The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-03-07, Page 6Page b ---The VI/Ingham Advance -Times, ThUrSday, Bch 7, 1974
Arthur. edges
A packed house was on hand at coming and were rewar.ied with
.the Wingham . arena on Sunday the equalizer at 8:25 on a pretty
evening as the Arthur Juniors. play, Jones to Paquette to Barry
turned the tables by downing the MacDonald at the edge of the
Ironmen 6 to 4. crease,
The Ironmen got things rolling The , it happened again.
quickly and coincidentally it was Wingham's; power play back
No. 15, Barry MacDonald, getting Mired and it was that dangerous
an :unassisted goal at the 15 duo Dave Densmore and Wayne
seeond mark. It was a rough, Rooney combining to send Arthur .
hard checking first period with into a 5 to 4 lead at 10:50.
Arthur picking up six penalties Wingham got a golden op -
and Ironmen getting two minors portunjty two minutes later when
with strong penalty killing Arthur's Bert Coffey followed
keeping the sharp shooters off the team-mate Doug Bell to the
score sheet. penalty box. The Ironmen
In the secbnd period, the pressed hard. They hit post after
Ironmen went two up when Gerry , post and blasted shot after shot at
Wheeler shovelled one in from Arthur's goalie but just weren't
close range at 2:41. Thert' for the able to find a dent or weakness in
next ten minutes Arthur kept his outstanding performance. ,
skating; hitting and playing a With less than a minute to go in
strong checking game and their the game, Wingham pulled their
perseverance paid off •as Dave goalie in favor, of an extra at -
Densmore cashed in on an tacker. Would they be able to pull
Ironmen defensive lapse for an this one out of the fire like the
unassisted .goal at 12:37. game the night before?
A five minute high sticking Well, they did manage, to get
penalty to Ironmen Gerry the puck into the net but a quick
Wheeler .at 17:07 sent Arthur's whistle nullified the goal and with
power play into action and at only two second'sleft in the game
18:34 John Bell blasted one from Arthur's Randy Freeland put one
the blueline into the lower left into the empty net.
corner of the net to send the After 60 minutes of exciting
team s into the third period action fan -appealing hockey action
with a two all tie. Arthur had turned the tables and
'Arthur took little time in get- it was a happy flock of Arthur
,ting things rolling' in the third as Screaming Eagles who left the,
their power play shot them into a ice with a 6 to 4 win.
3 to 2 lead on Wayne Rooney's WHISTLE STOPS... Well, the
unassisted goal at 1:56. Ironmen blew this one after
Then it was Ironrrien's turn to having a two goal• lead. They just
• get a power play goat on a three stopped skating and chin
way passing play, Rick Fenton to the second and any attack k they
Murray Black to Doug Leitch at did bomb at the Arthur. team was
3:34.handled by their' sensational
At "this point Arthur's Dave goalie who made unbelievable
Draper's displax of temper, saw catches with that quick' glove..
him' pick up a foolish misconduct Without a doubt the referees in
penalty by deliberately firing the this game• had "the ,quickest
puck into the crowd `after the whistles this side of the C.P.R:"
Ironmen goal, Then not content and their quick "tweet -tweet",, no
with the misconduct, when play less than four times wiped out
continued Draper fired a broken Ironinen goals... A good power
stick from the penalty box and he play could have given the Iron -
was gone for the game with a , men an ' easy win as Arthur
Match miscondue,t, picked up no less,than 58 minutes
The -absence of this strong in penalties.:. Arthur's big guns
• Skater. from the Arthur line-up'
in this one were Wayne looney
should have swung the pendulum and. Dave Densmore. They both
in the *omen's -"favor but such • have the ability to break quickly
was :not the ease and • Arthur's and both picked up two goals and
Dave Densmore put. the'. 'Iron: an assist. •
:men's power play to•sh<amerwhen • Next home game Friday night
he ,,.broke loose to Y pick. up a at 8:300. . After this action
rthanded • oal at 9 •i?: pace& classic it should be a
,llneva rtimre .k,a aiin� the . lciut to see. 'exei playoff
g J'"�.
