The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-03-07, Page 4r weariness Vt1 !r" more ebservarrt psytttoia- retaativ MO? WO either t4!a lesvorthh. They have ttot r dila ter most t it i kricratr at along, i *ave 40~ aat the rea- Irt1.04 thth their % ztt 104te wittier. WOWft tom, D; Uu *I a0141W i , tthe watt flee itt esti** r'1 t t a5# r. ftfibt 04/4000,14, *WA 140)001‘ WA* %sera% * wad tit *re ittAtka . tor Ovis*Ota4- Vol gokattikel. *Oa* et Woks aludist*lie* tot idet. *est au* ftikkortsio****ftift gets* tt1/4****ItitkOlikttIeo* tate 1twit** Oast a blt sogeNlgtoralmil**1 tit 4itegve1< t woe t tullOttol 4koset an the backs biome bud it int *+ With Vo Mitt arert skit *ad so maw thaws most snownobites are **t rots v "` h ego to go. ItatotAtolOtitv tis . 4saythiwa Out unto TtWks Nato tow to driNet thOr meat tlottst they !haveet tar moat ma forth* snow devat—bit evert they are twos 'lhaet aat ru- Witte yem epetva* had a sal~ Net t'b vM4OSS +u hey*. meillotv le take titt ktr places atom spm tomes aaaiiim Aim it dies % these paw Perhaps tive best to Oe iS•get aut Itte sa* yaw order tear dot sP411,0- Italehrompsapreampitoperseailkive me/eft tilt' *Alar b. Spread *gem 414 eta tike *Otto mot flow pAam 414 the Widei trips ..yes 4tot. **Ng p - The mid boo* sod *tor* * itiew intioSimery tzatA4trateltwsa tibt *item lige thba- ra *r a to Ittge,,yeeng amel a 1 - wpm- * %ow iitissswiraer am 11 *bee it is icald tor **foals aard r* Ito 14004 Theirr7-**temt The bozo 44 *veva atows vosmws mobeitlIer sus irk. lialits WON *at *kirk se**scie agapiin this seems be, n_.vp kwriet Votes, . sAlt, cow mar sare--*setsgieiffirgatereggeltgrasesta page aa* ari- tbittstamaaft*tls *reed tzsaggatiter types., as a atatiker Nxoa a 4tlialer petal* .ate ams Nal* have visita prekkats. Ant ifikspe wale um tote todezikir we* ttiegw. sostf Vast Thew. Mice :.a.lbw vears+ the *IP0F t4,1 a t voiliosst oak tot iv -4e sotailler =. -11Phezersftarm*itor *It "tetra*** *at csar tooli4*catierlsolbstwittessossistitSies*** 1P4* tanoteztawasaveyarmelessorilleolsolertP, .20staar Mot a , ata growls paste *testi 40eskgaert anal zosastswiL, 441%4011Ni-1J "we Ten;Ast **X 101tleAS It, italatitimilitob yelitiatter �► SU* sad Ufmylc ' Se as stoat" sboolaess N t pat Wit. c aateNSIOM agilt atm/ *op *more ow swim aim*, Eric gpaidompher ea*. aaae„ Ile 1 a but dot ritassaat it. Ile is sad atlitied +ba Became et * paer Oast* Mit is Was* is. schwa whom lois a * tnr I lie feels largatartahle asaseg bis' tragrexer,, %maw lat wefts vi ' • • Wit lavas the •iii aw is Waste cappetitive haitssiars baseborn. ais Ede 310011, p sellmaar tib t#esa aral a peewit* Their reward IRA he a savailikattect***mi aid is his heart soli t tit ds std fear lag . at Cesassimity a Stam 224, swim *4gtaaila IMP altt. rev L a cahtatt raw las c �» . Deer IMMIsr: Amlitk MOW loseft bast iw ildelth ale ars. lie it a Ike Abe Doom I say Omit I ham' calcarialklia used far diansikt liebreastialatoomerr,liareare * !ow Sags asijak la be d arty s• gook 'okra te biump t kieieiireit airs ailaskled `.st as am, esample as +rte etalima.'" Sae emit llasegar paik *it dad tare *sew * lir Ilhe mina a ilhe cased*** lid tyre vague abarsrog lied ha allisgsatalietls wed Ow:bit, home eat , bssii begs liss• as addled care, Sway Ibute asaiistectalkerdiera atter than legilraiag avatiltr. fl Sala, cwilisalher Se Mdse. ballade awl adbee et .his • `It gest be camases'sieorciereit CQllirasi' . tacitreaeraa file ' is 3.. Mer Met pat is prabelity Noe, ter emellierbeed Is biked a taime slit dila* at& bit maim sameness lea disarm sea- otionsiltseesalloaselballarlia- rtglikezesscraiialioadeigeollee aresarwweer sei ri gad lintromna .yrs 1,odii u ssl an askew rear o dealt cot S Allaberilaribpdet `°aeas therediebammasaboiank'Icies a/kg sac 'Gni* Slearger.. 