The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-02-21, Page 8features from The World of Women Elders and stewards inducted at Wroxeter WROXETER—At the Sunday morning service at the United Church here, the induction of elders and stewards took place, with Rev. G. W. Sach perforating the servie. Arthur Gilreon read the call and Ashur Gibson and Edwin Martin were inducted as eNers- Les Douglas, Glenn Mc- Michael, Gordon Louttit and Mrs. Lillian Gallaher were inducted as stewards. , The scripture, was read by Susan Hart and the choir ren- dered the anthem, "Consecra- tion". Mr. Sach spoke on "Music and Song, Gladness and Joy" and chose as his text Job 38, verse 7: "When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy". Mr. Sach stressed the im- portance of , reading the Bible more regularly, saying that if we did, "we would be happier". He explained that .the. Bible gives us rules but it is also a book of realism. Most of all,. the Bible bringsus a great deal of hap- pitiess, Mr. Sach continued, "Life has • problems and it is difficult to sing. The Israelites suffered much in slavery but still sang songs." "Many people have done great stork' under stress," he said. As examples, he cited John Milton who 'wrote "On His Blindness"; the writer of the hymn, "0 Love ' That Wilt. Not Let Me Go"; and —Dr. and Mrs °J. R. St. John of Uxbridge visited over the week- end with her mother, .Mrs. Rae of 'Centre Street, and with other members of the Rae family. Mr, and Mrs. IMrold Kerr re- turned 'home on the weekend from a: two-week vacation in the Barbados. Msodent is 'indenture cleanser that lets-014milewith confidence. .Special whitenets and brighteners clears demurer fast -in minutes .. • without brushing or overnight soaking: One capfulremoves stubborn stains•.. . helps keerf your mouth fresher. lon9er. • • it'gives you a°lot to smile about. Hans Loji, a German minister who wrote "0 For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" while he was in prison. In closing, Mr. Sach said, "We must face the music, we must face life. Behind the dark clouds thesun is shining. It is easy to go wrong or turn our backs on everything, but true life is facing the world' with music.4The• soul trusting Jesus will find that in my heart He has planted a song." r• 'Make pipeline a public _ utility' An all Canadian pipeline, to move crude oil from Western sources to eastern markets, is absolutely necessary if Canada is to regain at least partial control over some of its natural resources. Blake Sanford, co-ordinator for region three (Ontario) National Farmers' Union, has said the proposed pipeline to feed Mon- treal refineries should be built across Northern Ontario by the Federal Government as a public utility. In addition to the problems and ,loss of production created, to some of Canada's best farmland in choosing the. Sarnia to Mon- treal route, the National Energy Board must consider the long term benefits that can be derived for Canadian people. "The building and operation of an 'all Canadian' line as a public utility will cost more initially; but, with proper management of the economy that flows through that:, pipeline, the cost could be re- covered and, in addition, should equalize the cost of petroleum, products to Canadians." Any inflationary trends created by building the all Canadian pipe line itself can, and should be, 'minimized by the federal govern- ment . exercising , a stringent P1011, f nomy:tnot a11ow; windfall profits :.tocorporations involved in the construction, nor An the end use of the pipeline, at the expense of the Canadian tax- payer. Mr. Sanford said he is con- vinced the Canadian people are now aware of the advantages of having energy ' facilities within our own boundaries and under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. Berean PEL CHAPEL MAIN STREET Wingharn Regular Meetings Thurs„ 8.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and Bible Study ' Sunday; 9.30 a.m.—Breaking of Bread . 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School Adult Bible Class Sunday Evening Service --7.30 p.m. A Significant Motion Picture Whose Time Has Come! Is the return of Christ near? What CIO events in today's world mean to alert, concerned Christiana? How do you witness to those convinced of their unbelief? Grp MISS G. NORRIS showed our camera the dialysis machine that last year's RNA graduat- ing class has donated to the Wingham and District' Hospital. The machine was manufac- tured by members of the hospital's staff. RNA Linda Henderson was the "patient" for this . Plctt,re. (Staff Photo) Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Stinson' conduct worship service FORDWICH—Mrs. Jack Wil- son and Mrs. Austin Stinson con- ducted the worship service for 'the afternoon. unit, United/Church Women, when the meeting' was held February 14 .at the home of Mrs. Charles Forrest. The wor- ship centre ' was a,' white. cross with a red heart on which was a ° picture of Christ. The open Bible and tall white candles completed the worship centre. Theme for the worship was the Bible woman, Ruth. Mrs. Wilson gave the meditation and Mrs. Stinson ,read the accompanying