‘;Ii nen 'Ili fit r+ r>iaifter at- .betWeeii'twol bided
vlschl a rAr aur but some . sen-
sational saves, particularly with
a lightning glove -'by Arthur's'
goalie Lyle Hamilton 'kept - the-
konmenat �bai% They •kept *Wlngham
$2.,000 -- $50.000
2nd & :3rd rntges.
We are now. -making loans on
alIatypes of properties in your.
area. Call direct . collect and
• let's • discuss it. Prompt, In-
vestment Corp:, .330 Bay St.,
Toronto, 366-9586 evgs. 231-
8146. Low cost, any, purpose,
Ontario wide service.
Hosts bonspiel,
The ladies' annual curling bon-
spiel, in competition for the Har-
ley Crawford Trophy, took place
at the Wingham Curling Club on
Wednesday, February '27.
The winner, of the first draw
and overall winner with a score of
313/4 points was a rink from Brus-
sels skipped by DoneTda Pearson,
vice Betty McDonald, second
Frances Bremner and lead Jean
Afra1• 9r� Br.
d You Midger. Crawford was on hand to
present the trophy and steins to
Gwinners ole Deaf . the winonerthers. of the first
draw were as follows:
Answer these 6 questions and see: 2r}dwith a stere of 30% points a
1. Are you over 40? Durham rink skipped by Jessie
Shane; 3rd with a score of 213/4
2. Do you sometimes hear Abut points a Walkerton rink skipped
fail to understand words? by Norma MacDonald; 4th with a
3. Do you often ask people t ,.score of 201/2 points a Brussels
repeat something? rink skipped by Wilma Rathwell.
4, Do you find that telephone The winners of the second draw
conversations are becoming were as follows:
difficult? 1st with a score of 31 points a
5. Does your family complain Listowel rink skipped by Joanne.
that you turn the radio and Dahl; 2nd. with a score of 29
TV too loud? 'points a Ripley rink skipped by
6. Do you. miss the sounds of Marlene Colling; 3rd with a score
birds singing or fail to hear of 22 points a Clinton rink skipped
the doorbell? by Anne Cunningham; 4th with a
score of 213 points a Guelph rink
How toIate your answers: skipped by Lucille Bassman.
If your answers to at least 4 of Thanks to the participation
the 6 questions are "Yes," you from so many out-of-town rinks
• may be faced' with creeping and'the hard work of the Bonspiel
hearing loss. Committee, headed . by Nan
To find out what you can do to McKibbon, the day was very suc-
hear better, send for a free copy cessfu] and a good time was had"
of "The Truth About Nerve by all.
Deafness" by a prominent A special' thanks to all the
ladies 'who so
audiologist. Just write Belton willingly volun-
feared their time and efforts to
Electronics Corp., De ' t. 9257, the kitchen duties and other jobs
4201 W. Victoria St.,, leago, which certainly helped to make
Illinois 60646. the day most enjoyable.
MRS. WILLIAM AUSTIN of Wingham won the Grand Prize in the final Festival of Values
draw last week. The prize was an electric wall clock. Prank Burke of Burke Electric
where Mrs. Austin entered the contest offered his congratulations. (Staff Photo)
Separate school board
will publish brochure
By Wilma Oke
The Huron -Perth County Ro-
man . Catholic Separate School
Board will renew all policies•with . .
the 4 Huron -Perth Insurance
Agents' Association through
Leeson-Killer.Insurance Limited,
Stratford, for the term February
26; X974 to February 26, 1975. The
annual premium is $12;367. This
is' an increase of $2,088 over last
The beard meeting in Seaforth
last week decided it will invite
Mr. Killer to a meeting soon to
answer some questions raised by,
the trustees about coverage. •
Following a suggestion by
Donald Crowley of RR 24 Gads -
hill, the main highways and
county roads leading to the sep-
arate schools will be added to the
brochure that the board is having
made up, which will outline the
availability of separate schools
within the counties ,of Huron and
Penh.. Mr. Crowley said that
having the .roads marked would
make it easier for newcomers to
locate the schools.