3a Obeleassit lie boseara. Samoisoir baseseerbeallee edit viCeniile' prioallft der ham dim lillestanaliker blare Wog. A SEW 3115111$ lim.r _i !maims emus a.1saw .1Joillate. ale bill **ail lhoultafthersasoilibmImes Icaidesitosatinfistate eit, our boa paper. caelebre Mr- idea aspoilabsetwilildirmadavelbirear Nem Mai&C. It. llioniam" Ontario cabinet ftteatistleakseleeelsbusar6- masscSotIsaista edam* Oblast., ttebtArc -ttra a seem ailkaas." "r Its rviaillatjm wdtCsraigc asielaninieur fade,€ - mak valtbmitierrs staikritorlbelgaiikSbcetitiontL NvismiC ...3, tor ar aims — bot mtvibummaitt Aar *etans atisisz lemeitieg Mut. kawirier Sim airy arre - with le- Jaz* liefite„ notudeser sr asgbiglismotiontierittle- zstmeriaimietrAeltionatia narsti attoollintassio anis a teslisatnr a Whim IlkonnuatAle- aunt zplatimitir ark mime iriirrI!!lta it- Zettist mar loatimmS isimmag d mit Mrfc"riwr mistu it lie llissarinwle- _miiNi_ Vic solsikar¢ L [irgail Metatizetiar Wiltiailit 411'08, 1! ft* ;:ssr .1s& tigereelt44ilarzezitoirrilatelireOlize.* zstaittatt. r c rh TW mit* list abaft tlive rte'" "raaYC�" t^" :3 itailiettakftirnwelenrws- 000sektile oath, at .r�ra "ac . eItrrt Me 2r- twitritt% wttf 3 lotitora Agit,. CiNialoZeismftitettiootwztivipeskairna Ftairr rs"'thottnits *et twig low low* %Mt atdoileitift ',tar Valet. FRatieweggetirtslot,ItAissaitio---itnestOlur 1 mittlzmmelmoth asti- AitettittMStesitiittfitib Ali• aosioantisow ziletletev ^nom r *weer "ae,, 1 A nr mittr maw 3fifit, % r: IrtieW me -Iwo* t.t� onevi,air most, n sisuraimMteesnaor lir lab* Shaw =isobar vela* grailbiliis„ walk anipausibletiO. Sar *se Igoe& Icaelksanins and aeasusggsmiii*Orvidbisittaatt, Siihkeinitamistiewitiistisriattike aaa . ,' a aSee- clailmr ler INtIP 'sea Jihrl Ihessakti,. lagtorariCteassedamES appm, Mir der and�re�eh�°- A Wier iller Mot rrrs� a .. Alit *zunatatos13tiorlitrIelrit- 12111100E ,311I1 3kik lastruant s a.Trisems a anitlibrialasaistottimm, Eibiu.1111EL SONSAINet ate- su: , Mot fir: taborC1■iie aramaeLlsaiiiirrgealiso a sidebar ark',i■ Qat) anftittora animal] aa- allMar' '"ease war ,aerie wes- Mot aa. 3teNm MBAaact imieure vitt lime iitz, (tetrads awry aff stotifilimer Wit* 16inoftask 4isvatibinE_ kNrii:.. q tl t Wiraggeem Mar Sitr: Sarammuilearaikandie tesseruag';gym. J k Vie . tenderaebeliegalliicikesar-- ar dist searc Slew k73igiElaii5 firmer anist link _ . an* l nut cabverld . sal is leit the b nallostbegiveie- .arealbbi . „beoacafl ata t , . . et irp ►Y. vice with the apeperition et my. Noe tows coma wO . . arid uld meal& Hee hest me Wag cots ad OS r Orion!have pastes witilib roes& These fares are my say acme& Out of this oases sey, boa= fee, cr- tial balance, gat, ea, des to haary car a Sop casiitioi so 1 caegive 'Haw service. There is alestkesikeep of lame, food iersa3rbsant, ma* exposes. Askeresaisgiveressaamy tom +es+eses diseggla 1adc fear soris- rq * so IRY oXiosooes- gegliess Btt . u ra service d ire merestnee from geed service et* the The room prontgers are leptwaifteditbeesits became ticalot be is several places at eselbee." coda taewrested ai elatber b this letter, Illy wag t. more ears. Tbiisleder is litatis le re's Sere is nibble tied service in the bOf Iltraglane avid army effort will esea&es ay pact to la me Imp service is the fart walkahecomperatisoletlie boo. time ames coed Ogg ler Ms 1641116$awe is a hilts of 3,411, limed yaw cee G. Mc ! Fiek.Zitk, rot Adiascelbses Dear Sir: .1 taw sae- tba . et \year editseid ." to -- lied ar tea- aclear., m The -'lin;. Rime els "!fie ire we- neon Or pedaps she retaliates morin yessas Rae MOW" Tie woe of slab a ceselemesd- ingpieusedtae sessmier aidert- amately tends to . beep lbesaid eieg asakeidease saw he who weed r%tz Sttotality hasilssee cileeradiser'par wile lams cased cif bar ®e war calkmaa. "en auual m.e,Ia BRAmeetin, Hum K ' held ill Web 0111100 • .day, , !r+ ternce. DepCO*. • Fes' 0 dated the mom. The eion and instailittlen eat officers was conducted by the Gil. John 13. Munro of Ilamtitem.. Officers wereall reed: C. Harold Webster ; D Mervin 11 Falconer. 