The Exeter Times, 1889-7-18, Page 3Go mo Goldsmith + Hall! -'--'OR Y0"crwo w. W ATCBIES, CLOCKS,- JEWELRY, - SILVERWARE,-- -AND SPECTACLES. UNEQUALLED VALUE. * Personal attention given to; repairing of watches, clocks and jewelry: C. REICHENBACH, Opposite Post Office, PARKHILL. LEGAL. H. DICKSON, Barrister, Soli- 1• cuff e Supreme Court,NotaryPublio Oony.eyancor Commissioner, &o. money to Loan. Oflioein Fansou's Block, Exeter, R.El. COLLIN S, • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., Th Em171t; - ONT. Offieeaamwell'sBlock Hall's old office.) ARMOUR W. FORD,• Solicitor f0,the Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer,Commisaioneri&o„ Sec. Special attention given to the collection of claims in the United States: Patents procured, money to loan at lowest rates. Odioe : Opera House Block, St. Marys, Ont. 1 LLIOT & ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c, &c. t& -Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of interest. OFFICE, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT. DENTAL. T-1 �L. BILLINGS, DENTIST, OFFICE: over 07.11r IL'SB[ank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. K1NSMAN,DENTIST.Lr.D.S Saurwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings an all other dental „a• n :..e work thebeat possible. Goes CO ZURICH on lastThuradayin each month: MEDICAL elW. BEOWNING M. D., M. (3 • P.S,GraduatevictoriaUniveraity.Office cndlresidence,Don_inionLaborater v. Exe ter T)R. HYNDMAN, oorouer for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's store, Exeter. DR. J. A. ROLLI th, M.O. Y. S 1� 0. Office, Main Sa.Fxeter,Ont.Residen sehousereceutly occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. AUCTIONEERS. TTENJ Y EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneerfor Hay, Stephen, and MoGilli- 9raY.Townsliips Salesconductcd atmoderate rates. Office -At Post-ofioe,Crediton, Ont. TOHN GILL, -Au:otioneer for the Townships: of Stephen, Hay anct voyo..• o, and the Village of ;Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. Tennent& Tennent VETERINARY SURGEONS, raduates of the Ontario Veterinary College' OFFICE : One iioor South of Town Hall. MONEY TO LOAN. -I- per TO LOAN AT G AND 61 per cent, $25.000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, INSiURRANCE . !THE WATERLOO ,MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1'803.. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This coiur any has been 'over Eighteen yoarsinsuccesaful operation in Western On- tario,andsontinues to insure agaiustlose or damage by Dire,Buildings,Merchandiae,Man- ufaotorioa,and,tll othordescriptionsoftinsur- able property.. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the;Premium Noto or ()ashS•ystom. During the past ten years this Company hasissued 57,096 Policies. covering property o the neon utof940,872,088 ; and paid iuloss es a louee 700,752,00 A.asetS, $1.76,400.00, consisting of Cash u Bank, Go,vornmentDeposit,and the unass- essedPremium Notosonhandandin force. J, W 'WnrmnNM D. 1?residei.t. C. M. TA7tore, Secretary. 3.B. HUGHns,Iuspoctor. CHAS: .N1LL Agontfor l.xetorandvicinity. ArTD mired I s EDUCATION as A COURSE IN THE BUSINESS. Shorthand, English, Penmanship, Gorman b Elocution, or Idoohatical Drawing Departmontt of the Detroit Business University. J3G644ILLU5TRATED CATAaoGUu Fans. -a1 CENTRAL Barber. Shop, FANSON'S BLOCK. A. Hastings, Prop �' p ;laving and Hair cutting in the latest styles the art, Every attention paid to outilin g Ladies and Ch!l dren's Hai,. 0' for earl g /AZ ''Sle AND HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XVI. NO, 47. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 18th, 1889. JOIIN"WE[ITE ' & SONS, Publishers and Proprletorii. Por ale! IN KIRKTON A large and well assorted stock of General Dry Goods, Millinary, Hats, Caps, Boots, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Wallpaper, Sta- tionary, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Nails, Books; Salt, Boot jacks, and everything kept La a first-class Store. The whole Stock will be sold in lots to suit yon. Come and get a lot, the price will suit you; it will make your wife and child- ren glad, your sons and daughters happy, and general oontentment will prevail in the whole family. Highest prieea for Batter and Eggs. Yours truly, DOUPE & CO. -STONEMAN' S - Jewelry Store HENSALL, ONT. IS THE BEST PLACE TO BUY Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, Stationery, School Books Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments. A full line of Spauldings Bats and balls on hand We make a specialty of Watch and Jewelry repairing -A11 work guaranteed Our Motto -Neat, Prompt and re- liable. . tors,6 ai,.: HENSALL, ON T 9 FUEL STOCK! YOUNG & KERR Have their Hardware and Tinware Store full of `the various staple articles, You can buy your Hardware, " Tinware. Paints, Oils. 14Iaehiue Oils, Cssto: Oil, Wire, Glass, and Baby Carriages cheaper from us than anywhere else in this section. A call will convince you of this fact. NAILS at the lowest rates. Sewing Machine Needles &c, at the closest' bargains. We sell cheap and take a pride in letting our cus- tomers know of it, Lawrence's Spectacles,`&c. Vi1 KEfl. Orediton, June 17th, 1880. The Large THE BEST, TSE NICEST, THE SWEETEST --Assortment of- Confectionery IN TOWN. JUST IN, & FRESH. Away down in Price. Bread, Bans, (iakos, and all kinds of Past Ty, still eke tho lead. Headquarters for Confection- ery at .E. A,. FOLLICI'S, EXETER, MAIN.0T,. ExtteE JULY 12th Its Celebration in Exeter and St. Marys, PA TR'OTIC SPEEUHES Both Celebrations Fitting- ly' Commemorative. 15,000 PEOPLE in EXETER. The Towns Beautifully and, ;Appropriately Decorated. I J. L. HUGHES, of TORONTO,ORATES1 The Jesuit Question Furnishes Material for Speech -making.. The celebration of the 199th ani at of the crossing of the Boyne was celebrated throughout Ontario on Friday last with much greater zeal and interest than has oharactei- ized the celebrating of this notable event for many years past. In air• ' most every section a demoastrat en was held, and the people in geurtal, no doubt being agitated ovS the Jesuit Estates Bill, turned oui en masse to hear that issue 'diamond, and the reports go to show that, as a. rule, the gatherings were most sue- cessful, not alone in point of atten- dance, but in the matter of speech;` making. The number of orange -1 men too, who '`turned out" to help perpetuate the memory of King William and do honor to glorious victory of the Battle of the Boyne, was this year far in excess of an previous gathering of this kind ; or we might add, eclipsed anything in the history of Orangemen in Ca9 add. The Jesuit question received m-eeteateene -.0 t' anguos were long very little' t e information was elicited. !n: apeaks,`s simply claimed that , concessions given the Jesuits wen ill-timed and unjustifiable ; and'th,or' the Bill should not become lac,, Mercier the Premier of Quebec, the;, person by whom the Bill was framed'' and passed through the Quebec Leg- islature seemed to escape with slight censure, while the 188 members of the.Federal Parliament. Dame in for an abundance of abuse, because, in their careful Legislation, they could not conscientiouslyy vote for the dis- allowance isallowance of the Bill. The encroachments of the French people on the educational system of this Province, received considerable attention, and the exposures of the mal -administration of the Ontario Legislature; and the misdoings of Hon. G. W. Roes, no doubt sur- prised, and awakened many of their slumbering friends, to the fact that Laurier and Mowat have been pan- dering to the French c:f this country for a period altogether' too lengthy ; and that in order to save us from French domination, a remedy to the existing state of affairs in this Pro- vince, in the line of French in the publio schools, as well as other pub- lio and important matters affecting our taxation and welfare, must at once be applied and made effective. In Exeter. The celebration of the Orangeme of South Huron, city of London and