It will cost the board 'an ,extra
$25 to have the roads added, rais-
ing the cost of a" thousand bra An RR 1, Ethel man wasp in-
chures to $223. jured whenthe scar in which he
Joseph Tokar, acting superin- was a passenger`was-involved in
tendent of education, gave a brief.. a single car collision on Cones-
report on the Trustee Faith Cele- pion 7-8, east of . Huron County
bratiod held in St. Thomas on Road 19, Grey Township. Larry
February 17, attended' by trios- Ward was a passenger in a car
tees from Elgin, Middlesex, ofr driven by Thomas Cardiff of RR
ford and Huron -Perth Counties. 2, Brussels. The driver was not
He said about 60 attended. the injured in the accident which did
day long session hosted by she . an estimated $1;000 damage.
Elgin County Roman Catholic On Feb. 28, Robert MacDonald
Separate School Board. of Paisley Was involved in a
The board voted not .to support single car accident on Hwy. 9 at
th ruce -Grey County Roman the Huron -Bruce County Line, '
Catholic Separate School Board's Howick Twp. ,There were no in
resolution re Bill. 275 that would juries and damages were es -
isolate the principals . from the timated at 8100.
teachers into a separate splinter
group such as a provincial prin- . Larry Beck of RR 6, Chatham;
cipals' organization. The board was involved in a single car acci+
said that the principals, belong- dent March 1, that did an es-
ing to the Teachers' Federation, timated $1,500 damage. The acci-
could not be separated from the , dent happened on Hwy: 87, east of
teachers. The board feels it islm-
Immediately Adjacent to the Town Hall
ti'EtEPHONE: Office 881-1211
Resident Partner
O. F. Thomson, C.A., Residence 881-0048
be held•,'at 7:30 .m, in St
James' Separate School in Sea-.
forth and will be preceded by din-
'ner with the above invited as
guests. '
A liaison committee was nam-
ed to meet ,with a similar com-
mittee of'priests from the Huron -
Perth Deanery to discuss com-
mon areas of4concern. The board
members are Francis Hicknell,
Howard Shantz, Ted Geoffrey; F.
'J. Vere and. Donald Crowley.
Permission was granted Rev.
Michael Hughes of the St. Joseph
Parish, Stratford, to hold a• COR
weekend (Christ iri- Others Re-
treat) at St. Michael's School in
Stratford on the weekend of May -
Arthur Haid, Oscar Kieffer,
Ted Geoffrey, Francis Hicknell,
Gordon Ball, Howard Shantz. and .
Vincent `Young • will attend a `
meeting in St. Jerome's S�efiool in
Waterloo on February 28 to dis-
cuss in greater - detail, Bill 255
?,whiff th+ fPelfi
then i 5 t
snf� Separate
'Bassa a di3111'255y Would results
there being no ,.distinct Ontario.
Separate Schools Act.
Michael Connolly, board chair-
man; red Geoffrey, chairman of
the Building and Property Com-
mittee; . and Ed " lowland, main-
tenance officer for the board, will
attend a workshop on energy con-
servation, metrication and up-
dating'older schools,: at Bluevale
School 'in Waterloo on March 7.
The board will not send° in its
ballot to .the Ontario Schools
Trustees' Council which it voted
on and filled in at its February 11
meeting because of a request
from the Onthrio Separate School
Trustees' Association. The .Sep-
arate School*" Association will
send out its own memorandum,
setting out its position which the
board will vote on when it is re-
ing delegates --half the total . to p .
number on the board are given
voting rights at the .convention.
William Innes of Stratford, at=
tendance officer for the board,
will be asked to attend the board
meeting ,on April 8 to give a re-
port on his work. Fred Bergsma
and Dan Devlin, both of Strat-
•ford, andappointed representa-
tives of the board on the Stratford
Public Library Board, will be
asked.te attend the same meeting
to report on their activities as
representatives: Invited to attend
the same meeting will he Huron's
Separate School` menttber on the
'Huron' County . Board of Ed-
u+cation, Charles Rau, and
Perth's' two members on' the
Perth Couuinr�ty. "Board df Ed-
ucation, Leri Feeney .and 'John.
Butler. The meeting is scheduled
Ethel area man
car collision
portant to improve communica-
tions between the teachers and
the Board.
