario government guidelines
for county restructuring are be-
ing sent to municipalities in the
In an accompanying letter
Treasurer John White says the
cail, an exchange ot plot*
at the MaY
meetingplace� Aught_ an
Church W�'+ etthe home. of
Mrs. Da� Memory.
Mrs. William,S presided
in the " of the preeident
Devotions were token by Mrs.
Peter Brovme,
An, invitation vial^ received to
attend' a special ' 'meeting in the
ChurchLutheran at'cscb laon,
ThuradaY, May IL
Mrs. Emmerson .. Ferguson,
delegate to the diolannual
meeting in London gave *roPort
of theday,. the theme being, "
ten, You y".
Mrs. Donald King attended the
workshop in St. Thomas'
Walkerton and, gave the -
for afternoon
gilt i
Ferguson. .` a save how
poems. bole is foto sot te tbe
UniAarian Service Pod. The
ate' n
bold at flt, James' ` i flaw
Blow wo voted to 'be Sent to
Ate, " M H
°the ACW is
I+ , and
nsoney�il� iallrlt �;
to the
In London and to de ad.
Mrs. **ern closed the meat-
ing with prayer. Mrslime
Annstrang wasiA elm of a
contest and refreeinnents were
served by Mrs, Ruby restre and
Stiss Elva Poster, a
BRUSSELS1 -- , .n pular . Illiain
meeting of the afternoon unit of y oii =IP% a'+
Brussels. United Church Wold
was held at the home of Mrs, Wil-
ber Turnbull. There ; were . 20
members in attendance with 41,
visitation recorded. Mrs. Roy
Cousins- convened the :devotions
with "Mother's Day" as the
- theme. `The group joined in sing-
ing the hymn, "What.a Friend We
Have in Jesus". The scritittire
was read by Misr A. ann and
Mrs. R. Cousins read two BOOMS,
"My Mother", and "Call Her
�n�, `n',
was m nor. .
chem who a y Marc IMI,
1 r "tot roll e
member o fered"a verse or i-
ing i oto � „. The
Mclu..Fy►.: orda
are available at PO. Mrs. Lid-
rewMrs.,F, have.
for. sale. Any�t� the
proct be 'int ► Haiti
Blessed" followed b . �C., Hemi a
x y prayer. An =` ,y ' �►a
enjoyable reading, "A Mother 'ts chsl1ge of . the attrdy w ieh
a Human Being", was read
by% ' tt m errm
onto,. The;pros�and eons of
venture weret forth
bion b the unit
inanied,emphasized :that
for Institute 1 "actions speck 'louder than.;
words". The - Members were
WROXE T ER -- The Women's asked the:: question, "What can
Institute met at Mrs. If. Wylie's we do for young people interested _.
home in Wroxeter on Tuesday in the church?". It was agreed
afternoon, May 7, for their reg- mmously that :they should
province will provide assistance mar meeting. Prior to the meet- made to feel needed send ul,
in establishing study guidelines, Prayer offered b ' the- leader'
employing commissioners and in
ingg Mrs. C. R. Allan was pre- •'
paying for the study. sented with a birthday card and brought the meeting, to 'a. close.
While'the•' oii'eititnernt h"aS good�wishesfromthe.Memberain , .
, honour o ,�
�idopied a oun bhtiu�thday that ads _�.:,1
r strli`ot fiz , ;owrii*Ft'e:t! d J rr 4 rAHaw presided! for; the
meeting and opened with the Ode
"The commissioners recom-
mendations on the final study re- and Creed, followed by a poem
port will be his personal observa- entitled, "How Old Are You?".
tions and will not bind anyone to a Business included the minutes
s pecific action." , of the April meeting and a small
A program for county restruc- amount of correspondence. A
tuning was first suggested by Mr. revised list of officers was read
White last October and has at: • by Mrs. Dickison. Mrs. Russel
tracted wide interest and ,sup- Lockwood will be the president
port. It followed a government for the next. term; Mrs. R. Mc-
-decision not to establish addi- Michael, first vice-president and
tional regional municipalities ., Mrs. H. Jennings, second vice-•
which now encompass 60 per cent president. All other officers will
of the Ontario population. be as previously recorded.- '
Future restructuring, the min- An excellent report of the Of -
kers' Conference was given by
later said, will have to be initiated the delegate, Mrs. Allan.
by counties, including ° any . Roll call was answered by
separated cities or towns within
their borders. naming programs liked and dis-
liked on TV and brought a very
good response.
. • A reading, "Good-bye to The
—Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mc- Little Red School", was given by.
Lachlan of Toronto spent the Mrs. D. Dickison,
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mrs. Allan's topic dealt with
Morgan'. Indian Education in Canada. It
nd{yi 7
THE EVIL MAGICIAN, Foolemesi, played hereby Grant
Grisly, is the man who buys Jack's cow for five magic beans
whi+h in ,the end bring Jack and his mother good fortune.
The setting is the Great Fair which boasts unusual attrac-
tions from the four corners of the earth. The scene is part of
the east Wawanosh Public School presentation of The
Magic Beanstalk which was presented May 8 and 9.
(Staff Photo)
leaves white men inCanada very
little to be proud of in their treat-
ment of the Indian people.
Several games of bingo were
played with Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Jen-
nings, Mrs. Allan and Mrs.
Sharpin as winners.
Retiring president, Mrs. Allan,
thanked the members for their
co-operation during her time in !'
office and wished the same loyal-
ty for the in -coming president,
Mrs. Lockwood.
Lunch was served by hostesses
Mrs. H. Adams and Mrs. R
Note the change of place for the
June meeting which will be held
at the borne of Mrs. C. R. Allan in
Wroxe er.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Konings on the birth of
a daughter on May 9 in Listowel
Memorial Hospital. Tanya Eliza-
beth is a sister for Paula.
2:30 & 7:30
Enjoy these
Hely Ghost
Healing Meetings
Just returned from o
familiarization tour
to Sf. Ludo.
Just returned from a
familiarization tour
to Jomdico
Your inquiries ore invited
163 Main St. W.