Wilke Middlesex, iu Exeter, was enc easeful beyond expectation, cense- quently gladdening the hearts of all who, in the slightest degree, partic- ipated in the same. The weather was favorable- oomparatively cool and the sky clear, while the rains of the previous days had Iaid the dust -all of wtifoh served to render the day moat au- spicious.Preparations which had been iu psogrese for months previous were fully and satisfactorily com- pleted, and the arrangements, to the n utmost `Ability. of tile management, , were succesffuliy carried out ; and for which the committee dotteryo the greatest praise. The streets of the ttwu were gorgeously decorated with arches attractively built, at various points -One being private and the work of Messrs. Darling Bros, to whom is duo especial mention for their enter- priee. The arch was bnilt during the night of the 11th, and bore in large letters, the words a "Welcome to Carling Broil." The merchants and townspeople generally worn also alive.to the decoration of the streets. The British and Canadian flags gaily fluttered iu the breezes, from the towers and roofs of publio and pr),:vate buildings, and various places ofbusiness, while appropriate ban- neCs and boaQtiful bunting of red, white a nd blue, stretched across the streets -all combining to form a view attractive and pleasing and fully indioatiye cf patriotic sent ient. 'The celebrities of the day were: J. L. Hughes, of Toronto ; W. W, Fitzgerald. of London, Grand Mas• tor of Outerio West ; Rural Dean Cooper, of invermay, Chaplaiu of Supreme Grand Lodge ; F. W. Johnston, Goderich and the local clergy. The following is a correct list of the lodges in Order of Procession : Carriage containing Grand Master of On- tario West, W. W. Fitzgerald ; J. L, Hughes, Grand Seo'y of Supreme G L of B N A; I1. A. Cooper Grand Chaplain Supreme G L of B N. A. ; Bro F, W. Johnston, Goder- ich ; and Bro FL Eilber, of Crediton. Forest City True Blue Hand. Forest City Truo Blue Lodges, Nos. 11 and 41, under John Looney, master of No, 11-50 strong. 7th Batt. Band, London, under (Samuel ;Charlton. London True Blues, 762, Frank H ,Wright master -40 strong, C ackett lodge, 805, London, Wm Brodison master. -50 strong. Youghalr lodge, 230, London, Sam'l Clare, master -311 strong. London Preceptory Royal Black Knights of Ireland, London, Maurice Baldwin, County Master -25 strong. Loudon lodge, 156, Frank Cbittick, master ' -34 strong. London lodge, 298, Thos W Watson master -40 strong, Ballymoto lodge, 303, R Shoebottom, mat- ter -50 strung. Fife and drum band. Purple. Hill lodge, 817, David Baskorvillo master -48 strong. Oneida Indian brass baud, Oneida lodge, 953 Isaac Walker, master - 22 strong. Oneida lodgo, 1529, Louis Scanada, master -26 strong. Fife and drum baud. Thatnesford Lodge, 625, Frank Nulty, mas ter -44 strong. Pilo and drum band, Enniskillen lodge, 152, Wm O'Neil, master; Birr--32 strong. Fife and dram band. Bryapaton lodge, 702, Thomas Barnett, muster, -24 strong. Goderioli Brass Band. Goderich loclgo 182, Victor Tichbourno, master -40 strong. Goderich Precoptory, Royal Black Knights of Leland. Fife and drum baud, Greenway lodge, 219, Rufus Wilson, mas- ter -86 strong, Piper Saltford Lodge, Saltford lodge 262, Jus Wells. master -27 Wong. Fife and drum band, Bulls Green lodge 308, 7oseph Fodor, Fife ana drum band. Biddulph lodge 433, Wm. Turner, master --40 strong. Fife and drum band. Liman lodge, 662, H Coursey, master - 30' strong; Fife and drum hand. Centralia lodge, 610, George Essery, master -35 strong. Clinton Fife and Drum Band -25 strong Clinton lodge, 710, Wm smith, master.