The Wingham Advance-Times, 1974-02-07, Page 9more
so that we MAYlive moan
triumphantly and, happily in our
a ," said the Mod-
erator, Rev. R. 1►. Armstmg, as
be brought .gra from Pow
the y,�t�l,�'ual: meeting
'�Presbyterial $0,
►f tl 'MIS of the Pres"
len Church in Canada which
WAS hald in St; Andrew's Church,
Wingham, on January
The truth of his statement WaS
clearly illustrated In the work-
ps held -dura both morning
and afternoon sessions under the
Supervision and leadert . of re-
per► 1?
sources rsonnei : Misses: Mair
Lou Fu ton,teen Gard er,°'and
Evelyn Murdoch. New and novel
methods of study were effectively
presented' for consideration and
trial in adult, children's, and
CGIT groups, making use of var-
ious m4edia such - as games, role -
Playing, discussions, etc. where-
by there may be greater par-
ticipation by every member>in all
areas of Wi work, As a ;result
plans are under wayyfor a -day of
concentrated study sof the duties
and responsibilities of Presby,
terial and Group officers to, ,,
p,t �be
held in Lucknow in early sprang.
Mrs. J. W. English,: Wingham,
presided at this annual meeting.
Mrs, ' Don Robertson, Wingham,
and Mrs. MVO ,:Mundell, Bel
more, served as, organist. ,and
pianist respectively. The devo
tional period Was conducted by
Mrs. Lloyd Felker, ' Mrs. John
Brush and Mrs. David Matheson
of the Molesworth ° Auxiliary.
Words of welcome to St. An-
drew's were graciously extended
by Mrs. Ralph Nixon. " The
recording secretary for the day
was Mrs._ W. D. Campbell, Moles-
Some interesting points • re
waled. . in the. reports fromthe
various secretaries were noted: a
decrease of 23 in membership of
afternoon adult groups, and one
group disbanded; ; was
given to the work . of nursing '
homes, the Leprosy Mission,
Scott . Mission, Evangel. •::Hall,
Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, : and family of Cl; : Helens were
. .
• •
1,5 A
REDRASE 1 �10* .•
THE THREE WI. NIERS in the regions junior ,division of the public school se #io
last werer 'Gary Van Beefrom SacredHeart School in Teeswater placing third;
Karen, •Couites from East Wawanosh Public School, Seco',. and KathyHillcrest � I*. Y Brandon� from
. u GhoRl in TeesvYhter, the top.spe�iiceX� iaff Photo)
° The town:council 'hasv
.� e>rl a p-
pr'oval 'to ' the Ontario Rousing
Corporation to build a 28 -unit
senior citizens' apartment on
Alfred St.
Mr. Knok, a rOresentative of
the OHC's.boa'rd of directors, ap-
a gag
Eye appealing colour
crafted cookware of
sturdy, fast -heating
aluminum, to please
milady. Set includes
1 qt, 2 qt, 3 qt saucepans
with covers, 1 dutch oven
plus a 10" duron coated
skillet. Choose from
avocado, gold or poppy.
, peered befote•council on Monday r: floor.
. night to inform them that a :de► ' Mr. Knox told council that no
Sign has"been a 'roved :b OTIC; local contractorsput in bids on
pp •Y .�.
andcontractor : a` ac
r s been _ the building
h even though� he '
rhos en.. to encourage atleast one of them
e contractor will be Frank apply to OHC. .
u of
ts a. All
Mis u Mr
rasa . Zuthe
' e-bed-
gwill be` one -bed -
WAS was the second.lowest bidde of M. room ,apartments with approxi -
.three who applied, to. OHC for the. mately 460. square' feet.p The
construction of the apartment. building will be heated elee-
His bid was between $350,000 and "ru:; trically. The reason for using
$360,000. Mr. Zupet's bid ...was` electric heat, said Mr. Knox, was
chosen over the lowest bid be- that OHC doesn't like to put base=
cause he plans a completely brick';. ments in senior Citizens' build -
two -Storey building, while ,the . "rigs. He said that' it cuts down
lowest bidder wanted to putt travel up and down stairs, r.
aluminum siding on the second The general size of the apart-
partment is uniform ;over the
province. The unit'srent will be
Kin / s geared to individuals' incomes.