14 t Ft Mitchell, 'Myth; treasigrerpibbectinhherd 335 Forthwith; rec. reg., *WY Pattison 1225 Blyth',tat cataCC, Harvey JacItlino Myth; 2nd censor, Raymond N 1st bearer, Burns B tietq ►d beams', Rill Taylor; tyler, Tom, Beeves. The Munley cup award wmt to Clinton R.P. 161 for the moat iaitiatiuus.. VifrO)Peter Mrs„ Clarence White, lis � - ce leWhite.andother mom.of their family from Toronto *mg the weekend attheir exemener home here. Weekend guests with - .Miss Marion Mrs and Mrs. nth Gibson; , Dints, and Mrs, T C. Gibson, Ha ieleu. Mr. and firs. Vern aark were to Bramatea for the weekend where •they visited Mr. and MS. Fraser Pollock and Todd. Mr. and: firs. Ross Thisan visited the former's rode sod • Herman i Kav liras Nellie Mae Kaman= at Ayr one day last M} an ' I and Colla visited hie par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sr., at 1Cgcbeeer re- cently. Ms. Dorn Daley, Collecidge Malt) and' Mr. and litts. Ames Oat, Portland, visitedthe • 0ther; Mrs. ward Gr`bow art Mir &JAL Met ceibrmoire Mae war Nsad- ri a er-est"latailiilyes Seek ilei dee& Elver *het sae coals ma. tivittiL *erne abet got tat ataitfataiino nine wad—.1 AweliwertaillawkSevera21 anissmE rust aff *taut* tow lime Miaec mac Sie- isiiinklib ramie be rssariie Awe Abe War „ pie le lie gariavge. posimaivit mesr "vissii-c as ! 1' (asoienthi vole mer-rnsork 1r Ike Mime ay libm- •a qte clNow, Minim *Orr — liosnmoniviiiihZiSrMeitiar arm Ike Mum., a~ Imam live Fie asinikAor Air vett law wags AIME 'ikiiiikar f { i��IrrrM lirePriate lite "'" Hist nrrro iti• wareannleitarlistr a mullet ava WIC— art 7i1Mr ise a ter * e graterim =aid!ananesE num- .ate matranents., wry] ars is/frame EfUssur saki IrstaE dimes i 'moi rive was aibmt the exam- admit mos v r ImmirE *as User e laeMeNtilises . *bear Inaust, van* ins"B •'brow m will amor are 2r metre gaihiNt irmailisr *tie 41amti tun qtra tae arra . lit litre I aye Itiike {���rl� I..ramta.,,lonne.lir Astir if 'ire herr ar nr Thar 3bialiE awe Ilkrs. Tit +'i�rri"'laardilt~w r rilisiir�Insst Jarmspilits lab* lie 'slop& a_ * oliselarm.?. Xiiirar are *fir:' " ileisk iWi aa* Hawitt are sorryto heir the re - horsed to the Walkerton Hospital again, also Wu KareaDicirert' a patient in the same Gonion Wright retuned Satorday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Greg Brarcleas- in Newmarket asMrs Gide has r+eti's- ed home after a few weeks is Walkerton Hospital. Mambas of stein wed Sunday with tic aril i*s. Demi Hallman. ails famay. • lbs. Jerk Wright, Valeria sail let Arne sit Sam la Kit- chener at the Ice Capsdes and Mrs. Rodeey Week lett Friday are a bas tor is Florida far a week W. and alts. Teta Cowes et Arcata, Saskatcbe*aa, ,are wean this week with Mrs. Genial bt- h New books at Iibroey TO TSE CHIEF" Am =It likreciact mystery Area corpses found tying is ars iitar tfo&_. As the ease be - (mom dear that tilts — acres are Citi its a street vratrr betiseee tree teeave Bre the trmse the ewe is c7 rs Ireferlred » as Wald Wait rn. • Lam -Novak. -OWEN OF tkinfit*eliavilSkosia.31 peal I aal a pram Orem Ste tmeit acute penertr, faced amotittic and Utter lag& Mir,AfM gave ma*. smilSeeed Lxviel ehe ha, At*bead ste a nAitnly tome at her Saa- Grakte, teisaart. ` PRO- • MED FoR maw - mitts t tie Wiest Asithow Starke wage* amtivet. A tie 1113/5 iteis she tags mem as se - There trie sike Wes is her dorestigabam tor the • Am% moot This amp is Itsse- pave& ettt_ltlre ,KbF%-nue MC' TIAMP- n eo beat wood• gilr * .l studies*NA met encisised acM oStiatf af Itundqv Ismornme mad Mi lroom vat. It its, a vsmtillo meow bee sisztemtbk Mt* wog.