-' 40 strong. • Clinton Brass Band. Jubilee Preceptory, 161, Clinton, A. AL Todd, master. • Fife and Drum Band. Grand Bond lodge, 826, Wm Braggart, mas- ter -29 strong, Fife and dram band. Goshen line lodge, 833, Robt. Nicholson' master -28 strong. Garrett's Band. Garretts Lodge, Biddulph, 890, `Robert Langford, master -34 strong, Fife and drum band.. Cbisolherst lodge, 825, John Brintnell, master -20 strong. Fife and drum band. Varna lodge, 1,035, Wm Rathwell, master, -30 strong. Exeter Brass Band - Exeter -lodge, 924, H Lambrooke acting master -25 strong. Fife and drum band. Parkhill lodge, 297, Jas Carrothera, master -25 strong. Parkhill loge, 1.097, Jas Cathers, master, 28 -strong. ifand drum band. ora- c.gd; 12 0, W Portico, master -30 \ \ strong, � 'life azld drum band, o redo. op b ge, 334, Wm. Wasonage, mas- ter -35 strong. Fife and drum band. Bayfield Young Britons, 13 Howard, master' -28 strong: Bayfield lodge 24, John Pollock acting max ter -30 strong. Kirkton lodge, 591, in part under G. L. - Money,; Fife and drumband. - Auburn lodge; 153, A Millan, master -26 strong. Fife and drum, band. o.lodge, 11, John Laine, master -20 Strong. The Speeches. on arriving at the grouted- . the asters of the renpeotivo and other prominent men` Wert seated upon the platform. -County Master, Ed. Floody rose and ` ex- pressed his pleasure at seeing _ eo' many who had come to celebrate them glorious 12eb. After extending a welcome o to the lodges and .vieitore he introduced Bro. iV: We -Fitz- $era, ettftetLondon, G. M of Ont. ere eUpon aria]. Bitzgera1 said: "Ladies and Gentleman and brother Orangemen, it affords me great pleasure to be with you to -day and gaze upon so large and so orderly a gathering in these stirring times wheu we have so many questions agitating to the publio mind. It epeake good of people to come out on an occasion like this. You have some of tho first orators of the `qday to address you. As you well know the Orange Association represents the best loyalty of the country, the ranks in which to look for the best men are those -of the Orauge society. Therefore you may expect a literary treat from the speakers. The ohairmau then called upon Rev, Mr. Robinson who rose and said: "Grand Master Ladies and Gentlemen, As I come from Exeter I am known to many people here. I am the represents tive of the Church of Ragland in Exeter. I extend to ycu as an Ex eter•man a hearty welcome. •I must say a word of regret which will find an echo in the hearts of very many in this gathering, that is the death of Major Connor, of Bayfield, who died a few days ago, and who adress ed us upon this platform 3 years ago. We know how well he expressed his principles, and that he was a man whom everyone loved ; and everyone will be sorry to hear of his demise. I aut. sorry that Mr. Clarke Wallace is not bore. He is unavoid- ably absent. The county of York is the hot -bed of Reformers, and Mr. Hughes, its representative, taking the loyal stand be does gives us to understand that his county is truly loyal. I do not intend to talk Polities but eimply introduce the speakers. As regards our loyalty to British connections and Brtieh institutions, are there any doubts in the mind of any man as to the loyal- ty of the Orange Aseor.iation 1' They, have proved on too many platforms that they are what they profess, and I speak as I told you three years ago, as an Orangeman -- one who understands what he is talking about as regards th;s matter -that the question is whether Can- ada is to remain a portion of the the great British Empire, cb whit'lc r she will go into an uncertain state of independence or go over to the United States 2 Orangemen cart have no two ideas about Commer- cial Union and annexation. 1f the. Orange society is anything it is a loyal institution and should use master --30 strong, every honorwblo woantf to bttl'!to our The Molsons Bank (Qf$ARVLEI8FI)BYPAItLI, MEN7!,1855) raid UP Oe,piterl 90000,00 Bestl+'und ... 1,000,00 'Toad Office, 1.2ontroal. 