Leve Joe 'Kerr was anxious to.
exch,an. e v+�w�,
find out when the building;would
•be finished. Mr. Knox did not
• WROTER.� A quiet, ret � want to be pinned down to a firm
, P ty' .+�.
weddingwas solemnized between; sh 'date but said that provincial and
Bradley William King, Wingham , }' federal approval would;probabl
son of Mr. and. Mrs.. Harold'. King. •;• take about 12 weeks in total and
of . Win ghats (Owls Isabelconstruction o
g , and � en s�,, could begin as. early
Gibson, Waterloo, daughter of ; as May 15. Mr. Kerr insisted on
Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson,; , : tying down the completion date.
Wroxeter, With Rev. George W. Finally Mr. Knox told council
Sack officiating in• Wroxeter, that ordinarily it would take
United Chureli'at T:00 p.m. Satur-°' about -four And a half months to
r' day, .January` i "uG QJt ttilx) conitifetWWW'Oultrinalteltht6
Mrs, Edwin Martin, organist, projected completion date
accompanied ' the " soloist, Miss around the" beginning of October.
Patti King,`'
sister of the groom Then the reeve brought up an -
who sang, "A Time for Us".. other point. He asked Mr. Knox
The bride, given in marriage about letters supposedly received a
by her father, was gowned in a by senior citizens already living
round necked white nylon floor- in senior citizens' facilities, stat-
' length gown with lace• trim and a ing that they had first choice of
finger-tip veil and carried a the new apartments. Mr. Kerr
bouquet of red roses and fern was of the opinion that was some-
with red ribbon. •what less than fair.
Matron of honor was' Mrs. Mr: Knox replied that the ques-
Murray Gibson, Wroxeter, sister- tion was really not in his juris-
in-law of the bride, gowned in a diction to answer but he did say
• floor -length mint green • dress that such• a priority would be
with smocked bodice and carryng most unlikely. He asked that
a single rose with fern and a rib- council obtain copies of these
bon. letters and submit them to the
Best man was Brian Martyn of OHC for inspection. :
,Wingham, friend of the groom. Mayor DeWitt Miller wanted to
Immediate families and the know if the council would have
groom's two grandmothers, Mrs. any say in who was given " an
J. Elliott and Mrs. Len; Shrop- apartment. Mt. Knox said that if
shall and great-grandmother, council would like to see someone
Mrs. A. Baker, all of Wingham, in particular get an apartment
attended the wedding, r then a request from council to
A reception , followed at the that effect -would carry weight in
home of the bride at which the the decision.
bride's maternal grandmother,
Mrs. W. E. Weir was able to be
present. The table centred with a
lovely white, with pink and silver
three-tier wedding cake, was
decorated with pink streamers.
An heirloom pearl handled silver
bride's: knife, a wedding gift to
the bride's great, great ances-
tors, was used to, cut the cake.
The bride's mother chose a
dark green street -length dress
with corsage of pink mums and
the groom's mother wore a pastel
green street -length dress with
jorsage of pink mums.
The couple will reside in Strat-
ford. The bride is a graduate of
the F. E. Madill Secondary
School in Wingham and employed
at Mutual Life, Waterloo.
Pins; our financial al
were reed;
Durk* the afternoon prayers
were saki y Mrs. Alvan Mundell,
Behn oto, and Mrs, 'Men Holden-
by,.lo.Courtesies were
ewes by *IL Wm.
Whitechurch. Mrs. 'Robert
*Raga! presented the report Of
the !I�.
�a1tt ,
Miss "M Lott "Funston Con-
service the in-,
Mien of the , :fellow el-
honorary priiskient, Mrs."
George Sutherland, ; Pot
, Mrs. AlMundell,
Belmore; PcnOdent, ".J.
English, Winger; first vice-
president,'Mrs. Mel. Ritchie,. Kin-
Mrs. Doul Robertson,
third vieopresidet, Mrs. V
MacLeod, Ripley; foul
president, -Mrs, L. 44404 gooth
Kinloss; treasurer, Mrs. ItVart
Keith, th Kinthistorian,.