The Ontario Separate School
Trustee Association Convention
to be held in Toronto on April 4
and 5 will be attended by Trus-
tees Francis Hicknell, Donald
Crowley, Gordon Ball, ' David
Teahen, Ted Geoffrey, F, J. Vere,
Arthur Haid, Pat Carty and pos-
sibly more° trustees if they are
able to arrange to• attend. 'fire
first seven were named the vot-
Huron Road 28' in Howick Twp.
There- were -no injuries.
Carl•Graber was involved in an
accident that .did extensive dam-
age to a police cruiser which was
parked unattended' in Brussels
March i. Mr. Graber struck the
rear of the cruiser.
On March 2, Elfriede Klassen
of Fordwich and Neeltje Versteeg
of RR 1, Fordwich, were the driv-
ers in a two car collision in Ford-
wich. No one was injured in the
collision and damages were set at
MRS. AGATHA DUECK of RR 5, ,�ucknow, was a winner in
the final draw of the Festival of, Values. Mrs. Dueck worn a
hairdryer. John Currie of .Currie's Furniture where Mrs.
Dueck entered the draw presented her with a bonus gift, an
ornamental vase, at his own cost. (Staff Photo)
Local bowl.rsThe sone roods in the Pow
Stops to t. *der divisien
were pleyedat the Wootilde Beet
Jo Owen Sound on alsday owl
Iiiinghstm came holm'vd a
woad and a fourth
. .......� um
rill •ttttttt•111e IMMO
115 -Josephin0 5�: vVing�na�rnr
Phone 3.57 3733
Yau'il‘whiz through
washday with all these
premium. features.
choice of two wash/spin
Speeds. P Five cycles for
"ell. sf
.different wash/rinse.
temperatures. Three
water levels allow
Water savings.
because we
buy big for 180
Vsrestone Stores
Here's the dryer to take
tender care of your
clothes,: but gat the job
done quickly. A choice'
of 2 temperatures and
3 cycles. An oversize
lint trap. Permanent
press cycle.
mows ammis
aid howto malts itworkforyou.
As you know by now, we changed a lot of things last
year. We gave you a new return, a new Guide, several .new
deductions and a few new rules. And quite honestly, we were
more than a little concerned about your reaction to it all.
(And very, very interested in your opinions.)
Well, now that we've had time to really look back at it
and assess it honestly, it appears that most taxpayers did
not seem to find it•,too difficult. Theerror rate did not ac-
celerate greatly or change drastically from former years.
Generally, most taxpayers seemed to handle their new
returns fairly well.
However, Income Tax will never be the easiest or most
enjoyable thing in anyone's life. And it will always present
problems in some areas, for some people. That's expected
and understandable.
So. What we want to do now is really work on those
problem areas. And the best way to do that is to work with
you, individually, on whatever part of IncomeTax that causes
you difficulty.
And that's what April Aid is all about. It's a help system
and,its primary objective is to ensure that *henever or
whatever you need help with, you can get it. And know how
vto get it.
And this Is how it
eirm works:
First Your Guide is always the
best answer when you have a problem.
Read it. Follow it. 1t not only gives explana-
tions, but in many cases, examples of just
how to figure something out. ,
c` Second. If you're still confused or something just
o. J doesn't seem to work, phone. The number of your
, own District Taxation office is below and at the
end of that number there are people whose only job is to help
taxpayers with problems, by telephone. And on Mondays and
Tuesdays phone linea are open 'til 6 p.m. So don't hesitate.
If you live outside the office area, call the Operator and
a for Zenith 0-4000. She will automatically connect you to
your own District Taxation Office. Remember, all calls are
free, all questions are answered, and if you have queries, we
warttyou to call.
Third. Some people prefer to talk things over in
person. If"you're one of them and have problems,
drop by for free help. Anytime. The address of your
District Taxation Office is below.
Fourth. Write: To the address below. Explain your
' problem. as clearly as possible and include all in-
formation. (And your return address, please.) In
return, we'll answer all letters as quickly and clearly as
possible. Remember— if you need;belp, it's there. (And free).
'And all you have to do is. ask.
The Income Tax help System.
Let's make it Work for you.
tical Revenue Bl it• .,1efl prtaderick St., Kitchener,
AW -67 -
mweft oleoo 'imm mows
Ilit giro Canada :Wenn Canada
Hobert Btanbury• Miniafer fiebert titarlbury, miniitr.