passages of scripture, a poem on Ruth, and offered prayer. The program was.a presenta- tion entitled "The Love of,God". Mrs. Crosby Sotheran gave the Bid .farewell to Mrs. R. Pardon BELGRAVE.. A very pleas- ant evening was spent at the home of Mrs'. Willard Armstrong when neighbors of Mrs. Robert Purdon gathered to bid farewell, prior to her taking up residence in Lucknow. Euchre and a socialtime ,were enjoyed, then Mrs. Robert Hig- gins presented Hazel with a small token of remembrance. Hazel thanked all sent and ex- pressed the desire to live as happily in her new home as she has lived in Belgrave. Ltinch was served and all re- minded that a permanent welcome awaits them in Luck - now. I1�i►II H COLOR 75 minutes Everyone h welcnm at the "ARMY" s A L V A 1 0 N A R M Y s U N D A Y F E B. 24 th 7 p.m. ACW meeting at Kingh�me different meanings of love. i FORDWICH--Trinity • Church Mrs. Stan Bride had prepared, lVornen held , their February part of the program brit Wh s uu-' :3 a ting at tlr :hors �N s February ""'n ' *able to attend becauae'011110"0,,s:�` , ..* . - 'o u a , . - , ,, on Thursdayevening.The g Her presentation was made bye president Mrs ▪ Past Daunt • Mrs. Jack Wilson who also as- sisted Mrs. Sothei n with the dis- cussion period. Mrs. Bruce Agla, .unit presi- "dent, presided for the business.. Thank you notes were read from Mrs.. William Wilson,, Mrs. E. Hainstock and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutchison. Delegates to the 'Presbyterial in Mitchell on March 6 will be Mrs. William Wilson and Mrs. Bruce Agla. A donation of $25 was voted to a local girl who with her husband had lost their home in a fire. Mrs., Agla 'closed the meeting using grayer verse from the Songs of Solomon. Lunch host- esses were Miss Minnie Mc- Elwain, Mrs. P. Eurig and Mrs. Alex Donaldson. • Project will start soon _ BLUEVALE—The spring 4=H project, "Taking. a Look at Your- self" will be starting in a few weeks. Bluevale club leaders are : Club 1 — Mrs. Tim Tolton, Mrs. Ken Chambers, Mrs. Charles Mathers; Club 2 - Mrs. Robert Peel, Mrs. Alex MacTavish; Club 3 — Misses Mary Edith Garniss and Rosemary Schmidt. Any girl who will be 12 bye March 1 wishing to take this pro- ject may.contact any of the club leaders. Opened with prayers followed with the Lord's prayer in unison. Roll call' was answered with a Bible verse, on love. _Readings were given by Mrs. Daunt, MrS. Peter Browne,and Mrs. Lyle Sim- mbns. Devotions Witness was taken by Elva Foster and Mrs. M. Kirby who read the scripture. Mrs. Peter Browne was in charge of the study book. Members plan a visit and spend a social hour with patients at the Village Nursing Home on March 15th. Mrs. E. Ferguson gave out patterns for the members to knit for. the Unitarian Service. plans were 'made for refresh- ments to be served at the Hydro meeting at Howick Central School on February 27th. Mrs. Daunt reminded the members of the workshop to be held in the church, March 9, with Archdeacon Robinson of London as leader. World Day of Prayer service will be held in Trinity church, Friday, March 1st. It was decided to get new covering for the kneeling benches at the altar in the church.' The Great Chapter meeting was announced for March 17th in St. Paul's church, Wingham.. The subject will be on Christian in- itiation. The, meeting closed with the benediction. A tape recording was presented by Mrs. Dave Dinsmore. Mrs. Louise Matthews and Mrs. Hector Browne were in charge of lunch, assisted by the hostess, o p an ospitaj The directors of the Wires. & f7listrict, Hospital, /earned at their meeti , • .last .We►dneiglay evening there,* no present likes - hood that the nur g• as tants' training aehool,will be removed. The meeting was preaided over. by Chairman R, I', Ritter, . P. J. Leahy inquired about .any possible change in the status of .the school and Tars. I. E. Morrey, administrator, said that the most recent information from the Ministry of Health indicated the school would be continued as long as'it is approved by the local board. There is a •posslbiilty that. it may at some future tunebe designated as a satellite of Conestoga College, There was some discussion about the accreditation' survey which is expected some time this summer. Under a new plan the . survey can be done on a one -day basis by three inspecting doctors and a charge of $25 will be made for the inspection. NEW MEMBER Mrs. 4 R. P. Ritter was intro- duced to• the board, as a new member, ..Mrs. Ritter is the newly -elected president of the �H, Mrs. Auxiliary and succeeds • Mrs.. K. M. MacLennan on the board. Total hospital -patient days were down from the same period last , year at 2,571 for' a daily average of 83 per cent.' Mrs. ,.Morrey called attention to the in- creasing number 'of X-rays of a which there were 727 in January, a record number for this hospital. Outpatients,too, are on the in- crease, 783 having • received at- tention in the. month. There were • 61 at the cancer clinic. Board members were remind- ed that the annual.meeting of the Hospital Association will be held March 29 in the training school building. Membership in the association is,, $1.90 and tickets may