Mrs.Benry: RI, .
fiield; . »ist ,, `.Mr;Wel
s. : l,,
Wingham;•" nominating com-
:ittee,:''Teeswater, Whitechurch,
Ashfield, Wingham; nonlinathig.
committee, Teeswater, White-
church, Ashfield,
_ Luc
ing,R.Rms: fr gWing-
ha ( ti ber
` rham(xtimber
Secretarieselected. Were:
recording, Mrs. E: ` MacLean,.`
Lucknovv; Of—responding, . Mrs,
R. - H. " Armstrong, Wing ;
afternoon groups, M: W.r
—Weekend'gu!ests of Mrs ,Olive
Boss, Edward Street, were' her"
brother-inilaw and sister, ." Bev.
and Mrs. Graydon Cox of London.
—Friday evening visitors with
Mrs. Gershem Johnston, Cath-
erine Street, Were ':Mr,:"end Mrs..
Jack•Johnston, Donna and -David
of St. Pauls. David plays with, the '
-Mitchell hockey, team who', was
playing with 'Wingham, Mitchell°
winning the game. Also attending
the game and visiting with Mrs.
Johnston after, were Mr- and
Mrs. Gary Black of Clinton,' Bill
Robertson of ,Strntford.grid '.Muss
Span Terrill ; of Kitchener.
—Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross DUrnin
Armagh, CRIT, SundaySchool°.
>� Sunday• visitors: with Miss Annie
work in Vermillion," Alberta, to Kennedy, Frances Street.
it .St. iko
Three ins swore ei i
into ,the' fellowship of ,Bt, -
drew's Presbyterian ►aa
When. hertisMal was held
there recently. The -:Children
pMrresented .for his .0
baptism soewer01e
Jana Lee Gaunt,daughter ,4f Mr.
Christopher James Donald Far-
, 'sou of +�i. Sind, Mrs. James
B�d',aarrih* ,
Rev, * H. fit . rdat.
ed pt er:
"and .also tbatiel. toile:
►echo .t ieanthem;:44This
fs Jew' : wt • . W`
-Richardson taking the solo -Part.
**S. Don' tobertson presided at:
the* organ.:
!t RREaCT,IN , .
past week. Itwas reported that
the '.new
Pro lifegroup in '"
ham. was, supportbng a petition-
that would amend\ Canada's:
abortion ws i . P
:ao that abolr�lori -.
cannot `tie used. as a method. °01
•'birth eo>btarbh Mrs. Sally °Campy
a, +�
eau informs us that,actually .the
petitioo. 'is asking ;forgislitioin
providing thesame trotection for':
a child conceivedbut not yet born
as ;would
be "�provided-for any:" -�
other person
.•r .
u^.*✓,"'�' gid;"4:r%ttiwila'4M'f!VYrfx I!R!+ btiFa3
, there are sv admitted there on the :"weekend.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jim' Johnston
and Carol Ann. of Listowel and
Miss Brenda Ritchie of Central
College visited Sunday with Mrs.
Gershom Johnston; Catherine
CGIT Groups in Maitland Pres-
byterial, some of which support a
foster child in Peru, and canvass
for Unicef • and the Blind; less
than half of our membership sub-
scribe to the. Glad Tidings mag -
man gave the call to worship
when the Messengers met in the
Sunday School room after church
on Sunday. The offering was
received by • Cindy Moore and
h'obb'y Jamieson.
The minutes were read and the
roll call answered by seven who
gave a verse containing the word
Mrs. George Thompson gave a
talk on "Ways to be Happy", with
the children taking part,
KATHY BRANDON from Hillcrest Central School in Tees -
water was the winner in the Junior division of the Wingham
Legion Branch 180 public school public speaking contest on
Saturday. Al Ian Harrison, co-chairman of the public speak-
ing contest, presented Miss Brandon with the John W.' Pat-
tison trophy. The trophy will have her name engraved on it
and will be kept by the school until next year's competition.
(Staff Photo)
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THE SHINDIGS from BelgravewePea unanimous choice to
place in the top four acts at the talons' preliminary talent
shbw lest Thursday. The group ,of nine youngsters had all
the stage presence and delivery of a professional act and
easily won over the judges and audience. They will now go
on to compete in the "Show of Stars" to be held in April.
Tstlphon. 538.2515
P.O. Box 333,