1+. WOEFERS7.'AN TiI0MAS,Bea ., GD>rgnAX, AMANAORdf 20 branchol9cesinthe Dominion. Agogoie in the Dominion, U. S. A. and'$uropo. E Leter Branoll,, Open every lawful day, from 10 it, m. to 3 p, m SATURDAYS, l0 a. m.to ip. m, 3 Percent. per annum aligweifor nioney on Deposit Receipts and SMavings Bank. R. H. ARCHER anager• ties of British connection drawn dieser. We do not want annex. ation with the United States, tut if anything, would recommend closer relations with the mother country. I touched upon polities last time I spoke to you and got myself into a muddle so I will not say much to- day. The Question is, ho* are your votes to be oast in the coming elec- tion, Would it be safe to transfer them to a third, or yet the opposite party ? Are you satisfied and will- ing to do this and have in place of Sir John Macdonald, Mr. Laurier as your Premier and the opposite party ruling in Canada ? ' Whatever Sir. John may have done remember he has always been true to the Orange institution. (cheers) Amongst the "Thirteen" is Mr Charlton who ie now going throughout the country condemning the 'Government for voting against the disallowance of the Jesuits' Estates Bill, and apol- ogising on behalf of the opposition for a similar lat. He was on of the members of the Dominion par- liament who opposed Orange inoor- "poration and his vote has always been oast against the uoeiety. As I finish I would day to those who are at times found; decrying the Or angemen. -There are many who ate ready to condemn the society. They do not judge it by its principles As 'they are Iaid down I am sure that every man in this country will say ,that the prinoiplee of the Orange association are principles that men will endorse." (here here.) Mr. Fred Johnston, of Goderieh, was the next speaker. He said: "It was not my intention to speak when 1 Dame to Exeter, but I fear I would be false to the prinoi pies of Orangeism if I did not stand pp and give some idea of the grin- ciplea within me. Three years ago I had the pleasure of addressing a few words to you. I come back .with the thoughts that Orangeiein is•uot dead. and-_tbere was never a more need for us to standupon the watch towers and keep a sharp lookout. We, aa Protestants are willing to give equal rights to all, boat, % J Almn the same priv.Lnges. we find Orangemen and-liere'T hticc, we find Orange men aua women. (cheers) They are tide b et loyalists of the whole party. b n says Pooh l heel Possibly he has boon sat upon. We to -day should be proud of this Canada of ours; there is not a butter system of education and government in any country than we have here in this Dominion. Where can we see such peace and plenty on every hand ? I say that we have to keep alis noble inheri- tance that our fathers have given us We want the glorious old Union Jack to float over us, (cheers) The time is coming when th&r`e will be a change in the history of our grand young Dominion. We may not all be Third Party and Egeal Rights men ; but as honest countrymen help to fight the battle of Canada. I hope we have come here for action -for actions speak Iouder than words -and telt the people that as Oraugemen we have a great deal to do with the laws and making of Canada. Rural Dean Cooper on rising said:-"Ladiee and Gentlemen, I need not say as King William said when his enemies were arrayed against him, "Gentle- man I am glad to see : you as you are all friends." ' It is said that I have become notorious, so I have. Not by sailing round the globe but the Globe sailing around me. I was told in au editorial in that paper that Land the whole Synod of Huron had broken the nineth command- ment. 1 was very glad to sec that the Globe had been studying the commnridments. I was doubtful whether it had seen the Bible before. I wonder ho,v far it has advanced in the catechism, 'Mau a girl was asked how far she had got in the catechism she answered "I have' got beyond redemption." I thigk if the Globe has not got that far it has very` nearly. It is getting along very meetly today s that point. The Globe made a slight mistake, as that paper often does, when it charged me with stating, in regard to the school commission Question, hat it wan a white -washing nom- mission, 1 never said this but I will tell you what I did say. I was speaking of political commissions, 1 said 1 had not much oonfidenoe in them. I was truly disgusted' 't'° the conardission of the Moyvat eminent& and nu acooltnt of 1, openly attoeting bush the (41G - (Continued on page 4)