be obtained at the office of the town Clerk, town hall or at the hospital office. The property committee under Wallace Conn reported that rou- tine maintenance worse has been carried'''oUVnnd that' fa;'' iturtil0 waiter from the kitchen to the first floor will be *rebuilt to con- form to safety standards. Mr. Ritter said that a meeting of the executive committee had been held recently to discuss the report of a survey carried outby the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Patient careen general was reported as good by the sur- vey team. The only criticism was in connection with overdue docu- mentation by the staff doctors in relation to patient histories. training s • Teachers meet at South Huron FWTAO Huron County As- sociation sponsored a meeting for all Huron. County teachers at South Huron District High School on Wednesday, February 13. Miss Florence , Henderson, executive, secretary for FWTAO was the guest speaker. She spoke on amendments to Bill 275. She very capably informed the teach- ers on the implications of com- pulsory arbitration and legislat- ing working conditions etc., at the provincial level: She explained the • dual route to satisfactory agreements proposed by OTF — voluntary arbitration and impos- ing sanctions in case of an im- passe in negotiations. This route is both acceptable and necessary if teachers ar'to retain the dig- nity and res nsibility. which is their right, sad Miss Henderson. THE BELGRAVE ice Carnival was held in Beigrave Arena and Community Centre last Saturday evening. The evening's festivities included a costume contest, races, e tug-of-war and a hockey game between the Intermediate Ladles' team and the Junior Girls' team. (Staff Photo) NEWMETIRGD Dr. -L shy, chief of staff, said that improv:enta the method of noting ova records have already been inatituted and he expects much of the ' difidty will be' overcome. ,The dock have also formed aneW commit* tee which will meet on a:.regular basis with the hospital's p4rint cist Ritter said the aprival. meeting of the A04.407 was held "in January and the new slate Of officers elected. Thet,gift case in the hospital lobby showed a profit of $126 in January. The Candy Stripers now take the book. cart. through; the hospital once•a week and since the Auxiliary members do the same, patients now have a choice of books twice each week. Legion Auxiliary holds meeting. FORDWICH — The February meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Howick Legion was held at the' home of Mrs,. Janet Haugh in Gorrie with a good attendance of members. Mrs. Betty Bradshaw, presi- dent, chaired the meeting. Mrs. Sorena Austin read the minutes' of the last meeting and roll call was one cent for. every five pounds of your weight. Two get well cards were signed by all the members for two Legion mem- bers. who are in hospital. The mystery prizewas donated by Mrs. Helen Clarke and won by Janet Haugh. The next meeting will be a joint meeting with the Legion Branch on March lith. Lunch was served by - Mrs. Beryle Steuernol and Mrs. Ken Underwood. —Mrs. William Henderson is again home from hospital and is recuperating at her home on Ed- ward Street. Wroxeter Mr. and Mrs, Swore e Mount Forest, visited with Mr. Mrs. Jack Acker; '. Ind ": , 'Bin skit a. Oshawawere Waw with his `', Mrs. Willis* Harts " , Mrs, J. 8. ' Of Po t1*Od ,spent afew days with he! Vis.. Mrs, Edward Gibson, and Mrs.', Brian Manuel, Sea f Orth, a lday •with :her aunt, .lIffiss . r, W. E. Weirr is a patiin the ' Winghain,, and District, Heschl li . Sympathy of the commu lt3r extended to Mrs. HaroldKaake in the passing of her husband.': Sunday: guests. of Mrs. Ger- shon) Johnston of Cather&ne Street, were Mr, and Mrs. Stew- art Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Liddell and David of Kitchener, Stephen Ritchie and friend of Kinloss; Jim Johnston and Ruth "Ann of Listowel. Healing Substances - Shrinks Piles Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. A renowned. research institute has found a unique healing substance with tho ability to shrink hemor. rhoids -painlessly. It relieves itching and discomfort In minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case uftcr case, while gently relieving pain, actual redaction (shrinkage) took place. • Most important of alt --results were so thorough, that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months. All this was accomplished with a healing substance (Bio -Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cella and stimulates growth of new tissue. Now Bio -Dyne is offered in oint- • mcnt and suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your Money refunded: Lo'e1y WeJii[iii ...a radiant �iride' . •1. ' eo • ear to a brides heart .. . The Bouquet .Invitation Line Good taste needn't be expensive. Our beautiful Bouquet Invitation line proves this with the most exquisite papers, type faces and workmanship you could wish for! It features Thermo-Engraving—rich raised lettering—elegant os the finest craftsmanship -- yet costing so little! Come see our unusual selection. One to two weehe-clehverty WE'RE HERE TO HELP YOU AT The Advance-Tirnes PHONE 357.2320 0 4 •